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Perencanaan di domain public
Planning on Public Domain
• “ilmu perencanaan”: membahas perencanaan bukan di
domain “individu” dan “badan usaha”, melainkan di
domain “publik”
• "Planning science": discuss planning not in "individual"
and "business" domains, but in the "public" domain
• Mencakup perencanaan masyarakat di suatu wilayah
(komunitas lokal, wilayah/daerah, negara, dunia)
• Includes planning in community, local, region, nation,
global levels
• Menghadapi ketidakpastian yang lebih kompleks
• Planning on public domains facing more complex
Kata Kunci Utama
Main Keywords

• Rencana (plan)
• Merencanakan (to plan)
• Perencanaan (planning)
• Perencana (planner)
Manusia & Ketidakpastian
Human & Uncertainty
• Selalu menghadapi ketidakpastian (uncertainty)
• Humans are always faced with uncertainty
• Ketidakpastian menimbulkan biaya, beban dan resiko
• Uncertainty creates costs, expenses and risks
• Manusia selalu melakukan berbagai upaya menaklukan ketidakpastian,
baik secara rasional maupun irasional
• Humans make various efforts to overcome uncertainty, both rationally
and irrationally
• Perencanaan adalah cara rasional untuk menghadapi ketidakpastian
• Planning is a rational way to deal with uncertainty
Sejarah Profesi Perencana
History of the planner profession
Profesi perencana di masa lampau identik
dengan profesi arsitektural
The planner's profession in the past is
identical to the architectural profession

Perencana dianggap sebagai manusia

yang memiliki “kelebihan” dan
kemampuan supranatural
Planners were often regarded as humans
who have "special knowledge" and
supernatural abilities
Fakta adanya perencanaan di masa lampau
The result of the planning process in the past

• kuil, candi, pura, masjid, gereja

• temples, mosques, churches
• istana, kompleks istana kerajaan, kompleks pusat
• palace, royal palace complex, central government
• pusat-pusat permukiman tua, kota tua, pusat-pusat
peradaban, ibu kota dll
• ancient settlements centers, old cities, centers of
civilization, capital cities etc.
Kyoto the capital
of Japan

The new city, Heian-kyō

(平安京, "tranquility and
peace capital") became the
seat of Japan's imperial
court in 794, beginning
the Heian period of
Japanese history.

Kyoto remained Japan's

capital until the transfer of
the imperial court to Tokyo
in 1869 at the time of
the Imperial Restoration.
Map of Edo
(Tokyo) in the

Edo grew from what had been a small, little-known fishing village in 1457 to a
metropolis with an estimated population of 1,000,000 by 1721 (the largest city in the
world at the time)
Asal kata “plan”
The Origin of the word "plan"
Berasal dari bahasa Prancis, yang berakar dari kata
latin plānus yang berarti flat (datar); berdekatan dengan kata:
Derived from French, which is rooted in the Latin word plānus
which means flat (flat); close to the following words:
plane (bidang, permukaan) ,
plain (dataran)

Hal iini terkait dengan pengertian “gambar di atas bidang datar”

atau “gambar peta/denah” sebagai representasi fisik dari
fenomena atau apa yang ingin dibangun
This is related to the notion of "picture on a flat plane" or "map
map/ plan" as a physical representation of a phenomenon or
what you want to build
Rencana (Plan)
Sebagai kata benda / as a Noun
“plan”  “ a physical
representation of something”
(representasi fisik dari sesuatu),
seperti berupa gambar atau peta.
atau or
“a method for something”
(metode untuk mengerjakan
atau or
“an orderly arrangement of
parts of an objective”
(suatu penataan teratur atas
komponen-komponen dari suatu

[Oxford English Dictionary]

• “Rencana” adalah hasil proses perencanaan Definisi lainnya
• "Plan" is the result of the planning process dari Rencana &
• Suatu cara rasional untuk mempersiapkan masa Perencanaan
• A rational way to prepare for the future. Other definitions
• Suatu proses menentukan apa yang ingin dicapai of plan & planning
di masa yang akan datang serta menetapkan
tahapan-tahapan yang dibutuhkan untuk
• A process of determining what you want to
achieve in the future and setting the stages
needed to achieve it.
• Suatu kegiatan terkoordinasi untuk mencapai
suatu tujuan tertentu di dalam waktu tertentu.
• A coordinated activities to achieve a certain goal
within a certain time.
• Bagian dari proses perubahan social
• Part of the process of social change
Ciri “Perencanaan” Characteristics of Planning
(Peter Hall, 2002):
• Perencanaan adalah proses, aktivitas yang bertahap
untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu.
• Planning is a process, sequential activities to achieve
certain goals.
• Perencanaan memuat proyeksi-proyeksi statistik,
formulasi matematik, ilustrasi diagram
• Scientifically, planning contains measurable
projections (statistics, mathematical formulations,
diagram illustrations)
• Perencanaan memuat gambaran keterkaitan
komponen-komponen (antar kegiatan) perencanaan
• Planning contains an overview of the interrelationships
of the components (between activities) of planning

