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-------- CRIM.

SOC- 5 - - - - - - -

Human Behavior- it is a voluntary or involuntary attitude of a person adopts in
order to fit society’s idea of right or wrong.

Factors that affect human behavior;

1. Heredity
2. Environment
3. Learning

Causes of conflicts in human behavior

1. Physical conflicts
2. Social conflict
3. Economic conflicts

Basic types of human behavior

1. Inherited behavior
2. Learned behavior


1. Differences Between Hostage-Taking and Kidnapping

2. Forecasting

1. Five Crisis Management Techniques

1. Locate
2. Isolate 4. Evacuate
3. Evaluate 5. Eliminate

2. Five Factors that affect mental Disorder

1. heredity
2. Incestuous marriage
3. Impaired Vitality
4. poor Moral Values Training and Breeding
5. psychic factors

Normal person;
1. free expression of personality
2. Adequate security feelings
3. Efficient contact with reality
4. Adaptability to group norms
5. Emotional maturity
6. Adequate self-knowledge
7. Integrated and consistent personality
Test V- True or False

1. A normal person fails to meet the characteristics of the majority

2. A normal person is free expression of personality
3.A normal person is adequate security feelings
4. A normal person is efficient contact with reality
5. A normal person escape from reality by developing imaginary ailment
6. A normal person is adaptability to group norms
7. A normal person is emotional maturity
8. A normal person is adequate self-knowledge
9. A normal person is integrated and consistent personality
10. A normal person withdraw from the real world into the world of fantasy
11. Emotional disorder s include rapid changes in pulse, temperature ^
1. Emotional disorder are apathy-indifference, accompanied by expressions
of worry, crying, refusal to eat and others.
13. Illusion is a false interpretation of an external stimulus.
14. Hallucination is an erroneous perception without an external object or
15. Delusion is a loss of memory.
16. Dementia is a false or erroneous belief in something which is not a fact.
17. Amnesia is a loss of thought or thinking
18. Depression- is a feeling of miserable thought, that a calamitous incident
occurred in his life.
19. Melancholia – means he is absorbed by his miserable thought
20. The alternative condition of mania and melancholia is known as
manic-depressive psychosis.

Test V- True or False

Instruction: If the underlined answer or term/s is correct write only capital
“TRUE” but if this is wrong, supply the corresponding word/s or
1. Forecasting- providing answers to important questions and problems which are
anticipated and which provide action that is in the interest of the
2. Establishing Objectives – Standardizing ways of performing specified work.
3. Establishing priorities - identifying manpower and equipment required to reach
objectives and to effectively utilize available resources
4. Scheduling - Establishing action commitments
5. Allocating Resources - Creating a sequence of steps to be followed in reaching the
6. Establishing procedures – Determining desired results.
7. Establishing Policy - Anticipating actions, problems and opportunities that may be
confronted during, and after, the incident.
8. Structuring work- Identifying and classifying work that needs to be performed, and
seeing to its proper implementation.
9. Delegating - Entrusting responsibility and authority to others and establishing
10. Developing Relationships- Creating conditions necessary for mutually cooperative
effort and teamwork.
11. Making Decision- arriving at conclusion and judgment about results.
12. Communicating – creating understanding
13. Motivating – inspiring, encouraging and impelling people to take required action.
14. Selecting people – choosing people with the appropriate skills, attitudes and
experience to perform specific work.
15. Developing people- improving the knowledge , attitudes and skills of the people.
16. Developing performance standards- establishing criteria in order to differentiate
between acceptable and unacceptable performance
17. Measuring performance- Recording and reporting works.
18. Establish an outer perimeter - the purpose of an inner perimeter is to control
ingress and egress
19. Correcting Performance- Appraising work and results.
20. Evaluating performance – regulating and improving methods and results.

Test VI- Definition...

1. Crisis management- It is the expert handling of a crisis or emergency to reduce

or eliminate danger or damage, or the like, especially on
the part of government
2. Person in Crisis - are people who take hostage during a period of prolonged
frustration, despair and problems.
3. Common Criminals- are people who take hostages for personal, rather than
ideological, reasons
4. Psychotics - are mentally-ill people takes hostages during a period of
psychiatric disturbance.
5. Inherited Behavior- Human behavior inherent many physical traits from
parents and ancestors.
6. Learned Behavior- are those behaviors adapted by a person through
Environment, training and efforts of the will.
Topic mental disorder

1. Imbecile - a mental defect is not as sever as idiot, it can be compared to 3-7 years
old child and I.Q. Is 21-40.
2. Idiot - A mentality never exceeds that of a normal child over 2 years old and
the I.O. is from 0-20
3. Feeble-minded - with a mental condition of similar to to that of a normal child
between 12 yrs old and I.Q. of 41-70.
4. Mental deficiencies- the mental sub-normality and/or mental retardation
5. Somnambulism- this is an abnormal mental condition whereby a person performs an
act while sleeping.
6. Somnambulist – has no recollection of events occurring during the episode.
7. Delirium- it is a state of confusion of the mind
8. Delirium- It is characterized by incoherent speech, hallucinations, Illusions,
delusions, restlessness, and apparently a purposeless motion.

Topic: Symptoms of mental disorder

9. Physical- a condition show the symptoms of mental and emotional
disorders include rapid
Changes pulse, respiration, nausea, vomiting, headaches loss
of appetite.
10. Mental - an emotional disorders include flights of fancy; aphasia- loss
of understanding.
11. Delirium- it is a state of confusion of the mind. it is characterized
incoherent speech, hallucinations, illusions, delusion, restlessness,
and apparently purposeless motions. A person may commit a
crime under a state of delirium.

Different types of Phobias

2. Amnesia - is known as loss of memory and sex apatite

3. Delusion - a false or erroneous belief in sometime which is a true fact.
4. Hallucination - an erroneous perception without an internal object of
5. Hallucination - visual, seeing things which true
6. Apathy - serious disregard for the family and friends
7. Anti-social personality – he is not a chronic liar
8. Delusion - involve a false system of beliefs that persists despite
evidence to the contrary
9. Inadequate Personality – a person fit a particular purpose
10. Anti-social personality- he is a classic manipulator or con artist
11. Anti-social personality – he is unable to learn from past experience
12. Normal Person- those are emotional maturity
13. Ecophobia - fear of home surrounding
14. Gephyrophobia- fear of fear of crossing a bridge
15. Dendrophobia - fear of specific object, Ex; trees
16. heliophobia - fear of specific object, Ex; sun
17. Belophobia - fear of specific object, Ex; sharp object
18. hierophobia - fear of specific object, Ex; sacred things
19. Harpaophobia - fear of specific object, Ex; robbers
20. Androphobia - fear of specific object, Ex; men

Test VI- Definition.

1. Give the three principal types of physique, according to Kretschmers body type
and described each.
1.1. Asthenic- lean, slightly built, narrow shoulders
1.2. Athletic – medium to tall, strong, muscular, course bones.
1.3. Pyknic – medium height, rounded figure massive neck, broad face,

2. Give the three Symptoms of Mental of Mental Disorders and define each.
2.1 Physical
2.2. Mental
2.3. Emotional
3. State the personality disorders
Ans: Disorder of character, the person is characterized as a “problematic”
without psychoses. This disorders is characterized disrupted
relationship, dependent or passive aggressive behavior.

Topic: Responses during Crisis Management

1. The hostage taking yesterday was resolved efficiently because the kidnappers was
forced to surrender /or give-up when the police used teargas before the assault was
a. lethal b. non-lethal c. Chemical agent d. Silent entry
2. The ground commander gives order to assault the kidnappers by surreptitious entry
through windows and other ingress of the building.
a. lethal b. non-lethal c. Chemical agent d. Silent entry
3. All the kidnappers at Gaisano Mall yesterday was brought to City hospital after the
bloody encounter with the police and they suffered a gunshot wounds in both of their
hands and legs.
a. lethal b. non-lethal c. Chemical agent d. Silent entry
4. Kidnappers was peacefully surrendered to the police after the police gave their
demands and after they noticed that the police is honest.
a. lethal b. Contain and negotiate c. Chemical agent d. Silent entry
5. All of the kidnappers was landed to Imam Funeral parlor after the 10 minutes
bloody encountered with police snipers.
a. lethal b. Contain and negotiate c. Chemical agent d. Silent entry

Topic: Crisis management technique

6. It is an SOP that after receiving the information of a hostage drama, the ground
commander should ask where the incident transpired, or upon arrival at the scene, the
ground commander should observe the exact location of the hostage taker and victim/s.
a. locate b. isolate c. evaluate d. all of the above
7. Upon arrival of the group at the scene, the assistant team leader give orders to patrol
officers to cordon the four corners of and re-route the traffic to avoid possible escape of
a. locate b. isolate c. evaluate d. all of the above
8. After the established of cordons and re-route the traffic, it is also necessary to
establish guards in all ingress and egress to avoid the escape of kidnappers.
a. locate b. isolate c. evaluate d. all of the above
9. Right after the cordon is made in four corners of the building and identify the exact
location of victims and suspect/s, the Ground Commander give order to all bystanders
or office personnel or people in the area to abandon the building silently
a. locate b. isolate c. evaluate d. Eliminate
10. After the ground commander believed that there was a danger to the life of
victim/s, immediately he issued orders to the sniper to point or aim the
sight/muzzle to forehead/s of the kidnappers and shoots to death.
a. order to kill b. isolate c. order to finish kidnappers d.

Test II – Multiple Choice

1. Based on the records Dr. Jose Rizal displayed adequate self-knowledge,
Integrated and consistent personality.
a. Normal persons b. Normal person c. abnormal d. Abnormal
2. Andress Bonefacio has adequate security feelings but some time he shows barbarian
act in the face of his enemies
a. Normal persons b. Normal person c. abnormal d. Not too Normal
3, Mr Iman shows a distinct characteristics which easily adopt and fits society s
idea whether right or wrong
a. behaviors b. behavior c. normal person d. Human behavior
4. Mr Acmad intrinsic his piano talent from his grand father who was piano artist
a. Inherent b heredity c . natural d. builtin
5. The way you walk is easily compare to the behavior of my friend late Fernando
Poe Jr.
a. behavior b. behavioral c. behaviors d. attitude
6. Mr. Jilitan was clearly influence by his surrounding and his family that s why he
was put behind bars.
.a. environment 2. Heredity c. learning d. humanistic
7. The mental illness suffered now by Mr. Saba do is the effect of flood and storms
calamities transpired in their place last months.
a. social conflicts b. physical trait c. physical causes d. non- of the three
8. Example: breathing heavily after running or walking seem to be ;
a. involuntary b. Voluntary c. Not voluntary d. both are correct
9, Mr. Say was choke to death by Mr lee yesterday, as I have noted the suspect
shows barbarian attitude
a. Normal Person b. insane c. insane person d. abnormal
10. Mr. Kuo behave properly, we can say he meet the norms of society required.
a. Normal Person b. para normal person c. . insane person d. abnormal

Test II. Multiple Choice

(Topic: Mental Disorders)

1. Anyone who fails to meet the characteristics of normal person is called ______?
a. Normal Person b. insane c. insane person d. abnormal
2. When a persons behavior deviates from normal norms of society .
a. Normal Person b. insane c. insane person d. abnormal
3. Is one who behaves according to the norms and standards of society.
a. Normal Person b. insane c. insane person d. abnormal
4. Free expression of personality
a. Normal persons b. Normal person c. abnormal d. Abnormal behavior
5. Adequate security feelings
a. Normal persons b. Normal person c. abnormal d. Abnormal behavior
6. A mental conditions with Efficient contact with reality
a. Normal persons b. Normal person c. abnormal d. Abnormal behavior
7. A mental condition which Adaptability to group norms
a. Normal persons b. Normal person c. abnormal d. Abnormal behavior
8. A mental condition with Emotional maturity
a. Normal persons b. Normal person c. abnormal d. Abnormal behavior
9. A mental condition with Adequate self-knowledge
a. Normal persons b. Normal person c. abnormal d. Abnormal behavior
10. A mental condition Integrated and consistent personality.
a. Normal persons b. Normal person c. abnormal d. Abnormal behavior

Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

Midterm Examination

Subject: LEA-4 (KEY ANSWERS)

Test I- Enumeration ( Give your answer in exact order)
01-05. Classes of Spies

1. Local spies 4. Doomed spies

2. Internal Spies 5. Surviving spies
3. Converted spies

6.10. Types of Inrformants

1. Open sources- 99% of the information collected are coming from open
2. Close sources- 1 % of ninformation are colleted from close sources

Test II. Discussion. (Discuss Briefly)

1. Give the two general classifications of sources of information and discuss.

Test II. Discussion. (Discuss Briefly)

1. Double spies – are unreliable renegades, chiefly involved in spreading false

information to the enemy.
2. Spies of consequences - couriers and noblemen, staff officers, and kindred
conspirators, requiring a substantial tribe and bait.

Test III. Fill in the blank. (Supply the missing word or answer of the sentence)

1. Webster defines intelligence – as the capacity for understanding and for other
forms of adaptive intellect of 1) behavior; the mind in operation; the power of 2)
meeting any situation, especially a novel situation, successfully by 3) proper
behavior adjustments; the ability to apprehend the interrelationships of presented
facts in such a way as to guide action towards goal; knowledge of an event,
4) circumstances, etc, received or imparted; the gathering or 5) distribution of
information; the staff of persons engaged in obtaining such information.

2. According to Police Parlance – The end product resulting from the collection,
evaluation, 6) analysis, integration and 7) interpretation of all available information
regarding the 8) activities of criminal and other law violators for the purpose of
affecting criminals and other 9) law violators for the purpose of affecting their arrest,
obtaining, evidence, and 10) forestalling plan to commit crime.

Test IV- Multiple Choice.

1. It is a basic intelligence concept that there must be unity between knowledge and action, it
follows therefore that intelligence should interact and condition the decision.
a. Objectivity
2. it means intelligence is artificially subdivided into component elements to ensure complete
coverage, eliminate produce and to reduce the overall task or manageable sizes.
a. interdependence
3. It means intelligence is continuous.
a. Continuity4. Intelligence adequate to their needs must be communicated to all the
decision makers in manner that they will understand and form that will permit its most
effective use.
a. Communication
5. It means intelligence is useless if it remains in the mind, or in the files of its collectors or its
a. Useless
6. Intelligence should be essential and pertinent to the purpose at hand.
a. Selection
7. Intelligence must be communicated to the decision maker at the appropriate time to permit
its most effective use.
a. Timeliness.
8. is achieved by the measures which intelligence takes to protect and preserve the integrity of
its activities.
a. Security
9. it is an intelligence activity which is primary long range in nature with little practical
immediate operation value.
a. Strategic intelligence
10. it is an intelligence activity that has the immediate nature and value necessary for more
effective police planning and operation.
a. Line intelligence
11. it is the integrated product of intelligence developed by the all the governmental branches,
departments concerning the broad aspect of national security and policy.
a. National intelligence.
12. phase of intelligence covering the activity devoted in destroying the effectiveness of hostile
foreign activities and to the protection of information against espionage, subversion and
a. Counter-intelligence.
13. refers to the knowledge essential to the prevention of crimes and the investigation, arrest,
and prosecution of criminal offenders.
a. Criminal intelligence.
14. refers to the knowledge essential to the to the maintenance of peace and order.
a. Internal security intelligence
15. refers to the knowledge essential to ensure the protection of lives and properties.
a. Public safety intelligence
16. it deals with the demographic and psychological aspect of group of people.
a. Sociological intelligence
17. it includes the population and manpower and the characteristics of the people, public
opinion-attitude of the majority of the people toward matter of public policy and education.
a. Sociological intelligence
18. it deals with individuals personalities who have actual possession of power.
a. Biographical intelligence
19. deals with the armed forces of the nation.
a. Armed forces intelligence
20. deals with the process of research and development as it affects the economic and military
potential of a nation.
a. Geographical intelligence.

Test V- True or False

Instruction: If the given answer or percentage opposite to the question is correct
write only capital “TRUE” but if this is wrong, supply the
corresponding word/s or answer.
01 Russia- the intelligence agency known as the KGB
02. KGB- Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Besopasnosti
03 .Great Britain – British Secrete Service
04. Israel – Mossad
05. West Germany – BND
06. CIA and FBI and the other state/federal units of intelligence service were
US main intelligence agencies.
07. KCIA - KOREAN Central intelligence agency

08. Soviet Counter Intelligence – known as “ IRON CURTAIN”

09. intrigues and spies- winning over enemy people
10. Speculators – were the first intelligence personnel to appear definitely in a military
1. Intelligence- is sometimes described as a world of deceit and betrayal. as Negative
12. pertinence- does it hold some value to current operator /
13. Reliability- Judging the source of information of agency.
14.CIA – is one among the biggest in the world in terms of intelligence networking.
15. Counter Intelligence is also know
16. HUMINT – means Counter Human Intelligence
17. IMINT - means Counter Imagery Intelligence
18. SIGGINT – means Counter Signal Intelligence
19. EEI - Essential Element of Information
20. CI - means Counter Intelligence

Test VI- Defined and give example (10 Points each)

1. Intelligence (Betrayals) – Is sometimes described as a "world of deceit and betrayal".

2. Base on Psychology – Intelligence is the capacity of a person to adjust to new situations through the
use of what has been previously learned.

3. According to Government – Commission Task Force – It means the collection, processing,

collation, interpretation, evaluation and dissemination of information, with references to national
security. In certain context, it may also mean the network or the system for the collection, collation,
interpretation, evaluation, processing, and dissemination of information. "The term as used here doesn't
include any police powers or authorities, any investigative function other than those involve in the
collection of information nor any function involved in the enforcement of laws, orders, or regulation.

4. According to Military Terminologies – Intelligence is the end product resulting from the
collection, evaluation, analysis, integration and interpretation of all available information which my
have immediate or potential significance to the development and execution of plans, policies and
programs of the users.

5. Discuss the highest form of generalship which is to balk the enemy plans;

- - - - - - - Good Luck - - - - - --


1. Intelligence (Betrayals) – Is sometimes described as a "world of deceit

and betrayal".

2. Base on Psychology – Intelligence is the capacity of a person to adjust to

new situations through the use of what has been previously learned.

3. According to Government – Commission Task Force – It means the

collection, processing, collation, interpretation, evaluation and dissemination
of information, with references to national security. In certain context, it may
also mean the network or the system for the collection, collation,
interpretation, evaluation, processing, and dissemination of information.
"The term as used here doesn't include any police powers or authorities, any
investigative function other than those involve in the collection of
information nor any function involved in the enforcement of laws, orders, or

4. According to Military Terminologies – Intelligence is the end product

resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis, integration and
interpretation of all available information which my have immediate or
potential significance to the development and execution of plans, policies
and programs of the users.

5. Webster defines intelligence – as the capacity for understanding and for

other forms of adaptive intellect of behavior, the mind in operation; the
power of meeting any situation, especially a novel situation,
successfully by proper behavior adjustments; the ability to
apprehend the interrelationships of presented facts in such a way as to guide
action towards goal; knowledge of an event,
circumstances, etc, received or imparted; the gathering or distribution of
information; the staff of persons engaged in obtaining such information.

6. According to Police Parlance – The end product resulting from the

collection, evaluation, analysis, integration and interpretation of all
available information regarding the activities of criminal and other law
violators for the purpose of affecting criminals and other law violators for
the purpose of affecting their arrest, obtaining, evidence, and forestalling
plan to commit crime.

3. It means intelligence is continuous.

a. Continuity
4. Intelligence adequate to their needs must be communicated to all the decision
makers in manner that they will understand and form that will permit its most
effective use.
a. Communication
5. It means intelligence is useless if it remains in the mind, or in the files of its
collectors or its producers.
a. Useless
6. Intelligence should be essential and pertinent to the purpose at hand.
a. Selection
7. Intelligence must be communicated to the decision maker at the appropriate time
to permit its most effective use.
a. Timeliness.
8. is achieved by the measures which intelligence takes to protect and preserve the
integrity of its activities.
a. Security

9. it is an intelligence activity which is primary long range in nature with little practical
immediate operation value.
a. Strategic intelligence
10. it is an intelligence activity that has the immediate nature and value necessary for
more effective police planning and operation.
a. Line intelligence
11. it is the integrated product of intelligence developed by the all the governmental
branches, departments concerning the broad aspect of national security and policy.
a. National intelligence.
12. phase of intelligence covering the activity devoted in destroying the effectiveness
of hostile foreign activities and to the protection of information against espionage,
subversion and sabotage.
a. Counter-intelligence.
13. refers to the knowledge essential to the prevention of crimes and the investigation,
arrest, and prosecution of criminal offenders.
a. Criminal intelligence.

Test V- Instruction: If the underline answer is correct write only capital “TRUE” but
if this is wrong, supply the corresponding word/s or answer.

