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12.1. Oil systems designation.

12.2. Objects of lubrication in the gas turbine engine.
12.3. Types of the usable oils.
12.4. Oil systems classification and requirements.
12.5. Circulating oil systems construction and their typical schemes.
12.6. Oil systems parameters and their control in operation.
12.7. Determining required oil circulation.
12.8. Calculation of oil tank capacity.
12.9. Calculation of supply pump efficiency.

Literature: [1], p.387–418; [2], p.523–530; [4], p.321–341; [5], p.383–393; [6],
p.491–496; [20], p.520–529.

12.1. Oil systems designation

The oil systems serve for lubricating oil supply to objects of lubrication in
necessary quantity and with the given properties.
The oil supply is used for the following purposes:
– the GTE details deterioration and friction reduction;
– the details cooling (heat rejection, which was produced by friction and was
brought from the engine ardent details);
– engine details flushing from deterioration products;
– - protection from corrosion of engine details, which contact with oil;
– technical state control of GTE details, which contact with oil.
The property of oil, as the diagnostic information carrier, is widely used in
technical state control methods and means of the oil system elements and engine
friction units.
In some GTE oil is used as working fluid in hydro-mechanisms of automatic
control system (in hydro-mechanisms of compressor by-passing air valves, in servo-
drives of GTE propeller hubs), and also as heating fluid in anti-icing systems.

12.2. Objects of lubrication in the gas turbine engine

Oil is consumed by the following objects in the TJEs and TFEs:

– bearings of rotor supports;
– details of aggregate drives (gears, bearings, spline connections);
– friction units of driven aggregates (oil and fuel pumps, starters, etc.).
The propeller reduction gear is one of the main lubrication objects in the TPEs.
Oil is used also as working fluid in propeller hubs of the TPEs and TPFEs.

12.3. Types of the usable oils

12.3.1. Characteristics of lubricating oils

Lubricants for GTEs must exhibit certain physical and performance properties
in order to perform satisfactorily. The following is a list of tests performed on gas
turbine engine oils to determine their physical and performance properties.
Physical Properties
– Viscosity index refers to the effect of temperature on viscosity. All petroleum
products thin with a temperature increase and thicken with a temperature decrease. A
high viscosity index number indicates a comparatively low rate of change.
– Viscosity is measure of the ability of an oil to flow at a specific temperature.
– Pour point refers to effect of flow temperature on the pourability of the oil.
– Flash point is the lowest temperature at which the oil gives off vapours that
will ignite when a small flame is periodically passed over the surface of the oil.
– Fire point is the lowest temperature at which an oil ignites and continues to
burn for at least 5 s.
– Volatility is the measure of the ease with which a liquid is converted to a
vaporous state.
– Acidity is a measure of the corrosive tendencies of the oil.
Performance Factors
– Oil foaming is the measure of the resistance of the oil to separate from
entrained air.
– Rubber swell is the measure of how much the oil will cause swelling in
particular rubber compound.
– Oxidation and thermal stability are measures of how well an oil can resist the
formation of hard carbon and sludge at high temperatures.
– Corrosivity to metals is a test to determine the corrosivity of the oil by its
effect on a small strip of polished copper. Other metals may also be used.
– Gear or pressure tests show the ability of the oil to carry a load.
– Carbon residue or coking tests measure the amount of carbon residue
remaining in an oil after subjecting it to extreme heating in the absence of air.
– Engine tests demonstrate the characteristics of the oil in an actual engine.
Additional tests such as the water emulsion test, compatibility test, storage
stability test, interfacial tension test, and several others may be performed to
determine other physical and performance properties of an oil.
In many cases suitable chemical substances are mixed with the oil to impart
desirable characteristics. These additives include such materials as detergents, rust
preventatives, dyes, anticorrosives, antioxidants, foam inhibitors, viscosity index
improvers, pour point depressants, and a host of other additives for improving
performance and imparting new properties to the lubricant. Much of the research in
lubricants is concentrated in this area.

12.3.2. Requirements of gas turbine engine lubricant

Известно, что сила трения F прямо пропорциональна нагрузке Ν, перпендикулярной
поверхности трения:

где f – коэффициент трения, величина которого зависит от материала и состояния трущихся
При сухом трении между трущимися поверхностями нет смазки. Численное значение
коэффициента сухого трения находится в пределах 0,1…3,0. Для надежной работы трущихся
поверхностей применяют смазку, предохраняющую детали от сухого трения и повышенного
износа, а также обеспечивающую отвод тепла, которое выделяется при трении. Когда
смазывающая жидкость полностью отделяет трущиеся поверхности друг от друга, возникает
жидкостное (внутреннее) трение. Если масляный слой между трущимися поверхностями
частично разрушен, то в отдельных местах соприкосновения деталей возникает как сухое,
так и граничное (молекулярное) трение. В последнем случае твердые тела отделены друг от
друга тончайшей (толщиной в одну или две молекулы) пленкой смазки, находящейся под
действием молекулярных сил поверхности детали. При достижении некоторых критических
значений температуры или нагрузки граничная пленка теряет смазывающую способность,
происходит разрыв пленки и резко увеличивается износ деталей.
Вязкость. На смазывающую способность масла большое влияние оказывает его
вязкость. Она представляет собой свойство жидкости сопротивляться сдвигу или
скольжению ее слоев. Вязкость характеризует внутреннее трение между частицами
жидкости. Это понятие противоположно текучести (подвижности); более вязкие жидкости
являются менее текучими и наоборот.
Значение вязкости указывают ее коэффициентами. Выразим силу жидкостнго трения
где: μ – динамический коэффициент вязкости, Нс/м2; S – площадь соприкосновения
трущихся тел, м2; v – скорость перемещения одной поверхности относительно другой, м/с;
h – толщина смазочного слоя, м.
Тогда динамический коэффициент вязкости
На основе первых двух соотношений можно написать
F Sv
f  
N hN
Следовательно, коэффициент жидкостного трения тем больше, чем больше
динамический коэффициент вязкости масла. Исходя из этого, при жидкостном трении
желательно применять маловязкие масла. При правильно подобранном масле коэффициент
жидкостного трения в десятки и сотни раз меньше, чем три сухом трении и находится в
пределах 0,001…0,010.
При эксплуатации ГТД не всегда наблюдается жидкостное трение. Запуск двигателя,
медленное движение роторов перед остановкой, резкие колебания скорости вращения валов
и значительные нагрузки на них, малая вязкость масла п недостаточная его подача
сопутствуют граничному трению. В этих условиях лучшей смазывающей способностью
обладают масла повышенной вязкости, обеспечивающие более прочную масляную пленку.
Коэффициент граничного трения меньше, чем при сухом трения, но больше, чем при
жидкостном (обычно порядка 0,01…0,10).
В гидравлических расчетах чаще применяют кинематический коэффициент вязкости,
значения которого легко определить в лабораториях:


где  – массовая плотность, кг/м3.

Единица кинематического коэффициента вязкости 1 м2/с – сравнительно большая
величина и при измерениях пользуются ее дробной частью, именуемой Стоксом
(1 Ст=10-4 м2/с) или сантистоксом (1 сСт=10-2 Ст= 10-6 м2/с=1 мм2/с).
Вязкость масел возрастает с понижением температуры, причем рост ее тем резче, чем
ниже температура. По характеру изменения кривых зависимости вязкости масла от
температуры, т. е. по вязкостно-температурным кривым можно судить о смазывающей
способности масла. Наилучшей смазывающей способностью обладает масло с пологой
вязкостно-температурной кривой (с большим индексом вязкости), проходящей через
оптимальные для данных условий значения вязкости. Тогда при низких температурах оно
остается достаточно жидким и не затрудняет запуск
Вязкость масла оказывает существенное влияние на ряд эксплуатационных
характеристик масляной системы. При малой вязкости масло не может удержаться в зазорах
между трущимися поверхностями, из-за чего усиливается их износ. Оптимальное значение
кинематического коэффициента вязкости масла для ТРД при 100 °С не должно быть ниже
2,5 сСт. Большая вязкость масла также нежелательна, так как растут силы трения,
затрудняется запуск двигателя при низких температурах, нарушается нормальная прокачка
масла, ухудшается его разбрызгивание. Уровень вязкости, при которой нарушается
нормальная работа масляной системы ГТД при низких температурах, составляет около
4000 сСт. Эта величина носит название «предельной пусковой вязкости». Для масла МК-8
значение предельной пусковой вязкости наступает при снижении температуры до минус
35 °С.
Так как масло в ГТД применяется не только для смазки трущихся поверхностей
двигателя, но и в качестве рабочей жидкости различных автоматических устройств, то при
выборе сорта масла необходимо считаться и с этими обстоятельствами
The GTE’s detale temperatures may vary from –50 to over 200 °C. Since oil
must be fluid enough at the low-temperature extreme to permit rapid starting and
prompt flow of oil to the parts to be lubricated, the GTE oils must have a fairly low
viscosity and pour point. On the other hand the viscosity index must be as high as
possible, or the oil will become too thin to support the bearing and gear loads when
the engine comes up to operating temperatures.
Термоокислительная стабильность
Температурные условия работы масла в различных зонах ГТД неодинаковые. В более
благоприятных условиях находится та часть масла, которая обеспечивает смазку переднего
подшипника, редукторов, коробок приводов агрегатов. Температура подшипников турбины
за счет подвода к ним тепла от более нагретых деталей двигателя достигает 200…260 °С, что
приводит к разогреву масла на выходе из подшипников до 100…140 °С и более.
Подшипники турбины нагреваются не только во время работы двигателя, но и после его
остановки, когда подача масла для охлаждения подшипников и подача воздуха для
охлаждения турбины прекращаются, а тепло от горячих деталей двигателя в· течение
некоторого времени сообщается подшипникам.
Нагрев масла сверх максимально допустимых температур вызывает его коксование и
приводит к выпадению смолистого осадка. Интенсивность окисления зависит от
химического состава масла, его температуры, вида и времени контакта с воздухом и
каталитического действия металлов. При большой прокачке масла через двигатель оно
интенсивно перемешивается с воздухом, вспенивается, что также способствует окислению. С
повышением температуры скорость окисления возрастает. Если при температуре 15…20 °С
минеральное масло длительное время (несколько лет) практически не окисляется, то при
температуре выше 200 °С его окисление (сопровождающееся испарением) происходит в
течение нескольких минут.
Продукты окисления, накапливаясь в масле, приводят к изменению его внешнего вида
и физико-химических свойств. Масло темнеет, увеличивается его вязкость, возрастает

кислотность. Под кислотностью масла понимается количество миллиграммов щелочи
(едкого кали KОH), необходимого для нейтрализации органических кислот, содержащимся .в
1 г масла.
Термическое окисление горячего масла способствует отложению различных
углеродистых веществ иа деталях, соприкасающихся с ним. Наиболее часто встречаются
следующие случаи загрязнения двигателя, вызванные окислением масла:
– появление лаковой пленки вдоль беговой дорожки подшипников;
– забивка элементов масляных фильтров откачивающих магистралей;
– отложение осадка на подшипниках турбины в виде «бахромы»;
– появление отложений в трубопроводах, канавках и жиклерах маслоподающих
Вследствие большой площади контакта с металлами и воздухом при окислении масла
образуется липкая маслообразная масса темного цвета – шлам. Загрязнение масла
продуктами окисления приводит к значительному перегреву двигателя (ухудшается
теплоотдача), вызывает коробление деталей, заедание и заклинивание подвижных
сочленений, усложняет и удорожает техническое обслуживание и ремонт двигателя.
Учитывая возможность значительного нагрева подшипников двигателя и
соответственного роста рабочей температуры масла, необходимы такие масла, которые при
высокой температуре длительно противостояли бы образованию смолистых веществ.
Способность масла сохранять свой состав и свойства при работе в двигателе называют
стабильностью. Противостояние масла термическому окислению получило название
термоокислителыной стабильности.
Исходя из термоокислительной стабильности данного масла устанавливают
предельную температуру его работоспособности и время стабильной работы. Для
обеспечения надежной смазки теплонапряженных ГТД необходимо обеспечить длительную
работоспособность масла (50…100 ч) при температуре 200…250 °С, а кратковременно
(несколько часов) – до 300 °С. Термоокислительную стабильность масла определяют после
его окисления при заданных значениях температуры и времени испытаний путем проверки
веса находившимся в масле пластинок из различных металлов и сплавов и их состояния,
кислотного числа масла и его вязкости.
Испаряемость и огнеопасность
Расход масла двигателем обусловлен утечками через лабиринтные уплотнения,
разложением и превращением его в продукты окисления под действием высоких температур
и потерями через магистрали суфлирования за счет испарения легких фракций (рис. 12.1).
При температуре масла на выходе из двигателя, не превышающей 100 °С, потери масла из-за
испарения незначительные. При температурах более 120 °С из масла испаряются легкие
фракции и его вязкость постепенно увеличивается.

Рис. 12.1. Испаряемость масла MK-8 в зависимости от его температуры

Увеличение вязкости масла вследствие испарения отражается прежде всего нa

ухудшении его пусковых качеств и часто вызывает по этой причине необходимость смены
масла. Превышение вязкости над предельной пусковой вязкостью приводит к тому, что
запуск двигателя после некоторой наработки масла может осуществляться только при более

высокой температуре масла (рис. 12.2). С увеличением высоты полета уменьшается внешнее
давление и испаряемость масла возрастает. Это приводит к увеличению расхода масла и
повышению пожарной опасности. Об испаряемости масла судят по температуре его
вспышки. Она должна быть не ниже 150 °С в закрытом тигле и не ниже 200 °С в открытом.

Рис. 12.2. Изменение вязкости масла ΜΚ-8 (при температуре минус 35 °С) в зависимости от
его наработки

Попадая в подшипники двигателя, масло подвергается воздействию высоких

температур, что может вызвать его самовоспламенение. Кроме того, самовоспламенение
может произойти при поломке летательного аппарата, когда масло попадает на горячие
детали двигателя. Температура самовоспламенения масла, характеризующая его
огнеопасность, представляет собой минимальную температуру, при которой оно загорается
само, без постороннего источника огня. Температура самовоспламенения паров масла в
воздухе достигает около 240 °С, а капель масла на стальной пластинке – около 350 °С. Эти
температуры не являются постоянными величинами и зависят от условий работы масла.
Стандартами температура воспламенения масел не нормируется.
В процессе смазки двигателя в подшипниках и коробках зубчатых передач
происходит разбрызгивание масла и интенсивное его перемешивание с воздухом, в
результате чего образуется воздушно-масляная эмульсия. Эта же эмульсия образуется и за
счет выделения воздуха из масла при уменьшении внешнего давления. При всплывании
пузырьки воздуха образуют на поверхности масла пену. Вспененное масло переполняет
отстойники, внутренние полости двигателя, свободный объем масляного бака и может через
суфлерные и дренажные штуцера выйти в атмосферу.
При откачке масла из отстойников засасывается большое количество воздуха, так как
насосы откачивают не чистое масло, а воздушно-масляную эмульсию. При дальнейшем
движении масла по откачивающей магистрали оно в воздухоотделителе и баке не полностью
освобождается от воздуха и часть его пузырьков попадает в нагнетающую магистраль
масляной системы и к узлам трения При увеличении высоты полета давление перед
нагнетающим насосом уменьшается, объем воздушных пузырьков, включенных в масло,
увеличивается, а количество масла, поступающего в нагнетающий насос, уменьшается.
Воздух, находящийся в масле, снижает высотность масляной системы, ухудшает
смазку подшипников из-за местных разрывов масляной пленки, уменьшает охлаждающую
способность масла, приводит к повышенному расходу его из-за выброса пены через
дренажные и суфлирующие магистрали. Наличие воздушно-масляной эмульсии в
автоматических устройствах способствует увеличению времени срабатывания агрегатов,
вызывает отставание в работе следящих систем, приводит к возникновению колебательных
Склонность масла к пенообразованию оценивается коэффициентом вспениваемости
КВсп, который характеризует отношение высоты слоя вспененного масла к его столбу по
окончании разрушения пены (рис. 12.3).

Рис. 12.3 Коэффициент вспениваемости масла МК-8 в зависимости от его температуры и
высоты полета

Пенообразование зависит от величины поверхностного натяжения масляной пленки.

