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o Problem is.i 15.1 through 15.

4 For the loading shown, determine (a) the equation of the elastic
curve forthe cantileverbeam AB, (b) the deflection at the free nd, (c) the slope at the
free end.

lJse f*o- bJy JB-

oZ -M P(L-x)=o
= F P(L-r) = -PL+Px
= PLx +. t^Pxt + C,

[x= or* =ol o

c. --O
FIJ : b )P[x'+* Px3 + C,x + C"

[r=o, J=ol O -- -O + O+O + C. Cz = o

(gr--x )
(a.) E0"s *;. corve- J = -. <

o *&rc= q- 2E
-Pl \-j"L-x)
(b ) y @ x= L.- )e = -#(st''D L) :- 3EJ

# e x: L:

o No partof this_Manual may bc diryh1d rcpnducod,

, diltribution to lod
Problem 15.2 l5'l through 15.4 For the loading shown, detemine (a) the equation of the elastic

o curve for the cantilever beam AB, (D) the deflection at the free
free end.
(c) the slope at the

tJse Fr.. b;\ JB'

+)ZMs = Mo- t4 = o Mo


C,x' + c1
J l-x tl9 O: O +Cl
vl - o
Ery = +C"
Y*= o, e.=o

o (b)
Je C-= L.

(e) {

o PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. O 20ll The McGraw-Hill ConFnio, Inc. All r[hts reserved. No part of this Manual may bc dirybya4 rcpmdrrc4
or dirtibutod in rny form or by any nrearu, without the prior writEn pcrmit|bn of ttc prblisher, or uscd bcyond the linited distribution b !3rbrt
cficeton pcrninod by McGraw-Hill for their individual course pcp.ntfrrn. Strdcntr uring tt'!s manual are using it without permission.
Problem 15.3 15.1 through 15,4 For the loading shown, determine (a) the equation of the elastic
curve for the cantilever beam AB, (b) the deflection at the free end, (c) the slope at the
free end.

DseF*. b""07 A(.

+)ZI'b=o: 1,4 +
M= '|-

#= *{
Er# = -hY + c

ErJ = -A: tf + e,y'- + C2

(x= L, *=.,]: -'.*,, utoL3 + C,

c,= * w" 1s

[ra= LJ J=o] : FIJ= =*u/-L{ + hloLl + C" = o

ct - *woLv
Ca) E!"-tlie curr/€r J=,#U(x.t.FSL'* ++Ls)
&- wo-
e,,(, ?.1 EI L (;
q'r 'l L'll'
@ *= o-.

Jv @ tr= o'- )v
n -=,.J
7q ET

PROPRIETARY MATERHL. @ 201I The McGnw-Hill Coqrnicr, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual rnay bc dirplefe4 rcpmdrrc4
or dirtibutcd in roy form or by any means, without the prbr writtcn pcrmigion of the publisher, or used beyond the tinritua ai"Ut
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to lrrhcn
Problem 15.4 15.1 through 15.4 For the loading shown, determine (a) the equation of the elastic
curve for the cantilever beam AB, (b) the deflection at the free end, (c) the slope at the
free end.

Ds S,rt* t"oJY A'l:

' DZMJ = o'. (wx$ {- M = o
M = - |wx'
Ef *- -- 14 = - Jewxz

l.f fv [*=
Er*= -*rrt+ C,
L) *=o-l'. o= -*r'.rl" + C,

-r\-[ C, = *rL"
EI*r? -twx3 +t-L"
Ery = -+2i! WX{ fwltx + C.
Lx=L t Y=oJ'
o C"-'(rq-{)wLt = -flrL*
(a) Elashc co rve. J =-#( *' - +L'r+ 3L') <
wLv <

wL3 <t
(c) 6F.f

o PnO?RIETARY MATERHL. @ 20ll The McGraw-Hill Cory.licr, Irc. All righfr cserved. No part of this Manual may be dirpbyd rcploduo{
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cdrrlon pcmdttcd by McGraw-Hill for their individual course prepantion Stu&rtr uing thL manual ale using it without pcrmission
Problem 15.5 15,5 and 15.6 For the cantilever beam and loading shown, determine (a) the equation
of the elastic curve for portionAB of the beam, (D) the deflection at B, (r) the siope at

Us t"1 ABC a-s o- $.oe L4.,

+tz?=o i R" d wL=O R^ = ]ilL
tx + )Zn^= o) h MA - (wlYh,t + $f =O
l.4o = F * wL

c Us ,"1 AJ a-s a- ln.o- b-)7. (S [o{we€.,^ A

RA +)MJ.-- o: M + (w*)q) .r R^a - l-4A = o
-L:l-l:^:: !:-
FI *
--r' *L' = -* -x-' + wL* -ta*,rl.
Er* = -*-t + ftwL:l. -- t wL* + cl
Ex= or#=o].' O + O - O + ef s O Ct=O
Efy= Fhwt-r +fwLt -twLx- +C.
=oJZ -O + O +o + C.--c) C.= D
= #J*,.r+ q Lx3 -ff ria.)
J 4
* = #(45 + ?Lx^* rrr-\
J^i 7-' = L:

*"t \L= L:

PROPRIETARY MATERHL. @ 20ll The McGraw-Hill Conprahr, Inc. All rijhts reserved. No part of this Manual may be dupLycd, rpodnccd,
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cdrc.torr Frnitld by McGraw-Hill for their individual coune prcprntion Sndcntr uriry this manual are using it without permission
Problem 15.6 IS,S and 15.6 For the cantilever beam and loading shown, determine (a) the equation
of the elastic cuwe forportionAB of thebeam, (b) the deflection at B,(c) the slope at

a-S cr Sr... bdJ,

a Ro-*++= o R' =o
Er =ar Y =ol
-M1 +(*)e) = o
fr= " ,*= ol
Usin3 A.T a-s ,,. fr'cc bo,ly, ( f be'*"l"t" A",-0 F)
DZM"=o: -+"-(wx){+Pf =o
fw,l= #rL. _*rrr.
EI jl. = ttL' - *-"'
fi* = tr['x-]wxs + C,
fx=or*=of, o=e-o*C, C,.o
EIy = $wL"N'- it *"t + C,x + C.
fx=orJ'o]: Q=O-O +oaC. C"=o
(a) Eiost ie c irr\re .
J= #(*t'r'-ftx{) -1
# = #r (t1", - *"' )
J,, x=
i: J" = ,+ [ + t'(f)'- ,+ (*)'3 = #{ei - *1