01. Personal Reconnaissance – the most effective method and will produced the most
info since you know just what you're looking for.
02. Map Reconnaissance –It may not sufficient but it can produce a certain amount of
usable information
03. Research –much info can be acquired through research
04. Prior Information – your unit and of the unit will have file report that they may
provide you with Info.
05. Hearsay – Info usually gain by the person operating in the area and performing
casing job
05. Discreet – subject person to be watch is unaware that he is under observation
06. Close –subject is aware that he is under observation varied on each occasions
08. Stationary – this is observation of place usually a bookie stall, a gambling, joint, a
residence where illegal activities are going on (fixed position)
09. Moving – surveillance follow the subject from the place to place to maintain
continuous watch of his activities
10. Technical – this is a surveillance by the use of communications and electronic
hardware's, gadgets, system and equipment
11. Methods of Collection – collection of information can be done through overt method
(open system) or covert method (secret/clandestine).
12. Collecting Agencies – depending on the type of operation, the collecting agency
could be Government Agencies, Intelligence units, or Organizations.
13. Trade Crafts – Includes the use of photography, investigations / elicitation /
interrogation, surveillance, sound equipment, surreptitious entry - keys
and locks, use of an artist, communication.
14. Intel-work Sheet - Intel Files
15. Situation Maps - Rouges Gallery
16. Placement – location of prospective agent with respect to the target
17. Access – it is the capability of a prospective agent to obtain the desired info for
the Intel organization or to perform to Intel collection mission in the area.
18. Primary Access – It is the access to the desired info
19. Secondary Access– It is the access to the desired info through a principal source
where the latter has the direct access
20. Outside Access – the agent is employed outside the target and merely monitors
info from a third person who is monitoring info n the area

Test V- True or False

Instruction: If the given meaning or answer of the underline term/s is
correct write only capital “TRUE” but if this is wrong,
write only Capita “F”

1. Cover- The means by which in individual group of organization conceals the true
nature of its acts and or existence from the observer.
2. Cover story- a biographical data through fictional that will portray the personality of
the agent he assumed, a scenario to cover up the operation.
3. Cover support- an agent assigned in target areas with the primary mission of
supporting the cover story.
4. Organizational Cover- is an account consisting of biographical which when
adapted by an individual will assume the personality he wants to adopt
5. Undercover assignment- is an investigative technique in which agent conceal his
official identity and obtain information from that organization
6. Cover - the one who tasked to cover-up the activities.
7. Cover Story – the one who is tasked to prepare the scenario?
8. Cover Support - is a scenario used to conceal the activities
9. Undercover assignment - is the investigative techniques used during operation.
10. Counter Intelligence – this kind of intelligence covers the activity devote in
destroying the effectiveness of hostile foreign activities and to the
protection of information against espionage, subversion and sabotage.
11. Counter Intelligence - is the organized effort to protect specific data that might be
of value to the opponents own intelligence organization.
13. Investigation- the investigation of the potential informants that has tentatively
identified as a probable Must be as thorough as possible.
14. Approach- must be done in a setting from which might included pleasant
surroundings, perhaps a confidential apartment, completely free from any
probability of compromise, preferably in an
adjacent city or a remote area, foreign to the informants living pattern.

15. Testing - the program should begin, of course, with the limited assignment, with a
gradual interrogation into the more important areas.
18. Communication security – a constructed code can represent phrases and entire
sentences by symbols, such as five letters group, and is often
used more for economy than for secrecy.
19. Threat to national security- a man is a dissident and discontented, thus a potential
insurgent.. when the government motors/monitors and ratify
complains, he still discontented.
20. Subversive insurgent- that includes in its objective the destructive/ destruction or
order minding an incumbent authority.

1. Physical security- a theoretical violation of espionage laws with a purpose of

apprehend violations.
2. Communication security- it includes transmission, cryptographic and physical
3. Document Security- a security aspect which involves the application of security
measures for the proper protection and safeguarding of classified information.
4. personnel security- includes all the security measures designed to prevent
unsuitable individuals or person s of doubtful loyalty to be Philippine
government from gaining access to classified matters .
5. personnel security- to prevent appointment, or retention as employees of such
individuals or person.
6. Top secret documents- they are considered irreplaceable official matters the
unauthorized disclosure of which would ause exceptionally grave damage to the
interest of an establishment since it is important to its survival.
7. Confidential documents- the loss of damage of which will pose a threat to
8. Confidential Documents- the reproduction of said documents will cause delay and
would email a considerable expense on the part of the collecting agency
9. Secret documents – Contains operational procedures and guidelines, wherein
loss or compromise would hamper operations but can be reality
10. Restricted documents- these refers toduty processed intelligence reports not
made available for public consumption.
11. Utility- a type of criminal activity, amount and frequency of criminal activity
and its impact.
12. Probability of source- is considered the following; amount of effort to be
expended and experience and expertise of the intelligence
13. Required resources- personnel police equipment, funds, travel expenses and
amount of time required.
14. Objective – the primary good of selecting a target is to guarantee that
intelligence effort are focused toward subject.
15. Objective- this is an acceptable balance to merit or value, probability of a
successful result and resources used.

Topic: Cover and Undercover Operation/ Activities

1. Cover- The means by which in individual group of organization conceals the
true nature of its acts and or existence from the observer.
2. Cover story- a biographical data through fictional that will portray the
personality of the agent he assumed, a scenario to cover up the operation.
3. Cover support- an agent assigned in target areas with the primary mission of
supporting the cover story.
4. Organizational Cover- is an account consisting of biographical which when
adapted by an individual will assume the personality he wants to adopt
5. Undercover assignment- is an investigative technique in which agent conceal
his official identity an obtain information from that organization
6. Cover - the one who tasked to cover-up the activities.
7. Cover Story – the one who is tasked to prepare the scenario ?
8. Cover Support - is a scenario used to conceal the activities
9. Undercover assignment - is the investigative techniques used during
Topic: CI
10.Counter Intelligence – this kind of intelligence covers the activity devote in
destroying the effectiveness of hostile foreign activities and to the protection
of information against espionage, subversion and sabotage.
11.Counter Intelligence - is the organized effort to protect specific data that
might be of value to the opponents own intelligence organization.

1. It is a basic intelligence concept that there must be unity between knowledge and
action, it follows therefore that intelligence should interact and condition the
a. Objectivity
2. it means intelligence is artificially subdivided into component elements to ensure
complete coverage, eliminate produce and to reduce the overall task or manageable
a. interdependence
3. It means intelligence is continuous.
a. Continuity
4. Intelligence adequate to their needs must be communicated to all the decision
makers in manner that they will understand and form that will permit its most
effective use.
a. Communication
5. It means intelligence is useless if it remains in the mind, or in the files of its
collectors or its producers.
a. Useless
6. Intelligence should be essential and pertinent to the purpose at hand.
a. Selection
7. Intelligence must be communicated to the decision maker at the appropriate time
to permit its most effective use.
a. Timeliness.
8. is achieved by the measures which intelligence takes to protect and preserve the
integrity of its activities.
a. Security
9. it is an intelligence activity which is primary long range in nature with little practical
immediate operation value.
a. Strategic intelligence

10. it is an intelligence activity that has the immediate nature and value necessary for
more effective police planning and operation.
a. Line intelligence
11. it is the integrated product of intelligence developed by the all the governmental
branches, departments concerning the broad aspect of national security and policy.
a. National intelligence.
12. phase of intelligence covering the activity devoted in destroying the effectiveness
of hostile foreign activities and to the protection of information against espionage,
subversion and sabotage.
a. Counter-intelligence.
13. refers to the knowledge essential to the prevention of crimes and the investigation,
arrest, and prosecution of criminal offenders.
a. Criminal intelligence.
14. refers to the knowledge essential to the to the maintenance of peace and order.
a. Internal security intelligence
15. refers to the knowledge essential to ensure the protection of lives and properties.
a. Public safety intelligence
16. it deals with the demographic and psychological aspect of group of people.
a. Sociological intelligence
17. it includes the population and manpower and the characteristics of the people,
public opinion-attitude of the majority of the people toward matter of public policy and
a. Sociological intelligence
18. it deals with individuals personalities who have actual possession of power.
a. Biographical intelligence
19. deals with the armed forces of the nation.
a. Armed forces intelligence
20. deals with the process of research and development as it affects the economic and
military potential of a nation.
a. Geographical intelligence.
+Topic; the Informer and Informant.
1. Informant – refers to a person who gives information to the police voluntarily or
involuntary with out any consideration. While, Informer, those who
give information to the police for price or reward
2. Elicitation- it is a system or plan whereby information of intelligence value is
obtained through the process direct intercommunication in which one or more of
he parties to the common is unaware of the specific purpose of the conversation.
Topic: Qualification of Undercover Agent.
3. Undercover agent - Special qualifications includes knowledge of the language,
area background regarding events, knowledge about the custom and habits,
physical appearance, and must be an artist.
4. Order of Battle- Intelligence list containing the main or primary threat to a
aviation security and peace and order.

4. Double spies – are unreliable renegades, chiefly involved in spreading false

information to the enemy.
5. Spies of consequences - couriers and noblemen, staff officers, and kindred
conspirators, requiring a substantial tribe and bait.

Test VI- Defined and give example (10 Points each)

1. CI Passive measures – are those measures which seek to conceal information of

the enemy.

2. CI Active measures - are those which seek actively to block the enemy’s
efforts to gain to gain information or engage in espionage, subversion or sabotage
2. Intelligence (Base on Psychology)- is the capacity of a person to adjust to new
situations through the use of what has been previously learn

4. Intelligence (Base on Webster) - As the capacity for understanding and for

other form of adaptive intellect of behavior, the mind in operation; the power of
meeting any situation, specially a novel situation, successfully by proper behavior
adjustment, the ability to apprehend the interrelationships of presented facts in such
a way as to guide action towards goal.

Sub-type of Informant
Incidental Informant – a person who casually imparts information to an officer with
no intention of providing subsequent information
Recruited Informant – A person who is selected cultivated and developed into a
continuous source of info
Differentiate Overt Intelligence from Covert Intelligence.
Overt Intelligence – Is the gathering of information\or documents procured openly
without regard as to whether the subject or target become,
knowledgeable of the purpose
Covert Intelligence – Is the secret procurement of information, which is obtained
without the knowledge of the person or persons safeguarding vital
intelligence interest.


Tailing or Shadowing . Surveillance of persons
Casing or Reconnaissance – Surveillance of place
Roping – - . Surveillance of other things, events, and activities


Interrogation – the systematic asking of questions to elicit information in the

minimum of time.
Interrogator – person who does the questioning.
Interrogee - any person who is subjected to the interrogation prbcess in any of its forms
and phases.
Suspect – any person believed to be associated with prohibited activity
Source - person who for any reason submits information of intelligence interest
usually on a voluntary basis
Provocateur – an individual from enemy forces who is deliberately introduce in our
custody with a specific mission of causing some unfavorable action or
reaction on our part.
Screening - Initial examination of an interrogee to determine the extent of his
knowledge of persons, places, things or events in which we are interested.
Formal Interrogation - the systematic attempt to exploit to an appropriate depth those
are of he interrogee's knowledge which have been identified in
the screening process
Debriefing - the interrogation of a friendly interrogee who has information at the
direction of or under the control of the friendly intelligence service.
Interview -. Similar to a debriefing although it is less formal and the interrogee is not
Necessarily under the control or employment of the respective
intelligence service
Interrogation Report -- an oral or written statement of information by the questioning
of an interrogee Form of Interrogation
Direct -- the subject is aware of the fact that he is being interrogated, but he may not
learn the true objectives of the interrogation. This is being used extensively
at the tactical lever.

Information desired in Casing

01. Disposal Plan – disposal of the information, in case of possible compromise.

Disposal of information and materials
02. Escape and Evasion – the exit planning in case of emergencies, from immediate
focal point, the general area and completely from the area


03. Observation – a complete and accurate observation by an individual of his

surroundings encompasses the use of all the major sense to register
and recognized its operational or Intel significance.
04. Description – the actual and factual reporting of one's observation of he reported
sensory experience recounted by another Psychological Processes for
accurate observation
05. Attention – consist of he psychological process involve in becoming aware of an
existence of fact
06. Perce.ption – Involved in the understanding this fact of awareness
07. Report – Involved in identifying the name in one own mind and some fact which as
been perceive, narrated and identified
08. Involuntary – you have no control and requires no effort
09. Voluntary – this is more reliable but not dependable
10. Habitual – little effort with a maximum of control

Factors governing report on observation

11. Vocabulary - the word which an individual uses to press himself
12. Time log - accurate reporting depends entirely on timeless, delay in reporting results
in unconscious omissions of details
13. Approach - process of setting people to start talking
14. Probe - to keep the people taking incessantly
15 Flattery – people are susceptible to praise so use this weakness as a way of
approaching the subject for elicitation.
16. Provocative Approach – discover a wide range of conventional gambits
17. Competition Probe – this is effective when used in connection with the teacher pupil
18..Clarity Probe - used to elicit additional information in an area which the response is
19 High Pressure Probe – It serves to point out contradictions in what the subject has
20 Hypothetical Probe – presents a hypothetical situation and to get he subject to react
to the hypothetical situations

01. Intelligence – Is sometimes described as a "world of deceit and betrayal".


02. Surveillance -Is a form of clandestine investigation which consists of keeping

persons, Pace or other targets under physical observation in order
to obtain evidence or information pertinent to an investigation.
Steps in Processing Raw Information
4. Collection – organization of raw data and information into usable form; grouping
similar items of information so that they will be readily accessible.

05 Evaluation – examination of raw information to determine intelligence value,

pertinence of the information, reliability of the source and agency, and
its credibility or truth of information.
06. Organizational Cover – Is an account consisting of biographical which when
adopted by an individual will assume the personality he wants to adopt
07. Undercover Assignment – Is an investigative technique in which agent conceal his
official identity an obtain information from that organization
08. Double spies – are unreliable renegades, chiefly involved in spreading false
information to the enemy.
09. Spies of consequences - couriers and noblemen, staff officers, and kindred
conspirators, requiring a substantial tribe and bait.
10. CI Passive measures – are those measures which seek to conceal information of the
11. CI Active measures - are those which seek actively to block the enemy’s
efforts to gain to gain information or engage in espionage,
subversion or sabotage

1. Differentiate Overt Intelligence from Covert Intelligence.

Overt Intelligence – Is the gathering of information\or documents procured

openly without regard As to whether the subject or
target become, knowledgeable of the purpose
Covert Intelligence – Is the secret procurement of information, which is
obtained without the knowledge of the person or
persons safeguarding vital intelligence interest.


Topic: Informers and Informants

1-10. Motives of Informants.
- Reward - civic mindedness
- Revenge - repentance
- fear and Avoidance of punishment - competition
- friendship - other motives
- patriotism
- vanity
I-5. Categories of CI Operation
1. Military security
2. Fort frontier and travel security
3. Civil Security
4. Censorship
5. special operation.

6-10. Give only the first five (5) of Principle and Function of
1. Objectivity
2. Interdependence
3. Continuity
4. Communication
5. Usefulness

Test II. Discuss Briefly and give example

Topic: Introduction of National Security

1. Discuss Briefly the importance of national Security

2. Discuss the threats to national Security.

Test II. Essay (Discuss briefly the following terms based on your owned
understanding or refer to the text).
1. Recording (5 points)
2. timeliness (5 Points)

Multiple Choice
01. A disposal of the information, in case of possible compromise. Disposal of
information and materials
a. Description b. Observation c. Escape and Evasion d. Disposal Plan
02. The exit planning in case of emergencies, from immediate focal point, the general
area and completely from the area
a. Description b. Observation c. Escape and Evasion d. Disposal Plan
03. A complete and accurate observation by an individual of his surroundings
encompasses the use of all the major sense to register and recognized its
operational or Intel significance.
a. Description b. Observation c. Escape and Evasion d. Disposal Plan
04. The actual and factual reporting of one's observation of he reported sensory
experience recounted by another
a. Description b. Observation c. Escape and Evasion d. Disposal Plan
05. consist of he psychological process involve in becoming aware of an existence of
a. Attention b. Perception c. Report d. Involuntary
06. Involved in the understanding this fact of awareness
a. Attention b. Perception c. Report d. Involuntary
07. Involved in identifying the name in one own mind and some fact which as been
perceive, narrated and identified
a. Attention b. Perception c. Report d. Involuntary
08. It means you have no control and requires no effort
a. Attention b. Perception c. Report d. Involuntary
09.– This is more reliable but not dependable
a. Time log b. Habitual c. Voluntary d. Vocabulary
10. A little effort with a maximum of control
a. Time log b. Habitual c. Voluntary d. Vocabulary
11. The word which an individual uses to press himself
a. Time log b. Habitual – c. Voluntary d. Vocabulary
12. The accurate reporting depends entirely on timeless, delay in reporting results
inunconscious omissions of details
a. Time log b. Habitual c. Voluntary d. Vocabulary-
13. The process of setting people to start talking
a. Approach b. Probe c. Flattery d. Provocative Approach
14. To keep the people taking incessantly
a. Approach b. Probe c. Flattery d. Provocative Approach
15 People are susceptible to praise so use this weakness as a way of approaching the
subject for elicitation.
a. Approach b. Probe c. Flattery d. Provocative Approach
16. A discover a wide range of conventional gambits
a. Approach b. Probe c. Flattery d. Provocative Approach
17. This is effective when used in connection with the teacher pupil approach
a. Competition Probe b. High Pressure Probe c. Clarity Probe d. Hypothetical
18. Used to elicit additional information in an area which the response is clear
a. Competition Probe b. High Pressure Probe c. Clarity Probe d. Hypothetical

19 It serves to point out contradictions in what the subject has said

a. Competition Probe b. High Pressure Probe c. Clarity Probe d. Hypothetical
20 Presents a hypothetical situation and to get he subject to react to the hypothetical
a. Competition b. High Pressure Probe c. Clarity Probe d . Hypothetical Probe
21. the designated or secret observation places, person s and vehicles for the purpose of
obtaining concerning the identities or activities of the subject.
a. Surveillance- b. Survellant c. Surveillants d. Surveillant
22. is the person who maintains the surveillance or performs the observation.
a. Surveillance- b. Survellant c. Surveillants d. Surveillant
23. is a the person or place watched
a. subject b. suspect c. suspects d. suspected person or place
24. A person performs tailing or shadowing
a. Surveillance- b. Survellant c. Surveillants d. Surveillant
25. A person performs undercover investigation
a. Survellant. b. Surveilant c. Surveillance d. Surveillants
26. a person/s ducting roping.
a. surveillant b. Survellant c. Surveillance d. Surveillants
27. A person who ducting a careful survey of the surrounding of the area for
a. Surveillant b. suspect c. intelligence d. surveillance
28. An equipment used in the surveillance
a. Binoculars b. Typewriter c. Binocalars d. computer
29. is the act of following a person
a. tailing b. shodowing c. telling d. shaduwing
30. is the act of following a person
a. Telling b. shadowing c. shodowing d. stailing
31. is a form of investigation in which the investigator assumes a different and
unofficial identity in order to obtain information.
a. Ropping b. Raping c. Ropings d. Roping
32. To provide a basis for obtaining a search warrant.
a. Objectives of surveillance b. Surveillance c. Objectives d.Goals of surveillance
33 is a form of investigation in which the investigation in which the investigator
assumes a different and unofficial identity in order to obtain information.
a. Undercover assignment b. Undercover duty c. Undercover works d. Undercover
34.A special method of surveillance which is a close circuit system may be used so
that the activities of the subject maybe observed by the surveillant at a distance.
a. Television b. Tape recorder c. Internate connection d. Recorder.
35. A pocket size equipment maybe concealed when recording the conversation.
a. tape recorder b. Television c. Recorders d. Tip Recorder
36. Is the surveillance of a building place or area to determine its suitability for Intel?
use or its in reability in operations.
a. Shawdowing b. Tailing c. covering d. Casing
37. Is a form of clandestine investigation which consist of keeping persons, place or
other target under physical observation in order to obtain evidence or
information pertinent to an investigation.
a. Shawdowing b. Tailing c. casing d. Surveillance

38. . A complete and accurate observation by an individual of his surroundings

encompasses the use of all the major sense to register and recognized its
operational or intelligence. significant.
a. Tailing b. casing c. Surveillance d. Observation
39. A person who does the questioning.
a. Interrogator b. Interrogation c. Interrogee d. intrrogees
40. Any person believed to be associated with prohibited activity.
a. Subject b. Suspect c. subject or suspect d. Victim/s
41. A person who for any reason submits information of intelligence interest usually
on a voluntary basis.
a. Source of Information b. Source c. Sources d. Informer
42. An individual from enemy forces who is deliberately introduce in our custody
with a specific mission of causing some unfavorable action or reaction on our
a. Provocator b. provocateur c. investigator d. intelligence

43. The initial examination of an interrogee to determine the extent of his knowledge
of persons, places, things or events in which we are interested.
a. Deleveration b. screening c. screen d. selection
44. The interrogation of a friendly interrogee who has information at the direction of
or under the control of the friendly intelligence service.
a. Breifing b. Debriefing c. Debreif d. conference
45/ . An oral or written statement of information by the questioning an interrogee.
a. Interrogation report b. Interrogee c. Questioning d. Systematic questioning
46. The subject is aware of the fact he is being interrogated, but he may not learn the
true objectives of the interrogation.
a. Direct Interrogation b. Indirect Interrogations c. Interrogation d. Interview
47. Is simply defined as an art and science of making, revising and protecting codes
And ciphers.
a. Cryptography b. cryptography c. ciphers d. cryptophy
48. Refers to something that is concealed and hidden.
a. crypt b. crepos c. ciphers d. kryptos
49. The phrases are represented by predetermined words, numbers or symbols are
usually impossible to read without key code book.
a. codes b. code c. coding d. coded
50. Code secret message which takes the form of an innocent text.
a. ciphers b. cipthers c. kryptos d. krypto
51.Kryptos- that means secret.
a. cephers b. kryptos c. krypto d. crypos
52. Is the surveillance of a building place or area to determine its suitability for Intel?
use or its in reability in operations.
a. Shawdowing b. Tailing c. covering d. Casing
53. Is a form of clandestine investigation which consist of keeping persons, place or
other target under physical observation in order to obtain evidence or
information pertinent to an investigation.
a. Shawdowing b. Tailing c. casing d. Surveillance

54. A complete and accurate observation by an individual of his surroundings

encompasses the use of all the major sense to register and recognized its
operational or intel. significant.
a. Tailing b. casing c. Surveillance d. Observation
55. The actual and factual reporting of one observation of the reported sensory
experience recounted by another.
a. Tailing b. Surveillance c. Observation d. Description

Topic: Tactical Interrogation.

