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TEST 30. 35. 1.

2021 1


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the
primary stress in each of the following questions.
Q 1. A. rational B. upmarket C. relative D. cultural
Q 2. A. separate B. fee-paying C. compulsory D. secondary

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Q 3. A. privileges B. marches C. changes D. durables
Q 4. A. protection B. robot robat C. operate aperate D. evolve evavl

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Q 5. They live in a/an_____________ house which stands itself in a field.
A. detaching B. semi-detached C. attached D. detached
Q 6. James didn’t take ___________ to your suggestion that she was mean with money.
A. cheerfully B. agreeably C. kindly D. pleasantly
Q 7. When he ________ an essay in on time for once, his professor __________ him a look of surprise.
A. was handing/gave B. had handed/gave
C. handed/ would hand D. handed/gave
Q 8. I really have to _________ my brains to remember the answers to even the simplest questions.
A. stretch B. rack C. search D. look
Q 9. The man the police caught yesterday ____________a bomb attack was also accused ________ in many
other crimes previously.
A. preparing /of having been involved B. preparing /of having involved
C. prepare/to be involved D. to prepare/with having been involved
Q 10. Mary wants to be a career woman; she doesn’t want to be a housewife, __________ does she want to be
a mother.
A. either B. none C. nor D. neither
Q 11. Smoking not only cuts your lifespan by affecting your internal organs, but it also ages you on the
outside by causing __________ damage.
A. skinning B. skin C. skinner D. skinny
Q 12. Could you give me a rough_______ of what the decoration job might cost?
A. account B. value C. estimate D. correlation
Q 13. How birds manage to ___________travel between distant locations is one aspect that has fascinated
observers for centuries.
A. incorrectly B. successfully C. precisely D. unerringly
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Q 14. The origin of April Fool’s Day, the first day of April, is uncertain, but it _________ to arrival of spring
in late March, when nature _________to “fool” humanity with changes in weather.
A. may be related – is said B. ought to relate – has been said
C. relates – is saying D. has been related – has said
Q 15. If the Moon _______ one orbit around the earth and one complete revolution on its axis at the same rate,
we sometimes _____________ the other side of it.
A. doesn’t complete/see B. doesn’t complete/ will see
C. didn’t complete/would see D. hadn’t completed/would have seen
Q 16. She __________ her hands in horror at his suggestion that she should marry him.
A. brought up B. woke up C. broke up D. threw up
Q 17. Two young men were arrested on suspicion of setting fire ____________a police van.
A. to B. in C. on D. with
Q 18. It was with __________ greatest difficulty that Brian had persuaded him to join________ Browns.
A. 0/the B. 0/0 C. the/0 D. the/the

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
Q 19. If two people in a romantic relationship are lovey-dovey, they show their love for each other in public
by touching each other and saying loving things.
A. demonstrative B. affectionate C. lovesick D. romantic
Q 20. The floor was so rotten that it almost gave way under his weight.
A. deflate B. languished C. collapsed D. crumpled

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.

Q 21. One of the best ways to understand what a job is like, is to do it. Work experience is a great way to get
a feel for what a job is all about.
A. to do something on purpose B. to have an understanding about
C. to touch with one's own hands D. to have the faintest idea about

Q 22. Developments in technology mean we can now do banking transactions at our leisure.
A. independently B. comfortably C. inconveniently D. freely

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the option that best completes following exchanges.
Q 23. It's late in the evening and two sisters have just come home.
- Jenny: "I'm starving, and there's nothing in the kitchen."
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- Jane: “___________________”
A. Why don't we try that new restaurant on the corner?
A. So am I. I'm so thirsty for a glass of cold water.
B. Have you finished the housework before going out?
C. Don't you think we should start cleaning the cupboard?
Q 24. Linda: "Go to the party on Sunday?"
John: “______________________.”
A. I prefer cuisine to speech B. You know the party well
C. You bet D. Lucky you

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Q 25. His wife insisted that he stopped sitting around and start to look for a new job.
A. start B. look for C. insisted D. stopped
Q 26. I have never had much of a/an ability (capacity) for languages, unfortunately.
A. ability to do B. languages C. have never had D. much of
Q 27. Leisure activities are necessary for personal development and also to maintain good health.
A. maintain B. Leisure activities C. for D. personal development
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
         The growing popularity of the video games, online gaming and videos make the children inactive in their
daily routine. The time (1) ________________ has been spent watching online videos and games can be better
utilized by doing some physical activities. Here, parents can become a role model in their children’s life. The
parents should not make them addictive to the techie-gadgets and be active in their lifestyle so that their kids
can also become physically (2) _______________ and active.

        The best way to become a physically fit is to be active in sports and games. The importance of sports in
our life is crucial. It not only makes a body physically fit and active but also contributes (3) ______________
the mental growth and development. An active participation in sports and games can have many benefits in
students’ life. It gives a student a chance to enhance the physical and the social skills. It offers a child a change
from a monotony of a daily routine. It keeps the stress and anxiety away. However, a proper balance has to be
maintained between a child’s maturity, skills and interests.