Малая величина поверхностного натяжения увеличивает пенообразование. При большом
пοверхностном натяжении пенообразование уменьшается, однако пена в этом случае состоит
из мелких пузырьков и отличается высокой стойкостью.
Прочность масляной пленки понижается по мере уменьшения вязкости масла.
Маловязкое масло легче вспенивается, но зато скорости усадки пены у него выше, чем у
болee вязкого масла. С увеличением высоты полета вспениваемость масел при постоянной
температуре растет. С повышением температуры масла вспениваемость вначале возрастет, а
затем падает (рис. 12.3).
As was said above, the flash point, fire point, oxidation resistance, thermal
stability, and volatility of an oil are also very important in view of the high operating
temperatures in the hot section of the engine and the high altitude, low ambient
pressure in which the engine normally operates. Temperatures of the hotter bearings
of some gas turbine engines reach from 150 to 350 °C during operation. The
relatively few dozens litres of oil in the system are circulated at a high rate from the
tank through the coolers, to bearings and gears, and then back to the tank. Bulk oil
temperatures in some engines may run to slightly less than 150 °C, with some oil
being heated locally to the much higher temperatures of bearing surfaces. These
extreme conditions, coupled with the fact that scavenge oil is thoroughly mixed with
air used to pressurize the bearing sumps, promote thermal decomposition, oxidation,
and volatilization of the lubricating medium. Results of these harmful processes
include the formation of sludge, corrosive materials, and other deposits. They also
increase viscosity and oil consumption. In addition, excess deposits can increase
bearing friction and temperatures, clog filters and oil jets, interfere with oil flow, and
cause increased seal wear. Sludge deposits may coat tube surfaces in oil coolers and
prevent normal removal of heat from the oil.
Resistance to foaming is also a very important property of an oil. A quantity of
air is put into the system by the scavenge pumps and bearing sumps. This air-oil
mixture is carried to the oil supply tank or special air-oil separator, where, with good
oil, rapid separation occurs and excess air can be vented off harmlessly. On the other
hand, an oil unsuitable in this respect will foam, and much of the air-oil mixture will
be vented overboard. A substantial amount of oil can be lost this way. Furthermore,
an air-oil mixture supplied to the bearings will not remove heat nor lubricate as
efficiently as a solid oil flow.
Совместимость масла с металлами и резиной
В ГТД масло контактирует с деталями из металла и резины. Вследствие наличия в
масле воды и химически активных веществ (кислот, щелочей, серы и их соединений)
возможно коррозионное и агрессивное воздействие на металлы и резину.

Коррозионное воздействие масел на металлы при низких температурах
незначительное. При высоких температурах и больших нагрузках оно несколько возрастает,
особенно при контакте с цветными металлами (в первую очередь, с изделиями из меди и
свинцовистой бронзы).
Агрессивное воздействие масла на детали из резины значительное. Оно приводит к
изменению веса и объема резины (она разбухает), способствует ухудшению ее прочности и
эластичности. Наиболее сильное воздействие на резину оказывает синтетическое масло. Для
таких масел необходимо применять на двигателе детали из специальной резины.

12.3.3. Handling synthetic lubricants

Synthetic oils are not as storage-stable as conventional petroleum oils.
Temperature extremes should be avoided; oil stock should be used as soon as
possible, and partial stock withdrawals should be avoided because synthetic oils are
hygroscopic and will absorb enough moisture from the air to make them unusable.
There is no hygroscopic problem for oil in use. In general, most commercial engine
operators either limit or entirely prohibit mixing different brands of oil, although the
oil specifications require that every oil shall be compatible with previously approved
oils. Military services routinely mix oil brands with no gross ill effects noted.
Pratt & Whitney requires draining and flushing if oil brands are changed, while
General Electric does not.
Synthetic lubricants have a deleterious effect on some types of paints, electrical
insulation, and elastomer materials used in seals, although in some cases a slight
swelling of rubber seals is desirable to prevent leakage of oil. Some people show a
skin sensitivity to this type of lubricant, but in general, synthetic oils may be classed
in the same category as mineral oils, both in liquid and vapor states, with regard to
toxicity. As in the case of mineral oil, ingestion and prolonged skin contact are to be
При обычном обращении с нефтяными маслами, когда соблюдают меры личной
гигиены, они практически безвредны. Масла могут принести вред организму человека
только при частом попадании на открытые участки кожи, при длительной работе в одежде,
пропитанной маслом, при вдыхании масляного тумана или паров масла, содержащего много
сернистых соединений. При наличии серы в масле могут создаться условия для образования
сероводорода, вызывающего οтравление.
При термическом окислении масла, кроме отложения на деталях углеродистых
веществ, происходит испарение его легких фракций. В газовой фазе содержатся токсичные и
корродирующие продукты: метановые углеводороды, сероводород и меркаптаны, аммиак,
окись и двуокись углерода и др.
Синтетические масла содержат ядовитые присадки: фенилальфанафтиламин и
трикрезилфосфат. Необходимо соблюдать специальные правила обращения с этими
12.3.4. Future developments
Higher temperatures will necessitate oils with improved thermal stability.
Experiments are under way looking into the possibility of using liquid metals, solid
lubricants, and gases or vapours containing various additives. Experimental work is
also being done using magnetic fields to suspend rotating shafts. Figure 12.4 shows
the lubrication potential of some other lubricating mediums. The effort to find a
suitable lubricant for high- and low-temperature applications may come full circle
with the adoption of a superrefined petroleum oil that shows promise of having all of
the properties of the best synthetics but at a lower cost.

Fig. 12.4. Potentials of high-temperature lubricants

12.3.5. Types of oils

The oil type selection depends on temperature range, at which the necessary oil
physicochemical properties are saved. So there are petroleum oil and synthetic oil
The petroleum oils are applied at working temperature range from minus 40 С
to plus 120...130 С.
The petroleum oils are divided into two classes:
– oils of low viscosity;
– oils of high viscosity.
The oils of low viscosity are used for the GTE rotor support high-velocity
bearings lubrication and cooling, because these oils are well pumped through bearing,
which has considerable hydraulic resistance. So, we apply oils of low viscosity of
such brands: МК-8 (thermostable up to 120 С), MK-8п, MC-8п, MK-8рк, and
MС-8рк (oils with ionol additive and thermostable up to 140 С), and their mixture
for the TJEs, TFEs and TPEs, which have no reduction gears (some characteristics of

oil brands are shown in Application A. В обозначении масел буква М указывает,
что масло используется в авиации, буквы К или С – способ очистки (кислотный
или селективный), цифра – кинематический коэффициент вязкости в
сантистоксах: для маловязких масел – при 50 С, а для более вязких – при
100 С. Буква после цифры указывает на наличие в масле присадки).
We use also petroleum oil МК-6 (thermostable up to 120 С) with the synthetic
components, but it cannot be mixed with oils of other brands.
Масло МК-8 получают из бакинских, эмбенских, доссорских и других
высококачественных нефтей. Его очистка производится серной кислотой и натриевой
щелочью. Оно содержит значительное количество легкокипящих фракций, испарение
которых в двигателе при повышенных температурах вызывает резкое увеличение вязкости и
интенсивное окисление масла. Это вынуждает ограничивать сроки службы масла в двигателе
(не более 150 ч).
Улучшение термоокислительной стабильности масла МК-8 достигается путем
добавления к нему на нефтезаводах антиокислительной присадки ионол
(дибутилпаракреозол) или топанол в количестве 0,6 % по весу. Масло МК-8 с присадками
получило обозначение ΜΚ-8П. Присадки позволяют использовать масло МК-8П для более
теплонапряженных двигателей. Однако испарение легких фракций масла МК-8П
значительное, из-за чего сроки смены его вследствие ухудшения пусковых свойств
Масло МК-6 изготовляют из троицко-анастасьевской нефти Краснодарского края и
очищают при помощи серной кислоты. Эта нефть является беспарафинистой, бессернистой и
высокоароматизираванной (содержит до 40 % ароматических углеводородов) с низкой
температурой застывания.
Масло МС-6 получают из туймазинской нефти восточных месторождений. Несмотря
на высокое содержание в восточных нефтях парафиновых утлеводородов и сернистых
соединений, применяя селективную очистку фенолом, депарафинизацию и ректификацию,
получают масло высокого качества.
Масла МК-6 и МС-6 имеют меньшее количество легкокипящих и высоковязких
фракций. Масло МК-8 вскипает в пределах 290…420 С, а масла МК-6 и МС-6 вследствие
более узкого фракционного состава – в пределах 306…370 С. Повышение температуры
начала кипения уменьшает испарение масла во врем работы двигателей и увеличивает таким
образом периодичность смены масла. Понижение температуры конца выкипания масла
позволяет избежать увеличения вязкости и не только сохранить, но и улучшить пусковые
свойства масел.
Вязкость масел МК-6 и МС-6 при 50 °С несколько ниже, чем у масла МК-8, но по
смазывающей способности эти масла мало отличаются от масла МК-8. Они имеют более
низкую температуру застывания и более низкое значение вязкости при минус 40 °С. Перед
запуском ТРД при температуре наружного воздуха ниже минус 25 С необходимо
предварительно подогревать двигатель, если система заполнена маслом МК-8. При
эксплуатации двигателя на маслах МС-6 и МК-6 надежный запуск его без подогрева
осуществляется до температуры минус 37 С.
Масла МК-8рк и МС-8рк получают из восточносибирских нефтей взамен мягких
бакинских нефтей.
It is necessary to apply oils of high viscosity, which have high strength of a
lubricated film and provide deterioration and friction reduction at marginal friction in
the engagement for the high-loaded TPE reduction gear toothings. There are two
most widespread brands of high viscosity oils: МК-22 and МС-20.
Масло МС-20 (ГОСТ 21743-76) может быть заменено маслом МК-22 (ГОСТ 1013-76).
Но следует иметь в виду, что смеси с использованием масла МК-22 имеют менее пологую

вязкостно-температурную кривую, чем смеси, содержащие масло МС-20. Вырабатываемое
промышленностью масло МС-20С (ГОСТ 9320-60) может содержать сравнительно много
серы (до 1 %) и оно взаимозаменяемо с маслами МС-20 и МK-22 только для поршневых
We usually apply the joint system of the engine and reduction gear lubrication
in the TPEs. We apply mixtures of low and high viscosity oils (in such mixtures we
cannot use MK-6) to lubricate support bearings and reduction gear constructive
elements and to meet cooling requirements. For example, we apply mixture of 75 %
of low and 25 % of high viscosity oils in the АИ-20 and АИ-24 engines (mixture oil
CM-4,5 and oil MH-7,5у, which is a thickened oil fraction with additive) or mixture
of 25 % of low and 75 % of high viscosity oils in the НК-12МВ engines (mixture oil
We must use only synthetic oils in the GTEs, which have high values of
thermodynamic cycle parameters (*c, T*g), especially, if the support bearings are
located in the engine’s “ardent zone”. They are capable of saving the
physicochemical properties (first of all, viscosity) at high temperatures.
The synthetic oils ВНИИНП-7 (thermostable up to 150 С),
ВНИИНП-50-1-4ф (thermostable up to 175 С), 36/1КУА (ЛНМЗ-36/1), ИПМ-10,
Б-3В, ВНИИНП-50-1-4у and ЛЗ-240 (all five oil types are thermostable up to
200 С), ПТС-225 (thermostable up to 225 С, meeting the US Military Specification
No. MIL-L-23699 Type II), ВТ-301 (it can be used at scavenged oil temperature up
to 250…280 С) are most commonly used .
Масло ВНИИНП-50-1-4Ф (ГОСТ 13076-86) разработано Всесоюзным научно-
исследовательским институтом нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности и масло
ЛНМЗ-36/1К (ТУ 38.101384-78) предложено Ленинградским нефтемаслозаводом.
Масло ВНИИНП-50-1-4Ф представляет собой двойной сложный эфир, получаемый в
результате взаимодействия органических двухосновных карбонных кислот с одноатомным
спиртом при температуре 140…225 °С в присутствии катализатора (окиси свинца, серной и
других кислот).
Масло 36/1К получается на базе сложных эфиров низкомолекулярных карбоновых
кислот и многоатомных спиртов с присадками.
Синтетические масла обладают высокой термоокислительной стабильностью. Масло
ВНИИНП-50-1-4Ф длительно работоспособно до температуры 175 °С, кратковременно – до
200 °С; масло 36/1К длительно – до 200 °С, кратковременно (10 ч) – до 250 °С и 1 ч – до
300 °С. При температурах менее 150 °С эти масла в течение длительного времени не
образуют осадка и не изменяют кислотного числа. Однако, отличаясь хорошей
термоокислительной стабильностью в объеме, эти масла недостаточно стабильны в тонком
слое. Испаряемость эфирных масел незначительна. Температура вспышки более высокая,
чем у нефтяных. При окислении в условиях высоких температур они имеют повышенную
кислотность. Вязкость при окислении резко возрастает. Эти масла имеют светлый вид и
обладают приятным запахам.
Синтетические масла на основе эфиров вызывают набухание обычной резины и
других органических материалов (кожа, пластмасса), применяемых в качестве прокладок и
Масла ВНИИНП-50-1-4Ф и 36/1К содержат антиокислительные и противоизносные
присадки, а масло 36/1К, кроме того, – антикоррозионную присадку. Последняя необходима
ввиду того, что кислотное число масла 36/1К в 10 раз больше, чем у нефтяных масел. Без
присадки оно вызывает интенсивную коррозию некоторых сплавов и защитных
металлических покрытий.

Вязкостно-температурные характеристики синтетических масел протекают более
полого, чем нефтяных, поэтому при тех же пусковых свойствах, как у маловязких нефтяных
масел, эти масла имеют увеличенную вязкость при температурах 50…150 °С.
Масла на основе эфиров можно смешивать с нефтяными маслами, но эти смеси не
имеют преимуществ перед нефтяными маслами (по стабильности, испаряемости) и такое
смешение в процессе эксплуатации нецелесообразно.
Синтетические масла для ТВД. Для смазки ТВД применяют более вязкие
синтетические масла ВНИИНП-4у-2с (ТУ 38.401-58-12-91) и ВНИИНП-7 (ГОСТ 12246-66).
Масло ВНИИНП-4у-2с представляет собой полусинтетическое масло. Его получают
путем смешения маловязкого нефтяного и диэфирного масел, загущенных вязкостной
присадкой – полиизобутиленом. Оно обладает хорошими низкотемпературными свойствами,
пологой вязкостно-температурной характеристикой и пр. и позволяет запускать ТВД без
подогрева до температур минус 25…40 °С. В основе масла ВНИИНП-4у-2с допускается сера
не более 0,45 %.
Масло ВНИИНП-7 представляет собой диэфирное масло ВНИИНП-50-1-4Ф,
загущенное вязкостной присадкой октол. Оно обладает малой испаряемостью и высокой
температурой вспышки. Агрессивное воздействие этого масла на резину повышенное.
Несмотря на то, что синтетические масла дороже нефтяных (в 4…10 раз),
эффективность их применения не вызывает сомнений. Снижение расходов ввиду отсутствия
необходимости в подогреве составляет значительную величину.
Синтетические масла на основе сложных эфиров можно применять при температуре
не выше 300 °С. При более высоких температурах процесс отложения кокса из
синтетических масел заметно ускоряется и протекает даже быстрее, чем у минеральных. При
температуре выше 300 °С, возможно, найдут применение синтетические масла в виде
соединения сложных эфиров с хлором и фтором, с хлорированными фенилсиликонами.
Трансмиссионные масла для двигателей вертолетов. Для смазки
высоконагруженных зубчатых передач (редукторов вертолетов) и карданных соединений
(шарниры втулок винтов вертолетов) применяются трансмиссионные масла, в качестве
которых выступают масла повышенной вязкости МС-20, МК-22 или их смеси с МК-8, масла
МС-14 (ГОСТ 21743-76), ВНИИНП-25 (ГОСТ 11122-60), гипоидное (ГОСТ 4003-53) и смеси
последнего с маслом ΑΜΓ-10 (ГОСТ 6794-53). Эти масла отличаются достаточно высокой
вязкостью при температуре 100 °С, но при низких температурах теряют свою текучесть.
Из синтетических масел в качестве трансмиссионных применяют редукторное масло
Б-3В (МРТУ 38-1-157-65). Оно содержит многофункциональную присадку, обладающую
аптиокислительиыми, антиизносными и антизадирными качествами (см. Приложение A).
The main fuel is the lubricating liquid in some GTEs, especially in the engines
of a one-time operation.
The low viscosity oils of foreign manufactures are applied in the GTEs. The
most widespread oil is Turbo Oil 3 for Great Britain and France specifications.
Foreign manufactured oils
The characteristics of both the natural petroleum oils and the synthetic oils
have been outlined in USA Military Specifications MIL-0-6081 for the natural oils
and MIL-L-7808 and MIL-L-23699 for the synthetic oils.

