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The Effects of Water Scarcity on

Our Environment
By: Caroline Keller

(WWF, 2021)

Table of Contents
Abstract 3

What is Water Scarcity? 3

The Effects of Water Scarcity on Humans


HabitatHow Water Scarcity Affects our Habitat


Health How Water Scarcity Affects our Health


Causes of Water Scarcity 5

The Effects of Water Scarcity on Wildlife Promoting Water Stewardship


HabitatWays to Help
6 4

Health What is Water Stewardship?


How to Practice Water Stewardship 6

The Different Causes ofHow Water Stewardship Resolves Water Scarcity


Pollution/Climate Change Importance of Water Stewardship


Agriculture Benefits of Water Stewardship


Population Growth 6

What Can we do to Alleviate This Issue? 6

Conclusion 87

References 8

Figure 1 4

Figure 2 5

Figure 3 7


What is Water Scarcity?

Water covers around 70% of the surface of the Earth, and we tend to think that it will be
around forever. However, our water supply is depleting rapidly. While 70% of our planet is
covered in water, we do not have as much useful water as one would think. Our freshwater
supply is scarce and incredibly rare. This type of water is what we drink, bathe in, and
irrigate farm fields with. According to World Wildlife, “Only 3% of the world’s water is
fresh water, and two-thirds of that is tucked away in frozen glaciers or otherwise unavailable
for our use” (WWF, 2021).
Water is a necessity for our survival, so it is important that we understand how this issue
affects everyone in our world. Water scarcity affects habitats as well as health, yet humans
have negatively affected our freshwater supply and surrounding ecosystems via pollution,
agriculture, and population growth.
There are different causes of water scarcity, including the pollution, agriculture, and
population growth causes mentioned previously. World Wildlife details, “The human
population has successfully harnessed many of the world’s natural waterways – building
dams, water wells, vast irrigation systems and other structures that have allowed civilizations
to grow and thrive… but water systems are increasingly stressed, and some rivers, lakes, and
aquifers are drying up” (WWF, 2021). It is important that we recognize these causes to
understand how our actions affect the environment.

In addition to understanding the causes and effects of water scarcity, it is also important to
understand how we can make changes to alleviate this issue. One way we can help on a daily
basis includes practicing water stewardship in our homes. This practice will help eliminate a
large portion of water waste in our world.
Water stewardship is just one way in which we can help alleviate the issue of water scarcity,
but it will create huge impacts in resolving the global problem.

The Effects of Water Scarcity on Humans

How Water Scarcity Affects Our Habitat

Natural landscapes often lose out when water becomes scarce. These ecological catastrophes
can, thus, create food shortages and result in a decrease in life expectancy. With a lack of
access to water in our environment, this creates human diet resource problems and increases
the risk of climate change. Furthermore, climate change is altering patterns of weather, and
this results in shortages and droughts. Figure 1 below shows an example of water shortage.
Not only does water scarcity affect humans, but it also affects wildlife. Animals also need
water to survive, so it is important that we protect their habitats as well as ours. Some of the
most productive habitats on the planet, also known as wetlands, support high concentrations
of animals. However, about half of the planet’s wetlands have been destroyed due to
industrialization and agricultural expansion.

Figure 1

Figure 1 shows an example of water shortage.

How Water Scarcity Affects Our Health

According to Cornelia Heine at Development and Cooperation, “More than 780 million
people have no access to clean water, and 2.5 billion people lack adequate sanitation… yet
both are vital for human health” (Heine, 2017). Inadequate sanitation can also lead to deadly
diseases including cholera, typhoid fever, and other water-borne illnesses.

The Effects of Water Scarcity on Wildlife

Not only does water scarcity affect humans, but it also affects wildlife. Animals also need
water to survive, so it is important that we protect their habitats as well as ours. Some of the
most productive habitats on the planet, also known as wetlands, support high concentrations
of animals. However, about half of the planet’s wetlands have been destroyed due to
industrialization and agricultural expansion.


As previously mentioned, water is a necessity for animals to survive. However, animals do

not die only of thirst. The consequences of too little water can also lead to weakened immune
systems. This results in the animals becoming weak and undernourished, making them more
susceptible to parasites and infectious diseases. According to Heine, “If livestock die for lack
of water, then the lives of the people who depend on them are immediately at risk” (Heine,
2017). In fact, it has been clearly shown that human deaths soon follow when animals start

Causes of Water Scarcity

Water pollution is an increasing issue, and it is increasing at an alarming rate. It is caused by

many different sources including pesticides and fertilizers, untreated human wastewater, and
industrial waste. The overview from World Wildlife states, “Even groundwater is not safe
from pollution, as many pollutants can leach into underground aquifers” (WWF, 2021).
Pollution also contributes to global climate change in that it directly affects our atmosphere.
As humans pump more carbon dioxide and dangerous gases into the atmosphere, this will
continue to put everyone at risk. Climate change affects patterns of weather and water, and it
increases the frequency of droughts and floods. View Figure 2 below to see how pollutants
affect waterways.

Figure 2

Figure 2 shows the industrial waste and pollution that affects waterways (WWF, 2021).

Agriculture is a huge attributor to water scarcity because a lot of the water used during this
process is wasted. In fact, “Agriculture uses 70% of the world’s accessible freshwater, but
some 60% of this is wasted due to leaky irrigation systems, inefficient application methods as
well as the cultivation of crops that are too thirsty for the environment in which they are
grown” (WWF, 2021). As a result, this wasteful process is drying out rivers, lakes, and
underground aquifers.

