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Lesson 2.

Diagnostic and laboratory.

2.1 Conversation with a general physician at his clinic.

Patient: Good evening doctor.

Doctor: Good evening. You look pale and your voice is out of tune.

Patient: Yes doctor. I’m running a temperature and have a sore


Doctor: Lemme see.

(He touches the forehead to feel the temperature.)

Doctor: You’ve moderate fever.

(He then whips out a thermometer.)

Patient: This thermometer is very different from the one you used
the last time. (Unlike the earlier one which was placed below the
tongue, this one snapped around one of the fingers.)

Doctor: Yes, this is a new introduction by the medical equipment

companies. It’s much more convenient, as it doesn’t require cleaning
after every use.

Patient: That’s awesome.

Doctor: Yes it is.

(He removes the thermometer and looks at the reading.)

Doctor: Not too high – 99.8.

(He then proceeds with measuring blood pressure.)

Doctor: Your blood pressure is fine.

(He then checks the throat.)

Doctor: It looks bit scruffy. Not good.

Patient: Yes, it has been quite bad.

Doctor: Do you get sweating and shivering?

Patient: Not sweating, but I feel somewhat cold when I sit under a

Doctor: OK. You’ve few symptoms of malaria. I would suggest you

undergo blood test. Nothing to worry about. In most cases, the tests
come out to be negative. It’s just precautionary, as there have been
spurt in malaria cases in the last month or so.
(He then proceeds to write the prescription.)

Doctor: I’m prescribing three medicines and a syrup. The number of

dots in front of each tells you how many times in the day you’ve to
take them. For example, the two dots here mean you’ve to take the
medicine twice in the day, once in the morning and once post-

Doctor: Do you’ve any other questions?

Patient: No, doctor. Thank you.

2.1.1 Choose True or False, according with the conversation.

1. The patient has high fever. True False

2. Doctor’s thermometer is different from the one he used last time. True False

3. Doctor says that his thermometer is better now. True False

4. Doctor says that patient’s blood pressure is high. True False

5. Doctor says that patient’s throat looks bit scruffy. True False

6. The patient has malaria. True False

7. Doctor suggest him a blood test. True False

8. Doctor prescribe him three syrups. True False

9. Dots in the medicine means how many times in the

day he has to take them. True False

2.2 Read and answer.

Health Problems.
Agnes: When I get sick, I usually get headaches and a stuffy
nose and
My body aches and usually I don’t take medications. I
just drink a lot of tea with lemon. Tea with lemon is a
very good home remedy for a cold.
Daniel: When I have the flu I have a stuffy nose, a sore throat,
my eyes water. I usually take an aspirin and some rest,
and… a day or two I’m fine.
Alyssa: Usually when I feel sick I try to get lots of sleep. I also
drink water and I take cough medicine.
Jonathan: I have very bad allergies. My nose is always stuffed and I
get a headache. It’s very bad. Usually, I take my allergy
medicine but it doesn’t always work and it makes me
kind of drowsy.
Dayanne: Sometimes my back hurts and when this happens I go to
my yoga class to stretch.

2.2.1 Staying healthy.

Kumiko: I’m a very healthy person. I have asthma, but I hardly
ever get sick. To stay healthy- don’t smoke. You should
exercise every day, I don’t do exercise, but you really
should exercise every day.
Jennifer: I go to the gym, I exercise, and I try to eat good foods.
Dave: To stay healthy you must drink a lot of orange juice,
wash your hands, and eat right.
Daniel: Drink a lot of fluids, get a good night’s rest, and exercise
Dayanne: Don’t smoke, eat well, and exercise.

2.2.1 Health Problems.

What do these people say about being sick? Read the interview
and circle the correct answers.

1. When Agnes gets sick, she usually takes / doesn’t take


2. When Daniel has the flu, he gets a stuffy nose and a headache /

sore throat.

3. When Alyssa feels sick, she drinks orange juice / water and

takes cough medicine.

4. Jonathan’s allergy medicine makes him feel kind of drowsy /


5. When Dayanne’s back hurts, she takes a hot bath / goes to a

yoga class.
2.2.2 Staying healthy.

You will hear these words in the interviews about “Staying

healthy”. Use the words to complete the sentences.

Fluids - smoke - asthma

1. A person with

_____________has trouble breathing sometimes.

2. ______________are liquids like water, juice, and tea.

3. People who _____________cigarettes can have many health


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