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Current Conditions Synthesis Report

Ebony Dixon

EDIT*760*D1 Instructional Tech Leadership - 24/SP

April 23, 2024

Teaching with technology in this digital age is essential. Society has witnessed education

evolve because of the advancements in technology. Educational technologies offer benefits like

creativity, reduced workloads, engagement, and collaboration to name a few. Challenges may

arise when new technologies are introduced which require teachers to learn new technologies

and digital tools. Research has shown that technology promotes adaptive learning which then

leads to empowered students and teachers. Over the course of the last few weeks, data has been

collected regarding how technology is utilized and implemented within a school. Research data

was collected through personal experiences, interviews with other teachers, administrators, the

media specialist, and the technology specialist for the building. While conducting there were a

few concerns found within the organization regarding The International Society for Technology

in Education (ISTE) standards for educational leaders. The top four concerns were:

1. There is no familiarity to the ISTE standards.

2. Unequal amount of concern for a variety of technology needed for students.

3. No allocated time to explore new and innovative technologies.

4. The inconsistency of the digital infrastructure.

Throughout the school it is evident that technology is being used. Students are seen using

devices to complete tasks, teachers are also using devices and technologies to display content

within classrooms. From the data collected teachers felt they were successful with incorporating

technology in the curriculum. When teachers were asked if they follow the ISTE standards for

effectively using technology in the classroom they were not aware of what the ISTE standards

were. The standards were created to ensure leaders, teachers, and students succeed in the

academic process. They were also created to give teachers the “why” on how important it is to

use technology ISTE outlines how technology should be used to effectively promote learning
and to maximize the use of technology. These standards are full of strategies and tools for

teachers to use technology creatively and effectively to enhance learning and support students.

Educational leaders follow the ISTE standards so that they can make informed decisions to

enhance education and create technology rich learning environments that supports teachers and

students. It is important that leaders’ model how to be digital citizens and visionary leaders.

With the various technology tools and devices available, teachers can become overwhelmed.

They may not know where to start regarding incorporating technology. Also, some of the

technologies may not be best practices. However, if teachers follow the guidelines set forth in the

ISTE standards, they will be better prepared in creating 21st century digital learners.

Another concern is leaders do not put the same amount of concern into technology

devices. Within an institution there should be a variety of technologies used to promote learning

and to encourage engagement among students. Despite the increased access of technology for

students and teachers, it is not widely apparent that technology integration is a seamless part of

the education process (Parr & Ward, 2011). Through a survey, it was found that a great amount

of effort and resources were put into the allocation of iPad for students. Also, iPads are the only

piece of technology available to students within the school. Although, these devices keep

students connected and are used to aid in learning, they should not be the focus. There are other

technologies that can be beneficial to students and teachers as well that are overlooked. Access to

various technology allows for more differentiation among students. With multiple devices in

each classroom, it can allow for students at different levels to function at various levels. (Parr &

Ward, 2011).

It was discovered that schools are not given the opportunity to pick which technologies

they are able to use. That decision is made between stakeholders and district officials. Unless
you are in a classroom teaching, creating lessons, and differentiating instruction you are not truly

aware of what devise are promoting learning in the class. Teachers should be able to vote, given

the choice, or submit a proposal so that a variety of technologies can be available to students.

Leaders need to consider the technologies teachers need to run their classrooms as well.

According to some interviews from teachers, their laptops, interactive whiteboards, and printers

have not been updated in years. Productivity issues are encountered because of the age of the

devices. The functions of some digital tools are not accessible because of how old the teacher’s

out of date device. This can negatively impact the learning experience of students. Therefore,

when considering the technological needs for every school year, all technology should be

reviewed not just one.

With the integration of technology in classrooms, teachers obtain tools to enhance the

learning experience for students. These tools also help evolve and assist in the development of a

rounded teacher. Another concern is that teachers are given little to no time to explore innovative

new technologies prior to having to implement them in their classroom. As a result, technologies

are not utilized in a proper manner. They are implemented in ways that are not conducive to the

learning of students. Most importantly, some teachers are not aware of the new technologies

available. Since technology continues to evolve daily, teachers should be given the choice to

explore new technologies available. Virtual reality and Artificial intelligence are emerging

technologies that teachers are using in their classrooms. However, not all teachers are familiar

with them. These technologies could be added to classrooms to create meaningful experiences

for students. However, to do that, there needs to be allotted time for teachers to learn how to

operate the technologies so they can teach students. They also need to determine the most

effective way to incorporate the technologies in lessons that is outlined by the ISTE standards as
well as curriculum standards. Leaders and district personal should collaborate to establish times

for teachers to explore new technologies. This should be done in a manner that does not require

teachers to give up their own time. The results from one survey mentioned how teachers are less

likely to sign up for a training session if it takes away from their personal time. Teachers must be

willing to learn, adopt, and explore new technologies.

Education relies strongly on reliable broadband in schools in the 21st century. Digital

applications are used within classrooms for teaching, learning, and student engagement.

Students, teachers, and staff must use the internet to carry out many school tasks. Although all

the schools within the district are equipped with fiber optic broadband there are major concerns.

The last concern is the inconsistent digital infrastructure at schools throughout the district. The

concerns with the internet have to do with speed and equity. The schools are not created equally

in the sense that it is not reliable in every building that you go into. Some schools are in areas

where they have high speed internet, or it does not lag if there is an influx of internet. The

technology specialist indicated this is a result of structural and environmental factors around the

school. For example, some newer schools do not experience any internet issues because of the

materials used to build the building. Other schools experience issues if there are a lot of trees or

other larger structures around the school. This can cause a blockage in the transmission of

broadband over the network. When surveyed teachers mentioned that the internet in the building

is not reliable. There are instances where teachers would have to “hardwire” their laptops instead

of using the Wi-Fi because they are unable to get a connection. Teachers also mentioned that

during state testing when there are multiple grade levels completing assessments online the

internet is slow regardless of computers being hardwired or not. During this time the district also
informs schools that certain digital streaming apps such as YouTube will be blocked due to

bandwidth needs and testing.

The academic progress of student’s are at risk because of the connectivity issues with the

internet. High speed internet is needed to interact with digital resources, communicate and

collaborate with others, as well as keeping everyone connected at school. So, if it does not

perform in a manner that it should, it will impact the learning and teaching of everyone in the

school. Having reliable internet provides several digital learning options for students to engage


The concerns found when collecting data on this institution were ones that can be

corrected if they are addressed. As previously mentioned, technology impacts everything that

people do. It is very important in the field of education. Technology is used to drive standards,

promote learning among students, and differentiate learning. The concerns that I found do not

allow technology to be used to its fullest potential. Teachers are not provided with the

appropriate amount of time to explore innovative technologies. Leaders and district personnel do

not putt their focus on all technologies which can use other important technologies to be

overlooked. Teachers and some leaders are not aware of the ISTE standards. These standards

outline how and why technology should be effectively used in the classroom. The biggest

concern was the inconsistency of the internet in schools. Without reliable internet schools would

not function and the academic progress of students would be negatively impacted.

Parr, J. M., & Ward, L. (2011). The Teacher’s Laptop as a Hub for Learning in the Classroom.

Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 44(1), 53–73.

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