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Project Description and Objectives, provide a general description of the

project including its:
a. Problem Statement

We need to build an eco-factory in an eco-city in ways of development in

Tianjin, China, following the standards and the regulations of the eco-city
given by the government, also get use to a new culture, and a new
language, also we need to accomplish the requirements of our client, we
need to build a factory like 3 already made and with specific indications of
dimensions and land use.
b. Objectives and Purpose
Our objective it’s develop and build a factory following the standards and
the regulations of the eco-neighbourhood, and the eco-city in Tianjin in
China. With the specifications subsequent 1500 m2 of workshops, 500 m2
of offices, 3000 m2 of storage, 500 m2 of a space for training programs.
Also, we need to do the planning, find the enterprises for the supplier, the
PMP, and the manpower. This program it’s so important to us, because with
this project will allow us to open the doors in the Chinese market and in the
sustainable construction, we must finish this project before the end of 2022.

c. Benefits, constraints, proposed approach & methodology, relevance &

novelty of project, etc.)
This project shows a huge benefit to use, because we could enter to the
Chinese market and at same time enter to the sustainable construction, also
this will bring a new challenge to us, because we will work in a new culture
and a new language which we are no used to work, and we are going to
work in a different way because we need also to follow the standards given
by the eco-city.
we will start by contacting local companies and making a pre plan and a
pre-budget according to our needs, also we will start by favouring the
employment of local workers and renewable energy.

d. Resources (Human, documentary, …)

We are going to follow the request made by the eco-city, as a result, we are
going to employ 50% of our manpower from the citizens of the city, all the
work is going to be made wit at least BIM level 2 and following the same
parameters following the same indications given around the formats.
e. Responsibilities of each party.

f. Where possible, state the specific deliverables and performance targets to

be achieved in the project.

 We must build a factory with the requirements given by our client, in

the space adapted for the factories, in the part north of the eco-city.
 We must use renewable sources of energy to provide energy to our
 We must implement water treatment plans, to return treated water to
the sewer system.
 Water supply will be from non-traditional sources, such as
desalination and recycled water.
 At least of 60% of the total waste should be recycle.
 The water from all tamps should be drinkable.

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