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I greet you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

Di Yesu!! Permit me to once again welcome you to today's conference. I must

admit, i am so delighted that it has been possible for us to meet here today,
delighted not necessarily because much has been achieved but for the fact that it
has been possible by his grace.

The Central Western Presbytery Presbyters Union (EPCGU) was inaugrated

on Saturday,16th of November,2011. The expectation was high and rightly so,
given the fact that until then, we operated under the West Volta Presbytery. Today
we are Cent/West Presbytery.

Our take off was smooth from then till late 2016 when the Union started
facing financial challenges due to the fact that some of the Districts failed to meet
their respective financial obligations.


Our assigned members ie the President and the secretary played active roles at
the National front to the surprise of other Presbyteries that became part of the
National Executives then, we were visible on committees, presentations etc.
Central Western Presbytery became the attraction at the National front.

We held our last conference at this same hall on 29/04/2017 where among other
things discussed was our financial report presented by the Treasurer, Pr. Mrs.
WelhelmIna Dedjo-Djokotoe. Conference requested for further work on the report
presented. This was expected to be submitted within a month. Little did one know
that this could take us so long such that activities in the Presbytery was stalled
over the years.

There were attempts to organise meetings on a few occassions but was met with
excuses of other engagements at one time or the other. The year 2019 readily
comes to mind.

This does not absolve the executive under any circumstances. We have to take
responsbility, and here we do. Today's meeting should be another opportunity for
us to right the wrong and forge ahead.

Every organisation, group, institution would ran well only if financial resources are
available. Since 2017, none of the Districts have paid any dues to the secretariat
despite the series of request letters that were despatched. As a result we are
heavily indebted to the National Union (the records are available). We have to
adopt a strategy to redeem ourselves. Later conference attended by the secretaty
or other representative were self funded.

We have another opportunity to elect our leaders for the Presbytery. My plea to
us all is for us to elect people who would be ready to respond to the call to duty.
Meaning those who would selflessly serve in their various capacities to move the
Union and E. P. Church Ghana forward.

It is my hope and prayer that today's meeting would rekindle us all to work as a
team to move the Central Western Presbytery to a high level.

I wish to thank all those who supported us in diverse ways for us to reach this
stage. A lot of work is ahead of us but with God on our side we shall succeed.

Thank You.

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