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Write down what the product is and what it is used for (medicinal, beauty, food,
etc.) Discuss the value and benefits of the product. Guideline: ¼ -1/2 page
In Korea, especially at convenience stores or import stores,
full-flavored canned drinks like orange, coconut, squash, etc.
However, there is no product about fresh mango, so fresh
mango juice of Doveco company is a perfect product for
This is a great drink for refreshment and vitamin
supplements. There are only 3 ingredients to make 1 can of
fresh mango juice: water, sugar and mango. There are no
synthetic sweeteners or flavorings, so it is very beneficial for
health. More specifically, the company also has low-sugar
products, for dieters.
This drink has a lot of benefits for the body:
- Prevent cancer
These substances are proven by scientists to have
great effects in preventing and reversing dangerous
diseases such as breast, colon, leukemia, and prostate cancer.
- Lower cholesterol levels
Mangoes have a lot of vitamins that are beneficial to the body, especially vitamin C. It plays a huge
role in nourishing the body. Especially vitamin C combined with pectin, helps to reduce the amount
of cholesterol in the serum
- Maintain blood pressure
- Beneficial for people with anemia
The cause of anemia is the body's iron deficiency, drinking mango juice every day can supplement a
sufficient amount of iron for the body. In particular, mango juice is extremely good and beneficial for
pregnant women because during pregnancy they need a high amount of iron so that the baby in the
womb can grow healthy.
- Good for eyes
The easiest approach to get the key nutrient vitamin A into your body is to eat mango or drink mango
juice. It not only improves eyesight, but it also protects against difficulties with vision. Dry eyes and
night blindness, for example.
- Brighten the skin
For women, beauty is very important. The biggest benefit of mango juice is that it fully replenishes
nutrients for the skin in large quantities, enhancing the beauty of women's skin.

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