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Activity 02: Historical antecedents in which social considerations changed the

course of science and technology (world)

Complete a table like the one below by writing examples for each part of the
timeline. (14 points)

Belief/Idea that did not persist to Belief/Idea that persisted to

Point in History
present-time present-time
 The idea where the Earth’s shape is
flat rather than spherical
 If you cover an open wound with  Papyrus; first form of paper
moldy bread, the wound would heal  The invention of potter wheels,
Ancient Times – 600 B.
quickly and cleanly. that paved way to invention of
the chariots

er as
 Feed poppy seeds to patients in  Compass as a travelling aid
order to relieve pain

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 Prediction of the short-term
 The idea where all things were

disappearance of the sun; now
constructed of air
rs e
 The idea where matter is the same
known as “Solar Eclipse”
ou urc
 Prediction of human race’s
Greek Science with sand
origin without any reference
(600 B.C. – 500 A.D.)  The idea where a certain living
from God (Evolution)
organism will spontaneously

 The concept of all matter is

generate from a non-living organism
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composed of little units called

(Spontaneous Generation)
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 Alchemy, where they had observed  “Guest stars” in the heavens
that when you mixed certain (Constellations)
“Dark Ages” substances together, they can  The idea of Scientific Method
ed d

(500 A.D. – 1000 A.D) change into other substances.  The compilation of scientific
ar stu

observations that is now

known as “Encyclopedia”
 Heliocentric or Copernican
 The idea that the real inventor of
System, states that the Sun is

the telescope is Hans Lippershey.

“Golden Age” of Science the center of the universe
He designs this for the military, and

(1500 A.D. – 1660 A.D.)  Invention of the Telescope

Galileo Galilei heard about this and
 The invention of barometer as
made one for himself.
a tool to measure air pressure
 Three Law of Motion

 The invention of microscope

 The idea of Tabula Rasa which  Boyle’s Law where the product
Era of Newton
states that individuals are born with of the pressure and volume
(1660 A.D. – 1735 A.D.)
a blank slate mind are observed to be nearly
constant for an ideal gas.

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 Idea of the indivisibility of an atom  The idea that matter cannot be
 Expanding Earth Theory; asserts destroyed nor created, it can
that the position of the continent is only change its form
Industrial Revolution partially due to the volume of Earth  The process of Combustion by
(1735 A.D. – 1820 A.D.) increasing Lavoisier
 The idea of Dalton that all atoms of  Dalton’s Theory which
the same elements are respectively proposed that all mater was
all the same composed of atoms
 The idea that Ulcer is caused by
stress  Bohr’s Model that shows a
 Pluto is a planet picture of an atom
Modern Science  Steady State Theory where this  The invention of plastic
(1900 A.D. – the Present) states that the universe is surgery
constantly expanding but  The idea where energy exists
maintaining a constant average in tiny pockets


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