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Introduction to Chemical Process Analysis

Assignment 5 Solutions

a. For 24°C and 50% relative humidity, from Figure 8.4-1

Absolute humidity = 0.0093 kg water/kg DA

Humid volume = 0.856 m3 /kg DA
Specific enthalpy = (48 − 0.2) kJ/kg DA = 47.8 kJ/kg DA
𝑇𝑑𝑒𝑤 𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡 = 13℃
𝑇𝑤𝑏 = 17℃

b. 24°C (Tdb)

c. 13°C (dew point)

d. Water evaporates, causing your skin temperature to drop. 𝑇𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑛 = 13℃ (𝑇𝑤𝑏 )
At 98% relative humidity the rate of evaporation would be lower, Tskin would be closer to Tambient, and
you would not feel as cold.

a. Rate of water evaporation:
2.44 kg H2 O
rate = 400 kg/min x = 10.0 kg/min
97.56 kg air

b. Absolute humidity:
10.0 kg H2 O/min
ℎ𝑎 = = 0.025 kg H2 O/kg dry air
400 kg dry air/min

𝑇𝑑𝑏 = 50℃

From Figure 8.4-1:

ℎ𝑟 = 32%
Ĥ = (116 − 1.1) = 115 kJ/kg dry air
𝑇𝑑𝑒𝑤 𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡 = 28℃
𝑇𝑤𝑏 = 33℃

c. Absolute humidity and specific enthalpy:

𝑇𝑑𝑏 = 10℃ saturated

ℎ𝑎 = 0.0077 kg H2 O/kg dry air

Ĥ = 29.5 kJ/kg dry air

d. Rate of condensation of water:

400 kg dry air (0.0250 − 0.0077) kg H2 O

rate = x = 6.92 kg H2 O/min
min kg dry air

Substance ṁin (kg/min) Ĥin (kJ/kg) ṁout (kg/min) Ĥout (kJ/kg)
Air 400 115 400 29.5
H2O (l) / / 6.92 42

Rate of heat transferred:

75.4 J 1 mol 1 kJ 103 g

Ĥ= × × (10 − 0)℃ × 3 × = 42 kJ/kg
mol ℃ kg 10 J 1 kg

−34,027.8 kJ 1min 1 kW
𝑄 = ∆𝐻 = ∑ ṁ𝑖 Ĥ𝑖 − ∑ ṁ𝑖 Ĥ𝑖 = × × = −565 kW
𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑖𝑛 min s 1 kJ/s

e. T > 50°C, because the heat required to evaporate the water would be transferred from the air,
causing its temperature to drop. To calculate (Tair)in, you would need to know the flow rate,
heat capacity and temperature of the solids.

a. Heat removed:
2 mol H2 SO4 = 0.30(2.00 + 𝑛𝐻2𝑂 )
𝑛𝐻2𝑂 = 4.67 mol H2 O
𝑟= = 2.33 mol H2 O2 /mol H2 SO4

For a closed system at constant pressure,

−44.28 kJ
𝑄 = ∆𝐻 = 𝑛𝐻2𝑆𝑂4 ∆Ĥ𝑠 (25℃, 𝑟 = 2.33) = 2 mol H2 SO4 × = −88.6 kJ
mol H2 SO4

b. Solution temperature:
98.08 g H2 SO4 18.0 g H2 O
𝑚𝑠𝑜𝑙 = 2 mol H2 SO4 × + 4.67 mol H2 O × = 280.2 g
mol mol
∆𝐻 = 0 → 𝑛𝐻2𝑆𝑂4 ∆Ĥ𝑠 (25℃, 𝑟 = 2.33) + 𝑚 ∫ 𝐶𝑝 𝑑𝑇 = 0

3.3 J 1 kJ
−88.6 kJ + (280.2 + 150)g × × (𝑇 − 25℃) × = 0 → 𝑇 = 87℃
g℃ 1000 J

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