• Bukan istilah yang dipahami secara sama oleh banyak orang, termasuk juga oleh
para profesional perencana
• A term that is defined in different ways, including among professional planners
• Masih sering dianggap domain pemerintah dan planner (konsultan, profesional)
• Often considered a government domain and formal planner (consultant,
• Perencanaan Publik pada dasarnya domain publik
• Public Planning is basically the work of the public domain (common / public good)
• Pemerintah dan Profesional melaksanakan dan memfasilitasi proses
perencanaan & mengelola konflik
• The Government and Professionals implement and facilitate the process of
planning & managing conflicts
Fungsi dan Tujuan Perencanaan
The functions and objectives of Planning

• Mengurangi/meminimumkan risiko dan ketidakpastian

• To reduce / to minimize risks and uncertainties
• Penentuan standard of performance
• To determine standards of performance
• Memberikan arahan bagi pelaksanaan pekerjaan
• To provide direction for the execution of work
• Memberikan prosedur untuk melakukan kontrol secara efektif
• To provide procedures for effective control
• Memberi arahan guna pencapaian tujuan secara optimal →
terdapat feed back terhadap proses-proses perencanaan
• Giving direction for achieving goals optimally → there is a feed
back to the subsequent planning processes
Unsur Perencanaan
The elements of Planning
Dua unsur penting dalam perencanaan:
Two important elements in planning:
(1)Hal yang ingin dicapai What you want to achieve
(2) Cara untuk mencapainya The way to achieve it

Di dalam proses perencanaan dikenal berbagai

nomenklatur-nomenklatur seperti visi, misi, tujuan, sasaran,
strategi, kebijakan, program, proyek, aktifitas, dan lain-lain.
In planning process there are various nomenclatures such
as vision, mission, goals, objectives, strategies, policies,
programs, projects, activities, and others.


Teori Perencanaan Teori-teori di dalam Perencanaan

(Planning Theory) (Theories in Planning)
Metode, Prosedur /Methods, Procedures Substansi Perencanaan /Substances of planning
Bagian dari ilmu social
A part of social sciences

Mempelajari “apa itu perencanaan dan Berbagai teori yang terkait dengan objek
bagaimana mengerjakannya” (substansi) yang direncanakan
Learn what planning is and how to do it Various theories related to objects /
substances of planning

Ciri “Ilmu Sosial”/characteristics of social science (Giddens, 1994):

• Di dalam ilmu sosial, tidak ada hokum/teori yang bersifat universal. Butuh waktu
yang lama untuk mengatakan bahwa teori-teori tsb benar.
• In social science, there is no universal law/theory. It takes a very long time to
conclude a knowledge as a theory (accepted theory).
• Ciri dari ilmu sosial/teori sosial banyak dikenal school (of thought)  mazhab /
One characteristic of social science / social theory is the existence of various
schools of thought / ideology.
• Setiap mazhab punya pandangan  menyumbangkan pemikiran.
• Every school has a specific perspective -> contribute thoughts
• Mazhab penting dalam mengembangkan cara berpikir  tidak ada mazhab yang
benar dan yang salah.
• School is important in developing ways of thinking -> no school is categorized as
the most correct and is considered wrong.
/ 7 THEORIES OF PLANNING (Almendinger, 2002):
1 Teori sistem dan Teori Rasional (Rational Planning) Gel.I

2 Teori Marxisme dan Kritik (Marxism and Critical Theory)

3 Perencanaan “Kanan” Baru (New Right Planning)
4 Pragmatisme/Pragmatism
Post positivism

5 Perencanaan Advokasi/Planner as advocate

6 Perencanaan Post Modern (Postmodernism)

7 Perencanaan Kolaboratif/collborative planning

Green Theory Gel.IV

Tujuh (7) fungsi perencana:
7 Functions of Planner

1. Analis/Analyst
2. Organisator/Organizer
3. Perantara/Mediator
4. Pendamping/Fasilitator/Advocate
5. “enabler”
6. Pendidik /Educator
7. Penyebar Informasi/Informan

[Sumber: Rustiadi et al., 2009]

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