\-, )y
/^\ )Y ^+ Y=
l(^ t
"t rtt L.
-b t. a
eB : #t tr'(* ) - *cf yt =

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. @ 20ll The.McGraw-Hill Companio, Inc. Alt righ6 r!.crwd. No part of this Manual may bc dirplald rtproduccd,
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ednbn pcrnitbd by McGraw-Hill for their individual course preaaration. Shdcnt| ruing thir mrnual are uiing it without permission.
Problem 15.7 15.7 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the equation of the elastic curve
for portion AB of the beam, (b) the slope at A, (c) the slop e at B.
r)IM" = o:
-RAL +(2-t)(+L)-- o
fx=o, J= o] Ix= L. J= o]
RA =, f *L
Fan .f be4yu &&vt A --J'Br(o
DzMJ= o: -z"wlx +(wx)* r M = o
trt M = f wlx {wx"
L'r Jx. = $wLx -*trr'
)x = frnLv"- tn*t + C,
EIJ = f wtt' -*rwx* + C,x + C.
ft= o, J + c. C"= o
[x = L) y = o] O-- f wLt-*wl{ + CfL C, = - di rryL3
(a,) E lo.h. CUNV€

*x{ <

(b) *re x= o #rl= #(oio-#t")=
+8 ET
G\ lx e x=
4r L * r') o
o <

PRoPRIETARY MATERIAL. o 2011 The.McGraw-Hitl Conprnia, lnc..All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed,
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cduceon pcnnittcd by McGraw-Hill for their individual course prlpdntiorl Studcna tuitrg this manual are using it without permission. o
I S,E For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the equation of the elastic curve
Problem 15.8 for portion BC of the beam, (b) the deflection at rnidspan, (c) the slope at B.

Ustr3 ABC as 4 lree bAJ,


1,, .L )ZMo = o'- (SXart) - R, L r (wLX* ) = o

t RB = StL
wl w
.s For Jt*F+ \)re*n6.4l e) o
A )n DZM"=b: S(*+r) -$wLx+(wx)#+Mso

3'L V
M-- fwlx*lwx' * ra

EI#= €wLx- *-"' *rL"

E-r * ?
#wLx" -t-*t-#wL'x +C,

ErJ = # wLxs - *wyl - fiwl'x' + C,X + e.

[x = o ) J = .,l O:O O O + O + Ca C. =O
[r= L r J ol = o -- (t -*r- #)w[{ + C,L + o ('t
tv; : -:l-

(a) Eflo,sf ;c cunu. y = #, (*[x3- *x$- * Ltx" - *-L3x)

4= y(srx'-*f
5t ET tlo\''
(t) J e x= 2 *r (*f
5 J-?
?lo J
.l <

(c) *r@ x: o ht") =

_ w1s <
0s WE
PRoPRIETARY MATERIAL. g 201 I The.McGraw-Hill Coryrnicr, IE..All tights reserved. No part of
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are uiing it without permission.
Problem 15.9 15.9 Knowing that beam AB is a Wl30 x 23.8 rolled shape and that P - 50 kl.l, L-
1.25 m, and E - 200 GPa, dete,r:nine (a) the slop e at A, (b) the deflection at C.

Use sJ
^r.'.*ry Loon)onl C,
s/ ^ ^4r7, R^ = PE

S*. LJ,t AJ,

lx'= o,J="r[.*= Y'o]
i rtiirL, +)ZMr=o: M-R^r =o
M = p^% = *pr
Er #- -- *p*
ET* = iez'+c,
Ery = * Px"+ C,lL + C.
I z,= o.,
J-ro] O= o + o + Ca C.: o
f ,a= :, *="I o-- d e(z')" + c, c, -- - tef
E"0,o[:, c.utrr?
Jv = +8
,E\= (+ %3- sLrx_)
( lx2- L")

S, ,,pe ,l ?c= o. o^? ft T

DJ,t"Jio^ J 2b= *. J. = J..=ft|o
P = foxlos N J f = 8.11 x loe --* = g,1l * lo'' ,n*
= LOo x lol P+ EI = t.lgzvbo lV.ut l= l-aSh^
(a) o.
-^ -<q; <
(f e )(l;162' (oet "J
(t) r, (sortoj)(r.?s)3
Jc- = l. , LtZx ldt n = l. I +2 h^,h J <
PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. o 20ll Thc.McGraw-Hill Coquhr, Ia. All riShb rcsewed. No part of this Manual may be displayed,
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Problem 15.10 15.10 Knowing that beam AB is an S8 x 18.4 rolled shape and that wo= 4 kips/ft,L:

o 9ft, and E : 29 x 106 psi, determine (a) the slope at A, (b) the deflection at C.

Use s/tq*1A"/ L,,,,s^Jony .rJr'*i.,.,. *4 C. ..

Dsr^X I"*. A.)u Acg "*L sJ -*el"-l ,


RA= Re = +w"!-
l*, o,
! : oJ , l7C* LsJ ' o]
lx'trfl= "] P.. o

il*L =,-W = - 7W.%

=V F (+1" - *')
t4 = L

A'+ M =C) h"^.. C.n = o

Er # = Y(+L'.z
o EJ*. = f (.+L'z'- *.zt) + c,
Ly-= A, Ar
& o= ti ( iv1-'t - #L*) *C,= o C, ' -#^w.L3
EIJ = Y (e! (t #*s )- #woL3/' + c"

L*=o"J =oJ O: O -O +O +C. C2=O

E.0"Ji. currve . J=Ei_k (fi rt -#x-s -#Ltra)
h=#eLrt- ivrt -tL+)
D"tn: wo -- I b;ys/+t E = ?clxlo' p=.', f = 57-5 ir,{
Ef = (fix loa)(st.S) = 1.6 675,lor lL. ina ' ll "sgx ,oB Hp -Fl'
L= 7 *r
(d SIup, "* ,L= Q. ,# [{*XtfJ = b G.s6 >, tD'3
eA =' 6.56'* 163'fr.l g <
(t) "t ?G: +.s fL .
o y =<,":#i[HXtffr.rt'-*"(+sf] = -t8.w,tco fl
= O.?AT irr. .l <
15.11 (a) Determine the location and magnitude of the maximum deflection of beam
Problem 15.11 AB. (D) Assuming that beam AB is a W360 x 64, L: 3.5 m, and E : 200 GPa, calculate
the modmum allowable value of the applied moment Mo if the maximum deflection is
not to exceed I mm.

