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Graves’ Risk is increased

Other eye and facial signs

Disease with smokers


Patients with high TSI also Edematous swelling of

Thyroid gland Production of retro-orbital tissues &
Thyroid-Stimulating have high concentration of Eye muscles Ophthalmopathy Von Graefe’s sign
Bone marrow degenerative changes in
Immunoglobulins (TSI) immunoglobulins that react
Lymph node extraocular muscles

stimulate Thyroid Dermopathy Warm and moist skin, Sweating and heat intolerance
Skin & Hair
Skin Clubbing Palmar erythema, Onycholysis, Pruritus, Urticaria, and
(+) TRAbs Diffuse hyperpigmentation, Fine hair, Diffuse alopecia
TSH Receptors

Sexual function Impotence, Oligomenorrhea or Amenorrhea(rare)

Increased uptake Thyroid Hormone Production Increased T3 and CNS effects ↑ neuronal synapse
Fine muscle tremors
of Iodine T4 production reactivity

Iodine Trapping ↑ metabolism

↑ Excitability and Constant feeling of tiredness but have
Negative Irritability difficulty sleeping
Thyroid Scan
Formation and Secretion feedback
of Thyroglobulin
↑ O₂ and nutrient ↑Protein synthesis Glucose absorption Decreased GI transit time,
demand Gluconeogenesis increase stool frequency with ↑ Appetite
Oxidation of Iodide Glycogenolysis diarrhea
Decreased TSH

Organification of
Thyroglobulin Cardiovascular
Thyroid Function Tests: effects Weight loss Despite
↑ FT4
Storage of ↑ FT3
Thyroglobulin ↓ TSH
↑ Cardiac output
Release of Free T3 ↑ Heart rate (+) Atrial Fibrilation Warfarin
and T4 ↑ heart strength
Diffusely enlarged thyroid ↑ RR
(+) Thyrotoxic State Digoxin
gland with uniformly increased Deiodination of T4 → T3
Managed with

inhibits Propranolol (20-40 mg q6h)

Propylthiouracil (100-200
mg q6-8h)
Increased vascularity
May cause Hepatitis(rare) around thyroid gland

(+) bruits over thyroid gland

Managed with

Antithyroid Drugs Methimoxazole (15-40mg QD)

May cause Cholestasis(rare)

Common Side Other rare Side

Effects Effects

Rash Vasculitis
Urticaria Agranulocytosis

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