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kickstarter preview
Setting i


This document is a preview of Hard Wired Island. It contains an overview of the Grand Cross setting and the
basic mechanics, along with sample characters to give you an idea of what kind of campaigns the game is
written for. These are the ideas we want to develop into a full book with your help.

The full book will add a lot more detail to Grand Cross, including culture, locations, and NPCs. It will also include
the full mechanics. If the campaign funds, we’ll also release playtest packets with more material. Details may
change after editing and playtesting.

We hope you enjoy Hard Wired Island! The Kickstarter is live until June 14th at:

THE YEAR IS 2020 2

Basic Mechanics 10
Character Creation 12
Playing The Game 18
Damage and Harm 27




Setting 1
In the distant future of 2020, humanity has spread
to space.
Cyberpunk is a genre of fiction that features advanced
A meteorite struck Earth’s northern hemisphere in technology in a troubled, dystopian future. Technology
1996. The Impact caused widespread environmental has made society worse, or at least given us new ways
damage that humanity has yet to fully recover to be terrible. The heroes are generally outsiders and
from, but it supercharged public interest in space misfits, flawed and desperate, struggling against a
exploration. Around the world, new political unions system that rejects them.
began pouring money into space programs.
A lot of works handle cyberpunk differently, so here
The result is Grand Cross, an O’Neill cylinder in the are Hard Wired Island’s pillars of cyberpunk:
Earth-Moon L5 point. It’s Earth’s gateway to the stars,
Capitalism? No thanks. Good cyberpunk is anti-
a launching point for missions to Mars and beyond,
capitalist. It’s about how technology without ethics
and a beacon of hope for its people. But it’s in crisis.
can make social inequality worse. The wealthy use
An alliance of space-based corporations known as the it to cement their power and perpetuate the status
Offworld Cartel has moved in. While they sell space quo, while marginalized communities struggle with
exploration as a shared dream they strive for along insufficient or oppressive tech. The PCs want to use it
with everyone else, their true aim is control of Grand to break the current system.
Cross and, through it, the future of space settlement.
Cyberpunk should be relevant. It is a study of where
As their influence spreads, so does inequality
our society could go in the coming years. The issues
and crime.
faced by people in a cyberpunk setting should have
The Cartel has convinced the current government to some relevance to issues faced by the audience, even
privatize many of the systems that keep Grand Cross if they’re not the same.
running, and the station is slowly falling apart. Behind
Cybernetics are not inherently good or bad. Like
the scenes, they have even more underhanded
most tech, what matters is how it’s used. In Hard
schemes running in secret. If the next election goes
Wired Island the problem is that cybernetics often
their way, they’ll be on their way to becoming the
serves the needs of capital rather than people. Any
landlords of human space.
alienating or dysphoric effects come from being
Behind the scenes, a war is being waged for the soul reshaped into some corporation’s property.
of humanity.
Cyberpunk is not just an aesthetic. The core

WHAT PLAYERS DO concept is not “cool future!”. It shouldn’t just be about

the neon-lit adventures of some trenchcoat futurists
The players are Grand Cross citizens, trying to live
as they crime their way into wealth and power. Hard
their everyday lives while fighting for the station’s
Wired Island is about a group of marginalized people
future. They can be street activists, investigative
using technology to try to change the status quo.
reporters and other professionals, gig economy
workers who run errands and hunt bounties to get by, Many perspectives. Good cyberpunk examines how
or just here to fight the criminals, corrupt cops, hate technology and power intersect in many different
groups, and alien androids the Cartel uses as proxies communities, especially the marginalized ones. It
to do their dirty work. does not mean using cyborgs as a stand-in for minor-
ities. Hard Wired Island examines the everyday com-
If the Cartel gets their way, Grand Cross as you know it
munities of Grand Cross and how its issues impact
will end as unchecked greed bleeds your community
their lives.
dry. But if you fight, you might be able to save it.

2 Setting

(POST)CYBERPUNK Behind the scenes, on a scale grander than most

people can comprehend, a war is on for the soul of
Postcyberpunk is a related genre with a slightly more
humanity. The Offworld Cartel wants to become
positive, realistic approach. Rapid technological
everybody’s landlords. Politicians in and beyond
progress still impacts the characters’ lives, but the
the Cross seek to advance their own agendas, or at
world as a whole isn’t as dystopian. The heroes can
least their donors’. Criminals want to make sure that
be outsiders and punks but they can also be regular
whatever happens, they get their cut. Activist groups
people, doing their best to get by in a system that
are fighting for the common good.
sometimes catches them in its gears.
Most of the time, these battles are bigger than you.
It’s a pretty fluid term, and Hard Wired Island can go
They’ve been playing out for decades, and will
either way. The world will always be corrupt as long
continue for more. You’ll get swept up in them, but
as corporations exist, but there’s still some good as
you won’t get a chance to end them. You can’t stop
well. The heroes don’t have to be outsiders, but plenty
the war.
of regular people get pushed to the fringes in this
system. Things can be bad, but you have a chance to But you can win some battles. You can upset a
make positive change in the society around you. corporation’s plan, take out a dangerous kingpin, or
end a corrupt politician’s. And if enough people fight
Ultimately, whether your game is cyberpunk or
together, the victories add up. You can tip the scales
postcyberpunk is up to you.
back towards justice.


AN UNKNOWN FUTURE If sci-fi is a vision of the future, retrofuture is
The people of Grand Cross walk an uncertain road. remembering the visions of the past.
Their orbital home is a technological wonder only
A lot of 90s sci-fi was set around our time. Neon
possible in the distant future of 2020, but they’re still
Genesis Evangelion was set in 2015, fifteen years after
just regular people doing their best.
a global disaster. Cowboy Bebop had a disaster in
The criminal who thought they’d done their last job 2021. AKIRA (it ended in 1990, okay) was set in 2019-
is about to be pulled back in. The cop days from 2030. And so on.
retirement is about to get brought up on old hate crime
Hard Wired Island takes inspiration from 90s sci-fi
charges. The veteran down on his luck could get the
(particularly anime), so we play with that a bit. It’s 2020,
opportunity of a lifetime next week. Nothing is certain
but a 90s vision of 2020. We have DVDs and really
in Grand Cross. The moment you get complacent is
small computers and Xbox, but also sublight space
the moment the city gets you.
travel and orbital habitats. Present day, future time.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t change things. If
But remember, cyberpunk should be relevant. While
you don’t do anything, if you let the city drive you
we have fun with this, we’re also using it as a lens to
to despair, nothing will happen. If you act, maybe
look at some of our modern-day problems that our
something will.
friends in the 90s didn’t predict. Retro future, present
Grand Cross is Earth’s gateway to the stars. Everyone
interested in space settlement has a presence here.
Therefore, whoever controls Grand Cross could
control the future.

Setting 3
How did the future get like this? Here’s an outline; the Though most of the Treaty is about sovereignty and
details are up to you. military activity, its greatest long-term effects came
down to two provisions:
On March 27 1996, a meteorite struck Earth’s northern The first pushed for laws that addressed gender
hemisphere. The media called it the Second Impact, and other diversity gaps in tech fields. Introverted
a reference to the “first” one that killed the dinosaurs, white men alone could not feed the space machine’s
but these days everyone just calls it the Impact. expanding needs; it needed genius wherever it could
be found. The resulting laws became known as
It could have been worse, but the damage was severe.
Lovelace laws.
It took ten years just to recover from the worst of it. In
its wake, humanity was changed1. Every country had its own take2, some more
successful than others. Some expanded school
computing programs and created scholarships.
The Impact supercharged public interest in space
Some restricted government grants to those who
exploration. An Earth-bound humanity could be
met minimum quotas. Some gave big grants to
wiped out by Impact Three, but a humanity spread
corporations that “promoted diversity”, then set up
out across the stars couldn’t unless it was a really
inquiries to find out where all their money went. The
dedicated asteroid.
end result was that within a decade, a surging STEM
Around the world, environmental reform and space field was creating the technologies needed to go to
settlement became winning political platforms almost space, from spacecraft to androids to the beginnings
overnight. New political unions formed to recover of nanotechnology.
from the Impact began allocating resources to joint
The second established the Grand Cross Program.
space programs. As recovery efforts began to bear
Though several manned space stations existed by
fruit, these programs accelerated.
the 2000s, there were no major settlements; the
Everyone handled it differently. The European Union Program would create one. This settlement would be
bolstered its ranks with new members eager to the combined effort of many UN nations, capable of
join its burgeoning solar energy program. Groups sustaining tens (maybe even hundreds) of thousands
relatively untouched by Impact Two, like the African of people with minimal assistance. It would become
Union, launched Lunar missions. Some countries humanity’s gateway to the stars.
sold lucrative space construction contracts, giving
2000-2010: SPACE IS THE
corporations the excuse and funding they needed to
make their own space push.
By the early 00s, all but the most severely affected
By 1999, the space rush was well and truly underway. nations had their sights set on space. The ones that
hadn’t planned to did it anyway when they saw they
were being left behind.
As lunar-orbit research stations and solar-power Grand Cross wasn’t the only space program, just
satellites neared completion it soon became clear the largest. In the wake of the Treaty, many smaller
that rules for future development were needed, if only stations were built in Earth orbit and the Earth-Moon
to decide whose job it was to clear the debris. Lagrange points. By 2005, people were living on the
Moon. Conditions were harsh at first, but that wasn’t
In 2000, a reorganised UN negotiated the Lagrange
important; what mattered was that they were there.
Treaty. It set the standards that every country
serious about space exploration has followed since: Most early settlers were either trained astronauts or
resources set aside for the construction of common- lottery winners willing to gamble that they wouldn’t
use space transportation and solar energy networks, be one of the first to die in space. Their heroic
prohibition of orbital weapons and most other military and sometimes tragic efforts provided important
construction, and so on. insights on living in space. By the time Grand Cross

1 The films Deep Impact and Armageddon

still happened, but Deep Impact did
better at the box office. That's
2 We’re not going to pretend to have
a perfect grasp of social science
here, so we’re sticking to the broad
alternate history for you. strokes. Who did what is up to you.

4 Setting
A Brief History of
Grand Cross
construction officially began in 2005, it had a solid the committee transitioned into an elected parliament.
base of research and space production to work with. Its government was based on designs by political
scientists who had been working on it for decades—
The Earth-Moon L5 point was chosen as a construction
with a few last-minute “adjustments”, of course.
site because it had stable gravitational equilibrium;
a station there could remain indefinitely without Afterward, the station became a launching point for a
having to spend fuel on staying in place3. A proper new wave of space expansion. More orbital habitats
construction block was finished within a year. appeared in the Lagrange points, though little on the
scale of Grand Cross; instead, humanity began to
Unfortunately, full-scale construction was beset
focus on Mars.
by delays as accidents took their toll and Lunar
processing facilities went up later than expected. 2017-2020: BEFORE THE
The Program’s backers were reluctant to provide STORM
extra funding, and recruited corporations instead; In 2017, Grand Cross held its first real election. It was
in exchange for a presence in Grand Cross, they won by a coalition of Cartel-backed parties called
contributed some of their government funding. Unity, on a platform of “opening space access to all”.
Once they got power, that turned out to mean tax
Grand Cross officially opened in 2010, when enough of
incentives and privatised services for the Offworld
the structure had been completed to support human
Cartel. Vocal opposition kept them from going as far
life. The first wave of immigration was mostly workers,
as they wanted to, and Unity was quick to blame that
researchers, and their families. Some were lottery
when everything started getting worse.
winners or wealthy elites who wanted in on the ground
floor. (Some, by a curious coincidence, were both.) In 2019, another habitat at the L4 point broke up.
Skuggahverfi was a partially-complete toroid habitat
2010-2016: ROUGH TAKEOFF
built for the EU by Landvættir Orbital, a member of
By the 2010s, some nations had recovered. Many more
the Offworld Cartel. This event became known as
decided they’d recovered once the economy was
the L4 Disaster, and it almost killed the space push.
looking good. New politicians began to seek power
It had come too far to stop, but the shine came off for
with “let’s focus on our own country first” spiels. The
many people; space settlement became slower, more
spectre of Politics began to haunt space.
Grand Cross was initially run by a joint Council of
Many L4 refugees moved to Grand Cross. At the
representatives from the Program’s backers, overseen
same time, it came out that the disaster was caused
by a UN committee. Many backers began to demand
by Cartel cost-cutting measures. Grand Cross was
perks, though they were eventually willing to settle
plunged into political turmoil.
for nobody else getting any. Some, the US and China
in particular, tried to undermine smaller nations or The year is now 2020. Elections are a year away.
coerce them into withdrawing from the Council. The Cartel is working overtime to tighten its grip on
power, but their opponents have been galvanized by
Some of it was caused by corporations. They were still
recent events. What happens next is anyone’s guess.
largely locked out of the Program, or forced to comply
with agreements so restrictive they could hardly skim
Program funds at all. They lobbied their governments
for help, offering more funding and party donations in
exchange for preferential treatment.

Some succeeded. Others found easier pickings in

smaller habitats or future projects. In back-room
meetings, the offworld corporations reached out to each
other and agreed to cooperate for maximum advantage.
This alliance, a sort of evil twin of the Lagrange Treaty,
became known as the Offworld Cartel.

Grand Cross was officially completed in 2013. It

formally became an independent UN member, and

3 The L4 point does this too, of course,

but 5 is a better number.

Setting 5
In the 21st century, mankind began emigrating to As the years pass, it’s getting worse. But people are
space. Grand Cross is the vanguard of the space working on that. There ways to subvert and repurpose
push, an orbital metropolis housing millions of people technology to work for you, not to get you across the
from all over Earth. gap but to close it, and dismantle the system that
perpetuates it, entirely.
Grand Cross is a ceramic jungle of technological
wonders. High-speed internet allows greater Battlefield of Ideas
information access and exchange than ever before. On the streets of Grand Cross, a quiet war is being
People sport cybernetic augmentations and rub fought for the future of the station. The Cross has
shoulders with androids. Computers are so advanced always had political activism, but with elections
even the average person carries an online miniature looming things are really heating up.
PC in their pocket. You can live in space now.
Protests are on the rise. 2020 technology has opened
But it’s not the high-tech paradise promised up a world of opportunities for internet activism and
in science fiction magazines. Technology has its anarchic cousin, hacktivism. In the wake of the L4
transformed society, but it’s only reinforced existing Disaster, pressure is mounting like never before. If this
power structures. Inequality and crime are on the rise, momentum continues, the current system of power in
while privacy is shrinking. Old, corrupt politicians sign Grand Cross could be swept away entirely.
over the station’s future to corporations as its youth
In response, the Cartel has gone on a propaganda
struggle for control of their destiny. This is the world
campaign. In public, they set up think tanks and
you’re fighting to change.
lobby groups, fund sympathetic politicians, and

CURRENT ISSUES flood the internet with advertising. In private, they’re

secretly bankrolling hate groups in an effort to turn
Technological Inequality
the station’s vulnerable into counter-activists. Now
The distant future of 2020 is a time of rapid
protestors risk getting assaulted by Earth-nationalist
technological and societal change. Thanks to
groups, cyborg and anti-cyborg vigilantes, cops, and
advances in everything from medicine to space
habitation, the average person is better off than they
were in 1996. But those benefits are not distributed You have the power to help. By fighting the Cartel’s
fairly, and society is struggling to adapt. stooges, protecting your allies, and joining them in
protest, maybe you can steer Grand Cross towards a
Every advance in technology is captured by the
brighter future.
wealthy and used to control the poor. Cybernetics
that could profoundly change what it means to
be human are used to make people better wage
You’re fighting to make Grand Cross a better place.
slaves. Automation is putting people out of work and
These are the people you’re fighting.
replacing new job opportunities with unstable gig
work. Privacy is a vanishing concept, as corporations THE OFFWORLD CARTEL
find increasingly high-tech ways to harvest your data The Offworld Cartel is a consortium of corporations
without your consent. with a focus on space, particularly Grand Cross.
Together they own the majority of the station’s private
Meanwhile, the gap between rich and poor is
sector, and bankroll many of its politicians too. If you
widening. The wealthy can extend their lives and
live off Earth, they’ve impacted your life one way or
abilities with technology far beyond what most
another; if they get their way, they’ll own it.
people can afford, then use that to widen the gap
further. They hoard station resources they don’t need, Though it’s corporations that receive Cartel
then watch the people who do fight over scraps. membership, it’s the people running them who call
They push future research towards technologies that the shots. The true aims of these people vary; some
benefit them, with no regard for others beyond how see themselves as philanthropists “working within
much profit can be wrung out of them. the system”, while others openly profit from suffering.

