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Underage Drinking

What is underage drinking?

Underage drinking occurs when someone under the legal drinking age consumes
alcohol. Teenagers may drink as a coping mechanism or as a result of peer pressure or stress.
Underage drinking has been linked to binge drinking, alcohol poisoning, and even death. Talking
about alcohol with children reduces their proclivity to consume it.

How common is underage drinking?

Underage drinking is a major public health issue. Recently, researchers discovered that among
high school students:
• Almost one-third of the population consumes alcohol.
• Almost one-fifth have ridden in a car with an inebriated driver.
• One in every twenty people has driven after consuming alcohol.

Filipino youth aged 10 to 19, 14.9% consume alcohol, and 36.7% of these are underage drinkers
According to Food Nutrition and Research Institute’s Clinical and Health Survey, more than half
of Filipinos aged 20 to 59 engage in harmful use of alcohol in the form of binge drinking, or
drinking excessively in one sitting. According to the same survey, the youth are also at risk for
adverse health effects of alcohol consumption. It is reported that among Filipino youth aged 10
to 19, 14.9% consume alcohol, and 36.7% of these are underage drinkers (2015).
Cause and effects of underage drinking

 Peer pressure, including from family members, peers and media.

 Stress, such as worrying about grades, puberty changes or popularity.

 Transitions, such as parents’ divorce, moving to another school or breaking up with a

significant other or close friend.
 Changes in mood, including anger and irritability

 Academic and/or behavioral problems in school

 Rebelliousness

 Changing groups of friends

 Low energy level

 Less interest in activities and/or care in appearance

 Finding alcohol among a young person’s things

 Smelling alcohol on a young person’s breath

 Problems concentrating and/or remembering

 Slurred speech

 Coordination problems

Preventions of Underage Drinking

Type of Strategy Key Components

School Strategiesa  Developmentally appropriate information about alcohol and

other drugs

 Emphasis on normative education

 Interactive teaching techniques

 Teacher training and support

Extracurricular  Intensive programs


Family Strategiesc  Improvement of parent-child relations using positive

reinforcement, listening and communication skills, and problem

 Provision of consistent discipline and rulemaking

 Monitoring of children’s activities during adolescence

 Strengthening of family bonding

Policy/Community  Excise taxes


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