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Task 1

1. Outline the Kyoto Protocol and Australia’s obligations under the Protocol, as well
as its current targets and the adequacy of these targets.

Ans: Kyoto protocol is a treaty where many developed and developing countries of the world are
its member. The treaty is signed to manage the level of green house emissions. They are related
with six gases i.e. carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydro fluorocarbons, per
fluorocarbons, and Sulphur hexafluoride that are called green house gases. Australian obligations
under the protocol is to make better policies and strategies by following strict rules to meet the
target and ensure successful implementation of the policies and strategies. Current targets of
Kyoto protocol for Australia’s emission are 26% to 28 % by 2030.

2. Outline
the purpose and scope of the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean
Development and Climate.

Ans: Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (APP) is a partnership among
various developing and developed countries of the world. The purpose of this partnership is to
collaborate with major countries and private partners to get clean environment along with:

 Use of better technologies.

 Sustainable growth by achieving set targets of energy preservation and climate.

The scope of APP is wide that includes new technologies, extensive researches and development
of renewable sources of energy, use of technologies that consume less energy and many more.

3.Outline the purpose and scope of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

Ans: Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) is part of
environment legislation of government of Australia. Its purpose is to protect world heritage
properties, national heritage places, wetlands of international importance, nationally threatened
species and ecological communities, migratory species, Commonwealth marine areas, the Great
Barrier Reef Marine Park, and nuclear actions. The Scope of the act is very wide as it covers all
the areas of protecting heritage places, natural biodiversity, and environment. The act will be
helpful is solving the problem of increasing climate change in the future also.

4.Outline the purpose and scope of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation (EPBC) Act Regulations.
Ans: Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 is part of environment
legislation of government of Australia. Its purpose is to protect world heritage properties,
national heritage places, wetlands of international importance, nationally threatened species and
ecological communities, migratory species, Commonwealth marine areas, the Great Barrier Reef
Marine Park, nuclear actions. The purpose of the regulation is to help and guide in the
development of strategies and issue guidelines for protecting environment. The Scope of the act
is very wide as it covers all the areas of protecting heritage places, natural biodiversity, and
environment. The act will be helpful is solving the problem of climate change rapidly in the
future also.

5.Outline the purpose and scope of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting

Ans: National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme is made to control and manage
greenhouse gas emissions in Australia where the companies are provided with framework for
making reports and publishing information on greenhouse gas emissions, production of energy
and consumption of energy. The act helps the companies to show their actual results related with
green house gases and adopt contro measure where required. The act is wide in scope as in future
the government will use the scheme for controlling greenhouse gas emission and preserving

6. Outlinethe purpose and scope of the Australian Packaging Covenant voluntary

code of practice.

Ans: Australian Packaging Covenant is an agreement where the companies’ related with supply
chain try to reduce the ill effects of packaging of the consumer goods. The purpose of the code
are packaging should be designed efficiently, packaging waste should be minimized, recyclable
packaging should be used and timely actions should be taken to reduce the bad impacts of the
litter. The code covers all the companies that are related with any type of supply chain to
minimize the impacts of packaging waste.

7. Outline the purpose and scope of the Australian Ecolabel Program voluntary code
of practice.  

Ans: The purpose of Australian Ecolabel Program is to consider the manufacturing process
starting from the biodegrading of the product to follow the rules and specification. When the
companies use natural products in process of manufacturing, it increases the performance by
giving low maintenance and full of colours in the products. The companies can use such
ingredients in manufacturing process that are environment friendly. The program is applicable on
all the companies engaged in manufacturing process.

8.Identify one internal information source and one external information source that
can be used to plan and develop a company’s sustainability policy. For each source,
explain how this source can be used to develop the sustainability policy.
Ans: To make plan and develop sustainability policy for a company, there are two sources that
can be used i.e. internal sources and external sources. These sources help to collect relevant
information about the company that help in making plans and policies for sustainability. For
internal sources the company can use internal business meetings with the management and
supervisors where the feedbacks and suggestions will be the main information source. For
external source, the companies can go to supply chian partners. Good relation with supply chain
partners help in gaining information about the activities that provide consistency in results, better
quality services and good reputation of the company.

