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Nama : Kintan Imayasari

Nim : 195040207111088

Kelas : O2

1. Banyaknya buah pisang yang tersengat hama dari 16 tanaman adalah 4, 9, 0, 1, 3, 24, 12,
3, 30, 12, 7, 13, 18, 4, 5, dan 15. Dengan menganggap data tersebut sebagai contoh, hitunglah
varian, simpangan baku dan koefisien keragamannya. Statistik mana yang paling tepat untuk
menggambarkan keragaman data tersebut?

Jawaban :

Untuk mengetahui simpangan baku dan varian, dicari dulu nilai rata2 data :

4+9+ 0+…+5+15 160

μ= = =10
16 16

Varian :
∑ ( X i −μ)2 = 1088 = 68
σ 2= i=1 16

Simpangan baku (standar deviasi):


√ ∑ (X i−μ)2 =
√ 1088

= 8,246

Koefisien keragaman : x 100% = x 100% = 82,46%
μ 10

Statistik yang paling tepat untuk menggambarkan keragaman data tersebut adalah simpangan
baku karena ukuran jauh dekatnya nilai pengamatan dari rata-rata hitungnya.

2. To study how first-grade students utilize their time when assigned to a math task,
researcher observes 24 student and records their time off task out of 20 minutes. Times off
task (minutes) : 4, 0, 2, 2, 4, 1, 4, 6, 9, 7, 2, 7, 5, 4,13, 7, 7, 10, 10, 0, 5, 3, 9 and 8. For this
data set, find :

a) Mean and standard deviation, media and range

Mean = (4+0+2+…+9+8)/24 = 129/224 = 5,375

Standar deviasi (rumus sama ky’ nmer 1) =
√ 24
= 3,35

Median= data yang ditengah setelah diurutkan data ke 12 dan 13 yaitu sama-sama 5 jadi

Median = (5+5)/2 = 5

Range = nilai maksimum – nilai minimum = 13-0 = 13

b) Disply the data in the histogram plot, dot diagram and also stem-and-leaf diagram


Histogram of C1


0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Dotplot of C1

0 2 4 6 8 10 12


Stem-and-leaf N = 24
Leaf Unit = 0.10

2 0 00
3 1 0
6 2 000
7 3 0
11 4 0000
(2) 5 00
11 6 0
10 7 0000
6 8 0
5 9 00
3 10 00
1 11
1 12
1 13 0

c) Determine the intervals `x ± s, `x ± 2s, `x ± 3s

s = 3,35

x́ ± s = 5,375 ± 3,35
x́ ± 2s = 5,375 ± 6,7

x́ ± 3s = 5,375 ± 10.05

d) Find the proportion of the meausurements that lie in each of this intervals.

e) Compare your finding with empirical guideline of bell-shaped distribution

3. The data below were obtained from the detailed record of purchases over several month. The
usage vegetables (in weeks) for a household taken from consumer panel were (gram) :

84 58 62 65 75 76 56 87 68 77 87 55 65 66 76 78 74 81 83 78 75 74 60 50 86 80 81
78 74 87

a. Plot a histogram of the data!

Histogram of C2


50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

b. Find the relative frequency = fi/n of the usage time that did not exceed 80.

c. Calculate the mean, variance and the standard deviation

Mean = 73,2

Variance = 108,0276

Standar deviasi = 10,39

d. Calculate the median and quartiles.

Median (nilai tengah) = 75,50

Quartil, ada Q1, Q2 (median) dan Q3

Qi = nilai yang ke (i(n+1))/4, setelah data diurutkan

Q1 = nilai yang ke (1*(30 + 1))/4 = data ke 7,75, jadi data ke 7 & 8 dijumlah dibagi 2

Hasilnya (65+65)/2 ---> Q1 = 65

Q3 = nilai yang ke (3*(30 + 1))/4 = data ke 23,25, jadi data ke 23 & 24 dijumlah dibagi 2

Hasilnya (81+81)/2 ---> Q3 = 81

4. The mean of corn weight is 278 g by ear and deviation standard is 9,64 g, and than we have
10 ears. If they are gotten from ten different fields, mean of plant height is Rp. 1200,- and its
deviation standard is Rp 90,-, which one have more homogenous, the weight of corn ear or the
plant height? Explain your answer! Verify your results by direct calculation with the other

