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LingTera, 5 (1), 2018, 68-77

Code-switching and code-mixing in English learning process

Ahmad Fanani 1 *, Jean Antunes Rudolf Zico Ma’u 2
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kesetiakawanan Sosial Indonesia. Jalan Bojong Raya No 58 Rawa
Buaya Cengkareng Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
Universitas Sanata Dharma. Jalan Affandi Tromol Pos 29, Mrican, Yogyakarta 55002, Indonesia
* Corresponding Author. Email:
Received: 12 June 2017; Revision: 31 August 2018; Accepted: 12 September 2018

The study was conducted in order to describe the types and the factors of code-switching and
code-mixing in the English learning process of MA KHAS Kempek Cirebon. The study was a qualitative
descriptive research using case study. The objective of the study was to analyse the types and the factors
that caused the occurrence of code-switching and code-mixing. The subjects in the study were three
English teachers who taught the XI Grade students. Then, five parallel classrooms were involved in the
study and the data were gathered through a recording device. In the meantime, in order to triangulate
the analysis results the researcher held a focused group discussion (FGD). The FGD was held in order
to test the response validity and also the data validity. From these data, the types and the factors of code-
switching and code-mixing might be identified. Furthermore, the types of code-switching were: (a) inter-
sentential code-switching; (b) intra-sentential code-switching; and (c) tag-switching code-switching. On
the other hand, the types of code-mixing were: (a) alternation code-mixing; (b) insertion code-mixing;
and (c) congruent lexicalization code-mixing. The factors that caused the occurrence of code-switching
were quoting texts, clarifying certain details, and giving instructions to students while the factors that
caused the occurrence of code-mixing were being influenced by the first and the second language in the
speaking habit, being unable to find established equivalence, and attaining the impression of being
present-day people.
Keyword: language contact, code-switching, code-mixing, English learning process
How to Cite: Fanani, A., & Ma'u, J. (2018). Code switching and code mixing in English learning process.
LingTera, 5(1), 68-77. doi:

INTRODUCTION foreign language. The use of more than one

language usually takes place in the learning
Language holds significant role in the life
process of foreign language especially English.
of a society as a medium of communication.
For example, the English learning process in MA
Language is used as a medium of communication
KHAS Kempek Cirebon employs several codes.
for delivering messages or intentions from the
These codes are Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia,
speaker to the listener. Thereby, the most funda-
English, and vernacular. Despite the various
mental language function is to serve as a medium
codes, there is an interesting situation namely that
of communication, socialization, and relationship
two languages have been employed consistently
from one to another so that a social system or a
by the English teachers there namely Bahasa
society might be established (Chaer & Agustina,
Indonesia (as the introductory language) and
2010, p.14). The communication process within
English (as the target language). The use of the
society does not involve one language only but
two languages in Linguistics is known as
also two languages or even more.
In Indonesia, both in the cities and in the
Bilingualism refers to the use of one
regencies, there are societies that use more than
language or more by an individual or a society
one language within the daily activity and these
(Bell, 1983, p.135). An intensive contact between
languages span from the local or vernacular
two languages or more in a bilingual situation,
language, Bahasa Indonesia, and even until
such as the one that occurs in the English learning

Copyright © 2018, LingTera, ISSN 2406-9213 (print); ISSN 2477-1961 (online)

