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A Detailed Lesson Plan

in Math Grade 7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to attain the following with at level
75% mastery level.
1. perform fundamental operations on integers. (M7NS-Ic-d-1)
II. Learning Content
A. Topic

 Numbers & Number Sense: Fundamental Operations on Integers

B. Learning Materials/References

 Powerpoint on Fundamental Operations on Integers

 Model of number line, cards of number steps
 Reference: Nivera, Gladys C. (2002). Elementary Algebra I. Salesiana Books.
Makati City. page 34-45
III. Learning Strategies

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Phase

1. Preparation

Good morning class. Good morning Ma’am.

How are you today? We’re all fine Ma’am.

Before we start our lesson, let us pray first.

Who wants to lead the prayer? (Student raising her hand)

Okay Brenna. Go in front and lead the prayer. (Praying)

Let us check the attendance first.

Is there anyone in the class who’s absent? None Ma’am. All are present.

2. Motivation

Class have you ever tried subtracting a larger

number from a smaller number? (Student raising his hand)

Yes Tyler? Ma’am, is that possible?

Class do you think it’s possible? (Student raising her hand)

Yes Kate? Yes Ma’am. The result would be a negative

number. Negative numbers are numbers that
are less than zero.
Well said Kate. Very good.
Do you want to play class? Yes Ma’am.

So here’s what we’re going to play. There will

be 2 groups. The task of each group is to give
an equation to be answered by the other group
using the number steps and vice versa.
Let’s start with Group 1. Group 1: 3+5=?

Group 2: (Moves 3 steps to the right and from

that point; another 5 steps to the right) The
answer is 8.

Is their answer right? Group 1: Yes Ma’am.

Very good Group 2. Group 2: -3+5=?

Group 1: (Moves 3 steps to the left and from

that point; another 5 steps to the right) The
answer is 2.

Is their answer correct? Group 2: Yes Ma’am.

Very good Group 1. Group 1: 3-5=?

Group 2: (Moves 3 steps to the right and from

that point; another 5 steps to the left) The
answer is -2.

Did they step on the right answer? Group 1: Yes Ma’am.

Very good Group 2. Group 2: -3-5=?

Group 1: (Moves 3 steps to the left and from

that point; another 5 steps to the left) The
answer is -8.

Did they step on the correct answer? Group 2: Yes Ma’am.

Very good Group 1. Group 1: 3*2=?

Group 2: (Steps on positive 6) The answer is 6.

Is their answer right? Group 1: Yes Ma’am.

Good job Group 2. Group 2: 3*(-2)=?

Group 1: (Steps on negative 6) The answer is –


Is their answer correct? Group 2: Yes Ma’am.

Good job Group 1. Group 1: 6/2=?

Group 2: (Steps on positive 3) The answer is 3.

Did they step on the correct answer? Group 1: Yes Ma’am.

Exactly Group 2. Group 2: -6/2=?

Group 1: (Steps on negative 3) The answer is


Did they step on the right answer? Group 2: Yes Ma’am.

Exactly Group 1.

Class did you enjoy the activity? Yes Ma’am.

Based on our activity, what did you notice? (Student raising his hand)

Yes Roger? Ma’am in order to solve each equation in the

activity, we must be aware with the
fundamental operations on integers.
Well said Roger.

B. Developmental Phase

Class who among you know what are the

fundamental operations on integers? (Student raising her hand)

Yes Ian? Addition, subtraction, multiplication and

division Ma’am.
Very good Ian.

I have here a number line. How can we add 3

and 4? (Student raising her hand)

Yes Jas? Ma’am from zero we’ll just move 3 units to the
right and from that point we’ll add another 4
units to the right.
Very good Jas.

So what will be the sum? (Student raising her hand)

Yes Riza? The answer is 7 Ma’am.

Very good Riza.

How about if we add -3 and -4? (Student raising his hand)

Yes Miguel? Ma’am from zero we’ll just move 3 units to the
left and from that point we’ll add another 4
units to the left.
Very good Miguel.

So what will be the sum if we added the two? (Student raising his hand)

Yes Rico? The answer is -7 Ma’am.

Very good Rico.

Class what did you notice in adding the two

equations? (Student raising her hand)
Yes Steph? Ma’am for numbers with the same signs, we’ll
just add the numbers and copy the sign.
Well said Steph. A big hand for her class.

Now can we add numbers with unlike signs? If

yes how will we add -3 and 4? (Student raising her hand)

Yes Fely? Ma’am from zero we’ll just move 3 units to the
left and from that point we’ll add another 4
units to the right.
Very good Fely.

So what will be the sum if we added -3 and 4? (Student raising his hand)

Yes Darren? The answer is 1 Ma’am.

Very good Darren.

Class what did you notice in adding the

numbers with unlike signs? (Student raising her hand)

Yes Des? Ma’am for numbers with unlike signs, we’ll

just subtract the numbers and copy the sign of
the biggest number.
Well said Des.

Using the number line how can we subtract 3

from 4? (Student raising his hand)

Yes George? Ma’am from zero we’ll just move 4 units to the
right and from that point we’ll subtract another
3 units going to the left.
Very good George.