            Nowadays, sports and games are taken to be a good career option as well. It plays a pivotal role in
shaping a child’s interest towards his profession. Sports and games also help in character building and provide
strength and energy. Sport is a form of a competitive physical activity (4) ______________ by a person via an
organized or a casual participation. Sports and games not only involve the development of skills but it also
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stimulates the competitive behavior among students. It builds up the confidence in the minds of the students. It
not only strengthens the physical growth rather it also contributes towards the mental growth. (5)
______________, it plays an important role in a student’s life.
(Adapted from
Q 28. (1) A. which B. what C. when D. where
Q 29. (2) A. mature B. smart C. sound D. strength
Q 30. (3) A. into B. towards C. in D. on
Q 31. (4) A. to perform B. to be performed C. performing D. performed
Q 32. (5) A. Furthermore B. In contrast C. Hence D. Finally
Câu 23. (1) A. when B. where C. which D. what Câu 24. (2) A. sound B. strength C. mature D. smart Câu 25.
(3) A. in B. on C. into D. towards Câu 26. (4) A. performing B. performed C. to perform D. to be performed
Câu 27. (5) A. Hence B. Finally C. Furthermore D. In contrast
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.

Volunteering has been acknowledged as part of the wider health policy, with the NHS five-year plan
identifying a need to encourage community volunteering. It also has an important role to play in tackling
social exclusion, through projects such as lunch clubs for older people, assisted gardening schemes, or young
play leaders.

Volunteering can help to provide people with ways out of poverty, by giving them new skills, confidence and
aid social integration. This is of particular value to those who are most excluded from the labour market, such
as recent migrants or people with disabilities. But while the benefits of volunteering are clear, there is
worrying evidence that the people who could benefit most from giving their time are precisely those least
likely to be involved.

There are many reasons for people not to volunteer. For older people, the barriers can include poor health,
poverty, lack of skills, poor transport links, or having caring responsibilities, such as looking after
grandchildren. Younger people can be deterred by feeling they don’t have the time to volunteer, or not
knowing anyone else who volunteers. Many of them also think volunteering is just for older people with time
on their hands. Volunteering has an image problem – particularly with men and younger people.

More should be done to promote the value of volunteering to the particular needs of different groups. There is
evidence on why people choose to volunteer, and we need to make better use of that information. For instance,
a recent survey showed that 95% of young people, aged 13-24, hoped to develop new skills through
volunteering, compared to just 32% of volunteers aged over 55. Almost three quarters of young people were
keen to gain qualifications through volunteering compared to just 13% of those over 55. Over three quarters of
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disabled volunteers were keen to develop new skills and nearly two thirds hoped to improve their health and
wellbeing through volunteering.
(Adapted from

Q 33. The word “deterred” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _____________.

A. discouraged B. motivated C. bothered D. encouraged

Q 34. What does the phrase “many of them” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. grandchildren B. younger people C. older people D. volunteers

Q 35. The following are provided to help people out of poverty through volunteering, EXCEPT
A. confidence B. aid social integration
C. labour market D. new skills

Q 36. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. People over 55 years old are keener on gaining qualifications through volunteer work than learning a
new skill.
B. The people who could get most advantages from volunteering are also the ones participating most
enthusiastically in this activity.
C. Wealth is one of the reasons preventing the old from doing volunteer work.
D. Not only most of the young from 13 to 24 years old but also the disabled volunteers hope to get new
skills through volunteering.

Q 37. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. What are volunteer activities?
B. How many people take part in volunteer work?
C. Why are not many people interested in being a volunteer?
D. Who gets more benefits from volunteer work?

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.

      Every summer, when the results of university entrance exam come out, many newspaper stories are
published about students who are top-scorers across the country. Most portray students as hard-working,
studious, smart and, generally, from low-income families. They are often considered heroes or heroines by
their families, communes, villages and communities. And they symbolize the efforts made to lift them, and
TEST 30. 35. 1. 2021 6


their relatives, out of poverty. The students are often too poor to attend any extra-classes, which make their
achievements more illustrious and more newsworthy. (38) While everyone should applaud the students for
their admirable efforts, putting too much emphasis on success generates some difficult questions.

       If other students look up to them as models, of course it's great. However, in a way, it contributes to
society's attitude that getting into university is the only way to succeed. For those who fail, their lives are over.
It should be noted that about 1.3 million high school students take part in the annual university entrance exams
and only about 300,000 of them pass. What's about the hundreds of thousands who fail? Should we demand
more stories about those who fail the exam but succeed in life or about those who quit university education at
some level and do something else unconventional?

