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Miguel C. Tuga
I – 15
November 11, 2021
Professor Jason Orozco
Theories of Learning
Philippine Normal University-Manila

Impact of social media on Students’ Academic

Performance during COVID-19 Pandemic

Whether social media does more harm than good—or inversely—to the youth remains an
ongoing discussion up to date. This societal dilemma is intensified by COVID-19 pandemic for
youth are spending more time on social media more than ever in history (Hamilton, Nesi, &
Choukas-Bradley, 2020). As much as social media has helped for physical distancing practices
on communication, entertainment and education, social media behaviors have influenced teens’
physical and mental health negatively (Hamilton, Nesi, & Choukas-Bradley, 2020). This claim was
supported by another study that exhibits that excessive social media use during the pandemic
was directly correlated with worse mental health consequence that could affect dialectical
thinking, optimism, mindfulness, and academic performance of college students (Haddad,
Macenski, Mosier-Mills, et al, 2021). All things considered, this magnified the relevance of
parents, teachers, and the youth to better understand social media use in the context of COVID-


Hamilton, J. L., Nesi, J., & Choukas-Bradley, S. (2020). Teens and social media during the
COVID-19 pandemic: Staying socially connected while physically distant.

Haddad, J.M., Macenski, C., Mosier-Mills, A. et al. (2021). The Impact of Social Media on
College Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Multinational Review of the Existing
Literature. Curr Psychiatry Rep 23, 70.

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