What will be the difference then? (Student raising his hand)

Yes Willy? Ma’am the answer is 1.

Very good Willy.

How about subtracting -3 from -4? (Student raising her hand)

Yes Daisy? Ma’am from zero we’ll just move 4 units to the
left and from that point we’ll subtract another 3
units going to the right.
Very good Daisy.

So what will be the difference if we subtract

the two? (Student raising his hand)

Yes Mark? Ma’am the answer is -1.

How about subtracting -3 from 4? (Student raising her hand)

Yes Gillian? Ma’am from zero we’ll just move 4 units to the
right and from that point we’ll add another 3
units going to the right.
Very good Gillian.

What will be the difference if we subtract the

two? (Student raising his hand)

Yes Drake? Ma’am the answer is 7.

Now who can tell me what rule did we

followed in subtracting integers? (Student raising his hand)

Yes Carlo? Ma’am I think same rules will be followed in

adding and subtracting integers. For numbers
with the same signs, we’ll just subtract the
numbers and copy the sign and for numbers
with unlike signs, we’ll just add the numbers
and copy the sign of the biggest number.

Give a big hand for Carlo.

Since you are now familiar with the rules in

adding and subtracting integers, we’re now
going to multiply integers.
Class what is the product of 3 and 4? (Student raising her hand)

Yes Joanne? Ma’am the answer is 12.

Very good Joanne.

How about multiplying -3 and -4? (Student raising her hand)

Yes Andrea? The answer is 12 Ma’am.

Very good Andrea.

Class what did you notice in multiplying

integers with like signs? (Student raising her hand)

Yes Clarisse? Ma’am multiplying numbers with the same

sign will result with a positive product.
Very good Clarisse.

How about multiplying -3 by 4? (Student raising her hand)

Yes Erica? Ma’am the answer is -12.

Very good Erica.

Class why do you think Erica come up with

that answer? (Student raising his hand)

Yes Harold? Ma’am multiplying numbers with unlike signs

will result with a negative product.
Very good Harold.

Class what do you think is the quotient when

we divide 12 by 4? (Student raising her hand)
Yes Carol? The answer will be 3 Ma’am.

Very good Carol.

How about dividing -12 by -4? (Student raising his hand)

Yes Sean? The answer is also 3 Ma’am.

Why do you say so? Ma’am dividing numbers with the same sign
will result with a positive quotient.
Well said Sean.

How about dividing -12 by 4? (Student raising his hand)

Yes Patrick? Ma’am the answer is -3 because dividing

numbers with unlike signs will result with a
negative quotient.
Well said Patrick.

Class do you find our lesson interesting? Yes Ma’am.

Did you enjoy the lesson for today class? Yes Ma’am.

Did you learn something new? Yes Ma’am.

C. Culminating Phase

Okay class what do you think is the essence of

studying the fundamental operations on
integers? (Student raising his hand)

Yes Carlo? The study of the fundamental operations on

integers enables us to study the rules in adding,
subtracting, multiplying and dividing such
numbers which gives us the new idea of
representing numbers with direction.
Excellent Carlo.

Again who can tell me the rules in adding and

subtracting integers? (Student raising his hand)

Yes Rico? Ma’am same rules will be followed in adding

and subtracting integers. For numbers with the
same signs, we’ll just add/subtract the numbers
and copy the sign and for numbers with the
unlike signs, we’ll just subtract/add the
numbers and copy the sign of the biggest
Well said Rico.

How about the rules in multiplying and

dividing integers? (Student raising her hand)

Yes Laura? Ma’am same rules will be followed in

multiplying and dividing integers.
Multiplying/dividing numbers with the same
sign will result with a positive
Multiplying/dividing numbers with unlike
signs will result with a negative
Well said Laura.

IV. Assessment
Now that you’re all familiar with the rules in
operating integers, we’re going to have an
activity. By group you’re going to present an
example on the application of integers. Is it
okay class? Yes Ma’am.

(Students are brainstorming.)

Okay. Group 1, present your work in front. Ma’am we have 10 members in our group.
Each of us has 2 ballpens. We lend 4 ballpens
to the other group. How many ballpens are

Class what do you think? Group 3: They only have 16 ballpens.

Is that correct Group 1? Yes Ma’am.

Next. Group 2, present your work in front. Ma’am we have 60 five-peso coins in all and
we have 10 members in the group. How much
will each member receive?

Class what do you think? Group 1: Each of them will receive Php 30.

Is that correct Group 2? Yes Ma’am.

And for the last group, Group 3… Ma’am we’re 10 in our group and there are
only 6 chairs in front of us left to be seated.
How many of us remained standing?

Class what do you think? Group 2: 4 of them will be standing Ma’am.

Is that correct Group 3? Yes Ma’am.

V. Assignment

And for your assignment, observe your home

and community, list down activities/situations
wherein application of integers can be found
and next meeting you are going to present your
answers by group. Do you get it? Yes Ma’am

Okay that’s all for today. Goodbye class. Goodbye Ma’am.

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