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Aide Memoire

On the Good governance, it guarantees that people have more chances, venues, and
processes to participate in decision-making, empower themselves, and improve transparency,
accountability, and the rule of law. The favorable environment required for the State to
respect, defend, and realize human rights in a sustainable way is created through good
governance guided by human rights norms and principles, according to an article from the web

The government's duty is to ensure that all Filipinos feel secure to walk and travel around all
places in the country, without fear of harm to themselves and their property. As the country
pursues greater economic development, it is imperative that the government safeguard
national interests, territory, and sovereignty.

The states institutionalize approach consist of four elements which are the Drug Supply
reduction, Drug Demand reduction, Alternative Development, Civic awareness and Response,
and last but not the least is Regional and International Cooperation. Under Drug Supply
Reduction, the significant strides have been made in terms of putting in place structural
reforms and various mechanisms in the security sector, recurring challenges persist and new
threats to public safety have emerged. Drug Demand Reduction is committed in its campaign
against all forms of criminality, illegal drugs, transnational crimes, trafficking-in-persons, and
violent extremism. The Alternative Development - Republic Act No. 9165, it eliminates the
production of drugs in the Philippines. Under Civic Awareness and Response, police forces
received a "command circular" containing terminology referring to the "negation" and
"neutralization" of drug suspects, echoing pledges made by President Rodrigo Duterte,
according to the report. The report was mandated by the Human Rights Council in Geneva in
2019 amid widespread international concern. While the Regional and International
Cooperation pertains to international cooperation, since the drug problem knows no borders,
the agency works with regional and international agencies by adhering to treaties, formulating
agreements, implementing tie-up projects, attending international conferences, exchanging
drug reports, hosting study tours and field visits, and contributing to drug-related international
efforts. According to an official site from the web, [ CITATION REP \l 13321 ].

REPUBLIC ACT No. 11332 was being published since the State recognizes epidemics and other
public health emergencies as threats to public health and national security, which can
undermine the social, economic, and political functions of the State.

PDP NEDA GOV. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Simbulan, N. P. (2020, June 1). Retrieved from


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