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CLP Leadership Statements

Fall 2021
Blaine Atkins
Leadership is genuine and individual kindness and care for others, which inspires and enables people to
accomplish what they can. It stems from a confidence and comfortability and accurate understanding of

Jesica Baca
Leadership is the courage to know yourself and know others while also allowing to be known. It is
simultaneously investing in your own and others' growth to achieve the very best version of ourselves together.

Luca Bertoldi
Leadership is only functional when you share your life with others.

Katie Blair
Leadership is being the seed of the tree and the elements that help the tree bear fruit.

Zach Bowers
Leadership is inspiring others or the self to be or do better.

Byron Carabajal
Leadership is compassion, empathy, and devotion to engage with others in their most authentic form. It is about
meeting people where they are at and striving towards a common goal.

Mary Diesslin
Leadership is knowing and loving people well so that we can honor and celebrate each person's gifts, and in
doing so, contribute to the good in the world.

Abby Freimuth
Leadership is a dynamic, transformative process—empowering others as if they are family, loving yourself
amidst uncertainty, and guiding change with radical empathy, humility, equity, and vulnerability.

Amara Gamache
Leadership is climbing the mountain. It’s intimidating to begin and scary to continue but once you learn to trust
yourself through the hardship you can recognize your strength. Everyone is climbing their own
mountain, leadership is recognizing that struggle, aligning it with your own, and helping them to the top the best
you can.

Jasmine Gregg
Leadership is embracing the frustrations of failure, knowing they are necessary for future success.

Olivia Grob
Leadership is the accompaniment of others on their journey of self-discovery while working towards the
common good.

Abby Groh
Leadership is innately human—it relies on the delicate interactions between leader and follower and is fueled by
their core desires.
Peter Jonas
Leadership is learning how to manage and sustain relationships through both harmony and uncertainty.

Daniel Kireopoulos
Leadership is stressful and complicated. It works you down to your core and reveals the truths about who you
really are. Leadership is also beautiful. It challenges you to be the best version of yourself and become a leader
who others believe in. At the end of the day, leadership is what makes us human and brings us together to
enjoy in a common identity.

Lucy Lawler
Leadership is a hand to guide and to hold.

Bridgette McCarthy
Leadership is being vulnerable and making others feel connected and in community with one another, even
when that leads to discomfort and disagreement.

Delaney McDermott
Leadership is having the courage to push others beyond what they think they are capable of and walking with
them as they explore that potential.

Cami McDonnell
Leadership is putting aside your preconceived ideas about someone or something and opening your heart and
mind to consider a perspective different than your own.

Emma McGregor
Leadership is leaning into each moment, appreciating each step and learning to honor each fall. But in essence,
it revolves around engaging with impact greater then one’s self.

Collin O’Grady
Leadership is the ability to harness energy and commonality among others and yourself in order to achieve
sustainable goals for the betterment of a group.

Andrew O’Rourke
Leadership is recognizing the trust in others. It is a two-way street of believing that the other person is making
the correct decision in you, and you in them.

Chris Prinster
Leadership is the ability to adapt leadership styles, provide support, ask tough questions, listen to feedback,
embrace vulnerability, learn from each other, build meaningful relationships, develop a positive problem-solving
environment, and energize members to become leaders themselves.

Declan Scallen
Leadership is creating a space for a group to achieve their intended goals. A combination of initiative,
interpersonal skills, and self-awareness are used to guide a group through the hurdles and challenges they face.

Cassidy Sebastian
Leadership is vulnerably energizing the hearts and minds of others while providing the platform to continuously
work together towards progressive goals.
Jack Sichi
Leadership is being a supportive and caring individual who knows how to get the most out of a group or the
people they are involved in. This is done by being vulnerable, authentic, and deeply involved in each of the
member's wellbeing.

Emma Stickney
Leadership is an adaptive process that can be found in relationships, workplace environments, sports teams, and
even on an individual level. The best leaders are kind, courageous, committed, genuine, aware, and always strive
to create other leaders.

Blake Tarbell
Leadership is moving people towards a common goal through vulnerability, empathy, communication, and

Sydney Tawfik
Leadership is doing the most with what you know and readily admitting what you don’t.

Taeya Thomson
Leadership is about building relationships that are meaningful and using that established trust and
connectedness to tackle the challenges within our jobs, lives, and relationships.

Austin Versteeg
Leadership is the ability to recognize people, their stories, and events that have shaped them. Through this
leadership is activating people through those stories and experiences in order to strive for a goal that then
leaves those people and who they affect, in a better place than they were before.

Dugan Watts
Leadership is forming deep connections that bring us closer to who we're meant to be.

Lina Waughman
Leadership is listening from the heart with compassion and turning judgment into curiosity. Leadership is having
the courage to be vulnerable while understanding that progress is not always linear.

Sydney Weathers
Leadership is where a problem meets compassion meets thoughtful work and the spread of a solution.

Cameron Weaver
Leadership is more than a position. Leadership is empowering others to become their best self. Leadership is
inspiring others to work towards a common goal.

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