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Family Structures and Legacies


Problems and Challenges
Instruction : Give 2 problems and challenges your family is facing at the moment and explain how you
handle that certain problem. (30 points)
Challenge 1: One major problem we are facing now is our financial stability. My father just died and his
death greatly affected our financial status because he was the center of our family as well as a good father
that attended our needs. Without him, our financial status dropped and now we are striving in order to
bounce back from our predicament now. We are doing our absolute best to help each other out and for our
part as their sons, we promised to continue learning and work hard for our parents. We are not alone. Our
relatives are giving us financial as well as emotional and spiritual support now and we, as a family, are
going to do our best to lift ourselves up, together with our relatives’ support.

Challenge 2: Some of our neighbors are backstabbing our family because of jealousy. Some of our
neighbors were jealous of our family because, through the hard-work of my parents, they made a house
that was essentially bigger than our neighbors’ and obtained a high financial status. That was when my
father was alive. Now that my father died, the backstabbing actually went worse and is now concentrated
towards my mother. I often see my mother cry because of their false witness towards our family, especially
her. Some degrade her and saying that she has nothing now that my father is dead. This is actually a big
hurdle for us as a family. Despite all the things they are saying to us, we try our best to not give attention
because that is what our family believes in. That God is always looking at us and is silently and quietly
supporting us from behind. This mindset gives us strength to continue living no matter what other people
say towards us.

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