Us;g e,-lira bea-. a,s 4 fn"c bUr,

Dr=o.r [x't,
O>MB = o3 Mo - R"L =1) 3^, *
3lso] JsoJ
Usin3 ?"4 i on AJ ,
+)ZV, = el l,4o - f" + M= O
M= *(x-L)
ET #,= + (x- r)
F x -rt..
Er * =, *(tX'-tx)+
V EU =' *(*x'-*tx") + c,X + c2

fx=-,or J=c,li O= O-O+O + Ca

i*= L) y=@ 7". o: *(*13-*L') + qL+ o

J= #r(**t-*,tr" +tL'*) +: *(**'


= (r- -,El L
0-11,?65 L <
J-= .(*fo. 't?26st = o.064ts
$'t <
Solvin3 +a.^ H..,
Do,{a 3 E: ?oo*lo' Pa ) f = ngxl96rn-,{ = t7 B, lo-t -'
L = 3-s -: y" = | r-, = /o-s hn

M (zaoxtor)(ltSrto-c)(ro-tr <
"o - (o-oe$,ffi' {s'3r1e3 N''n = 45'3k$'n

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. O 201 I The MsGraw-Hitl Companicr, lr. All righrr rcrcrvcd. No part of this Manual may be displayc4 rcprodrrcc4
or dirtribufd in rny form or by any means, without the prior written pcrnigion ofthc prbllsher, or used beyond the limited distribution to Grchcn rnd
cdnton pcrmitcd by McGraw-Hill for their individual course preparatiotr. Surdcm ruin3 0rir manual arc using it without permission
15.12 For the beam and loading shown, (a) express the magnitude and location of

o Problem 15.12 maximum deflection in terms of ws,

manimum deflection,
4.5 kips/ ft, L:
assuming that
l8 ft, and E - 29 x
E, and
is a
106 Psi.
50 rolled

Dstr,3 e.{ine beo-, 4s 4 Sr-" 1""V,

fx=orJ=ol f.r= t, J--ol
= o: -R^L +(r^*,Lxtl=o
**"1 *'" L

Usin3 AT es aSr.e L,Jy, DZ lt -- o:

u -twoLx+ttg'l(:)+ M= o
14 = |r,Lx,- *Px3
Er4X= tr.Lx-{fr.
EI* = #t"Lx'- rtf ,' + C,

o EfJ=Sw.Lx3 -#-?t" +C,x+C'

fr=orJ=oJ: O=O-O + O + e. C.= O

fx=LrJ=oJt o= *wolr-fi*"l.r r'- C,L+o C, = -#

EDns|;. c unre. J= Ft*r"'-#f -*l"*t
* = #l*t,' -#f -"*."1
T" S'.J Io.J ;on of r,aa*i.arrtvr JelJ"+;o. sel t ' o '
tsri got'd+71{=o X;t=sott-{F@
- €)tt = o.?cqz ['
x'-'= (r X>,s o-stqg L <

Jr.= #r.r" I (o.sna L)'- 6

c'i'tg t"t - *Ls(o'sr?3 L)3
= * ol <
o. ooesa
fL, o-oo6sz $' t

D-t-:, wo: {.5 ltlps I PI = # = sts IL /;" " | = ,8++ ? ?le i'.
I = 8oO in+ {.r" W 18 '.!D
o )n = @.ooqfz)(s?s)@ l
= O- ??1 i.a. J <
15.13 end 15.14 For the beam and loading shown, determine the deflection at point C.
Problem 15.13 Use E-200 GPa.
I'fo '= 3S kN '*r

c ffi
wl 00x 19.3 Re","*,b- s i : n-/L J

[X= o, yr o] fr-- L" J--
of A

fx=a, J= J] M.
lx= % H,= *l +

-*x + l4o + M= o

n = t h'-A)

*,. EI# i F(x-L)

+(*x') (tl ET* = + ftxr- lr)+ ca (g)

+(*,') (el Ery Y(tr'-*Lx") *c.x+ c1

= (ql

(e) O+ o + C, Cz= o
[x= a, t=#f Le*(r) re)g -- +(*oi ) + c, = )+ Ca

Cs= C,+
[x= A, y = y J [a.r(alr({)t * g*)+ *^ = *'(14-+Ld\+(q+ Mo4)a + C,,

q = 'r+Moo'
[*--trJ-'o] tnt(r)3 e. l,4o(rL3_*1.)+(c,+M"a)L _*M.o. =
T \6 c)

c,= *(tLe+to';DoL)
Elntl;c curve fio. O- x< a:
H&. x! o, J. =
#[*a + fr'a , i&- dL] =ft-[to'r tL"o- t"']
Dqta-: E= 2oorlorPa, Ii {.?orlDc^-1 = 4J\ou!o''r-,, M.=38r1orN.rr

o J.= = li..q+ x rc-s nr o

= ,?.1+ -. ? -
Problem 15.14 15.13 rnd 15.11 Forthebeam and loding shown, determinethe deflection atpoint C.
Use E-200 GPa.

w150 x 18.0
Lef 16= L-a
Re o,,lions; P. : +L') t
B er,J J h^ ohe,"ts ',

tx= t y'ol
O< 7tr<d: M =

O< x' o-

Er#" Er#=ffl"-L(x-o[
Er* c, (r) Er # = f t*tx"- {r(x-".)'] *cr (2)

EJJ C,x + C, (2) ErJ = f t*tr+d.(x- o)']* crx + c, (q)

fx= o, J Or O+O + CL Cz= o

fx= a, *, *l {E'. (r)a-J (sl}: f{AhA)+ C, = EL*1"** o] + C" --. C" = C,

f*=arJ:JJ C,o + e2
=ftbbo"+o] *gia +cr C,t: C" = O
fx=LrJ =oJ fEr.(q)3, E ttat'- tr(L-o)'] + CrL
C,= Ca: F I *G-a)'- *6r'] = f - * Lt')
Yl*e r= 4 i,n F1 C2l
P (ba' + bs a- L'aE )
J.=ft^t*ba'+t b3a- t bl"o] = 6ETL
P= ?o*lot lrrJ E,2oexlo" po, I _- 7.zo x f oG l*.1 = 1.?ox rdc r.t
l-r 3 r', r e-= | h,, I = 2 n',

_ (eo'rot )[ tz X, )t * (e )t(r ) - 131"(rXa)J

J.= = -1.8? x lo-s hf
i.e 1. gz rrr t ha

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. O 20ll The McGraw-Hill Cornpenior, Inc. All rightr reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reprodwo4
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€duclton pctmittcd by McGraw-Hill for their individual course prepantion. Stu&nlr uriry this manual are using it without pennission.
Problem 15.15 15.15 For the b€am and loading shown, determine (a) the equation of the elastic curue'
A, (c) the deflection at the midpoint of the span.
(D) the slope at end

8 ou n) onJ c, nrl,'4 ; on, *f A o ^rl, B e tq, not.l -

w= (q1",- {x")
LX= o, H= o] [t= L, lrt=of h. = -w
= +(+xt
Lz\ -+tx)
fr=o, J=oJ fX=L, )=ol & l{o /i*s-ZLx.),+C,
hc = V= E\3'
- I4
M = (+x'r- frti3) + c,X + c.
Lr \:
tx=a.F'clf @= o+o+o + Cz Cr= o
fx;r;tr=ol o= Yttf-6t-,)+C,L+o (^
r-1-= I%L"

Er#. = Fl = Ff '*"'-?Lr' +$Lix)

ErH = *(,rt^'-*tr* +f r-'x') + cs
ETJ = F(#r'-E!L*',lrL'x')+ C3x+Cr
l\=orl=O], O: O+O+O+ O rC+ q o
=ol: Q : #(*Lt- *L'+fr') * c"L +
fx--1, J bwoIs
(a) €.eost,. c,rv.. J = #(#"t- *'t-xs + frl"xt _-

#=#(**"-*tx*+jLsx' *vs )

G) s!.?" o* e,.a A- s4 x -- o i., * . *l^ =

(c) Defictfier.n o.{ -,dpo;.t. Sefx=,
(*)t'+f -(*)(*)'*
ar -

sI160 ?eo I qt

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, O 20ll The McGraw-Hill Coqrnic4 |rc. All righb rcserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, rcprodwc4
or dirtibutcd in rny form or by any means, without the prior writcn pcrni||ion ofthc publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teacheE ud
cdE tor! Fmitbd by McGraw-Hill for thcir individual course prcplntion. Str&ntr urh3 0ris manual are using it without permission"

Problem 15.16 15.16 For the beam and loading shown, daermine (a) the equation of the elastic curye,

o (D) the deflection at the free end.