9. Explain the key steps in a policy development process.

Ans: Policy development is a process where the companies collect information and then made
policies for the accomplishment of some goal. The companies usually perform following steps:
 Identification of need: The area where policy is to be developed is checked and
need for the policy is analysed.
 Fix responsibility: The whole process of making a draft of the policy is handed over
to a person or team along with authorities.
 Collect Information: To make draft, the team collect information from internal and
external sources to make draft.
 Draft Policy: After collecting sufficient information, taking objectives, resources
and requirement into consideration, draft is prepared.
 Approve policy in meetings: The draft is discussed in meeting and corrections are
 Final Policy: The suggestion provided in meeting is considered and the policy is
 Implementation: In last, the policy is tried to successfully implement to get desired

10. Explain the main components of a policy document.

Ans: The main components of a policy document are given as below:

 Objectives: The objective means the purpose to accomplish which the process of policy
development is being performed.
 Principles, values and Philosophies: These are the components that are considered
while making policy document that guide the company about what to perform and what
not to perform.
 Strategies: These are the planned actions that are taken to successfully implement any
 Action Plan to achieve objectives: It is a document that contains specific actions
required to perform to accomplish the objectives.
 Performance Review: After completing the activities, performance is reviewed to check
the completion status and find out the deficiencies in the result.
11. Outline policy development practices that may be used in response to resistance to
the introduction of policies.

Ans: In policy development, some resistance has to face by the company management. To deal
with the resistance, the company should communicate the policy in such a way the employees
can understand it in the way it is prepared. The employees should be involved in policy
development process. Their involvement and active participation will decrease the resistance.
Moreover, the employees should be trained to made them comfortable in the policy development
and understand the policy well in practical also. The training can change their thinking towards
the change.

12. Outline
why a company may choose to implement an environmental management
system (EMS). List at least three reasons why a company may implement an EMS.

Ans: An Environmental Management System (EMS) is a tool for companies to improve their
performance in the area of environment. Some companies implement an EMS to match the
requirements of legal requirements. Implementing EMS helps to create a positive image and add
on to their goodwill. Following explained are the reasons to implement EMS for the companies:
 Reduction of Waste: The companies can learn to reduce the waste by recycling or
choosing some innovative techniques.
 Maximization of Resources: The companies implementing EMS reduce wastage; try
to optimally utilize the resources that ultimately result in maximization of the
 Reduction of Environmental risk: The activities of the companies that can result in
environment risk, can be identified and reduced to maximum extent for saving the
13. Outline at least three key components of an EMS.

Ans: There are many component of an EMS. Three of them having greater importance are
explained as below:
 Resources: The main thing is the company should have sufficient resources to install
the system and its successful implementation.
 Accountability: The companies using the system have accountability where bad
activities are penalized and good activities are appreciated.
 Evaluation and Improvement: Periodic evaluation is must to check environmental
activities and the areas required development or improved. Timely evaluation helps
in timely action.

14. Outline
how a business can use environmental sustainability indicators and two
examples of indicators that can be used.
Ans: Environmental sustainability indicators are used to measure the progress of environmental
system with the passage of time. The indicators help in evaluation of the performance of goals,
communication the stakeholders about status, and comparison of actions. The companies use
different indicators for the purpose.
 Quantitative Indicators: The indicators where the quantification of results are
possible. E.g. total amount of CO2 or hazardous waste products in environment.
 Qualitative Indicators: The indicators those are not possible to express in quantity
e.g. social responsibility of a company towards environment and change in cultural
values etc.
15. Outline
how a business can use life cycle management procedures to assist with
implementing sustainability practices.

Ans: Life cycle management is a technique used to improve the sustainability performance of the
companies. The companies having sustainable performance create more values and their
goodwill increases. The companies can use this technique to target, organize, manage and
analyse information about the activities, product and services. The companies can connect the
technique with operational activities and improve the performance. It helps the company in
building capacity and supporting decision making process. After getting the information about
various actions, the companies can manage to develop the required areas.

16. Outlineat least two barriers to introducing policies and procedures, and strategies
that can be used to address each of the barriers you identify.
Ans: For the companies in introducing policies and procedures following are the main barriers:

 Resistance by the employees: The employees always resist changes as they think changes
as a risk to their jobs.
 Lack of Communication: The leaders always communicate the policies and assume the
employees to adjust accordingly.
To overcome the above barriers, the companies should involve the employees in policy
development process starting from where the concept starts. This way the employees can
understand the policy and will support in implementation. The leaders should make understand
to the employees that how the policy will affect then and the company.


