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A. Definition Of Meeting

Meeting is an activity where two or more people meet to discuss something, solve a
problem, agree on a policy to reach an agreement.
Definition Of metting according to the experts:
- Wardoyo (1980:41) managing is a process of activities in which there is planning,
organizing, mobilizing and supervising in achieving predetermined goals.
- Samsir Rambe in the book Communication Ethics is a gathering of several people or
organizations who will discuss a problem or common interest to provide an
explanation, solve a problem and at the same time hold negotiations to obtain a
mutually agreed result.
- Cut RozannaA meeting is a meeting between members within the organization's own
environment to negotiate or resolve a problem concerning common interests.
- The Indonesian Language Dictionary Book, Second Edition published by Balai
Pustaka, explains that what is meant by a meeting is a meeting (group) to discuss
something, a session, an assembly.
- Nunung and Ratu Evi, Meetings are a means of communication between office
leaders and their staff
- Wursanto, the meeting is
A form of face-to-face group communication media that is often organized by many
organizations, both private and government.
A tool to get consensus, through group deliberation.
Media decision making by deliberation for consensus.
One of the official group communications.
A meeting between members in the office environment or the organization itself to
discuss, negotiate an issue of common interest.
A meeting of members of the organization or employees to discuss matters relating to
the interests of the organization.

B. Meeting Function
To solve the problem
To convey information
As a forum for democracy
As a good coordination tool
As a means of negotiation
As a means of establishing regulations

C. Reasons for Holding a Meeting

- Leaders need contributions of thoughts or opinions from their staff or assistants
because leaders do not want to make decisions unilaterally.
- The material to be discussed is confidential, so the leader believes that the material is
not appropriate if it is through administrative channels in general.
- Problems that are subject matter cannot be solved through administrative channels,
because they must be solved immediately.
- The leader intends to provide opportunities for subordinates to provide
advice/opinions directly to the leadership on an issue related to common interests.
- There is a clear problem that must be resolved through a meeting.
- It has been decided by the leader to hold a meeting or the time has come for a regular
meeting to be held.
D. Meeting Purpose
- Submitting one or more information, this is done with the intention that if the delivery
of information is not carried out directly through meetings, it is feared that it will
cause misunderstandings for employees or employees.
- Get input from meeting members when there are serious problems and require input
from all members. For example, the problem of reducing employee salaries.
- Involving several people who have certain abilities to solve the problems at hand, so
that problems are expected to be resolved soon.
- Establish cooperation among members to form a desired attitude, because if there is
no meeting then it is likely that members will only think about their own part of the
job and not think about other parts.
- Submitting problems, certain circumstances, complaints, and others that cannot be
done openly other than through meetings.
- Provide motivation and enthusiasm for work to its members through meetings.
- The meeting aims to make decisions in accordance with the authority of the people
involved in it.

In holding meetings, the meeting leader is the party responsible for the smooth running of
the meeting process from the meeting to the end. Meetings are usually opened directly by
the chairperson of the meeting, but there are also meetings that are opened by the
presenter, someone who occupies the highest position in a company/organization or
someone who is respected.

1. Open a meeting
Matters that must be stated in opening a meeting are as follows:
a) Meeting agenda.
b) Meeting rules (flexible).
c) Motivation (importance of the issue to be discussed).
d) Introduction of problems or issues to be discussed.
e) The purpose of the meeting.
f) Feedback or suggestions
2. Meeting in progress
During the meeting the chairperson of the meeting must be able to regulate the course
of the meeting so that it is orderly. Problems faced in the meeting must be overcome,
such as the occurrence of prolonged debates, the existence of a monopoly of
conversation by one of the meeting participants, lack of concentration of meeting
participants and so on.

During the meeting the secretary is responsible for making notes on the
implementation of the meeting. The form of the notes is adjusted to the wishes of the
chairman of the meeting.

There are two forms of meeting notes, namely as follows:

a. Verbatim, which is a complete record of all conversations in the meeting without
being added or subtracted.
b. Minutes are notes that contain the main points of discussion discussed in the

3. Close the meeting

The meeting, which has been going on for some time, will eventually close. If a
decision has not been found in the meeting, the meeting leader may appoint a special
team to resolve the issue.
However, if there are no obstacles in the meeting and a decision has been made, then
at the end of the meeting, the chairperson of the meeting can read out the results of the
meeting/meeting and provide an opportunity for the meeting participants to express
matters that have not been included in the results of the meeting decision. After there
are no more problems, the meeting leader can close the meeting.
E. Good Meeting Terms
- Open atmosphere
- No monopoly
- Active participation of meeting participants
- Guidance and supervision from the leadership
- Debate based on argument not emotion
- Short and clear question
- Time discipline