       "I personally think that it's not about you scoring top in an entrance exam or get even into Harvard. It's
about what you do for the rest of your life," said Tran Nguyen Le Van, 29. He is the founder of a website,, that passengers can use to book bus tickets online and receive tickets via SMS. His business also
arranges online tickets via mobile phones and email. Van dropped out of his MBA at the Thunderbird School
of Global Management in Arizona in the United States (42). His story has caught the attention of many
newspapers and he believes more coverage should be given to the youngsters who can be role-models in the
start-up community. Getting into university, even with honours, is just the beginning. "We applaud them and
their efforts and obviously that can give them motivation to do better in life. However, success requires more
than just scores," Van said. Van once told a newspaper that his inspiration also came from among the world's
most famous drop-outs, such as Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook or Bill Gates who also dropped out of Harvard

        Alarming statistics about unemployment continues to plague us. As many as 162,000 people with some
kind of degree cannot find work, according to Labour Ministry's statistics this month. An emphasis on getting
into university does not inspire students who want to try alternative options. At the same time, the Ministry of
Education and Training is still pondering on how to reform our exam system, which emphasises theories, but
offers little to develop critical thinking or practice. Vu Thi Phuong Anh, former head of the Centre for
Education Testing and Quality Assessment at Viet Nam National University in HCM City said the media
should also monitor student successes after graduation. She agreed there were many success stories about
young people, but added that it was imbalanced if students taking unconventional paths were not also

          Viet Nam is, more than ever, in desperate need of those who think outside the box. Time for us to
recognise talent, no matter where it comes from or how. (infer)
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Q 38. What is NOT stated in the passage about the top-scorers in the entrance exam?
A. The students are admired for the great efforts.
B. The majority of them are poor but intelligent and eager to learn.
C. They are hoped to find the way to better their families’ lives.
D. Their success is more glorious because they attend more classes than others.
Q 39. The word “unconventional” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by _________________.
A. unusual B. well-known C. infamous D. common
Q 40. The word “them” in paragraph 3 refers to _________________.
A. role-models B. the youngsters C. newspapers D. honours
Q 41. The word “plague” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. remind B. bother C. conflict D. afflict làm ưu phiền
Q 42. The author described Tran Nguyen Le Van in the third passage as ________________.
A. a founder whose website was inspired from social networks like Facebook.
B. a top-scorer who books online tickets and confirm through messages.
C. a good example to achieve success although he didn’t finish his education.
D. a businessman who gains money by selling mobile phones online.

Q 43. According to the fourth paragraph, what is TRUE about the modern exam system?
A. Students are not encouraged to do something different.
B. The government is trying to change the theories of exam.
C. Many stories about successful students cannot inspire those who attend universities.
D. It puts too much pressure on students who must get a place in a university.
Q 44. Which of the following best describes the main idea of this passage?
A. Not many students are successful after graduating from universities.
B. University is not the only way to success.
C. Many students consider universities as their only way after school.
D. A good model of being successful in the real life out of school.
Q 45. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Failing the entrance exam will not determine that these students are doing unconventional things.
B. The most concerned thing for each student is unemployment.
C. It’s high time for the young to change their ways of thinking about success.
D. High scores are the first step to attain achievements in the future.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following
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Q 46. Warm-blooded animals have metabolic rates about five to ten times higher than those of similarly sized
cold-blooded ones.
A. Cold-blooded animals’ metabolic rates are about five to ten times as low as those of warm-blooded
B. With the similarly sized animals, the metabolic rates of cold-blooded animals are about five to ten times
lower than those of warm-blooded ones.
C. Cold-blooded animals have lower metabolic rates than warm-blooded ones which have similar size.
D. Cold-blooded animals are about five to ten times as small as warm-blooded ones.

Q 47. "Good luck in your new job. It will work out well for you tiến triển tốt với ai đó," said his mother.
A. His mother wondered whether he got luck in his job or it would work out well for him.
B. His mother ascertained that his new job would work out well for him and bring him luck
C. His mother wished him good luck and said his new job would work out well for him.
D. His mother wanted him to get good luck in his new job as it would work out well for him.

Q 48. You are not tactful; that is why you are always offending xúc phạm other people.
A. I wish you were tactful so that you don’t offend other people.
B. You should have been tactful so that you didn’t offend other people.
C. You must have offended other people because you are not tactful.
D. If you were tactful, you wouldn’t satisfy other people.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the
following questions.

Q 49. New York is described as the world's cultural centre. It situated on the bank of Hudson river.
A. Because it situated on the bank of Hudson river, New York is described as the world's cultural centre.
B. New York, which situated on the bank of Hudson river, is described as the world's cultural centre.
C. As long as New York is described as the world's cultural centre, it situated on the bank of Hudson river.
D. In spite of the fact that it situated on the bank of Hudson river, New York is described as the world's
cultural centre.

Q50. The whole point of education is to give students the knowledge to be who they want to be. This quote
should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by.
A. Because whole point of education is to give students the knowledge to be who they want to be, this is a
quote that should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by.
B. Not only is the whole point of education to give students the knowledge to be who they want to be, but
also a quote that should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by.
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C. It's the whole point of education that gives students the knowledge to be who they want to be, which is a
quote that should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by.
D. That the whole point of education is to give students the knowledge to be who they want to be is a quote
that should be posted in schools for kids to see and live by.

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