The global population growth, like water scarcity, is growing every day. Because of this
rapid growth, the number of people drawing on water resources has also increased. World
Wildlife states, “This rapid growth – with its accompanying economic development and
industrialization – has transformed water ecosystems around the world and resulted in a
massive loss of biodiversity” (WWF, 2021). If the consumption of freshwater continues at
unsustainable levels, then the concern about access to safe water grows even more.
Therefore, water stewardship is essential for all communities in the world. We should be
more considerate of this growing issue and be more mindful about how much water we use
on a daily basis. Promoting water stewardship is vital when it comes to limiting water

The Different Causes of Water ScarcityPromoting Water


Pollution/Climate ChangeWays to Help

So how are people resolving to reduce water scarcity? According to Stephen Tamlin at Water
Logic, “While water scarcity is predominantly a man-made creation, we also have the
capacity to develop solutions to mitigate the rise of water scarcity” (Tamlin, 2019). There are
various ways to help, and some changes include developing water filtration systems,
promoting water stewardship, protecting wetlands, improving irrigation efficiency, and
increasing water storage in reservoirs.

What is Water Stewardship?

According to UNIDO, “Water Stewardship can be defined as using water in a way that is
socially equitable, environmentally sustainable and economically beneficial” (UNIDO).
Good water stewards typically understand their own water use and are mindful of collective
actions that benefit people and nature.

How to Practice Water Stewardship

In order to practice water stewardship, we can first identify areas in our home that may have
leaks. This is a huge factor in how people can reduce water waste quickly and efficiently. By
intentionally thinking about how much water we waste, this can help us cut back in certain
areas of our homes. View Figure 3 below to see areas where people use the most water.

Figure 3

Figure 3 details how much water we use and areas where we can cut back on water use.

Water pollution is an increasing issue, and it is increasing at an alarming rate. It is caused by

many different sources including pesticides and fertilizers, untreated human wastewater, and
industrial waste. The overview from World Wildlife states, “Even groundwater is not safe
from pollution, as many pollutants can leach into underground aquifers” (WWF, 2021).
Pollution also contributes to global climate change in that it directly affects our atmosphere.
As humans pump more carbon dioxide and dangerous gases into the atmosphere, this will
continue to put everyone at risk. Climate change affects patterns of weather and water, and it
increases the frequency of droughts and floods. View Figure 2 below to see how pollutants
affect waterways.

Figure 2

Figure 2 shows the industrial waste and pollution that affects waterways (WWF, 2021).


Agriculture is a huge attributor to water scarcity because a lot of the water used during this
process is wasted. In fact, “Agriculture uses 70% of the world’s accessible freshwater, but some
60% of this is wasted due to leaky irrigation systems, inefficient application methods as well as
the cultivation of crops that are too thirsty for the environment in which they are grown” (WWF,
2021). As a result, this wasteful process is drying out rivers, lakes, and underground aquifers.

Population Growth

The global population growth, like water scarcity, is growing every day. Because of this rapid
growth, the number of people drawing on water resources has also increased. World Wildlife
states, “This rapid growth – with its accompanying economic development and industrialization
– has transformed water ecosystems around the world and resulted in a massive loss of
biodiversity” (WWF, 2021). If the consumption of freshwater continues at unsustainable levels,
then the concern about access to safe water grows even more. Therefore, water stewardship is
essential for all communities in the world. We should be more considerate of this growing issue
and be more mindful about how much water we use on a daily basis. Promoting water
stewardship is vital when it comes to limiting water scarcity.

What Can we do to Alleviate This Issue?How Water

Stewardship Resolves Water Scarcity

Importance of Water Stewardship

In order to alleviate the issue of water scarcity, we must first bring attention to the issue at
hand. We must not forget about how our actions affect the environment and how water will
not be around forever. If we do not contribute making water scarcity less severe, then this
could lead to the lack of safe drinking water, threatened ecosystems, increased poverty,
heightened conflict, and higher food costs.

Benefits of Water Stewardship

By practicing water stewardship, this helps to preserve our environment and ultimately helps
to conserve more resources. Even though our need for freshwater sources is always
increasing, the supply we have is decreasing. By reducing the amount of water we use, we
can better protect our environment, health, and future years to come. If we do not contribute
making water scarcity less severe, then this could lead to the lack of safe drinking water,
threatened ecosystems, increased poverty, heightened conflict, and higher food costs.

So how are people resolving to reduce water scarcity? According to Stephen Tamlin at Water
Logic, “While water scarcity is predominantly a man-made creation, we also have the
capacity to develop solutions to mitigate the rise of water scarcity” (Tamlin, 2019). There
are various ways to help, and some changes include developing water filtration systems,
promoting water stewardship, protecting wetlands, improving irrigation efficiency, and
increasing water storage in reservoirs. View Figure 3 below to see detailed ways in which
you can practice water stewardship at home.

Figure 3

Figure 3 details ways in which you can practice water stewardship at home.

Overall, water scarcity is a growing issue for everyone in the world. While it may appear like
an issue that will not affect us anytime soon, it is an alarming problem for our society. It is
important to take care of our planet so that we reduce pollutants and keep our existing water
clean. Even though the solutions can be intimidating, the book Water, written by Veronica
Strang, details, “There are many exciting new technologies that enable more efficient water
and resource use, and these should be embraced” (Strang, 2015).


Heine, Cornelia. “The Animals Die First.” D+C, 2017,


Strang, Veronica. Water. Reaktion Books, 2015.

Tamlin, Stephen. “How People Are Resolving to Reduce Water Scarcity.” Waterlogic, 2019,



WWF. “Water Scarcity.” WWF, World Wildlife Fund, 2021,


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