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My Holiday
Holiday is a vacation that is different from other holidays. Especially for IIBS elkisi
pesantren. Because on holidays before Elkisi gave holidays to students, which was in the
range of two to three weeks, but for this holiday, Elkisi gave a fairly long holiday, which is
about three months. This is not without reason, because it is indeed a condition that does
not allow students to remain in boarding schools. Given some areas that have implemented
a lockdown system. It is feared that students can no longer enter their own area.
In the first announcement the elkisi would repatriate its students on April 5, 2020.
However, considering that several regions had implemented a lockdown system, the elkisi
submitted it to May 31, 2020. And it was announced on May 30, 2020 after the Maghrib
prayer. We who became mudabbir were also overwhelmed because we had to make sure all
members of the room had to finish packing their clothes before 21.00. And student pickup is
carried out alternately starting from the lowest class first and then to the top class, which is
class 12. And with all the agenda planned by ISMI, it was canceled because of the proposed
At home I had time to be independent isolation at home for two weeks. This is a
direct order from the local co-op handling group 19 front. Because I was among those who
came from an area where there were positive patients with corona covid 19. In the first two
weeks we were not given assignments by the pesantren. But I still carry out everyday like in
a boarding school. I performed the midnight prayer even though it was not even eleven
cycles. Duha prayer is also still carried out by me. The first two weeks are indeed very boring
because they are not allowed to leave the house.
After two weeks of independent isolation, I was only allowed to leave the house.
Even then, if there is an important need. Entering the fasting month, we squeezed the
mosque to do sholih charity in the form of cleaning the mosque yard, painting the mosque,
mowing the lawn and others. We carried it all out on the orders of the mosque takmir. We
conduct the charity about 1 week before the coming month of Ramadan. At the time of
good deeds I was tasked to paint the mosque with 4 other friends. That was my first
experience painting a pretty high place. Namely the ceiling of the mosque which is about 6
to 7 meters high.
After our task of painting the mosque was finished we rushed to help the others. Like
making stairs for the entrance to the mosque. We did this to welcome this glorious month
of Ramadan. What for? So that the worshipers will be more enthusiastic to go to the
mosque. Because in my area is not included in the red zone and zero positive patients
corona covid 19 so we still continue to worship such as rawatib prayer, friday prayer,
tarawih prayer in the mosque. Because in our opinion this outbreak is no reason for us to be
far from the mosque. Rather this is a means for us to draw closer to God. And ask Allah for
In the month of Ramadan my activities are not much different from the usual month
of Ramadan. We who study at eLKISI and the al ihsan gresik foundation continue to share
our knowledge with children around. We gather them for us to study the quran to learn
how to pray or practical worship and so forth. And also we were appointed to be tarawih
prayer officers such as imams and advisors. We did not waste it, because to kneel us it was
to practice speaking in public and to share our knowledge. We routinely do this activity in
the month of Ramadan. And at the end of the month of Ramadan, takmir announces who
will be the officer at Eid prayer. And I will also be appointed as the preacher at the Eid
prayer this year. This is my first time doing that.

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