56. The systematic asking of questions to elicit information in the minimum of time.
a. Interrogator b. Interrogation c. Interrogee d. intrrogees
57. A person who does the questioning.
a. Interrogator b. Interrogation c. Interrogee d.
58. Any person believed to be associated with prohibited activity.
a. Subject b. Suspect c. subject or suspect d. Victim/s
59. A person who for any reason submits information of intelligence interest usually
on a voluntary basis.
a. Source of Information b. Source c. Sources d. Informer
60. An individual from enemy forces who is deliberately introduce in our custody with
a specific mission of causing some unfavorable action or reaction on our part.
a. Provocator b. provocateur c. investigator d. intelligence
61. The initial examination of an interrogee to determine the extent of his knowledge
of persons, places, things or events in which we are interested.
a. Deleveration b. screening c. screen d. selection
62. The systematic attempt to exploit to an appropriate dept those are of he interrogees
knowledge which have been identified in the screening process
a. Interrogation b. Formal Interrogation c. Questining d. Interview
63. The interrogation of a friendly interrogee who has information at the direction of or
under the control of the friendly intelligence service.
a. Breifing b. Debriefing c. Debreifing d. conference
64. A similar to a debriefing although it is less formal and interrogee is not necessary
under the control or employment of the respective intelligence service.
a. Interrogation b. Interview c. Instrumentation d. Interrogate
65. An oral or written statement of information by the questioning an interrogee.
a. Interrogation report b. Interrogee c. Questioning d. Systematic questioning
66. The subject is aware of the fact he is being interrogated, but he may not learn the
true objectives of the interrogation.
a. Direct Interrogation b. Indirect Interrogation c. Interrogation d. Interview

Topic: Fundamental of cryptography; Encoding and Decoding

67. Is simply defined as an art and science of making, revising and protecting codes
and ciphers.
a. Cryptography b. cryptography c. ciphers d. cryptophy
68.Refers to something that is concealed and hidden.
a. crypt b. crepos c. ciphers d. kryptos

69. The phrases are represented by predetermined words, numbers or symbols are
usually impossible to read without key code book.
a. codes b. code c. coding d. coded
70.A code secret message which takes the form of an innocent text.
a. ciphers b. cipthers c. kryptos d. krypto
71.- that means secret.
a. cephers b. kryptos c. krypto d. crypos

72. when two or more persons succeed in police operation conducted, due to
observance of plans and working together as one.
a. Objectivity b. objective c. object d. objection
73. In one police operation the group is divided into two groups, the first group is
tasked as assaulting group and the other group is tasked as blocking force in order to
insure complete coverage, and eliminate duplication of works, but they are working as
one in one objective.
a. interdependence b. interruption c. interpersonal d. independence
74. In conducting investigation of a crime, it is an SOP that the modus operandi of
criminal/s must be recorded for study and future study and to compare the way of
operations to other similar crimes and for easily predict the future crimes.
a. Continuity b. continuous c. continuation d. un-continuity
75. The continuous submission of reports of an agent to his handlers. Likewise,
continuous giving guidance of handler to his agents will be considered _________.
a. Communication b. communicated c. communicate d. announcement
76 . If the information collected, remain in the mind or files or drawer of the collecting
agent , this is called ________.
a. Useless b. ineffective c. ineffectual d. hopeless
77. After the 11. collection of information, processing, interpretation and evaluation,
what is the next step before dissemination of information to agencies that need the
a. Selection b. integration c. assortment d. collation
78. Right after the collection of information’s, the agent should immediately process,
interprets, evaluates and disseminates the information to agencies that needs the
information. .
a. Timeliness. b. time less c. on time d. early
79. The act of protection of the information from enemy espionage or block the enemy
efforts to gain information or engage espionage or sabotage
a. Security b. secured c. securing d. protection
80. The intelligence operation against hostile countries or subversive elements was
consider as a long-range types of operation
a. Intelligence operation b. Strategic intelligence c. CI d. strategic intelligent
81. The intelligence operation that has needed immediate result/s or the results of these
is necessary for planning and operation.
a. line intelligence b. National intelligence. c. timeliness d. police intelligence
82. Integration of information coming from intelligence units or branches of
government purposely to develop policy for national security.
a. lines intelligence b. line intelligence c. intelligence d. national intelligent

83. The operation destroys of the effectiveness of hostile foreign activities and
protection of information against espionage and sabotage.
a. Decoy b. counter intelligent c. Counter-intelligence. d. intelligent
84. The used of prisoner/s or former members of criminal groups for gathering
information, to prevent crimes, arrest and prosecution of criminal offenders.
a. Criminal intelligence. b. counter intel. c. intelligence c. reverse intelligence
85. the used photography, investigations /elicitation/ interrogation, surveillance, sound
Equipment and surreptitious entry in choosing collecting agent
a. trade marks b. trade Craft s c. silent entry d. ll of the above.
86. If the intelligence operation to be conducted is relation to drug syndicate so PEA
the most appropriate agency will be chosen. .
a. collecting agent b. Collecting Agencies. c. collecting agency d. all of the three
87. The intelligence operation it can be overt or covert methods.
a. steps of collection b. methods of collection. c. cycle of collection d. collection
88. The collections of information were accomplished by using of video camera, tape
recorder and other modern equipments.
a. planning b. recording c. Bagging d. casing and recording
89. The examination of raw information is of its reliability of the source and agency,
and truth of the information.
a. analysis b. evaluation c. originality of information d. interpretation
90. The information is confirmed by other agencies and completely observes by the
commander or Chief of unit in different occasion.
A 2 Information b. B 1 Information c. A 1 information d. all of the above
91. The information is reported by DPA or resident agent and the result of your
confirmation conducted is usually reliable.
a. A 1 information b. A 2 information c. B 2 information d. B-1 information

Topic: Principles of Intelligence

92. It is a basic intelligence concept that there must be unity between knowledge
and action, it follows therefore that intelligence should interact and condition
the decision.
a. Objectivity b. objective c. goals d. intention
93. it means intelligence is artificially subdivided into component elements to
ensure complete coverage, eliminate produce and to reduce the overall task or
manageable sizes.
a. interdependence b. dependence c. objectivity d. dependent
94. It means intelligence is continuous.
a. Continuity b. stability c. stable d. permanence
95. Intelligence adequate to their needs must be communicated to all the decision
makers in manner that they will understand and form that will permit its most
effective use.
a. Communication b. communicated c. messages d. information

96. It means intelligence is useless if it remains in the mind, or in the files of its
collectors or its producers.
a. Useless b. usefulness c. futile d. hopless

97. Intelligence should be essential and pertinent to the purpose at hand.

a. Selection b. selections c. useless d. objectivity
98. Intelligence must be communicated to the decision maker at the appropriate
time to permit its most effective use.
a. Timeliness. b. On time c. punctuality d. none- of the three
99. is achieved by the measures which intelligence takes to protect and preserve
the integrity of its activities.
a. Security b. prevention c. CI d. counter espionage
Topics: Activities in Police Intelligence

100. it is an intelligence activity which is primary long range in nature with little
practical immediate operation value.
a. Strategic intelligence b. Strategic spies c. spies d. espionage
101. it is an intelligence activity that has the immediate nature and value
necessary for more effective police planning and operation.
a. Line intelligence b. Online Intelligence c. national Intelligence d. intelligence
102. it is the integrated product of intelligence developed by the all the
governmental branches, departments concerning the broad aspect of
national security and policy.
a. Line intelligence b. Online Intelligence c. national Intelligence d. intelligence
103. phase of intelligence covering the activity devoted in destroying the
effectiveness of hostile foreign activities and to the protection of information
against espionage, subversion and sabotage.
a. Counter espionage b. Counter-intelligence. c. National Intel. d. intelligence
104. is an investigative process in which disguises and pretext cover and
deception are used to gain the confidence of criminal suspects for the
purpose of determining the nature and extent of any criminal activities
that may be contemplating .
a. Cover work b. Undercover work c. overt work d. none of the three

Topic: Categories of CI operation.

105. It encompasses the measures taken by a command to protect itself against

espionage, enemy operation, sabotage, subversion or surprise.
a. counter espionage b. Military security c. military Intel. d. intelligence
106. A civil security measures for CI control at point of entry and departure, of
international borders or boundaries.
a. travel security b. departure security c. security guard d. CI
107. It encompasses active and passive CI measures affecting the non-military
nationals permanently or temporary residing in an area under military
a. civil security b. censorship c. special operation c. civil security
108. it is the control and examination of the civil, national, armed forces, field
press, and POWs
a. civil security b. censorship c. special operation c. civil security
109. counter subversion, sabotage and espionage.
a. civil security b. censorship c. special operation c. civil security

110. In intelligence cycle which of the following is not included ?

a. Planning the collection effort c. Collection of Raw information
b. Collection of information d. Processing the collected Information
111. In collection of information which of the following sub-topic is not included ?
a. selection of collecting agencies c. purpose of the collection plan
b. important of collection plan d. steps in developing a collection plan

Topic: nature and history of Intelligence

112. It is a basic intelligence concept that there must be unity between knowledge and
action, it follows therefore that intelligence should interact and condition the
a. Objectivity

Test IV- Multiple Choice. (Identify the best answer by writing the corresponding
small letter of your choice)
112. when two or more persons succeed in police operation conducted, due to
observance of plans and working together as one.
a. Objectivity b. objective c. object d. objection
113. In one police operation the group is divided into two groups, the first group is
tasked as assaulting group and the other group is tasked as blocking force in order to
insure complete coverage, and eliminate duplication of works, but they are working as
one in one objective.
a. interdependence b. interruption c. interpersonal d. independence

114. In conducting investigation of a crime, it is an SOP that the modus operandi of

criminal/s must be recorded for study and future study and to compare the way of
operations to other similar crimes and for easily predict the future crimes.
a. Continuity b. continuous c. continuation d. un-continuity
115. The continuous submission of reports of an agent to his handlers. Likewise,
continuous giving guidance of handler to his agents will be considered _________.
a. Communication b. communicated c. communicate d. announcement
116. If the information collected, remain in the mind or files or drawer of the
collecting agent , this is called ________.
a. Useless b. ineffective c. ineffectual d. hopeless
117. After the collection of information, processing, interpretation and evaluation,
what is the next step before dissemination of information to agencies that need the
a. Selection b. integration c. assortment d. collation
118. Right after the collection of information’s, the agent should immediately process,
interprets, evaluates and disseminates the information to agencies that needs the
information. .
a. Timeliness. b. time less c. on time d. early
119. The act of protection of the information from enemy espionage or block the enemy
efforts to gain information or engage espionage or sabotage
a. Security b. secured c. securing d. protection

129. The intelligence operation against hostile countries or subversive elements was
consider as a long-range types of operation
a. Intelligence operation b. Strategic intelligence c. CI d. strategic intelligent
130. The intelligence operation that has needed immediate result/s or the results of these
is necessary for planning and operation.
a. line intelligence b. National intelligence. c. timeliness d. police intelligence
131. Integration of information coming from intelligence units or branches of
government purposely to develop policy for national security.
a. lines intelligence b. line intelligence c. intelligence d. national intelligent
132. The operation destroys of the effectiveness of hostile foreign activities and
protection of information against espionage and sabotage.
a. Decoy b. counter intelligent c. Counter-intelligence. d. intelligent
133. The used of prisoner/s or former members of criminal groups for gathering
information, to prevent crimes, arrest and prosecution of criminal offenders.
a. Criminal intelligence. b. counter intel. c. intelligence c. reverse intelligence
134. the used photography, investigations /elicitation/ interrogation, surveillance,
sound Equipment and surreptitious entry in choosing collecting agent
a. trade marks b. trade Craft s c. silent entry d. all of the above.
135. If the intelligence operation to be conducted is relation to drug syndicate so PEA
the most appropriate agency will be chosen. .
a. collecting agent b. Collecting Agencies. c. collecting agency d. all of the three
136. The intelligence operation it can be overt or covert methods.
a. steps of collection b. methods of collection. c. cycle of collection d. collection
137 The collections of information were accomplished by using of video camera, tape
recorder and other modern equipments.
a. planning b. recording c. Bagging d. casing and recording
138. The examination of raw information is of its reliability of the source and agency,
and truth of the information.
a. analysis b. evaluation c. originality of information d. interpretation
139. The information is confirmed by other agencies and completely observes by the
commander or Chief of unit in different occasion.
2 Information b. B 1 Information c. A 1 information d. all of the above
120. The information is reported by DPA or resident agent and the result of your
confirmation conducted is usually reliable.
a. A 1 information b. A 2 information c. B 2 information d. B-1 information

- - -- - - -- - -- end - - - - -

Topic: Informers and Informants;

1. Motives for giving information

1. Greed 4. Revenge
2. Fear 5. Patriotism
3. Hate 6. Loyalty
2. Types of Informants
1. Criminal Informants 4. Special Informants
2. Confidential Informants 5. Anonymous Informants
3. Voluntary Informants
01 Russia- the intelligence agency known as the KGB
02. KGB- Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Besopasnosti
03 .Great Britain – British Secrete Service
04. Israel – Mossad
05. West Germany – BND
06. CIA and FBI and the other state/federal units of intelligence service were US main intelligence
07. KCIA - KOREAN Central intelligence agency
08. Soviet Counter Intelligence – known as “ IRON CURTAIN”
09. intrigues and spies- winning over enemy people
10. Speculators – were the first intelligence personnel to appear definitely in a military organization.
11. Intelligence- is sometimes described as a world of deceit and betrayal. as Negative Intelligence
12. pertinence- does it hold some value to current operator /
13. Reliability- Judging the source of information of agency.
14. CIA – is one among the biggest in the world in terms of intelligence networking.
15. CIA and FBI - is the uS main Intelligence agencies
16. HUMINT – means Counter Human Intelligence
17. IMINT - means Counter Imagery Intelligence
18. SIGGINT – means Counter Signal Intelligence
19. EEI - Essential Element of Information
20. CI - means Counter Intelligence

Test I- Enumeration ( Give your answer in exact order)

01-05. Classes of Spies

1. Local spies 4. Doomed spies
2. Internal Spies 5. Surviving spies
3. Converted spies

6.-8. Give only the first three of four classes of agent by Frederick the great, “
Father of Organized Military Espionage.
6. Common Spies 7. Double Spies 8/ Spies of consequences

9-10. Give only the first two of three branches US Naval Intelligence system.
9. Positive Branch 10. Negative Branch.

Test VI- Defined (5 Points each)

1. Intelligence (Betrayals)
2. Base on Psychology
3. According to Government –
4. According to Military Terminologies

Test II. Discussion. (Discuss Briefly)

6. Double spies – are unreliable renegades, chiefly involved in spreading false

information to the enemy.
7. Spies of consequences - couriers and noblemen, staff officers, and kindred
conspirators, requiring a substantial tribe and bait.

1. It is a basic intelligence concept that there must be unity between knowledge and action, it
follows therefore that intelligence should interact and condition the decision.
a. Objectivity
2. it means intelligence is artificially subdivided into component elements to ensure complete
coverage, eliminate produce and to reduce the overall task or manageable sizes.
a. interdependence
3. It means intelligence is continuous.
a. Continuity

4. Intelligence adequate to their needs must be communicated to all the decision makers in
manner that they will understand and form that will permit its most effective use.
a. Communication
5. It means intelligence is useless if it remains in the mind, or in the files of its collectors or its
a. Useless
6. Intelligence should be essential and pertinent to the purpose at hand.
a. Selection
7. Intelligence must be communicated to the decision maker at the appropriate time to permit
its most effective use.
a. Timeliness.
8. is achieved by the measures which intelligence takes to protect and preserve the integrity of
its activities.
a. Security
9. it is an intelligence activity which is primary long range in nature with little practical
immediate operation value.
a. Strategic intelligence
10. it is an intelligence activity that has the immediate nature and value necessary for more
effective police planning and operation.
a. Line intelligence
11. it is the integrated product of intelligence developed by the all the governmental branches,
departments concerning the broad aspect of national security and policy.
a. National intelligence.
12. phase of intelligence covering the activity devoted in destroying the effectiveness of hostile
foreign activities and to the protection of information against espionage, subversion and
a. Counter-intelligence.
13. refers to the knowledge essential to the prevention of crimes and the investigation, arrest,
and prosecution of criminal offenders.
a. Criminal intelligence.
14. refers to the knowledge essential to the to the maintenance of peace and order.
a. Internal security intelligence
15. refers to the knowledge essential to ensure the protection of lives and properties.
a. Public safety intelligence
16. it deals with the demographic and psychological aspect of group of people.
a. Sociological intelligence
17. it includes the population and manpower and the characteristics of the people, public
opinion-attitude of the majority of the people toward matter of public policy and education.
a. Sociological intelligence
18. it deals with individuals personalities who have actual possession of power.
a. Biographical intelligence

19. deals with the armed forces of the nation.

a. Armed forces intelligence
20. deals with the process of research and development as it affects the economic and military
potential of a nation.
a. Geographical intelligence.

01. Personal Reconnaissance – the most effective method and will produced the most info since
you know just what you're looking for.
02. Map Reconnaissance –It may not sufficient but it can produce a certain amount of usable information
03. Research –much info can be acquired through research
04. Prior Information – your unit and of the unit will have file report that they may provide you with Info.
05. Hearsay – Info usually gain by the person operating in the area and performing casing job
05. Discreet – subject person to be watch is unaware that he is under observation
06. Close –subject is aware that he is under observation varied on each occasions
07. Loose – applied frequently or infrequently, period of observation varied on each occasion
08. Stationary – this is observation of place usually a bookie stall, a gambling, joint, a residence
where illegal activities are going on (fixed position)
09. Moving – surveillance follow the subject from the place to place to maintain continuous watch
of his activities
10. Technical – this is a surveillance by the use of communications and electronic hardware's, gadgets,
system and equipment
11. Methods of Collection – collection of information can be done through overt method (open system)
or covert method (secret/clandestine).
12. Collecting Agencies – depending on the type of operation, the collecting agency could be
Government Agencies, Intelligence units, or Organizations.
13. Trade Crafts – Includes the use of photography, investigations / elicitation / interrogation,
surveillance, sound equipment, surreptitious entry - keys and locks, use of an artist,
14. Intel-work Sheet - Intel Files
15. Situation Maps - Rouges Gallery
16. Placement – location of prospective agent with respect to the target
17. Access – it is the capability of a prospective agent to obtain the desired info for the Intel
organization or to perform to Intel collection mission in the area.
18. Primary Access – It is the access to the desired info
19. Secondary Access– It is the access to the desired info through a principal source where the latter
has the direct access
20. Outside Access – the agent is employed outside the target and merely monitors info from a third
person who is monitoring info n the area

Interrogation – 4. the systematic asking of questions to elicit information in the minimum of time.
Interrogator – 5. person who does the questioning.
Interrogee 6. any person who is subjected to the interrogation prbcess in any of its forms and
Suspect 7 – any person believed to be associated with prohibited activity
Source 8- a person who for any reason submits information of intelligence interest usually on a
voluntary basis
Provocateur 9.– an individual from enemy forces who is deliberately introduce in our custody
with a specific mission of causing some unfavorable action or reaction on our part.