F. Types of Meeting Participants

- Information type
- Encouraging type
- Initiative type
- Unifying type
- Attacker type
- Intermediary type
- Listener type

G. Types of Meetings

1. Types of Meetings Based on Purpose

- Explanation Meeting is a meeting held to provide explanations to the meeting
participants. In the explanation meeting, the meeting participants not only listened to
the explanation from the meeting leader, but were also given the opportunity to ask
- Problem Solving Meeting is a meeting held to solve the problem at hand. At this
meeting the role of participants is very large to provide input.
- Negotiation Meeting is one type of meeting held to negotiate a dispute or find a
middle way so as not to harm the disputing parties.
2. Types of Meetings Based on Their Nature
- Formal Meetings, which are held to discuss very important issues, and apply protocol
rules that regulate the smooth running of the meeting.
- Informal Meetings are meetings held not based on formal planning. This meeting
does not require special preparation and is usually held to discuss something that
happened suddenly.
- Open Meeting is a type of meeting that can be attended by all members of the
information/company and the material discussed is not confidential.
- Closed Meeting is a meeting attended by certain meeting participants and the issues
discussed are confidential.

3. Types of Meetings Based on Time Period

- Weekly Meeting is a meeting that is held once a week and usually discusses routine
- Monthly Meeting is a meeting that is held once a month and discusses problems that
occurred during the past month.
- Semester Meeting is a type of meeting held every six months to discuss issues that
occurred during the past six months and subsequent programs for the next six months.
- Annual Meeting is a type of meeting that is held once a year. For example, the board
of commissioners meeting.

4. Types of Meetings Based on Frequency

- Regular meeting is a type of meeting that has a predetermined time. For example,
regular weekly meetings.
- Incidental Meeting is a form of unscheduled meeting. Usually this meeting discusses
important and sudden problems that must be resolved together.
5. Meetings by Relationship in Organization

A) Vertical Meeting
Meetings attended by leaders and members to provide information about various
regulations and policies of the leadership or in terms of making decisions.

B) Horizontal Meeting
Meetings that are only attended by employees who have the same position. Usually
this meeting is held to get coordination and cooperation in order to avoid duplication
of work and avoid irresponsibility of each employee in carrying out their work.

6. According to Implementation:

A) Guided Work Meeting

Meetings in which the leadership plays a major role in decision-making. Usually this
meeting is held in order to provide an explanation of the regulations or instructions so
that their implementation can take place simultaneously and simultaneously.

B) Open Work Meeting

Meetings where the leader does not play a major role in the meeting and provides an
opportunity for members to issue positive suggestions. This meeting aims to get
suggestions from all members.

H. Meeting Chair Type

1) Authoritarian Type
In the communication carried out by the authoritarian type of meeting leader, the
communication that exists is one-way traffic.
This is because the type of leader in leading the meeting tends to win on his own, and
uses more violence and coercion.
2) Laissezfair Type
Communication carried out by this type of leader leads to substandard traffic. This is
because the chairperson of the meeting does not control the course of the meeting.
The meeting that was held was left alone so that it dragged on. Each participant has
their own opinion so that the meeting does not end with a conclusion or decision as
expected by all meeting participants.

3) Democratic Type
In meetings led by this type, the leader provides many opportunities for meeting
members to provide reviews of opinions and suggestions. Therefore, communication
traffic that occurs can be two-way (two-way traffic).

I. Meeting Minutes (Notula)

Minutes of the meeting or minutes are written notes about the conversations in the
meeting. Minutes describe the course of the meeting that took place, the issues discussed
and the agreement or consensus taken.

In writing the minutes of the meeting, it must be objective, which means that what is
recorded by the note-taker is the result of the discussion and the decision of the meeting,
not the result of the thoughts of the note-taker or the personal decisions of the meeting

The functions of the minutes of the meeting are as follows:

- As a basis and reference for subsequent meetings in problem solving or unresolved
decision making.
- As a document that will be stored as an archive in the organization.
- As a reminder tool regarding notes or main things that have been discussed in
meetings which are compiled in the form of meeting minutes.
- As a source of information for participants who cannot attend so that they can find
out what things have been discussed and can find out how the meeting is going