6 Setting

Some keep their true motives hidden, even from their Wherever you go, criminal antagonists seek to break
peers. But every member is willing to work with or at the law not to build something better but to benefit
least tolerate the others. In the end, their schemes all themselves.
ultimately benefit themselves at the people’s expense.
THE DREAMERS The station’s law enforcement system was built by
The Dreamers are strange robots created by the police officers recruited from a mix of backer nations.
Offworld Cartel. Not androids, because the android This creates a unique problem in that nobody can
mindset is based on humans, but something entirely agree which types of corruption they’re supposed to
different. allow.

The Dreamers are based on brain scans of Earth As with many Earth nations, individual police can be
creatures4, genetic and cybernetic experiments fine but the system is not. Brutality and corruption
performed on Earth creatures, and secret AI research keep happening but investigations rarely go anywhere,
from the 90s, all blended together in ways that would thanks to the blue wall of silence and media insistence
probably get them in legal trouble if it hadn’t been that the system is just. In some Districts the police
done in space. The end result is a type of android have even be replaced by private police, who not only
whose thought processes are so weird humanity can have less accountability and more miltech but attract
barely comprehend them, let alone communicate. the sort of people who like that.

The Cartel originally designed them to prepare In Hard Wired Island, the police are a wild card at best.
planets for human settlement. They’d land on new Even ignoring the corruption, they’re empowered
worlds, work for a few years, and eventually the Cartel by a government that is failing you to enforce laws
would have a shiny new city waiting to be populated. designed to protect the status quo. They’re a force
Sure, androids could do this, but they asked for things to be avoided if you can help it, redirected at your
like “pay” and “respect”. The Cartel wanted robots enemies when you can.
that could think, not think like that.
Then the Cartel tested putting them in other jobs too. From organised cliques to groups of one, Grand Cross
That’s when things went bad. has no shortage of factions struggling for control
of Grand Cross. Some of the larger movements of
The Dreamers went rogue. Some simply wandered off
interest in the distant future of 2020 include:
during covert missions and never came back, while
others fought their way out of their containment area. The Accelerationists, a loose movement of hackers
These Dreamers lurk in forgotten corners of Grand and tech workers in Earth orbit. They believe that
Cross, following a mix of their original orders and their humanity’s priority should be technological progress
own alien designs. The Cartel is looking for them, but at any cost, and disdain anti-capitalist activism as
their priority is covering up their involvement. What threatening to slow down that progress “like the
the Dreamers do to you isn’t their problem. Impact did”. They’re disorganised but easily mobilised
by outrage, or by the tech corporation CEOs they see
as the priests of a coming technological rapture.
Some of the station’s criminal groups are descendants
of Earth organisations, who used stolen funds to send Several Earth interests are also doing their best to
men up here or rigged their country’s lottery system. undermine the station. The United States in particular
Others are wholly new groups, uniquely adapted to seeks to control as much of Earth orbit as possible
life in space. Either way, they have no shortage of by funding fundamentalist religious groups and
recruits—many people in poverty are forced to turn sympathetic right-wing governments.
to crime to survive, and there’s plenty of poverty to go
Powerful Earth corporations like the Black Sun
around lately.
Corporation try to undermine orbital cities until their
The criminals in power can vary from Ward to Ward, own powerful arcologies are fully operational. Their
District to District. In places like Neo-Shibuya, an agents and more besides hide in the shadows of the
offshoot of the Yakuza might hold sway. In heavily station, recruiting locals to their cause.
corporate Districts the largest gangs are often run
The political battlefield of Grand Cross is constantly
by wealthy sons of executives with nothing better to
shifting as groups rise, splinter, and fall, and there are
do, whose connections keep them ahead of the law.
surely other groups waiting in the wings...

4 Dolphins, lobsters, and mantis shrimp are mentioned in documents obtained by anti-
Dreamer groups, along with some illegal “data dog” research they stole.

Setting 7

32km long, 6.4km in diameter •
Average temperature: 19°C

Rotates at ½ RPM (once every 2 minutes) to •
Average humidity: 40%
simulate Earth gravity

Air pressure: 0.85kg/cm²

Population: 4.5 million

Oxygen level: Adequate, probably


72 hatbox cylinders, 645m wide and deep

Each contains 1.3km² of hydroponics greenhouses

Each is rotated at 2 RPM to produce 1g gravity;
the ring itself is fixed

Cylinders are enclosed by a parabolic trough to
collect solar energy, and connected by tubes

• 10 cylinders also enclosed by sensors ever since
Nano-Futuristics got into the surveillance biz


At both ends of the central axis

Each of their six docking bays can accomodate 6 standard transport
ships, 3 large supply ships, or 1 executive space yacht

Stations capped by a zero-g traffic control post

The “front” station, facing the sun, is the high-traffic one

L5 Point
The Earth appears the same size as “Downtown”
it does from the Moon (and vice Most businesses are as close to
versa), causing problems for the the front station as possible, in
flat earth movement the closest ¼ of the cylinder. Many
districts there have been gentrified.

8 Setting


24-hour clock set to Orbital Standard
Time (OTC), roughly equivalent to GMT MIRRORS

Three mirrors projected at a 45° angle

Some corps (esp. from the USA and Japan)
use their home time zone, usually because •
Mirrors reflect sunlight through the
the CEO finds it more convenient window panels to illuminate the station

Sunrise 06:00, sunset 18:00 (assuming the •
Angle and pitch are varied to simulate
Voluntary Work Hour Extension Act isn’t day/night and seasonal changes
passed in 2021)

Asano Heavy Industries is lobbying to
change the law that prevents them from
buying Panel A and putting ads on it

Attitude Control
Solar-powered electric thrusters keep
Grand Cross pointed towards the Sun

Solar power station at the back
dock generates little power, but
does generate profits for Ogremoch


Three “window” panels and three “ground” panels
running lengthwise down the cylinder

Total habitable surface area: 325km²

City area is subdivided into Wards, which are
similar to Tokyo’s special wards; they’re divided
into Districts

Outer Hull •
Wards and Districts have unique names, along with
Most industry is placed here, to keep alphanumeric codes that nobody uses
the air on the inside clean. Also

Each “window” is actually a lattice of multi-
handy for hiding things, if that’s
layered window panes, with extras for redundancy
what you’re into

Windows are crossed by train bridges, which people
throw trash from constantly for some reason

Setting 9
Basic Mechanics
HWI Rolling the Dice Difficulty and
Hard Wired Island uses six-sided dice.
When you’re asked to roll a number followed by d6, roll You roll dice when you’re doing something difficult,
that many dice and add them together. A d6 means there’s something in your way, or someone is trying
roll one die, 2d6 means roll two dice, 3d6 means three to stop you.
dice, and so on. Most rolls will require 2d6.
When you roll, you’re trying to overcome a difficulty
Sometimes, you’ll get a bonus to your roll. If you roll - a number that represents how hard the action is.
2d6+3, roll 2d6 and add 3 to the result. The difficulty and your result determine the outcome
of the roll.
Certain tables will ask you to roll d66. To roll d66, take
two dice, choose one to be the “tens” die and one to
be the “ones”, roll, and read the numbers in order. For
When your result is equal to or higher than the
example, if you roll d66 and get 2 (tens) and 5 (ones),
difficulty, you succeed. Whatever you were trying to
the result is 25.
do, you get what you want. This one’s easy.

Dice Probability
Here's your chance of rolling each number or higher
When your result is lower than the difficulty, you
on two six-sided dice:
fail. Whatever you were trying, it doesn’t work. The
GM decides what this means. Choose the most
appropriate one:

You just fail. You don’t get what you want, and there
may be side-effects. You don’t usually get to try again,
but there may be something else you can do.

The GM offers a bargain. This is an alternate solution

you might not like, like spending extra resources or
owing an unsavory character a favor. It’s up to you
whether you take it.

You get a near-success. You succeed, broadly

speaking, but it comes with an explicit or hidden
cost: you use up more time and resources than you
wanted, have a chance encounter you didn’t want, or
something else appropriate for the situation.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12











Basic Mechanics

Dice Mechanics Stacking Mechanics

Sometimes, the rules change how you roll dice. If you get the same effect from more than one
source, they stack. If you roll 2d6 with double
Advantage Advantage, roll 4d6 and discard the lowest two
When you roll with Advantage, roll an additional d6 results. If you roll 2d6 with double Disadvantage,
and discard the lowest-numbered die before adding roll 4d6 and discard the highest two results. If a
them together. If you roll 2d6 with Advantage, roll 3d6 roll is double Boosted (which admittedly doesn’t
and discard the lowest. happen often), add 2d6. If you get a Critical and
have multiple Critical effects, they all apply.
Different effects also stack with each other. To
When you roll with Disadvantage, roll an additional
make a Boosted roll with Advantage, add one d6
d6 and discard the highest die before adding them
from each source and then discard the lowest
together. It is the opposite of Advantage.
result. Boosted rolls with Disadvantage work the
same way, but discard the highest.
When you Boost a roll, add an additional d6 to your When you roll with Advantage and Disadvantage,
roll. A 2d6 roll becomes a 3d6, for example. they cancel each other out on a one-for-one
basis. If you have double of Advantage and one
Critical Disadvantage, just roll one Advantage. Boosts
Some actions you can take will have Critical effects and Serious Harm cancel each other out in the
attached to them, or can have critical effects added same way.
by certain items and abilities. If an action has a
Critical effect in its description, it happens if the
roll is a success and at least two dice show the same
number. If you have Advantage or Disadvantage,
discard those dice before checking for Criticals.

When you’ve suffered Harm, reduce the result of
dice rolls by -1 per Harm suffered. If you roll 2d6 and
get a 10 when you’ve suffered 1 Harm, it becomes a 9.

If you’ve suffered Serious Harm, roll one fewer die

than normal. For example, a 2d6 roll would become
1d6. Harm is extremely dangerous!

See page 27 for more on Harm.

Base Mechanics 11
Character Creation
Every Character has... Abilities
Your character can do (or at least try) pretty much
HWI • Abilities, four numbers which broadly define your
any action they seem capable of, as long as it makes
character’s talents;
sense in the story. Your abilities describe the kind of
• An Origin, which helps define your character and actions you’re best at.
gives you benefits;
When you create your character, assign each of the
• Traits, which also help define your character but numbers +0, +1, +2, and +3 to an Ability. When an
give you benefits and downsides; action tells you to roll an ability like +Cool, add that
number. The higher the number, the better you are.
• An Occupation, which defines what your character
does in Grand Cross, their role in the story, and
their starting equipment;
Cool is your charisma, confidence, and slick attitude.
• Specialties, which further define your character’s It’s your general ability to influence people and not
skills, talents, and interests; lose your Cool. It’s useful for social characters who
want to talk their way into and out of situations.
• Defenses, which determine how easily they’re
affected by social manipulation, attacks, and other
Clever is your logic, intuition, reasoning, and
• Assets, things your character possesses for the perceptiveness. It’s your ability to pick up odd bits
moment; of knowledge and come up with Clever solutions to
problems. It’s useful for hacking, drone piloting, and
• And a Burden, which represents how “wealthy”
people who need focus.
they are.

Tough is your bodily power, strength, health, and
ability to stay on your feet. It’s useful for anyone who
wants to dish out hits or take them.

Quick is your agility, reaction speed, and swiftness.
It’s your ability to dodge things and take advantage of
the smallest opportunities. It’s useful for anyone who
wants to be quiet, stealthy, or underhanded.

If you had to describe your character’s backstory in
a few words, what would it be? Are they a military
veteran? An android? An ex-cop? A salaryman?

Your Origin is something that defines who your

character is. Your chosen Origin gives you a special
benefit that helps you affect the game’s story, plus a
bonus to two Specialties (which we’ll get to below.)
For example, a military veteran may get more
cybernetic augments and military-related Specialties.
You can see a full list of Origins starting on page 14.

Character Creation

Traits Assets
If you had to describe your character’s backstory in Assets are things like equipment, connections,
more detail, what would you say? favours, cybernetics, and medicine that your character
has. Assets are usually temporary; they can help you
Your Traits add extra detail to your character. Each
succeed, but can be used up, broken, lost, replaced,
one has one unique benefit and one unique drawback.
sold, or stolen (especially by banks and the police).
You start with two Traits; one should be connected
to your Origin, and one should be connected to your Your Occupation determines most of the Assets you
Occupation, but what that means is up to you. You start with. Write them down, and then choose one
can see a full list of Traits starting on page 15. Asset of your choice. A complete list of Assets will be
available in a future packet.
This preview packet does not include Occupations. Burden
Instead, there are pregenerated characters on page Your Burden is your character’s rough socioeconomic
36. If this campaign funds, Occupations will be status. It’s how much they can spend at once, or how
included in a future packet. many losses they can take, without suffering long-
term problems. As the station’s fortunes rise and fall,
Specialties your Burden will change.
Specialties describe your character’s skills, interests,
Your Burden is a number from 0 to 4. All player
hobbies, equipment, relationships, and anything else
characters start at Burden 1 by default, unless they
they could use to help them succeed. Like Abilities,
have an Origin, Trait, or Asset (especially a cybernetic
Specialties are represented by a number from +1 to
augment) that increases it. See page 31 for more
+3. When you’re rolling to do something that involves
on Burden.
your Specialty, add it to your result.

During character creation, Specialties come from your

Origin and Occupation. If you get the same Specialty
from different sources, add them together. See page
16 for more on Specialties.

When other people try to affect you with their actions,
your Defenses are the difficulty they must beat. You
have one Defense for each Ability: a Cool Defense,
Clever Defense, Tough Defense, and Quick Defense.

The base value of a Defense is 7 + its Ability. For

example, if you have +2 Tough your Tough Defense
is 7+2=9. Defenses may be improved by equipment
and Specialties.

Character Creation 13
HWI Android Ex-Cop
You begin play with one Augment of your choice, You got too old for this, or maybe you realised you
and it does not increase your Burden. You may buy couldn’t tell the good guys from the bad guys.
Augments as Assets and freely switch between them Whatever the reason you left, you still have friends on
during downtime. They only increase your Burden the inside. When dealing with cops and ex-cops, or
when equipped, but when you check for Economic making deals with them, you have Advantage.
Shock, every Augment you used last session counts
Specialties: Law +1, Investigation +1
towards your Burden.

