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WiSe 21/22 – Details to the Master Course Renewable Energy Systems

Times Special Hints to the Time Table

Semester 01.09.2021 - 28.02.2022 T Separation (in German Teilung) of the group.
Lectures 11.10.2021 - 04.02.2022 There may be different times for the sub-
Holidays 20.12.2021 - 02.01.2022 groups and the groups do usually not take
Exam 05.02.2022 - 25.02.2022 place every week.
B Block course, the lecture is restricted to cer-
Introduction tain days.
The master course Renewable Energy Systems (RES) V Fortnightly (in German vierzehntäglich)
contains three semesters, the last one is reserved for
the master thesis. The entry is usually the winter se-
mester. The current lectures are gathered in the plan
with the abbreviation S1E (winter) or S2E (summer).
Most of the lectures only take place once a year.

Programme guidance Prof. Dr. T. Schiemann

Comprehensive information about lectures, practices, - Scheduler Faculty LS -
project work, tests, and examination regulations will be
Fakultät Life Sciences provided by Prof. Dr. Kampschulte. This appointment
will be announced separately in the beginning of the
semester. The attendance is obligatory to ensure the
trouble-free progress of your studies.

University Calendar
WiSe 21/22

Executives and Lecturers

Andree Mrs. Dr., Dean

Master By
Mr. Prof. Dr.
Mr. Prof. Dr.
Ms. Prof. Dr.

Renewable Energy Systems Lecturers - Professors

Mr. Prof. Dr.
Mr. Prof. Dr.
Dy Dildey Mr. Prof. Dr.
Departments Foer Förger
Kps Kampschulte
Mr. Prof. Dr.
Mr. Prof. Dr.
Environmental Engineering and Process Engineering Kun Kunz Mr. Prof. Dr.
Lib Lichtenberg Mr. Prof. Dr.
Rod Rodenhausen Ms. Prof. Dr.
Swi Sawatzki Mr. Prof. Dr.
Sf Schäfers Mr. Prof. Dr.
Smn Schiemann Mr. Prof. Dr.
Sie Siegers Ms. Prof. Dr.
Sk Stank Mr. Prof. Dr.
Stg Stübig Ms. Prof. Dr.
Will Willner Mr. Prof. Dr.
Lecturers - Academic Assistants
Bmk Böhmke Mr. Dipl.-Ing.
Rok Rokita Ms. Dr.
External Lecturers
Kim Kim Mr. Dr.
Lmn Lehmann Mr. Dipl.-Ing.
Svm Sevim Mr.

Campus Bergedorf

HAW Hamburg Bergedorf Stundenplan WiSe 21/22 Untis 2021
Fakultät Life Sciences 16.9.2021

Weitere Informationen:
Master 1. Sem. Renewable Energy Systems
Name Langname
AEE Advanced Electrical Engineering
BGE Biogas Engineering (Microbiol. of Biofuels)
8:30 MatN P Swi CST Sk MatN Swi CCS System Case Studies with CFD
- Online ab 8 Uhr Online ab 7:45 N 5.17
10:00 DAc P Foer CST Computational Simulation Techniques
Online TV CWi CST - Windturbines
DAc P Fk
DAc Data Acquisition and Processing
10:15 PVS Kps PlaE By AEE Kun Online TV
DAc P DAc Practical Work
- S 4.02 Online ab 9:45 N 4.07
11:45 MatN Numerical Mathematics
MatN P Numerical Mathematics Practical Work
PMan Projektmanagement
12:30 DAc Foer PVS Kps PMan Kun BGE Kim PVS Photovoltaic System Engineering
- N 2.24 N 4.11 Online Online
14:00 PlaE Plant Engineering
STS Solar Thermal Systems
WE1 Wind Energy 1
14:30 CCS Sk STS Dy xWEA1 Windenergieanlagen 1
- N 2.15 N 4.09
Name Langname
16:15 CWi Sk WE1 Svm By Beyer
- N 2.15 N 2.24
17:45 Dy Dildey
Fk Frank
Foer Förger
18:00 Kim Kim
19:30 Kps Kampschulte
Kun Kunz
Sk Stank
Svm Sevim
Swi Sawatzki
11.10.21- 05.02.22 (Prüfungen bis 25.02.22)

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