LingTera, 5 (1), 2018 - 69
Ahmad Fanani, Jean Antunes Rudolf Zico Ma’u

process, triggers the occurrence of language discourse marker. Similar to sentence filler, dis-
phenomena namely code-switching and code- course markers only serve to guide the direction
mixing. of the conversation without implying certain
meaning. The discourse marker that belong to the
tag switching are you know, I mean, by the way,
Code-switching refers to oral communica- hi, okay, and alike. The example of such case is
tion situation that involves the process of presented below.
switching from one language and/or dialect to
The proceeding went smoothly, ba? (Tagalog)
another language/dialect. Similarly, Thelander in
(The process run smoothly, doesn’t it?)
Chaer & Agustina (2010, p.115) state that code-
switching is the use of two language (or more) by Inter-Sentential Switching
a speaker in the same communication event. The
The second type of code-switching is inter-
statement implies that code-switching is a
sentential code-switching. Appel & Musyken
language material that consists of two language
(2006, p.118) argue that Inter-sentential switch-
or more spoken by the speakers in the same
ing is the alternation in a single discourse bet-
conversation. In this situation, all of the involved
ween two languages, where the switching occurs
participants also speak or at least understand both
after a sentence in the first language has been
(all) languages in use.
completed and the next sentence starts with a new
Furthermore, Bullock & Toribio (2009,
language or, on the other hand, means that inter-
pp.1-2) state that code-switching refers to the
sentential code-switching occurs between a
capacity of using, replacing, or switching two
different number of sentences.
languages in use. In this case, the speaker at least
In other words, inter-sentential code-switching
has the proficiency of the second language in
refers to the code-switching that occurs between
addition to the first language so that he or she
two different languages. An example of this
might switch from the first language to the
situation is provided below.
second language and vice versa.
Romaine (1995, p.122), Poplack (1980, That is the book. Aku mau membaca buku itu
p.539), Appel & Musyken (2006, p.118), and besok. (Bahasa Indonesia)
other linguists divide code-switching into three (That is the book. I would like to read it
categories in terms of grammatical aspect. These tomorrow.)
categories are tag switching code-switching, Intra-Sentential Switching
inter-sentential code-switching, and intra-
sentential code-switching. Each category will be The third type code-switching is intra-
explained in the following sections. sentential code-switching. Poplack (1980, p.87)
Tag switching refers to the code-switching argue that intra-sentential code-switching refers
that belongs to the units of independent elements to the switch from one language to another in a
contained in a statement or a question; the tag sentence that involves the syntactic units of
switching usually appears in the beginning or in words, phrases, or clauses. Similar definition is
the end of the statement or the question. Holmes also proposed by Appel & Musyken (2006,
& Wilson (2017, p.35) stated that tag switching p.118) who argue that intra-sentential switching
is sometimes called emblematic switching where occurs within a sentence or a clause. An example
the switch is simply an interjection, sentence of intra-sentential code-switching is presented
filler in the other language that serves as an ethnic below.
identity marker. Several examples of interjection This morning saya antar my baby.
that belong to the tag switching are wow!, OY!, (This morning I drive my baby.)
D’oh!, hello!, Hi!, bye!, Ouch!, Oh!, and alike.
On the other hand, the examples of sentence filler Code-Mixing
that belong to the tag switching are like, you In relation to code-mixing, Hudson (1996,
know, well, actually, basically, literally, and p.53) propose that code-mixing refers to the mix-
alike. ture between two different codes in a sentence
Tag-Switching that symbolizes the uncertainty upon which code
that should be used at best. In order to attain the
In addition to interjection and sentence best communication effect, the speaker thus will
filler, according to Poplack (1980, p.89) tag- mix the codes.
switching is frequently found in the form of

Copyright © 2018, LingTera, ISSN 2406-9213 (print); ISSN 2477-1961 (online)

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Ahmad Fanani, Jean Antunes Rudolf Zico Ma’u