Screening 10. Initial examination of an interrogee to determine the extent of his knowledge of
persons, places, things or events in which we are interested.
Formal Interrogation 11- the systematic attempt to exploit to an appropriate depth those are of he
interrogee's knowledge which have been identified in the screening process
Debriefing 12. the interrogation of a friendly interrogee who has information at the direction of or
under the control of the friendly intelligence service.
Interview 13. Similar to a debriefing although it is less formal and the interrogee is not necessarily
under the control or employment of the respective intelligence service

Interrogation Report 14. an oral or written statement of information by the questioning of an

Form of Interrogation
Direct 15. the subject is aware of the fact that he is being interrogated, but he may not learn the
true objectives of the interrogation. This is being used extensively at the tactical

Test 1V- Multiple Choice

Information desired in Casing
01. Disposal Plan – disposal of the information, in case of possible compromise. Disposal of
information and materials
02. Escape and Evasion – the exit planning in case of emergencies, from immediate focal point,
the general area and completely from the area
03. Observation – a complete and accurate observation by an individual of his surroundings
encompasses the use of all the major sense to register and recognized its
operational or Intel significance.
04. Description – the actual and factual reporting of one's observation of he reported sensory
experience recounted by another
Psychological Processes for accurate observation
05. Attention – consist of he psychological process involve in becoming aware of an existence of
06. Perce.ption – Involved in the understanding this fact of awareness
07. Report – Involved in identifying the name in one own mind and some fact which as been
perceive, narrated and identified
08. Involuntary – you have no control and requires no effort
09. Voluntary – this is more reliable but not dependable
10. Habitual – little effort with a maximum of control

Factors governing report on observation

11. Vocabulary - the word which an individual uses to press himself
12. Time log - accurate reporting depends entirely on timeless, delay in reporting results in
unconscious omissions of details
13. Approach - process of setting people to start talking
14. Probe - to keep the people taking incessantly
15 Flattery – people are susceptible to praise so use this weakness as a way of approaching the
subject for elicitation.
16. Provocative Approach – discover a wide range of conventional gambits
17. Competition Probe – this is effective when used in connection with the teacher pupil approach
18..Clarity Probe – used to elicit additional information in an area which the response is clear
19 High Pressure Probe – It serves to point out contradictions in what the subject has said
20 Hypothetical Probe – presents a hypothetical situation and to get he subject to react to the
hypothetical situations

Test II. Discussion. (Discuss Briefly based on your understanding )

Covert and Undercover Operation

1. Differentiate Overt Intelligence from Covert Intelligence.

Overt Intelligence – Is the gathering of information\or documents procured openly without regard
as to whether the subject or target become, knowledgeable of the purpose
Covert Intelligence – Is the secret procurement of information, which is obtained without the
knowledge of the person or persons safeguarding vital intelligence interest.

- - - - - - -- - - -END - - - - - - - - - -
Saint Joseph Institute of Technology
College of Criminology

Midterm Examination
Test I- Enumeration

01-10. Detailed Parts of the Barrel Assembly of Cal 45 Pistol

Test II- Discussion

1. Differentiate Rifle from Pistol 2. Differentiate Revolver from shotgun

Test III- Fill in the blank.

__________1. is the point of entry of the bullet
__________2. is the point of exit of the bullet after he left from the muzzle of gun
__________3. a part of firearm which considered as the connecting pivot of the
cylinder with frame or receiver.
__________4. a parts of firearm whose function is to eject the shell in every shot.
__________5. a part of the firearm whose function is to hold and eject the magazine the pistol.
__________6. a part of a firearm whose function is to strike the primer of the ammunition
__________7. a part of the firearm whose function is to strike the firing pin
__________8. a part of firearm that considered as the housing part of a firearm
__________9. a part of revolver that served as magazine
__________10. a part of firearm that give a direction of twist of the projectile upon left the
Muzzle end.

Test IV- Multiple Choice

. the executive order that provides the air rifle and air pistol not classified as toys and the
barrel of FAS is considered as complete FAS.
a. EQ. 217 b. EQ. 172 EQ. 127 d. E.Q. 712
2. the date issued of the Executive Order that provides that the air rifle and air pistol not classified
as toys and the barrel of FAS is considered as complete fAS.
a. Jun 18, 1981 b. Jul 28, 1987 c. Jul 18, 1981 d. Jul 28, 19 81
3. Apart of the revolver that served as magazine.
a. Cylinder b. Magazine c. cylinder d. cylindrs
4. A main part of revolver that composed of breech end, muzzle end, Bore, rifling and front sight.
a. Barrel assembly b. Magazine assembly c. stock group d. Magazine
5. A main part of the revolver that composed of Top strap, near sight, hammer, trigger, trigger
guard and 13 other detailed parts.
a. Frame or receiver b. barrel assembly c. Cylinder assembly
6. Refers to a loaded shells for rifle, muskets, carbines, shotguns and other firearms.
a. Bullet b. Ammunition c. Cartridges d. ammunitions
7. It includes rifles, muskets, carbines, shotguns, revolver pistols and all other deadly
from which bullet, balls shot may be discharge by means of gunpowder.
a. Gun b. rifle c. firearm d. firearm
8. It has a better grip, fits the hand and point naturally.
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
9. It is an old standard weapon which everyone is knows to use it and almost knows some thing
about how to handle it.
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver c. disadvantage of revolverd
10. It is hard to clean after firing.
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
11. Ammunition must be perfect old and deteriorated ammunition will cause a jam
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver

12. It is easier to load than a revolver

a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
13. Its grip or handle is generally not as good as that of a pistol
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
14. It can not be fired from the pocket without jumming
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
15. There is no gas leakages on its operation
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver

Test V- True or false (Topic: Fifteen step to dismantle and assemble of a pistol ( 25 points).)

Instruction: If the given answer or percentage opposite to the question is correct

write only capital “TRUE” but if this is wrong, supply the
corresponding word/s or answer.

1. Hold the firearm pointing the muzzle to the safety direction.

2. Press the magazine catch and remove the magazine.
1. Draw back the slide assembly all the way and check visually the chamber to ensure the firearm is
unloaded, if someone else is present, show to them that the chamber is empty.
2. Point the pistol to the safe direction and press the trigger to close the hammer.
3. Hold the gun using your left hand at the near muzzle facing to your body and pointing upward. Kept
your face away/safety, press down the barrel link using any small hard object . Example; cinco.
4. Twist the barrel bashing ¼ to the left while right hand pressing down the barrel link pin.
5. Hold the barrel link pin securely and allow slowly to release upward, pick it and put down in a plain
6. Remove the recoil spring
7. Open hammer the pistol and kept finger/s out of trigger guard.
8. Push the slide assembly backward to align the slide-stop end to the small groove found at
near the edge of the slide assemble.
9. Remove the slide stop by pressing the pin at the right side of a frame or by picking the slide stop using
the left hand.
10. Pull out the slide assembly by using left hand, while the right hand holding at the grip, put down the
frame to the clean and plain surface.
11. Remove the recoil spring guide from the slide assembly by a right hand.
12. Remove the barrel bushing by turning this to the right direction with little force upward.
13. Lastly, full-out the barrel assembly by pushing upward
14. Hold the firearm pointing the muzzle to the safety direction.
15. Press the magazine clutch and remove the magazine.
16. Draw back the slide assembly this and check visually the chamber to ensure the firearm is unloaded, if
someone else is present, show to them that the chamber is unloaded.
17. Point the pistol to the safety direction and press the trigger to close the hammer.
18. Hold the gun using your left hand at the near muzzle facing to your body and pointing upward. Kept
your face away/safety, press down the barrel link pen using any small hard object . Example; coin.
19. Twist the barrel bashing ¼ to he left while the left hand pressing down the barrel link pin.
20. Hold the barrel link pin safety and allow slowly to release upward, pick it and put down in a plain

Test VI- Definition

1. Ammunition 2. Pistol 3. Rifle 4. Revolver
5. Firearm 6. Shot Gun 7. Muzzle end

Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

College of Criminology

Final Examination
Subject: Crim Soc-5

Test I- Enumeration ( Give your answer in exact order)

1 - 5. Crisis Managemnt Techniques

6 -10. Factors that affect mental disorder

Test II. Discussion.

1. Why Prisoners takes hostages ?

2. Give the importance of Public Information Officer during hostage situation.

Test III. Fill in the blank. (Supply the missing word or answer of the sentence)
1. Human Behavior is 1) _________ results for attitude a 2) __________ adopt in
order to 3) ______ societies idea of 4) ________ or wrong. It is partly determined by 5)
___________ and environment, and modified through learning. It is also the way human
beings 6) _______. Many people use the word behavior to mean 7) ____________. But in 8)
_______________ and other behavioral 9) ____________, behavior ir regarded as any 10)
____________ of a person.

Test IV- Multiple Choice

1. Any one who fails to meet the characteristics the standard norms of society.
a. Abnormal person b. Abnormal c. Normal Person d. Abnormal persons
2. one who behaves according to the norms and standard of society.
a. Abnormal person b. Abnormal c. Normal Person d. Abnormal persons
3. Implies an interrelationship of mind, body and desire
a. Psychosomatic Illness b. Psychosomtic Illness c. Psychosomatic Illnes d. Psychosatic
4. Is a mild form of mental disorder.
a. Psychoneurosis b. Psychoneuross c.. Psychoneuroses d. Psychoneorosis
5. Are serious mental and emotional disorders that area manifestation of withdrawal from
a. psychoses b. phsychoses c. psychosess d. psychosis
6. A false interpretation of an external stimulus
a. Illussion b. delirium c. delusion d. Hallucination
7. An erroneous perception without an external object of stimulus.
a. Hallucination b. illusion c. delirium d. Halucination
8. A form of mental disorder resulting from the degration or disorder of the brain
characterized by general mental weakness, forgetfulness, lost of coherence, and total in
ability to reason.
a. dintia b. illusion c. Dementia hallucination
9. A false or erroneous belief in something which is not a fact.
a. Dementia b. illusion c. Delusion d. dilirium
10. Is a condition of the mind boarding on sanity and insanity.
a. Obsession b. Obsision c. omission d. illusion

Page-1 of 2 Pages

Page-2 of 2 Pages

11. A condition which absorbed by his miserable thoughts. Aura hallucination is common.
a. Malancholia b. Malunchia c. Obsession d. illusion
12. Feeling of unwarranted well-being and happiness.
a. melancholia b. Exaltation. c. exeltation d. demetia
13. A serious disregard for the surrounding and the environment.
a. Apathy b. Aptay c. exaltation dementia
14. It is characterized by incoherent speech, hallucination, illusion, delusion, restlessness, and
apparently purposeless motions.
a. Delirium b. dilrium c. Hallucination d. delusion
15. An irrational and uncontrollable fear of a perfectly natural situation or object.
a. Antophobia b. phobia c. pobia d. delusion

Test V- Instruction: Identify and segregate those terms used in the study of Mental
Disorders as group “A” from terms used in study of Human Behavior
as group “B”. Example:
Group “A” Group “B”

1. Neurological
2. Impaired Vitality
3. Humanistic
4. Illusion
5. Physical Causes
6. Dementia
7. Social Conflicts
8. Obsession
9. Physical Traits
10. Exaltation
11. Mental traits
12. Morality Defective
13. Neuroticism
14. Efforts of the well
15. Intelligence and crime

Test VI- Instruction: Define and give at least one brief example.

1. Crisis management
2. Hostage Situation
3. Person in Crisis
4. Common Criminals
5. Controlling Hostage Situation
6. Brainstorming session
7. Forecasting
8. Hostage taker

Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

College of Criminology

Final Examination
Subject: LEA-4

Test I- Enumeration ( Give your answer in exact order)

1-10. Considerations in Surveillance Planning
Test II. Discussion. (Discuss Briefly)
1. Differentiate Overt Intelligence from Covert Intelligence.
2. Differentiate Interview from Interrogation-
Test III. Fill in the blank. (Supply the missing word or answer of the sentence)
________1. refers to surveillance of persons
________2. refers to surveillance of place
________3. refers to surveillance of other things, events, and activities
________4. the systematic asking of questions to elicit information in the minimum of time.
________5. person who does the questioning.
________6. any person who is subjected to the interrogation process in any of its forms and phases.
________7. any person believed to be associated with prohibited activity
________8. a person who for any reason submits information of intelligence interest usually on a
voluntary basis
________ 9. an individual from enemy forces who is deliberately introduce in our custody
with a specific mission of causing some unfavorable action or reaction on our part.
________10. Initial examination of an interrogee to determine the extent of his knowledge of
persons, places, things or events in which we are interested.
________ 11- the systematic attempt to exploit to an appropriate depth those are of he
interrogee's knowledge which have been identified in the screening process
________ 12. the interrogation of a friendly interrogee who has information at the direction
of or under the control of the friendly intelligence service.
________ 13. Similar to a debriefing although it is less formal and the interrogee is not
necessarily under the control or employment of the respective intelligence service
________ 14. an oral or written statement of information by the questioning of an interrogee_
_____ __ 15. the subject is aware of the fact that he is being interrogated, but he may not learn the
true objectives of the interrogation. This is being used extensively at the tactical lever.

Test 1V- Multiple Choice

01. A disposal of the information, in case of possible compromise. Disposal of information and
a. Description b. Observation c. Escape and Evasion d. Disposal Plan
02. The exit planning in case of emergencies, from immediate focal point, the general area and
completely from the area
a. Description b. Observation c. Escape and Evasion d. Disposal Plan
03. A complete and accurate observation by an individual of his surroundings encompasses the use
of all the major sense to register and recognized its operational or Intel significance.
a. Description b. Observation c. Escape and Evasion d. Disposal Plan
04. The actual and factual reporting of one's observation of he reported sensory experience recounted
by another
a. Description b. Observation c. Escape and Evasion d. Disposal Plan
05. consist of he psychological process involve in becoming aware of an existence of fact
a. Attention b. Perception c. Report d. Involuntary
06. Involved in the understanding this fact of awareness
a. Attention b. Perception c. Report d. Involuntary
07. Involved in identifying the name in one own mind and some fact which as been perceive, narrated
and identified
a. Attention b. Perception c. Report d. Involuntary
08. It means you have no control and requires no effort
a. Attention b. Perception c. Report d. Involuntary
09.– This is more reliable but not dependable
a. Time log b. Habitual c. Voluntary d. Vocabulary
10. A little effort with a maximum of control
a. Time log b. Habitual c. Voluntary d. Vocabulary

11. The word which an individual uses to press himself

a. Time log b. Habitual – c. Voluntary d. Vocabulary
12. The accurate reporting depends entirely on timeless, delay in reporting results inunconscious
omissions of details
a. Time log b. Habitual c. Voluntary d. Vocabulary-
13. The process of setting people to start talking
a. Approach b. Probe c. Flattery d. Provocative Approach
14. To keep the people taking incessantly
a. Approach b. Probe c. Flattery d. Provocative Approach
15 People are susceptible to praise so use this weakness as a way of approaching the subject for elicitation.
a. Approach b. Probe c. Flattery d. Provocative Approach
16. A discover a wide range of conventional gambits
a. Approach b. Probe c. Flattery d. Provocative Approach
17. This is effective when used in connection with the teacher pupil approach
a. Competition Probe b. High Pressure Probe c. Clarity Probe d. Hypothetical Probe
18. Used to elicit additional information in an area which the response is clear
a. Competition Probe b. High Pressure Probe c. Clarity Probe d. Hypothetical Probe
19 It serves to point out contradictions in what the subject has said
a. Competition Probe b. High Pressure Probe c. Clarity Probe d. Hypothetical Probe
20 Presents a hypothetical situation and to get he subject to react to the hypothetical situations
a. Competition Probe b. High Pressure Probe c. Clarity Probe d. Hypothetical Probe

Test V- Instruction: If the underline answer is correct write only capital “TRUE” but if this
is wrong, supply the corresponding word/s or answer.

01. Personal Reconnaissance – the most effective method and will produced the most info since
you know just what you're looking for.
02. Map Reconnaissance –It may not sufficient but it can produce a certain amount of usable information
03. Research –much info can be acquired through research
04. Prior Information – your unit and of the unit will have file report that they may provide you with Info.
05. Hearsay – Info usually gain by the person operating in the area and performing casing job
05. Discreet – subject person to be watch is unaware that he is under observation
06. Close –subject is aware that he is under observation varied on each occasions
07. Loose – applied frequently or infrequently, period of observation varied on each occasion
08. Stationary – this is observation of place usually a bookie stall, a gambling, joint, a residence
where illegal activities are going on (fixed position)
09. Moving – surveillance follow the subject from the place to place to maintain continuous watch
of his activities
10. Technical – this is a surveillance by the use of communications and electronic hardware's, gadgets,
system and equipment
11. Methods of Collection – collection of information can be done through overt method (open system)
or covert method (secret/clandestine).
12. Collecting Agencies – depending on the type of operation, the collecting agency could be
Government Agencies, Intelligence units, or Organizations.
13. Trade Crafts – Includes the use of photography, investigations / elicitation / interrogation,
surveillance, sound equipment, surreptitious entry - keys and locks, use of an artist,
14. Intel-work Sheet - Intel Files
15. Situation Maps - Rouges Gallery
16. Placement – location of prospective agent with respect to the target
17. Access – it is the capability of a prospective agent to obtain the desired info for the Intel
organization or to perform to Intel collection mission in the area.
18. Primary Access – It is the access to the desired info
19. Secondary Access– It is the access to the desired info through a principal source where the latter
has the direct access
20. Outside Access – the agent is employed outside the target and merely monitors info from a third
person who is monitoring info n the area

Test VI- Defined and give example (5 Points each)

01. Intelligence – 02. Surveillance
03. Cover story – 04. Collection –
05 Evaluation –

- - - - - - Good Luck - - - - - --

Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

College of Criminology

Preliminary Examination
Test I- Enumeration

01-10. Detail Parts of the Barrel Assembly of Cal 30 Rifle

Test II- Discussion

1. Differentiate Rifle from Pistol

2. Differentiate Revolver from shotgun

Test III- Fill in the blank.

__________1. A part of the firearm whose function is to strike the primer of the ammunition
__________2. A part of the firearm whose function is to strike the firing pin
__________3. A part of firearm which considered as the housing part of a firearm
__________4. A part of revolver which served as magazine
__________5. A part of firearm give a direction of twist of the projectile upon left the Muzzle end.
__________6. A detailed part of frame or receiver which purposed is to protect the
trigger from unnecessary movement of a trigger finger.
__________7. A part of a cylinder which function is to activate the extractor.
__________8. A part of pistol which function is to connect the barrel assembly and
slide assembly to the frame and receiver.
__________9. A detailed part of the barrel assembly that serve as pathways of the
bullet before the bullet left the gun muzzle.
__________10. A part of the revolver that places the cartridge into the position of firing.

Test IV- Multiple Choice

1. The executive order that provides the air rifle and air pistol not classified as toys and the
barrel of FAS is considered as complete FAS.
a. EQ. 217 b. EQ. 172 EQ. 127 d. E.Q. 712
2. The date issued of the Executive Order that provides that the air rifle and air pistol not classified
as toys and the barrel of FAS is considered as complete fAS.
a. Jun 18, 1981 b. Jul 28, 1987 c. Jul 18, 1981 d. Jul 28, 19 81
3. Apart of the revolver that served as magazine.
a. Cylinder b. Magazine c. cylinder d. cylindrs
4. A main part of revolver that composed of breech end, muzzle end, Bore, rifling and front sight.
a. Barrel assembly b. Magazine assembly c. stock group d. Magazine
5. A main part of the revolver that composed of Top strap, near sight, hammer, trigger, trigger
guard and 13 other detailed parts.
a. Frame or receiver b. barrel assembly c. Cylinder assembly
6. Refers to a loaded shells of rifle, muskets, carbines, shotguns and other firearms.
a. Bullet b. Ammunition c. Cartridges d. ammunitions
7. It includes rifles, muskets, carbines, shotguns, revolver pistols and all other deadly weapons
from which bullet, balls shot may be discharge by means of gunpowder.
a. Gun b. rifle c. firearm d. firearms
8. It has a better grip, fits the hand and point naturally.
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
9. It is an old standard weapon which everyone is knows to use it and almost knows some thing
about how to handle it.
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver

10. It is hard to clean after firing.

a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
11. Ammunition must be perfect old and deteriorated ammunition will cause a jam
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
12. It is easier to load than a revolver
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
13. its grip or handle is generally not as good as that of a pistol
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
14. it can not be fired from the pocket without jumming
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
15. there is no gas leakages on its operation
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver

Test V- True or false (Topic: Main and Detailed parts of revolver.)

1. The three main parts of revolver are Barrel assembly, Cylinder assembly and prame assembly.
2. Breech end is the point of entry of the bullet
3. Muzzle end is the point of exit of the bullet
4. Bore is the path of the bullet towards the target
5. Riflings are lands and groves are found inside the gun barrel.
6. Cylinder assembly is considered magazine of the revolver.
7. Cylinder lock is designed to lock and release the cylinder
8. Yoke is considered the connecting pivot of the cylinder and frame.
9. The Chamber is found at the cylinder
10. Breech end is the point of exit of the bullet.
11. Armscore is considered makes of a firearm
12. Frame is the housing of the internal parts of firearms
13. Cylinder assembly is composed of chamber, extractor, extractor rod and rachet only.
14. Frame or receiver is composed of near sight, top strap, breech face, and but only.
15. Breech end is also considered as bore.
16. Revolver caliber 38 is designed only for six (6) rounds shots.
17. Revolver cal 22 is designed only for nine (9) shot
18. The function of the Thumblatch of revolver is to activate the cylinder lock
19. Thumblatch is located at the left side plate of the revolver.
20. Thumblatch is located at the right side plate of the revolver.
21. Firing pin is located at the barrel assembly of a revolver.
22. Serial Number is found at the barrel only
23. The purpose of of the trigger is to activate the hammer
24. All revolver is composed of three main parts.
25. All revolver is composed of frame and receiver, barrel and cylinder assemblies.

