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English for Education Systems - Libya

Community of Practice Leader Support Programme

The CoP (Community of Practice) Leader Support

programme is designed to help teacher educators
develop their skills, knowledge and understanding to
set up, facilitate and sustain communities of practice
for English language teachers. The course is intended
for English language teachers and teacher educators
in the Middle East and North Africa region.

The learning content of the eight-module programme

takes CoP leaders through the concept and key
success features of a community of practice, set up and parameters; support the acquisition of key
facilitation skills; provide insight into working with adult learners; provide guidance on how to
sustain and motivate teacher engagement; provide guidance on how to promote reflection on and
application of new skills; and how to evaluate success.

Approach to Learning
Learning will be through a blend of self-directed learning, e-moderated support to engage
successfully with 5 online modules and live input sessions facilitated by the British Council.
Throughout, participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, learning and questions with
each other.

Module Focus
1 CoP: Key features
2 CoP: Key facilitation skills
3 CoP: Integrating effective continuous professional development principles
4 CoP: Measuring success
5 CoP: Encouraging reflection

For more information on our CoP Leaders programme, please visit our website.
The course will begin 5 December 2021 and last for approximately 7 weeks.

The British Council Libya will cover the fees for this programme

Eligibility Criteria
We are looking for exceptional English teachers who:
• are motivated to develop professionally
• are committed to contributing to the learning potential and classroom competence of
fellow teachers in their country
• are positive about collaborative learning and its benefits
• have B2/C1 English proficiency
• are digitally literate
• have access to the internet and good connectivity for at least part of the day for
asynchronous study. The course is accessible via a mobile device, but the learning
experience is enhanced if participants have access to a laptop.
• are committed to completing the course, and have an approach in place to managing
work and study at the same time, given that the investment of time for study will be
between five and seven hours/week
• are committed to establishing, facilitating and sustaining communities of practice for
• are ready to provide feedback on the course and share their learning experiences

Submitting an Application

We have limited availability so if you would like to take

up this exciting opportunity, you will need to submit the
following in one email to Amina Shebani on by Sunday, 21
November 2021.
1. a completed application form
2. your curriculum vitae (CV)
3. a 3-minute video clip, covering all the above
eligibility criteria.

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