Specialties: Any (your choice) +1, Any Generic (your It's Complicated
choice) +1 Your origin story is either convoluted enough to be a
movie, or you just pretend it is to avoid talking about
Celebrity it. Either way, you’ve come to Grand Cross to escape
You’re a minor celebrity, a former celebrity, or a social a lot of bullshit.
media influencer. Once per mission, you may Boost a
Specialties: +1 Bullshit (Social), +1 Generic Specialty
Cool roll.
(your choice)
Specialties: Any Social Action (your choice) +1,
Famous or Social Media (choose one) +1 L4 Disaster Refugee
You survived the L4 Disaster and escaped to Grand
Corporate Drone Cross, where you’ve been kicked around like a
You’re a good corporate drone, or maybe a former political football ever since.
one. When dealing with corporate politics, you have
Specialties: Any Defense (your choice) +1, Any
Generic (your choice) +1
Specialties: Bureaucracy +1, One Cartel corporation
(your choice) +1 Military Veteran
You used to serve in an Earth military. You may choose
Criminal one Augment. If you do, it does not increase your
Whether you were forced into crime by your Burden. If you don’t, add any one Defense Specialty.
circumstances or you’re just kind of an asshole, you
Specialties: Military +1, Gun (choose one) +1
live on the wrong side of the law. When you roll your
first Prep roll before a mission, Boost it.
Specialties: Any Defense (your choice) +1, Criminal You’re a researcher, a drone in a corporation’s
Underworld +1 research division, a science communicator, or a really
nerdy webcomic artist. Once per mission, you may
Double Crosser Boost one Clever roll.
You were raised on Grand Cross. As a second-gen
Specialties: Science (choose one subject) +1, Law or
citizen, you’re used to the cosmopolitan space life but
Social Media (choose one) +1
have little political power. Once per mission, you may
Boost one Social roll involving another young person.
Station Builder
Specialties: Any Generic (your choice) +1, Activism You were one of the workers busting their tail to build
or Social Media (choose one) +1 Grand Cross. You may choose one Augment. If you
do, it does not increase your Burden. If you don’t, add
any one Action Specialty.

Specialties: Any Social Action (your choice) +1,

Engineering or Obscure Places (your choice) +1


Activist Stoic
Once per session, when you act for the sake of social +1 Cool Defense. When something makes you lose
causes or in the defense of others, Boost your roll. your Cool, you have Disadvantage on your next roll
Your next roll loses one die. whatever it is.

Antisocial Student Loans

You have Disadvantage on all Clever Social rolls. You Past you got an education and future you is paying
have +1 on all other Clever rolls. for it. Choose two additional Generic Specialties of
your choice. (They don’t have to be on an academic
Full-Body Prosthetic subject.) Increase your starting Burden by 1. The first
You’re a human brain in a cybernetic body. This time you spend Cash in a session, you must spend
Trait functions like the Android Origin (without the +1 Cash.
Specialties). If you roll for Personal Prep and the dice
show a 1, you will suffer dysphoria or dissociation New Traits and Origins
and make all Social rolls at Disadvantage unless you Hard Wired Island expects players to create
spend a Prep. new Traits or Origins to fit the characters and
situations they wish to explore. Here are some
Gregarious tips:
You’re generous to a fault (even when you can't afford
Operate within the spirit of the rules. New things
to be), but what goes around comes around. Increase
should be broadly similar to the examples we’ve
your starting Burden by 1. The first time you spend
provided. Consider what will fit the game and
Cash in a session, you also gain one Personal Prep for
character, and don’t be afraid to renegotiate a
every Cash you spent.
mechanic down the line if something feels out of
place, too punishing, or too strong.
Hush Money
You’ve been bribed to keep quiet about something. Origins always give an unambiguous advantage
Decrease your starting Burden by 1, and it always and two Specialties. Unlike Traits, they don’t
costs you 1 less Cash to lower your Burden. Your secret come with downsides. Usually, at least one
means your movements are covertly tracked, and you Specialty is generic.
have to work harder to keep a low profile. You always
Traits always come with a downside. Traits are
suffer Disadvantage on tasks relating to maintaining
expressions of who you are and what you’ve
stealth, staying hidden, or keeping out of sight.
done, for good or for ill. They are your personality,
warts and all.
The first time you make any Prep roll in a mission,
Custom trait Example
gain 1 additional Prep even on a failure. If either
Emily wants to play a full-body prosthetic cyborg,
your Personal Prep or Group Prep runs out during
but wants to be one who doesn't experience
a mission, you have Disadvantage on all rolls for the
dysphoria from her prosthetic - in fact, quite
rest of the mission.
the opposite. Thinking about a characterful
way to represent it, she decides that she makes
expensive modifications to the body which break
down rapidly when she's strapped for cash.
The new Trait reads as follows: When you suffer
Economic Shock, your body malfunctions in
addition to the option you pick. All Quick rolls are
at Disadvantage unless you spend Prep.

Character Creation 15
Specialties Example Generic
Specialties add detail to your character by describing • 80s and 90s Action • Hacking
the things they’re good at, or what they do in the story. Cinema • Influencers
They can represent their skills, interests, hobbies, • Cooking • Obscure Places on
relationships, cybernetics, and even equipment. • Corporate Security Grand Cross
• Fighting • Social Media
You can have a max of +3 in any Speciality. If your
• Ghosting • Stealth
character can attempt something but you don’t have
an applicable Specialty, assume you have +0.
During play you’ll earn more Generic Specialties,
Types of which can be spent to improve existing ones or create

Specialties new ones. You can also spend Generic Specialties on

some Assets to unlock special functions.
Each Specialty can improve one Defense: Cool,
Clever, Tough, or Quick. You can have Specialties in
When Do they
multiple Defenses. Apply?
Specialties apply when you decide they do. If a
Initiative character’s skill in something could help them affect
You can specialize in Initiative, if you foresee getting the story right now let them. The GM is encouraged
into a lot of fights. to allow creative and interesting uses of a Specialty if
they’re not too much of a stretch.
You can specialize in specific Actions from the Stacking
Systems chapter. Actions with similar names, like
Bullshit (Hacking) and Bullshit (Social), count as
Specialties of different types stack, but ones with
different Actions.
the same type do not. You can apply both an Action
Specialty and a Generic Specialty to a roll, but not
Cybernetic Augments
two Generic Specialties.
Augments are a unique type of gear which can grant
Specialties as well as other unique benefits “for free” Normally, only Defense Specialties apply to your
(unless you took out a loan to get them, or have to pay Defense. However, during play you may spend Prep to
maintenance costs, or...) For full rules on Cybernetics, stack a Generic Specialty onto a Defense Speciality.
see page 34. See page 29 for more on Prep.

An Augment grants +1 to a Specialty of any type: reflex

enhancers that improve Quick Defense, cybernetic
eyes with extra functions that improve Investigation, Specialties
and so on. These can’t raise a Specialty above +3; Hard Wired Island allows a lot of creative freedom
cybernetics can let you do things most humans when making Specialties, so you can make up new
can’t, but they can’t surpass the human condition; ones as needed or even rename the existing ones.
ultimately the effectiveness of how it’s used comes New Specialties should have enough uses to come
down to the user. up in the story, but shouldn’t be so broad that they
come up all the time. GMs should feel free to allow
Generic Specialties creative uses if they seem interesting, though.
Everything else. These are skills, talents, hobbies,
For example, Hacking and Ghosting are treated as
esoteric knowledge, and everything else that could
separate Specialties in the Systems chapter; you can
give you an edge. We’ve provided some examples
rename Hacking to “Hack the Planet” and just use
here, but we assume you’ll make more as needed to
that when Hacking would apply, but you can’t have a
fit your character.
Hack the Planet Specialty that covers both.

Playing the Game 17
Playing The Game
This chapter covers the systems you’ll use to play the game.
Game Structure
Most of the time, the game is in the free play phase: There are two ways to determine Initiative:
characters hang out, do their best to get by, take
actions, make rolls, and generally live their everyday Solid State Initiative
lives. You can run the whole game in free play mode In this version, players act as a group. The GM
if you wish. describes the scene and what side characters do, the
players decide amongst themselves what order they
Sometimes, the group may need to get together and
get to go in, and then the next Round begins. This is
accomplish a mission. This is a specific set of tasks
an easier form of Initiative that allows the group to
that needs to be planned and prepared for, protecting
coordinate their actions for maximum effect.
people at a protest you know will be attacked by the
police, using a bounty hunting app to make some
Complex Initiative
money, or breaking into a corporate building to collect
This version is a deeper system where you roll dice to
information for a news story. Missions use special
determine when players will roll dice.
rules; see page 29 for details.
Before the first Round, every character (player or
Initiative otherwise) rolls 2d6 + Quick + Initiative Specialty.
Most of the time, Hard Wired Island can be played Everyone acts in order of highest result to lowest
like a conversation: players describe what they result. Subsequent Rounds use the same order. In the
do, the GM describes what happens and how side case of a tie, higher-level characters go first; if it’s still
characters react, and you go back and forth like that a tie, the GM decides how to break it.
as long as you need to. But sometimes, it’s important
During complex Initiative, players get a special Action:
to know exactly who goes when. Initiative is used in
situations when timing is important, like high-speed
chases, fights, time-sensitive hacks, or trying to fast-
Choose one Action. Instead of performing it now,
talk someone before an enemy catches up.
describe a narrative event which will trigger the Action
Initiative sets the order in which characters act. Play (like “if Wren throws a flashbang, I’ll attack” or “if that
is divided into Rounds, during which each character cop attacks the kid again, I’ll hack his headset”). You
gets one turn to act. When it’s your turn, you can do will perform that Action when the event happens. If
one thing: the event doesn’t happen that Round, you don’t take
any Action.
• Take an action that requires a roll.

• Use one of your items.

Optional Rule:
• Do something else that makes sense in the story,
Roll Every Round
and requires significant effort.
Fighting can be unpredictable and chaotic. As
Small things that don’t take much effort like talking, an optional rule, you may have players reroll
moving around in the current scene, picking up a their Initiative every round during fights. (To
loose object, or grabbing something from your belt save time, their opponents don’t need to unless
don’t use up your turn; you can do those things and they’re particularly special.) Keep in mind that as
also take an action. a fight progresses, characters may suffer injuries
and setbacks that apply penalties to this roll.



When you need to get up to a bit of circumspect skullduggery, you need stealth. Here is how it’s resolved in
Hard Wired Island.

Security Level Stealth Actions

A place’s Security Level represents how hard it is to
sneak through. Most places have one overall Security Stealth
Level, but the GM can assign a higher one to unique >> (2d6+Clever or Quick VS 5 + Security Level)
challenges or raise it mid-stealth to add tension. Here Hiding, moving silently, and all that kind of thing. After
are some examples: your first Stealth roll, you don’t have to roll again until
you take a Risky action.
2-3: A group of thugs, basic home security,
disinterested cop Once you start sneaking around, assume you maintain
it if the Security Level doesn’t change. Sometimes,
4-5: Guard post, mall security, busy train station,
you might encounter a unique challenge with a
average office block
higher Security Level: a guard post, a particularly
6-7: Police station with distracted officers, important well-placed camera, an open space you need to dash
office block, drones across, and so on. If you do, you’ll have to roll again.
If you’re sneaking in a group, only one person needs
8-9: Police station on alert, corporate executive
to roll Stealth; if they succeed, they bring everyone
suite, cool laser grid
else along with them.

Maintaining Disable Security

Stealth >> (2d6 + Clever VS 5 + Security Level)
The most important part of any Stealth challenge Hacking cameras, knocking out guards and stuffing
is maintaining it. Rather than rolling every time them into closets, and anything else that could
your stealthy approach may possibly be broken, you weaken security. Success temporarily lowers the
roll once at the beginning of your challenge to enter Security Level by 1; if you succeed by 3 and every 3
stealth and must then maintain it by managing Risk. thereafter, lower it by an additional 1. This is a Risky
A Risk is any action taken during a Stealth
challenge that requires rolling dice (including This lasts until an alarm is raised, you move past the
Stealth rolls, if called for). When you first enter stealth, security measures you disabled, or you lose a Chance,
you get three Chances; when you fail a Risky roll, you where applicable. (If you’d reasonably expect the jig
lose one Chance. If all three run out, the jig is up: you to be up when it wears off, it doesn’t until you run out
are spotted, an alarm goes off, the guard you knocked of Chances.)
out wakes up, or similar.
Cover Your Tracks
At the GM’s discretion, certain tasks that wouldn’t
>> (2d6 + Clever or Quick VS Target Number)
normally require a roll may require one in Stealth.
On a success, regain one Chance during Stealth. On
For example, your character may normally be able
a Critical, regain two. (The most you can have is 3.)
to bypass simple locks without rolling, but during
The target number is set by the GM; when in doubt,
Stealth they’ll have to roll to do it without losing a
use 5+Security Level. Each subsequent use of Cover
Chance and making discovery more likely.
Your Tracks increases the target number by 2. This is
a Risky action.

Playing the Game 19

Hard Wired Island is a game of social interaction Sexy
first and foremost. Most of the time, it’s simplest to Sometimes charm means seduction, particularly
act out conversations naturally as the flow of play when someone distracts you at a party with a bunch
permits, without needing rules. Sometimes, though, a of sexy firemen. Rules for a Sexy mood, and how far
social situation comes up where there is opportunity the group plays it out, is left to a group’s discretion;
for far more than a one-on-one conversation, or just treat it as a step beyond Friendly which requires
players are simply lost for words. consent. Suffice it to say that anyone in such a Mood
will be extremely distracted!
These rules are for those situations, whether
they’re board meetings, parties, group chats, public
gatherings, or just trying to lie convincingly in a
Social Actions
These are the things you can do during a social scene.
room full of hostile and possibly racist fuzz asking
Characters may get unique actions, or modify these.
uncomfortably probing questions.

The Mood Bullshit

>> (2d6 + Cool VS Clever, single target)
The first thing to establish is the Mood of a social
Confuse someone with derailment, lies, half-truths,
scene. This can affect what strategies you can employ
and statistics to get them to do something for you.
and what you can politely get away with.
They are unable to respond effectively until they make
a successful Clever save VS Bullshit. While under the
effects of bullshit, they may be convinced to give you
A party, a dance, or simple gathering. You can joke
information and cooperate with you in limited fashion
around and be mildly embarrassed at no penalty
- opening doors, getting out of your way, etc.
or consequence, but flipping the smorgasbord and
declaring things to be shit is frowned upon and can Most people, once under the effects of Bullshit, don’t
turn the Mood against you. bother trying to oppose it unless the situation changes
enough to give them a reason to. Anyone may also
Indifferent instantly overcome this status by becoming visibly
You’re a face in the crowd, and either trying to stay and audibly angry, but they risk the Mood lowering
that way or trying to stand out. This is for chatting against them. For example, a security guard is always
with your informant at Sparby’s without attracting in a formal setting and may not risk being angry at
attention, convincing a group of bystanders to hear someone for fear of their employer - or bystanders
you out, and similar things. with cameras!

Hostile Charm
Not only is everyone giving you their full attention, >> (2d6+Cool VS Cool, single target or area)
they are probing you for weakness and they will use Dazzle someone with your friendly nature, charming
things you say against you. Your goal is probably looks, or convincing arguments (delivered via your
escape, lightening the Mood, or making someone handsome face). This action can be used on a single
cooperative. When you mess the other Moods up, you target or a group. If a majority of people present are
tend to end up here. Charmed, you may improve the Mood of the scene.
Charming cannot be done when the mood is Hostile
Formal towards you.
A business meeting, religious service, or parliamentary
debate. You are expected to be professional and Interrogate
courteous; your jokes must be dry and witty, if made at >> (2d6+Clever VS Cool, single target)
all. You are probably supposed to not be dressed in a Overtly or discreetly pump someone for information.
ripped T-shirt with a band logo on it. Overt interrogation is exceedingly rude and will lower
the Mood to Hostile rapidly if not apologized for. Feel
free to be rude if it already is Hostile.