a. weight of corn ear

Mean = 278 ; standar deviasi = 9,64 ; N = 10
b. plant height
Mean = 1200 ; stndar deviasi = 90 ; N = 10
Dari data di atas, yang lebih homogen adalah data tinggi tanaman (plant height) karena jarak
antara nilai (stndar deviasi x N) dengan nilai rata-rata (mean) lebih dekat dibandingkan data
pada berat jagung (corn weight), dimana data yang homogen adalah jarak data pengamatan ke
rata-rata relatif kecil atau dapat dikatakan datanya hampir seragam.
a. weight of corn ear
Standar deviasi x N = 9,64 x 10 = 96,4 ; mean = 278
b. plant height
standar deviasi x N = 900 x 10 = 900 ; mean = 1200
jaraknya 900 ke 1200 lbih deket daripada jaraknya 96,4 ke 278
Contoh perhitungan data :
No Data A No Data B
1 13 1 30
2 11 2 12
3 12 3 24
4 10 4 5
5 11 5 33
6 13 6 9
7 14 7 17
8 12 8 61
9 10 9 46
10 11 10 15
Mean = 11,7 Mean = 25,20
Standar deviasi = 1,337 Standar deviasi = 17,69 ; N=10

5. The employment’s salary at seed company, abbreviated, as follows : 18, 15, 21, 19, 13, 15,
14, 23, 18 and 16 rupiah. If these abbreviation is real salary divide Rp. 100.000,-, find the
mean, variance and standart deviasi!

Mean :
(18 + 15 + …..+ 16)/10 = 172/10 = 17.2  real salary (gaji sebenarnya) = 17.2 x Rp.100.000
= Rp. 1.720.000
Varian : 10,18 x 100.000 = 1.018.000
Standar deviasi : 3,19 x 100.000 = 319.000
6. Computer-aided statistical calculations. Calculation of the descriptive statistic such as `x and
s are increasingly tedious with large data sets. Modern computers have come a long way in
alleviating the drudgery of hand calculation. Microsoft Exel, Minitab or SPSS are three of
computing packages those are easy accessible to student because its commands are in simple
English. Find these programs and install its at your computers. Bellow main and sub menu of
Microsoft Exel, Minitab and SPSS program. Use these software to find `x, s, s2, and coefisien
of variation (CV) for data set in exercise b. Histogram and another illustration can also be

Contoh data :
No Data
1 30
2 12
3 24
4 18
5 33
6 19
7 17
8 26
9 13
10 35
11 21
12 23
13 14
14 28
15 31

Descriptive Statistics
Mean StDev Variance CoefVar Q1 Median Q3
22.93 7.44 55.35 32.44 17.00 23.00 30.00

Histogram of C2





15 20 25 30 35

Dotplot of C2

12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33
7. Some properties of the standard deviation

a) if a fixed number c is added to all measurements in a data set, will the deviations (xi -`x)
remain changed? And consequently, will s² and s remain changed, too? Take data sample.

Misal c = 5, datanya sebagai berikut :

n n+5 (xA- (xB-

No (XA) (XB) x) x)
1 13 18 -3.1 -3.1
2 16 21 -0.1 -0.1
3 17 22 0.9 0.9
4 15 20 -1.1 -1.1
5 10 15 -6.1 -6.1
6 21 26 4.9 4.9
7 23 28 6.9 6.9
8 11 16 -5.1 -5.1
9 15 20 -1.1 -1.1
10 20 25 3.9 3.9
mean (Xbar) 16.1 21.1    
stndar deviasi (s) 4.25 4.25    
varian (s² ) 18.10 18.10    

Dari hasil perhitungan data di atas, nilai (x i -`x), s² dan s tetap sama meskipun ada
penambahan angka c yaitu 5 pada data.
b) If all measurements in a data set are multiplied by a fixed number d, the deviation (xi -`x)
get multiplied by d. Is it right? What about the s² and s? Take data sample.

Misal d = 3, datanya sebagai berikut :

n nx3 (xA- (xB-

No (XA) (XB) x) x)
1 13 39 -3.1 -9.3
2 16 48 -0.1 -0.3
3 17 51 0.9 2.7
4 15 45 -1.1 -3.3
5 10 30 -6.1 -18.3
6 21 63 4.9 14.7
7 23 69 6.9 20.7
8 11 33 -5.1 -15.3
9 15 45 -1.1 -3.3
10 20 60 3.9 11.7
mean (Xbar) 16.1 48.3    
stndar deviasi (s) 4.25 12.76    
varian (s² ) 18.10 162.90    
Benar, karena dilihat dari hasil perhitungan data di atas, apabila data dikalikan 3 maka nilai
stndar deviasi (xi -`x) juga akan bernilai kali 3. Begitu pula untuk nilai s² dan s hasilnya sama
jika nilainya lansung dikali 3, atau dihitung setelah datanya dikali 3.

c) Apply your computer software to explain your data sample. Verify your results by other

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