Furthermore, Kachru (in Soewito, 1985, The ABA pattern itself might change into AAB
p.76) define code-mixing as the use of two or BAA for the sentence in A language and BAB,
languages or more by means of inserting the BBA, and ABB for the sentence in B language.
elements of one language to another. In the code- Sentence
mixing, there is a main code or the basic code in
use and the code has the function of autonomy. Insertion
On the other hand, the other codes that might A B A
have been involved in the conversation will be
mere fragments without any function of
Thelander in Chaer (1994, pp.151-152) ...a. ...b. ...a.
state that code-mixing will occur if phrases or .. .. ..
clauses that have been involved in a conversation Figure 1. The Tree Diagram of Insertion
consists of mixed phrases or clauses and each
phrase or clause does not support their own An example of insertion will be provided
function. For example, a speaker of Bahasa below and the example in this case involves the
Indonesia inserts most fragments from his or her code-mixing between English and Spanish
vernacular in a conversation. Thus, it might be provided by Pfaff in Muysken, Díaz, & Muysken
considered that the speaker has performed code- (2000, p.5).
mixing. Yo anduve in a state of shock por dos dias.
The apparent characteristic of code-mixing (I walked in a state of shock for two days.)
from the grammatical aspect is the mixture
between two language systems into one sentence Alternation
or phrase. In other words, the apparent charac- The second type of code-mixing is alter-
teristic of code-mixing is the intra-sentential nation. Alternation refers to the situation in which
code-switching. This statement is in line with the the two languages are divided into the gramma-
argument by Appel & Musyken (2006, p.118), tical structures that might be lexically by the
who state that intra-sentential switches occur in elements of whichever language. This type of
the middle of a sentence; this type of switching is code-mixing divides the structure of A language
often called code-switching. and that of B language. The two different
Muysken, Díaz, & Muysken (2000, p.3) language structures are mixed into a sentence.
proposes three types of code-mixing. The three Although the sentence is the results of the mixing
types of code-mixing are defined by different between two different language structures, the
structural requirements. In addition, the three sentence has good meaning clarity. The pattern of
types of code-mixing play their role in different alternation might be represented through the
levels and with different manners on specific Figure 2.
bilingual background. Then, the three types of Sentence
code-mixing are insertion, alternation, and
congruent lexicalization. Each type will be Alternation
elaborated further in the following sections. A B
The first type of code-mixing is insertion. ...a ...b
Insertion refers to the act of inserting the ... ...
materials in the form of both lexical elements and Figure 2. The Tree Diagram of Alternation
constituents of a language into the structure of
different language. The pattern of insertion might From the Figure 2, it is apparent that the
be interpreted through the Figure 1. sentence of alternation is divided into two
Based on the Figure 1, it is apparent that A different language structures. Each of the
and B refer to two different languages with A structures might be filled with the elements of
serves as the dominant language that shapes the both languages. The structure of A language has
sentence and B serves as the fragments that will the elements of the a words from the A language
be inserted into the dominant language or A. Each while the structure of B language has the
of A language and B language might be filled elements of the b words from the B language. An
from the elements of A language and B language. example on this type of code-mixing is provided

Copyright © 2018, LingTera, ISSN 2406-9213 (print); ISSN 2477-1961 (online)

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below and the example is taken from the code- Teacher: OK, apakah kalian masih ingat
mixing between French and Russion language by materi yang sudah kita pelajari
Timm in Muysken, Díaz, & Muysken (2000, p.6). sebelumnya?
(OK, do you still remember the material
Andale pues and do come again.
that we have learned before?)
(That’s alright then, do come again.)
Students: Yes, Miss.
Congruent Lexicalization Teacher: OK, baiklah. Kita akan review
The third type of code-mixing is congruent sebentar tentang material sebelumnya.
lexicalization. In the process of congruent lexi- (OK, well then. We will review a little bit
calization, there is a linear and structure equi- about the previous material.)
valence on the syntactic level between the two The conversation between the teacher and
languages. The pattern of congruent lexicaliza- the students occurred during the English lesson
tion might be explained through the Figure 3. when the teacher started the meeting. In the
Sentence A/B conversation, when the teacher said, “I’m fine
too, ngomong-ngomong do you still remember
the material we have learned before (I’m fine too,
by the way do you still remember the material we
have learned before)?” the students were just
silent. The situation implies that the students do
not understand the question that the teacher has
..a. ..b. ..a. ..b
given; as a result, the teacher switched the code
.. .. .. ...
Figure 3. The Tree Diagram of Congruent into “OK, apakah kalian masih ingat materi yang
Lexicalization sudah kita pelajari sebelumnya (OK, do you still
remember the material we have learned before)?”
Based on the Figure 3, it is apparent that After the teacher switched the code, the students
congruent lexicalization has linear and structural responded to the teacher’s question well.
equivalence between A language and B language. Based on these facts, it might be concluded
An example of congruent lexicalization is that code-switching and code-mixing is
provided below and the example is found from necessary in the English learning process in order
the code-mixing between Spanish and English by to avoid the ambiguation in understanding the
Pfaff in Muysken, Díaz, & Muysken (2000, p.6). learning materials. From the results of the
Bueno, in other words, el flight [que sale de preliminary study on the XI Grade MA KHAS
Chicago around three o’clock]. Kempek Cirebon, it is found that there are certain
(Good, in other words, the flight that leaves types of code-switching and code-mixing and the
from Chicago around three o’clock.) background factors behind the occurrence of the
code-switching and the code-mixing. Therefore,
In delivering the English lesson, the teach- there should be in-depth and scientific review as
ers in MA KHAS Kempek frequently perform well as focused and systematic study on the
code-switching and code-mixing within the phenomenon.
learning process either from English into Bahasa
Indonesia and vice versa. The teachers perform METHOD
different code-switching and code-mixing in The study was a case study that pursued an
each conversation. in-depth investigation on the phenomenon of
One of the examples from the code- code-switching and code-mixing within the
switching and the code-mixing that was found in English learning process. The method was
the English learning process of MA KHAS elaborated into several steps based on the design
Kempek on May 6th, 2015, is as follows: proposed by Yin (2009, p.2) as follows: (1)
Teachers: Ngomong-ngomong do you still planning; (2) preparation; (3) data gathering; (4)
remember the material that we have data analysis; and (5) data analysis display. In
learned before? order to review the topic, the problem within the
(By the way do you still remember the study was described based on the concept of
material that we have learned before?) code-switching and code-mixing that the
Students: ………… (silent) speakers performed.