1. Develop a briefing report

Ans: Grow Management Consultants

Sustainability policy and procedures briefing report


The company is interested in performing the activities that are economically and ecologically
viable and effective for the human being and other living things. The company does not have any
sustainability policy currently but wishes to develop as per its strategic plan to get desired

Sustainability facts and figures

Sustainability is the capability to reserve and safeguard the natural resources and ecosystem for
the present generation and without affecting the need of the future generations. Natural resources
are utilized by the companies to balance the activities and without affecting the environment.

Sustainability Facts and Figures:

 Old Lighting system that consumes more electricity.

 Switch on the electrical equipments when are not in use.
 Use of old equipments that need up gradation.
 Less awareness in staff to save energy.
 Staffs are using old cars that need up gradation.
 Nearby railway station is an alternative to save environment.
 Purchase of the equipment that have no or less need.
 Use of plastic during catering services.
 Use of regular cleaning products.

Sustainability benefits:
 Reduction in employee’s sickness, absenteeism and turnover.
 Improve productivity.
 Job satisfaction to the employees.
 Retention of talented employees with the company for long time.
 Less wastage of the limited resources of the company.
 Optimum utilization of the resources.
 Less cost of operations to the company.
 More revenue generation to the company.
 Better public image of the company in society.
 Better quality products as the employees are satisfied from their jobs.
 Better competitive position of the company in the market.

Business planning, opportunities and sustainability

To successfully implement sustainability policy and procedure, the company should have a
business plan:
 With plan the company can ensure achievement of the desired goals.
 With planning efficiency and productivity of the activities and operations is increased.
 The company can focus on complying with rules of the company and legal requirements.
 The company can get success in portray its positive image in front of the customers with
planned actions.
 The company can achieve the balance of using natural products for saving energy without
impacting the environment.

Example sustainability policies and procedures

 Use of LED lighting: The Company has old lighting system that consumes more energy.
Replacement of the old lights with LED lighting will help in saving energy to the
maximum extent.
 Use of Railway Station: The staff can approach the railway station to reach the office as
the staff is currently using cars that are of old quality and pollutes the environment.
 Use of Recyclable products and equipments: The company should use the equipment
and products that are recyclable as there is mentioned that catering service providers is
using plastic and cleaning partner using normal cleaning instruments.

Life cycle mapping

Life cycle mapping is a process a company can use to map the stages of manufacturing of
products in the company and outside the company. After mapping it is easy to find out the stages
where sustainability policies can be applied.
Life cycle stages: The life cycle has three stages. First is cradle which is related with the raw
material or input. Next stage is gate where the manufactured product is completed and ready for
sale. Next and last stage is grave that is related to the actual sale to the final consumer.

Life Cycle Mapping:

 Cradle: Here the company’s raw material is ink, paper, and cardboard for packing.
 Production: The raw material is used to start the production process in the company.
 Gate: The finished product is ready to be delivered to the Australian customers and
American customers
 Grave: The product is delivered through transport to the final customers.
 End of life: the end of life of the books depends upon the customers.

Life Cycle Matrix: As per the information the product is at its maturity stage as the techniques
have been outdated and need revision.

 The company should try online version of books to save the paper.
 Online books reduce transportation cost.
 Technologies being used in manufacturing process should be updated
 The Company has old lighting system that consumes more energy. Replacement of the
old lights with LED lighting will help in saving energy to the maximum extent.
 The staff can approach the railway station to reach the office as the staff is currently
using cars that are of old quality and pollutes the environment.
 The company should use the equipment and products that are recyclable as there is
mentioned that catering service providers is using plastic and cleaning partner using
normal cleaning instruments.

Legal requirements in relation to workplace sustainability

There are number of rules, regulations and legal requirements related with workplace
sustainability. Some of them are as below:
 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) is part of
environment legislation of government of Australia. Its purpose is to protect world
heritage properties, national heritage places, wetlands of international importance,
nationally threatened species and ecological communities, migratory species,
Commonwealth marine areas, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, and nuclear actions.
 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme is made to control and manage
greenhouse gas emissions in Australia where the companies are provided with framework
for making reports and publishing information on greenhouse gas emissions, production
of energy and consumption of energy.
 Australian Packaging Covenant is an agreement where the companies’ related with
supply chain try to reduce the ill effects of packaging of the consumer goods.