MIL-0-6081 is a narrow-cut, light mineral oil containing additives to enhance
oxidation resistance and improve viscosity-temperature properties. It generally has a
low pour point, low viscosity at low temperatures, and reasonable stability in the
presence of heat and is noncorrosive to metals commonly used in engines. It was
used in applications where the bearing temperatures were about 150 °C or less. At

elevated temperatures this oil suffers large evaporation losses and inadequate
viscosity and causes large coking deposits. The lubricant is processed from crude oil
obtained from various parts of the world. The crude oil can be broadly separated into
two groups – paraffinic oils and naphthenic oils. The division is based on the way the
hydrogen and carbon atoms are linked together. The paraffinic oils are relatively
stable at high temperatures, have a high viscosity index, and contain a high
percentage of dissolved wax. Naphthenic oils are less stable at elevated temperatures,
but they have little or no wax and therefore tend to remain liquid at low
temperatures. The viscosity index of naphthenic oils is poor. Most natural petroleum
GTE oils employed a mixed-base stock.
MIL-L-7808 (Type I)
This oil is a widespread synthetic lubricant used in the United States and
another states. The specifications for both the natural and synthetic oils list –55 °C
for starting requirements, but the synthetic lubricant is rated for temperatures over
200 °C. At this stage of oil development, a revolutionary rather than evolutionary oil
development took place concurrently with engine development; lubricating oils
derived by synthesis from naturally occurring organic products found an application
in gas turbine engines. The first generation of synthetic oils were based on the esters
of sebacic acid, principally dioctyl sebacate. As a class these materials exhibited
outstanding properties which made them very suitable as the basis for gas turbine
engine lubricants.
Although there are many synthetic lubricants on the market, the one most
commonly used is classified as a dibasic-acid ester. It can be made by using animal
tallow or vegetable oils (castor bean) as the raw material in a reaction with alcohol or
from petroleum hydrocarbon synthesis. The exact identities of the compounds used
in the construction of these oils is kept under proprietary secrecy. Since the
processing required for a synthetic oil is complex, its current price of approximately
$16.00 per gallon as compared with $4.00 per gallon for natural oil can be readily
understood. Oils meeting the MIL-L-7808 specification are sometimes called Type I
MIL-L-23699 (Type II)
The introduction of the by-pass or turbofan engine raised further problems; in
this engine the by-pass air acts as an insulating blanket and increases heat rejection to
the lubricant. Therefore the requirement arose for an oil with an even greater
resistance to thermal and oxidative stress. Several synthetic oils which meet this
requirement have been developed. Known as Type II lubricants, they are blended
from more complex esters and an additive package consisting of anti-oxidants, load-
carrying additives, corrosion inhibitors, metal deactivators and foam inhibitors.
Several companies have developed a Type II lubricant meeting the Military
Specification No. MIL-L-23699. Type II oil, which is produced under various trade
names, uses a new synthetic base and new additive combinations to cope with the
more severe operating conditions of the second and third generations of jet engines.
It is being widely adopted by military and civilian operators. The new oil’s chief
advantages over Type I oils are as follows:
– higher viscosity (5 centistokes versus 3 centistokes) and viscosity index;
– higher load-carrying characteristics;
– better high-temperature-oxidation stability;
– better thermal stability.
MIL-L-7808 may be mixed with MIL-L-23699 since they are required by
specification to be compatible with each other, but this practice should be avoided
since the MIL-L-7808 oil tends to degrade the MIL-L-23699 oil to the MIL-L-7808
level and nullify the new oil’s benefits as listed above.
A partial list of typical synthetic lubricants the maintenance technician is
likely to see is as follows.
Type I (MIL-L-7808):
Aeroshell 300; Mobil Jet I; Stauffer I; Castrol 3c; Enco 15; Exxon 15;
Exxon2389; Caltex 15; Shell 307.
Type II (MIL-L-23699):
Aeroshell 500 or 700; Mobil Jet II; Stauffer II; Castrol 205; Enco 2380;
Exxon 25; Exxon 2380; Caltex 2380; Texaco 7388; Starjet-5; Caltex Starjet-5;
Chevron jet-5; Sinclair type-2; Castrol 98 (Turbonycoil 98) (DBF STAN 91-98/1,
ТУ 38.101295-85 – correspond to domestic analogical brands Б-3В, МН-7,5У),
Turbonycoil 210А / TN 210A (AIR 3514/A, ТУ 38.1011299-90 – correspond to
domestic analogical brands ИПМ-10, ВНИИНП-50-1-4ф, ВНИИНП-50-1-4у),
Mobil Turbo 319A-2, Turbonycoil 400 (TN400).
From this list it can easily be seen that no standard identification system is
currrently in use. In fact, not all oil companies include the type number of Mil Spec.
on the oil can label. It needed the technicient would have to refer to oil company
literature for these specifications.
Type III oil
Sustained flight at speeds in excess of Mach 1 aggravates the lubricant problem
still further as the kinetic heating of the fuel reduces the effectiveness of fuel-cooled
oil coolers. At Mach 2, oil temperatures may reach 260…316 C, at which level
standard ester-based oils degrade rapidly. In some military aircraft, Type I and
Type II ester oils are still used under these conditions, but at greatly increased oil
change frequencies. This procedure is expensive to operate as ideally the oil should
remain in the engine for full engine life, with only periodic replenishment.
More complex chemicals have been discovered which are more thermally
stable than esters. However, they have various deficiencies such as poor low
temperature properties or poor steel-on-steel lubricity. All are more expensive than
High temperature lubricants blended from specially developed ester oils, with
new additives to limit oxidation degradation and corrosiveness and of increased load
carrying ability, appear to offer the most practical solution for lubricating the jet
engines in commercial supersonic transport aircraft. Many firms have been active in
developing lubricants of this type and, after many submissions, two lubricants have
been adopted for the Olympus 593 engines which power the BAC-Aerospatiale

A newer Type III oil, manufactured as Mobil Jet Oil 254 and Aeroshell 560, is
basically the same as Type II, with an additive to improve high-temperature
performance by reducing carbon formation and coking on hot spots in the engine.
The oil has been approved for some of the smaller Allison, AlliedSignal Garrett, and
AlliedSignal Lycoming engines. This additive makes the Type III oil darker when
new; it should therefore not be mistaken for old or deteriorated Type I or Type II
oils, since in general, when synthetic oils age, they become more viscous and darker.

12.4. Oil systems classification and requirements

The oil systems are divided into two types by oil using method:
– non-circular (expendable, total loss system or disconnected);
– circulating (recirculatory or closed).
A lubricating liquid (oil or the main fuel) is used one-time in the non-circular
systems. It is eliminated from the engine after being pumped through the objects of
lubrication (it is usually injected in the combustion chamber or in the exhaust
arrangement). Such oil systems are very simple and have small weight. The
pressurized oil feed is often used instead of pump oil feed to the lubricating objects in
such systems. The main deficiency of the disconnected oil systems is large
consumption of a lubricating liquid. Therefore they are applied in the GTEs of one-
time or short-lived operation (in rocket engines, lift GTEs of vertical takeoff and
landing airplanes, etc.).
The circulating oil systems were mainly applied in aviation GTEs, in which oil
is used multiply. It moves through the engine again after being pumped through the
lubrication objects with its properties recovered (cooling, refinement). One cycle
duration of oil pumping through the engine makes 0,5...1 min.
The circulating systems are divided into two types (in domestic aircrafts) by
the character of oil circulation concerning the engine and oil tank:
– closed or normal closed systems;
– short-closed systems.
(Acording to the Great Britain (RR) classification the recirculatory oil systems
are divided into two types: pressure relief valve systems and full flow systems, which
will be discussed later).
In normal closed systems oil is fed to an oil tank after being pumped through
the engine with its properties recovered. Oil moves to the engine again from the tank
(oil circulates through an oil tank).
In short-closed systems the main part of oil circulates through the engine
without returning to an oil tank. The oil goes to a supply pump after being pumped
through the lubrication objects with its properties recovered and moves to the engine
again. The inevitable loss of oil in the engine is compensated from an oil tank by
short-closed contour automatic oil supply with the help of a special oil booster pump.
It is set before a supply pump.
Short-closed systems are not applied for the altitude engines, as stand-by oil in
a tank is thickening at high flight altitudes at low temperatures that makes its supply
in a system impossible. We supply a part of heated oil from engine (10…15 %)

through the special pipe line to heat an oil in a tank. Such short-closed system is
called double-loop. A circulating contour is called the main contour. The main oil
is pumped without returning in a tank in this contour. The second contour is called an
additional circulating contour. It is used for heated oil supply in a tank.
Short-closed system is more complex than closed system because it has
additional elements: booster pump and pipe lines of an additional circulating contour.
In short-closed systems the driven centrifugal de-aerator is necessarily set in a
main line of oil supply to a supply pump. But it mustn’t be used in closed systems,
because there is a possibility of oil residue in a tank.
The main advantages of short-closed systems in comparison with normal
closed systems are:
– large critical height due to booster pump;
– smaller oil pumping cycle time (approximately half of closed systems),
which permits to heat it up quickly after engine starting.
Short-closed systems are more often applied in the GTEs, which have rather
high capacity of an oil system. Such engines are the TPEs with built-in reduction
In some foreign engines the pressure relief valve re-circulatory systems and
recirculatory oil systems – full flow type are used.
In the pressure relief valve type of recirculatory lubrication system the flow of
oil to the various bearings is controlled by a relief valve which limits the maximum
pressure in the feed line. As the oil pump is directly driven by the engine (by the HP
spool in the case of a multi-spool engine), the pressure will rise with spool speed.
Above a pre-determined speed the feed oil pressure opens the system relief valve
allowing excess oil to spill back to the tank (supply pump entry), thus ensuring a
constant oil pressure at the higher engine speeds.
The oil system for a typical turboprop engine is similar but, as it supplies the
propeller control system, it is more complicated. The oil supply is usually contained
in a combined tank and sump formed as part of the external wheelcase. Oil passes via
the suction filter to the pressure (supply) pump (in Rolls Roys engines), which
pumps it through the air-cooled oil cooler to the pressure (maine) filter. The oil flows
through pipes and passages to lubricate the main shaft bearings and wheelcases. The
main shaft bearings are normally lubricated by oil jets and some of the heavier loaded
gears in the wheelcases are also provided with oil jets, while the remaining gears and
bearings receive splash lubrication.
An additional relief valve is fitted across the pump in the lubrication system of
some engines to return oil to pump inlet if the system becomes blocked (this scheme
is typical for domestic short-closed systems).
The full flow lubrication system (in some foreign engines) is an alternative to
the pressure relief valve oil system and full flow systems are in use as a means of
lubricating many modern high power gas turbine engines.
The full flow system is similar in many ways to the pressure relief system just
discussed – i.e. oil is drawn from a tank by a pump and delivered, via a pressure
filter, to various parts of the engine; the oil is then returned by scavenge pumps, via

the oil cooler to the tank (as in domestic normal closed systems); also, air is separated
from the oil by a de-aerator and centrifugal breather.
The major differences from the pressure relief type of recirculatory system are
as follows (Fig. 12.5):
– The flow of oil to the bearings is determined by the speed of the pressure
pump, the size of the oil jets and the pressure in each of the bearing housings.
– A metered spill of feed oils is fed back to the tank. This spill is calibrated to
match the pump output to ensure that the oil flow to the bearings, via the oil jets, is
the same at all engine speeds.
– The relief valve in this system is set to prevent excessive oil pressure in the
feed side of the system.
– A filter by-pass is not normally fitted. The pressure drop across the filter is
sensed by a differential pressure switch, any increase in the pressure difference being
indicated to give advance warning of a blocked filter.

Fig. 12.5. Comparison of full flow and relief valve systems

The advantages of full flow lubrication are those of suitable oil flow and oil
pressure at all engine speeds. A study of the graph will reveal a difference in oil
pressure between the pressure relief system and the full flow system and, it will also
show that the pressure difference continues throughout the speed range of the
engines, with a crossover point at cruising speed. The relief valve system provides
too much oil pressure at idle rev/min, but because of the relief valve, the oil pressure
is below optimum at maximum engine speed. In contrast the pressure provided by the
oil pump of a full flow system rises progressively with increased engine speed and is
nearer to the optimum value throughout the rev/min range of the engine.
There are such requirements to the oil systems:
– they should have high reliability at all possible operation conditions;
– oil systems critical height should not be lower than practical boundary of an
aircraft flight altitude;
– oil systems should not have large oil consumption;
– oil systems should have high control availability;
– the arrangement of the oil system aggregates on the engine should provide
convenience of their inspection, regulation and replacement;

– oil system aggregates should be compact and have minimum weight;
– oil system elements construction should not permit oil get into an air, which
is supplied for pressurized cabin supercharging and ventilation.

12.5. Construction of circulating oil systems and their typical schemes

The circulating oil systems of any type consist of two functional subsystems:
system of lubrication and breathing system (Fig. 12.6). The hydraulic devices are
included in the structure of some GTE oil systems, which use oil as working fluid.
The system of lubrication provides the solution of all problems, the oil
systems might have.
The breathing system provides reliable operation of lubrication system and
increases efficiency of oil seals by their optimum pressurization organisation.
The lubrication system consists of three main lines: secondary (booster)
pumping, pumping and scavenging.
The secondary (booster) pumping line serves to supply the required quantity
of oil to the pumping line entrance with minimum hydraulic resistance at velocities
and pressure, which exclude the possibility of cavitation in supply pump entrance.

Fig. 12.6. Oil system block scheme

The secondary pumping line includes an oil tank T and pipeline of oil supply
from a tank to an oil pump (Fig. 12.7). Secondary pumping line in short-closed
systems (Fig. 12.8) except for these elements has booster pump BP with pressure-
reducing valve (pressure-relief valve) PRV.

Fig. 12.7. Principal diagram of normal closed oil system:
FP – fill port; T – oil tank; SF – screen filter; DV – drain valve; SP – supply pump; PRV –
pressure relief valve; CV – check (stop) valve; BV – bypass valve; MF – main filter; Ing –
injector; S – oil sump; T-C-DD – thermo- and chip-defect detector; ScP – scavenge pump;
CD-A – centrifugal de-aerator; FOC – fuel-oil cooler; CB – centrifugal breather; Тin – oil
temperature at engine inlet; pin – oil pressure at engine inlet; p – oil pressure drop; Н – oil
level; Сh – chip in oil; Sg – signaling (warning) indicator; P – pointer

We apply oil tank T (Fig. 12.9…12.10) of an opened or closed type depending

on a breathing system type. We install fill port (tank filler, charging valve) FP with
screen filters SF on oil tank and a drain valve DV in tank bottom. There are also an
oil or an air-oil mixture intake and return pipe ports. Oil tanks are equipped with
oil single-point filling ports in modern GTEs.
It can have a sightglass or dipstick to allow the oil contents to be checked.
Usually, the oil level sightglass on the side of the tank is graduated in half-pint (in
some foreign engines) or in litre increments, between LOW and FULL marks. The
tank is replenished either by pressure or by gravity feed. The pressure filler
connection contains a non-return valve and a bayonet adapter to which the oil
replenishment trolley pipe is connected.
The pipeline of oil supply from a tank to an oil pump should have large cross-
section and smoothly varying turns to avoid large hydraulic resistance, which can
result in pressure drop before an oil pump and cavitation. The speed of oil moving
should not exceed 1,5…2,0 m/s.

Fig. 12.8. Principal diagram of short-closed oil system
FP – fill port; T – oil tank; BT – breathing tank; SF – screen filter; DV – drain valve;
BP – booster pump; SP – supply pump; PRV – pressure relief valve; CV – check (stop)
valve; BV – bypass valve; MF – main filter; Ing - injector; S – oil sump; T-C-DD – thermo-
and chip-defect detector; ScP – scavenge pump; CD-A – centrifugal de-aerator; AOC – air-
oil cooler; CB – centrifugal breather; Тin – oil temperature at engine inlet; pin – oil pressure
at engine inlet; p – oil pressure drop; Н – oil level; Сh – chip in oil; Sg – signaling
(warning) indicator; P – pointer

Booster pump BP (Fig. 12.8, Fig. 12.11 and Fig. 12.12) in short-closed

systems provides system lines initial filling with oil from tank. Moreover it constantly
fills secondary pumping with oil during engine operation. Booster pump increases
pressure up to 0,06...0,08 МPа, due to what oil cavitation in supply pump entrance
does not appear at all possible flight altitudes. The pressure-reducing valve PRV of
this pump provides oil pressure automatic stabilisation in pump exit at the given level
at the expense of excessive quantity of oil cross-over from a pump exit to its
entrance. The stabilization of oil pressure makes it possible to automatically supply
short-closed system pumping line with the required quantity of oil. The tension of
spring of booster pump pressure-reducing valve (therefore the given oil pressure at
pump outlet) is adjusted with the help of a special screw. This screw must be fixed
and sealed up after regulation.

Fig. 12.9. Oil tank

Fig 12.10. Oil tank:

1 – case; 2 – dipstick; 3 – breathing tube; 4 – oil intake; 5 – oil intake tube; 6 – cylindrical
filter; 7 – slot nozzle

Fig. 12.11. Two basic types of oil pumps used in oil systems:
a – gear oil pump; b – gerotor type pump

Fig.12.12. Guided-vane oil pump:

1 – barrel; 2 – rotor; 3 – plates; 4 – pump casing

Pumping line serves to supply the required quantity of oil to objects of

lubrication under optimum pressure, range of which is determined experimentally and
makes 0,35...0,50 МPа (to 0,65 MPa for some foreign manufactured engines). The
pipelines of pumping line will have large diameters at oil pressure smaller than
0,35 МPа. This causes oil system weight increase. The oil jet speed will rise at
pressure more than 0,5 МPа. It means that speed of oil, which goes to the lubrication
objects through injectors, will rise. This will cause increase in lubrication objects
hydrodynamic heating by oil jet, which is more typical for the GTE bearings, which
have high hydraulic resistance (for this reason oil speed in the injectors can not be
exceed cinj=25...30 m/s).
All types of oil system pumping lines are practically of the same design and
have such elements:
– a supply pump SP with a pressure-reducing valve PRV;
– a stop valve or a check valve CV;
– the main oil filter MF with a bypass valve BV;
– additional filters AF;
– lubricating injectors Inj;
– sensors of the control system (with pointers P) and signalling Sg of an oil
system parameters;
– pipelines, which connect aggregates of pumping line.
An oil supply pump SP is a pump of a gear- or gerotor type (see Fig. 12.11,
Fig. 12.13 and Fig. 12.14). Its pressure-reducing valve PRV provides oil pressure
stabilization at the level set by spring tension. It is regulated with the help of a special
screw. The operation principle of supply pump pressure-reducing valve is similar to
the operation principle of booster pump pressure-reducing valve. Supply pump
efficiency at a design rating is 1,5...2,5 times as high as it’s necessary for oil pumping
through the engine. It is necessary to compensate mass pump efficiency lowering at
oil density decrease (as a result of its heating and atmospheric pressure decrease at
high altitudes, which makes proportional pressure lowering at pump entrance).