Copyright © 2018, LingTera, ISSN 2406-9213 (print); ISSN 2477-1961 (online)

LingTera, 5 (1), 2018 - 72
Ahmad Fanani, Jean Antunes Rudolf Zico Ma’u

In order to uncover the problems within the clauses that contained the code-switching and the
study, the descriptive qualitative study was code-mixing during the learning process.
selected. Through the descriptive qualitative In order to attain the necessary data for the
study, the data were described in the form of study, the data were gathered by means of record-
words or sentences based on the existing ing technique. The recording activities were
linguistic facts or phenomena that the speakers performed by using the video recorder during the
empirically possessed (Sudaryanto, 1992, p.142). English learning process so that the situations
The data were analysed in their original form within the learning process might be described
gradually so that each unit should be scrutinized and therefore the necessary data might be
one by one. In the meantime, the words, phrases, attained.
or clauses were involved as the data that had been After the English learning process had
provided by the oral source so that the meaning been recorded, the record was transcribed into the
of these words, phrases, or clauses might be recording minutes. The recording minutes then
grasped (Moleong, 2007, p.9). The study was not served as the documentation on the events that
intended to administer certain treatment on the occurred during the recording activities. The
subject under investigation; instead, the study recording minutes consisted of four notes. The
was limited to observing, reviewing, and first note was on the recording setting namely the
scrutinizing the actions that the subject intention that contained the date, the grade, the
performed within the daily learning activities. number of students, the recording device, the
The study on the use of code-switching and recording duration, and the recording notes.
code-mixing within the English learning process Next, the second note was on the events that took
was conducted in the senior high school level place during the recording activities.
within the Regency of Cirebon. Then, the After the recording data had been
research site was selected based on the following transcribed into the written data, the written data
criteria. First, 90% of the students in the school were analysed. The data analysis was conducted
should come from external region in which they by using the inductive analysis; the inductive
also held the status as santri. Second, there analysis was descriptive and did not measure the
should be various background among the appropriate language use by the speakers
students so that the languages would also be (Sudaryanto, 1992, p.62). In this case, two
various. The language variation would enable the sequences of analysis were performed in order to
occurrence of code-switching and code-mixing solve the problem statements namely the types of
within the English learning process. Based on the code-switching and code-mixing that had been
two criteria, Madrasah Aliyah Kyai Haji Aqiel involved and the background factors that
Siradj (later would be abbreviated into MA encouraged the selection of code-switching and
KHAS) Kempek located in the Regency of West code-mixing. The case would be elaborated
Cirebon was selected. The study was conducted further in the following sections.
in MA KHAS from August until September
Analysis on the Types of Code-switching and
Within the study of code-switching and
code-mixing, the subjects were selected based on In analysing the types of code-switching
the accidental sampling or the convenient sam- and code-mixing, three steps were performed
pling based on the convenience or the prac- namely identification, classification, and descrip-
ticality. The sample was selected spontaneously, tion. In the first step, the situations that contained
meaning that anyone who had been met the case of code-switching and code-mixing were
accidentally would be selected as the sample as identified.
long as the person fitted into the characteristics After the data with regards to the case of
(Sugiono, 2008, p.60). Thus, the sample in the code-switching and code-mixing were identified,
study was five parallel classrooms of Grade XI the data were classified based on the existing
MA KHAS namely XI Science 1, XI, Science 2, criteria. The cases of code-switching and code-
XI Science 3, XI Social 1, and XI Social 2. On mixing were classified according to the type and
the other hand, the subject in the study was three the form of the code-switching and the code-
Grade XI English teachers (1 male teacher and 2 mixing. The classification thus was based on the
female teachers) who taught the Grade XI data case, data number, and data class.
students. On the other hand, the object in the After the classification process had been
study was the teachers’ words, phrases, and completed, a description on the case of code-

