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Name : Siti Meri Andani

NPM / Sem / Class : 031119026 / 2 / 2B

Now, you are ready to write a descriptive paragraph. Choose one of the topics below. Give a tick ( √ )

( V. ) A favorite place
( ) A useful object
( ) A comfortable spot on campus
( ) A pet An unusual person
( ) Your dream house
( ) The car you would like to have
( ) Someone you admire
( ) A cooking disaster

List the details you came up with in Practice 1-1 that can best help you develop a descriptive
paragraph on the topic you have chosen.
1. Bedroom
2. Living room
3. Quiet place
4. Listen to music
5. Reading a book

Reread your list of details from Practice 1-2. Then, draft a topic sentence that summarizes the idea
you want to convey in your paragraph.
There are 3 places that became my favorite place. First, the bedroom is my favorite place besides
a private place but also a place where I can be alone. Second, the living room the living room is also
my favorite place because I can watch TV together, talk with family and stories about what
happened that day. Third, I'm very comfortable if I'm in a quiet place, like giving comfort to me.

Arrange the details you listed in Practice 1-3.
2. Private place
3. Living room
4. Talk with family
5. Telling stories
6. Comfort
7. Quiet place

Draft your descriptive paragraph.
Every person has a place where she feels secure, peaceful and where one can simply relax and
forget about everything. My parents house is a place where I grew up from childhood to adulthood
now, there are some places that have become my favorite places until now. My parents have lived in
the house occupied now for more than 30 years.
I could name thousands of reasons why this place is my favorite. To begin with, it has the
atmosphere of a family house, which is cared for with warmth and dedication

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