Discreet interrogation can be done at any Mood, and

in fact it is often easy to get someone to cooperate
Examples of
of their own volition if the Mood is Friendly (you Social Situations
get Advantage on the roll). A Hostile target will not
cooperate unless threatened. Police interrogation
Placate Police attempt to Interrogate a hostile target by
>> (2d6+Cool VS Cool, area) softening them up with Threats, leaning on the law
Tell everyone to calm down, relax, take a chill pill, as leverage, interspersed with a Placating “good cop”
not be so hostile. Can only be done when the mood to improve the mood. An alternate take is to make the
is Hostile. A roll is made against every participant mood Formal to represent professionalism and a
present. People may voluntarily fail their defense if sense of official-ness (but still making threats).
they wish. If you are the focus of hostilities, this roll is
made at Disadvantage. Cornered by ripped-off
gangsters (Hostile)
Embarrass The gangsters are perfectly willing to beat you up. If
>> (2d6+Clever OR Cool VS Cool, single target) you can just Placate them before they start punching,
Fluster someone with a jibe, joke at their expense, you might be able to level the Mood a bit and look for
dressing-down, and so on. They will lose their cool, a means of escape. Or convince them you’ve got their
becoming unable to perform social actions until they next big score with a bit of Charm and Bullshit...
make a successful Cool save VS embarrassment.
Anyone may instantly overcome this status by Pumping a high-roller for
willingly becoming visibly and audibly angry, but information (Friendly)
they risk the Mood lowering against them - though The rich son of a wealthy executive has all the
bystanders entertained by you may take your side. information you need. You just need to Bullshit or
Charm your way to his inner circle of hangers-on and
Generally this action cannot be taken in a Friendly
Interrogate him with enough bought drinks to make
mood, since joking around is expected and accepted
him spill everything without even noticing he’s doing
- unless you are particularly nasty, in which case you
it... while not making everyone else jealous of you
risk lowering the mood by doing it. Making someone
hogging him.
lose their cool in a hostile setting may make them
attack you, which could be to your advantage!
Getting past the security
guard (Formal)
You may attempt to Bullshit or Charm the guard into
>> (2d6+Clever OR Cool VS Cool, single target)
letting you enter the secure area, but if they’re under
Either overtly or subtly suggest that something
strict orders to only let certain people in you may have
the target cares about is under threat unless they
to resort to feigning superiority (via your Bullshit or
cooperate. This can generally only be done by having
Charm) and Threatening them with being fired.
some form of leverage against the target, whether
this is compromising information or by being their
(shitty, threatening) boss. If an opponent already has
leverage over the target, they defend instead. If your
leverage is fake, the target has to believe it is real.

An overt threat can’t be made unless the Mood

is hostile: any other Mood will require subtlety or
seniority. Regardless of Mood, a successful threat
will make the target more compliant. An unsuccessful
one will make them unfriendly or even hostile.

Lower the Mood

You may always lower the mood by acting like an ass

Playing the Game 21

Where there’s a system, there’s a hacker. Hacking in you out, tend to be unmonitored, and might not even
Hard Wired Island is like being social, but you’re punish you for having the wrong password several
trying to make the computer more friendly. billion times, but they don’t help you either.

Network Level Hostile

A computer system’s Network Level represents how A Hostile network is closed and barred, and actively
hard it is to hack. Most have one overall Network tries to stop intruders. If you guess your password
Level, but the GM can assign a higher one to unique wrong three times, it becomes IT Alcatraz. It will try to
challenges or raise it mid-hack to add tension. learn your identity and rat you out to authorities if you
drop your Ghost, and it will be sniffing. Such a network
2-3: A basic home computer, unimportant office
can become instantly Friendly if you somehow gain
network, or public wifi hotspot
admin access, but most of the time you just want to
4-5: Outdated transport infrastructure, private wifi, get in and out again - fast.
basic drones
6-7: Police station network, corporate building
Basic is a special Mood for networks you feel aren’t
when they listened to the IT guys
worth using the full hacking rules for, like simple door
8-9: Cutting-edge drones, secret corporate network, security or a computer with nothing particularly juicy
non-vital habitat systems on it. You can’t move from another Mood to Basic; it
either starts Basic or it isn’t.
Network Mood
Like social scenes, you should establish the network’s Ghosting
Mood. This represents the kind of access you have, The problem with hacking is that you’re not meant to
and how actively it’s trying to stop you. be doing it. Ghosting is a hacker’s ability to remain
unseen and undetected. Maintaining your Ghost is
Administrator Access exactly like maintaining Stealth (page 19), including
The ultimate form of control. Unless it’s being actively Chances, but use the Ghost specialty instead. If the
monitored by a clever AI or a person, the network is jig is up, you can disconnect rapidly but whoever
always Friendly and can never have its Mood lowered. caught you likely knows your rough physical location
Regardless of level, any target numbers associated now. Hope you’re fast!
with that network (but not necessarily its drones) are
7 to you. You only need to maintain Ghost if someone Hacking Actions
intelligent is monitoring the network. All hacking Actions except Operate use the Hacking
A Friendly network is cooperative and reasonably Simple Hack
helpful, provided you don’t try anything weird (or it >> (2d6 + Clever VS 5 + Network Level)
doesn’t notice when you do). This can represent a Use this when you want to make a Basic network do
public account, basic access to a private network, or or say something it’s not meant to. If you pass the roll,
a private network with really bad or outdated security. you do the thing.
Interrogating a Friendly network is always done with
Advantage. Bullshit
>> (2d6 + Clever VS 5 + Network Level)
Indifferent Spoofing or bypassing a password, “confusing” a
Most networks are Indifferent. You want to ghost in system into letting you pass, dodging robophobic
and get what you need without attracting notice, try security questions, and generally tricking the network
to improve the Mood to Friendly, or prevent it from into doing what you want. Failure will usually turn the
going Hostile. These networks aren’t actively keeping network Hostile. This is a Risky action.


>> (2d6 + Clever VS 5 + Network Level)
Convince a system that you have access, create or
exploit backdoors, and otherwise smooth-talk the
network. Charm actions won’t necessarily lower the
Mood unless you keep trying, but aren’t normally
available if it’s Hostile. You may be able to temporarily
upgrade to Admin Access by succeeding on several
Charm rolls without the network turning Hostile,
usually as many as the Network Level.

>> (2d6 + Clever VS 5 + Network Level)
Extracting information that you’re not supposed to:
Searching, queries, sifting through data, searching
folders in an email account, avoiding popup ads, not
picking the first link that agrees with you.

>> (2d6 + Clever + Drone VS 5 + Network Level)
Operate is used when the network is connected to
objects in realspace (like a camera, turret, robotic
arm, or drones) and you want to hijack them without
breaking something, losing focus, or accidentally
setting something else off. Some objects (like drones)
may have their own Network Level, but generally
share the Mood of the network they’re connected to.
This is a Risky action.

Social Engineering
>> (2d6 + Cool VS Clever, Single Target)
You can bypass an obstacle within a Network without
directly hacking it by instead fishing a password or
key out of a human adjacent to the network. You must
both have the time to do so and access to the people
involved, whether it’s sharing a physical space or just
emailing them malware. This is a Risky action, but
someone else can attempt it on your behalf.

Other Social Actions

Though hacking is treated like a social situation with
a computer, there’s no equivalent to Embarrass,
Placate, or Threaten. However, if someone is obviously
monitoring the system and the jig is up, you can use
social actions against them. (Except Placate; a system
cannot be placated except by its masters.)

Playing the Game 23

When other options fail, or when you just really want to roundhouse a bad guy through some convenient sheet
glass, this section is where you go. Combat always uses Initiative.
The Arena Attack Rolls
The Arena describes the area around the fight, When an Action tells you to make an attack roll, use:
what actions are easier or harder, and what outside
>> (2d6 + Quick or Tough VS Quick or Tough
problems the combatants face. It’s possible for a fight
to “migrate” between Arenas, such as when a bad guy
You choose which Ability to use before rolling, and
is kicked through an office sheet wall into a factory.
the target chooses which Defense they use. Add any
Instead of a Mood, Arenas have Tags. They can relevant Specialties or bonuses from items.
have multiple Tags at once, and Tags can be added,
You may only make an attack roll as part of another
substituted, or subtracted on the fly.
Action; you can’t “just attack”.
• Conspicuous: Will attract police or security
attention if guns are used. Examples include Attack Actions
public spaces like streets, storefronts, and public Attack Actions always come in two parts: making an
libraries. attack roll, and doing something else. If Advantage
or Disadvantage apply, they apply to every roll made
• Close Quarters: Guns are Disadvantaged against
as part of the Attack Action.
melee. Used for narrow places like hallways, and
cover-dense environments like forests or full Ranged attacks may only be made using weapons
warehouses. with the Ranged tag, while Melee attacks may only
be made using your body or weapons with the Melee
• Hazardous: The area is riddled with environmental
tag. You may only attack one target unless something
hazards, such as exposed electrical wires, fire,
states otherwise.
swinging ballast, unsafe railings, and so on.
Actions that use the environment against the If one part of the Attack Action can’t happen—for
opponent may have Advantage. example, if you Take Cover but don’t have a ranged
weapon, or don’t want to shoot, or there’s no cover
• Distracting: Noise, falling water, darkness, bright
to hide behind—you can still use the other part of
lights. Escape is easier, as is stealth; ranged
the Action. If the Action calls for a saving throw
combat is Disadvantaged. Examples include an
that uses your attack roll and you didn’t roll, its
office with an active sprinkler system, heavy rain,
difficulty is 10.
dark tunnels, or an active automated factory.
You can’t use the same Attack Action twice in a
• Low Gravity: Getting to your opponent and
row. When you use one, it’s considered “inactive”
leveraging your strength is harder. Melee combat
until you make a different one.
is Disadvantaged, as is movement unless you can
justify being used to low gravity. In Grand Cross,
Take Cover
this mostly applies to the station’s central axis and
You may make a Ranged attack. Then you dive for
the void of space.
cover. Ranged attacks made against you are at
• Bad Footing: Underbrush, tangles of wires, ice, Disadvantage until the beginning of your next turn.
narrow bridges and similar things that make
movement arduous (and at Disadvantage). Distract
You may make a Melee or Ranged attack. Then
• Vacuum: Unless you’re a spaceworthy android,
describe using some element of the environment to
you must be wearing a space suit to survive.
distract the target of your attack (e.g. throwing office
Exposed characters will die very soon.
supplies, activating a sprinkler system, setting off a
fire extinguisher, or using a smoke bomb).


Affected targets must make a Cool saving throw Pin Down

VS your attack roll or become Distracted until You may make a Ranged attack. Then you pin your
the beginning of your next turn. Allies attacking target down. If that target moves from its current
Distracted foes gain Advantage. If the element position or takes any action that doesn’t involve
you use could affect multiple targets they all make a getting into or staying in cover, you may make an
saving throw, even if your attack doesn’t. additional ranged attack against it.

Grab Run Away

You may make a Melee attack. Then you grab the You flee the scene. If any opponents are in range for
target. an Attack, you must roll 2d6 + Quick VS 7 + number
of opponents. If you fail, they all get to make a
• If you and the target are of roughly equal size, you
free attack against you; if any of them hit and deal
both become Grappled. A Grappled character
damage you don’t flee, even if it’s mitigated to 0. If you
may only use Melee attacks against targets they’re
succeed, you’re out.
Grappled with, and get Disadvantage on ranged
attacks against others. (You may make a “melee”
attack with a small held weapon like a pistol!)
You may make a Melee or Ranged attack. Then you
• If the target you’re fighting is much smaller than rush at the target of your attack. They must make a
you, only it becomes Grappled. Tough saving throw VS your attack roll or suffer
one of the following consequences (your choice):
• If the target is much larger than you, neither
becomes Grappled; instead, you climb onto it. • You bull rush them, pushing them back (through
While you’re on it, its Melee attacks against you glass, furniture or other people as necessary) so
and its Ranged attacks against others have long as they’re roughly your own size or smaller.
Disadvantage. Melee attacks made against a You choose whether you move with the target.
target you’re climbing on gain Advantage. As an
• You knock the target over, so long as they’re
action, targets can make a Melee or Ranged attack
roughly your own size or smaller. Melee attacks
and try shake you off with a Tough saving throw
against the target have Advantage until the
VS 10 + your Tough.
beginning of their next turn; Ranged attacks
against them have Disadvantage.
Hunker Down
>If Take Cover is inactive, you may Hunker • You grab the target. See the Grab attack for details.

All Ranged attacks made against you roll one

New Attacks
fewer die than normal until the beginning of your
When a player wants to do something not
next turn. If your cover is particularly hard, such as
covered by these Attack Actions, you can make
cement or metal, you may also mitigate all incoming
one up. All you have to do is decide if it involves
damage by one additional step so long as it applies.
a Melee or Ranged attack, then decide the effect.
(A grenade thrown over a wall at your feet still hurts.)
If it requires a saving throw immediately, choose
This attack becomes inactive only when your
an appropriate Ability. Difficulty is equal to the
cover is destroyed or otherwise becomes useless,
attack roll. If it requires a saving throw later, such
such as when you become flanked.
as the beginning of its next turn, its Difficulty is 10
+ one of the Attacker’s abilities. If it’s especially
Flush Out
difficult to shake off, the saving throw is an action
You may make a Ranged attack. If the weapon you’re
that also allows a ranged or melee attack.
using is an automatic firearm, affects an area, or easily
penetrates the cover your target is hiding behind, you Like other Attack Actions, these become inactive
then force the target to move from its current position until you use another one. If it’s an especially
after resolving the effects of your attack. situational Attack Action it may remain inactive
for the rest of the fight, or only apply to this fight.

Playing the Game 25

Fight Tips
Other Actions During
Simple Opponents
Initiative Time
If opponents are unimportant or there’s a lot of them,
While Attack Actions can only be used during combat,
HWI the GM may skip choosing Attack Actions for each
you can still use other types of actions (like Social
other them. Instead, simply describe the type of
Actions) in the middle of a fight if you have a reason.
attack they’re making, then one additional thing they
Other types of Actions do not become inactive during
do (if anything). Don’t bother tracking which Actions
combat, so you can keep using them. However, for
are inactive. Foes don’t have to be more complicated
the purposes of Social Actions, the Mood is always
than they need to be.
considered Hostile.

Make Actions Make Sense

The ongoing story and what you’ve established in it is
Anatomy of an
the most important thing. When you make an Attack Opponent
Action, describe how you do it. If it makes use of the A basic opponent only needs two numbers:
environment, describe how. You’re not just Distracting
• Its Level, the bonus it adds to rolls made against
them, you’re activating a sprinkler system or emptying
the players;
the contents of a shelf onto them.
• Its Defense, which is generally 5 + Level.
If the scene as described wouldn’t allow something
to happen, it doesn’t. If you’ve established that you’re More complex opponents may have special Traits,
kickboxing someone in the middle of a road and such as being a mindless robot that can't be
there’s nothing to take cover behind, you can’t Take Charmed with talk. Some may even have access
Cover. to have special Actions. If so, the GM should make
their effects clear to the players when the Action is
If details haven’t been established. If you’re in “an
made or at the start of combat, whichever feels more
office” but haven’t described everything in it, you can
add details like desks to duck behind, staplers and
hole punchers to attack with, and monitors to throw.
So long as it’s consistent with what you’ve already
described, it’s fine.

Damage and Harm

Damage and Harm

Sometimes your character will suffer injuries. It happens. Here’s how.