Copyright © 2018, LingTera, ISSN 2406-9213 (print); ISSN 2477-1961 (online)

LingTera, 5 (1), 2018 - 73
Ahmad Fanani, Jean Antunes Rudolf Zico Ma’u

switching and code-mixing was presented. The Inter-Sentential Switching

data were described through brief explanation. In
Teacher: Where is my book now? Ok, kita
other words, thee results of the analysis on the
lihat. Coba, Salimah!
code-switching and the code-mixing within the
(Where is my book now? Ok, let’s see.
English learning process were presented in
Please try, Salimah!)
narrative text using informal presentation. The
informal presentation method was intended to The above code-switching situation occurs
describe the data using the casual words in the sentence level of Bahasa Indonesia that
(Sudaryanto, 1992, p.145). appears after the sentence level of English
language. The code-switching is shown by the
Analysis on the Factors of Code-switching
sentence in bold. At the beginning, the teacher
and Code-mixing
said, “Where is my book now?” Then, the teacher
In order to identify the factors that caused switched the code from the conversation in
the occurrence of code-switching and code- English language into the conversation in Bahasa
mixing, the texts should be associated to the Indonesia, which is written in bold, “OK, kita
contexts (Halliday, Ramlan, Hasan, & Tou, 1992, lihat. Coba Salimah! (Ok, let’s see. Please try,
p.112). After the factors behind the occurrence of Salimah!)” The code-switching occurs by using
code-switching and code-mixing had been two languages in different sentences.
identified based on the researcher’s perception,
Intra-Sentential Switching
the similar data were screened and were selected
as the data representation. Teacher: Number eight siapa? Who wants
Departing from the data representation, an number eight?
FGD (Focus Group Discussion) was held. (Who works on number eight? Who
Through FGD, the reasons, motivations, wants number eight?)
argumenttations, or bases for an individual or a In the above sentence, the code-switching
group of individuals to commit an action might is aimed at the use of siapa or who. Siapa is a
be identified (Koentjaraningrat, 2005, p.7). With word from Bahasa Indonesia that appears in
regards to the study, the FGD that involved the another language namely English. The position
subjects was held in order that the results of the of siapa in the English sentence above is a
analysis might be trustworthy and might not be sentence complement. In the meantime, the
disturbed by other perceptions. position of English in the sentence “Number eight
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS siapa (Who works on number eight)?” is a
compound noun as the subject of the sentence.
The results of the study are classified into
Therefore, it might be concluded that the
three categories namely: (a) code-switching; (b)
sentence in the above code-switching is an
code-mixing; and (c) factors behind the use of
English one since English has dominated the
code-switching and code-mixing. Each type of
formation of the sentence.
both code-switching and code-mixing is analysed
from the grammatical aspect in accordance to the Tag Switching
theory that has been previously elaborated. Tag switching might appear in the form of
In the English learning process of Grade interjection, sentence filler, and discourse
XI MA KHAS Kempek, the use of code-switch- marker. The data that represent the use of tag
ing and code-mixing by the English teachers is switching by the English teachers in the learning
different depending on each conversation. The process will be elaborated in the following
difference on the use of code-switching and code- sections.
mixing implies the types of code-switching and
code-mixing that the English teachers use in the Interjection
learning process. The types of code-switching are Teacher: Sekarang kalian … you have to turn
identified based on the grammatical analysis. around the class yah!
Types of Code-switching (Now, all of you … all of you have to turn
around the class yep!)
Grammatically, there are three types of
code-switching namely inter-sentential switch- The above code-switching is part of short
ing, intra-sentential switching, and tag switching. interjection in Bahasa Indonesia. The interjection