Format Notula Rapat

Secara terperinci format dari notulensi rapat adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Kop nama organisasi atau unit organisasi yang menyelenggarakan rapat.
2. Judul notula.
3. Hari, tanggal, waktu dan tempat.
4. Sifat rapat, apakah rapat rutin atau berkala, rapat khusus, dan sebagainya.
5. Pimpinan dan notulis rapat dituliskan.
6. Nama peserta rapat yang hadir.
7. Susunan acara rapat.
8. Ringkasan jalannya rapat. Pertanyaan dan ide atau masukan dari peserta perlu
9. Hasil atau keputusan rapat.
10. Catatan khusus.
11. Nama dan tanda tangan dari pimpinan dan notulis.
Meeting Invitation Letter and Sample Meeting Minutes
To facilitate the planning of the meeting, here we provide an example of a meeting
invitation letter and a draft meeting minutes.

1. Sample Meeting Invitation

Printed on the letterhead of the institution/organization:

Number : 398/SMK.MU/E-1/II/2021
lam :-


Dear. Mr / Mrs teacher

Miftahul Ulum Vocational High School

in place,

Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Greetings friendship we convey may Allah SWT. always enrich our lives. Amen O 'Lord of the

In connection with entering the new teaching of the Miftahul Ulum Muncar Vocational School
for the 2020-2021 academic year, we invite the teachers to:


Date : February 19, 2020

Time : 08.00 WIB

Place: Miftahul Ulum Muncar Vocational High School

Event: Meeting at the beginning of the 2020/2021 school year

Thus the notification from us, we thank you for your presence and attention.

Wassalammu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Muncar, 10 Feb 2020


Koirul Ikhawan, S. Fil

Nb: Please come and be on time

2. Draft sample meeting minutes

Previously included the head of the organization or organizational unit. Here's an example of
meeting minutes:

Minutes of the Stipulation of the RAB Pilkades 2021 MEETING IN KEDUNGRINGIN


I. The Meeting / Assembly Has Been Held On:

1. Day: Saturday
2. Date : 03 June 2021
3. Starting at: 14.00 WIB
4. Place: Kedungringin Village Head Room, Kedungringin Village Hall
5. Chairperson of the Session/Meeting : Chairperson of the 2021 PILKADES Committee
6. Minutes of Meeting: Secretary of the 2021 PILKADES Committee

II. Meeting Attended

1. By Invitation : 18
2. Attendees: 18

III. Meeting / Assembly Events

1. Opening
2. Explanation of RAB Pilkades 2021
3. Determination of RAB Pilkades 2021
4. Resume
5 Cover

IV. Meetings / Assembly

The opening was right at 14.00 WIB with Basmalah's words, the meeting was opened by the
chairman of the session.
In the second event the chairperson of the session explained about the 2021 RAB Pilkades.
Through several considerations that have been discussed in consensus, the 2021 PILKADES
Budget Draft (RAB) has been determined with a total amount of Rp. 182,495.475 with details as
attached. And the disbursement of the PILKADES costs in the APBDes will be divided into 2

V. Resume

After being discussed carefully in accordance with the applicable provisions / norms on the basis
of deliberation and full responsibility. The session determined the amount of financing for the
2021 RAB PILKADES at Rp. 182,495.475 with the following details: Regency APBD Rp.
77,495,475 and APBDes Rp. 105,000,000 whose disbursement will be divided into 2 stages.

V. Closing

The chairman of the session closed the meeting at 16.00 WIB with the remarks of Al-
hamdlulillahirobbil alamin.

Then, at the end of the minutes of this meeting accompanied by the name of the chairperson of
the meeting and the minutes of it and ratified by signature.

J. Stationery and Supplies

1) Whiteboard

A good meeting room is usually equipped with a whiteboard as well as markers and
erasers. The whiteboard is used in the meeting room as a medium to explain something in
more detail or to record important things that arise in the discussion of the meeting.

2) Flip Chart

Flip charts in the meeting room are also used as a medium for writing and not infrequently
used as a medium for presentations.

3) LCD Projector

This equipment is stored in the meeting room for use in displaying videos, pictures, or
data from a computer.

4) Sound System

The sound system in the meeting room is used for meetings that have a large number of
5) Block Note

Don't forget to place block notes and ballpoint pens on the table in the meeting room for
each participant so that participants can record important points in the meeting.

6) Laptop or Computer

Complete the laptop or computer in the meeting room with the software needed for
meeting material needs.

7) Pencil, Pen, Eraser

8) The folder and its contents, namely, HVS paper, meeting schedule, documents
relating to issues to be discussed for meeting participants to read
9) Projector Overhead (OHP)
10) Videos
11) Tape recorder
12) Camera

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