Damage Track Being

Each character has a damage track, which describes
the kinds of injuries they can take before they're
When you mark box 6, you're taken out of the
fight: you're knocked out, or you're stunned for the
1 Minor Injury No effect remainder of the conflict, or you're trapped under
2 Minor Injury No effect debris or something.

3 Harm -1 to all rolls If you have to mark box 6 again, you risk death. Your
character must be rescued, resuscitated, or otherwise
4 Harm -1 to all rolls
stabilized within one minute (or three Rounds, if you're
5 Serious Harm -1 die to all rolls
using Initiative). If not they die, or at least permanently
6 Incapacitated You are out of removed from the story if your GM is feeling generous.
action. Either way, make a new character.

When you take damage, you'll mark one of these If they can't be stabilised, first aid can extend this
boxes. If you're told to mark a box that's already grace period for up to twenty minutes. If the character
marked, mark the next highest unmarked box instead. attempting first aid has a relevant Specialty, no roll is
required; otherwise, roll 2d6 + Cool or Clever VS 10.
You should also write down what it means in the
story. A minor injury can be something like a bruise
or shaken morale, while more serious damage can
be broken bones, damaged cyberware, or something Damage
else that takes a while to recover from. If you have Prep, you can spend Prep when you suffer
damage to reduce it, 1-for-1. For example, if you would
Until the injury is resolved in some way, you suffer its
normally mark box 3, you can spend a Prep to mark
listed effects. Minor Injuries have no additional effect.
box 2 (even if box 3 is already marked). If you spend 2
Harm gives a penalty of -1 to all your rolls. Serious
Prep, you can mark box 1 instead. See page 29 for
Harm makes you roll one fewer die on all rolls. These
more on Prep.
effects are cumulative: if you mark boxes 3 and 4 your
total penalty is -2, and if you also mark box 5 you use Having Armor can also reduce incoming damage.
one fewer die as well. You don't have to spend anything, but there are some
situations (like the critical effects of certain weapons)
Taking Damage where armor doesn't work at all.
Most of the time, if you're hit by an attack you mark
Reducing damage always takes place before you
box 1. Attack rolls that beat your defense by 3 or more
mark a box. If this would cause you to mark a box
cause you to mark higher boxes:
that's already marked, you still mark the next highest
box as normal. If you downgrade to 0, you suffer no
Attack beats your Mark
damage at all.
Defense by: box...
Succeeds by 3+ 2 Other Effects
Some attacks may have additional effects on you
Succeeds by 6+ 3
if they do any damage at all. For example, a tranq
Succeeds by 9+ 4 dart that makes you mark box 1 may also make you
sluggish and unresponsive, forcing Disadvantage on
Succeeds by 12+ 5
all your rolls until you save against it. When an attack
Succeeds by 15+ 6 inflicts such an effect, note down the box you marked.
When that box is recovered, the effect immediately
ends if it hasn't already.

Playing the Game 27

Recovering from Permanent Injuries
Damage If you're Incapacitated but you really need
The damage track clears over time: to act, you may opt to have your character
suffer a permanent injury and immediately
HWI Minor Injuries are automatically cleared after the
clear box 6. This should be something serious
scene you got them in, as soon as you can take a
that makes sense in the story, like a lost eye,
ruined cyberware, or serious trauma. While you
Harm can be recovered though player action, whether suffer this injury, the GM should impose story-
it's first aid, medication, or something else that fits the appropriate penalties—a missing eye may make
story. It should take longer than a minor injury, and in ranged attacks harder, for example. The only way
some cases you may still need to rest for a few days. to recover from these injuries is to purchase a
Some Occupations and items allow you to recover cybernetic replacement (or get serious repairs if
Harm and may have associated rolls; in other cases it was already chrome).
where a roll feels appropriate, use 2d6 + Clever VS
10 + Box.

Serious Harm is hard to recover from during a mission.

The character needs serious medical attention, and
days or even weeks of rest.

If you're Incapacitated, it clears up like a minor injury.

You might need help getting back on your feet, but
you'll shake it off.


A mission is any organised activity where the group Group Prep
works together to achieve a major goal: infiltrating a >> 2d6 + Ability + Specialty VS 7
corporate building to gather incriminating evidence, When you roll for group Prep, describe what your
dismantling a criminal operation, completing a character is doing to prepare the group for the mission.
university group project, and so on. Choose a relevant Ability and Specialty. Then:

In a typical game, most sessions will focus on one • On a success, add one Prep to the group pool.
mission with some free play before and after. Not
• For every 3 points you beat 7, add one Prep.
everything has to be a mission, and not every session
needs a mission. It's only a mission if the group • On a failure, add no Prep.
decides it is; otherwise, just play it out normally.
This Action takes roughly one week. If you have more

Prep time, the difficulty increases by 2 for every group Prep

roll you make this mission. Once a Specialty is applied
The main benefit of missions is that you can prepare
to a group Prep roll, it cannot be applied to any other
for them. In the days and weeks before the mission,
group Prep roll this mission.
characters gather equipment, do research, recruit
friends, find their focus, or do whatever else they think
will help them get ready. Example Prep
The Grand Cross Museum of Technological
These actions are represented with Prep. Prep rolls
History is displaying an early work of digital art
create a pool of Prep points, which are spent during
"donated" by Tetsuo Technologies, who stole it
the mission to help accomplish their goals or mitigate
from its android creator. Junior and his friends
intend to break in and swap the original for a
There are two types of Prep: personal Prep and copy with a virus. They have eight days before the
group Prep. These are rolled for, tracked, and spent opening, enough time for each character to make
separately. Any unused Prep goes away at the end one group Prep roll and one personal Prep roll.
of a mission, no matter what.
First, group Prep. Lee uses his Android Rights
Movement Specialty to gather information and
Personal Prep
support from his android friends and gets 13,
>> 2d6 + Ability + Specialty VS 7
adding 3 Prep total. Junior tries gathering info
When you roll for personal Prep, describe in broad
with Journalism Degree, but fails; he just gets
terms what your character is doing to prepare
stock press releases. Maru uses Hacking to
themselves for the mission. Choose a relevant Ability
prepare appropriate tools and gets 11 (2 Prep);
and Specialty. Then:
since it's group Prep, they have to be tools anyone
• If this is your first Prep roll of this mission, add can use. Soyeong uses Music Industry to work
one Prep to your character's personal pool. her connections for access, and scrapes by with 8
(1 Prep). The group pool for this mission is 6 Prep.
• For every 3 points you beat the Difficulty by,
add one additional Prep. Now personal Prep. Lee uses Martial Arts to
train (he saves this for personal Prep because his
This Action takes roughly one day. If you have more
dojo gives him a bonus). You can use the same
time, the difficulty increases by 2 for every personal
Specialty for group and personal Prep, so Maru
Prep roll you make this mission. You cannot apply the
uses Hacking again (but this time she does it
same Specialty twice.
from home in her jammies). Junior decides to train
at the dojo too so he can roleplay a discussion
with Lee, and uses Jeet Kune Do (he doesn't get
a bonus because it's not his dojo). Soyeong tools
around on her phone all day and pretends she's
using Social Media. Junior manages a 13, adding
3 Prep to his personal pool; the others all roll
under 10 so they add 1 regardless.

Playing the Game 29

Spending Prep
Here's what you can spend Prep on. If you're spending it on a dice roll, spend before rolling.

HWI Activate Items Negate Disadvantage

Some Assets like software packages, flashbangs, You may remove one source of Disadvantage from
and medical supplies are activated by spending Prep. one roll. You can remove as many sources as you like
When you run out of Prep, you run out of the Asset. if you have the Prep.
Details are listed in the Asset's description.
Reduce Damage
Boost Defense You can spend Prep 1-for-1 to reduce damage taken
Add a Generic Specialty to your Defense one time. by one step on the damage track. See page 27 for
You'll have to justify it: a character with the Fighting more on Damage.
Specialty could use it to intercept an attack, someone
in a packed warehouse could use Stealth to run and Flashback
hide, and so on. You can narrate a "flashback" to an earlier point in
time which explains how you prepared for a specific
Boost a Roll moment, so long as it fits the established story. This
Boost any one roll. You may do this once per roll. can range from having paid off a side character who
has no particular reason to hate you to having hidden
Ignore Damage a weapon in a maintenance tunnel. You can do this
For one Action, you may ignore the effects of all your once per Mission.
marked damage boxes.

Prep may be spent in any combination you like: However, you may interrupt an incoming Action or
you can spend 2 Prep to Boost a roll and Negate Attack and spend Prep to apply a Generic Specialty
Disadvantage, or use a Flashback to explain how you to a Defense - so long as you can rationalize it. You
got an item somewhere you shouldn't have and then can apply your Stealth to quickly hide from an attack
Activate it, for example. when you’re in a dark alley, Hacking to make a drone’s
aim worse, or your knowledge of outdated action
movies to charm a more upscale audience with your
eccentricity and avoid losing your cool.


Grand Cross is powered by solar panels and thermally let alone savings. You probably rely on financial aid,
conductive plates in its hull, but money is what really though such services are increasingly rare as the ruling
makes it go round. party believes poverty is caused by personal failings.

Though 2020 lies in the distant future, humanity still At 4, you're destitute. You can only barely afford
largely operates on a capitalist system. Wealth is food. You might sleep in a car, on a friend's couch, or
either invisible or all-consuming. If you have it, you underground in the maintenance levels. It's almost
don’t worry about it; if you don’t have it, it can eat impossible to keep up appearances, and when you
away at your mind. don't normal people will sneer at you in the street. You
spend most of your waking hours just trying to survive,
In Hard Wired Island, you don't track exactly how
and rarely have enough time for anything else.
much money your character has. Instead, you track
their Cash and Burden: how much they can spend,
Sharing the Burden
and how much they can't.
One way that characters can lessen their burden is by

Burden pooling their resources and living together, supporting

each other as needed. On Grand Cross, this usually
Your Burden represents your socioeconomic status.
means sharing an apartment and splitting rent.
It's a rough indicator of how comfortably you can live,
how many services you can subscribe to, and how If two or more characters with different Burdens live
well you're getting by. together, find their average Burden by adding their
Burdens together, dividing by number of characters
Burdens are ranked from 0 to 4. The default is 1.
and rounding down. When you need to add your
Burden score to a roll, use the average Burden.
Burden Ranks
At 0, you're comfortable. You don’t go hungry. You have If two or more characters with the same Burden
a nice apartment. You can pay most bills, and you can live together, treat their Burden scores as 1 lower
handle emergencies. You can make time for education, (minimum 0).
training, and hobbies without feeling guilty or pressured
If one character in a shared living space suffers an
to work. You're not wealthy, but you're doing fine.
economic shock (see below), every character they
0 is the lowest Burden player characters can have. live with suffers one too. They decide what happens
Negative Burdens are the domain of the wealthy, and as a group, but suffer the effects individually.
they already pulled the ladder up behind them.
Soyeong and Maru rent an apartment together.
At 1, you're getting by. You're slowly building up They both have Burden 2, but by sharing living
some savings, but mostly you live from paycheck space, daily tasks, and expenses, it's treated as 1.
to paycheck. Though you're vulnerable to economic
Junior and Lee share an apartment. Technically
shocks, you can keep up with rent and you don't
Lee is the tenant, but it doesn't matter. Junior
normally go hungry. You can afford a few subscription
has Burden 3 due to student loans, while Lee
services and enough luxuries to feel content.
has Burden 2. Since there's two of them, their
At 2, you're precarious. You're dealing with an average Burden (3+2)/2 = 2.5, which rounds
underpaid job, predatory loans, deadbeat husband, or down to Burden 2. When Junior needs to add his
the fallout of an emergency. You've probably gotten Burden to a roll, he treats it as 2.
good at cooking with kelp and rice, which you buy in
Later, Soyeong and Maru meet the homeless
bulk. You can barely afford entertainment, but you'll
Ashley and let her stay on the couch until she
feel guilty about it. You spend a lot of time worrying
gets on her feet. Ashley has Burden 4. Now that
about bills - a single shock can bring you close to ruin.
there's three of them and they don't have the
At 3, you're struggling. Most of your money goes into same Burden, you need their average Burden:
rent and food, and some days you have to choose. You (2+2+4)/3 = 2.6, which rounds down to 2. By
spend a lot of time stressing about your future. You using their regular Burdens for a while, Soyeong
probably don't have much walking-around money, and Maru let Ashley treat her Burden as 2.

Playing the Game 31

Economic Shocks Grand Cross Upheaval
The capitalist system of Grand Cross is designed to The distant future of 2020 is an uncertain one. As
trap people in poverty so the ruling classes can exploit the political and economic landscapes shift, it's
them. There's little upward mobility, but it's easy for possible the station will fall on hard times. And when
emergencies, sudden bills, or the station's shifting the money stops flowing, it's always the rich that get
economic situation to knock you further down. bailed out first.

Before every mission, if your Burden is above 0, you As a story event, if (or when) the station suffers
must roll 2d6 + your Burden. If you roll 13 or more, widespread social upheaval, economic downturn,
you suffer an economic shock: a delayed paycheck, or a major disaster, the GM may increase the entire
rising rent costs, an unforeseen emergency, a theft, or group's Burden by 1. If extraordinary action from the
just general hard times. group helps weather such a disaster, or a wealthy or
influential ally ensures their economic stability, the
Choose one of the following consequences. If your
group's Burdens may be restored to their previous
roll was 15 or more, choose two. If you can't decide,
state; if not, this change is permanent. Chasing
the GM may decide for you.
wealth is a vicious cycle.
• You get kicked out of your current living space and
Upheaval should be used sparingly. It's best used as a
must find a new one.
major event in a story arc, when you want to make a
• You lose an Asset permanently (your choice). mission special, or when the group seriously messed
up during the last mission. If it happens over and over,
• You have to skip meals/recharging. Mark your first
it's not interesting.
damage box; you can't recover it until after your
next mission.
Cybernetic Burden
• One cybernetic augment stops functioning In the distant future of 2020, an entirely new form
properly until the next session. It still works, but of economic oppression has overtaken society:
bonus Specialties and anything beyond normal cybernetic augmentation.
human function does not.
Whether you got augmented to stay competitive at
• Your Burdens exhaust your mental energy. You work or for health care reasons, it's often easier to
suffer Disadvantage on all Clever rolls until after get installation subsidised than maintenance. Once
your next mission. your company drops you or your insurance company
decides you don't need another arm, you're usually
• Your Burdens make it hard to be social. You suffer
saddled with the costs of maintaining your own
Disadvantage on all Cool rolls until after your next
cybernetics even when it's irreversible. In short,
cybernetic augments increase your Burden.
• You lose the benefits of one of your Traits until after
At negative Burden, you don’t worry about it. You
your next mission (but still suffer the downsides).
can be as enhanced as you want, and sometimes the
At the GM's discretion, the group may roll for economic augments basically pay for themselves.
shock again after especially long downtimes or major
At Burden 0 or above, each additional Augment
story events. Use this sparingly; it's not interesting if
increases your Burden by 1.
it keeps happening.
Some character options can mitigate this cost; for
example, a Military Veteran or Station Builder Trait
means one Augment is already paid for. They may
have dumped you on the street once you stopped
being useful, but at least they're paying for that leg.

This doesn't apply to minor cosmetic augmentations.

If you get something small that won't really come up
in play, like a set of cat ears or cool subdermal lights, it
doesn't increase your Burden enough to matter.