Copyright © 2018, LingTera, ISSN 2406-9213 (print); ISSN 2477-1961 (online)

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Ahmad Fanani, Jean Antunes Rudolf Zico Ma’u

is shown by the word yah that appears after the analytical exposition is to persuade the
sentence you have to turn around the class. readers or the listeners that something is
the case. Jadi bertujuan untuk mengajak
Sentence Filler
si pembaca.
Teacher: Well, nanti habis ini diambil ya (So, what is the definition of analytical
jawabannya kemudian kita bahas satu exposition; what is it and why does
per satu. people write about it? Social function of
(Well, after this please take your answer the analytical exposition is to persuade
and then we will discuss it one by one.) the readers or the listeners that something
The type of the above code-switching is is the case. Therefore, analytical
tag switching. The above code-switching is exposition aims at involving the readers.)
categorized into tag switching because the The sentence in English refers to the code-
teacher makes use of short English idiom, which switching used by the teacher. The code-
is shown by the use of the word well. The short switching occurs in the English sentence that
idiom is spoken before the sentence in Bahasa appears in the middle of the two sentences in
Indonesia nanti habis ini diambil ya kemudian Bahasa Indonesia. Based on the context of the
kita bahas satu per satu (after this please take data, the code-switching might be caused by the
your answer and then we will discuss it one by fact that the teacher quotes the reading text that
one). Then, the short idiom well is said to be the serves as the discussion material within the
sentence filler because the short idiom only learning process. The reason behind the code-
serves to fill the gap before the conversation is switching might be found in both the text and the
initiated. In other words, the use of the word well context. At the beginning, the teacher spoke in
does not have significant meaning and thus does Bahasa Indonesia while he was asking the
not change the meaning of the sentence. students about the message that had been
Discourse Marker contained in the given analytical exposition. The
situation was implied by the sentence Jadi
Teacher: Alright … Luar biasa … Salam bagaimana penjelasan analitiak ekposisi itu, apa
sebelah sini kok sebelah sini ga! itu atau mengapa itu? Then, he switched his code
(Alright… Excellent… Where is the to English in order to provide the answer for the
greeting from this side!) question by quoting the reading text: Social
The above code-switching situation function of the analytical exposition is to per-
belongs to the tag switching as well. In this suade the readers or the listeners that something
sentence, the teacher involves a short idiom in the is the case. The definition can be found in the
form of discourse marker shown by the word learning materials from Bahan Ajar SMA/MA
alright that appears before the sentence in Bahasa Kelas XI Semester 1.
Indonesia Luar biasa… Salam sebelah sini kok Clarifying Intention
sebelah sini ga! (Excellent… Where is the
greeting from this side!). The discourse marker in Teacher: Ya, ketika masalah dimulai …
this sentence only serves to direct the Problem start until climax; sampai
conversation without implying any significant klimaks, sampai puncak, sampai pada
meaning. puncaknya.
(Yes, when the problem starts …
The Factors Behind the Use of Code- Problem starts until climax; until climax,
switching until the peak, until the tipping point.)
In the study, three factors are found to be In the above sentence, the teacher switches
the influence behind the use of code-switching code from Bahasa Indonesia into English and
within the English learning process. The three then into Bahasa Indonesia again. At the beginn-
factors are quoting text, clarifying intention, and ing, the teacher spoke in Bahasa Indonesia, “Ya,
instructing students. ketika masalah dimulai … (Yes, when the
Quoting Text problem starts…)” and he switched into English,
“Problem start until climax (Problem starts until
Teacher: Jadi bagaimana penjelasan climax)” and then he switched again into Bahasa
analitikal ekposisi itu, apa itu atau Indonesia “Sampai klimaks, sampai puncak,
mengapa itu? … Social function of the sampai pada puncaknya (Until climax, until the

