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1st Term 2020 – 2021

Lesson plan I.C.T.

Weeks beginning: 1st –5th November 2021 Area of learning: Number skills

Prior learning: Class: Led by:

N/a Preschool Bonventure /Lucy

- Parts of a computer
- Numbers(1-10)
- To build confidence as we perform the activities
- Counting parts of the body.
Success Criteria
The teacher will share the WALT of the lesson  Ability to relate and compare different
with learners. activies.
 Memory skills.
 Turn taking

Activities. Resources / what adults will provide:

Numbers (1-10) Computer
Educational software-abcya(numbers 1-10)
The learners will there after sit on the mat to
watch educative video clip.

Progress/assessment strategies.

Key Vocabulary Questions to ask:

Mouse, Speakers, Screen Name the parts of a computer.
Outcomes of the lesson
They were able to attempt the activities for themselves.

What next?
Develop hand eye coordination.

How will this activity be extended and opportunities given for practice.
Through role play time….provide variety of playing materials and encourage collaboration.
1st Term 2020 – 2021
Lesson plan I.C.T.

Week beginning: 1st – 5th November,2021. Area of learning: Memory skills

Prior learning: Class: Led by:

N/a Reception Bonventure/Lucy

- Uses of parts of a computer
- Sequencing sounds A-Z
- To build confidence as we perform the activities.

Success Criteria
The teacher will share the WALT of the lesson  Ability to relate and compare different
with the learners. activities.
There are mixed letters on the game, arrange  Memory skills
the letters alphabetically.  Turn taking.

Activities. Resources / what adults will provide:

Sitting on the mat. Computer
Arrange letters in alphabetical order. Educational software-abcya(alphabetical order)

Progress/assessment strategies.
- Self and peer evaluation
- Questioning
- Observation

Key Vocabulary Questions to ask:

Mouse, Speakers, Screen This part of computer is ?
Moving the mouse Arrange the letters in alphatical order.
Alphabetical order

Outcomes of the lesson

Hand eye co-ordination
They understood the instructions thus arrange the letters in order.

What next?
Peer learning.

How will this activity be extended and opportunities given for practice.
This will strengthen their thinking skills, and their reading skills

NB: The activities might change depending with the needs per individual learner/class.

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