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Engaging Activities

I. Matching Type: Match category A to category B and write the letter of the
correct answer before the number.
__c._ 1. Firmness a. Cultural artifacts
__b._ 2. Commodity b. Intended use of the structure
__e._ 3. Delight c. Durability of the building
__d._ 4. Modern Architecture d. Cost effective
__a._ 5. Ancient Architecure e. Beauty of the structure
__f.__ 6. Stone f. Granite
__g. _ 7. Wood g. Narra
__j.__ 8. Glass h. Terracota clay
__i.__ 9. Steel i. Metal brace
__h._10. Bricks j. Stained glass window

I. True or False. Read the following statements carefully, write T if the

statement is true and write F it is false.
True 21. Most of the original theatre plays in the Philippines today were
products of literary competitions.
True 22. The transformation of ballet and modern dance into its Filipinized
character was initiated by Anita Kan.
True 23. The first Filipino modern dance and one of the greatest probably is
Manolo Rosado.
True 24. The Lilliputans and Imperial Russian Circus presented the first ballet
performances in Manila.
False 25. The zarswela eventually was replaced by “bodabil” or stage show
during the American period.
False 26. The new system of public education made it difficult for the western
music to influence Filipino culture.
True 27. The first year of celebrating the death anniversary of Jose Rizal which
was hold on Libertad Theatre.
False 28. No doubt that Filipino folk dance found their origin during the
American colonial era.
True 29. The Augustinian introduced Hispano-musical orientation among the
natives of the archipelago.
True30. Indon-Malay & Arabic musical influence are more pronounced that the
Chinese and the Japanese.
PT 1
How can improvisation contribute to the distinctive quality of the artwork?

Improvisation is the act of performing something without planning ahead of time. There is a
decision to take action in response to something that may or may not have been planned. Because of
the unexpected things brought about by improvisation, it gives the artwork a particular aspect that
gives it its own personality and individuality. Improvisation can contribute to the distinctive quality of
the artwork by incorporating unplanned elements, improvisation make art sound more alive and it can
improve the nature of art. Through improvisation people or artist learn new things that may add up to
make their artwork more unique and exclusive.

PT 2
Research on one (1) appropriation artist and highlight his or her artwork. Using that artwork,
answer this essay question: To what extent is art appropriation a form of forgery?

Wayne White

Wayne White takes cheap, mass-produced lithographs which he finds in secondhand thrift stores
and painstakingly paints phrases or words on them in a glossy, 3-D style. His work is an intentional
melding of cheeky, clever humor with kitsch and vernacular source imagery – a hallmark of the Low
Brow art scene.
Beauty is Embarrassing – Wayne White, 2004

Aw Cmon – Wayne White, 2004

A lot of people really misunderstand

appropriation . Appropriation is the act of borrowing or reusing existing elements inside a new work.
A lot of appropriation is referencing or quoting. Art Appropriation forms a forgery when the artist and
its artwork is a form of copy that tries to hide its source and passes it as original. In order to know that
an art work is not a forgery the author must declares that he takes over a written form and transforms
it into his own while keeping the properties its source.

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