Copyright © 2018, LingTera, ISSN 2406-9213 (print); ISSN 2477-1961 (online)

LingTera, 5 (1), 2018 - 75
Ahmad Fanani, Jean Antunes Rudolf Zico Ma’u

peak, until the tipping point).” Based on the basic code is Bahasa Indonesia and therefore
context in the data, the teacher switches the code Bahasa Indonesia holds its autonomy function.
in order to clarify the intention. The intention that The Bahasa Indonesia code is found on the
wants to be clarified in the sentence is the term sentence, “Iya Malin Kundangnya dikutuk. Iya…
climax. In this case, the teacher wants to Ya… Dikutuk… Terus habis (CM) ada apa?” In
emphasize the explanation on the term climax by the meantime, the insertion of the word
using the word puncak (peak, tipping point) in resolution in the above sentence only serves as a
Bahasa Indonesia. fragment without any autonomy function that
should be held by the main or the basic code.
Instructing the Students
Teacher: Ayo siapa yang mau ini, nanti Ibu
kasih bintang di langit, hehe, … apa itu Teacher: We learn about narrative nanti hari
naratif? Raise your hand…! Kamis.
(Come one, who wants to work on this (We learn about narrative later on
number, I’ll give you one of the stars in Thursday.)
the sky (giggling) … What is narrative?
This type of code-mixing shows that the
Raise your hand…!)
teacher makes use of two languages in one
The above data of code-switching shows sentence; the structure of the sentence consists of
that the teacher switches code from Bahasa the structures from Bahasa Indonesia and
Indonesia to English. At the beginning, the English. In the first structure the teacher makes
teacher spoke in Bahasa Indonesia, “Ayo siapa use of English as having been shown by the
yang mau ini, nanti Ibu kasih bintang di langit, sentence “We learn about narrative,” while in the
hehe, … apa itu naratif? (Come one, who wants second structure the teacher makes use of Bahasa
to work on this number, I’ll give you one of the Indonesia as having been shown by the phrase
stars in the sky (giggling) … What is narrative?)” “nanti hari Kamis (later on Thursday).” The
and then he switched to English, “Raise your different structure from both languages become a
hand…!” In this context, the code-switching that meaningful sentence unit.
the teacher performs aims at instructing the
Congruent Lexicalization
students. The teacher asks the students to raise
their if they want to answer the question in his Teacher: Kamu lagi chatting sama hantu di
quiz. In this case, the teacher instructs the Facebook gitu?
students to use English because English has been (Were you texting with ghost in
the classroom language that the students already Facebook?)
understand. The above code-mixing example has the
Types of Code-Mixing pattern a b a b. The element a is found in the
phrase “Kamu lagi (were you)”and “sama hantu
In addition to the types of code-switching,
di (with ghost in),” which are the phrases from
several types of code-mixing have also been
the main language namely Bahasa Indonesia.
found in the study. The use of code-mixing might
Then, the element b is found in the word
be classified into three categories namely: inser-
“chatting” and “Facebook,” which are the terms
tion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization.
from language B as the second language namely
Insertion English. The word “chatting” serves as predicate
while the word “Facebook” serves as adverb of
Teacher: Iya Malin Kundangnya dikutuk.
place. In the meantime, the position of Bahasa
Iya… Ya… Dikutuk… Terus habis
Indonesia in the sentence is subject and object.
resolution ada apa?
Therefore, it might be identified that the word
(Yes, Malin Kundang was cursed…
“chatting” and “Facebook” serve as fragments.
Yes… Yes… Was cursed… Then, what
These English words appear in the Bahasa
comes after resolution?)
Indonesia sentence which dominantly shapes the
The above code-mixing situation refers to sentence.
the code-mixing phenomenon that appears on the
Factors behind the Use of Code-mixing
level of Bahasa Indonesia; the Bahasa Indonesia
sentence was inserted by the English elements. In The code-mixing phenomenon that occurs
this kind of code-mixing, the main code or the in the English learning process of Grade XI MA