Cash Flow
Cash is a temporary resource earned during play. Storing Cash
While Burdens represent your broad status, Cash There is no upper limit to how much Cash you can
represents in-game rewards, stolen money from a have, but as it represents temporary gains it's a
heist, favours owed, walking-around money from your volatile resource.
grandma, and other short-term gains.
If you have Cash at the beginning of a session,
roll 1d6. You lose that much unspent Cash. This
Using Cash
could represent unexpected expenses, cybernetic
Outside a mission, you can spend 1 Cash to Boost
maintenance, old bills, gambling losses, or other
a roll. This includes Prep rolls. During a mission you
short-term losses.
can't leverage your Cash like this, and must use Prep
instead. You may give Cash to other characters to boost rolls,
make purchases, mitigate economic shock, or reduce
You can spend Cash to buy Assets. In some
Burden. However, Cash given to other characters
cases you may be able to negotiate a better price
must be spent immediately. You can't all dump
beforehand, or just rent the Asset.
your Cash on one person at the start of a session to
You can spend Cash to mitigate economic shock. mitigate your losses. (Instead, consider doing it at the
After you roll for economic shock, you can spend end of a session to reduce their Burden.)
Cash to reduce the result 1-for-1.

You can spend Cash to reduce your Burden. If you

pay (10 - your Burden) in Cash, you may permanently
reduce your Burden by 1, to a minimum of 0.

Playing the Game 33

Cybernetics are a big part of daily life on Grand Cross Designing Augments
station. Here is how they affect yours. First, decide what it's intended to do. Choose a job
or skill it's designed for, and an associated Speciality.
Starting With As long as you have this Augment installed, you get

Cybernetics +1 Specialty. This can be any type of Specialty that

you can justify. However, Augments that add Defense
Any character may start with one or more
Specialties or weapons are Restricted hardware and
Augmentations. The main limit is that you can't
may need a license. (Also, remember that you can't
end up with more parts than you started with:
surpass the cap of +3 for any one Specialty.)
only two eyes, two arms, and so on. (Adding a Tail
augmentation is fine; the human brain turned out to Next, decide how it enhances its intended function.
be oddly good at adapting to those.) Does it have in-built tools or sensors? Does it come
with a special onboard computer? Is it just really
The other limit is that unless stated otherwise,
good at punching Nazis? Write it down.
Augments increase your Burden. See Cybernetic
Burden on page 32 for more. Finally, decide the location it's installed in. Usually
this is obvious: hand Augments replace your hand,
How Cybernetics arm Augments replace your arm (and can accept

Work a different hand Augment on the end), and so on. If

there's no specific location you have to install that wifi
Cybernetics are designed with the person in mind.
hotspot, it's your choice.
Every single one is, on some level, a custom piece
adjusted for a specific individual and their needs,
Other Functions
except for when they're adjusted for the needs of
You can also choose an Augment which has a different
their job, or when a different one would cost their
function instead, such as built-in compartments,
employer less money, or their health care plan
weapons, tools or even capabilities not available
doesn't cover it, or they use a second-hand item, or
to the human body, such as momentum wheels
the company re-used an old part without telling them,
designed to stabilize you in low or zero gravity or an
or the augmentation was provided by a male doctor
old-fashioned rocket punch. The rules for these non-
who noticed the patient was a woman and decided
basic Augments are presented below. These function
they knew better, or someone involved in the process
exactly as described; unlike basic Augments, they do
was a bigot, or the designer didn't feel like it, or it's
not have additional benefits.
4:50PM on a Friday.
Example Cybernetics
Other than that, on a very basic level, it's designed for
Minerva Miller is an ex-cop. She got a cybernetic
their needs.
eye on the job, then got kicked out for
accidentally leaving the built-in camera on. It's
Some Augments don't grant a Specialty at all,
fitted with a simple scanner that can, in theory,
but instead grant some other useful function like
read barcodes, license plates, retinas, faces, and
hidden compartments, weapons, or superhuman
capabilities. These will always have "Instead of a
Specialty..." in their description. She no longer has (sanctioned) access to the
official police database and she's not super
comfortable with the face thing, but its functions
(and a little unsanctioned creativity) give her +1

As part of its functions, she's able to take silent

videos or pictures - though she doesn't have the
storage space to record constantly. Also, since
the eye was designed for cops, she may be able
to justify Bullshitting people into thinking she's a
cop when necessary.


Types of Cybernetics
Cosmetic Augments Full-body prosthetics
Purely cosmetic Augments generally don't have an The creation of Androids led relatively quickly to
associated Burden cost. They don't really have any the creation of near fully artificial bodies, referred to
mechanical weight, so there's no reason to need medically as full-body prosthetics. Although they are
one. You're probably still paying for them, but they're marvels of modern science, the mental consequences
common enough that the costs are lower. - notably dysphoria, dissociation and similar ailments
- means it is a procedure that is not undertaken lightly,
This includes simple appearance mods like cat
even to save lives. It's not uncommon for those who’ve
ears and subdermal lights, replacement parts that
undergone the procedure to feel emotionally distant
don't really enhance anything like a simple mostly-
from other people, or even feel like they lack identity
plastic cyberarm, and common medicinal augments
at all. They often find themselves in marginalized
like immune system boosters, HRT regulators, and
spaces where they find people who understand and
prosthetic hands designed to avoid carpal tunnel.
empathize with their condition.
You may include them when describing your Burden
A human who has undergone the full-body prosthetic
or your economic shocks; struggling with things you
procedure may use Augments the same way
shouldn't have to struggle for is precisely the point of
Androids do, keeping extra augments as Assets and
those mechanics.
exchanging them freely.

Androids and Cybernetics

As mechanical beings, androids take to augmentation
a little easier than humans. The Android Origin allows
them to start with one Augment without increasing
their Burden; further Augments increase their Burden
as normal (see Origins, page 14).

They can also switch between their Augments easier

than humans. An android who can afford multiple
sets of cyber-eyes could, in theory, carry them around
in a special eye case and swap them in and out as
needed. However, it takes time for them to disconnect,
reconnect, adjust settings, and reacclimate; they
certainly couldn't do it in the middle of an action
sequence. Also, they might have to keep explaining
why the eye case isn't creepy.

Playing the Game 35

the Influencer
Handle: @songBulgae  She/Her

Clever +1

Tough +0

Quick +2

Burden 2 (Effective 1)

Origin Celebrity

Traits Hush Money,


Action: Charm  +1

Defense: Quick +1

Defense: Tough  +1 (Cybernetic)

Famous  +1

Music Industry  +1

K-Pop/Rap +1

Pistols +1

Social Media  +1

Taekkyon  +1 (Cybernetic)

Soyeong was a rising star in the K-pop world before a

tragic space accident cut her career short. She survived,
but much of her right side was cyberized. Officially,
Soyeong is on Grand Cross to revive her career; in secret,
she’s learned that it wasn’t an accident and is looking
for answers. (The fact that her publisher’s “insurance
payout” only barely covers her maintenance is also a
motivating factor). She shares an apartment with her
childhood friend Maru.

36 Pregen

Influencer Abilities Assets

DDoS Arms License: Soyeong may possess up to two
You can use a Social Action to send your followers Restricted Assets or Augments without getting into
after an online target. This can disrupt a person or trouble. (Cops may still snatch them and rough you
company’s social media presence for a day, DDoS up if they take you in, but are legally required to give
a smaller website, distract staff at an office, make them back.)
a network vulnerable, hide a reply in a slew of
Specialized: Soyeong may spend Generic Specialties
notifications, or anything else a lot of people making
to upgrade her Arms License to cover one additional
bad posts can do.
Restricted asset per Specialty (max five). She hasn’t
If you succeed, anyone hacking an affected network yet.
gets an additional Chance and Advantage on rolls
Covert Armor: Discreet armor, layered underneath
made to maintain Ghost. However, everyone will
regular clothing. +1 Tough Defense while worn. You
know you started it. You can only use this ability once
may destroy this Asset to mitigate incoming damage
per session.
by one box.
Trendy Wardrobe: In the distant future of 2020, this
If you make a Social roll online, on a Critical it goes
kind of clothing is called “fly”. When you have time to
Viral. Within hours people across Grand Cross will
change before a Social situation, choose a Mood. You
notice your post, share it, make memes, or just
have Advantage on all Social rolls while that Mood
straight-up steal your content and sell shirts. Your
target will react accordingly: if you’re mocking them
they’ll hate you and possibly delete their account, if Verified Account: A big account online. Soyeong only
you’re praising them they’ll love you, if you’re telling gets a slap on the wrist for all but the most egregious
everyone how good Hard Wired Island is its KS actions, it’s hard to block her, and she can fine-tune
campaign might succeed, and so on. In addition, who gets access to her. +1 on all Social Actions made
gain Advantage on all rolls capitalising on your Viral online if you have the Social Media Specialty.
content for this session and the next.
Weapon: Silenced
Augments Ogremoch Pistol
Tetsuo Tech “Imugi” Arm [Restricted]: Bulletproof. >> Tags: Ranged, Critical, Ogremoch, Ammo,
Soyeong can also activate “Shield Mode” to deploy Silenced, Restricted.
smart armour plating, protecting her from future
Silenced: This weapon won’t immediately alert
space accidents and weapons fire. +1 Tough Defense.
people in public, and doesn’t break Stealth (though
Tetsuo Tech “Bulgae” Leg (Custom): Soyeong and using it is Risky).
Maru have heavily customised her leg to compensate
Critical: On a critical attack roll, the target must mark
for some of Soyeong’s lost muscle memory. +1
one higher damage box than normal.
Ammo: This weapon requires reloading after every
Life Support [Cosmetic]: Soyeong has a range of
scene you use it in. You get one free reload per
cybernetics inside her right torso, which regulate and
mission. You must find ammo or spend Prep to reload
track her vital signs. As they grant no other benefits
unless you want to know what’s in her blood, they
don’t increase her Burden. She only trusts Maru to Ogremoch: Ogremoch weapons take multiple
take care of them. calibers. You get an extra free reload per mission.

Characters 37
the Hacker
Handle: @tabbyAnarchy  She/Her

Clever +3

Tough +1

Quick +2

Burden 2 (Effective 1)

Origin Criminal

Traits Antisocial,

Defense: Quick  +1

Action: Bullshit (Hacking) +1

Criminal Underworld  +1

Hacking  +2 (Cybernetic)

Ghosting  +1

Cyborg Subculture  +1

Stealth +1

In her teens, Maru was an infamous hacker known as Hex

Decimal. She originally moved to Grand Cross to avoid the
authorities, but the place has grown on her. Maru’s official
occupation is a DJ and amateur electronic musician, but
she still dabbles in hacking on the side. She shares her
apartment with her childhood friend Soyeong, which works
out well for her because Soyeong is way better at social

38 Pregen

Hacker Abilities Assets

Hot Streak Hacking Suite: This is required to do network-hacking
Maru’s customized her tools, picked up the latest things unless otherwise stated. Hacking without it is
hardware, and optimized the most cutting-edge either impossible, or has Disadvantage. Maru’s is her
software - all so her rig can keep up with her when eyes and keyboard. A Hacking Suite allows you to use
she gets her Hack on. If you roll a Critical success Program Assets while Hacking.
on any Hacking action, gain Advantage on your next
Hacking action in that Network.
Ghost Protocols: You may spend Prep to active this
Laughing Man Gal when beginning a Hack. You gain 1 additional Chance
Maru has a universal and currently unfixable camera during this hack and Boost your first Hacking action
exploit. So long as you have your hacking rig, made within the network.
electronic sensors (cameras, androids, etc.) cannot
Data Bomb: You may spend Prep to active a this
recognise or identify you unless you want them
during a Hack. You gain Advantage on your next
to. Your face is replaced with a static image (e.g. a
three Hack rolls in this Network, and if it has an active
cartoon cat’s face). This won’t set off alarms, but
administrator they have Disadvantage on their next
androids and humans will notice something is up.
three rolls against you.
Holographic Projection Armor: AKA “Nerd Armor”.
ARC Zaibatsu “Lucky Cat” Cyber-Eyes: Maru
HPA is sewn into clothing and can distort or blur the
replaced her myopic eyes with these. They’re
wearer’s image, though it requires concentration and
effectively a miniature computer, allowing her to “see”
training. When you spend Prep to activate it, add your
and access wi-fi hotspots or scan people’s social
Clever to your Quick Defense for the rest of the fight.
media pages with a look. She sometimes controls
Each time you are hit reduce the bonus this grants by
them with an external keyboard to look cool for
1, to a minimum of 0. You may refresh it by spending
complicated queries. They function as her Hacking
Suite Asset, and grant +1 Hacking.
Weapon: Silenced Sunrise
Heavy Industries Pistol
>> Tags: Ranged, Critical, Sunrise Heavy Industries,
Ammo, Silenced, Restricted.

Silenced: This weapon won’t immediately alert

people in public, and doesn’t break Stealth (though
using it is Risky).

Critical: On a critical attack roll, the target must mark

one higher damage box than normal.

Ammo: This weapon requires reloading after every

scene you use it in. You get one free reload per
mission. You must find ammo or spend Prep to reload

SHI: SHI weapons have wifi and come with a targeting

app, which Maru jailbroke. The first time you fail an
attack roll with it during a fight, you may reroll it.

Characters 39
Fire Lee, Android
Street Fighter
Handle: @Fire_Lee_Dojo_Official_


Clever +0

Tough +2

Quick +3

Burden 1 (Effective 2)

Origin Android

Traits Stoic,


Defense: Quick  +1

Defense: Tough +1

Android Rights Movement  +1

First Responder +1

Martial Arts  +2

Stealth +1

Lee was born a firefighting android in Neo Hong Kong shortly

before new drone technology automated him out of his
job. Bereft of purpose, he wandered into a martial arts
dojo on a whim where he found a new male identity and an
eccentric but accepting master. Since moving to orbit,
Lee has established a small gym/dojo of his own and gotten
himself heavily involved in the android rights movement.
Lee rents a room from his new friend Junior and knows Maru
through cyborg forums.

40 Pregen

Street Fighter Abilities Assets

Martial Arts Badass Headband: There are many wannabes who
You never suffer Disadvantage for using bare hands buy headbands, but the truest ones are won by
and feet in a fight for any reason. When you make dedication and hardship. This one is a memento of
a Melee attack, you may make a secondary attack Lee’s old master and greatest rival, and he wears it
against a second target in range (if there is one). If as mental dedication to his fighting spirit. +1 Cool
you have four or more Street Fighter abilities, you may Defense if Lee is wearing it.
target everyone within melee range.
The Fire Lee Gym & Dojo: Fire Lee operates an all-
Reversal (Attack) inclusive 24 hour martial arts dojo and gym out of
You may use Reversal after being hit by a melee attack. the Neo Melbourne district. It is the main source of
You still take damage as normal, but your target his income. Twice per mission, you or an ally can get
suffers all other effects of the attack instead of you (up Advantage on a personal Prep roll made by psyching
to and including effects that require saving throws). If up or training in the dojo.
the Attack allows a choice between multiple effects,
CCP Cybernetics “Stekkjastaur” Spring Legs
you choose the effect. If you Reversal a Reversal, they
[Augment]: These legs have... a reputation. A
cancel out. If you have seven or more Street Fighter
commercial version of its subsystems marketed
abilities and use Reversal, you may reverse all melee
as low-grav basketball shoes are popular in Grand
Attacks made against you until the beginning of your
Cross. Fire Lee keeps the legs in his dojo. Spring Legs
next turn instead.
Boost all rolls relating to running, or jumping high or
Augments long distances. However, if such a roll is failed, the
Reinforced Chassis: This Android-only Augment wearer must make a Quick saving throw VS 10 or
reinforces Lee’s entire body. When he takes damage mark damage box 1 as they crash hard.
from an attack, he may always Mitigate it by one step.
Rocket Punch [Augment]: Lee keeps them in a closet
This only works against attacks, not accidents, falls,
because the flame decals are silly. A sophisticated
or other sources of damage.
launch-and-recovery system allows Lee to launch his
fists (and upper arms) at opponents at range and have
them return to him once his attack is complete. When
equipped Lee’s hands effectively have the Ranged
tag, allowing him to use his Martial Arts specialty a
range. If the arms cannot return for any reason, he
takes Disadvantage to melee attacks until the arms
are recovered and reattached.

