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“The Omniscient” Script

(Warning on screen)

(Boy opens laptop from laptop camera POV)

(Cut to the title, “The Omniscient - He sees all”)

(Cut to a close-up of laptop camera)

(Cut to the boy in different environments)

(Cut back to laptop camera close-up)

(In the next shot boy is discussing a colleague’s work *no audio*)

(Cut to shot of laptop closing)

(Cut to next title, “He hears all”)

(Cut to a close-up shot of car keys which changes into a waveform)

(Boy argues with someone on the phone)

Boy (fed-up)
n-no baby- look, she’s literally a friend from work-
*sighs, tuts*
No, what?


Boy (trying to get a word in)

I- I- I’ve been talking to her at work because she’s my w-workmate, like-”

Boy (fed-up)
“I know you’re not saying that but like- *slight pause* I can still hang out with her. What
about you and-?”


Boy (angrily)
“That is the same! Look- you- don’t go, look- aye- hey- hello?”

(Cut to black, then title sequence, “He knows all”)

Boy (under his breath)

“fucks sake”

(Cut to shot of infrared sensor on TV)

(Cuts to different shots of the boy in bed at different times, times are on screen)

(Cuts to the boy from outside through window, time and activity is on screen)

(Cuts to the boy from outside through glass door, time and activity is on screen)

(Cuts to the boy from home CCTV camera, time and activity is on screen)


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