Test VI- definition

1. Pistol 5. Ammunition
2. Rifle 6. Shogun
3. Revolver
4. Firearm
Saint Joseph Institute of Technology
College of Criminology

Semi-Final Examination
Test I- Enumeration

1 - 6. Shooting Instances and Position

7 – 8. Priorities in shooting /firing
9 -10. Name the two sight of firearm

Test II- Discussion

1. Discuss briefly the disadvantage of revolver

2. Discuss briefly the disadvantage of Pistol

Test III- Fill in the blank

__________1. is the point of entry of the bullet

__________2. is the point of exit of the bullet after he left from the muzzle of gun
__________3. a part of firearm which considered as the connecting pivot of the
cylinder with frame or receiver.
__________4. a parts of firearm whose function is to eject the shell in every shot.
__________5. a part of the firearm whose function is to hold and eject the magazine
the pistol.
__________6. a part of a firearm whose function is to strike the primer of the ammunition
__________7. a part of the firearm whose function is to strike the firing pin
__________8. a part of firearm that considered as the housing part of a firearm
__________9. a part of revolver that served as magazine
__________10. a part of firearm that give a direction of twist of the projectile upon left the
Muzzle end.
__________11. a detailed part of frame or receiver which purposed is to protect the
trigger from unnecessary movement of a trigger finger.
__________12. a part of a cylinder which function is to activate the extractor.
__________13. a part of pistol which function is to connect the barrel assembly and
slide assembly to the frame and receiver.
__________14. a detailed part of the barrel assembly that serve as pathways of the
bullet during firing or before the bullet left the muzzle of the gun.
__________15. a part of revolver that places the cartridge into the position of firing.

Test IV- Multiple Choice

1. the executive order that provides the air rifle and air pistol not classified as toys and the
barrel of FAS is considered as complete FAS.
a. EQ. 227 b. EQ. 172 EQ. 127 d. E.Q. 712
2. the date issued of the Executive Order that provides that the air rifle and air pistol not
classified as toys and the barrel of FAS is considered as complete FAS.
a. Jun 18, 1981 b. Jul 28, 1987 c. Jul 18, 1981 d. Jul 28, 19 81
3. Apart of the revolver that served as magazine.
a. Cylinder b. Magazine c. cylender d. cylindrs
4. A main part of revolver that composed of breech end, muzzle end, Bore, rifling and front sight.
a. Barrel assembly b. Magazine assembly c. stock group d. Magazine
5. A main part of the revolver that composed of Top strap, near sight, hammer, trigger,
trigger guard and 13 other detailed parts.
a. Frame or receiver b. barrel assembly c. Cylinder assembly
6. Refers to a loaded shells for rifle, muskets, carbines, shotguns and other firearms.
a. Bullet b. Ammunition c. Cartridges d. ammunitions

7. It includes rifles, muskets, carbines, shotguns, revolver pistols and all other deadly
from which bullet, balls shot may be discharge by means of gunpowder.
a. Gun b. rifle c. firearms d. firearm
8. It has a better grip, fits the hand and point naturally.
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
9. It is an old standard weapon which everyone is knows to use it and almost knows some
thing about how to handle it.
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
10. It is hard to clean after firing.
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
11. Ammunition must be perfect old and deteriorated ammunition will cause a jam
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
12. It is easier to load than a revolver
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
1 3. Its grip or handle is generally not as good as that of a pistol
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
14. It can not be fired from the pocket without jumming
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
15. There is no gas leakages on its operation
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
Test V- True or false (Topic: Fifteen step to dismantle and assemble of a pistol ( 25 points).)
Instruction: If the given answer or percentage opposite to the question is correct
write only capital “TRUE” but if this is wrong, supply the
corresponding word/s or answer.

1. Hold the firearm pointing the muzzle to the safety direction.

2. Press the magazine catch and remove the magazine.
3. Draw back the slide assembly all the way and check visually the chamber to ensure the firearm
is unloaded, if someone else is present, show to them that the chamber is empty.
4. Point the pistol to the safe direction and press the trigger to close the hammer.
5. Hold the gun using your left hand at the near muzzle facing to your body and pointing
upward. Kept your face away/safety, press down the barrel link using any small hard object .
Example; cinco.
6. Twist the barrel bashing ¼ to the left while right hand pressing down the barrel link pin.
7. Hold the barrel link pin securely and allow slowly to release upward, pick it and put down in a
plain surface.
8. Remove the recoil spring
9. Open hammer the pistol and kept finger/s out of trigger guard.
10. Push the slide assembly backward to align the slide-stop end to the small groove found at
near the edge of the slide assemble.
11. Remove the slide stop by pressing the pin at the right side of a frame or by picking the slide
stop using the left hand.
12. Pull out the slide assembly by using left hand, while the right hand holding at the grip, put
down the frame to the clean and plain surface.
13. Remove the recoil spring guide from the slide assembly by a right hand.
14. Remove the barrel bushing by turning this to the right direction with little force upward.
15. Lastly, full-out the barrel assembly by pushing upward.

Test VI- Definition

5. 1. Ammunition 2. Pistol 3. Shotgun 4. Revolver 5. Firearm
Saint Joseph Institute of Technology
College of Criminology

Final Examination
Subject: LEA-4

Test I- Enumeration ( Give your answer in exact order)

1-15. Considerations in Surveillance Planning
Test II. Discussion. (Discuss Briefly)
1. Discuss Incidental Informant
2. Differentiate Overt Intelligence from Covert Intelligence.
3. Differentiate Interview from Interrogation-
Test III. Fill in the blank. (Supply the missing word or answer of the sentence)
________1. refers to surveillance of persons
________2. refers to surveillance of place
________3. refers to surveillance of other things, events, and activities
________4. the systematic asking of questions to elicit information in the minimum of time.
________5. person who does the questioning.
________6. any person who is subjected to the interrogation process in any of its forms and phases.
________7. any person believed to be associated with prohibited activity
________8. a person who for any reason submits information of intelligence interest usually on a
voluntary basis
________ 9. an individual from enemy forces who is deliberately introduce in our custody
with a specific mission of causing some unfavorable action or reaction on our part.
________10. Initial examination of an interrogee to determine the extent of his knowledge of
persons, places, things or events in which we are interested.
________ 11- the systematic attempt to exploit to an appropriate depth those are of he
interrogee's knowledge which have been identified in the screening process
________ 12. the interrogation of a friendly interrogee who has information at the direction
of or under the control of the friendly intelligence service.
________ 13. Similar to a debriefing although it is less formal and the interrogee is not
necessarily under the control or employment of the respective intelligence service
________ 14. an oral or written statement of information by the questioning of an interrogee_
_____ __ 15. the subject is aware of the fact that he is being interrogated, but he may not learn the
true objectives of the interrogation. This is being used extensively at the tactical lever.

Test 1V- Multiple Choice

01. A disposal of the information, in case of possible compromise. Disposal of information and
a. Description b. Observation c. Escape and Evasion d. Disposal Plan
02. The exit planning in case of emergencies, from immediate focal point, the general area and
completely from the area
a. Description b. Observation c. Escape and Evasion d. Disposal Plan
03. A complete and accurate observation by an individual of his surroundings encompasses the use
of all the major sense to register and recognized its operational or Intel significance.
a. Description b. Observation c. Escape and Evasion d. Disposal Plan
04. The actual and factual reporting of one's observation of he reported sensory experience recounted
by another
a. Description b. Observation c. Escape and Evasion d. Disposal Plan
05. consist of he psychological process involve in becoming aware of an existence of fact
a. Attention b. Perception c. Report d. Involuntary
06. Involved in the understanding this fact of awareness
a. Attention b. Perception c. Report d. Involuntary
07. Involved in identifying the name in one own mind and some fact which as been perceive, narrated
and identified
a. Attention b. Perception c. Report d. Involuntary
08. It means you have no control and requires no effort
a. Attention b. Perception c. Report d. Involuntary
09.– This is more reliable but not dependable
a. Time log b. Habitual c. Voluntary d. Vocabulary
10. A little effort with a maximum of control
a. Time log b. Habitual c. Voluntary d. Vocabulary

11. The word which an individual uses to press himself

a. Time log b. Habitual – c. Voluntary d. Vocabulary
12. The accurate reporting depends entirely on timeless, delay in reporting results inunconscious
omissions of details
a. Time log b. Habitual c. Voluntary d. Vocabulary-
13. The process of setting people to start talking
a. Approach b. Probe c. Flattery d. Provocative Approach
14. To keep the people taking incessantly
a. Approach b. Probe c. Flattery d. Provocative Approach
15 People are susceptible to praise so use this weakness as a way of approaching the subject for elicitation.
a. Approach b. Probe c. Flattery d. Provocative Approach
16. A discover a wide range of conventional gambits
a. Approach b. Probe c. Flattery d. Provocative Approach
17. This is effective when used in connection with the teacher pupil approach
a. Competition Probe b. High Pressure Probe c. Clarity Probe d. Hypothetical Probe
18. Used to elicit additional information in an area which the response is clear
a. Competition Probe b. High Pressure Probe c. Clarity Probe d. Hypothetical Probe
19 It serves to point out contradictions in what the subject has said
a. Competition Probe b. High Pressure Probe c. Clarity Probe d. Hypothetical Probe
20 Presents a hypothetical situation and to get he subject to react to the hypothetical situations
a. Competition Probe b. High Pressure Probe c. Clarity Probe d. Hypothetical Probe

Test V- Instruction: If the underline answer is correct write only capital “TRUE” but if this
is wrong, supply the corresponding word/s or answer.

01. Personal Reconnaissance – the most effective method and will produced the most info since
you know just what you're looking for.
02. Map Reconnaissance –It may not sufficient but it can produce a certain amount of usable information
03. Research –much info can be acquired through research
04. Prior Information – your unit and of the unit will have file report that they may provide you with Info.
05. Hearsay – Info usually gain by the person operating in the area and performing casing job
05. Discreet – subject person to be watch is unaware that he is under observation
06. Close –subject is aware that he is under observation varied on each occasions
07. Loose – applied frequently or infrequently, period of observation varied on each occasion
08. Stationary – this is observation of place usually a bookie stall, a gambling, joint, a residence
where illegal activities are going on (fixed position)
09. Moving – surveillance follow the subject from the place to place to maintain continuous watch
of his activities
10. Technical – this is a surveillance by the use of communications and electronic hardware's, gadgets,
system and equipment
11. Methods of Collection – collection of information can be done through overt method (open system)
or covert method (secret/clandestine).
12. Collecting Agencies – depending on the type of operation, the collecting agency could be
Government Agencies, Intelligence units, or Organizations.
13. Trade Crafts – Includes the use of photography, investigations / elicitation / interrogation,
surveillance, sound equipment, surreptitious entry - keys and locks, use of an artist,
14. Intel-work Sheet - Intel Files
15. Situation Maps - Rouges Gallery
16. Placement – location of prospective agent with respect to the target
17. Access – it is the capability of a prospective agent to obtain the desired info for the Intel
organization or to perform to Intel collection mission in the area.
18. Primary Access – It is the access to the desired info
19. Secondary Access– It is the access to the desired info through a principal source where the latter
has the direct access
20. Outside Access – the agent is employed outside the target and merely monitors info from a third
person who is monitoring info n the area
Test VI- Defined and give example (5 Points each)
01. Intelligence – 02. Surveillance
03. Cover story – 04. Collection –
05 Evaluation – 06. Organizational Cover –

- - - - - - Good Luck - - - - - --

Test V- True or false (Topic: Basic safety course.)

Instruction: If the given answer or percentage opposite to the question is correct
write only capital “TRUE” but if this is wrong, supply the
corresponding word/s or answer.

01. Hold the firearm pointing the muzzle to the safe direction.
02. Press the magazine catch and remove the magazine.
03. Draw back the slide assembly all the way and check visually the chamber to ensure the
firearm is unloaded, if anyone else is present, show to them that the chamber is empty.
04. Point the pistol to the safe direction and press the trigger to close the hammer.
05. Hold the gun using your left hand at the near muzzle facing to your body and pointing
upward. Keep your face away/safety, press down the barrel link pin using any small hard
object . Example; coin.
06. Twist the barrel bushing ¼ to he left while the right hand pressing down the barrel link pin.
07. Hold the barrel link pin securely and allow slowly to release upward, pick it and put down
in a plain surface.
08. Remove the recoil spring
09. Open hammer the pistol and keep finger/s out of trigger guard.
10. Push the slide assembly backward to align the slide-stop end to the small grooves found at
near the edge of the slide assembly.
11. Remove the slide stop by pressing the pin at the right side of a frame or by picking the slide
stop using the left hand.
12. Pull out the slide assembly by using left hand, while the right hand holding at the grip, put
down the frame to the clean surface .
13. Remove the recoil spring guide from the slide assembly by a right hand.
14. Remove the barrel bushing by turning this to the right direction with little force upward.
15. Lastly, pull-out the barrel assembly by pushing upward.

Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

Final Examination

Subject: LEA-3

Test I- Enumeration ( Give your answer in exact order)

01-04. Four types of Synoptic Plan 05-10 There are six key reasons for strategic planning
as follows;

Test II. Discussion. (Discuss Briefly)

1. Deskman- 2. Dispatcher - 3. A Strategic Response to Change –

Test III. Fill in the blank.

__________ 01. A principle which an organization is more effective if it enables the individual to
contribute to the organizations objectives.
__________ 02. A principle which the organization structure is effective if it is structured to aid the
accomplishment of the organizations objectives with the minimum cost.
_________03. The vertical hierarchy of the organization defines an unbroken chain of scale of units
from top to bottom describing explicitly the flow of the authority.
__________04. The subordinate should be under the control of only one superior
__________ 05. Meaning, the control of superior should not be more than what he can effectively direct.
__________06. Supervisors may delegate authority to their immediate officers, for more mobility.
__________07. The principle that suggest the protocol to be strictly observed.
__________08. This implies a system of varied functions arranged into a workable pattern.
__________09. The application of principles must be balance to ensure the effectiveness of the
structure in meeting organizations objectives.
__________10. The more provision made for building, the more the organization can fulfill its purpose
__________11. A consideration in the area where the plan will be implemented
__________12. The allocation of manpower, money and materials
__________13. Refers to social and political practices, which will be affected by the plan.
__________14. Refer to machinery, instrument or tools in the attainment of the goals of the plan.
__________15. Ready sources and basis of good decision making by the makers of the plan may be
properly obtained through research and other means of information gathering techniques.

Test IV- Multiple Choice.

01. Is the basic principle in planning, organization and management of the PNP in support of the overall
pursuit of the PNP Vision, Mission and strategic action plan for the attainment of the National objectives.
a. Fundamental Doctrine – b. Operational Doctrine c. fundamental Doctrine d. primary doctrine
02. Is the principles and rules governing the planning, organization and direction and employment of
the PNP forces in the accomplishment of basic security and public safety operations.
a. fundamental type c. Operational Doctrine b. fundamental Doctrine d. primary doctrine
03. this provides guidance for specialized activities of the PNP in the broad field of interest such as
personnel, intelligence operations, logistics, planning etc.
a. Functional Doctrine b. Operational doctrine c. fundamental doctrine d. doctrine
04. Doctrines formulated jointly by two or more bureaus in order to effect a certain operation with
regard to public safety and peace and order.
a. Complementary Doctrine – b. Ethical Doctrine – c. Doctrine – d. Doctrine
05. that define the fundamental principles governing the rules of conduct, attitude, behavior and
ethical norm of the PNP.
a. Budgeting – b. Ethical Doctrine – c. Complementary Doctrine – d. Doctrine
6. the major planning tool of law enforcement agencies is the budget.
a. Budgeting – b. Ethical Doctrine – c. Complementary Doctrine – d. Doctrine
7. It is an indispensable portion of the process of planning. It determines the feasibility of the-plan,
while the plan determines what should be requested in the budget.
a. Budgeting – b. Ethical Doctrine – c. Complementary Doctrine – d. Doctrine
8. It is in the form of a shopping list wherein every perceived expenditure is listed with its probable
cost. It is divided into four categories:
a. Performance budget b Line item budget c. budget d. line item
9. It is designed to guide administrator's asses the work efficiency of operating units by:
a. Performance budget b Line item budget c. budget d. line item
10. Costing budget categories in functional terms
a. Performance budget b Line item budget c. budget d. line item
11. Providing work cost measurement to facilitate the effective performance of prescribed activities.
a. Performance budget b Line item budget c. budget d. line item
12. important developments, which influenced evaluation from management orientation to planning orientation.
a. Planning-Programming Budget b.. Planning c. Budgeting d. Programing

13. A macro and micro-had an increasing part in the shaping of fiscal and budgetary policies
a. Evaluation Method b. Zero Based Budget (ZBB) c. PPB d. The economic analysis
14. A designed to use the budget process as a tool for planning. It is constructed by dividing the organizations
into programs.
a. Evaluation Method b. Zero Based Budget (ZBB) c. PPB d. The economic analysis
15. Means the agency start from zero, in terms of budget and program is sacrosanct; all must be justified to
receive continuous funding.
a. Evaluation Method b. Zero Based Budget (ZBB) c. PPB d. The economic analysis
16. Evaluation provides for the systematic assessment of an activity or group of related activities. It comes in
different forms and guises,
a. Evaluation Method b. Zero Based Budget (ZBB) c. PPB d. The economic analysis
17. focused on how evaluation is done, the steps and procedures involved in designing and conducting an
a. Process – b. product c. Zero d. Clarifying Problems –
18. the findings or judgments that are made as a result of doing an evaluation.
a. purpose b. product c. Zero d. Clarifying Problems –
19. the end use of evaluation, such as planning, policy making, and decision making.
a. purpose b. product c. Zero d. Clarifying Problems –
20. A situation must exist for which something must and can be done.
a. purpose b. product c. Zero d. Clarifying Problems –
Test V- True or False
Instruction: If the underline answer is correct write only capital “TRUE” but if this
is wrong, supply the corresponding word/s or answer.
01. Frame of Reference – this shall be based on a careful view of the matters relating to the situation for which
plans are being developed.
02. Collecting all Pertinent Facts – no attempt shall be made to develop a plan until all facts relating to it have
been gathered.
03. Analyzing the Facts – This provides the basis from which a plan or plans are evolved. Only such facts as may
have relevance shall be considered.
04. Developing Alternative Plans – In the initial phases of plan development, several alternative
measures shall appear to be logically comparable to the needs of a situation.
05. Selecting the Most Appropriate Alternative - a careful consideration of all facts usually leads
to the selection of a best of alternative proposals.
06. Selling the Plan - a plan, to be effectively carried out, must be accepted by persons concerned at the
appropriate level of the plans development.
07. Arranging for Execution of the Plan - the execution of a plan requires the issuance of orders and directives to
units and personnel concerned the establishment of the schedule, and
the provision of manpower and equipment for carrying out the plan.
08. Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Plan - This is necessary in order to know whether a correct alternative
was chosen, whether or not the plan was correct, which phase was poorly-
implemented, and whether additional planning may be necessary.
09. Patrol Organization- It consist of arranging personnel and function in a systematic manner designed to
accommodate stated goals and objectives in the most efficient manner possible.
10. Forecasting The ac of seeing ahead and making sound assumptions
11. flexibility the behavior of being flexible to the point of being able to modify certain parts of the plan,
which do not work.
12. Forecasting A prediction made about the future condition and apparent trends or pattern of changes
13. Project A project involves the introduction of a single, specific change in an organization over a
limited period.
14. Program A type of programmatic plan that is designed to meet a specific need, through a specific course
of action with the desired results, and a program should be designed for a specific period.
15. Strategic plans – It covers such a long period, is most vulnerable and accurate forecast on
future conditions.
16. Strategy - a planned and orderly approach and a plan of action formulated and executed to
achieve a certain goal or mission of an organization.
17. Vision a vision of what a police department should be
18. Long-Range Thinking – keeping in mind that strategy is deciding where we want to be.
19. Strategic Focus – the concentration is not varied but single.
20. Congruence – the interceding factors should always be in congruence with that of the planned system

Test VI- Defined the following )

01. Explain the acronym “GLORIA” and “ SMART” (10 points)
02. Discuss briefly the Uses of Decoy Patrol or Cover
03. Describe Decoy Patrol -
04. Give the description of the subject “ LEA 3” and explain briefly.
Prepared by:
Reynaldo V. y Deita, RC. MM.