Fig 12.13. Two-gear and three-gear oil pumps with radial oil inlet

Fig 12.14. Gear pump with impellers and axial oil inlet:

1 – pump casing; 2 – cover; 3 – gears; 4 – impellers; 5 – oil inlet ducts;
6 – gears with radial slots

It is more usual to find (in some foreign engines) a pressure relief valve that
varies the pressure with engine speed or breather pressure. These valves are usually
adjustable but usually only effect the max speed oil pressure (see Fig. 12.15).

Fig 12.15. Pressure relief valve that uses breather pressure to vary oil pressure

This type of valve uses the oil system breather pressure and an adjustable
spring to balance the oil pressure in the main oil feed line to the engine bearings.
With the engine running, the breather pressure plus the spring push the sliding
valve to the left (see Fig 12.15) and restrict the pump spill back to return. This is
balanced by the pressure from the main feed line trying to move the slide valve to the
right. Should the pressure in the main feed line fall, the breather pressure and spring
will move the slide valve further to the left and restrict the oil spill still further. This
will allow more oil to flow to the system, and the oil pressure in the main feed line
will increase. The slide valve will then move to the right, and the oil spill to the return
will be controlled by the main feed line pressure balancing the spring and breather
The check valve CV serves to stop the oil flow from tank to an engine, if it is
not operating. A spring of the CV is adjusted to opening pressure of 0,02...0,05 МPа.
When engine is not operating the oil access in a pumping line is closed by spring
tension effort. The pressure is increasing very fast to the value of the opening
pressure during an engine start-up.
The main oil filter MF (pressure oil filter) provides refinement of oil from
mechanical impurities (They consist of 20 % resinous and coking substances, 40 %
metallic dust and 40 % sludge) with filter fineness of 40...60 microns. We apply
screen-type disc filters (see Fig. 12.16… Fig. 12.18) with many sections with brass or
nickel screens in a pumping line or cartridge-type filters (Fig. 12.19), with wire-
wound, paper or felt elements (Fig. 12.20). On these filters we install a bypass valve,
which provides the oil supply in the engine at pressure differential increasing on the
filter up to 0,13...0,16 МPа owing to filter hydraulic resistance rise at oil viscosity
increasing or screen clogging.
The filter housing can be drained independently of the main oil system. This is
done through a drain valve in the housing base. When drained, the filter can be
removed for examination, servicing, or replacement, as necessary, without disturbing
the rest of the system.

Fig 12.16. Screen disc filter with bypass valve and a filtering element cross section

Fig 12.17. Disc-type filter assembly with check valve preventing oil flowing from
the tank into the accessories section when the engine is stopped

Filters are usually fitted with an impending by-pass indicator (Fig. 12.21). This
is usually a red pop out indicator which will pop out and stay out it the differential
pressure across the filter element exceeds a predetermined value. This value will be
less than the by-pass valve value, to allow the filter to be replaced before the filter
goes into by-pass. The pop out usually has a thermal lock on it, which prevents the
pop out extending when the oil is cold and thick.

Fig 12.18. Screen-type (a) and disc-type (b) filters

Fig. 12.19. Cartridge-type oil filter. The valve will open if element becomes clogged

Fig. 12.20. Wire wound and paper type oil filters

Fig. 12.21. Filter bowl with pop out indicator

The additional filters (last chance filters) AF in pumping line are mounted
before lubricating injectors. The additional filters of the elementary design with large
screens (Fig. 12.22) or thread-type oil filters (Fig. 12.23) serve to stop large metallic
fragments ingress in lubricated injectors, which might stopper injector's nozzles.

Fig. 12.22. Additional screen filter in pumping line before lubricating injectors:

1 – casing; 2 – sealing ring; 3 – cover; 4 – filtering screen; 5 – filter framework

Fig. 12.23. Thread type last chance filter
The pipelines in pumping line are selected of such a diameter, that the moving
speed of oil in them did not exceed 3 m/s.
The scavenging line serves for used oil removal from lubrication objects and
to recover its properties. Then the oil goes, depending on an oil system type, in a tank
or in the main circulating contour.
The scavenging line consists of such elements:
– the sumps S of oil (their number, as a rule, is equal to the number of the main
engine supports);
– the scavenge pumps ScP (Fig 12.24…12.25), which permit individual oil
scavenging from any sump;
– a driven centrifugal de-aerator CDA;
– a course filter CF;
– an oil cooler with a bypass valve BV.

Fig. 12.24. Gear type pump

a b
Fig. 12.25. Scavenge oil pumps from inter-shaft bearing (a) and ejector scavenge pump of
gas turbine starter (b): 1 – air nozzle; 2 – ejector nozzle

Separate oil scavenging from each main engine support is necessary to avoid
an overflow of oil in support bearings, which can result in oil and bearings
overheating, and also oil leak through seals. Overflow is possible when different
quantity of oil is pumped through bearings and when engine inclines at continuous
changes of aircraft flight altitude, if scavenge pump is supplying several sumps.
The system of individual oil scavenging from the main supports applies the
principle of “dry sump”, according to which the oil should not accumulate not only
in the support bearing, but also in a sump. For this purpose the total efficiency of all
scavenge pumps should be from two to three times as high as supply pump
efficiency. Such a high total efficiency of scavenge pumps is necessary because the
oil, which has passed lubrication objects, is augmented in volume owing to frothing
and heating (air volume reaches about 70 % from the total of pumped oil). Such an
oil-air mixture can’t be effectively filtered and cooled in oil radiator, and be reused in
system. De-aerators are usually tray types fitted in the oil tank or centrifugal type as a
separate item. We establish centrifugal de-aerator in scavenging line. Its installation
in short-closed system is mandatory, and in closed system it is advisable.
Air in de-aerator (Fig. 12.26) with oil aerosol fragments is going through the
pipeline to the breathing system, and in short-closed systems it is returned to an oil
tank to heat oil.

Fig. 12.26. Centrifugal de-aerator:

1 – rotor; 2 – centrifugal valve for air passage at rotor speed n(0,35…0,50)nmax

A de-aerator tray is mounted in the top half of the tank (Fig. 12.27) and
receives the return oil from the scavenge pumps. The oil in its passage through the
system will become aerated and steps must be taken to remove the air. As the oil/air
mixture flows over the tray, the oil separates and drains down into the sump, whilst
the air is vented to atmosphere.

Fig. 12.27. Oil tank with de-aerator tray

The oil, refined from air, moves from centrifugal de-aerator to the filter and
further to the oil radiator (cooler). We use primary (course) filters with filter
fineness of 140...160 microns in oil scavenging lines. For modern gas turbine engines
bypass valve BV and warning indicator of a pressure differential are set in such
As each scavenge pump returns the oil from a particular part of the engine and
in some foreign engines it is protected by a coarse filter (or strainer) in the return line.
This arrangement protects the pump gears. It also gives an indication of impending
component failure if the strainers are examined for metal particles during periodical
In short-closed system 10...15 % of the filtered ardent oil is going through a
orifice plate OP to an oil tank for stand-by oil heating. Orifice plate section sets that
part of all oil, which is pumped on an additional circulating contour together with
aerosol oil from centrifugal de-aerator.
The refined and filtered oil moves to the oil radiator to be cooled. We apply
fuel-oil coolers FOC (fuel-cooled oil cooler) (Fig.12.28) in oil systems of engines
with rather high fuel consumption (TJEs and TFEs). Fuel consumption is low in the

TPEs, and oil system capacity is high. Therefore, there is not enough fuel, supplied to
the combustion chamber, for oil cooling. For this reason we apply air-oil coolers
AOC (air-cooled oil cooler)in the TPEs. An air for oil cooling goes from a propeller
in the TPEs and from the special propeller (with drive from main reduction gear) in
helicopter's GTEs.

Fig 12.25. Fuel-oil radiator

Some engines which utilise both types of cooler may incorporate an electronic
monitoring system which switches in the air-cooled oil cooler (ACOC) only when it
is necessary. This maintains the ideal oil temperature and improves the overall
thermal efficiency.
We install bypass valves in oil coolers of any type for cooler honeycomb
elements protection against destruction at high oil pressure. It appears when cold and
thick oil is pumped, for which the cooler is a heightened hydraulic resistance. The
bypass valve opens a direct oil passing past cooler elements at pressure rising before
it up to 0,2...0,3 МPа. Due to a bypass valve oil can be heated much quicker at low
temperature after engine start-up.
A pressure maintaining valve is usually located in the feed line of the cooler
which ensures that the oil pressure is always higher than the fuel pressure. In the
event of a cooler internal fault developing, the oil will leak into the fuel system rather
than the potentially dangerous leakage of fuel into the oil system.
We set thermostatic valves (Fig.12.29) in fuel-oil coolers of some TFEs (with
high bypass ratio), which prevent fuel overheating passing fuel or ardent oil past
cooler elements. The thermostatic valves open direct fuel or oil by-passing when fuel
is heated up to the temperature of 80...90 С. The prevention of fuel overheating in
fuel-oil coolers excludes the engine working fuel injectors cavitation locking.

Рис. 12.29. Thermostatic valve:

1, 19 – rings; 2, 12 – guide rails; 3, 11 – rods; 4, 10 – plugs; 5, 9 – diaphragms;
6, 8 – heat-sensitive mass; 7 – cartridge; 13, 25 – plates; 14 – valve plate; 15, 26 –
cylindrical springs; 16 – bush; 17 – retaining ring; 18 – sealing ring; 20, 23 – conical
springs; 21, 27 – cups; 22 – disc; 24 – valve body; 28 – retaining ring

The air-cooled oil cooler is similar to the fuel-cooled type both in construction
and in operation – except, of course, that air replaces the fuel as the cooling agent. On
some foreign engines, the airflow through the matrix is controlled by a flap valve,
which is automatically operated when the temperature of the return oil rises to a pre-
determined value. A turboprop engine may be fitted with an oil cooler that utilises the
external airflow as a cooling medium. This type of cooler incurs a large drag factor
and, as kinetic heating of the air occurs at high forward speeds, it is unsuitable for
turbojet engines.
The breathing system provides a reliable operation of a lubrication system
and high performance of the support’s oil seals. The given overpressure is supported
in oil cavities of lubrication objects and in tank air cavity with the help of a breathing
system. Besides the breathing system provides an optimum positive difference of
pressure between an oil and before-lubrication cavities of the supports.
The breathing system can support atmospheric pressure (Pexcess=0) in the oil
cavities of the lubrication objects and tank air cavity. In this case oil system is called
a system of an opened type.
The oil system is a system of a closed type if the overpressure of
Pexcess=0,02...0,04 МPа is supported with the help of breathing system in the
specified cavities. The pressure rise in the oil cavities of the lubrication objects makes

foaming decrease and improves oil scavenging from the sumps. The oil tanks of a
closed type application assists to increase the oil system critical height.
The oil cavities of the lubrication objects and an air cavity of a tank in oil
systems of any type are connected to atmosphere through centrifugal breather CB. An
air-oil mixture is supplied (due to high pressure) to CB entrance from oil cavities.
This mixture has some aerosol parts of oil. Centrifugal breather (Fig. 12.30) separates
oil parts from air and returns them to circulating contour (to the scavenging line). An
air with some small aerosol parts of oil is rejected from CB to atmosphere with the
help of a special breathing pipeline. This air is ejected in the engine exhaust nozzle.
The CB application essentially reduces the oil consumption.

Fig. 12.30. Centrifugal breather

We install a supporting valve in the oil system of a closed type. It is placed in

the pipeline of an air vent from the centrifugal breather (Fig. 12.31). Valve
automatically supports a given overpressure in the lubrication object oil cavities and
air cavity of a tank.

Fig 12.31. Centrifugal breather:

1– rotor; 2 – supporting valve; 3 – silphon; 4 – barostatic altitude valve-compensator
Oil cavities of supports are pressurized by air supplied under high pressure
from the compressor to before-lubrication cavities of these supports (Fig. 12.32). The
effective work of oil seals is provided at an optimum positive pressure differential on
them. Pressure difference between before-lubrication and oil cavities should be 1,5 to
2 times as big as atmosphere pressure.

Fig. 12.32. Pressurization of support oil cavities is realized by air supply under high
pressure from the compressor to before-lubrication cavities

A part of air gets in atmosphere with the help of special breathing pipelines to
create an optimum pressure differential between before-lubrication and oil cavities.
Optimum pressure differential is regulated during engine development selecting of
special orifice plates, which are located in the breathing pipelines of the before-
lubrication cavities.
Breathing system has two functional lines:
– breathing line of the engine oil cavities and oil tank air cavity;
– breathing line of support before-lubrication cavities.
In breathing systems of some oil systems an air cavity of an oil tank is
connected with atmosphere not through the centrifugal breather, but through an
expansion tank ET (Fig. 12.33), which is also called breather tank. In
nonperturbed exposures of an expansion tank cavity at a relatively low temperature
oil is separated from an air-oil mixture, which is then drained in an oil tank, and air
from the top of a tank is displaced by an overpressure in atmosphere through the
special pipeline. Thus, there is a free flow of air into atmosphere in opened oil
systems. In systems of a closed type in the pipeline of air outlet the supporting valve

SV is located, automatically supporting a given overpressure in cavities of an
expansion tank and oil tank irrespective of flight altitude.

Fig. 12.33. Scheme of one version of a closed oil system

For oil systems of closed type a special air separator isn’t be used in a
scavenging line (as it is shown in Fig. 12.33), as the air can be released from
scavenged oil in an oil tank. Using of tank in a breathing system to a considerable
degree promotes this. However, the strong foaming is possible in an oil tank due to
suction of air by scavenge pumps having large reserves of productivity, which will
result in increased oil venting into atmosphere through a breathing system. Besides,
the supply of frothed oil to an oil cooler by scavenge pumps is illogical, when the
efficiency of such oil cooling will be low. Therefore, in some oil systems to separate
air, oil is supplied by scavenge pumps to one common oil sump CS (see Fig. 12.33).
From this sump oil is transferred to an oil tank by the main scavenge pump MSP,
having a small reserve of productivity and not creating strong foaming. As oil sumps
use the high capacity oil cavities of the engine, for example reduction gear casing,
TPE front casing, accessory drive assembly cavity located in bottom of a TFE
intermediate compressor casing, etc. The considered way of oil scavenging from the
consumers is applied not only in closed, but also in short-closed oil systems. In a
scavenging line after the main scavenge pump a usual centrifugal de-aerator is
located, which provides final refining of an oil flow from an air-oil mixture.
In many modem engines internal oil leakage is kept to a minimum by
pressurizing the bearing cavities with air that is bled off the compressor. The airflow
into the cavities minimizes oil leakage across the seals in the reverse direction. The
system as shown in Fig. 12.34…12.35 operates as follows.
The oil scavenge pumps exceed the capacity of the lubrication supply pump(s)
and are therefore capable of handling considerably more oil than actually exists in the
bearing sumps and gearboxes. Because the pumps are of a positive-displacement

type, they make up for the lack of oil by pumping air from the cavities. Thus, large
quantities of air are delivered to the oil tank. Cavity and tank pressures are
maintained close to each other by a line connecting the two. If the cavity pressure
exceeds the tank pressure, the sump-vent check valve opens (Ref. 7 in Fig. 12.34),
allowing the excess cavity air to enter the oil tank. The valve allows flow only into
the tank, so oil or tank vapours cannot back up into the cavity. Tank pressure is
maintained a small amount above ambient.

Fig 12.34. Simplified diagram of a tank and sump pressurizing system

Fig. 12.35. Labyrinth seal uses air as the sealing medium

Functioning of the scavenge pumps and sump vent check valve results in a
relatively low air pressure in the cavities and gearboxes. These low internal cavity
pressures allow air to flow across the oil seals into the cavities. This airflow
minimizes lube oil leakage across the seals. For this reason, it is necessary to
maintain cavity pressures low enough to ensure seal air leakage into the cavities. But
under some conditions the ability of the scavenge pumps to pump air forms a
pressure low enough to cavitate the pumps or cause the collapse of the cavity, while
under other conditions too much air can enter the cavity because of excessive
quantities of air entering through worn seals (at n  (0,35...0,50)nmax for labyrinth
If the seal leakage is not sufficient to maintain proper internal pressure, check
valve 2 in the cavity and tank pressurizing valve 3 open and allow ambient air to
enter the system. If the seal leakage exceeds that required to maintain proper internal
cavity and gearbox pressure, air flows from the cavities through the sump-vent check
valve 7, the oil tank, the tank- and sump-pressurizing valves 1, and then to the
atmosphere. Tank pressure is always maintained of 0,02…0,04 MPa above ambient
pressure by the cavity and tank-pressurizing valve.
The differential type seals are used for oil leakages minimizing from support
bearing oil cavities.
Dynamic (running) seals used in gas turbine engines can basically be divided
into two groups:
– Rubbing or contact seals. Two varieties are face (Fig. 12.36, b and
Fig. 12.37, a) and circumferential (Fig. 12.36, a and Fig 12.37, b) types and are
constructed of metals (Fig. 12.38), carbon, elastomers, and rubbers, or combinations
of these materials.
– Nonrubbing labyrinth or clearance seals.

a b
Fig. 12.36. Types of carbon rubbing seals:
a – a typical circumferential bore or “edge-rubbing” carbon seal; 1 – shaft; 2 – seal casing;
3 – carbon segments; 4 – circumferential spring; 5 – steel plate; 6 – retainer ring; 7 – axial
spring; 8 – rotation lock; b – a typical “face- rubbing” seal; 1 – rotor shaft; 2 – sealing bush;
3 – directing pilot; 4 – presser bush; 5 – sealing rings; 6 – carbon ring

a b
Fig. 12.37. Carbon rubbing seals:
a – the “face-rubbing” carbon seal; b – the circumferential “edge-rubbing” carbon seal

Carbon seals are manufactured of a mixture of carbon and graphite powder,

bonded together with a viscous substance, such as coal tar. The carbon seal is fixed
and held against the rotating seal by springs. Both the rotating seal and the carbon
seals are machine ground and precision lapped to a micro finish.

