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do you know when rhesus incompatibility can cause problems?

when the maternal and fetal Rhesus

status are different

red blood cell count is typically decreased in HDN because... ...The cells are recognized by the antibodies
and destroyed

If antibodies and antigens can bind together, which statement is true of antigens? they are molecules
capable of triggering an immune response

how many polypeptide chains build up an antibody? Four

according to the theory, which antibody isotype crosses the placenta? IgG

Label the structure of the antibody and the antigen

1.Variable region
2.constant region
3.disulfide bridge
4.light chain
5.heavy chain

How much higher is the avidity of IgM compared to IgG assumed that both isotopes have the same
affinity? 5-fold

Which cell type produces antibodies? B-cells

What are the four types of bonds in an antibody-antigen complex? electrostatic interactions, Van der
Waals forces, hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonds

what is present in the test circles on the Eldon cards? Antibodies and one empty circle

What do the antibodies in the "Anti-D" test circle detect? Rhesus antigen

what is the significance of having a control To ensure that the test card is working correctly

what happened when the blood agglutinated? The antibodies formed a complex with antigens on the
surface of red blood cells

Why can agglutination be lethal for the patient when it occurs during a blood transfusion? Agglutination
can cause blockages in the patients blood vessels
Label the blood types on the card. Patient 1 A-

Label the blood types on the card.Patient 2 B+

Label the blood types on the card. Patient 3 O-

Label the blood types on the card. Patient 4 AB+

blood from a B- blood type, could any of the patients re have just typed receive blood from this donor?
Yes patient 2 (A-) and patient 4 (AB+)

why is blood type O- called the 'universal donor'? There are no antigens on the red blood cells that can
recognized as foreign

what does HDN mean? Hemolytic disease of the newborn

Label the blood type on card. Carmen A-

Label the blood type on card. First child O+

Label the blood type on card. Fetus A+

can you determine if there is a Rhesus incompatibility between carmen and her second child? yes there
is a rhesus incompatibility

Why does a ABO incompatibility between a mother and her child rarely cause severe problems?
Typically IgM is raised against A and B antigen, which cant cross the placenta.

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