<- - - - - - Good Luck - - - - - 

Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

Final Examination

Subject: LEA-3 (KEY ANSWER) synthesis

Test I- Enumeration ( Give your answer in exact order)

01-04. Four types of Synoptic Plan

1. Operational plan
2. Contingency plan
3. Programmatic plan
4. Strategic plan
05-10 There are six key reasons for strategic planning as follows;
5. Vision –
6. Long-Range Thinking
7. Strategic Focus –
8. Congruence – t
9. A Strategic Response to Change –.
10. A Strategic Framework –

Test II. Discussion. (Discuss Briefly)

TOPIC: Two Phases to consider in Managing Mobile Patrol
1. Deskman- patrolman assigned to receive phone calls from public and reports
from mobile patrol crews.
2. Dispatcher - patrolman in charge of the radio control room that are
dispatching mobile patrol crew to scene of assignments, transmitting, and
receiving, recording radio message.
3. A Strategic Response to Change – this is sometimes called contingency, that incase of
changes or deviations to a planned activity, there
should be an alternative.

Test III. Fill in the blank.

Topic: Principles of the PNP Organizational Plan
Principle of Unity of Objective 01. A principle which an organization is more effective if it
enables the individual to contribute to the organizations
Principle of Organizational Efficiency 02. A principle which the organization structure is
effective if it is structured to aid the accomplishment of the organizations
objectives with the minimum cost.
The Scalar Principle 3. the vertical hierarchy of the organization defines an unbroken chain of
scale of units from top to bottom describing explicitly the flow of the
Unity of Command 4. the subordinate should be under the control of only one superior
Span of Control 5. meaning, the control of superior should not be more than what he can
effectively direct.
Delegation of Authority 6. supervisors may delegate authority to their immediate officers, for
more mobility.
Chain of Command 7. the principle that suggest the protocol to be strictly observed.
Functional Principle 8. this implies a system of varied functions arranged into a workable pattern.
Principle of Balance 9. the application of principles must be balance to ensure the effectiveness of
the structure in meeting organizations objectives.
Principle of Flexibility 10. the more provision made for building, the more the organization can
fulfill its purpose.
Topic: Common Factors Affecting Planning
Condition 11. A consideration in the area where the plan will be implemented
Resources Available 12. the allocation of manpower, money and materials
Social and Political Environment 13. refers to social and political practices, which will be
affected by the plan.
Physical Facilities 14. refer to machinery, instrument or tools in the attainment of the goals of the
Collection and Analysis of Data 15. ready sources and basis of good decision making by the makers
of the plan may be properly obtained through research and other means of information gathering

Test IV- Multiple Choice.

Topic: Categories of Police Doctrines that affects Planning
Primary Doctrine
01. Is the basic principle in planning, organization and management of the PNP in support of the
overall pursuit of the PNP Vision, Mission and strategic action plan for the attainment of the National
a. Fundamental Doctrine – c. Operational Doctrine
b. fundamental Doctrine d. primary doctrine
02. Is the principles and rules governing the planning, organization and direction and employment of
the PNP forces in the accomplishment of basic security and public safety operations.
a. fundamental type c. Operational Doctrine
b. fundamental Doctrine d. primary doctrine
03. this provides guidance for specialized activities of the PNP in the broad field of interest such as
personnel, intelligence operations, logistics, planning etc.
a. Functional Doctrine b. Operational doctrine c. fundamental doctrine d. doctrine
04. doctrines formulated jointly by two or more bureaus in order to effect a certain operation with
regard to public safety and peace and order.
a. Complementary Doctrine – b. Ethical Doctrine – c. Doctrine – d. Doctrine
05. that define the fundamental principles governing the rules of conduct, attitude, behavior and ethical
norm of the PNP.
a. Budgeting – b. Ethical Doctrine – c. Complementary Doctrine – d. Doctrine

Topic: Definition of Alternative Methods

6. the major planning tool of law enforcement agencies is the budget.
a. Budgeting – b. Ethical Doctrine – c. Complementary Doctrine – d. Doctrine
7. It is an indispensable portion of the process of planning. It determines the feasibility of the-plan,
while the plan determines what should be requested in the budget.
a. Budgeting – b. Ethical Doctrine – c. Complementary Doctrine – d. Doctrine

Topic: Types of Budget

8. It is in the form of a shopping list wherein every perceived expenditure is listed with its probable
cost. It is divided into four categories:
a. Performance budget b Line item budget c. budget d. line item
9. It is designed to guide administrator's asses the work efficiency of operating units by:
a. Performance budget b Line item budget c. budget d. line item
10. Costing budget categories in functional terms
a. Performance budget b Line item budget c. budget d. line item
11. Providing work cost measurement to facilitate the effective performance of prescribed
a. Performance budget b Line item budget c. budget d. line item
12. important developments, which influenced evaluation from management orientation to planning
a. Planning-Programming Budget b. Planning c. Budgeting d. Programing
13. meaning, a macro and micro - had an increasing part in the shaping of fiscal and
budgetary policies.
a. Evaluation Method b. Zero Based Budget (ZBB) c. PPB d. The economic analysis
14. A designed to use the budget process as a tool for planning. It is constructed by dividing the
organizations into programs.
a. Evaluation Method b. Zero Based Budget (ZBB) c. PPB d. The economic analysis
15. Means the agency start from zero, in terms of budget and program is sacrosanct; all must be
justified to receive continuous funding.
a. Evaluation Method b. Zero Based Budget (ZBB) c. PPB d. The economic analysis
16. Evaluation provides for the systematic assessment of an activity or group of related activities. It
comes in different forms and guises,
a. Evaluation Method b. Zero Based Budget (ZBB) c. PPB d. The economic analysis

17. focused on how evaluation is done, the steps and procedures involved in designing and
conducting an evaluation.
a. Process – b. product c. Zero d. Clarifying Problems –
18. the findings or judgments that are made as a result of doing an evaluation.
a. purpose b. product c. Zero d. Clarifying Problems –
19. the end use of evaluation, such as planning, policy making, and decision making.
a. purpose b. product c. Zero d. Clarifying Problems –
20. A situation must exist for which something must and can be done.
a. purpose b. product c. Zero d. Clarifying Problems –

Test V- True or False

Instruction: If the given answer or percentage opposite to the question is correct
write only capital “TRUE” but if this is wrong, supply the
corresponding word/s or answer.

TOPIC: Special Procedures in Police Planning

01. Frame of Reference – this shall be based on a careful view of the matters relating to the
situation for which plans are being developed.
02. Collecting all Pertinent Facts – no attempt shall be made to develop a plan until all facts
relating to it have been gathered.
03. Analyzing the Facts – This provides the basis from which a plan or plans are evolved. Only
such facts as may have relevance shall be considered.
04. Developing Alternative Plans – In the initial phases of plan development, several alternative
measures shall appear to be logically comparable to the needs of a situation.
05. Selecting the Most Appropriate Alternative - a careful consideration of all facts usually leads
to the selection of a best of alternative proposals.
06. Selling the Plan - a plan, to be effectively carried out, must be accepted by persons concerned
at the appropriate level of the plans development.
07. Arranging for Execution of the Plan - the execution of a plan requires the issuance of orders
and directives to units and personnel concerned the establishment of the
schedule, and the provision of manpower and equipment for carrying out the plan.
08. Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Plan - This is necessary in order to know whether a correct
alternative was chosen, whether or not the plan was correct, which phase was
poorly-implemented, and whether additional planning may be necessary.
09. Patrol Organization- It consist of arranging personnel and function in a systematic
manner designed to accommodate stated goals and objectives in
the most efficient manner possible.
10. Forecasting - The ac of seeing ahead and making sound assumptions
11. flexibility- the behavior of being flexible to the point of being able to modify certain
parts of the plan, which do not work.
12. Forecasting - A prediction made about the future condition and apparent trends or
pattern of changes
13. Project – a project involves the introduction of a single, specific change in an organization over
a limited period.
14. Program – also a type of programmatic plan that is designed to meet a specific need, through
a specific course of action with the desired results, and a program should be
designed for a specific period.
15. Strategic plans – It covers such a long period, is most vulnerable and accurate forecast on
future conditions.
16. Strategy - a planned and orderly approach and a plan of action formulated and executed to
achieve a certain goal or mission of an organization.

TOPIC: There are six key reasons for strategic planning as follows;
17. Vision – a vision of what a police department should be
18. Long-Range Thinking – keeping in mind that strategy is deciding where we want to be.
19. Strategic Focus – the concentration is not varied but single.
20. Congruence – the interceding factors should always be in congruence with that of the planned

Test VI- Defined the following )

1. Explain the acronym “GLORIA” and “ SMART” (10 points)
. G- raft free organization
• L- eadership by example
• O- ne stops shop mechanism for a faster police response to complaints and reports
• R- esult oriented- culture in the anti-criminality effort
• I- nvestment climate, which is business friendly as a result of peace and order
• A-ccountability and ownership of peace and order campaign

• S- imple
• M-easurable
• A-ttainable
• R- ealistic
• T- ime bound

2. Discuss briefly the Uses of Decoy Patrol or Cover

1. Law enforcement agencies
2. Military
3. Corporate entities
4. Banking and finance institutions
5. Others
3. Describe Decoy Patrol - The art of employing cover functions with an end in view of determining
a criminal and or fruit of crimes. Decoy employs the art of roping, wherein the agent/officer seeks to
determine the behavior of the suspect.

4. Give the description of the subject “ LEA 3” and explain briefly.( 10 points)

Prepared by:

Reynaldo V. Deita, RC. MM

- - - - - - - Good Luck - - - - - --
Saint Joseph Institute of Technology
College of Criminology

Final Examination

Subject: LEA-4 (KEY ANSWERS)

Test I- Enumeration ( Give your answer in exact order)

Considerations in Surveillance Planning

1. Pre-Surveillance Conference –.
2. Surveillance Plan –
3. Area Target Study –
4. Surveillant –
5. Stakeout or Plant -
6. Tailing or Shadowing –
7. Undercover Man –
8. Liaison Program –
9. Safe house –
10. Drop-
11. Convoy –
12. Decoy –
13. Contact –
14. Made – .
15. Lost -

Test II. Discussion. (Discuss Briefly)

1. Differentiate Incidental Informant from Recruited Informant.
Sub-type of Informant
Incidental Informant – a person who casually imparts information to an officer with no
intention of providing subsequent information
Recruited Informant – A person who is selected cultivated and developed into a continuous
source of info
2. Differentiate Overt Intelligence from Covert Intelligence.
Overt Intelligence – Is the gathering of information\or documents procured openly
without regard as to whether the subject or target become, knowledgeable of the purpose
Covert Intelligence – Is the secret procurement of information, which is obtained
without the knowledge of the person or persons safeguarding vital intelligence interest.
3. Differentiate Interview from Interrogation- the systematic asking of questions to elicit
. information in the minimum of time.
Test III. Fill in the blank. (Supply the missing word or answer of the sentence)


Tailing or Shadowing 1. Surveillance of persons
Casing or Reconnaissance –2. Surveillance of place
Roping – 3. Surveillance of other things, events, and activities
Interrogation – 4. the systematic asking of questions to elicit information in the minimum of time.
Interrogator – 5. person who does the questioning.
Interrogee 6. any person who is subjected to the interrogation prbcess in any of its forms and
Suspect 7 – any person believed to be associated with prohibited activity
Source 8- a person who for any reason submits information of intelligence interest usually on a
voluntary basis
Provocateur 9.– an individual from enemy forces who is deliberately introduce in our custody
with a specific mission of causing some unfavorable action or reaction on our part.

Screening 10. Initial examination of an interrogee to determine the extent of his knowledge of
persons, places, things or events in which we are interested.
Formal Interrogation 11- the systematic attempt to exploit to an appropriate depth those are of he
interrogee's knowledge which have been identified in the screening process
Debriefing 12. the interrogation of a friendly interrogee who has information at the direction of or
under the control of the friendly intelligence service.
Interview 13. Similar to a debriefing although it is less formal and the interrogee is not necessarily
under the control or employment of the respective intelligence service
Interrogation Report 14. an oral or written statement of information by the questioning of an
Form of Interrogation
Direct 15. the subject is aware of the fact that he is being interrogated, but he may not learn the
true objectives of the interrogation. This is being used extensively at the tactical
Test 1V- Multiple Choice
Information desired in Casing
01. Disposal Plan – disposal of the information, in case of possible compromise. Disposal of
information and materials
02. Escape and Evasion – the exit planning in case of emergencies, from immediate focal point,
the general area and completely from the area
03. Observation – a complete and accurate observation by an individual of his surroundings
encompasses the use of all the major sense to register and recognized its
operational or Intel significance.
04. Description – the actual and factual reporting of one's observation of he reported sensory
experience recounted by another
Psychological Processes for accurate observation
05. Attention – consist of he psychological process involve in becoming aware of an existence of
06. Perce.ption – Involved in the understanding this fact of awareness
07. Report – Involved in identifying the name in one own mind and some fact which as been
perceive, narrated and identified
08. Involuntary – you have no control and requires no effort
09. Voluntary – this is more reliable but not dependable
10. Habitual – little effort with a maximum of control

Factors governing report on observation

11. Vocabulary - the word which an individual uses to press himself
12. Time log - accurate reporting depends entirely on timeless, delay in reporting results in
unconscious omissions of details
13. Approach - process of setting people to start talking
14. Probe - to keep the people taking incessantly
15 Flattery – people are susceptible to praise so use this weakness as a way of approaching the
subject for elicitation.
16. Provocative Approach – discover a wide range of conventional gambits
17. Competition Probe – this is effective when used in connection with the teacher pupil approach
18..Clarity Probe – used to elicit additional information in an area which the response is clear
19 High Pressure Probe – It serves to point out contradictions in what the subject has said
20 Hypothetical Probe – presents a hypothetical situation and to get he subject to react to the
hypothetical situations
Test V- True or False

Method of Casing
01. Personal Reconnaissance – the most effective method and will produced the most info since
you know just what you're looking for.
02. Map Reconnaissance – It may not sufficient but it can produce a certain amount of usable
O3. Research – much info can be acquired through research
04. Prior Information – your unit and of the unit will have file report that they may provide you
with info

05. Hearsay – Info usually gain by the person operating in the area and performing casing job

According to Intensity and Sensitivity
05. Discreet – subject person to be watch is unaware that he is under observation
06. Close – subject is aware that he is under observation varied on each occasions
07. Loose – applied frequently or infrequently, period of observation varied on each occasion
08. Stationary – this is observation of place usually a bookie stall, a gambling, joint, a residence
where illegal activities are going on (fixed position)
09. Moving – surveillance follow the subject from the place to place to maintain continuous watch
of his activities
10. Technical – this is a surveillance by the use of communications and electronic hardware's,
gadgets, system and equipment
Factors in choosing Collection Agent
11. Methods of Collection – collection of information can be done through overt method (open
system) or covert method (secret/clandestine).
12. Collecting Agencies – depending on the type of operation, the collecting agency could be
Government Agencies, Intelligence units, or Organizations.
13. Trade Crafts – Includes the use of photography, investigations / elicitation / interrogation,
surveillance, sound equipment, surreptitious entry - keys and locks, use of an artist, communication.
14. Intel-work Sheet - Intel Files
15. Situation Maps - Rouges Gallery


16. Placement – location of prospective agent with respect to the target

17. Access – it is the capability of a prospective agent to obtain the desired info for the Intel
organization or to perform to Intel collection mission in the area.
18. Primary Access – It is the access to the desired info
19. Secondary Access – It is the access to the desired info through a principal source where the
latter has the direct access
20. Outside Access – the agent is employed outside the target and merely monitors info from a
third person who is monitoring info n the area

Test VI- Defined and give example (10 Points each)

01. Intelligence – Is sometimes described as a "world of deceit and betrayal".


02. Surveillance -Is a form of clandestine investigation which consists of keeping persons,
place or other targets under physical observation in order to obtain evidence
or information pertinent to an investigation.
3. Cover story – a biographical data through fictional that will portray the personality of the agent

Steps in Processing Raw Information

4. Collection – organization of raw data and information into usable form; grouping similar items
of information so that they will be readily accessible.

05 Evaluation – examination of raw information to determine intelligence value, pertinence of the

information, reliability of the source and agency, and its credibility or truth of information.

06. Organizational Cover – Is an account consisting of biographical which when adopted by an

individual will assume the personality he wants to adopt

07. Undercover Assignment – Is an investigative technique in which agent conceal his official
an obtain information from that organization

- - - - - - - Good Luck - - - - - --

Saint Joseph Institute of Technology
Midterm Examination

Subject: LEA-4 (KEY ANSWERS)

Test I- Enumeration ( Give your answer in exact order)
01-05. General Activities of Police intelligence
1. Strategic Intelligence
2. line intelligence
3. National intelligence
4. Counter intelligence
5. Undercover intelligence
06-10. Categories of CI Operation
6. Military security
7. Fort frontier and travel security
8. Civil Security
9. Censorship
10. special operation.

Test II. Discussion. (Discuss Briefly)

3. Double spies – are unreliable renegades, chiefly involved in spreading false

information to the enemy.
4. Spies of consequences - couriers and noblemen, staff officers, and kindred
conspirators, requiring a substantial tribe and bait.

Test III. Fill in the blank. (Supply the missing word or answer of the sentence)

Topic: Uses of Police Intelligence.

Police covert and covert intelligence operation may be used to:

3. Check the condition of the community relating to (1) crime, vice, juvenile delinquency
and indications of subversion and (2) insurgency.
02. Determine through counter (3) intelligence applicant matters pertaining to
personnel security, (4) physical security and (5) document security of the
police organization.
03. Determine the follow-up (6) lead that helps in the solution of (7) individual
criminal cases.
4. Identify criminal (8) elements and other law breakers as well as their ( 9) associates.
5. Assist in the arrest of wanted(10) criminals and those (11) wanted under RA 1700
otherwise known as the (12) anti-subversion law.
6. Check on the quality and (13) effectiveness of the operation of the (14) police forces.
7. Check on the security (15) conditions of police personnel, (16) frands, equipment and
(17) materials.
8. Help in crime (18) control and prevention.
9. Serves as a tool of management for (19) planning and organizational (20)
employment purposes.

Test IV- Multiple Choice.

1. It is a basic intelligence concept that there must be unity between knowledge and action, it
follows therefore that intelligence should interact and condition the decision.
a. Objectivity
2. it means intelligence is artificially subdivided into component elements to ensure complete
coverage, eliminate produce and to reduce the overall task or manageable sizes.
a. interdependence
3. It means intelligence is continuous.
a. Continuity
4. Intelligence adequate to their needs must be communicated to all the decision makers in
manner that they will understand and form that will permit its most effective use.
a. Communication
5. It means intelligence is useless if it remains in the mind, or in the files of its collectors or its
a. Useless
6. Intelligence should be essential and pertinent to the purpose at hand.
a. Selection
7. Intelligence must be communicated to the decision maker at the appropriate time to permit
its most effective use.
a. Timeliness.
8. is achieved by the measures which intelligence takes to protect and preserve the integrity of
its activities.
a. Security
9. it is an intelligence activity which is primary long range in nature with little practical
immediate operation value.
a. Strategic intelligence
10. it is an intelligence activity that has the immediate nature and value necessary for more
effective police planning and operation.
a. Line intelligence
11. it is the integrated product of intelligence developed by the all the governmental branches,
departments concerning the broad aspect of national security and policy.
a. National intelligence.
12. phase of intelligence covering the activity devoted in destroying the effectiveness of hostile
foreign activities and to the protection of information against espionage, subversion and
a. Counter-intelligence.
13. refers to the knowledge essential to the prevention of crimes and the investigation, arrest,
and prosecution of criminal offenders.
a. Criminal intelligence.
14. refers to the knowledge essential to the to the maintenance of peace and order.
a. Internal security intelligence
15. refers to the knowledge essential to ensure the protection of lives and properties.
a. Public safety intelligence
16. it deals with the demographic and psychological aspect of group of people.
a. Sociological intelligence
17. it includes the population and manpower and the characteristics of the people, public
opinion-attitude of the majority of the people toward matter of public policy and education.
a. Sociological intelligence
18. it deals with individuals personalities who have actual possession of power.
a. Biographical intelligence
19. deals with the armed forces of the nation.
a. Armed forces intelligence
20. deals with the process of research and development as it affects the economic and military
potential of a nation.
a. Geographical intelligence.

Test V- True or False

Instruction: If the given answer or percentage opposite to the question is correct
write only capital “TRUE” but if this is wrong, supply the
corresponding word/s or answer.
01 Russia- the intelligence agency known as the KGB
02. KGB- Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Besopasnosti
03 .Great Britain – British Secrete Service
04. Israel – Mossad
05. West Germany – BND

06. CIA and FBI and the other state/federal units of intelligence service were
US main intelligence agencies.
07. KCIA - KOREAN Central intelligence agency
08. Soviet Counter Intelligence – known as “ IRON CURTAIN”
09. intrigues and spies- winning over enemy people
10. Speculators – were the first intelligence personnel to appear definitely in a military
11. Intelligence- is sometimes described as a world of deceit and betrayal. as Negative
12. pertinence- does it hold some value to current operator /
13. Reliability- Judging the source of information of agency.
14. CIA – is one among the biggest in the world in terms of intelligence networking.
15. Counter Intelligence is also know
16. HUMINT – means Counter Human Intelligence
17. IMINT - means Counter Imagery Intelligence
18. SIGGINT – means Counter Signal Intelligence
19. EEI - Essential Element of Information
20. CI - means Counter Intelligence

Test VI- Defined and give example (10 Points each)

21. CI Passive measures – are those measures which seek

to conceal information of the enemy.