Copyright © 2018, LingTera, ISSN 2406-9213 (print); ISSN 2477-1961 (online)

LingTera, 5 (1), 2018 - 76
Ahmad Fanani, Jean Antunes Rudolf Zico Ma’u

KHAS Kempek Cirebon is not apart from the Impression of Being Modern
background factors based on the context of the
Teacher: Kamu lagi chatting sama hantu di
speaker’s conversation. With regards to the code-
Facebook gitu?
mixing phenomenon, in this study three factors
(Were you texting with ghost in
behind the use of code-mixing have been found
and these factors are conversational habit,
absence of or the difficulty to find established In this conversation, the teacher mixes the
equivalence, and impression of being modern. code of English “chatting” and “Facebook” into
the code of Bahasa Indonesia due to the
Conversational Habit
impression of being modern. The term “chatting”
Teacher: And then setelah itu orientation, and “Facebook” refers to the English term that
complication, resolution, and then? society might accept as part of new terminology.
(And then afterward orientation, The two terms are related to the rapid techno-
complication, resolution, and then?) logical development that has occurred recently in
the daily life. Therefore, the use of the term
From the above example of code-mixing,
“chatting” and “Facebook” gives an impression
the teacher mixes the code in his conversation
that the speaker, in this case the teacher, is up to
without any specific consideration. When he
asked the students about the paragraph structure
of narrative text in the sentence “And then setelah CONCLUSIONS
itu orientation, complication, resolution, and
The results of the study in overall will be
then? (And then afterward orientation, com-
concluded as follows. First, the code-switching
plication, resolution, and then?)” he inserted the
phenomenon that occurs within the English
phrase “setelah itu (afterward)” in the English
learning process in Grade XI of MA KHAS
sentence without certain reason. It seems that the
Kempek Cirebon consists of inter-sentential
teacher has been accustomed to use code-mixing
switching, intra-sentential switching, and tag
in his conversation.
switching. Second, the code-mixing phenomenon
Absence of or Difficulty to Find Established that occurs within the English learning process in
Equivalence Grade XI of MA KHAS Kempek Cirebon
consists of insertion, alternation, and congruent
Teacher: OK, what is banner in your LKS?
lexicalization. Third, there are three factors
Can you read it one people please up your
behind the use of code-switching within the
hand please. … Any one read it what is
English learning process in Grade XI of MA
KHAS Kempek Cirebon namely: (a) quoting
(Okay, what is the definition of banner in
texts; (b) clarifying intention; and (c) instructing
your student worksheet? Can you read it?
the students. Fourth, there are three factors
One of you please raise your hand and
behind the use of code-mixing within the English
read what is the definition of banner.)
learning process in Grade XI of MA KHAS
The above conversation shows that the Kempek Cirebon namely: (a) conversation habit
teacher mixes the code of Bahasa Indonesia “LKS (the influence of the first and the second
(student worksheet)” into the code of English. language); (b) absence of or difficulty to find
Based on the context in the sentence, it might be established equivalence; and (c) impression of
inferred that the teacher has difficulties to find the being modern.
established equivalence of the code “LKS.” The
reason is that the code “LKS” in Bahasa Indonesia
has already been a commonly used term; actually, Appel, R., & Muysken, P. (2006). Language
the code “LKS” is an abbreviation that stands for contact and bilingualism. Amsterdam
“Lembar Kerja Siswa (Student Worksheet).” The University Press.
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approaches and problems. London: B.T.
meaning might be distorted.
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Ahmad Fanani, Jean Antunes Rudolf Zico Ma’u

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Copyright © 2018, LingTera, ISSN 2406-9213 (print); ISSN 2477-1961 (online)

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