- -1(i) + 3(
Boun/"arrl conalition S a.v<- s l. owv *t ,0**f.

#,= -w = -w.Ll - 1E)+ ge)'l

fx=L, v=o]
It=l, M=o]
v= woLx- +{ +Fl+cv L

l>c'= Lr V = ol:
O = -Wo [l- ?-L+ L] + Co =C) C,t=o

#= V= -h,olx--1tr-#:
rvl=-*'[ +c, #-#.#]
fra=r-rn,o] s o F-wo[t*-gf ,kt7+C,a C^ = frWL,

Er#,= m z -*.Ll*''-1"f .+F -*eL"l

o af,= - wo[ *r" - ]# - *€ - i^ L'*J * ,c,
fx=or *=o], Cr =o
ErJ - - wo[ *'o' - *f* # # - ht*'f a cz_

fy=orJ=c,f7 - C. = o
(a) Elasltc cur,te. J - -#(fif"r'-*Lt' + ft2..'-7+J- <

(b) D*I",lio. J L? L.
Je = - #iF ( .t Lc -_# L' + #L'- hL. ) =
!e= <

o PRO?RIETARY MATERIAL. O 2011 The McGraw-Hill Compnicr, Inc. All

or didubd i! Dy form or by
rigb rcserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed reprodrrcd
any means, without thc prior writtcn pormirdon of thc prblisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to tcachers and
Gdtp.ion Pcrnitbd by McGraw-Hill for their individual course prepantion Stdcd uriry thir manual are using it without pennission.
Problem 15.17 15.17 through 15.20 For the beam and loading shown, determine the reaction at the
roller support.

Reactions aute .*^* ico)ll i^Jr'[".*ino,']e.

Bo,rr, da ry c o^Jf*,'o!\t a re s hr",, n /*+1.
[k=o, V=aJ L"= ,, l=o] ^t
fx-- 4f =o) D ZM.l = o'- - R^x + (wx)i + \,r1 = ,o
M = -**rt + Pax

Ef#- = -*wx' + R^x

Rr EIt = -*wx3+*P^x" +e,
Efy = -if wxq +tR^x' { 'C,x + C,
fx= or Jtol '. O =-O { o + O + e. C. = O

fx= L, *"=o l: o -- -*wI3 + *R^t' + C, C, = [wt=- *p^t_"

fx=t-, y o -- -.*wl* + tRoL3 + (twl3- *R^L')r- + o

( P^ = (*-*)wL {Ro = *wL
R^= * wl t <

PRoPRIETARY MATERTAL' @ 201 I The.McGraw-Hill Compmicr, Irc. All rigbtr rtrcrved.

No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduccd,
or dittributed in any form or by any-meam, without the prior writLn pcrmi|rbl of-thc pubtirher,
cdgbn pennitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course preparation SMcrnr uring thir mauual rd
or used beyond the limited distrrbution to teacheK
are using it *iu."t
15.17 through 15.20 For the beam and loading shown, determine the reaction at the
Problem 15.18
o roller support.

n"Iio,rs are s{*t i"J}1 inJ.t.tu'ainale.


Ix=orJ--ol Bo,rnJa*y conJ;liarr ahe s;own nt /.ft

I x=
" ,*, cr] lJs i^3 S'=. b"t J8,
DZ14J-- o: -f.'4 + RB(L-x) Mo =o
M = - Mo+ RB(t-x)

[t= + o + C. ez = O
[x= O + O- o +CtC,=o
o [^= -*M.L'+ RB (*t-t- ttt)
-, I7Ll!" RB=e+t

o PROPRIBTATY MATERIAL. O 201I The McGraw-Hill Companier, Inc. All ri3htr rcserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproducc4
or dirtsibubd in ny forn or by any means, without the prior written pernir|iol of thc p$lisher, or uscd beyond the limited disbibution to teachers ||rd
cdnbn pcrnittd by McGr:aw-Hill for their individual course prcparation. Strr&nb ruiry this manual are using it without permission.
15.17 through 15.20 For the beam and loading shown, determine the reaction
Problem 15.19 roller support.
at the

s ane r.}o,1," "!!J in A.IerArn,noie.-

Re a.ctio',

f"=arJ'oJ Bo, n)ary corr"li*ir.s 4re, srl own & Jeft.

Dsi'3 Snee b"{ JB, DZMr =o:

-14 + R"(t--x) + *w.,(t-r)5(L-x)
*Y (r--x;*CL-x) = o
M = RB (L- r )
# lal(r--x )'+ x (l- ')" I
= Re (L-x) ir #frr" - +L'r< + 2L'x'

Er* Re(tx-*x') -#(
Erl R. (*rx'-tr') - #(#*t- { r-'x'+ L'*" ) + c,x + c.
[x=orJ=o] t
[x= o, *=ol ] '
[x= L
Q= R.L.(*-*)-
(*)(#,) woL

PROPilIETARY MATERIAL. O 20ll The McGraw-Hill companicr, tr. All righc reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, rcprcduced,
or dirtributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written pcmritrion ofthc publishea or used beyond the timited aistritrition to teachers and
cdceton pennitted by McGraw-Hill for their individuat course preprntion Shdcntr ruing this nranual are uing it without permission.
15.17 through 15.20 For the beam and loading shown, determine the reaction at the

o Problem 15.20 roller support.

Re 4et;o^ s 4se s{a.* icJll ir,Je*eov.t,'na*e.

Bo.r^J any Conrl,'|io", s a,Fq Sho,^rr'l oI ,eJtr

f (r-' r
-w '-f (l-")
\,/ = -f ttx-*x') + p.