Fig. 12.38. Metal ring rubbing seal:

1 – bushing; 2 – elastic split sealing rings (P0P1); 3 – bush

Spring ring seal (Fig. 12.38) would normally be used around a main bearing
assembly within the engine. It may be used in conjunction with a labyrinth or screw
back type. The ring seal is similar to a large stepped piston ring; it is located on a
rotating shaft. When the shaft is stationary, the seal clamps tightly to the shaft. As
the shaft rotates, the spring ring can expand slightly, under centrifugal force, when it
then forms an effective seal with the adjacent stationary housing of seal.
In both cases the type of seal and the material used is determined mainly by the
range of pressures, temperatures, and speeds over which the seal must operate; the
requirements of a reasonable service life; the media to be sealed; and the amount of
leakage that can be tolerated.
Rubbing or contact seals are used in applications where a minimum amount of
leakage is allowed and a high degree of sealing is required. For example, they are
used to seal accessory drive shafts where the shaft exits from the accessory gear case
(Fig. 12.39, 12.45, e, f), and for variable-stator-vane bearings in the compressor case.
Carbon rubbing seals are often used for sealing the main internal bearing cavities,
especially in the engine’s hot section.

Fig. 12.39. Lip-type seal:

1 – channel; 2 – prepump; 3 – centrifugal seal; 4 – cup; 5 – spring; 6 – cone;
7 – rotating cup

Nonrubbing clearance- or labyrinth-type seals are (Fig. 12.40…Fig. 12.43), as

the names imply, devices through which a specific amount of leakage can take place
because there is no actual contact between the rotating and stationary parts of the
seal. The unit consists essentially of one or more thin strips of metal attached to a
housing (In most of foreign engines. In all domestic GTE designs labyrinth seals are
constructed of metal non-rotating lands, which are secured to various parts of the
engine case and a series of cylindrical rotating knife-edge steps that mate with the
lands.) through which the shaft rotates. This arrangement may occasionally be
reversed, with the thin metal strips attached to the rotating shaft. By establishing the
correct pressure differential across the seal the designed amount of leakage can occur
in the desired direction. The labyrinth seal may be used in conjunction with an
abradable coating on the stationary member as shown in Fig. 12.41).
Fig 12.40. Labyrinth-type seals of rotor support unite oil cavity:
1 – shaft; 2 – thermal shield; 3 – spacer (adjusting) ring; 4 – bearing bush; 5 –
demountable flange; 6 – oil injector (nozzle); 7 – nut; 8 – slinger ring

Labyrinth Seal
Figure 8.3.

Fig 12.41. Labyrinth-type seals

Fig 12.42. Combined-type seals of rotor support unite oil cavity:

1 – rotor shaft; 2 and 3 – steel rings; 4 – carbon sealing ring; 5 – labyrinth (honeycomb) seal

Fig.12.43. Labyrinth seals:
a – with right crests; b – with crests, located angularly to axis of rotation; c, d – with crests,
located on conical surfaces: 1 – rotated detail; 2 – stationary detail; e, f  – from stamped
discs with intermediate spacer rings and folded wire rings, respectively

Thread seals or screw back seals (Fig. 12.44…12.45) work in the same way as
labyrinth seals, with a screw thread instead of the rings of a labyrinth seal. This
means that any oil leakage towards the air will be driven back by the thread. This
type of seal is used with other types of seal to reduce migration of oil to those seals.

Fig 12.44. Seals of rotor support unite oil cavity with screw-type (screw back type or
thread seal) stuffing box:
1 – support casing; 2 – bearing bush; 3 – elastic element; 4 – screw-type stuffing box

Fig 12.45. Scheme of the screw-type stuffing box operation:
F – friction force between oil and immovable casing; P – projection of force F applied
to oil and directed to oil cavity

Hydraulic seal may also be found protecting the bearings on the main rotating
assembly of an engine. It is fitted between the rotating shafts on a twin or triple spool
engine. A hydraulic seal would be used in conjunction with another type of seal, as
shown in Fig. 12.46.

Fig. 12.46. Hydraulic seal

The seal consists of a circular baffle ring mounted on a rotating shaft; the rim
of this ring sits in the centre of a circular depression in an outer rotating shaft. Oil
from the bearing will fill this depression and be held there by centrifugal force. This
oil reservoir will form a liquid seal with the rim of the rotating baffle ring. Any
tendency for the oil to leak across this seal will be counteracted by air leakage across
a back-up seal.

12.6. Oil systems parameters and their control in operation

Oil level in a tank Н/P is controlled in secondary pumping line. We usually use
float-type level sensors in the monitoring system (Fig. 12.47). We also control three
oil levels: minimum, maximum and normal. The oil level indicator actuates
illuminated indicator board in a cockpit. With the help of this indicator increased oil
consumption can be registered owing to oil system depressurization or tank
overfilling with oil and fuel mixture during destruction of the fuel-oil cooler (at oil

Fig. 12.47. Float-type level sensor:
1 – float; 2 – slider; 3 – potentiometer; 4 – shoe; 5 – housing; 6, 9, 11 – staples; 7, 10, 12 –
signalling devices (microswitchs); 8 – cam; 13 – plug connector

In some foreign engines oil quantity indicators usually consist of a float and
probe (Fig. 12.48). The float has a bush which supports it on the probe, a magnet
within the bush sequentially operates reed switches within the probe. These switches
change the resistance’s at A & B as the oil level changes, which will be read on a
desyn type gauge in the flight deck.
Oil temperature at engine inlet tin  /P and its pressure pin/P are controlled in oil
pumping line. There are also controlled signalling of minimum oil pressure at engine
inlet Pmin/Sg and signalling of pressure differential in the main oil filter p/Sg.
On the basis of oil temperature control a conclusion can be made about oil
cooler serviceability or about the thermostatic valve actuating.
Oil temperature can be detected by a temperature probe. The sensing element
of the probe is a resistance wire. When heated the resistance of the wire will change.
This can be measure by a wheatstone bridge system (Fig.12.49.). However the
wheatstone bridge power supply will also vary the gauge reading so making this
method inaccurate.
It is more usual to use a ratiometer system to measure the resistance
(Fig.12.50.). In this instrument the measured resistance and the calibration resistance
are in parallel, varying the current flow through two coils which are arranged to
provide opposite torque to the pointer. This type of instrument can measure
temperature up to 150°C, so is capable of monitoring an engine oil system.

Fig. 12.48. Oil quantity probe (ALF 502)

Fig.12.49. Wheatstone bridge temperature system

Fig.12.50. Ratiometer type system

The control of oil pressure (Fig.12.51.) and signalling of minimum pressure at
inlet (Fig. 12.52, a) allows to find maladjustment of oil supply pump pressure-
reducing valve or destruction of its spring, which will be accompanied by
discontinuous pressure drop. Gradual lowering of oil pressure is possible owing to oil
supply pumping unit deterioration.
Fig.12.51. Oil pressure gauging system
The oil pressure indicator has a dial normally calibrated in kilograms per
square centimeter (pounds per square inch). The indicator may have maximum limit
markers, but will always show the minimum pressure that the engine is allowed to
run at. The reason that some engines have an upper limit is dependant upon the type
of oil supply system. Some systems may be regulated, therefore needing an upper
limit, or be based upon flow where an upper limit is not required.
Any change in oil pressure introduced into the synchro transmitter causes an
electrical signal to be transmitted through the interconnecting wiring to the synchro
receiver. This signal causes the receiver rotor and the indicator pointer to move a
distance proportional to the amount of pressure exerted by the oil.
Most oil pressure transmitters are composed of two main parts, a bellowsor
diaphragm mechanism for measuring pressure and a synchro assembly (Fig. 14.51)
The pressure of the oil causes linear displacement of the synchro rotor. The amount
of displacement is proportional to the pressure, and varying voltages are set up in the
synchro stator. These-voltages are transmitted to the synchro indicator.
The vent tube to atmosphere prevents a build up of pressure within the
transmitter that may interfere with the operation of the diaphragm at high altitudes.

a b
Fig.12.52. Signalling devices of minimum oil pressure and limiting temperature:
a– signalling device of minimum oil pressure; 1 – membrane; 2 – rod; 3 – stop; 4 – plate; 5 –
contact spring; 6, 7 – contacts; b – signalling device of limiting oil temperature; 1 – casing;
2 – filter; 3 – capsule; 4 – low-melting-point metal insertion; 5 – central contact; 6 –
insulating tube; 7 – peripheral contact; 8 – electrical conductor

Oil pressure is also monitored by an oil pressure switch that puts a light on
(Fig. 12.52, a) when the oil pressure reaches a low level. The light is usually red and
will be incorporated into the aircraft warning systems to alert the pilot. On later
aircraft the pressure switch may have two pressure switches within it (in some foreign
engines). A speed comparator will decide which switch to monitor. The idea being
that a low oil pressure of say 20 psi (138 kPa) is fine at low engine speed, however at
higher engine speeds the engine could be sustaining damage due to insufficient oil
pressure even though it is above 20 psi. The second pressure element would be
activated when the engine speed was greater than say 80 % and the oil pressure less
than 50 psi (345 kPa).
The indicator of a pressure differential in the filter (Fig. 12.53) permits to find
an incipient state of filter elements clogging by deterioration products or oil coking.
This indicator actuates illuminated board at pressure differential increase in the filter
to value, which is approximately twice as small as pressure differential, at which
filter bypass valve opens (Pf  =0,06…0,08 MPa).

Fig.12.53. Signalling device of an oil pressure differential in the filter:

1 – spring; 2 – magnet of the piston; 3 – magnet of the moving-contact assembly;
4, 5 – moving and stationary contacts; 6 – screw of the magnetic trip; 7 – pilot light

The scavenging line is the most informative from the standpoint of control of
lubrication objects technical state. Products of details deterioration and other oil parts
(resin, coke) are concentrated in it. At engine outlet the general temperature is
controlled tex/P (Fig. 12.51) and oil limit temperature tlim/Sg (Fig. 12.52, b) is
signalled. It is possible to see the fact of lubrication objects “lubricated starvation“,
which results in temperature increase with the help of these devices. Oil injectors can
be coked or clogged. Oil temperature rise at outlet is possible in case of friction units
deterioration increase owing to their damage (for example, racing tracks and bearing
solid of revolution spalling, gear working surfaces damages, etc.).
In scavenging line chip-defect detectors C-DD of different types are installed:
electrical (slot-type filters C-DF, which is shown in Fig. 12.54) and magnetic
(magnetic plugs or magnetic slot-type filters) chip indicators Сh /Sg (Fig.12.55…
12.58), that actuate illuminated board when chip is accumulated; thermo-chip
detectors T-C-DD, which are set in oil scavenging lines from supports (particularly

Fig. 12.54. Signalling insertion of filter-indicator:
1 – frame; 2 – grid; 3, 7 – electrical insulating bush; 4 – ring sections; 5 – metallic bush; 6 –
retainer; 8, 10 – springs; 9 – seat
Magnetic detectors may be fitted into the oil system at various points to collect
and hold ferrous debris. They are normally fitted in gearboxes and in the scavenge
pump return lines to the tank. The collection of ferrous particles on the chip detector
provides a warning of impending (or incipient) failure of a component. Some
detectors are designed so that they can be removed for periodical examination
without having to drain the oil system; others may be checked externally by
connecting a suitable test circuit to the plug; finally, some are connected to a cockpit
warning system to give an in-flight indication of failure. The chip detector (see
Fig. 12.55) fits into a self-sealing housing and has a bayonet-type fitting for easy

Fig.12.55. Magnetic chip detector

Fig.12.56. Magnetic plug:
1 – handhold; 2 – magnet carrier; 3 – pin; 4 – case; 5, 8 – springs; 6 – sealing ring; 7 – axis;
9 – valve; 10 – magnet

Fig.12.57. Magnetic slot-type chip-defect detector:

1 – plug; 2 – gasket seal; 3 – cables; 4 – magnets; 5 – bolt; 6 – magnet’s casing; 7 – rubber
sealing gasket; 8 – supporting bracket; 9 – cover; 10 – threaded; 11 – copper sealing ring

Fig.12.58. Magnetic slot-type chip-defect detector:

1 – plug; 2 – gasket seal; 3 – cables; 4 – clamp; 5 – windows in casing; 6 – casing; 7 –
sump; 8 – tray; 9 – contact magnets; 10 – magnet; 11 – signal lamp

In addition to method of built-in control of the oil system and friction units
optical, chemical and physical methods of used oil quality and structure analysis can
be applied.
The most common physical method is spectral analysis, which permits to
detect the presence of particular metals and their density in used oil at early stages of
lubrication objects deterioration. To carry out oil spectral analysis we apply serial

oilphoto-spectrometers МФС-3, МФС-5, and nodiffraction X-ray spectral analyzers

12.7. Determining required oil circulation

The required oil circulation is determined on the basis of heat balance –
requirement of removal of appropriate heat quantity by oil from lubrication objects.
The equation of heat balance permits to get the formula for determination of
required oil circulation:
W ,
coiloil T
where W is a necessary oil circulation, l/min; Qoil is a heat transfer in oil, kJ/min; сoil
is an oil specific heat (сoil  = 2,1 kJ/(kgK)); oil is a mean value of oil density
(oil  = 0,9 kg/l); Т is a heating up of oil in the engine (Т = 30...60 С).
A total heat transfer in oil consist of the following:
Qoil  Qbearing  Q gearbox  Qcoupling  Qreduction gear  Qarg ent det ail  Q gasoil seals .

25…35 % 40…50 % 15…35 %

According to statistical data on heat transfer in oil there are such Qoil values for
different GTEs:
- for the TJEs and TFEs
Qoil  (24....36) R, kJ/min,
where R is a maximum engine thrust, kN;
- for the TPEs and TPFEs
Qoil  (0,9...1,5) N e , kJ/min,
where Nе is a maximum equivalent engine power, kW;
- for the helicopter turbine engines
Qoil  (0,18...0,36) N e , kJ/min,
where Nе is a maximum effective power of the engine, kW.
Full oil circulation for the TPEs and TPFEs is determined by the formula
Q oil
W '  1,7 .
c oil  oil T

12.8. Oil tank capacity calculation

Insignificant loss of oil in circulating oil systems allows to apply small
capacity tanks. The analysis of the statistical data shows, that the average specific
tank volume of the ТFEs makes 1...4 l per 10 kN of the maximal thrust, and for the
ТPEs and ТPFEs it makes 18...22 l per 1 MW of the maximal equivalent power.
To avoid oil leaks through a drainage line and separate effectively air from oil
as well as provide thermal expansion of oil at its temperature increase the full tank
volume should be 20…30 % more than volume of cold oil when engine is stopped.
This volume Vt for ТFEs and helicopter GTEs is determined by the volume of
consumable oil in flight Vq, circulating volume Vc and unusable oil reserve volume Vu,
i. e.
Vt=(1,2…1,3)(Vq+Vc+Vu). (12.1)
Besides, in tanks of the ТPEs and ТPFEs the volume for oil Vf, which provides
feathering of the propeller, should be stipulated. In this case
Vt=(1,2…1,3)(Vq+Vc+Vu+Vf). (12.2)
Circulating reserve is determined by the formula:
Vc=W tc,
where W is a necessary oil circulation through the engine, l/min; tc is one cycle oil
circulation time (tc = 0,25…0,5 min).
Total oil consumption is determined by the formula:
Vq=q tt,
where q is an oil consumption per an hour; tf is a maximum flight duration, h.
tf = 12 h for long-haul aircraft;
tf = 8 h for medium-haul aircraft;
tf = 6 h for short-haul aircraft;
tf = 5 h for regional airline aircraft;
tf = 4 h for helicopters.
The oil consumption per hour depends on engine type and its thrust or power:
–  for the TFEs
where R is a maximum engine thrust, kN;
– for the TPEs, TPFEs and helicopter gas turbine engines
where N is a maximum equivalent engine power of the TPEs and TPFEs or a
maximum effective power of the helicopter turbine engine, kW.
The unusable oil reserve volume makes not more than 5 % from the basic.
Therefore it is possible to write down
The quantity of oil, which is used for feathering the TPE and TPFE propellers,
depends on engine power and makes Vf  = 6…14 l.
So for turboprop engines AI-20 and AI-24 the volume of oil for feathering
makes 8…10 l.
For tank volume calculations of different type engines it is necessary to use
formulas (12.1) and (12.2).
In addition to oil in tank the full volume of the engine oil system also includes
oil, which fills oil pipelines, a radiator, de-aerator, cavities of pumps (including a
feathering and torquemeter pumps), a regulator of rotor rotational speed and the
propeller hub of the TPE or ТPFE.
This volume Vpipe according to statistical data makes:
– for the ТFEs and helicopter GTEs
– for the ТPEs and ТPFEs
Thus full filling of the engine with oil makes
V=Vpipe+Vu .

