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Homework about communication – page 111

Complete the chart with your ideas about dangerous jobs

Job Description Bad things about the job Good things about the job
Firefighter Puts out fires in houses and other Could be burned; Saves people’s lives
buildings. Has to work really fast.
race car driver Drive car in high velocity. Put themselves life at risk Provides entertainment to people
Tiger trainer To train tigers to obey your Put themselves life at risk Provides entertainment to people
commands “in an attempt to unnecessary;
train them”. Could be eaten for the animal;
Keep animals jailed out of
Mistreat the animals.

Talking about dangerous work

1. Would you like to do any of the jobs in the exercise above? Why or why not?

Yes, I’d like to work likes a firefighter.

Despite being a dangerous job I consider it a noble job because saves lives and should be more
respected. I’d like to save lives.

2. What other jobs are dangerous? Why?

Maintenance in electrical high voltage line, Police officers, rescuers, divers and can’t leave talking about
my work area, work with inflammable gas and activities in high levels is too dangerous because one little
negligence can cause a fatality.

3. Why are people attracted to dangerous jobs?

I have some consideration about this. In some cases like firefighters, police officers, rescuers and
something like that, are necessary and important occupations, it’s a moral call of duty, a vocation.
However, like the situation mentioned above, race car driver or tiger trainer, I’m not sure, but I think
must be because the adrenaline or an overcoming sense.
Homework about adverbial clauses of time – page 113

Underline the adverbial clause. Then rewrite the sentences in your notebook with the adverbial clause

Q: I take a shower and eat breakfast before I go to class.

A: Before I go to class, I take a shower and eat breakfast

Q: He called the fire department as soon as he saw the flames.

A: As soon as he saw the flames, he called the fire department.

Q: We feel nervous whenever we have a test.

A: Whenever we have a test, we feel nervous.

Q: I like to watch the news on TV while I eat breakfast.

A: While I eat breakfast, I like to watch the news on TV.

Q: I screamed when I saw the snake.

A: When I saw the snake, I screamed.

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