- f (*r-x"-*x.) + p.x
fi#. = -f (*u" - t*') + R^x

EEi;' = -+(ttr' -f x')**Ro" + c,

Er: : -f (*(x3- #r' )* *P.*t + c,x + c.
o fx=o.rJ=of i O: @+O+O*C.
-*( trr-itt') * *PeL" + C, = e,
fx=l., *= o7'
C, = *n"t-'- iRrL'
fx=r,J=..,l3 -t (+L'-*r*) - tR^13 +($w"13 -*P^L')L
(*-*) Ro -- ( t - ;! - *) --L
tR. i j!w,r P^=#w.Lt

o PROPRIETARY MATERIAL' O 201I Th€ McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All right rc.crvrd. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproducc4
or dirtibuted in any form or by any rneans, without the prior written permisrion ofthc prbllher, or used beyond the limited distnbution to teachers atrd
cdtcrtors permitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course preparation. Studcntr uing tlrir manual are using it without permission.
15.21 end 15.22 Determine the reaction at the roller support and draw the bending
Problem 15-21
moment diagram for the beam and loading shown.

Re c.*Jions ane
i^ol .{e,"r',i n*e-
+?Zry = o: R^*Re-p= o R1 --p_Re
+)ZM^= o: -Mn{ *PL-PoL=}
[x-- o. y =o] [.X=t, J =o]
lru":*=ol 14= Mr.+R^x,
M^ * Q^%

h,H^rl" t?^x3 + C,* + C.
*L<*-L 14= MA+R^z - P(x-tt-)
Ef #^= M, Mr+Q;x-P(r(-*t)
Fr *" = Yl^x + *R^X3- *p(x-*-r-)' + Cs
EfJ = tM^ x.' + * A^x3- tp (rt - e). + C"*+ Ct
Ex=or#=ol'- o+o+c,!o cl =O
[x= O"
J s o] O+O+O+C,z=o q ;-O

[%= r, *,= *1, \]4;L+ $R^L'+ o = * M^ **qL- o 4cs es =o

b= 2tJ =V], tu^L' * *qL" *o + o
' -*to.L"+ *"R^L3- o t o + c,t C,r=o
[x= L, J =oJ *MrL'+fe^1"-.*pL3 + o + o =O
7 *e)tt + tG- Rs) L3 - * pL3 = c) RB=fPf 4
RA='P-fP R^=lier
Ma= fp,_ iet Hr= - ft, PL
M.? Rse)?(f,Pxil M.-- # PL
l4e= o

PnOPRIETARY MATERIAL O 201I Thc Mccril-Hill C,onpanice, Inc. All rights rcrclod. No p|rt of tbir Mrnrul rnay bs displaye4 rcprcducd
or disbibuEd in any form or by any rFsns, without thc prior writrn pcrmircion of tbc publirhcr, or urcd bclond thc limitcd distribution to tcachsrs ard
c{1gton pcmittcd by McGnw-Hill for thcir Mividual counc prcparation Shdcnb using this manual uc using it without pcrmission.
the bending
Problem 15-22 lS.Zl end lS.2Z Determine the reaction at the roller support and draw
moment diagram for the beam and loading shown.

6ina =+
J ;.^l\ ;^ )Ae!^-,'rlo{ e .
Rr+Re - fwL=o
-qL+(L.ttfit) + t4s =D
Me= RiL - i|*L'
(x=o, lr"o .J =l4
J =ol
o. fu( Lz 14= R^x' - t^wt

Lx.=o, |r. ,
Fh L Ml2 Er # = kv'-tw*t
rj Fr* = Lg^x"-tr*t +C,
?p EII = *Rnzf--fiwx? + Q,x +C.
2 M= R.*- *@-t)
EI #,= R^x wL (L^*- *l)
Erfl= I
* Rr*' !- wL (+ x' - ! tx ) + cs
EIJ = * R^f.- wL(*X3- ftx') + A * + c,t
[x=orJ= ol'- O- O+ O + Cz =Q) C"= o
f,x= h, #= #]; #R.L'- {sr-lt 4 Ct = *Rn La-; o +cs ca - Cr.- f, wL3
Lx=V) J = ylt t*u R. Lt
-* -Lr + {c, L + o
.= fia^L' - wr-(dr-' -$rt) +r €' , #wtraxi) + c*
Ct=dT u,Lt
tR^f-wl(ft"-$L1) +c. =
J-. 1.
[*=L" 7,= oJ ' @

Cs = t-Lt -!*R*t'
L" J =c>l: t ql'- rl(*.r"- *r-') * (*ruLs-tB.t"l L + ih wLr = @
R. = ,*b wL t "-'
O-OSl3wLz | . 29 .r at
:"":'":; -... R,. = *-L- #ut --L
.r 6
R" -# 'L
Mc 9- * Ms = #5'1" - * tL' u" + :.# wL" = -'o'o*17 oLz
Ove, O < ?l-
*o.osq?wlaY V= o "* Xr= X_= $.t_
Betnl i
".1 wro*"^t zrrsLa'-q'n
M= #wLt- t-*"
Mc = #-t= fwLL= o-osstr[a, M. = fh"t-(#r-)- *-[$L)t = o-osr3 wla
PRoPRIETARY MATERHL. o 20t I The.McGras-Hitl Cornpanics, Inc..All rights rcrcnrcd.
No part of this Manusl rney bc disple16d, rcproducc4
or dirFrtutcd in any,bro or by ar-I pub
without ttc prior writLn pcnniscion of-the ,".a u.poa thc ffmitcd dictribution to tcrcbcrs and
cducrbn pcrmittcd bv Mc€nw-Hill TAns, using
for thcir individual courrc prcpantior Studcnts I uiiog ir*itn oi;il.i-;-
15.23 end 15.24 Determine the reaction at the roller support and the deflection at
Problem 15.23 point D ifa is equal to Ll3.

R eortiotas ar e sf -* ;ca!.(7 i"'J"-|et"' i not e .

+lZFV=ol R^+Re-P=o RA= P-Ra
+)EM^=o: Mr-?a- ReL =o
Ex= orf-. cr) f,x=a, J=d Mn : RgL Po-

ocx<a M= Mn+R^x
EI f* = M = Mat Rex
EI t* = Mrx +!R^/' * C,

ErJ = *t"t^x1+ *P^rt + Crx + C,

a M= H^+ Rox - ?(x-o-)
EJ#=M = MA + Rnv - P(x-o)
Er # = tY^x + *P.xa - -l^P(x-4)t + Cs
Ef J = *M.x' +tP^^' ir(x-o)t+ C"x +C,
lx= o, id=o ]i O + O+C,
=o C,=o
[r= o) J--.r] : O+O+O+Cz=O Cr= o
I x= a.) *= *-l : y^a + lko-n + C, = fua+LQ*9P-o +Ca Cs=C,= O

Lx=arJ=y]'. j!^* *;LJ# +]fu + c"

