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Instructional Technology Context Report

Organization Name and Location

The organization I have chosen is the school I currently work at, Waccamaw Elementary
School. Which is located at 251 Claridy Rd, Conway SC 29566.

Organization Leader Contact Information

For this assignment I choose to work with Sabra Bell and Autumn Suggs. Mrs. Bell is the
media specialist and Mrs. Suggs media aide. They can both be reached Monday through Friday
between the hours of 8 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. at

Meeting Time and Date

I met with Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Suggs on January 25, 2021, in the library to ask them for
permission to learn and survey the various technologies at WES.

Waccamaw Elementary School

Waccamaw Elementary schools (WES) is a part of the Carolina Forest cluster school.
The mascot for WES is a Wildcat, there strive to make all students “Listeners, Learners, and
Leaders” by teaching them the “Waccamaw Way”. At the beginning of the 2020/2021 school
year Waccamaw at both virtual students and brick and motor students due to the Covid epidemic.
Therefor their number of students continuously fluctuated. Starting January 8th, 2021 more than
107 students were returning from virtual learning. When I asked the bookkeeper on the number
of students that actually attend WES, she was still certifying students due to the transition.

Why Waccamaw Elementary School?

I choose WES because it is like home to me. I stepped foot on campus while in a
practicum semester during my undergrad in 2017. The building is welcoming, and the stuff is
always willing to help no matter what. I also chose WES because it is convenient for me since I
teach intervention there. If I have a question, concern regarding technology I can walk down the
hall and ask Mrs. Bell or Mrs. Suggs. Another reason I chose WES is because of the various
technologies that are used within the building. This includes everything from administration,
primary grades, elementary grades, and support staff.

Expectations concerning technologies

When it comes to my technology expectations at WES I hope to learn which technologies

I can use in my classroom that will enhance learning. I notice that I tend to use technologies that
I am comfortable with during instruction. I realize that some of these may not be the most
efficient for my learners. Therefore, I hope to learn about some that will be more adequate for all
of my students.

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