The full volume of oil system is specified at flight tests of the engine based on
conditions of oil emissions absence at climb and in horizontal flight at average and
big cruising altitude. Check is made at all power ratings.

12.9. Supply pump efficiency calculation

Available efficiency of the gear oil supply pump is determined by the formula:
WP = 2 dp l m n hP 10-6,
where dp is a gear pitch circle diameter, mm (dp = mz or dp = 60u/(n)); z is a gear
cogs number (z=6…12); u is a circumferential velocity on the radius of pitch circle
(at radial oil supply u=8…10 m/s and at axial oil supply u=10…30 m/s); l is a gear
thickness, mm [l=(0,5…0,25)dp]; m is a gearing module (m=2,5…6,0 mm); n is a
gear rotational speed (n=3000…4000 r/min); hP is a volumetric delivery rate, which
takes into account difference between actual and theoretical pump efficiency, which
is provided by oil let out through clearance between gears and pump casing
The check of calculation results of oil supply pump efficiency must meet the
Similarly oil scavenge pump efficiency is calculated. The number of these
pumps is equal to the number of main supports, and their total efficiency has to
exceed oil supply pump efficiency two or three times to meet the principle of “dry
W Sс   (2...3)W P .

Questions for self-check

1. What is the designation of the GTE oil systems?
2. What oil types are applied in oil systems?
3. Give the requirements the oil systems must meet.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of closed and short-closed
lubrication systems?
5. Explain the structure scheme of the circulating oil system?
6. What is the designation of breathing and lubrication systems?
7. What is the designation of the secondary pumping, pumping and scavenging
lines of different types of lubrication systems?
8. What is the designation of the support bearing breathing lines of oil and
before-lubrication cavities?
9. Name the aggregates of secondary pumping, pumping and scavenging lines
of closed and short-closed lubrication systems. What’s their designation?
10. Name the controlled parameters and indicators of oil system. Explain how
oil system and engine faults can be detected with the help of the built-in control
11. How are necessary oil circulation through the engine and tank capacity
12. How are necessary oil supply and scavenge pump efficiency calculated?
1. engine details flushing from deterioration products – промивання деталей
двигуна від продуктів зношування – промывка деталей двигателя от
продуктов износа;
2. lubricants – змащувальні речовини – смазывающие вещества;
3. viscosity index – індекс в’язкості – индекс вязкости;
4. petroleum products – нафтопродукти – нефтепродукты;
5. viscosity – в’язкість – вязкость;
6. pour point – температура загусання – температура застывания;
7. pourability of the oil – здатність масла до загусання – застываемость масла;
8. flash point – температура спалаху – температура вспышки;
9. vapours – пари – пары;
10. fire point – температура самозапалювання – температура
11. volatility – летючість – летучесть;
12. acidity – кислотність – кислотность;
13. oil foaming – піноутворення масла – пенообразование масла;
14. rubber swell – розбухання гуми – разбухание резины;
15. oxidation and thermal stability – окиснення і термічна стабільність –
окисление и термическая стабильность;
16. corrosivity to metals – корозійна активність до металів – коррозионная
активность к металлам;
17. gear or pressure tests – випробування тиском – испытания давленим;
18. carbon residue or coking tests – випробування на схильність до сажо- і
коксоутворення – испытания на склонность к саже- и коксообразованию;
19. engine tests – машинні випробування – машинные испытания;
20. water emulsion test, compatibility test, storage stability test, interfacial tension
test – випробування стійкості водяної емульсії, перевірка на сумісність,
випробування стабільності зберігання, випробування на міжфазний натяг –
испытание стойкости водяной эмульсии, проверка на совместимость,
испытания стабильности хранения, испытания на межфазное натяжение;
21. detergents, rust preventatives, dyes, anticorrosives, antioxidants, foam inhibitors,
viscosity index improvers, pour point depressants – очищувальні засоби
(детергенти), інгібітори корозії, барвники, протикорозійні засоби,
антиоксиданти, замідлювачі (подавлювачі) піноутворення, засоби
підвищення (депресанти) індексів в’язкості, понижувачі (депресанти)
температури загусання – очищающие средства (детергенты), ингибиторы
коррозии, красители, противокоррозионные средства, антоксиданты,
замедлители (подавители) пенообразования, средства повышения
(депресасанты) индеков вязкости, депрессанты температуры застывания;
22. bulk oil temperature – температура більшої частини масла – температура
большей части масла;
23. clogs filters – забруднює фільтри – загрязняет фільтры;
24. sludge deposits – осади бруду – осадки грязи;
25. harmlessly – безшкодно (без шкоди) – безвредно;
26. synthetic oils – синтетичні масла – синтетические масла;
27. petroleum oils – нафтові масла – нефтяные масла;
28. synthetic oils are hygroscopic and absorb enough moisture from the air to make
them unusable – синтетичні масла є гігроскопічними і адсорбують багато
вологи з повітря, роблячи їх непридатними до використання –
синтетические масла являються гигроскопическими и адсорбируют много
влаги из воздуха, делая их непригодными к использованию;
29. most commercial engine operators either limit or entirely prohibit mixing
different brands of oil, although the oil specifications require that every oil shall
be compatible with previously approved oils – більшість операторів
комерційних двигунів або обмежують, або цілковито забороняють
змішування різник марок масла, хоча специфікації на масло вимагають
щоб кожне масло було сумісне з попередньо схваленим маслом –
большинтво операторов комерческих двигателей или ограничивают, или
полностью запрещают смешиваие разных марок масла, хотя спецификации
на масло требуют, чтобы каждое масло было совместимо с предварительно
утвержденным маслом;
30. synthetic lubricants have a deleterious effect on some types of paints, electrical
insulation, and elastomer materials used in seals – синтетичні масла мають
шкідливий вплив на деякі типи фарб, електричних ізоляцій та еластомерів
(полімерів), що використовуються в ущільненнях – синтетические масла
имет вредное воздействие на некоторые типы красок, электрических
изоляций и эластомеров (полимеров), используемых в уплотнениях;
31. mineral oils – мінеральні масла – минеральные масла;
32. physicochemical properties – фізико-хімічні властивості – физико-
химические свойства;
33. oils of low viscosity – масла низької в’язкості – масла низкой вязкости;
34. oils of high viscosity – масла високої в’язкості – масла высокой вязкости;
35. ionol additive – присадка іонолу – присадка ионола;
36. the engines of a one-time operation – двигуни одноразової дії – двигатели
одноразового действия;
37. elevated temperatures – підвищені температури – повышенные температуры;
38. a narrow-cut oil, light mineral oil – масло широкого фракційного складу,
легке мінеральне масло – масло широкого фракционного состава, легкое
минеральное масло;
39. large coking deposits – смоло-утворюючі осади (депозити) –
смолообразующие осадки (депозиты);
40. crude oil – сира нафта – сырая нефть;
41. paraffinic oils and naphthenic oils – парафінові масла і лігроїнові масла –
парафиновые и лигроиновые масла;
42. the hydrogen and carbon atoms are linked together – атоми водню і вуглецю
зв’язані разом – атомы водорода и углерода связанные вместе;
43. wax – парафін – парафин;

44. natural petroleum GTE oils employed a mixed-base stock – натуральні нафтові
масла для ГТД, що використовують змішану сировину – натуральные
нефтяные масла, использующие смешанное сырье;
45. esters of sebacic acid – ефіри сибацилової кислоти – эфиры сабициловой
46. dioctyl sebacate – діактиловий сибацинат (ефір сибацилової кислоти) –
диактиловый сабицинат (эфир сабициловой кислоты);
47. a dibasic-acid ester – двокислий складний ефір – двухкислый сложный эфир;
48. animal tallow or vegetable oils (castor bean) as the raw material in a reaction
with alcohol or from petroleum hydrocarbon synthesis – тваринний жир або
рослинні масла (клещовина звичайна) в реакції з спиртом або, що
підлягають нафтовому вуглеводневому синтезу – животный жир или
растительные масла (клещевина обыкновенная) в реакции со спиртом или,
подлегающая реакции при углеводородном синтезе;
49. proprietary secrecy – приватна секретність – частная секретность;
50. Type I oils – масла Типу І – масло Типа І;
51. Type II lubricants – масла Типу ІІ – масло Типа ІІ;
52. Type III oil – масло Типу ІІІ – масло Типа ІІІ;
53. hot spots in the engine – «гарячі точки» двигуна – «гарячие точки»
54. the oil systems – масляні системи – масляные системы;
55. non-circular system (expendable, total loss system or disconnected) –
нециркуляційна система – нециркуляционная система;
56. circulating system (recirculatory or closed) – циркуляційна система
(нормально замкнена або замкнена) – циркуляционная система (нормально
замкнутая или замкнутая);
57. pressurized oil feed – подача масла під тиском – подача масла под давленим;
58. the GTEs of one-time or short-lived operation (rocket engines, lift GTEs of
vertical takeoff and landing airplanes – газотурбінні двигуни одноразової дії
(ракетні двигуни, підйомні ГТД літаків вертикального зльоту і посадки) –
газотурбинные двигатели одноразового действия (ракетные двигатели,
подъемные ГТД вертикального взлета взльота и посадки);
59. cycle duration of oil pumping through the engine – час циклу прокачування
масла через двигун – время цикла прокачки масла через двигатель;
60. closed or normal closed oil systems – замкнені чи нормально замкнені
масляні системи – замкнутые или нормально замкнутые масляные
61. short-closed oil systems – коротко замкнені масляні системи – коротко
замкнутые масляные системы;
62. pressure relief valve oil systems – масляні системи з редукційним клапаном
(паралельно маслонасосу) – масляные системы с редукционным клапаном
(параллельно маслонасосу);
63. full flow oil systems – масляні системи без редукційного клапана
(паралельно маслонасосу) – масляные системы без редукционного клапана
(паралельно маслонасосу);
64. oil booster pump – підкачувальний масляний насос – подкачивающий
масляный насос;
65. stand-by oil in a tank – резервне масло в баку – резервное масло в баке;
66. double-loop short-closed oil system – двоконтурна коротко замкнена
маслосистема – двухконтурная коротко замкнутая масляная система;
67. an additional circulating contour – додатковий циркуляційний контур –
дополнительный циркуляционный контур;
68. the driven centrifugal de-aerator – привідний відцентровий
повітровіддільник – приводной центробежный воздухоотделитель;
69. oil residue in a tank – відстоювання масла в баку – отстой масла в баке;
70. critical height – практична стеля – практический потолок;
71. oil pumping cycle time – час прокачування масла – время прокачки масла;
72. the TPEs with built-in reduction gears – ТГД з вмонтованими редукторами –
ТВД с встроенным редуктором;
73. the propeller control system – (автоматизована) система керування
повітряним гвинтом – (автоматизированная) система управления
воздушным винтом;
74. wheelcase – редуктор – редуктор;
75. suction filter – відсмоктувальний фільтр (встановлений в магістралі
відкачування) – отсасывающий фильтр (установленный в магистрали
76. the pressure (supply) oil pump – нагнітальний масляний насос –
нагнетающий масляный насос;
77. the pressure (main) filter – основний маслофільтр – основной маслофильтр;
78. oil jets – масляні форсунки – масляне форсунки;
79. splash lubrication – змащення розбризкуванням – смазка разбрызгиванием;
80. scavenge oil pump – відкачувальний маслонасос – откачивающий
81. the oil cooler – теплообмінник масла – теплообменник масла;
82. centrifugal breather – відцентровий суфлер – центробежный суфлер;
83. a metered spill of feed oils – виміряний перепуск подачі масла – измеренный
перепуск подачи масла;
84. system of lubrication and breathing system – система змащування і система
суфлірування – система смазки и система суфлирования;
85. oil seals – масляні ущільнення – масляные уплотнения;
86. three main lines: secondary (booster) pumping, pumping and scavenging – три
основні магістралі: підкачувальна, нагнітальна і відкачувальна – три
основные магистрали: подкачивающая, нагнетающая и откачивающая;
87. hydraulic resistance – гідравлічний опір – гидравлическое сопротивление;
88. cavitation in supply pump entrance – кавітація на вході в насос – кавитация
на входе в насос;
89. an oil tank – маслобак – маслобак;
90. an oil pump – маслонасос – маслонасос;

91. booster pump with pressure-reducing valve (pressure-relief valve) –
підкачувальний насос з редукційним клапаном – подкачивающий насос с
редукционным клапаном;
92. fill port (tank filler, charging valve) with screen filters – заливна горловина –
заливная горловина;
93. a drain valve – дренажний клапан – дренажный клапан;
94. oil single-point filling ports – заливна горловина централізованого
заправлення – заливная горловина централизованной заправки;
95. a sightglass or dipstick – мірне скло або мірна лінійка – мерное стекло или
мерная линейка;
96. the oil replenishment of trolley pipe – заправлення маслом від заправника
(маслом) – заправка маслом от запрвщика (маслом);
97. hydrodynamic heating by oil – гідродинамічне підігрівання (подачею)
маслом – гидродинамический нагрев (подачей) маслом;
98. gear oil pump – шестірневий маслонасос – шестеренчатый маслонасос;
99. gerotor type oil pump – маслонасос гіроторного типу – маслонасос
гироторного типа;
100. guided-vane oil pump – пластинчастий (лопатевий, коловоротний)
маслонасос – пластинчатый (лопастной, коловратный) маслонасос;
101. a stop valve or a check valve – зворотний клапан – обратный клапан;
102. the main oil filter (pressure oil filter) with a bypass valve – основний
маслофільтр з перепускним клапаном – основной маслофильтр с
перепускным клапаном;
103. additional filters – додаткові фільтри – дополнительные фильтры;
104. lubricating injectors – масляні форсунки – масляные форсунки;
105. sensors of the control system (with pointers and signalling) of an oil system
parameters – датчики системи вимірювання (з покажчиками і
сигналізаторами) параметрів маслосистеми – датчики системы измерения
(с указателями и указатедями) параметров маслосистемы;
106. gear pump with impellers and axial oil inlet – шестірневий насос з
крильчаткою і осьовим підведенням масла – шестеренчатый насос с
крыльчаткой и осевым подводом масла;
107. the sliding valve – золотниковий клапан – золотниковый клапан;
108. mechanical impurities – механічні домішки – механические примеси;
109. resinous and coking substances – речовини смол і коксу – смолистые
вещества и кокс;
110. metallic dust – металевий пил – металлическая пыль;
111. sludge – бруд – грязь;
112. filter fineness – тонкість очищення фільтру – тонкость очистки фільтра;
113. screen-type disc filters – сітчастий фільтр дискового типу – сетчатый фільтр
дискового типа;
114. brass or nickel screens – бронзові або нікелеві сітки – бронзовые или
никелевые сетки;
115. cartridge-type filters – фільтри катриджного типу – фильтры катриджного
116. filters with wire-wound, paper or felt elements – фільтри з навитими
дротовими, паперовими або фетровими (фільтрувальними) елементами –
фильтры с навитыми проволочными, бумажными или фетровими
(фильтрующими) элементами;
117. a thermal lock – термічний замок – термический замок;
118. the additional filters (last chance filters) – додаткові фільтри (фільтри
останньої надії) – дополнительные фильтры (фильтры «последней
119. thread-type oil filters – різьбові фільтри – резьбовые фильтры;
120. the scavenging line – магістраль відкачування – магистраль от качки;
121. to recover its properties – відновлення його якостей – восстановление его
122. the sumps – маслозбірники – маслосборники;
123. the scavenge pumps – відкачувальні маслонасоси – откачивающие насосы;
124. a course filter – фільтр грубого очищення (додатковий фільтр у магістралі
відкачування маслосистеми) – фильтр грубой очистки (дополнительный
фильтр в магистрали откачки маслосистемы);
125. a driven centrifugal de-aerator – привідний відцентровий повітровіддільник –
приводной центробежный воздухоотделитель;
126. an oil cooler with a bypass valve – маслорадіатор з перепускним клапаном –
маслорадиатор с перепускным клапаном;
127. ejector scavenge oil pump – ежекторний відкачувальний маслонасос –
эжекторный откачивающий маслонасос;
128. principle of “dry sump” – принцип «сухого маслозбірника» – принцип
«сухого маслосборника»;
129. de-aerator of tray type – повітровіддільник лоткового типу –
воздухоотделитель лоткового типа;
130. oil radiator (cooler) – маслорадіатор (охолоджувач) – маслорадиатор
131. orifice plate – діафрагма – диафрагма;
132. fuel-oil cooler – паливно-масляний радіатор – топливомасляный радіатор;
133. air-oil cooler – повітряно-масляний радіатор – воздушно-масляный
134. bypass valves in oil coolers – перепускний клапан в масляних радіаторах –
перепускной клапан в масляных радиаторах;
135. honeycomb elements – стільникові елементи – сотовые элементы;
136. thermostatic valve – термостатичний клапан – термостатический клапан;
137. heat-sensitive mass – термочутлива маса – термочувствительная маса;
138. a flap valve – плоский клапан (клапан-заслінка) – плоский клапан (клапан-
139. an oil system of an opened type – відкрита маслосистема – открытая масло
140. an oil system of a closed type – закрита маслосистема – закрытая

