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Department of Education

Region III
Schools Division of Bulacan
City of Malolos
PulongYantok, Angat, Bulacan


Module 5 and 6

Name: _______________________________________________ Score: _______

Grade/Section: _________________________________________ Date: ________

DIRECTION/S: Read and follow instructions correctly. Any kind of erasures is not accepted. Use black pen in
I. Read the statements carefully. Decide which from the pool of words is being described by the
statements. Write your answer on the space provided before each item.

Topic outline Outline Formalism

Spatial Order Order of Importance Formal outline
Sentence outline Order Feminism
Reader-Response Marxist criticism Critique
Criticism Informal outline Chronological Order

__________1. It refers to your choice of what to present first, second, third, and so on, in your writing.
__________2. It is used to explain the history of an event or a topic, to tell the story or relate an experience, to explain
how to do or make something, and to explain the steps in a process.
__________ 3. It is used to help readers visualize something and to create main impression using senses.
__________ 4. This order aims to persuade or convince and to rank items by their importance, benefit, or significance
__________ 5. It is a written plan that serves as a skeleton for the paragraphs you write.
__________ 6. It is a genre of academic writing that briefly and critically summarizes and evaluates a work or concept.
__________ 7. It claims that literary works contain intrinsic properties and treats each work as a distinct work of art.
__________ 8. This approach of criticism is concerned with the reviewer’s reaction as an audience of a literary work.
__________ 9. It focuses on how literature presents women as subjects of socio-political, psychological and economic
oppression. It also reveals the patriarchal aspects of our culture.
__________10. It is concerned with the differences between economic classes and the implications of a capitalist system,
such as the continuing conflicts between the working class and the elite members of society.
__________11. For an essay question on a test or a brief oral presentation in class, all you need to prepare is an outline
in which you jot down key ideas in the order you present them.
__________12. It is a detailed guide that shows how all your supporting ideas relate to each other. It helps you distinguish
between ideas that are of equal importance and ones that are of lesser importance.
__________13. It summarizes the main topics and subtopics in words and phrases to keep the outline short and easier to
comprehend. All the headings, however, must be written in parallel structure, in other words, be
__________14. It is an outline where you write a complete sentences instead of words or phrases. This is commonly used
when the topic being discussed is complicated and requires details.
__________15. It is the art of evaluating or analyzing works of art or literature.

II. Draw the two systems of outlining. Label each system. (5pts. Each)



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