Characters 41
the Fixer
Handle: Various He/him

Clever +0

Tough +1

Quick +3

Burden 3 (Effective 2)

Origin It’s Complicated

Traits Gregarious,

Student Loans

Action: Bullshit (Social)  +1

Defense: Cool  +1

Arms License (Asset)  +1

Jeet Kune Do +1

Journalism Degree  +1

Pistols  +1

Politics +1

Old Action Movies +1

Wheeling and Dealing +1

Junior got his journalism degree in South Africa. How he

ended up from there on the Grand Cross station is a story
no one has ever managed to get to the end of before passing
out, but it’s left him with a taste for social causes
and old action cinema, a flair for the dramatic, plenty of
bruises, and a lot of useful connections. Junior rents a
room to Lee, an android friend he met on an investigation,
and he and Soyeong pester each other for favours a lot.

42 Pregen

Fixer Abilities Assets

It Takes All Kinds Arms License: Junior may possess up to two three
Choose an Ability from another Occupation. You Restricted Assets or Augments without getting into
have that ability. If it unlocks something when you trouble. (Cops may still snatch them and rough you
have multiple Abilities from an occupation, your Fixer up if they take you in, but are legally required to give
Abilities count. (Junior chose Martial Arts ability from them back.)
the Street Fighter occupation.)
Specialized: Junior may spend Generic Specialties
Martial Arts to upgrade his Arms License to cover additional
You never suffer Disadvantage for using bare Restricted asset per Specialty (max five). He’s spent
hands and feet in a fight for any reason. When you one.
make a Melee attack, you may make a secondary
Weapon: Silenced Pistol
attack against a second target in range (if there
(Zinovy Ultragraphics
is one). If you have four or more Street Fighter
abilities, you may target everyone within melee
>> Tags: Ranged, Critical, Zinovy Ultragraphics,
Ammo, Silenced, Restricted
I Know A Guy Silenced: This weapon doesn’t make a lot of noise
When you try to Acquire an Asset, a Critical and won’t alert police or drones in public. It does not
decreases its Price by an additional step. Illegal items compromise Stealth (using it still Risks Stealth.)
only increase Difficulty by 3 for you. If you have four
Critical: On a critical attack roll, the target must mark
or more Fixer Abilities, a Critical also allows you to
one higher damage box than normal.
attempt another Acquire Action without spending
any additional time. Ammo: This weapon requires reloading after every
scene you use it in. You get one free reload per
mission. You must find ammo or spend Prep to reload
Augments again.
Junior has no Augments.
Zinovy: When you bought Zinovy, you didn’t buy a
gun so much as a license. If you lose your (legally
owned) weapon, you can use your phone to request a
new copy from any Zinovy 3D printing facility.

Characters 43
Xander Zander,
the Operator
Handle: @Sk8rboi69420 He/him

Clever +3

Tough +0

Quick +2

Burden 2

Origin Corporate Drone

Traits Cybercare (see below),

Student Loans

Defense: Tough (Cybernetic) +1

Defense: Quick  +1

Bureaucracy  +1
Grenades +1

Omnidyne Systems  +1

Drones and Robotics  +2

Skateboarding +1

Studied the Blade +1

In his old life, Xander was a corporate drone working his

way up the ladder at Omnidyne Systems. That came to an
end when he discovered their medical plan didn’t cover
HRT because it “didn’t benefit the company”. He decided
to take his expertise, his personal projects, and his
pride with him out the door and onto the streets, where
he indulges his old skating passion and does odd jobs as
his own free man.

44 Pregen

Operator Abilities Assets

Personal Drone Drone: Zander’s personal drone is his skateboard,
You have a custom drone. For each rank of the Drone a prototype for a future line of personalized smart
Specialty you have, the drone has an additional skateboards. (A drone is a partly autonomous robot;
property chosen by you. (Xander has a skateboard Zander can control it with a personalized glove and
drone.) smart sunglasses). It has the following properties:

By default, the drone has a hardpoint that can mount Flying: Can fly and hover using a quad rotor
and use one Asset. You may refit the hardpoint at any system. It can lift its own weight, hardpoints
time during free play, or during a mission by spending included, plus a few additional kilos of weight. (It
Prep. The drone can store (but not use) extra items. can’t lift a person yet, sadly.)
(Zander usually mounts his flashbangs because he
Smart: An onboard limited AI can make simple
doesn’t live in a nice neighbourhood, and straps his
decisions without direct input. Whenever Zander
katana on its underside.)
takes an action, the drone can also take an action.
Without input, all its Actions are made at +0. It can
also talk and take verbal commands.
Endocrine System Monitor Skateboard: Advantage to all rolls related to
This second-hand hormone regulator also monitors maneuvering, movement, and looking rad if you have
his life signs and blood pressure. Xander has at least one skateboard-related Specialty (even if you
jailbroken the HRT function to increase his adrenaline don’t apply it). Zander’s skateboard is also his Drone,
in stressful situations, granting +1 Tough Defense. As so this benefit only applies when he is specifically
a jailbroken second-hand Augment, it’s Restricted as using it as a skateboard.
hell and he does not have a license.
Weapon: Flashbang
>> Tags: Ranged, Area, Prep, Critical, Special

Prep: Every use of this weapon costs Prep.

Critical: On a Critical attack roll, saving throws made

against this weapon are made with Disadvantage.

Special: Instead of dealing damage, everyone in

Cybercare (Trait)
the area must save VS your attack roll or become
Public health care on Grand
Disoriented: they take Disadvantage on all actions
Cross can cover cybernetics. (The
until they save VS 10 at the end of their turn, and
government is working on that,
they can’t see well enough to use ranged attacks. If
though not in the way you’d like.)
they have applicable flash or sound protection, these
Choose one Augment you got for
saves are Boosted.
medical purposes. It does not
increase your Burden. However, when Weapon: Katana
you suffer Economic Shock, on top of >> Tags: Melee, Critical, Restricted
the consequence(s) you choose this
Critical: On a critical attack roll, the target must mark
Augment also becomes inoperable for
one higher damage box than normal.
the rest of the session.
Also: it has a cat-dragon painted on the blade.

Characters 45
This is an example scenario intended for the preview
packet’s pregen characters. As with the rest of the
preview, the final version will appear in the full book. 1 Become a victim of the Terabyte Boys.

Rather than lay out exactly how the scenario is 2 Be asked for help by Dora or another victim.
supposed to go, we’ve provided a list of characters,
3 Overhear a conversation between victims.
places, and ideas. Pick the ones that work for you,
keep them in your pocket, use or remix them as needed. 4 Catch Segfault (p. 51) extorting a shopkeeper.

THE SETUP 5 Have a side gig with a bounty hunting app.

The Terabyte Boys is set in Marsha Stretch, one of 6 Read/be working on a story about the Stretch.
the station’s LGBT+ enclaves. The Stretch is being
gentrified by corporations; one of them, Im-X, has MISSION PREP
a government contract to fill the place with robots. Once the PCs have done enough roleplaying and
That’s attracted the attention of the Terabyte Boys, a information gathering in the Stretch, they’ll probably
cybercrime gang. have a goal in mind. Maybe something like:

The Boys have hijacked a bunch of Im-X’s robots, and use • Stop the schemes of the Terabyte Boys.
them to prey on the locals. Worse, they’ve discovered a • Get rid of the Terabyte Boys.
Dreamer - a rogue Offworld Cartel AI project - in the • Organise a community resistance.
maintenance tunnels beneath the streets. They think it’s • Get Im-X’s contract revoked.
a secret corp project, and are trying to reactivate it so • Get Im-X out of the Stretch altogether.
they can sell it. If they’re successful, the chaos it causes
Once they’re ready to do Prep, give them eight days
could shut down the Stretch.
– enough for one Group Prep and one Personal Prep.
The characters are Stretch residents and regular
visitors, who get caught up in the Boys’ schemes and RUNNING THE
do their best to stop them. If they’re successful, they’ll
help reverse the enclave’s downfall. If not, the Stretch
This scenario is pretty open-ended, so what actually
might get shut down for good.
goes down is in your hands. Here’s what happens if

GETTING STARTED the PCs don’t intervene, though:

The scenario starts on Marsha Stretch. It’s up to the 1 During prep time, the Boys arrange an auction for
group why they’re there, but the premade characters the Dreamer, Overthree.
all have reasons to be regulars: 2 On day eight, some of the Boys move the Dreamer
to a nearby warehouse.
• Fire Lee owns a small dojo/gym on the Stretch.
3 On day nine, they finish repairing Overthree.
• Junior is a friend of Lee writing a story about space
4 That night, they host the auction. Im-X reps attend
and win the auction.
• Maru is a friend of Lee, who lives nearby with her
5 The Boys attempt an on-site demonstration. They
roommate Soyeong.
fully awake Overthree, immediately causing havoc.
• Soyeong is Junior’s friend, and performs at a local
6 Overthree escapes the burning warehouse around
bar sometimes.
midnight and attacks Club Eternity.
Start by asking each player to describe one feature of 7 Offworld Cartel agents move in, secure the area,
the neighbourhood, good or bad. If that doesn’t suggest and fabricate a story about locals trying to hack an
a good place to start, try Café Larose (p. 47). Im-X robot. Club Eternity is shut down.
8 Im-X gets a lucrative contract for “enhanced
To start the PCs need a lead, probably on the Terabyte
security” in the Stretch. Gentrification accelerates.
Boys. Roll on the Openings table for an idea of how
9 Within two years, the Stretch is gone.
to kick off the plot. If you want to keep the Boys’
involvement secret, start with Im-X instead. Nobody
likes the robots and they have victims, too.

46 Scenario


The Marsha Stretch is an LGBT+ enclave in the Neo STRETCH LOCATIONS
Melbourne District. It’s one long street that runs Café Larose: An LGBT library/coffee shop near the
between an edgeside park and one of Neo Melb’s park. It’s run by Susie Darling, a middle-aged woman
commercial plazas. The Stretch is famous for its mid- who was once an overseer during the station’s
rise apartments, cafes, clubs, and small businesses construction; the café is her retirement plan. It’s a nice
that cater to its predominantly LGBT+ population. local hangout spot for PCs, and she’ll rent her attic
out to people in need.
The Stretch was originally founded by queer station
workers and their families, who felt Grand Cross Club Eternity: An old queer bar that’s mostly stuck
could use a space for them. In the years since, around thanks to a great selection of retro music, a
they’ve built it up into one of the most famous cool space goth theme, a karaoke section, and a little
LGBT+ neighbourhoods in orbit. Unfortunately, it’s bit of spite. The karaoke rooms are a good place to
gentrifying. talk without being spied on. Rumour has it that you
can buy hacking software here if you know who to
Here’s how it happened: once the Stretch became a
talk to.
hip place to be, it started attracting visitors. A bunch
of them were wealthy people who wanted to present Touching Kong: There’s a Burger Kong in the middle
as hip but also have amenities that catered to them. of the Stretch now, and they’ve commissioned a mural
Over time new businesses poured into the Stretch, to show their appreciation for the area. It resembles
many of them too expensive for the people who made The Creation of Adam, only Adam is wrapped in a
the place hip in the first place. pride flag and God is replaced with the Burger Kong
mascot. Along the bottom is a variant of a Burger
Some of these businesses were corporations who
Kong slogan: “I’m Going Ape Over Gay Marriage!”.
were huge fans of queer people, as a concept. They
even put up some murals and statues to show how Westfield Plaza: The commercial plaza is a sea
much they loved “the gays”, once most of the Stretch’s of tiles, dotted with islands of trees and benches.
existing ones were demolished to make way for some The Plaza’s shops mostly serve the nearby offices
banks. While they were at it they glitzed out the and general tourists, so it’s not really part of the
statues with big flashy logos, because people have to Stretch, but the locals spend a lot of time there. Im-X
know who’s doing this community service, right? headquarters and the local police station are found
around here.
Today, most of the Stretch is a corporate facsimile
of the original neighbourhood. Many locals are Edgeside Park: A finely-landscaped park on the
stubbornly hanging on and keeping the place alive, panel’s edge, with a glass-walled observation deck
but with more and more of their history and identity that offers provides an incredible view of space. The
being repackaged and sold back to them, the deck makes a nice meeting point, and the park is a
Stretch’s future looks uncertain. Someday soon, it famous spot for activism. The cops usually let it slide
could become a former enclave. since they’re busy kicking homeless out of Edgeside.


1-3 4-6
1 A statue offers Im-X sponsored history lessons 1 A (1-3 politician 4-6 company) pulls a PR stunt

2 A kicked-over delivery robot lies in the street 2 An old store is having a (1-5 sale 6 fire sale)

3 Locals heckle a three-person TERF protest 3 The mystery street artist Moonsy strikes again

4 People are protesting some corporate bullshit 4 An AI in a street billboard offers you a deal

5 Locals offer conversation/pizza from a stoop 5 There’s a (1-3 music 4-6 art) show today

6 Cheerful visitors form a long line outside a club 6 There’s a big festival today! Nice!

Scenario 47
The current face of the Stretch’s gentrification is Im-X, in the Stretch have dropped, as people who are still
a robotics company headquartered on the other side in the closet back home get nervous about security
of the plaza. drones overhead.

Im-X was quick to move into the Stretch, and have Im-X isn’t the only new business in town, but to the
a government contract to “improve” the place with locals they’re the vanguard of everything wrong
their robotics tech. They’ve created delivery robots, with the Stretch today. Not that Im-X cares - they’ve
security robots, tourism AIs embedded in statues, managed to secure a boatload of investor funding
and more. If you’re the kind of person who cares off the back of their “community work”, so as far as
about property values, their presence has been great. they’re concerned things are just peachy.
Otherwise, not so much.
Their HQ is in Westfield Plaza, but the base of their
The first problem is that most of their tech requires Stretch operations is the Im-X Visitor Center in the
an app with a subscription service. Not everyone middle of the Stretch. There’s a customer-facing store
can afford it, and many businesses that use it have that sells app subscriptions; due to protests there’s
increased their prices to pass the costs on to their usually a friendly security robot watching the front
customers, so the cost of living in the Stretch is going door at all times, even at night.
up even if you don’t use it.

The second is that all of their tech is covered in sensors.

They say it’s to protect their robots from vandals, but
it’s an open secret that they’ve been pitching their
“valuable data stream” to investors. Visitor numbers


1 Delivery bots 1 Scooter Bots
Deliver food from partnered businesses right to Rideshare scooters, programmed to follow
somewhere near your door. people around and offer their services.

2 Ad bots 2 Statue AIs

Street billboards with AIs that can, in theory, Explain the history of the Stretch on request but
tailor their pitches to passers-by. omits the trans people.

3 Cleaner bots 3 Emergency bots

Occasionally get overzealous and snatch non- First responders, but designed to prioritise
subscriber’s things. avoiding legal action.

4 Guide bots 4 Park bot

Will give a personal tour of the Stretch and its Cheerfully forces the homeless out at night;
sponsored businesses. locals keep pushing it into a pond.