Example sustainability actions to inform action plan.

 The company should try to launch the books online.
 The equipment should be purchased only when needed
 Lighting system of the company should be upgraded.
 The staff should use pooled cars or railway to reach the office.
 The products should be recyclable.

Performance Indicators

The performance indicators help the companies check their performance and take timely actions.
The indicators can be quantitative and qualitative also some of them are as below:
 Consumption of electricity
 Expenditure of the employees on car
 Expenditure on publishing the books in hard copy form.
 Social image of the company.
 Check level of pollution in the company.

Options for strategies to ensure continuous improvement of resource efficiency

For the accomplishment of any objective, the company should have sufficient resources.
Following are the strategies to ensure resource efficiency continues to occur.
 The resources should be allocated optimally as per their need.
 Timely review of allotted resources and their actual consumption should be checked.
 The wastage of resources should be strictly prohibited.
 The person who found guilty should be penalized and who use wisely should be
 Weekly staff meeting should be help to discuss the progress.
 Staff suggestions can be taken for better participation.

Policy options

 Use of energy saving techniques: The Company should recycle the products that are
possible. The lighting should be replaced with LED lighting. Cars should be avoided to
save the environment. The policy is effective and can be achieved in two months target
with a little bit high cost.
 Use of online launching of books: This policy will save paper, ink and packaging
expenses. It will help to reduce the expenses of the company and efforts will be
appreciated as are in trend.

Proposed scope of the policy

The above proposed policy of sustainability will help the company to maintain a balance of the
environment. The policy is covering all the areas of the company where there is chance of
improvements. Following will be the benefits of the policy:
 Reduction in employee’s sickness, absenteeism and turnover.
 Improve productivity.
 Job satisfaction to the employees.
 Retention of talented employees with the company for long time.
 Less wastage of the limited resources of the company.
 Optimum utilization of the resources.
 Less cost of operations to the company.
 More revenue generation to the company.
 Better public image of the company in society.

2. Send an email to Paul (your assessor)

To: Paul

From: Policy Developer

Subject: Sustainability policy and procedure briefing Report

Dear Paul,

I am writing to inform you that I have prepared a Sustainability policy and procedure briefing
Report after a detailed investigation. I would like to summarize the report here.

The report is about sustainability policies you wish to develop in the company, and their benefits
to the company. Our company has no such policy. But we plan to expand in the future and
include the concept of sustainability to take its benefits. With sustainability, the company will get
insights and better opportunities and think beyond the box.

Sustainability is the capability to reserve and safeguard the natural resources and ecosystem for
the present generation and without affecting the need of the future generations. Natural resources
are utilized by the companies to balance the activities and without affecting the environment.
With sustainability policy, the employees are more satisfied. The company can prepare better
quality product with less coast and more profits. The resources are optimally utilized. But to get
all these benefits it is require preparing plans before starting for its successful implementation.
There are some suggestions for the company:

 The Company has old lighting system that consumes more energy. Replacement of the
old lights with LED lighting will help in saving energy to the maximum extent.
 The staff can approach the railway station to reach the office as the staff is currently
using cars that are of old quality and pollutes the environment.
 The company should use the equipment and products that are recyclable as there is
mentioned that catering service providers is using plastic and cleaning partner using
normal cleaning instruments.
 The company should try online version of books to save the paper.
 Online books reduce transportation cost.
 Technologies being used in manufacturing process should be updated
 The Company has old lighting system that consumes more energy. Replacement of the
old lights with LED lighting will help in saving energy to the maximum extent.
 The staff can approach the railway station to reach the office as the staff is currently
using cars that are of old quality and pollutes the environment.
 The company should use the equipment and products that are recyclable as there is
mentioned that catering service providers is using plastic and cleaning partner using
normal cleaning instruments.

If the company adopts sustainability policy, there are some legal requirements that are to be
complied with:
 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme
 Australian Packaging Covenant

With good plans, it is also required to check performance along with. To check the performance
the company can use some qualitative and quantitative indicators explained in policy to get
knowledge of the target completion status.
The above proposed policy of sustainability will help the company to maintain a balance of the
environment. The policy is covering all the areas of the company where there is chance of
The above explained is the summary of the report. I have attached the report also and take many
prints out of the report if anyone is interested to read. I am looking forward to your valuable
suggestion. Please inform the place, date and venue of the meeting so that the above policy can
be discussed with all.