= *y^"d+ ffia3- o +!4g * Cr C1 = CL= O

fx=LrJ'ol? *M^Lt**P^Lt-*P(t-o1s +o+o = o

* G"r- Pa)L" * tP- R")Lt - * p(r-a)s = o
(+-t)R.L" = e [t aLz-LnLs +*(r--o)t]
*R"r" =P [fur-E *ff -]h. +]ta'-*a'l
= ?a2(tt-ta-)
RB: H(sL-a)= wGt ,rr
b) = #?'t <
Def l"rtie^ of D. (y *f x = a- ? b )
tR^(i)tt = h{#(e"r-- Pb)1"+
*)* *(t-#)l = -# # )

PIO?RIETARY MATERIAL. O 201I Thc McGnw-Hill Companics, Irc..All ri3hts Ercrrcd. No part of thir Mrnnl mry bc dgpL',c4 Eprcdrrcc4
or dirtbutcd in rny form or by my nrrnr, without thc prirr writcn pcrmirrion of thc publirhcr, ot urcd bcpd ttc tinica airtntrition !o trrcbct! ard
cduc.brr pcrmitt d by McGnw-Hill for thcir irdividual courrc prcprratior Snrdcnts using this manud art using it without pcrmisrion
15.23 end 15.24 Detemnine the rpection at the roller support and the deflection at

o Problem 15.24
point D ifa is equal ro Ll3.

n"l foyts are s*o-*o

"1.{J i",/ t}"rw\i^o}e.
fx= o, y .t-f EI#*= M =Q,x
EI #, = *R^r'+ C,
ErJ -- *R^xt*C,x+C"
o< x
"* Ay = Rx_M.'
#, = *P^x=- l'4,(x - a. ) + Cs
Ef y = *R.x} -*vt.Q-c.)'+Csx+C+
fx= o, y= oJ : o+o+C.= O C.=O
fx= a)H=d*l: *PnaL+ C, = AP^at- o +C" C, = Cc
Lt= 4, J : y I t *qo' * Ca + C. = t?^qt+ o + C"a-+C, Cz= Cr = o
fx= L ) *="J'. *B.t' - h.(L-a.) * Cs = o c"= Mo (t-o't-*p^L,
[x = L J y= o ] : L?^L' -| r.,r. (t-o1' *[M.(r--a)- *P^l'] t- + o = o
(+ -t)R^r. = Mo [tr- - a\L - * (L- o'tt f
tt '=
*R^ Mo t !-z2el-- *L" +]a - *a.'l = * Mo (L' -,c)
p(L'-o") = et[r-.-(€rJ
R^= e Lt. I
- 3t !!et
- <
al - (
J *+ x=a-= E )

Jo: hftP^(bl' + c,cbl] = [rltt*?Xb)'+ c.(bl]


o PR'OPRIETARY MATERIAL. O 20ll The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Atl righb rcrcrved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduccd,
or dirtibuted in any form or by any means, without the prior written pernirbn ofthc prblisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers ud
cdrcttors penaitted by McGraw-Hill for thcir individual course prqlaration. Stu&o ruing this nranual are using it without permission.
15.25 rnd 15.26 Determine the reaction at A and draw the bending moment diagram
Problem 15.25
for the beam and loading shown.

rtl 8y qt*-,"*t, Ps=Rt ,.,') *= o nt x= t.
t- Irz ,1, m1
+tEE=oi R^+Re-P=O q=R"=*e {-
I4or',e',* $ea ulin is sl-t;.J4 ;,"J-+erh,, i,,ols.
O.r-<E M= MA+Rax = l4ei*Px

Ra IRe
EJ# =
Er tf =
MA + *Px
Max ++?u*u Cl

' [x=ar*=.r]: o-o+C, =() C,=o

tpr Ex=L"r*= o]: t',lri++fl:\\+ o = c)
*P *? MA='-tfl t4A=*"Lt d
By sJ ^,n"J tAr. MB = MA = * eL 2 <
M.= N4^+ *?i = -*el**et= tet <

Pn'oPnIETARY MATERIAL. o 20ll The.McGraw-Hill Conpenicr, Irc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual
may be displayed, reprodgcod,
or dirtributed in any fotm or by any_ureans, without the prior wrircn pcroigion of-the publishcr, or uscd
beyond the limited distributioa to t€acherr |nd
cduc.tors permitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course prcprration Stu&nts using this manual arc using
it without permission
15.25 rnd 15.26 Determine the reaction at A and draw the bending moment diagram
for the beam and loading shown.

A Re o.fions 're "1.*;"&J inJe*etrr;nate,_

f..,- uz -l' uE

[t =o. y=ol
-l Be cculs e of sJ r',r',e*
\J,, *r= o "^rt != o
fr= or!=c,l a,t x= b-
f"=iru= al l)se ?o4io'. AC o| be4h. ( o
fr= i,!r=.,l
# = -w = -2Y x

- O- o3l2S wo L' U
= V = -+x"+RA Cr)

EI#-= yl=-*?*t+Rrx+Mr (2)

EI/,, = -*?'**R^x3+ M^X + C, (s)

EJJ = - *t r' + tR^x"+ *Mnr' + C,\ + C. Gl

[x = o , o i O + 04 O + C, n-
\r1 - o

Ix= ol o ;o+o+o+o+ e, Ca=

[r= ,, 'i-
+ (*l'* R^ = o RA --
**"L t

[r= *, - * Y(*)'+{(i-"1\?'* Me+ +o--o

M^ = -Z(*-#)rr" L' = .D 1c
-5 woL's -O.oSZog-oL'

I: /a\ L
ffolr -l 1< )
r- l?_ .' )t +(+ u4LX*) - #'tNoll
-i)woL' 3 *woL' = o' o3l?E t"'o L'

pROPRIETARY MATERIAL. O 20ll The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All righ8 rcrcrvcd. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproducc4
or dirt'butcd in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission ofthc prblirbr, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and
cd16l1brr pcroitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual coune preparation Shrdcab uriry thir manual are using it without permission.
15.27 through 15.30 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the deflection at
Problem 15'27 point C, (b) the slope at end A.

roaJi^trr: c-.rf
o*Y'tlr=t, p=p,
Je=-H'= -*r6f(r*)'=-#
oe= _r*#= _h.(#)lr._(e).] =

LaaJ;rtr Jr' co*. io'1\?* , =t

-3t E
T{3 ET

(a) D.t,lu
"tl,,^ n C:
'J.' -*+ # - h# =

/L\ a0-re o*,A

\9 | e(!',r :

PIOPRIETARY MATERHL, @ 20ll The McGraw-Hill Companio, Inc. All rightr rcserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, repmduccd
or dirtributed in any form or by any nreans, without the prior wriften pcrmirrbn ofthc publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers .Dd
cdwrtots permitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual coune prcprntion. SMcntr uring this manual are using it without p€mission.
t5.27 through 15.30 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the deflection at
point C, (b) the slope at end A.