2. CI Active measures - are those which seek actively to

block the enemy’s efforts to gain to gain information or
engage in espionage, subversion or sabotage
22. Intelligence (Base on Psychology)- is the capacity of a
person to adjust to new situations through the use of what
has been previously learn

4. Intelligence (Base on Webster) - As the capacity for

understanding and for other form of adaptive intellect of
behavior, the mind in operation; the power of meeting any
situation, specially a novel situation, successfully by proper
behavior adjustment, the ability to apprehend the
interrelationships of presented facts in such a way as to
guide action towards goal.
- - - - - - - Good Luck - - - - - --

Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

College of Criminology
Midterm Examination
Subject: LEA-3

Test I- Enumeration ( Give your answer in exact order)

01-10. Additional tasks that are the patrol force responsibility to undertake
Test II. Discussion. (Discuss Briefly)
1. Discuss the advantage of foot patrol compared to automobile patrol
2. Discuss the advantage of motorcycle Patrol compared to foot patrol
3. Discuss the importance of Police Patrol
Test III. Fill in the blank. (Supply the missing word or answer of the questions)
____________ 01. The first Philippine Constabulary officer designated as chief of police
____________ 02. He upholds the PC as the leading agency of peacekeeping machinery of the govt.
_____________03. the law seek to improve the police service and administration
_____________04. the law that was called the police Pension Law.
____________ 05. the law known as the police of 1966
____________ 06. the law gives birth to NAPOLCOM
_____________07. The PD promulgated purposely to bolster the entire police agency in the Country
-___________ 08. the law modifies and repeals some provision and introducing the provision of the
city chapter of manila, Quezon City, Caloocan and Pasay as well as all existing
laws regulations, rules and governing the police force in the country.
____________ 09. the law issued on august 8, 1975 otherwise known as PC/INP law establishing
and constituting the INP .
____________ 10. the law that otherwise known as police professionalization Law of 1977, this gives
birth of the PNPA.
_____________11. the law transferred the administrative control and supervision of INP from MND
to the NAPOLCOM.
_____________ 12. the law otherwise known as the PNP reform and reorganization Act of 1998.
_____________ 13. the law signed into law by the president of December 13, 1990
_____________ 14. The law was known as an act establishing the PNP under a reorganized
department of DILG and for other purpose.
_____________ 15. the law dissolves the PC/INP and allows its officers and rank and file employees
to transfer or join either the PNP or AFP.
Test IV- Multiple Choice.
1. It is defined as the wise use of ones judgment where in personal experience and common sense is
the factors to decide in a particular discretion.
a. Judgment b. Discretion c. discretionary d. prudence
2. this is the one of the most serious situation encountered by the police in their daily enforcement
of roles.
a. The act of police discretion b. Police discretion c. discretion d. discretionary
3. It is known the police are said to be decision makers specially when confronted by a situation of
between life and death.
a. Police use of Discretion b. used of discretion c. important of discretion
4. It consist of arranging personnel and function in a systematic manner designed to accommodate
stated goals and objectives in the most efficient manner possible.
a. patrol b. patrol Mngt. C. patrolling d. Patrol Organization
5. An specific types of behavior that is to be expected from an action an individual who occupies a
particular position with attendant responsibility and authority.
a. Role b. rule c. rules d. policy
6. It involves activities, w/c are intended to influence the perception of potential criminals as to the
likelihood of apprehension.
a. Deterrence and Prevention b. deterrence c. prevention d. deterrence of crime
7. Is a tool to enhance effectiveness, it deals with the problem tomorrow, may be in the form of
formal plans or may be simply a heuristic process.
a. Planning b. development c. preparation d. forecast
8. A general statement of intention and typically with a time with a time horzon of a year or more.
a. Goal b. aim c. objective d. target
9. A specific commitment to achieve a measurable result within a specific period of time, usually a
year or less.
a. goals b. Objective c. intention d. intent

10. It is the systematic gathering of knowledge

a. study b. do research c. Research d. investigate
11. A process, techniques or action that can be carried out under controlled conditions and
the results can be observed to determine whether the researcher’s idea about what will happen
is corrected.
a. testing b. Experimentation c. trailing d. test
12. The ac of seeing ahead and making sound assumptions
a. Forecasting b. forecast c. research d. forecasted
13. A learning to analyze what is happening and how it affects you and your unit.
a. Good analytical mind b. logical mind c. rational d. investigative
14. Trying to see progress of your plan
a. Monitoring b. inspection c. inspecting d. monitored
15. the capability of the commander to work with synergy with the different government and private
sectors of the community.
a. Harmonization b. Coordination c. management d. d. organizing
16. Meaning put first think first
a. priorities b. prioritced c. priority d. Prioritizing
17. The act reporting the progress of your plan
a. Reporting b. reports written reports d. documenting
18. The behavior of being flexible to the point of being able to modify certain parts of the plan,
which do not work.
a. Plasticity b. elasticity c. Flexibility d. flexibilities
19. A prediction made about the future condition and apparent trends or pattern of changes
a. Forecasting b. forecast c. anticipation d. anticipating
20. A learn to analyze what is happening and how it affects you and your unit.
a. Good analytical mind. b. good analysis c. good evaluation d. good mind

Test V- True or False

Instruction: If the given answer or percentage opposite to the question is correct
write only capital “TRUE” but if this is wrong, supply the
corresponding word/s or answer.
Topic: Elements of Planning
1. A goal - What do you want to attain ?
2. Place or environment – What is to be done ?
3. Time/Duration - When is to be done ?
4. Resources needed - What is needed to accomplish this task ?
5. Implementing group - Who is tasked to do the action ?
6. Course of action - How would you reach your goals ?
Topic: Percentage distribution of personnel in most police department and police station;
7. Administrative function - 2
8. Patrol - 6
9. Criminal Investigation - 3
10. Traffic Management - 6
11. Juvenile service - 10
12. Auxiliary functions - 13
13. Other Functions - 58
14. Drivers - 7
15. Janitress - 0
16. Investigators - 17
17. PCR officer - 17
18. Swat - 19
19. Researcher - 0
20. sniper - 20

Test VI- Defined and formulate a short or brief scenario /example to relate and express the terms
enumerated below. (10 Points each)

23. Crime Prevention 2. Crime Control

- - - - - - - Good Luck - - - - - --

Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

Midterm Examination
Subject: LEA-3 (KEY ANSWER)
Test I- Enumeration ( Give your answer in exact order)

01-10. Additional tasks that are the patrol force responsibility to undertake
1. Patrol and Observation
2. Called for service
3. inspectional service
4. Control for public gathering
5. Responding to emergencies
6. Attending to complaints
7. Conducting initial investigation
8. prevention of crime scene
9. Criminal apprehension
10. writing reports

Test II. Discussion. (Discuss Briefly)

4. Discuss the advantage of foot patrol compared to automobile patrol
5. Discuss the advantage of motorcycle Patrol compared to foot patrol
6. Discuss the importance of Police Patrol

Test III. Fill in the blank. (Supply the missing word or answer of the questions)

Col Lamberto Javalera 01. the first Philippine Constabulary officer designated as chief of
Gen Emilio Aguinaldo 02. He upholds the PC as the leading agency of peacekeeping
machinery of the government.
RA 54 1 03. the law seek to improve the police service and administration
RA 541 04. the law that was called the police Pension Law.
RA. 4864 05. the law known as the police of 1966
RA. 4864 06. the gives birth to NAPOLCOM
PD 482 07. The PD promulgated purposely to bolster the entire police agency in the
PD 421 08. the law modifies and repeals some provision and introducing the provision of
the city chapter of manila, Quezon City, Caloocan and Pasay as well as all
existing laws regulations, rules and governing the police force in the country.
PD 765 09. the law issued on august 8, 1975 otherwise known as PC/INP law establishing
and constituting the INP .
PD 1184 10. the law that otherwise known as police professionalization Law of 1977, this
gives birth of the PNPA.
EQ 1040 11. the law transferred the administrative control and supervision of INP from
RA 8551 12. the law otherwise known as the PNP reform and reorganization Act of 1998.
RA 6975 13. the law signed into law by the president of December 13, 1990
RA 6975 14. The law was known as an act establishing the PNP under a reorganized
department of DILG and for other purpose.
RA 6975 15. the law dissolves the PC/INP and allows its officers and rank and file
employees to transfer or join either the PNP or AFP.

Test IV- Multiple Choice.

1. It is defined asr the wise use of ones judgment where in personal experience and common
sense is the factors to decide in a particular discretion.
a. Discretion
2. this is the one of the most serious situation encountered by the police in their daily
enforcement of roles.
b. The act of police discretion
3. It is known the police are said to be decision makers specially when confronted by a
situation of between life and death.
a. Police use of Discretion
4. It consist of arranging personnel and function in a systematic manner designed to
accommodate stated goals and objectives in the most efficient manner possible.
a. Patrol Organization
5. Means specific types of behavior that is to be expected from an action an individual
who occupies a particular position with attendant responsibility and authority.
a. Role
6. it involves activities, w/c are intended to influence the perception of potential criminals as
to the likelihood of apprehension.
a. Deterrence and Prevention
7. Is a tool to enhance effectiveness, it deals with the problem tomorrow, may be in the
form of formal plans or may be simply a heuristic process.
b. Planning
8. a general statement of intention and typically with a time with a time horzon of a year or
b. Goal
9. A specific commitment to achieve a measurable result wthin a specific period of time,
usually a year or less.
a. Objective
10. It is the systematic gathering of knowledge
a. Research
11. It means a process, techniques or action that can be carried out under controlled
conditions and the results can be observed to determine whether the researcher’s idea
about what will happen is corrected.
a. Experimentation
12. The ac of seeing ahead and making sound assumptions
a. Forecasting
13. A learning to analyze what is happening and how it affects you and your unit.
a. Good analytical mind
14. Meaning try to see progress of your plan
a. Monitoring
15. the capability of the commander to work with synergy with the different government and
private sectors of the community.
a. Coordination
16. meaning put first first thing first
a. Prioritizing
17. the act reporting the progress of your plan
a. Documenting
18. the behavior of being flexible to the point of being able to modify certain parts of the plan,
which do not work.
b. Flexibility
19. A prediction made about the future condition and apparent trends or pattern of changes
a. Forecasting
20. A learn to analyze what is happening and how it affects you and your unit.
1. Good analytical mind.

Test V- True or False

Instruction: If the given answer or percentage opposite to the question is correct
write only capital “TRUE” but if this is wrong, supply the
corresponding word/s or answer.

Topic: Elements of Planning

01. A goal - What do you want to attain ?
02. Place or environment – What is to be done ? (Where it is to be done ?)
03. Time/Duration - When is to be done ?
04. Resources needed - What is needed to accomplish this task ?
05. Implementing group - Who is tasked to do the action ?
06. Course of action - How would you reach your goals ?

Topic: Percentage distribution of personnel in most police department and police station;
07. Administrative function - 2 (6)
08. Patrol - 6 (58)
09. Criminal Investigation - 3 (13)
1. Traffic Management - 6 (10)
2. Juvenile service - 10 (3)
3. Auxiliary functions - 13 (8)
4. Other Functions - 58 (2)
5. Drivers - 7 - false
6. Janitress - 0 -false
16. Investigators - 17 -false
17. PCR officer - 17 -false
18. Swat - 19 -false
19. Researcher - 0 -false
20. sniper - 20 -false

Test VI- Defined and formulate a short or brief scenario to relate and express the terms
enumerated below. (10 Points each)

24. Crime Prevention

25. Crime Control

Prepared by:

Reynaldo V. Deita, RC. MM

- - - - - - - Good Luck - - - - - --

Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

College of Criminology

Midterm Examination
Test I- Enumeration

01-15. Detail parts of the arrel assembly of Cal 30 Rifle

Test II- Discussion

3. Differentiate Rifle from Pistol

4. Differentiate Revolver from shotgun
5. Differentiate Pistol from Revolver

Test III- Fill in the blank.

__________1. is the point of entry of the bullet

__________2. is the point of exit of the bullet after he left from the muzzle of gun
__________3. a part of firearm which considered as the connecting pivot of the
cylinder with frame or receiver.
__________4. a parts of firearm whose function is to eject the shell in every shot.
__________5. a part of the firearm whose function is to hold and eject the magazine
the pistol.
__________6. a part of a firearm whose function is to strike the primer of the ammunition
__________7. a part of the firearm whose function is to strike the firing pin
__________8. a part of firearm that considered as the housing part of a firearm
__________9. a part of revolver that served as magazine
__________10. a part of firearm that give a direction of twist of the projectile upon left the
Muzzle end.
__________11. a detailed part of frame or receiver which purposed is to protect the
trigger from unnecessary movement of a trigger finger.
__________12. a part of a cylinder which function is to activate the extractor.
__________13. a part of pistol which function is to connect the barrel assembly and
slide assembly to the frame and receiver.
__________14. a detailed part of the barrel assembly that serve as pathways of the
bullet during firing or before the bullet left the muzzle of the gun.
__________15. a part of revolver that places the cartridge into the position of firing.

Test IV- Multiple Choice

1. the executive order that provides the air rifle and air pistol not classified as toys and the
barrel of FAS is considered as complete FAS.
a. EQ. 217 b. EQ. 172 EQ. 127 d. E.Q. 712
2. the date issued of the Executive Order that provides that the air rifle and air pistol not classified
as toys and the barrel of FAS is considered as complete fAS.
a. Jun 18, 1981 b. Jul 28, 1987 c. Jul 18, 1981 d. Jul 28, 19 81
3. Apart of the revolver that served as magazine.
a. Cylinder b. Magazine c. cylinder d. cylindrs
4. A main part of revolver that composed of breech end, muzzle end, Bore, rifling and front sight.
a. Barrel assembly b. Magazine assembly c. stock group d. Magazine
5. A main part of the revolver that composed of Top strap, near sight, hammer, trigger, trigger guard
and 13 other detailed parts.
a. Frame or receiver b. barrel assembly c. Cylinder assembly
6. refers to a loaded shells for rifle, muskets, carbines, shotguns and other firearms.
a. Bullet b. Ammunition c. Cartridges d. ammunitions
7. it includes rifles, muskets, carbines, shotguns, revolver pistols and all other deadly weapons
from which bullet, balls shot may be discharge by means of gunpowder.
a. Gun b. rifle c. firearm d. firearms

8. It has a better grip, fits the hand and point naturally.

a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
9. It is an old standard weapon which everyone is knows to use it and almost knows some thing about
how to handle it.
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
10. It is hard to clean after firing.
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
11. ammunition must be perfect old and deteriorated ammunition will cause a jam
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
12. It is easier to load than a revolver
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
13. its grip or handle is generally not as good as that of a pistol
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
14. it can not be fired from the pocket without jumming
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver
15. there is no gas leakages on its operation
a. Advantage of pistol b. disadvantage of pistol
c. Advantage of revolver d. disadvantage of revolver

Test V- True or false (Topic: Basic safety course.)

Instruction: If the given answer or percentage opposite to the question is correct
write only capital “TRUE” but if this is wrong, supply the
corresponding word/s or answer.

01. Hold the firearm pointing the muzzle to the safe direction.
02. Press the magazine catch and remove the magazine.
03. Draw back the slide assembly all the way and check visually the chamber to ensure the
firearm is unloaded, if anyone else is present, show to them that the chamber is empty.
04. Point the pistol to the safe direction and press the trigger to close the hammer.
05. Hold the gun using your left hand at the near muzzle facing to your body and pointing
upward. Keep your face away/safety, press down the barrel link pin using any small hard
object . Example; coin.
06. Twist the barrel bushing ¼ to he left while the right hand pressing down the barrel link pin.
07. Hold the barrel link pin securely and allow slowly to release upward, pick it and put down
in a plain surface.
08. Remove the recoil spring
09. Open hammer the pistol and keep finger/s out of trigger guard.
10. Push the slide assembly backward to align the slide-stop end to the small grooves found at
near the edge of the slide assembly.
11. Remove the slide stop by pressing the pin at the right side of a frame or by picking the slide
stop using the left hand.
12. Pull out the slide assembly by using left hand, while the right hand holding at the grip, put
down the frame to the clean surface .
16. Remove the recoil spring guide from the slide assembly by a right hand.
17. Remove the barrel bushing by turning this to the right direction with little force upward.
18. Lastly, pull-out the barrel assembly by pushing upward.
Test VI- definition
6. Pistol 2. Rifle 3. Revolver 4. Firearm

Final Examination

Test I- Enumeration ( Give your answer in exact order)

1-10. Motives of Informants.

Test II. Discuss Briefly and give example

1. State the importance of National Security.
2. Discuss briefly the principles and components of National Security

Test III. Fill in the blank. (Supply the missing word or answer of the sentence)
1. Cryptography- is simply defined as an art and science of making, revising and protecting
codes and ciphers.
2. Crypt- refers to something that is concealed and hidden.
3. Codes - phrases are represented by predetermined words, numbers or symbols are usually
impossible to read without key code book.
4. Ciphers- a code secret message which takes the form of an innocent text.
5. Physical security- a theoretical violation of espionage laws with a purpose of apprehend violations.
6. Top secret documents- they are considered irreplaceable official matters the unauthorized
disclosure of which would cause exceptionally grave damage to the interest of an establishment
since it is important to its survival.
7. Confidential documents- the loss of damage of which will pose a threat to operations.
8. Confidential Documents- the reproduction of said documents will cause delay and would email
a considerable expense on the part of the collecting agency
9. Secret documents – Contains operational procedures and guidelines, wherein loss or
compromise would hamper operations but can be reality
10. Restricted documents- these refers toduty processed intelligence reports not made available
for public consumption.

Test IV- Multiple Choice. (Strictly No Erasure)

1. Is the surveillance of a building place or area to determine its suitability for intel. use or its
in reliability in operations.
a. Shawdowing b. Tailing c. covering d. Casing
2. Is a form of clandestine investigation which consist of keeping persons, place or other
target under physical observation in order to obtain evidence or information pertinent to
an investigation.
a. Shawdowing b. Tailing c. casing d. Surveillance
3. A complete and accurate observation by an individual of his surroundings encompasses
the use of all the major sense to register and recognized its operational or intel. significant.
a. Tailing b. casing c. Surveillance d. Observation
4. The actual and factual reporting of one observation of the reported sensory experience
recounted by another.
a. Tailing b. Surveillance c. Observation d. Description
5. he systematic asking of questions to elicit information in the minimum of time.
a. Interrogator b. Interrogation c. Interrogee d. intrrogees
6. A person who does the questioning.
a. Interrogator b. Interrogation c. Interrogee d. intrrogees
7. Any person believed to be associated with prohibited activity.
a. Subject b. Suspect c. subject or suspect d. Victim/s
8. A person who for any reason submits information of intelligence interest usually on a
voluntary basis.
a. Source of Information b. Source c. Sources d. Informer
9. An individual from enemy forces who is deliberately introduce in our custody with a
specific mission of causing some unfavorable action or reaction on our part.
a. Provocator b. provocateur c. investigator d. intelligence
10. The initial examination of an interrogee to determine the extent of his knowledge of
persons, places, things or events in which we are interested.
a. Deleveration b. screening c. screen d. selection
11. The systematic attempt to exploit to an appropriate dept those are of he interrogees
knowledge which have been identified in the screening process
a. Interrogation b. Formal Interrogation c. Questining d. Interview
12. The interrogation of a friendly interrogee who has information at the direction of or
under the control of the friendly intelligence service.
a. Breifing b. Debriefing c. Debreifing d. conference
13. A similar to a debriefing although it is less formal and interrogee is not necessary under
the control or employment of the respective intelligence service.
a. Interrogation b. Interview c. Instrumentation d. Interrogate
14. An oral or written statement of information by the questioning an interrogee.
a. Interrogation report b. Interrogee c. Questioning d. Systematic questioning
15. The subject is aware of the fact he is being interrogated, but he may not learn the true
objectives of the interrogation.
a. Direct Interrogation b. Indirect Interrogation c. Interrogation d. Interview

Test V- True or False

Instruction: If the given meaning or answer of the underline term/s is correct
write only capital “TRUE” but if this is wrong, write only Capita “F”
12. Cover- The means by which in individual group of organization conceals the true nature of its acts and or
existence from the observer.
13. Cover story- a biographical data through fictional that will portray the personality of the agent he assumed, a
scenario to cover up the operation.
14. Cover support- an agent assigned in target areas with the primary mission of supporting the cover story.
15. Organizational Cover- is an account consisting of biographical which when adapted by an individual will
assume the personality he wants to adopt
16. Undercover assignment- is an investigative technique in which agent conceal his official identity an obtain
information from that organization
17. Cover - the one who tasked to cover-up the activities.
18. Cover Story – the the one who is tasked to prepare the senarion ?
19. Cover Support - is a scenario used to conceal the activities
20. Undercover assignment - is the investigative techniques used during operation.
21. Counter Intelligence – this kind of intelligence covers the activity devote in destroying the effectiveness of
hostile foreign activities and to the protection of information against espionage, subversion and sabotage.
22. Counter Intelligence -is the organized effort to protect specific data that might be of value to the opponents
own intelligence organization.
23. Section- It is particularly desirable to be able to identify and recruit an informant who has access to many in-
group or subversive organization.
24. Investigation- the investigation of the potential informants that has tentatively identified as a probable must
be as thorough as possible.
25. Approach- must be done in a setting from which might included pleasant surroundings, perhaps a
confidential apartment, completely free from any probability of compromise, preferably in an adjacent city
or a remote area foreign to the informants living pattern.
26. Testing - the program should begin, of course, with the limited assignment, with a gradual interrogation
into the more important areas.
27. Utility- type of criminal activity, amount and frequency of criminal activity and its Impact.
28. Objective- the primary good of selecting a target is to guarantee that intelligence effort are focused toward
29. Objective – this is an acceptable balance to merit or value probability of a successful result and resources used.
30. Required Resources- are personnel police, funds, travel expenses and amount of time required.
31. Provability of success- must be considered the amount of effort to be extended. and experience and expertise
of the intelligence.