Policy Developer

3. Participate in a meeting with the stakeholders.

4. Send an email to all stakeholders at the meeting (your assessor).


To: The stakeholders

From: Policy Developer

Subject: Sustainability policy and procedure briefing Report

Dear Stakeholders,

I am writing to inform you that I have prepared a Sustainability policy and procedure briefing
Report after a detailed investigation. The report was discussed in the meeting where I got good
response and the members give their valuable ideas and suggestion that I would like to
summarize here.

The members have suggested that our focus should be on two areas i.e. e books and energy
conservation in office. To launch e books will help the company in reducing cost and increasing
the profits along with saving the environment. Energy conservation is possible as there are many
areas where the staff members are wasting energy.
All the members were completely agree with the policy but with above adjustments. The
outcomes mentioned, performance indicators and the method of sustainability were given
consent by them.
I ensured them that the policy and procedure mentioned in report will be revised as per their
suggestions and it will help the company to maintain a balance of the environment. The policy is
covering all the areas of the company where there is chance of improvements.
The above explained is the summary of the meeting. I am still looking forward to your valuable

Policy Developer

5. Develop the sustainability policy and procedures.

Ans: Grow Management Consultants
Sustainability Policy and Procedures

Purpose statement

The main purpose of the policy is to maintain the wish of the company in performing the
activities that are economically and ecologically viable and effective for the human being and
other living things.
Due to absence of sustainability policy in the company there are some issues like wastage of
electricity, unplanned purchases, wastage of non renewable resources and use of things that harm
the environment. To solve these issues, this policy is being designed.

Scope of the policy

The scope of the policy is wider as it covers all the activities. Mainly the manufacturing activities
and issues related with wastage of energy are the main areas of concern.

Policy principles
For successful implementation there are some principles of the policy that are compulsory to

 The activities to be followed for sustainability policy should support the main objective
of the company.
 The rules, regulations and cultural values for the company should be followed to maintain
the integrity.
 The company should follow the policy in actual and show its full commitment.
 The legal requirements are also required to company with for better public image and
goodwill of the company.

Procedure title Responsibility

1. Planning: Before starting any activity, Directors and Department Managers
there should be plan about what to do, how
to do, when to do, which will perform etc.
Along with budget and resources

2. Organizing: As per plan, the work and Department Managers

resources are allocated keeping in mind the
capabilities and interests.

3. Implementation: The plans should be Employees of the company

communicated to the employees to ensure
they understand the plan and work

4. Follow up: The actual performance of the Supervisor and the department managers
employees should be evaluated with the
standards. The deficiency can be improved

6. Develop an action plan for the upcoming 12 months.

Grow Management Consultants

Sustainability Action Plan

Current: (March, 2021)

Issues Comments
1 The company is using conventional equipments and technologies without any up
gradation e.g. old books and lighting system.

2 There is no awareness of energy conservation and the employees are careless who
switch on the lights when the office is closed.

3 The employees are using their own cars individually that pollute the environment

4 The company is using the plastic article that pollute environment

5 The cleaning products of the company are also outdated.

Future: (March, 2022)

No. Objectives Measures of Performance

1 Launch of E-Books Reduction in expenditure of ink, paper
and cardboard for packing.
2 Up gradation of conventional lighting Reduction in electricity bills and saving
system of electricity.
3 Awareness to the employees about Less pollution and less expenditure to
updating their old cars or use rail to the employees
4 Use recyclable articles for catering and Better services and public image.
cleaning purposes.
Strategy for Achieving Objectives

Strategies Step by Step Plan Due Date Name

Launch of E- Directors and

a. Planning for launching the e books April,
Books Senior
with alternatives. 2021

Directors and
b. Make budget to compare with old May,
product. 2021

c. Start publishing online and June, Operation

implementation of the plan. 2021 Manager

July, Administration
d. Evaluation of the results.
2021 Officer

Up gradation of a. Plan to install new lighting system Directors and

conventional and recyclable articles along with Senior
lighting system budgets. Consultants
and use of
Directors and
recyclable b. Search for service provider and Septembe
products compare their process. r, 2021

October, Operation
c. Finalize and implement the activity
2021 Manager

Novembe Administration
d. Evaluate the performance.
r, 2021 Officer

Awareness to a. Take feedback of the employees on Decembe Administration

the employees the matter of sustainability r, 2021 Officer
about updating
Directors and
their old cars or b. Introduce the plan of pooling and use January,
use rail to reach of alternative instead 2022

c. Take their suggestion and convince to February, Operation

implement 2022 Manager

March, Administration
d. Evaluate the performance
2022 Officer
7. Send an email to the Principal Consultants (your assessor).

