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Ronald Sevilla POGI

3. Significance of the study

Customer behavior refers to an individual's buying habits, including social trends, frequency

patterns, and background factors influencing their decision to buy something. Businesses study

customer behavior to understand their target audience and create more-enticing products and

service offers. Thus, the result of this study will help the business owners specially the Ulding’s

hotel and management sectors or the hospitality industry business field to better and fully

understand the behavioral pattern of their customer and employee to provide necessary actions

and solutions to their problem. Also, the findings of study will also provide accurate insight of

various possible strategy approach to be use in their business that will benefit both business

owners and their customer.

3.1 Customer

The Ulding’s hotel customer will be the primary beneficiary of this study, it will help them

acknowledge that they have different behavioral pattern and preference when it come to the

factors that influence their decision in choosing a hotel that is suitable for them. This study will

guide them to assess themselves of what is the best way possible to meet their preference and

3.2 Employee

As for Ulding’s hotel employee, this study will help them to have personalization to different

customer. It will help them get idea of personalizing content that is suitable and unique to

different customer. This study will give them the ability to predict customers overall value

through thorough analysis and identifying customer characteristics.

3.3 Hotel

This Study will help the Ulding’s hotel and the hospitality industry know it is important, to

create an environment where hotel staff can enjoy working together and sure there’s

opportunities for the whole employee team to bond and establish friendly and relaxed

relationships. The result of this research will also give hands-on advice that will let the hotel

know that they care about their employee and customer and are willing to help them if they need

it. By being positive and receptive this research will foster a greatly improved relationship with

hotel to staff, and they'll be more open to giving and getting criticism.

3.4 Owner

This research will help the owner formulate strategies to help his business prosper by taking

advantage through understanding customers behavior in hospitality industry. Competitive

analysis and brand monitoring would be one of the approaches by reviewing customer feedback,

this study will help hotel owners understand their guests, figure out their expectations, and what

they liked or disliked about their stay. Thus, interpreted data of this research will be beneficial
for Ulding’s hotel owners since the hospitality industry is all about customer experiences and

keeping up with their changing expectations.

3.5 Researcher

The purpose of this research for us the researcher is to attain greater knowledge and

understanding of the customers behavior specifically in the field of hospitality industry. This

research will help us discover methods to observe situations or events that affect people’s

behavior. Implement produces objective data that can be clearly communicated through statistics

and numbers. We do this in a systematic scientific way so the result of this study can help hotel

businesses and the general public to acknowledge customer’s differences.

3.6 Government

In the government aspect this study will help them identify if there are progress improvement of

the customers behavior in hotel preference. Improving the customers behavior experience can

also reverse slumping employee engagement at government agencies themselves. Also, through

his research they will have access data engagement of what is happening from private-sector

hotel companies in relation to public, to help them ease government agencies struggle in

maintaining engagement among their own employees. This study will help the government

identify a direct link between employee engagement and a positive customer behavior


3.7 Future Researcher

For the future researchers, this study will help them to uncover critical areas in the study of the

customers behavior that were not covered and were not able to explore by our research. Thus,

more possible methodology, approach and strategy may occur overtime.

4. Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to understand the behavioral profile on how the customer’s behavior influences

their decisions and buying pattern in hotel or hospitality industry field. This research includes

studying the behavioral profile of the customer in hospitality industry specifically their behavior

such as; purchasing behavior, benefit sought, occasions/timing, customer loyalty, and user status.

Demographic profile such as; name, age, gender, civil status and employment. Psychographic

profile this pertains to what satisfy them such as; room service, food service, security, cleanliness

and sanitation, etc., geographic location and other variables that affects their preference such as

social crisis like the increasing economic activity, health crisis such as global pandemic.

The location or setting of the study where the data will be gathered is in Marasbaras Tacloban

City in Ulding’s hotel. The timeframe within which the data is to be collected is 3-5 days in the

setting. The subject matter of the study or the population sample to be selected is the customer

that had checked-in, checked-out, and about to check-in the Ulding’s hotel. Thus, we must meet

enough sample needs or the population needs to be large to be able to make accurate conclusion

and generalization of the study. We the researchers will split ourselves in the setting in order to

manage our time efficiently and reach our target sample fast. We will execute our research

through random sampling specifically the ‘by chance’ sampling procedure to accurately interpret

the result.
Our research is design to understand the behavioral profile of the customer in Ulding’s Hotel,

thus, this research does not include other customer from different hotel’s and other hospitality

industries outside Tacloban City because the researcher cannot manage such huge sample and it

will be irrelevant to the result of this study. This study limits the sample within Marasbaras

Tacloban City and the previous customer of Ulding’s hotel in order to maintain validity and

reliability of this study. The result is best effective within the scope but does not mean hospitality

industries will not benefit from this, the result will just vary though effectiveness, validity and

reliability from different areas.

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