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Activity 02: Historical antecedents in which

social considerations changed the course of

science and technology (world)
Science,Technology and Society
Complete a table like the one
below by writing examples for
each part of the timeline.


Belief/idea that did not Belief/idea that

Point in history persist to present-time persisted to present-
Egyptians, Covering wound with
ANCIENT TIMES Sumerians, and moldy bread for
TO 600 B.C. other races fast healing. In
wrote on clay present, the
tablets or penicillin produced
smooth rocks. by bread olds is
Making pottery used today to kill
using potter's germs in wounds.
wheel that paved Feeding patient
the way for with poppy seeds.
hoursedrawn The morphine and
chariot. codeine in the
poppy seeds are
still used today as
pain reliever.
Using papyrus
plants as paper to
store and transmit
Using compasses to
aid for travelling.
Belief about the Prediction about
GREEK SCIENCE air is the most “short-term
(600 B.C. TO 500 basic substance in disappearance of
A.D.) nature. Belief the sun” in
that all things which called
were constructed today as solar
of air, eclipse.
Belief/idea that did not Belief/idea that
Point in history persist to present-time persisted to present-

Belief that all The belief was

life began in the that all life
sea, and at one began in the sea,
time, humans were and at one time,
actually some humans were
sort of fish. In actually some sort
which in the of fish. In which
present called in the present
evolution. called evolution.
Attempts Attempts explain
explaining that that all things in
all things in nature as being
nature as being made of a single
made of single substance in which
substance in today is called
which today is the concept of
called the atoms.
concept of atoms. Beliefs about all
Beliefs about all matter were
matter was similar to sand in
similar to sand which matters are
in which matters made up of little
are made up of individual
little individual particles.
particles. Shows how you
could predict
whether or not an
object would float
in a liquid. The
link between
mathematics and
Belief/idea that did not Belief/idea that
Point in history persist to present-time persisted to present-
Detailed observation
“DARK AGES” (500 Alchemy in which
A.D. TO 1000 of the phenomenon what
A.D.) they had observed Chinese scientists
that when you called "guest start"
mixed certain in the heaven, which
substances in the present is
together, they called
can change into
Observations were so
other substances. detailed that they
found a cloud of dust
and gas, called a
"nebula". Modern
scientists, now
believe that one way a
nebula form is by the
explosion of a star.
Grosseteste taught
that the purpose of
the inquiry was not to
come up with great
inventions, but
instead to learn the
reasons behind the
facts. He wanted to
explain why things
happened the way
they did, which is now
called as "scientific
method." The
compilation of these
is now known as
Belief/idea that did not Belief/idea that
Point in history persist to present-time persisted to present-


SCIENCE (1500 A.D. Lippershey is Copernicus
TO 1660 A.D.) the true believed that the
creator of the sun is the center
telescope. In of everything and
which he assumed that the
designed for planets (including
the military, the earth)
and Galileo traveled around
Galilei heard the sun. The view
about it and was called
decided to heliocentric or
make one for Copernican system.
himself. Vesalius wrote a
book that tried to
show all the
details of the
human body in
which later
revolutionized how
medicine was
demonstrated that
the air we breathe
exerts pressure on
everything, an
effect we call
pressure today in
which we called as
"Pascal's Law."
Belief/idea that did not Belief/idea that
Point in history persist to present-time persisted to present-
Newton's three laws
ERA OF NEWTON of motion.
(1660 A.D. TO Boyle's experiments
1735 A.D.)
with gases where
the product of the
pressure and volume
are observed to be
nearly constant for
an ideal gas,
formulating laws
that are still used
today in chemistry.
Antoni's invention
of the first
microscope which
revolutionized the
study of life.

Pasteur developed a
process called
(1735 A.D. TO 1820 which he originally
used to keep the
wine from souring.
This process is now
applied to milk,
which is the origin
of the term
“pasteurized milk.
Mendel's study of
revolutionized the
entire field of
modern genetics.
Michael Faraday’s
experiments and
ideas about
electricity and is
termed as the study
of electricity
Belief/idea that did not Belief/idea that
Point in history persist to present-time persisted to present-
Maxwell developed
a mathematical
equation between
electricity and
magnetism and now
Joule determined
that, like
matter, energy
cannot be created
or destroyed. It
can only change
forms is known
today as the
First Law of
Planck proposed an
idea: Much like
matter exists in
tiny packets called
(1900 A.D. TO THE atoms, energy
PRESENT) exists in tiny
packets, which he
called quanta. An
entirely new way of
looking at energy
and matter, called
quantum mechanics.
Bohr developed a
picture of the
atom, which we call
the Bohr Model. the
atom was based on
solid mathematics,
and it required the
assumption that
energy comes in
small packets.

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