To: Principal Consultants

From: Policy Developer

Subject: Sustainability policy and procedure and Action Plan

Dear Principal Consultants,

I am writing to inform you that I have prepared a Sustainability policy and procedure and action
plan after a detailed investigation. I have also taken in to consideration the valuable ideas and
suggestion provided in the previous meeting. I would like to summarize the documents here.

First document is policy and procedure for obtaining sustainability in the company. It aims to
maintain the wish of the company in performing the activities that are economically and
ecologically viable and effective for the human being and other living things. Due to absence of
sustainability policy in the company there are some issues like wastage of electricity, unplanned
purchases, wastage of non renewable resources and use of things that harm the environment. To
solve these issues, this policy is being designed. The scope of the policy is wider as it covers all
the activities. Mainly the manufacturing activities and issues related with wastage of energy are
the main areas of concern. The main principles are to comply with rules and legal requirements.
To get desired results the company has to follow the steps; planning, organizing, implementation
and follow up.

The next document is the action plan for next 12 months where the areas of attention, the
objectives and actions to achieve those objectives are explained.

The above document will help the company to maintain a balance of the environment. The policy
is covering all the areas of the company where there is chance of improvements.

The above explained is the summary of the documents. I have attached both the documents. I am
looking forward to your valuable suggestion.
Policy Developer

Task 3

2. Send an email to your assessor.

To: Paul

From: Policy Developer

Subject: Sustainability policy and procedure Presentation

Dear Paul,

I am writing to inform you that I have prepared a Sustainability policy and procedure
presentation after taking into consideration all the suggestions provided in the meeting. The
presentation covers all the important area of the policy and a good medium to communicate to
the employees. I would like to summarize it here.

In starting the sustainability is introduced for better understanding.Sustainability is the capability

to reserve and safeguard the natural resources and ecosystem for the present generation and
without affecting the need of the future generations. Natural resources are utilized by the
companies to balance the activities and without affecting the environment.

In the next part some facts and figures of sustainability are discussed that show its need. After
that, benefits are explained as summarized here: With sustainability policy, the employees are
more satisfied. The company can prepare better quality product with less coast and more profits.
The resources are optimally utilized. But to get all these benefits it is require preparing plans
before starting for its successful implementation.

If the company adopts sustainability policy, there are some legal requirements that are to be
complied with:
 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme
 Australian Packaging Covenant

With good plans, it is also required to check performance along with. To check the performance
the company can use some qualitative and quantitative indicators explained in policy to get
knowledge of the target completion status.
In the last part two policy options are discussed i.e. use of e-books and conservation of energy
The above policy of sustainability will help the company to maintain a balance of the
environment. The policy is covering all the areas of the company where there is chance of

The above explained is the summary that I have attached in the email. I am looking forward to
your valuable suggestion.

Policy Developer

3. Deliver your presentation.

Task 4

1. Undertake an inspection of your RTO facility.


Environmental Sustainability and Resource Usage Record

Areas of RTO & practices reviewed Provide a brief description of the issue in this section.

Use of consumables/ materials/ technology/ The issues found in the concerned sections are:
equipment  The lights and computers use more energy.
 Identify equipment that use energy and  The electronic equipments were found on even
determine which equipment uses the when they were not being used. The equipment was
most/least energy? left on till next day the office opened.
 Are switches left on overnight/weekend?  Staff member do not use sleep mode and careless in
 Do staffs use the sleep mode/screen their attitude.
saver?  The equipments being used currently are outdated
 What practices are currently in place to and consume more electricity than required.
help minimise energy wastage?