^3 I = Do-n I"J P nt B.
LoaAi rra n-l
Use Cnt .5 of Apfe'.! iy C wi*l
P= Pr a- = 5, b= t, f= L) /=t
For x<a t Jivea "l.",h;,
eor\re is J = ft [ xt- (t-'- L')r I
T" atla.i. ulntf;. cu,t{c }o, | . a replaee x AJ l- x nn)
i.*e.ol-, anle q nnl b. *o 3.+

J ='fr [tr-- * f - (r'- a,'Xr-, )l ,,*L x = t d+ po;.f @

J. =6#tCtt' - (t^"-G)')(5)l : - fr. H

oe = - PllL-'-t')= - tcttsJlf -w:ri't'l - -r+g

LooJ ln3 IL : )o') "'-l C

D?ur^re Use Co,s. S df AVp.r..l;l "C .rillr

P:-P) o.=tr b=5, L=L ) x=o.=+

= #H
4 Pl'
OA r- 6€rL

(ot _De|l"q*i"" at C, r, -7+?6 3C

$ + .ff J-?tt
EI z,tE EJ -t q86 E3 | <

(b) Slope of A. eA? -#H + ## = <

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. O 201I The McGraw-Hill Companicr, Irc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reprodrrcod,
or dirtributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written pcrmi'|ion ofthc prblishea or used beyond the limited distribrition to t€achcE .trd
cdrcrbrs pennitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course prepantion Studcntr uring this manual are uiing it without permission
15.27 through 15.30 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the deflection at
Problem 15-29 point C, (b) the slope at end A.

i: Cas. G .f App."o);x
ll C

J-= -* # ; q=- h#
Loteint Il :' Cos. 1 of Appe*'l"x C
Nale +l -+ cevr{e. )r}l ,.{ion is

!.= #[tll"- L'(f,)l

o^: EYf
wi+h Mr = +' )
11? Ef ) v'A I!4Lt
A = 36
r5- u, Ltf ' l-wt t"tLt
(a-) P.ll"otio^ of C- Y.= - s8$ €I +iTE - -m,EE
J.: ## {, .<
(b ) Sl"pe nl A. e^ '- -L2'l Er , | uult
WL' +3-68
= _J4!'
e^s*g: <

o PR.OPRIETARY MATERIAL' @ 20ll The McGraw-Hill Companicr, Inc. All rights r€served. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reprcduce4
or dirtributcd in any fom or by my means, without the prior writtcn pcrmit|ion ofthe publisher, or used beyond the limircd disfibution to tcachers and
cdw$ors pennitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course peprntbn SMcnb using this manual are using it without pennission.
15.27 through 15.30 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the deflection at
Problem 15.30 point C, (b) the slope at end A.

LoaJ f ;
ln3 g #

f.= 4a, 4-4, b'3n, ,l=2a

Fo* X > a. r:p,L.e x by L-x o"d i',,{cnc,,L1633 a. o,-l b fn
oapuessiora $""
"Int[;. corve 3ivcn.
y , ft,tcr_y)3 _ (r._ e.)(r._x)]
y. = &d.ol I taof- (tb ; - a'\(eo)l = - # E
PGaXtcat-qc') = -Z,E
6 EI (+o1 8 ET
L'o*^3 tr LoaA *+ C Case Il J AppeaJir C w;tL !_-, 4a.,
l+S EX =-P(qa)1
qS Ef =-le Pas
erz -fs a-#HL'=-E?'
l^ooA nI D C,"s" 5 ,,f Apper,Jix C.


(b) S1. pe a.t A : EE-"


PROPRIETARY MATERHL. O 201I TIlc McGnw-Hill Corupanios, Im. All rights rrscncd. No psrt of thic Muual mey bc dn'pbyc4 rgprodrrcc4
or dirribuEd in any form or by my nerru, without thc prfor writEn pcrmirsion of thc publirhcr, or urcd bcpd tho limibd dirtnbution b E chctr rDd
cdrretoa pcnnittcd by McGnw-HiU for iheir individual coursc prcparation Stu&ntr using thir mrnurl arc uring it without pcrmiscion
15'31 end 15.32 For the cantilever beam and loading shown, determine
Problem 15.31 deflection at the free end.
the slope and

: 2P lo.n*n*l oI 8.
.+ App"'nJ ix C ^7p.1;r) l- pr-tb,, Bc.
= 2ET =

Ag Fewr a. ns s*rnaiX [1.

eA'= e; = +#
J^'= Js'-(+)q' =- *H
IL p dnrnwa"rt ,t A Cos" I dF

er"=H JJr"=-#
By su ?en_pos i+i ov1
q= e: +o^'
Jrr = Jr' +J^"

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. O 201I The McGraw-Hill CoDprnie., Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, repodwc4
or dirtrbuted in any form or by any means, without the prior writtcn pcrmirrion ofthe publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachlrt trrd
cdrE iors p€mitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual coursc prpantion. Shdents ushg this manual are using it without pennission.
l53l end 15-32 For the cantilever beam and loading shown, determine the slope and
Problem 15.32 deflection at the free end.

: PL

LoeAi nq
I Counletcl""lr,t's€ eovpJe ?t dl B.

Co-se 3 of A ppenal ix C nppl;"e {. prytion BC.

oJ --
J"'= W
AB r^€ r'to,hs siy.aiglrf .
O^' : e;3 !:
!r'= J.'-e)Q'= +r+' = -t Eh'
\t Cr,se t
"f App",-lix C.
qu= ,:;, tt
Ja =-sZF

BJ suPer pos ilfon,

eh: e: + O^u
Jn = J^'lYr"

PROPRIETARY MATERHL. o 201 I The.McGral,-Hill Compenics, Inc. All righ* rcserved. No part of this Manual may
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the limited distrib;tion to teachers aod
cdFstors permitted by McGraw-Hill for theit individual course prepantion. Studcntr using this manual are using it without permission.
15'33 end 15.31 For the cantilever beam and loading shown,
Problem 15.33 deflection at point C.
determine the slope and

*:T P

L., oAi^S I l)n;i"rnly J,s*r;[ u]d )oo,rva{d

!ou[l^3 w= ?/L.
As"2 "| Aeee,JitC.
6ET = rrts
_ (P-lerlu = _l- _tr
8EJ Z Er
L"oAin3 Ug-o.J co^ ce,\+NJEA .e"J of P.
Co,se I
"f Apfre',J ix C qp-lical +. port'on AA
? (L/z)t
o:: 2Ef -
_ J_el:
? E-I
P(Uef : I PLs
Ja" =
3EI 1i Er
Po.tio, tsC n€h^aiv,s s*no,'3 lrt.

t gf .-
b Ff '. S?L"
clE ET

BJ sup er ?os i fbn ,

e. = e.'* Oo" = - =r-
!e 3 J.'+ Jo" = - -- <

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. @ 201I The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All righfir ltcerved. No part of this Manual may be displayed reproduccd,
or dittibuted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permirsiol oftfu prblisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers md
cdwators permitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course preparation. Stu&ntr uriry this manual arc using it without permission
Problem 15.34 15.33 and 15.34 For the cantilever beam and loading shown, determine the slope and
deflection at point C.