Test VI- Definition

1. Informant – 5. State the threat to national Security

2. Informer- 6. Order of Battle –
3. Elicitation- 7. Give the rules of Encryption
4. Undercover agent-

Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

College of Criminology
Subject: LEA- 4
Final Examination

Test I- Enumeration ( Give your answer in exact order)

Topic: Informers and Informants

1-10. Motives of Informants.

- Reward - civic mindedness
- Revenge - repentance
- fear and Avoidance of punishment - competition
- friendship - other motives
- patriotism
- vanity

Test II. Discuss Briefly and give example

Topic: Introduction to National Security.

1. State the importance of National Security.

2. Discuss briefly the principles and components of National Security

Test III. Fill in the blank. (Supply the missing word or answer of the sentence)

Topic: Fundamental of cryptography; Encoding and Decoding

11. Cryptography- is simply defined as an art and science of making, revising and protecting
codes and ciphers.
12. Crypt- refers to something that is concealed and hidden.
13. Codes - phrases are represented by predetermined words, numbers or symbols are
usually impossible to read without key code book.
14. Ciphers- a code secret message which takes the form of an innocent text.
Topic: Counter Intelligence security measures and security operations, in relation to intelligence.
15. Physical security- a theoretical violation of espionage laws with a purpose of apprehend
16. Top secret documents- they are considered irreplaceable official matters the
unauthorized disclosure of which would cause exceptionally grave damage to the interest
of an establishment since it is important to its survival.
17. Confidential documents- the loss of damage of which will pose a threat to operations.
18. Confidential Documents- the reproduction of said documents will cause delay and would
email a considerable expense on the part of the collecting agency
19. Secret documents – Contains operational procedures and guidelines, wherein loss or
compromise would hamper operations but can be reality
20. Restricted documents- these refers toduty processed intelligence reports not made
available for public consumption.

Test IV- Multiple Choice. (Strictly No Erasure)

Topics: Methods and techniques of collecting Information.
2. Is the surveillance of a building place or area to determine its suitability for intel. use or
its ln reability in operations.
a. Shawdowing b. Tailing c. covering d. Casing
2. Is a form of clandestine investigation which consist of keeping persons, place or other
target under physical observation in order to obtain evidence or information pertinent to
an investigation.
a. Shawdowing b. Tailing c. casing d. Surveillance
3. A complete and accurate observation by an individual of his surroundings encompasses
the use of all the major sense to register and recognized its operational or intel. significant.
a. Tailing b. casing c. Surveillance d. Observation
4. The actual and factual reporting of one observation of the reported sensory experience
recounted by another.
a. Tailing b. Surveillance c. Observation d. Description

Topic: Tactical Interrogation.

6. he systematic asking of questions to elicit information in the minimum of time.
a. Interrogator b. Interrogation c. Interrogee d. intrrogees
6. A person who does the questioning.
a. Interrogator b. Interrogation c. Interrogee d. intrrogees
7. Any person believed to be associated with prohibited activity.
a. Subject b. Suspect c. subject or suspect d. Victim/s
8. A person who for any reason submits information of intelligence interest usually on a
voluntary basis.
a. Source of Information b. Source c. Sources d. Informer
9. An individual from enemy forces who is deliberately introduce in our custody with a
specific mission of
causing some unfavorable action or reaction on our part.
a. Provocator b. provocateur c. investigator d. intelligence
10. The initial examination of an interrogee to determine the extent of his knowledge of
persons, places, things or events in which we are interested.
a. Deleveration b. screening c. screen d. selection
11. The systematic attempt to exploit to an appropriate dept those are of he interrogees
knowledge which have been identified in the screening process
a. Interrogation b. Formal Interrogation c. Questining d. Interview
12. The interrogation of a friendly interrogee who has information at the direction of or
under the control of the friendly intelligence service.
a. Breifing b. Debriefing c. Debreifing d.
13. A similar to a debriefing although it is less formal and interrogee is not necessary under
the control or employment of the respective intelligence service.
a. Interrogation b. Interview c. Instrumentation d. Interrogate
14. An oral or written statement of information by the questioning an interrogee.
a. Interrogation report b. Interrogee c. Questioning d. Systematic questioning
15. The subject is aware of the fact he is being interrogated, but he may not learn the true
objectives of the interrogation.
a. Direct Interrogation b. Indirect Interrogation c. Interrogation d. Interview

Test V- True or False (6 to 9 is False )

Instruction: If the given meaning or answer of the underline term/s is correct
write only capital “TRUE” but if this is wrong, write only Capita “F”
Topic: Cover and Undercover Operation/ Activities
32. Cover- The means by which in individual group of organization conceals the true
nature of its acts and or existence from the observer.
33. Cover story- a biographical data through fictional that will portray the personality of
the agent he assumed, a scenario to cover up the operation.
34. Cover support- an agent assigned in target areas with the primary mission of
supporting the cover story.
35. Organizational Cover- is an account consisting of biographical which when adapted
by an individual will assume the personality he wants to adopt
36. Undercover assignment- is an investigative technique in which agent conceal his
official identity an obtain information from that organization
37. Cover - the one who tasked to cover-up the activities.
38. Cover Story – the the one who is tasked to prepare the senarion ?
39. Cover Support - is a scenario used to conceal the activities
40. Undercover assignment - is the investigative techniques used during operation.
Topic: CI
41. Counter Intelligence – this kind of intelligence covers the activity devote in destroying
the effectiveness of hostile foreign activities and to the protection of information
against espionage, subversion and sabotage.
42. Counter Intelligence - is the organized effort to protect specific data that might be of
value to the opponents own intelligence organization.
Topic: Informant Recruitments
43. Section- It is particularly desirable to be able to identify and recruit an informant
who has access to many in-group or subversive organization.
44. Investigation- the investigation of the potential informants that has tentatively
identified as a probable must be as thorough as possible.
45. Approach- must be done in a setting from which might included pleasant
surroundings, perhaps a confidential apartment, completely free from any
probability of compromise, preferably in an adjacent city or a remote area foreign
to the informants living pattern.
46. Testing - the program should begin, of course, with the limited assignment, with a
gradual interrogation into the more important areas.
Topic: Identification of criminal subversive
47. Utility- type of criminal activity, amount and frequency of criminal activity and its
48. Objective- the primary good of selecting a target is to guarantee that intelligence
effort are focused toward subject,
49. Objective – this is an acceptable balance to merit or value probability of a successful
result and resources used.
50. Required Resources- are personnel police, funds, travel expenses and amount of
time required.
51. Provability of success- must be considered the amount of effort to be extended.
And experience and expertise of the intelligence.

Test VI- Definition

Topic: Informer from Informant.

1. Informant – refers to a person who gives information to the police voluntarily or involuntary
with out any consideration.
2. Informer, those who give information to the police for price or reward
3. Elicitation- it is a system or plan whereby information of intelligence value is obtained
through the process direct intercommunication in which one or more of he
parties to the common is unaware of the specific purpose of the conversation.
Topic: Qualification of Undercover Agent.

4. Undercover agent - Special qualifications includes knowledge of the language, area

background regarding events, knowledge about the custom and
habits, physical appearance, and must be an artist.

Topic: Introduction to National Security.

5. State the threat to national Security

6. Order of Battle – Intelligence list containing the main or primary threat to a aviation
security and peace and order.
7. Give the rules of Encryption

Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

College of Criminology

Final Examination
Subject: Crim Soc 5

Test I- Enumeration ( Give your answers in exact order)

1-7. Theory of Crisis Management
8.10. Three common demands of criminal.

Test II. Discussion (5 Pts each)

1. Discuss the must in Crisis Management
2. Generic categories of hostage takers.

Test III. Fill in the blank. (Supply the missing word or answer of the questions)
1. Person In Crisis- Are people who take hostage during a period of prolonged 1) ______
2) ______ and problems
2. Psychotics – are 3) _____________ who take hostages during of period of 4) _______
3. Common Criminals -Are people who take hostages for 5) ___, rather than 6) ______, reasons
4. Prisoners- Are people who take hostages because of 7) ___________ and discontent regarding,
their 8) ___________ in ideological, reasons.
5. Political Terrorist - are ideologically inspired 9) __________ or groups of people who take
hostages because of 10) _____________ and ideological beliefs.

Test IV- Multiple Choice.

1. Anticipating conditions, problems and opportunities that may be confronted during, and after, the incident
a. Anticipating b. Forecasting c. forecast b. prediction.
2. Determining desire results
a. set-up the objectives b. begins the objectives c. Establishing objective d. none of the three
3. Creating a sequence of steps to be followed in reaching the objective.
a. Establish priorities b. Establishing priorities c. set-up priorities d. put-up priorities
4. Establishing action commitments
a. scheduling b. schedule c. calendar d. planning
5. Identifying labor and equipment required to reach objectives and to effectively utilize available resources.
a. Allocating resources b. allocate funds c. plan the resources d. budgeting
6. Standardizing ways of performing specified work
a. Establishing plan b. establish action c. establishing actions d. Establishing procedures
7. Providing answers to important questions and problems which are anticipating and which provide for action
that is in the interest of the police
a. establishing objectives b. establishing policies c. establish policy d. establishing Policy
8. Identifying and classifying work that needs to be performed, and seeing to its proper implementation
a. establishing policy b. structuring plan c. established plan d. structuring work
9. Ensuring responsibility and authority to other and establishing accountability.
a. Delegating b. delegating duties c. delegating responsibility d. delegation
10. Crating conditions necessary for mutually- cooperative effort and teamwork.
a. develop relations b. developing cooperation c. developing relationship d. relations
11. Arriving at conclusions and judgments about results
a. Making action b. making conclusion c. decision making d. Making Decision
12. Crating understanding.
a. communicating b. communication c. discussing d. discussion
12. Inspiring, encouraging and impelling people to take required action.
a. motivating b. motivate others c. motivate the personnel d. motivate others
13. Choosing people with the appropriate skills, attitudes and expressing to perform specific work.
a. selecting people b. select peoples c. selection process d. choosing people
14. Improving the knowledge, attitudes and skills of people.
a. Developing people b. develop people c. Developing d. organize people
15. Recording and reporting work.
a. measuring performance b. measuring c. measured d. appraisal

16. To know place where Crisis take place and the specific location victim/s and hostage takers
within the building.
a. Locating b. locate c. locating d. locating the exact place
17. Cordon the area of crisis by establishing a police line, close Entrance, Exit and reroute the
traffic to prevent the escape of the law violators.
a. Isolate b. locate c. cordoning d. reroute the traffic
18. it is necessary to evaluate the situation, mental condition of suspect/s and the danger of posed by
hostage taker to the victims.
a. evaluate b. evaluation c. isolate d. evaluate
19. the Responding police officers should evacuate all innocent within the building to avoid additional
Hostages or further damage.
a. Evaluate b. evacuate c. isolate d. evaluation
20. eliminate the crisis
a. Eliminate b. Elimination c. finishing the crisis d. eliminates

Test V . True or False

1. Chemical Agent is necessary in all situation of crisis management for purposely to save the
innocent ?
2. Lethal fire power - is necessary to capture the perpetrators ?
3. Non-lethal fire power - is also necessary to deceive the perpetrators and save the victims/innocent.
4. Silent Entry- is the breaking of door, window or roof of the building by means of explosive.
5. Assault - is no longer necessary if the hostage takers if the victims of of hostage drama is
already save.
6. Political terrorist take hostages purposely to show the public that the government is unable to
protect its own citizens.
7. Criminals take hostages because of unable to complete the crime and escapes before the police
responds thus making thus making hostage-taking spontaneous event.
8. Criminals primary reason for taking hostage is to ensure his own safety.
9. A mental-disturbed person may take hostages in order to right what he believed to be wrong.
10. Some demands of criminal hostage taker are invariably for free passage and a means of escape in return
for fee hostage lives.
11. Developing performance standards- means establishing criteria in order to differentiate between
acceptable and unacceptable performance
12. Measuring performance- recording and reporting work.
13. Evaluating performance- appraising work and results
14. Correcting performance- regulating and improving methods and results
15. Planning consist of work to be performed in order to predetermine a course of action.
16. Organizing consist of work to be performed in order to arrage and relate work so that it can be
accomplished effectively.
17. Leading- consist of work to be performed in order to stimulate people to take effective action.
18. Controlling it is consist of work to be performed in order to assess and regulate work in progress
And which needs to be finished.
19. First objectives of crisis management is to resolve crisis by killing all of hostage takers, in order
to show the power of the police
20. Second objectives of crisis management is to accomplish the task as compliance of order or

Test VI- Definition.

1. Crisis Management -
2. Hostage Situation –
3. State the differences between Hostage-Taking and Kidnapping..
4. Human Behavior-
5. Normal Person
6. Abnormal person

Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

Final Examination
Subject: Crim Soc 5 *Key Answers)
Test I- Enumeration ( Give your answers in exact order)

1-7. Theory of Crisis Management

1. Contain and negotiate;
2. Protect the innocent from harm
3. Allow passage of time so that the perpetrators can be reasoned with
through negotiation
4. Allow the of time so that the response force can avail of the following
4.1. Evaluate the situation
4.2. Gather information
4.3. Explore alternative, and;
4.4. Formulate a plan of action.
8.10. Three common demands of criminal.
a. escape b. Money c. transportation.

Test II. Discussion

1. Discuss the must in Crisis Management

a. Rely on continuous flow of information from all sources.
b. Press perpetrators to abandon their position
c. Receive, analyze and disseminate all information
d. Mount controlled probes on the perpetrators position.
e. Prepare for a rapidly escalating series of events

Generic categories of hostage takers.

a. The common criminal will generally concede to police negotiation if

there is no way out and hostage will generally be unharmed.
b. this type is classified as a rational creative thinker, is able to reason, and
can discriminate on how much force is to be used against him.

Test III. Fill in the blank. (Supply the missing word or answer of the questions)
Topic: categories of Hostage Takers

1. Person In Crisis- Are people who take hostage during a period of prolonged 1)
frustration, 2) despair
and problems
2. Psychotics – are 3) mentally-ill people who take hostages during of period of 4)
psychiatric disturbance

3. Common Criminals -Are people who take hostages for 5) personal, rather than 6)
ideological, reasons.

4. Prisoners- Are people who take hostages because of 8) dissatisfaction and discontent
regarding, their
7) Living conditions in ideological, reasons.
5. Political Terrorist -are ideologically inspired 9) individuals or groups of people who
take hostages
because of 10) political and ideological beliefs.

Test IV- Multiple Choice.

Topic: Managing Hostage situation.

1. Anticipating conditions, problems and opportunities that may be confronted during, and
after, the incident
a. Anticipating b. Forecasting c. forecast b. prediction.
2. Determining desire results
a. set-up the objectives b. begins the objectives c. Establishing objective d. none of
the three
3. Creating a sequence of steps to be followed in reaching the objective.
a. Establish priorities b. Establishing priorities c. set-up priorities d. put-up
4. Establishing action commitments
a. scheduling b. schedule c. calendar d. planning
5. Identifying manpower and equipment required to reach objectives and to effectively utilize
a. Allocating resources b. allocate funds c. plan the resources d. budgeting
6. Standardizing ways of performing specified work
a. Establishing plan b. establish action c. establishing actions d. Establishing
7. Providing answers to important questions and problems which are anticipating and which
provide for action
that is in the interest of the police
a. establishing objectives b. establishing policies c. establish policy d.
establishing Policy
8. Identifying and classifying work that needs to be performed, and seeing to its proper
a. establishing policy b. structuring plan c. established plan d.
structuring work
9. Ensuring responsibility and authority to other and establishing accountability.
a. Delegating b. delegating duties c. delegating responsibility d.
10. Crating conditions necessary for mutually- cooperative effort and teamwork.
a. develop relations b. developing cooperation c. developing relationship d.
11. Arriving at conclusions and judgments about results
a. Making action b. making conclusion c. decision making d. Making
12. Crating understanding.
a. communicating b. communication c. discussing d. discussion
12. Inspiring, encouraging and impelling people to take required action.
a. motivating b. motivate others c. motivate the personnel d. motivate
13. Choosing people with the appropriate skills, attitudes and expressing to perform specific
a. selecting people b. select peoples c. selection process d. choosing
14. Improving the knowledge, attitudes and skills of people.
a. Developing people b. develop people c. Developing d. organize
15. Recording and reporting work.
a. measuring performance b. measuring c. measured d. appraisal

Crisis Management Techniques.

16. To know place where Crisis take place and the specific location victim/s and hostage
takers within the
a. Locating b. locate c. locating d. locating the exact place
17. Cordon the area of crisis by establishing a police line, close Entrance, Exit and reroute the
traffic to
prevent the escape of the law violators.
a. Isolate b. locate c. cordoning d. reroute the
18. it is necessary to evaluate the situation, mental condition of suspect/s and the danger of
posed by hostage
taker to the victims.
a. evaluate b. evaluation c. isolate d. evaluate
19. the Responding police officers should evacuate all innocent within the building to avoid
additional hostages
or further damage.
a. Evaluate b. evacuate c. isolate d. evaluation

20. eliminate the crisis

a. Eliminate b. Elimination c. finishing the crisis d. eliminates
Test V . true or False (Ans: 1,2,3,4,5, and 19 to 20 is False ) (6-18 is True)
Topic: Response during Crisis

1. Chemical Agent is necessary in all situation of crisis management for purposely to

save the innocent ?
2. Lethal fire power - is necessary to capture the perpetrators ?
3. Non-lethal fire power - is also necessary to deceive the perpetrators and save the
4. Silent Entry- is the breaking of door, window or roof of the building by means of
5. Assault - is no longer necessary if the hostage takers if the victims of of hostage
drama is already
TOPICS: Motives in Hostage Taking,

6. Political terrorist take hostages purposely to show the public that the government is
unable to protect
its own citizens.
7. Criminals take hostages because of unable to complete the crime and escapes before the
responds thus making thus making hostage-taking spontaneous event.
8. Criminals primary reason for taking hostage is to ensure his own safety.
9. A mental-disturbed person may take hostages in order to right what he believed to be
10. Some demands of criminal hostage taker are invariably for free passage and a means
of escape in
return for free hostage lives.

Topic: Managing Hostage Situations

11. Developing performance standards- means establishing criteria in order to
differentiate between
acceptable and unacceptable performance
12. Measuring performance- recording and reporting work.
13. Evaluating performance- appraising work and results
14. Correcting performance- regulating and improving methods and results
15. Planning consist of work to be performed in order to predetermine a course of
16. Organizing consist of work to be performed in order to arrage and relate work so
that it can be
accomplished effectively.
17. Leading- consist of work to be performed in order to stimulate people to take
effective action.
18. Controlling it is consist of work to be performed in order to assess and regulate
work in progress
and which needs to be finished.

Topic: Objectives of Crisis Management;

19. First objectives of crisis management is to resolve crisis by killing all of hostage
takers, in order
to show the power of the police
20. Second objectives of crisis management is to accomplish the task as compliance of
order or mission.

Test VI- Definition.

1. Crisis Management - It is the expert handling of a crisis or emergency to reduce or
danger or damage, or the like, especially on the part of
2. Hostage Situation - is a set of circumstances wherein a suspected law violator is
holding a person
captive with the use of force and b threat of violence while the
police are in
close contact with the suspect and his captive.
3. State the differences between Hostage-Taking and Kidnapping..
a. The police are not aware of the captives location.
b. The police are not in lose contact with the perpetrators
c. The police cannot exert any pressures on the suspect.
4. Human Behavior- it is the voluntary or involuntary attitude aperson
determined by heredity and environment, and modified through

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