Energy usage e.g. water, electricity gas In usage of energy, following results are found:
 How is energy used on a daily basis?  The usage of energy is very high as the staff
 What things/tasks use up the most members are using them carelessly and paying no
energy? attention.
 Are switches left on overnight/weekend?  Lights and computers consume most of the energy.
 Is staff using energy sensibly?  The staffs are not at all sensible in using energy.
 What practices are in place to support  The water facility is also not being used with care.
effective energy use? Conventional method of energy is the biggest reason of

Waste In waste management, the company is good. There is dust

 Describe workplace waste. bins placed at various places. The staff members are using
 How is it disposed of? the bins with lot of attention.
 Are staff conscious of waste management But the company should focus on recycled products,
practices e.g. recycling, reuse, and reusable products.

Date of inspection or review: 10 March 2021 Completed by: 20 March 2021

2. Develop a memo for staff about best practice sustainability procedures.

Memo for staff about best practice sustainability procedures
Following the sustainability policy and procedures to balance the environments, reduce cost of
operations and save the environment, the company had decided to focus on saving the electricity.
The employees are asking to decrease the energy consump tion. The changes will help us in
complying the legal requirements and our country can achieve i ts target in saving energy. The saved
energy can be utilized for productive purposes and cost to the company will reduce. To save the
energy in the company, the employees are asked to:
 The staff should use screen saver in their computers.
 When the work has been completed, the lights and computer should be off.
 Use of heaters should be only when needed and heaters should be replaced with
new one.
 The lights and computers should be off during the night.
 Turn off the lights and equipments when the areas are not under use.
 The LED lights should be used for saving energy.
 Run only one appliance at a time.
The above efforts made consistently will help us to create better workplace. It will help in
avoiding energy crisis, save money and environment. All the staff members have always
positively contributed to the betterment of our company. It is time to work together to save
energy efficient.

3. Develop a Sustainability Register


Sustainability Register

Origin Reported Actions Deliverable Responsibility Priority Timeline Complete Comments

opportunity s s
Conventional Less Use of Replacing Administration 1 1 April 2021 High
lights that expenditure LED lights with modern officer Priority
consume to save lights will
more energy energy save energy
are being up to 50 %

Lights are on Less Switch off Save 10 % Staff leaving 1 1 April 2021 Awareness
after office expenditure the lights energy. the office Required
hours when no before closing

No use of Save energy Use screen Save energy Staff using the 2 2 Immediatel Need
screen saver and money saver up to 5 % computers y Attention
on the

Use of Less Use the Save energy All the staff 3 3 May, 2021 Need
heaters is expenditure heaters up to 10 % Attention
extremely only when
high needed

Equipments Less Update the Save energy Director 1 1 July,2021 Need

are outdated expenditure equipments up to 25 % Attention
on energy
Simultaneou Less Use one Save energy Operator 4 4 April,2021 Need
s use of expenditure appliance up to 10 % Attention
appliances on energy at one time

Unplanned Less Plan all the Save money Purchaser 5 5 April, 2021 Need
purchases expenditure purchases Attention

Use of Less Use Save money Purchaser 6 6 May, 2021 Need

plastics for expenditure recyclable Attention
catering product

4. Write and email to all staff (your assessor).


To: Paul

From: Policy Developer

Subject: Environment Sustainability Documents.

Dear Paul,

I am writing to inform you that I have prepared Environment Sustainability Documents after a
detailed investigation. I would like to summarize the documents here.

The first document is environment sustainability resources usage record. The document is
prepares after detailed investigation by visiting the places. It mainly consists of three component
use of technology, energy and waste management. In record all the required information is
Next document is the memo for staff where the importance of energy saving and how to save
energy are explained in brief. The employees are addressed to follow the rules as the efforts
made consistently will help us to create better workplace. It will help in avoiding energy crisis,
save money and environment. All the staff members have always positively contributed to the
betterment of our company. It is time to work together to save energy efficient.

The last document is sustainability register. The register contains various problems identified,
how to correct the issues, who is responsible, time frame and results of the actions. The register
gives a summary of all the activities that can help in conserving the energy and reducing the

It will help the company to maintain a balance of the environment. The policy is covering all the
areas of the company where there is chance of improvements. The above explained is the
summary of the document that I have attached here in the email. I am looking forward to your
valuable suggestion.

Policy Developer

1. Develop a sustainability implementation report

Grow Management Consultants
Sustainability Implementation Report

The sustainability policy is introduced into the company that help in saving energy and reducing
the expenditure of the company. This report is about the implementation status of the
sustainability policy.