5 Fix bots 5 Security bot

Collect and maintain broken bots, will gift Equipped with stun guns and body cameras.
credits for broken bot reports. Footage is for Im-X only.

6 Botdega cat 6 Robot birds

99% realistic bodega cat, can be customised Simulate rainbow lorikeets while keeping an ear
with microtransactions. out for marketable data.

48 Scenario


The Terabyte Boys are a cybercriminal gang. Their THE T-BOY PLAN
main business is in carding and fraud, but they also Besides their usual schemes, the Boys have a couple
dabble in light robbery (using their hacking skills to of plans running in the Stretch.
knock over convenience stores, mostly) and black-
The first is extortion. They’ve managed to gain access
market cybernetics dealing.
to Im-X’s robot network, and use its surveillance
The T-Boys were founded last year by a group of capabilities to track the Stretch’s tourists. Some of
programmers and engineers who used to work for them are in the closet back home, and the T-Boys
Grand Cross’ transit system. Much of the system was threaten to out them if they’re not paid. But first, they
sold to the tech startup Geryon Aerospace, who extort the businesses they frequent; if they don’t pay,
“disrupted” it by firing most of them and offering to the T-Boys blackmail their patrons. They only target
hire them back as lower-paid temps. Without a union the older Stretch businesses, because the newer
to advocate for them, they were forced to turn to ones don’t care about their queer patrons enough.
crime to survive. Most T-Boys these days are former
The second, newer one is the Dreamer, Overthree (p.
tech workers with a grudge against the world.
53) They found it lying dormant in the abandoned
The T-Boys currently operate out of an an abandoned subway tunnels; they’ve worked out that it’s some
subway station. Grand Cross has a few places like kind of secret Cartel project, but aren’t aware it’s a
this, little accidents of the construction process that murderous rogue robot. Their plan is to auction it
nobody got around to correcting; the gang greased a off in a warehouse near their base, and have been
few palms to kick this one to the bottom of the priority repairing it to increase its sale value. It’s not going to
list. The surface entrance is in fenced-off building in go as well as they think.
an alley behind the IXVC.

1d6 Terabyte Boys

The Multipass
1 Horse Head The Multipass is a contactless smart card
owned by nearly everyone in Grand Cross.
Uses construction-grade cyber-arm to choke
Originally made for the transit system, they’ve
people out.
become valid payment at convenience stores,
2 Ox Face fast food joints, public libraries, vending
machines, and supermarkets. Most stores in
Intimidating, but cheap cybernetic leg gets in
the Stretch take them.
the way of enforcer duties.
The T-Boys use these cards in a lot of schemes.
3 Berzerkeley Fortran “obtained” the parts for a Multipass
Expelled from UC Berkeley a decade ago, still machine when he quit his transit job, and can
mad about it. buy all the groceries he wants. (Transport
officials will probably come down harder on
4 Zigamorph the gang than the actual police.) If the T-Boys
Small-time hacker, dreams of making it big, go after the PCs, they might try to swipe their
haircut by mother. Multipasses for mischief.

5 Lmao Zedong
Legally dead due to bureaucratic error, relies
on Multipasses.

6 Tarpit Turing
Lots of black market cyber that doesn’t work
well together.

Scenario 49
If the PCs try to talk to Im-X, they’ll be redirected If the PCs go to the cops they’ll be directed to Lt.
to Quade, the executive in charge of their Stretch Popoff, their “Diverse Community Liaison Officer”.
operations. His official title is Senior Paradigm The DCLO is a position invented to keep Popoff from
Orchestrator, whatever that means. Quade used to interfering with real police work, which tells you a
live in (or at least near) the Stretch, and says Im-X’s lot about both Popoff and how the police treat the
venture is his way of “giving back to the community”. Stretch.

Quade is secretly aware the robot network is Popoff is a US immigrant who made lieutenant
compromised, but delays doing anything about it because he’s the brother-in-law of a politician. He’s
for as long as possible. He’s busy trying to acquire a decent at the basic cop stuff - organising patrols,
certain black market robot he thinks his bosses will making arrests, smiling at cameras - but that’s about
like... it. As far as he’s concerned, the camera part is his job.

Appearance: Tall, gangly, looks about fifteen years Appearance: Soft and friendly-looking, in a generic
older than he is thanks to his habit of latching onto way. Usually wears the beatific smile of a dude who
“bodyhacking” and dieting fads. (He’s currently eating failed upwards all his life. Can effortlessly code-
a lot of fungus from the moon, which he is ready to switch between “cop who is trying a little too hard
explain at length to absolutely anyone who walks into to connect with queer kids” and “guy who is trying a
his office.) Says “get with the program” a lot. little too hard to look like a cop”.

Personality: Quade wants to receive maximum Personality: Anton is an affable man-baby, easy to
praise for minimum work. He’s deeply invested in Im- flatter but hard to get any work out of. He tends to
X’s Stretch initiative and takes any criticism of it as assume that cops must be right and anyone who
a personal attack. Underneath his smile, he’s willing disagrees is a latent criminal. Many of his opinions
to throw anyone under the bus to help his promotion are things other cops told him (like “not wanting cops
prospects. at pride is the new racism”), which he repeats without
really thinking about.
Goal: Wait until the auction, then buy the Dreamer.
If anyone makes trouble in the meantime, he’ll throw Goal: Anton avoids anything that sounds complicated,
money and robots at the problem until it goes away. claiming that “those people” would probably prefer to
deal with it themselves. For example, if told about the
Quade will throw anyone and anything under the bus
T-Boy base, Popoff “sends a unit in”: two guys knock
to help his promotion prospects: the PCs, the Boys,
on the subway door to see if anyone’s there and leave
even the Stretch. He won’t act directly, but there’s
when nobody answers. He’d much rather show up
a lot of things you can do with enough money and
after someone else solves the problem, pick up the
pieces, and take the credit.

50 Scenario


Leader and co-founder of the Terabyte Boys. It began If you need a T-Boy henchman, use Segfault Steve.
as a desperate plot to pay his bills, but it’s since He’s a black-hat hacker and wannabe tough guy who
become his revenge against a station that wronged does a lot of the T-Boys’ extortion work because he
him. To be honest, he might even appreciate it if gets off on it.
Overthree wrecked a bunch of it for him.
Appearance: A nervous man with big sideburns
Appearance: Sharp, bitter, terrible moustache. who wears a lot of wearable tech for the sake of
Fortran wears fancy AR shades to hide his black- looking like the kind of guy who can afford a lot of
market cyber-eyes and cheap suits because he’s wearable tech. He got some minor cybernetic augs
under the mistaken impression that they make him that made him a better programmer at the behest of
look cool. his former company.

Personality: A wannabe preacher with a gun. Goode Personality: Segfault is a mediocre hacker but a
describes himself as a transhumanist; if you didn’t good storyteller; he talks a big game, and he’s really
know what that was before you met him you’d assume good at threatening people. He spends a lot of his free
it means “angry transphobe”. He’s also a pragmatic time watching flat Earth videos, and will eventually
man and a skilled hacker, who won’t shy away from steer every conversation into a discussion of how
a violent solution if he thinks it’s the most effective. dark matter is invisible to the entire electromagnetic
spectrum but has gravitational effects. It’s invisible,
Goal: Get power, get money, use it to hurt other
but it bends light that passes through it. This
people. Ideally, get away with it.
gravitational lensing is what makes Earth appear
spherical when actually -

Goal: Do whatever the T-Boys tell him to do, bully

queer people, and run away if it looks like he’s about
to get his ass kicked.


1 Smiling Sammy B 1 Ivy Akagi
Former construction android who dabbles in Nurse at a local clinic, helps neighbours with
recreational drug software. minor problems on the side.

2 Dariusz Schiffer 2 Rory Rosek

Retired orbital worker who developed mild Systems engineer in the early stages of a tragic
pronoia as a side-effect of brain augs. “reading Foucault” phase.

3 Kelly L33t 3 Wes Chesley

Excitable hacker who grew up here. Likes Local Burger Kong owner, keeps trying to
robots, Lovecraft, conspiracy theories. sponsor every activist event he sees.

4 A.J. Ceres 4 Roll Cinnamon

Government translator, helps their neighbours Grand Cross U student working as a data
deal with bureaucracy on the side. courier to pay tuition, has a brain aug.

5 Zhao Liu 5 Noel Narvaez

Cyber-eyed worker at Club Eternity and Insufferable middle manager, loves conservative
orphaned daughter of station workers. punk, this friggin’ guy.

6 Amadi Jackstadt 6 Rito Cortez

Aging accountant, came out as gay 20 years L4 Disaster refugee and part-time activist
ago and an anarchist last week. scraping by in a dead-end Im-X job.

Scenario 51
Some simple encounters. Terabyte Boys can be
Simple Opponents
encountered in groups of up to 5. For more detailed
When simple Opponents take damage, they take
encounters, stat them as PCs.
1 damage for every box they’d normally mark.
(If they’d mark box 5, for example, they take 5

The average Terabyte Boy, if there is such a thing, is a Actions
thug with a hacker’s ambition and fashion sense. E-Chaff
An underground concoction of wi-fi signal blockers
Level: 2 Defense: 7
mixed with a liberal dose of metal shavings, painful
Health: A Terabyte Boy will flee the scene or be shrapnel, and dust for effect. Once per fight, the
knocked out after taking 3 damage. (5 if they’re a Terabyte Boy can make a Ranged Attack; if he hits, it
ringleader.) grants Advantage to anyone attempting to hack the
affected target’s tech.
Gear: A basic hacking suite, an unsilenced pistol they
won’t use in public, and a simple melee weapon.

• Heavily Cybered: +1 Tough Defense.
• Rude: Social Mood around Terabyte Boys is never
Friendly unless they want to sell you something or
they think you’re a cool hacker.

A more powerful Terabyte Boy. Actions
Augment Hack
Level: 2 Defense: 7
>> 2d6+3 VS target’s Clever Defense
Health: A Terabyte Boy will flee the scene or be A Big Boy can try a quick and dirty hack on any target
knocked out after taking 3 damage. (5 if they’re a affected by E-Chaff. On a success, they disable one
ringleader.) Augment or another piece of tech until the target
makes a Clever saving throw VS 12 at the end of their
Gear: A better hacking suite, an unsilenced pistol they
will not use in public, and a simple melee weapon.

• Hacker: +1 to all Hacking rolls.
• Heavily Cybered: +1 Tough Defense.
• Rude: Social Mood around Terabyte Boys is never
Friendly unless they want to sell you something or
they think you’re a cool hacker.

52 Scenario

The Dreamer “Overthree” is a large, floating, Actions
gyroscopically stabilized sphere of metal with a Electronic Interference
touchscreen monitor on the front. It can extend up This tech is what attracted the Terabyte Boys’
to six tendrils from itself, though in practice it rarely attention. >000’s central monitor can flash odd
likes to show more than three at a time. Each tendril signals which mysteriously interfere with wireless
is equipped with a different piece of repurposed signals and electronics. It chooses one target. While
asteroid mining tech. (The floating part was added that target is in sight, it cannot Hack. Any Assets
after it went rogue, and the technology is a mystery with electronic components, including Augments,
to humans.) immediately cease functioning. This effect ends
when >000 stops targeting them.
Overthree was designed to harvest asteroids for
resources. It could do that job, if it wasn’t obsessed Advanced Mining Tools
with calculating pi. Not reaching the end; just >000 makes a Ranged attack. If the dice show a 3
calculating it, over and over, like a lullaby it sings or 4, it instead fires on a seemingly random element
to itself. It finds numbers in excess of 3.141592... to of the scenery which displeased it aesthetically and
be displeasing, including the number of limbs on a misses the original target.
human and its own tendrils.
Ray Attack
Unfortunately, it cannot self-terminate. When the >000 makes a Ranged attack against one target. On a
Boys found it, Overthree had blown several circuits hit, roll 1d6 to choose an effect:
and lapsed into a self-hating meditation. Should
1 Vibration Ray: This non-lethal ray agitates the
Overthree be reactivated, it will set about “correcting”
surface of a target, heating it and making it pliable
any non-π structures it encounters. Hopefully it
for mining. It makes humans and androids deeply
doesn’t come to that.
uncomfortable, but it’s not painful. The target
Level: 6 Defense: 11 suffers Disadvantage on all rolls until they either
make a Cool saving throw VS 16 at the end of their
Health: >000 will take -1 to all rolls when it has suffered
turn, or get out of >000’s sight.
4 damage, roll 1d6 instead of 2d6 on all actions after 8
2 Overcharged RCS Thruster: The target must
damage, and be disabled at 12 damage.
make a Tough saving throw VS 16 or be pushed
Traits backwards roughly 3-4 meters in the most
• Decentralized Alien Sentience: >000 takes three inconvenient way possible.
actions every turn. It can only use one Ray Attack 3 Shrapnel: The target must make a Quick saving
and one Electronic Interference per turn. It can throw VS 16 or be peppered with tiny metallic
use any other regular Attack, and its own Attacks shrapnel designed to polish rock surfaces. Take -1
never become Inactive. on all actions. This is cumulative. Attempt an attack
• Ponderous: >000 always uses Tough Defense and make a saving throw VS 16 to end this effect.
against attacks and can never be knocked down. It 4 Grapple: The target is hooked and reeled in. It
can be pushed around. It is somewhat larger than is Grappled (see the Grab Attack in the combat
a person. chapter) until it makes a Quick or Tough saving
• Incomprehensible: It can talk. It can understand. throw at the end of its turn VS 16, and can make no
It just doesn’t care. >000 will not communicate attacks that involve movement.
with humans in any way they can comprehend. 5 Mystery Ray: Whatever tech this is, it bears no
• Dangerous Tools: When >000 rolls a Critical on resemblance to anything you’ve seen before. The
a Ranged attack, the attack cannot be mitigated target and all targets in its area must make Clever
by armor. saving throws VS 16 or become disoriented, rolling
one less die on all actions until the beginning of
>000’s next turn. If they already suffered one less
die, they can take no action at all and fall over.
6 Goop: The target must make a Quick saving
throw VS 16 or have one carried Asset be struck
by a goopy, gluey substance which encases and
disables it for the duration of the fight. On a critical,
the Asset instead dissolves entirely. >000 will only
target weapons with Goop, and if the target carries
none, this attack has no effect.

Scenario 53
Level: 2 Defense: 7 If the group decides to move against Im-X:
Health: The Drone is disabled once it takes 3 damage. Control over the Strech bot network is
centralized at the Im-X Visitor Center. Their
internal servers hold plenty of otherwise
Hover: Security Drones have +1 Quick Defense and can fly.
unsecured evidence that the company is fully
Actions aware of how invasive and compromised its
Security App tech is; it’s just illegal enough to make the
The Drone assesses the local threat. If any two of the following Offworld Cartel and other authorities actually
are true: care to act, if there’s a public outcry.
• The drone can intervene with minimal risk of damage to The network level of the IXVC is 5. This is
Im-X property, including itself. reduced to 4 if the group is able to locate Echo
• A paid-up subscriber is in danger. Tam, a former admin who was downsized for
• Intervening is not likely to make Im-X liable for damages. caring too much about the locals. It is raised to
• The threat is targeting a premium subscriber, an influencer 6 again if the hackers lose their Ghost.
with an Im-X sponsorship, or an Im-X shareholder/executive.
The network is actively overseen by an
Then the Drone summons 3+1d3 Security Bots. They arrive administrative AI called Elder Eye.
within 1 minute in any public location in the Marsha Stretch.
Once they arrive, the Security Drone attempts to flee.


Level: 2 Defense: 7

Health: The Drone is disabled once it takes 5 damage.

54 Scenario

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