141. the oil system critical height – практична стеля маслосистеми – практический
потолок маслосистемы;
142. aerosol parts of oil – аерозольні частинки масла – аэрозольные частички
143. a supporting valve – підпорний клапан – подпорный клапан;
144. a silphon – сильфон – сильфон;
145. barostatic altitude valve-compensator – баростатичний висотний клапан-
компенсатор – баростатический клапан-компенсатор;
146. before-lubrication cavities of these supports – передмасляні порожнини цих
опор – предмасляные полости этих опор;
147. pressurization of support oil cavities – наддування масляних порожнин опор –
наддув масляних полостей опор;
148. breathing pipelines – трубопроводи суфлірування – трубопроводы
149. an expansion tank – розширювальний бак – расширительный бак;
150. a breather tank – суфлерний бак – суфлерный бак;
151. irrespective – незалежно – независимо;
152. frothed oil – спінене масло – вспененное масло;
153. common oil sump – головний маслозбірник – главный маслосборник;
154. the main scavenge pump – головний відкачувальний маслонасос – главный
откачивающий масло насос;
155. a TPE front casing – лобовий картер ТГД – лобовой картер ТВД;
156. a TFE intermediate compressor casing – проміжний корпус компресора
ТРДД – промежуточный корпус ТРДД;
157. an internal oil leakage – внутрішні утікання масла – внутренние утечки
158. sump-vent check valve – зворотний (вентиляційний) клапан масляної
порожнини – обратный (вентиляционный) клапан масляной полости;
159. lube oil – змащувальне масло – смазывающее масло;
160. dynamic (running) seals – динамічні (безконтактні) ущільнення –
динамические (бесконтактные) уплотнения;
161. rubbing or contact seals – контактні (з тертям) ущільнення – контактные (с
трением) уплотнения;
162. nonrubbing labyrinth or clearance seals – безконтактні лабіринтові
ущільнення – бесконтактные лабиринтные уплотнения;
163. face and circumferential types seals – торцеві і радіальні (контактні,
графітові) ущільнення – торцевые и радиальные (контактные) уплотнения;
164. circumferential bore or “edge-rubbing” carbon seal – торцеве контактне
графітове ущільнення – торцевое контактное графитовое уплотнение;
165. carbon and graphite powder – графіт або графітова пудра – графит или
графитовая пудра;
166. coal tar – кам’яновугільна смола – каменноугольная смола;
167. precision lapped  to a microfinish – старанне притирання до чистового
мікродоведення – тщательная притирка до чистовой микродоводки;

168. metal ring rubbing seal – ущільнення з металевими кільцями – уплотнения с
металлическими кольцами;
169. lip-type seal – манжетне ущільнення – манжетное уплотнение;
170. centrifugal seal – відцентрове ущільнення – центробежное уплотнение;
171. cup – чашка (манжета) – чашка (манжета);
172. nonrubbing clearance- or labyrinth-type seals – безконтактне (без тертя)
ущільнення та лабіринтові ущільнення – бесконтактное (без трения)
уплотнение и лабиринтные уплотнения;
173. an abradable coating – покриття, що стирається – истираемое покрытие;
174. spacer (adjusting) ring – розпірне (дистанційне) кільце – распорное
(дистанционное) кольцо;
175. slinger ring – маслоскидне кільце – маслосбрасывающее кольцо;
176. thread seals or screw back seals – різьбове ущільнення або маслоскидні
ущільнення – резьбовые уплотнения или маслосбрасывающие уплотнения;
177. the screw-type stuffing box – різьбова маслоскидна втулка – резьбовая
маслосбрасывающая втулка;
178. hydraulic seal – гідравлічне ущільнення – гидравлическое уплотнение;
179. float-type level sensors – датчики рівня поплавкового типу – датчики уровня
поплавкового типа;
180. indicator board in a cockpit – сигнальне табло в кабіні екіпажу – сигнальное
табло в кабине экипажа;
181. a wheatstone bridge system – система мосту Уітсона – система моста
182. a ratiometer system – логометрична система – логометрическая система;
183. “lubricated starvation“ – «масляне голодування» – «масляное голодание»;
184. chip-defect detectors – стружкосигналізатори – стружкосигнализаторы;
185. slot-type filters – фільтри щілинного типу – фильтры щелевого типа;
186. magnetic plugs or magnetic slot-type filters – магнітні пробки або магнітні
щілинні фільтри – магнитные пробки или магнитные фильтры щелевого
187. thermo-chip detectors – термо-стружко-сигналізатори – термо-
188. ferrous debris – феромагнітні частинки – ферромагнитные частички;
189. мagnetic slot-type chip-defect detector – магнітні стужкосигналізатори
щілинного типу – магнитные стружкосигнализаторы щелевого типа;
190. built-in control – вмонтований контроль – встроенный контроль;
191. spectral analysis – спектральний аналіз – спектральный анализ;
192. oilphoto-spectrometers – масляні фотоспектрометри – масляные
193. nodiffraction X-ray spectral analyzers – бездифракційні рентгеноспектральні
аналізатори – бездифракционные рентгеноспектральне анализаторы;
194. a necessary oil circulation – необхідне прокачування масла – необходимая
прокачка масла;
195. an oil specific heat – теплоємність масла – теплоемкость масла;
196. consumable oil – витрачуване масло – расходуемое масло;
197. feathering of the propeller – флюгерування повітряного гвинта –
флюгирование воздушного винта;
198. circulating reserve – циркуляційний запас – циркуляционный запас;
199. one cycle oil circulation time – час одного циклу прокачування масла – время
одного цикла прокачки масла;
200. a long-haul aircraft – дальньо-магістральне повітряне судно –
дальнемагистральное воздушное судно;
201. a medium-haul aircraft – середньо-магістральне повітряне судно –
среднемагистральное воздушное суднор;
202. a short-haul aircraft – коротко-магістральне повітряне судно –
короткомагистральное воздушное судно;
203. a regional airline aircraft – повітряне судно для місцевих повітряних ліній –
воздушное судно для метных воздушных линий;
204. at climb and in horizontal flight – набір висоти і горизонтальний політ –
набор высоты и горизонтальный полет;
205. a gear pitch circle diameter – діаметр ділильного кола шестерні – диаметр
делительной окружности шестерни;
206. a gear thickness – товщина шестерні – толщина шестерни;
207. reciprocating engines – поршневі двигуни – пошневые двигатели;
208. pistons – поршні – поршни;
209. valves – клапани – клапаны;
210. the special refinement – спеціальне очищення (масла) – специальная очистка
211. high lubricating ability – змащувальна здатність – смазывающая
212. to have sufficient stability to oxidization at high temperatures and in the
conditions of storage – мати достатню стійкість до окиснення при високих
температурах та в умовах зберігання – иметь достаточную устойчивость к
окислению при високих температурах и в условиях хранения;
213. kinematics viscosity – кінематична в’язкість – кинематическая вязкость;
214. coking – схильність до коксування – коксуемость;
215. the content of selective solvents, water-soluble acids and alkalis, mechanical
impurities – вміст селективних розчинників, водорозчинних кислот та лугів,
механічних домішок – содержание селективних растворителей,
водорастворимых кислот и щелочей, механических примесей;
216. thermal-oxidative stability – термоокиснювальна стабільність –
термоокислительная стабильность;
217. the selective refinement – селективне очищення (масла) – селективная
очистка (масла);
218. the axial hinges of propeller hubs of helicopters – осьові шарніри втулок
гвинтів вертольотів – осевые шарниры втулок винтов вертолетов;
219. motocompressors of gascompressor units – мотокомпресори
газоперекачувальних агрегатів – мотокомпрессоры газоперекачивающих

220. the friction of rolling instead of sliding – тертя кочення замість (тертя)
ковзання – трение качения вместо (трения) скольжения;
221. in the most responsible unites of friction – в найбільш відповідальних вузлах
тертя – в наиболее ответственных узлах трения;
222. acid number – кислотне число – кислотное число;
223. mass part of sediment, insoluble in an isooctane – масова доля осаду,
нерозчинного в ізооктані – массовая доля осадка, нерастворимого в
224. corrosion on plates, g/m2 – корозія на пластинках, г/м2 – коррозия на
пластинках, г/м2;
225. an engine calorific intensity – теплонапруженість двигуна –
теплонапряженность двигателя;
226. gear wheels – шестірневі колеса – шестеренчатые колеса;
227. flat viscosity-temperature dependence and good oil supplying at low
temperatures – полога в’язкістно-температурна залежність і гарна
прокачуваність масла при низьких температурах – пологая
вязкостнотемпературная зависимость и хорошая прокачиваемость масла
при низких температурах;
228. homogeneous and stable fractional content, that stipulates minimum
evapouration of fractions – однорідний та стійкий фракційний склад, що
обумовлює мінімальну випаровуваність фракцій – однородный и
устойчивый фракционный состав, обусловливающий минимальную
испаряемость фракций;
229. the oils of narrow fractional content – масла вузького фракційного складу –
масла узкого фракционного состава;
230. minimum foaminess – мінімальна спінюваність – минимальная
231. unaggressiveness in relation to metals, alloys, to the industrial rubber goods,
coverages, glues and other materials – неагресивність по відношенню до
металів, сплавів, гумовотехнічних виробів, покриттів, клеїв та інших
матеріалів – неагрессивность по отношению к металлам, сплавам,
резинотехническим изделиям, покрытиям, клеям и другим матеріалам;
232. the most widely applied oil on petroleum basis with the complex of high-
efficiency additives – найбільш широко використовуване масло на нафтовій
основі з комплексом високоефективних присадок – наиболее
широкоиспользуемое масло на нефтяной основе с комплексом
высокоэффективных присадок;
233. western-siberian and pre-Ural crude oils – західно-сибірські та приуральські
сирі нафти – западносибирские и приуральские сырые нефти;
234. for preservation of oil systems – для консервації маслосистем – для
консервации маслосистем;
235. the marine gas-turbine power plants – корабельні (суднові) газотурбінні
установки – корабельные (судновые) установки;
236. a working-preservation oil – робочо-консерваційне масло – робоче-
консервационное масло;
237. the term of preservation – термін зберігання – срок хранения;
238. Baku oils – бакинські нафти – бакинские нефти;
239. the heat-stressed gas turbine engines – теплонапружені газотурбінні
двигуни – теплонапряженные газотурбинные двигатели;
240. aviation turbocoolers – авіаційні турбохолодильники – авиационные
241. the unprotracted preservation – нетривале зберігання (консервація) –
недлительное хранение (консервация);
242. a synthetic dietheric oil with additives, improving antiwear properties and
thermal-oxidative stability – синтетичне діефірне масло з присадками, що
покращують протизносові якості та термоокиснювальну стабільність –
синтетическое диэфирное масло с присадками, улучшающими
противоизносные свойства и термоокислительную стабильность;
243. the synthetic dietheric oil, containing effective composition of thermal-oxidative
additives – синтетичне діефірне масло, що включає ефективну композицію
антиокиснювальних присадок – синтетическое диэфирное масло,
включающее эффективную композицию антиокислительных присадок;
244. a synthetic oil on the basis of ethers of pentaerythritol and fat acids –
синтетичне масло на основі складних ефірів пентаеритриту та жирних
кислот – синтетическое масло на основе сложных эфиров пентаэритрита и
жирних кислот;
245. a synthetic oil on the basis of organic-silicon liquid with an additive –
синтетичне масло на основі кремнійорганічної рідини з присадкою –
синтетическое масло на основе кремнийорганической жидкости с
246. the multi-stage gearings (reduction gears) – багатоступінчасті зубчасті
передачі (редуктори) – многоступенчатые зубчатые передачи (редукторы);
247. declivous viscosity-temperature curve – полога в’язкістно-температурна
крива – пологая вязкостнотемпературная кривая;
248. high antiwear and antiscuff properties – високі протизносові та протизадирні
якості – высокие противоизносные и противозадирные свойства;
249. sluggishness in relation to metals, alloys, rubbers, coverings, glues and other
construction materials – інертність по відношенню до металів, сплавів, гум,
покриттів, клеїв та інших конструкційних матеріалів – инертность по
отношению к металлам, сплавам, резинам, покрытиям, клеям и другим
конструкционным матеріалам;
250. original appearance – зовнішній вигляд – внешний вид;
251. homogeneous transparent liquid from the yellow to the brown color with a
fluorescence – однорідна прозора рідина від жовтого до коричневого
кольору з флюоресценсією – однородная прозрачная жидкость от желтого
до коричневого цвета с флюорисценсией;
252. transparent liquid from the light-yellow to the brown color – прозора рідина від
світло-жовтого до коричневого кольору – прозрачная жидкость от
светложелтого до коричневого цвета;

253. without extraneous particles and fibers – без сторонніх частинок і волокон –
без посторонних частичек и волокон;
254. mаss stake of sediment, insoluble in an isooctane – масова доля осаду,
нерозчинного в ізооктані – массовая доля осадка, нерастворимого в
255. stability of viscosity after wiring for sound on the ultrasonic plant during 15
mines – стабільність в’язкості після озвучування на ультразвуковій
установці в продовж 15 хв – стабильность вязкости после озвучивания на
ультразвуковой установке в течении 15 мин;
256. degree of cleanness: number of filtrations – ступінь чистоти: число
фільтрацій – степень чистоты: число фильтраций;
257. synthetic izoparaffin oil – синтетичне ізопарафінове масло – синтетическое
изопаррафиновое масло;
258. perspective and new designed helicopters – перспективні і заново проектовані
вертольоти – перспективне и вновь проектируемые вертолеты;
259. insufficient lubrication ability – недостатня змащувальна здатність –
недостаточная смазывающая способность;
260. high-viscosity oils possess unsatisfactory low temperature properties – масла
високої в’язкості мають незадовільні низькотемпературні якості – масла
высокой вязкости имеют неудовлетворительные низкотемпературные
261. reduction gears of tail transmission – редуктори хвостових трансмісій –
редукторы хвостових трансмиссий;
262. ash-content – зольність – зольность;
263. heavy-loaded helicopter – важко-навантажений вертоліт – тяжелогруженный
264. seasonal oils – сезонні масла – сезонные масла;
265. all-season oil – всесезонне масло – всесезонное масло.

Appendix A

Aviation oils
Aviation oils for reciprocating engines
In reciprocating engines oils work under hard conditions, created high
temperatures in the area of piston-rings, inside part of pistons, valves and other
details. For providing of engine lubrication in the conditions of high temperatures,
pressures and loads the high viscosity oils are used, exposed to the special
refinement. Such oils must have high lubricating ability, be not aggressive to the
metals, alloys and other materials of constructions and to have sufficient stability
to oxidization at high temperatures and in the conditions of storage.
Descriptions of aviation oils for reciprocating engines

Indexes МС-14 МС-20

Kinematics viscosity at 100 °С, mm /s, not less 14 20,5
Viscosity index, not less 85 80
Coking, %, not more 0,45 0,29
The content of selective solvents, water-soluble acids and alkalis, mechanical
Flash point, °С: in opened crucible, not less 215 265
Pour point, °С, not more -30 -18
Thermal-oxidative stability by the method of Folders at 250 °С, min, not less 20 18

The МС-14 oil (ГОСТ 21743-76) – is oil of the selective refinement. It is

used in the axial hinges of propeller hubs of helicopters and as base for some
engine oils and greasings. Oil МС-14 is not manufactured now.
The МС-20 oil (ГОСТ 21743-76) – is oil of the selective refinement. It is
used in the reciprocating engines of airplanes; in compositions (mixtures) of oils
with the МС-8, МС-8п oils (in different ratios) in the lubricating systems of TPEs:
in the axial hinges of propeller hubs of helicopters; for lubrication of
motocompressors of gascompressor units, and also as a base component for some
motor oils and greasings.
Oils for turbojet engines
In connection with the structural features of gas turbine engines the
condition of work of oils in them substantially differ of the oils work conditions in
reciprocating engines. Unlike in the reciprocating engine the oil in GTE is isolated
from a combustion chamber (from area of fuel burning); in addition, the friction of
rolling, instead of sliding, will be realized in the most responsible unites of friction
mainly, as in reciprocating engines (the friction coefficient of rolling below than
the coefficient of sliding friction on an order). The turbo-compressor rotor in GTE
is well balanced and at large rotational speed and large axial and radial loads works
without the sharp dynamic loads.
Descriptions of mineral oils for turbojet engines
Indexes МС-8п МС-8рк МК-8п МК-8
Kinematics viscosity, mm /s, at temperature: 50 °С, not less 8 8,3
-40 °С, not more 4000 5000 6500 6500
Flash point, °С: in opened crucible, not less 145 145 135 140
Pour point, °С, not more -55
Acid number, mg КОН/g, not more 0,05 0,15 0,04 0,04
The content of water-soluble acids, alkalis, water, mechanical
Thermal-oxidative stability, h (temperature, °С) 50(150) 50(150) 10(175) 10(120)
Indexes after oxidization: kinematics viscosity, mm /s, not more, at a
10 11 - -
temperature: 50 °С
acid number, mg КОН/g, not more 0,7 0,7 0,6 0,25
mass part of sediment, insoluble in an isooctane, %, not more 0,15 0,15 0,1 0,1
corrosion on plates, g/m , not more: steel of ШХ15 Отсутствие -
Density at 20 °С, kg/m , not more 875 900 885 885
Frictional descriptions on ЧШМТ at (20 ± 5) °С, critical load, N, not
490 490 -
index of wear at an axial load 196 N, not more 0,55 -