Analysis of Staff survey

In staff survey, it is found that the staff members are aware now of recycling process and its
importance. In concern with, sustainability the staff find out most important on overall basis and
for employees. The area required development was training to implement such program.

 The staff is now aware of the concept.
 The staff want to get trained that was previously ignorant.
 The energy is saved after implementing the policy and procedures.

Analysis of energy audit data and achievements against targets

The energy audit result shows that the company has performed every activity seriously like
switching the light and computer off when not in use and use screen saver on the computers.
Energy was also saved. In six moths the company achieve target 0f 20%. But in one year the
target was achieved but less as compared to six monthly reports.


 For the staff members there should b training programs to get the target.
 The employees showed be informed with the target status.
 Suggestion of the staff members should be invited.
 Regular Updation of the technologies will also help.


The results shows that the staff members are now aware about the concept as the result of which
the energy consummation is reduced. In company there are more dust bins, better purchasing,
energy saving lights and most important aware interest employees

Updation to sustainability policy and procedure

The previous sustainability policy and procedure should be updated with following points:
 The focus should be more on energy saving first.
 Training program should be suggested for the betterment.
 The new employees should be guided to follow the set rules.
17. Update your sustainability policy and procedures.


Revised Sustainability Implementation Policy and Procedures

Grow Management Consultants

Purpose statement

The main purpose of the policy is to maintain the wish of the company in performing the
activities that are economically and ecologically viable and effective for the human being and
other living things.
Due to absence of sustainability policy in the company there are some issues like wastage of
electricity, unplanned purchases, wastage of non renewable resources and use of things that harm
the environment. To solve these issues, this policy is being designed.

Scope of the policy

The scope of the policy is wider as it covers all the activities. Mainly the manufacturing activities
and issues related with wastage of energy are the main areas of concern.

Policy principles

For successful implementation there are some principles of the policy that are compulsory to

 The activities to be followed for sustainability policy should support the main objective
of the company.
 The rules, regulations and cultural values for the company should be followed to maintain
the integrity.
 The company should follow the policy in actual and show its full commitment.
 The legal requirements are also required to company with for better public image and
goodwill of the company.

Procedure title Responsibility

5. Planning: Before starting any activity, Directors and Department Managers
there should be plan about what to do, how
to do, when to do, which will perform etc.
Along with budget and resources

6. Organizing: As per plan, the work and Department Managers

resources are allocated keeping in mind the
capabilities and interests.

7. Implementation: The plans should be Employees of the company

communicated to the employees to ensure
they understand the plan and work

8. Follow up: The actual performance of the Supervisor and the department managers
employees should be evaluated with the
standards. The deficiency can be improved

9. Feed back: To take feedback as the staff Supervisor and the department managers
gave on training aspect can help the
company in revision of the policy

18. Send an email to stakeholders (your assessor).

To: Paul

From: Policy Developer

Subject: Sustainability Implementation Report and Revised Sustainability policy and procedure

Dear Paul,

I am writing to inform you that I have prepared a Sustainability Implementation Report and
Revised Sustainability policy and procedure, after a detailed investigation. I have also taken in to
consideration the valuable ideas and suggestion provided in the previous meeting. I would like to
summarize the documents here.
First document is the implementation report that is made after conducting staff survey and
energy audit. Following the results shown:

The energy audit result shows that the company has performed every activity seriously like
switching the light and computer off when not in use and use screen saver on the computers.
Energy was also saved. In six months the company achieve target 0f 20%. But in one year the
target was achieved but less as compared to six monthly reports. The report has some
recommendation explained as below:

 For the staff members there should b training programs to get the target.
 The employees should be informed with the target status.
 Suggestion of the staff members should be invited.
 Regular Updation of the technologies will also help.

The results show that the staff members are now aware about the concept as the result of which
the energy consummation is reduced. In company there are more dust bins, better purchasing,
energy saving lights and most important aware interest employees. At last there are some
recommendation for the next plan and procedure.

The next document is the sustainability policy and procedure that is revised as per the
recommendations. On new element ids added i.e. feedback. As some of the staff member show
interest in taking training. It will help in effective policy making.

The above document will help the company to maintain a balance of the environment. The policy
is covering all the areas of the company where there is chance of improvements.

The above explained is the summary of the documents. I have attached both the documents. I am
looking forward to your valuable suggestion.


Policy Developer

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