Modern gas turbine engines are characterized by hard conditions of work:

high temperatures – up to 1700 K and high rotational speeds of rotors –
12000...32000 rev/min. The oil work intensity in such extremal conditions of GTE
is determined by the amount of heat which must be rejected from the surfaces of
details friction, and at other things must be equal to characterized speed of oil
supplying to the engine.
The oil temperature at GTE input is changed from +30 up to +60 °С, and at
engine discharge depends on an engine calorific intensity. In the engines of
airplanes, flying with subsonic speeds, it normally does not exceed 140 °С, and at
speed of flight with the number of М=2 it achieves 200 °С and more (where M is a
Mach number of flight).
Oil supply to the friction units is carried out not only for lubrication of
friction surfaces but also for heat removal from these units. For the exception of
overheating of friction units the oil is continuously supplied into the followings
elements of engine: to the bearings, gear wheels, contact seals and splined joints.
Most high level of heat generation – in the radial-stop ball-bearings of rotors of
GTEs, taking an axial loading, therefore the oil supply to them is more than to
other elements.
Oils for the jet aircrafts pass a careful verification. At the estimation of
quality of oil we take into account possible external conditions of maintenance and
intensity of it work in engine.
Oils for the TJEs must met the followings requirements:
– reliable lubrication of all units and aggregates of engine with a minimum
wear within the limits of workings temperatures of -50 to +200 °С;
– flat viscosity-temperature dependence and good oil supplying at low
temperatures (starting properties of oil must provide the reliable start of engine
without warming up to the temperature –50 °С);
– homogeneous and stable fractional content, that stipulates minimum
evapouration of fractions and saves viscosity descriptions of oil during all engine
operation (it is expedient to apply the oils of narrow fractional content);
– high antioxidation properties and minimum oxidization in the engine at
working temperatures 150…200 °С and higher;
– minimum foaminess, high flash point of oil;
– unaggressiveness in relation to metals, alloys, to the industrial rubber
goods, coverages, glues and other materials.
Mineral oils
Aviation oils on mineral basis was got widespread using. It is related to their
high quality and in relation to a low cost.
The МС-8п oil (ГОСТ 38 101163-78) is the most widely applied oil on
petroleum basis with the complex of high-efficiency additives. Made from
western-siberian crude oils and mixes of western-siberian and pre-Ural crude oils.
The МС-8п oil is developed instead of the MK-8 and MK-8п oils, it considerably
excels them on the row of operating indexes, in particular, on viscidity at low
temperatures, thermal-oxidative stability, resource of work. It is used for the gas
turbine engines of subsonic and supersonic airplanes in which the temperature of
oil at the engine inlet is more than 150 °С (airplanes of civil aviation are the
Ил-62, Ил-76, Ил-86, Ту-134, Ту-154, Як-40, airplanes of air force of the МиГ-
21, Су-15, Су-25, the Ми-6, Ми-10 helicopters, in which the temperature of oil
at engine discharge is not more 150°С. They are used in composition of oil mixers
with МС-20 oil (in the ratios 25:75, 50:50 and 75:25) in the TPEs (airplanes the
Ан-12, Ан-22, Ан-24, Ан-30, Ан-32, Ил-18), for preservation of oil systems of
aviation engines, and also are applied in the marine gas-turbine power plants and in
gascompressor unites.
The МС-8рк oil (ТУ 38.1011181-88) is a working-preservation oil on the
base of the МС-8п oil with addition of corrosion inhibitor. It is intended for
lubrication and preservation of aviation engines. It is equivalently to the МС-8п oil
by the operating indexes and considerably exceeds it by the recommendations of
preservations. During preservation of oil systems of aviation engines the term of
preservation makes: for the MK-8 oil is 3 months, for the МС-8п oil is 1 year, for
the MC-8рк oil – 4…8 years.
The MK-8, MK-8п oils (ГОСТ 6457-66) are the oils on petroleum basis
and were made from Baku oils. Their application are similar to application of the
МС-8п and МС-8рк oils. They are not manufactured now.
Turbonikoyl 321 (AIR 3515/B, DERD 2490/2 Amd. 1) corresponds to
МС-8П (ОСТ 38.01163-78), МС-8рк (ТУ 38.1011181-88).
The ИПМ-10 oil (ТУ 38.101299-90) – synthetic hydrocarbon oil with the
complex of high-efficiency additives. It is capable of working in the interval of
temperatures of –50 to +200 °С. It is applied in the heat-stressed gas turbine
engines of military and civil aviation with the temperature of oil on the exit from
the engine of 200°С, and also in aviation turbocoolers as a compatible brand of oil
and in other aggregates, in particular, in gascompressor units with a drive from an
aviation engine. It is possible to use for the unprotracted preservation.
The ВНИИНП-50-1-4ф oil (ГОСТ 13076-86) is a synthetic dietheric oil
with additives, improving antiwear properties and thermal-oxidative stability. It is
used in the aviation turbojet engines of airplanes in which the temperature of oil on
an exit from the engine is equal to 175 °С (airplanes of civil aviation are the
Ил-96-300, Ту-204, Як-42, Ан-74, Ан-124 'Руслан', airplanes of air force the
Aн-72, MиГ-21, MиГ-23, MиГ-27, Су-15, Су-17, Су-20, Su-24, Су-25, Су-27,
Tу-22, helicopters of Mи-26).
The ВНИИНП-50-1-4у oil (ТУ 38.401-58-12-91) is the synthetic dietheric
oil, containing effective composition of thermal-oxidative additives, allowing to
apply the oil at a temperature of –60 up to +200 °С with an overheating up to
225 °С. It is admitted to application in all aviation GTEs. It can replace oil of
ВНИИНП-50-1-4ф. Consonant with oil of ВНИИНП-50-1-4ф in all correlations,
the replacement of rubbers and materials of constructions is not required. It is used
as one of basic in a military technique (for example, the MIG-29). It is
recommended for a perspective technique. The ВНИИ НП-5-1-4у oil is used in the
aviation turbojet engines of airplanes: of the civil aviation are the Ил-96-300,
Ту-204, Як-42, Ан-74, Ан-124 'Руслан', of air force – the МиГ-23, МиГ-27,
МиГ-29, Ан-72, the Ми-26 helicopters.
The Б-ЗВ oil (ТУ 38.101295-85) is a synthetic oil on the basis of ethers of
pentaerythritol and fat acids with the complex of additives. It is applied in gas
turbine engines, reduction gears of helicopters and other technique with the
temperature of oil on an exit from the engine up to 200 °С. It possesses of high
lubricating properties. Disadvantage: settling-out of extreme pressure additive at
the low temperature of exploitation as a result of oxidization with subsequent
dissolution of sediment in oil at 70…90 °С.
The 36/1-КУА oil (ТУ 38.101384-78) is a synthetic oil on the basis of
ethers with the complex of additives; it possesses high properties of extreme
pressures. It is used in gas turbine engines with the temperature of oil on an exit
from the engine up to 200 °С. Not produced presently.
The ЛЗ-240 oil (ТУ 301-04-010-92) is a synthetic oil on the basis of ethers
of pentaerythritol and fat acids with the complex of additives. It is recommended
for the use in those engines, in which oil Б-ЗВ is used .
The ПТС-225 oil (ТУ 38.401-58-1-90) is a synthetic high-stable oil on the
basis of ethers of pentaerythritol and synthetic fat acids of С 5-С9. It is capable to
work in the interval of temperatures of –60 up to +225 °С. It is recommended to
application in a heat-stressed techniques, and also as compatible oil for developing
of new heat-stressed aviation gas turbine engines (TJEs, TPEs, TPFEs, TShRs
engines and reduction gears of helicopters). The oil is possessed in the improved
viscosity index properties and high thermal-oxidativ stability. It is recommended
for perspective techniques, and also instead of petroleum and synthetic oils. On the
physical, chemical and operating properties it most (as compared to other oils)
conforms to American specification of MIL-L-23699F.
The ВТ-301 oil (ТУ 38.101657-85)  is a synthetic oil on the basis of
organic-silicon liquid with an additive. It is characterized by maximal (as
compared to other oils) thermal-oxidativ stability, low volatility, good low
temperature properties. It is possible to use in gas turbine engines with the
temperature of oil on an exit from the engine up to 250…280 °С.
Castrol 98 (Turbonikoyl 98) (ТУ 38.101295-85) corresponds to domestic
analogues (Б-3В, МН-7,5У).
Turbonikoyl 210А (ТУ 38.1011299-90)  corresponds to domestic
analogues (ИПМ-10, ВНИИНП-50-1-4Ф, ВНИИНП-50-1-4У).

Oils for the turboprop engines

The features of construction of TPEs are related to the presence in them the
multi-stage gearings (reduction gears) which are intended for the transmission of
large efforts and work at large speeds of rotation. As experience of exploitation
shows, oils with high viscosity can survive such loads. Therefore for the TPEs the
oils with more high viscosity are applied, than for TJEs.
The requirements, produced to oils for the TPEs, are followings:
– declivous viscosity-temperature curve and good oil pumping at low
– high antiwear and antiscuff properties;
– stability to oxidization in the conditions of high temperatures (150…
175 °С) and contact with air for different aviation materials;
– sluggishness in relation to metals, alloys, rubbers, coverings, glues and
other construction materials;
– minimum foaminess and evaporability.
For lubrication of these engines the petroleum and synthetic oils are applied.
Basic lubricating materials are mixtures, got mixing of aviation МС-8п and МС-20
oils in the followings correlations (mas. stake, %): 75:25; 50:50; 25:75.
Application of MC-8рк oil is assumed in mixtures composition. Due to application
of high-quality MC-8п oil the quality of mixtures rises considerably.
Mixture СМ-4,5 oil (ТУ 0253-007-39247202-96) is the mixture of aviation
MC-8п and MC-20 oils in correlation of 75:25 (mas. stake, %). It is intended for
application in airplanes the Ан-12, Ан-22, Ан-24, Ан-30, Ан-32, Ил-18 with the
АІ-20, АІ-24 TPEs. The kinematic viscosity is equal to 4 mm2/s at 50 °С.
Mixture МН-7,5у oil (ТУ 38.101722-85) is a compatible oil on petroleum
basis with the complex of additives. It is developed in exchange of mixtures
МН-7,5 and ВНИИНП-7. It is possible to apply in the all types of TPEs at the
temperature of oil on an exit from the engine up to 150 °С.
Descriptions of synthetic oils for turbojet engines

Indexes ИМП-10 ПТС-225 Б-3В 36/1-КУА ЛЗ-240 ВТ-301
50-1-4ф 50-1-4у
Homogeneous Transparent Homogeneous
Light- transparent liquid liquid from transparent Transparent liquid
Transparent Homogeneous mobile
Original colored from the yellow the light- liquid without from the light-
yellow - transparent liquid from the dark-
appearance transparent to the brown yellow to extraneous brown to the red-
liquid yellow to the dark-brown color
liquid color with a the brown particles and brown color
fluorescence color fibres
viscosity, mm2/s,
3,0 3,2 3,2 1,25 (200°С) 5,0 3,5 4,8 8,5
at temperature:
100 °С, not less
-30 °С, not
- - - - 3500 - - -
-40 °С, not
2000 2000 2700 6500 12500 3600 12500 800
-54 °С, not
- 11000 8500(50°С) - - - - 2500
Fire point,°С: in
opened crucible, 190 204 204 235 235 195 235 260
not less
Pour point, not
-50 -60 -60 -60 -60 -60 -68 -60
Acid number,
mg КОН/g, not 0,05 0,2 0,25 0,2 4,4-5,5 3,2-4,0 0,5 0,2
The content of
acids, alkalis, Absent
water absent trace absent
Thermal-oxidative 50(200),
50(200), (air 50(175), (air 50(225), (air 10
stability, h (air 10 10(200) 10(200) 50(200) 50(250)
3 dm3/h) 3
10 dm /h) dm3/h)
(temperature, °С) dm3/h)
Indexes after
4,5 - 3,7 6,9 6,0 5,5 6,0 10,0
viscosity, mm2/s,
at temperature:
100 °С, not more
-40 °С 5000 3500 - 30000 20000 9000 20000 -
Viscosity change
at 100 °С, not ≤8 ≤0,4 ≤4,5 ≤3,08 0,7-2,0 ≤4,0 ≤1,5 ≤0,3
Mаss stake of
insoluble in an 0,35 0,3 0,15 0,15 0,11 0,35 0,1 0,12
isooctane,%, not
Corrosion on
plates, g/m2, not
steel ШХ 15 Absent ±1,0 Not normalized Absent ±2,0
copper М1 and
±0,2 ±1,5 ±4,0 not normalized - - absent ±2,0
aluminium alloy
absent ±2,0 ±1,0 not normalized absent ±2,0
Coking, %, not
- 0,45 0,4 0,45 -
Density at 20 °С,
≥820 ≤926 ≤928 1000 990-997 980-997 980-1020 1090-1110
kg/m3, not more
descriptions on
ЧШМТ at:
(20±5) °С, critical
load, N, not less 710 840 735 900 890 874 872 -
index of wear at
an axial load 196 0,35 0,4 0,45 0,5 - 0,6 0,5 -
N, not more
Descriptions of mixture oils for turboprop engines

Indexes МН-7,5у СМ-4,5

Density at 20 °С, kg/m , not more 900 860
Kinematics viscosity, mm2/s, at temperature:
7,5 4,3-4,7
100 °С, not less
-35 °С, not more 7500 -
Stability of viscosity after wiring for sound on the ultrasonic plant during 15 mines,
11 -
%, not more
Acid number, mg КОН/g, not more 0,1 0,05
The content of water-soluble acids, alkalis, mechanical impurities Absent
Flash point,°С: in opened crucible, not less 150 138
Pour point, not more -53 -35
Coking, %, not more 0,1 0,15
Evaporation (150 °С, 3 h, air flow 1,5 dm3/min), %, not more 7,0 -
Tribological descriptions on ЧШМТ at: (20±5) °С, critical load, N, not less 840 -
index of wear at an axial load 196 N, not more 0,5 -
Thermal-oxidative stability, h (175 °С, air flow 10 dm3/h) 50 -
Indexes after oxidation:
Kinematics viscosity, mm2/s, at temperature: 100 °С, not more 10 -
-35 °С 11500 -
Mаss stake of sediment, insoluble in an isooctane,%, not more 0,15 -
Corrosion on plates, g/m2, not more:
steel ШХ 15 Absent -
aluminium alloy АК4 ±0,2 -
copper М1 and М2 ±0,5 -
Degree of cleanness: number of filtrations 1 -
the content of sediment, mg/100 g, not more 60 -
Color, units of ЦНТ, not more 1,5 -

Oils for helicopters

In helicopters the engines, reduction gears of transmission and hinges of
propellers hubs are lubricated by oils. In the engines of the МИ-6 and МИ-10
helicopters the МС-8п and МС-8рк oils are used; in the MИ-2 and MИ-8 helicopters
the Б-ЗВ synthetic oil is used; in the turbo-compressor unit of the МИ-26 helicopter
power-plant the ИПМ-10 synthetic izoparaffin oil is used. In engines and reduction
gears of perspective and new designed helicopters the ПТС-225 synthetic oil is
recommended to use. For lubrication of the helicopters transmission reduction gears
the wide assortment of oils of the different designation is used, the level of quality of
which is inferior. Because the little-viscosity oils of engines have insufficient
lubrication ability, and high-viscosity oils possess unsatisfactory low temperature
properties, for lubrication of transmissions reduction gears the mixtures of oils are
widely applied. In the МИ-6 and МИ-8 helicopters for summer exploitation to the
temperature –10 °С the СМ-11,5 mixture of oils [with 75 % (mas. stake) of the
MC-20 oil and 25 % (mas. stake) of the MC-8п oil] is used; for winter exploitation
the СМ-8 mixture of oils [50 % (mas. stake) the MC-20 oil and 50 % (mas. stake) the
MC-8п oil] is used. In the helicopters reduction gears of tail transmission in summer
the MC-20 oil and the ТCгип transmission oil (for ТУ 38.101332-90) are widely
applied; in winter from bad low temperature properties of oils the mixture of the
MC-20 oil with the MC-8п oil and mixture of ТСгип with the liquid of АМГ-10
(mixture of oils СМ-9) are used.

Descriptions of oil mixtures used in helicopters reduction gears

Indexes СМ-11,5 СМ-8 СМ-9

Kinematics viscosity, mm /s, at temperature: 100 °С 11-12,6 6,5-7,5 11
Flash point, °С: in opened crucible, not less 165 155 140
Pour point, not more -22 -30 -45
Acid number, mg КОН/g, not more 0,05 0,05 3,5
Ash-content, %, not more 0,004 0,004 -
Lubricating properties: critical load, N 500 440 -
index of wear , mm 0,63 0,66 -

Application of oil mixtures complicates exploitation of helicopters and can not

provide safety of flights. From synthetic oils in the reduction gears of the МИ-2 and
МИ-8 helicopters, and also in the main reduction gear of the МИ-26 heavy-loaded
helicopter the Б-3В pentaerythritol oil is used. The hinges of propellers of domestic
helicopters are lubricated by seasonal oils. In the axial hinges of propeller hubs
during summer exploitation the MC-20 oil is applied, in winter the ВНИИНП-25 and
ВО-12 oils are used. The ВО-12 oil can be used as all-season oil in the range of
temperatures of +60 up to –50 °С. The horizontal and vertical hinges of helicopters
propeller hubs in summer are lubricated by the ТСгип oil, in winter – by mixture of
oils of ТСгип and АМГ-10.

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