LoaJ;^S I : Do*rnh/,.n) Jistr;L.r+eJ l"oJ

^pp,(,;.) fu po |io', AB-
u, r
Cose 2 "f Apn.^Jlx C oapl;"J +' po.t,b. AB.

o;? 6EI = -Er E


r wlr
: -iaE
J.t :
P"**i.,n BC new\€r r'vls S{na ,b },t.

v t=

L"ilin3 II, : C ounl erc,\o"kwis e

Cos" 3 "{ A?p"*J ix C

(w /"'t \ L
e.' : L"
(wL" /zt ) L"
]." ?'er
BJ s,upurlrosilirrr
o. -4
& <

PRoPRIETARY MATERHL. o 20ll The.McGraw-Hill companio, Ittc..All risht reserved. No part of this Manual
may be displayed, reproducc4
or dirttibuted in any form or by any_means, without the prior written pcnnirrion of-tbo pubtisher, or
cducetors permitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course prepantiou Strtdcnt uring this
ulsed beyond the limit€diistribution to teachen
manual are using it without permission.
Problem 15.35 1535 For the cantilever beam and loading shown, determine the slope and deflection
- 29 x 106 psi.
at end C. Use E

125 lb

f,= *e =! *.tt-25)' 0.875 lin-

J = T.t = Tp.s7s)'f = 0-+60386 ine

EI = (?qt loLXo..lao3it€> = l3.3sl x r.16 lb.i',"
loili n? f . &*se I "f Apf"J;1 C.

P= l?5 Ib, L= 4oin.

(J+= #= - = 1- o-lq7-l3s in-

(0.),= -#=- =-7-'tlolvlo-s

ts0b/;n @
::f Lo,^lin4
( lt. I' TnrJ p.rlion AB a,s 4
e,vt l'J&ref b., vv\- (Cnr" e)
w= tslb/;" ) L=3O;n.
(Y.\ = -# =1ffi*4 n-o'lr3?55 in'
(eG).= -# =-ffi#**l ---s:-osss*t63

Po-l;o,,, BC ne-air.s stn QH G-,LoJ;-tr J[,.

Le. = fo i.".
(y.)"= (J")^ * ls.(ee)a = -o.,6r+gts in.
(oJ" = 10")" -- - 5.o558rlos
BJ supeGposil;o, , e- = (q), * (e.)"
e.= - lq-5+5?xro-3 O.= 12.$fx,1o3rn),,E, {"'tiun a,+ eil C. B srp
"n f os ilion..
(&), + (y.\.

&= - o.36l6qg lvr. 0-g6'l in- It 1L

PROPRIETARY MATERHL. @ 20ll The McGraw-Hilt Cornpaninl hc. All thbs rcserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, r€producc4
or dirtributcd in any form or by any nreans, without thc prior writter pctmitriol ofthc publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachcn rnd
cdrcabrt Frmitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course prcprntbn Sad.ntr using this manual are using it without pennission.
1536 For the cantilever beam and loading shown, determine the slope and deflection
Problem 15.36
o r25 lb
1.75 in.
- 29 x 106 psi.
at point ^8. Use E

? = *J = ktt.7S) = 0.875 in.

I = Te* = $ (o. azs)t -- 0.+60996 inr
FL = (R?xloc )(o.\603as) = I3- 3st>t lc.. lb-in'

l"o)in14 It (ase l.,F Aprr"J;x C,

P = lLs lL. | = tlo in- 7g= So;.
J,=#(t -sl;a")
,s lb/," i-Y.),
i (r'f-(gy.r'xs.J]
= - o-tX,c3ns in-

l--- J
B (es),= [t.o'yt- (ay,roxr")]
= -7-OZl1 y-to-3
Lool.,ra lL- Cose ? dl AfF"^)iy
o W= ,s.0b/;^ ) L = 3o i,r

(Je). g6r =-( f,sx3")t

.=_yg4.+ _
= - O- ll37SS i,n.

(e"). = _ wlt _ (60s)(*13 _

to") - - 5,o558
g.gfl x /D-3
6Ef Xr x

S/ope J pr'",r B. 0B = (oe), + (e)"

eB-= -l?.O7?7-ld' 0e= l2.O\xlD-3,ft-lq --
D"il".Ii*, "* p"rnt B. Je -- (yu ), + (yr).

Jr rrO.L|o15 in,
Ja =
O.2lD ,n. ,t

o PR'oPRIETARY MATERTAL. o 20ll The.MsGrav-Hill Cornpnio, lnc..All dghg rcrcrvcd. No part

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educators permitted by McGraw-Hill for thcir individual course preparation Studcnts using this .-*l .tr *ing it witbout pcrmission.
1537 end 15.3E For the beam and loading shown, dete,rrnine (a) the slope at end A,
Problem 15.37 (D) the deflection at point C. Use E - 200 GPa.

I.4(! kN I .S0kN.m
(+ B

)I U',ils: in LU, ,0""3*hs in nn.

t l. T: i,,,1
T. Mo-enfI d) .t>
Caese 7 ol Ag,e"J:t C, M = 8o kil.n, L' 5.o hr X = Z-Sw,

\-/A g= (go)(s'o): GG-aG:?

e,- 6eZ 6Fr - --F
!. = - #' (r3 - L'x) -- -furl;.st - (s.o)' (z.s)]
L-c.J;a3 JI -' Morne.t a{ A- Casc -? oT Appe'.Jir C.
f'zf = tOltt,f-nn, L=5.O^, x=?-Sv,
et,: h ? (8-aX5'o) - 13:i9g3

J. = tr ( S,.*. 4-s )" 5;"1 r )

foaJin3 III: lrlo kN .o""e...*noteJ )"nJ ** e. p= fto k],1

er = - g
lsEf =
(trg)es-o)' - ?!g=.?s
- = - F-f
J.= -# = - (l{-?X5o)s= -s6J:ss3

= Zoo t loq ?o -, I = 156 x lot h^hn'{ = fS6,/d6 k44

Da-/,o-'- E:

Ef = (zc,o'tot )(tsex lql-6 ) : Sl.7v 106 N- n^' = 3t ?oo kN- hn'

(a) S,eop" nI A. ,., _ .C7-eC7 tt33.33?, - 7rg.7s = 0.60, r lO-3 lna1
3t ?oo
eA = 0.60l xrdr' r'qA qq <
Gl io^ l?S + , 25 -' 3 6q ,583
"t C. Y? 3t%oo = - 3.67 x lo3 wr

J" = 3- G7 lvrnzr {, <

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. O 201I The McGraw-Hill Compenia, Inc. Alt righls rccmrcd. No prt of this Manusl may bc displayc4 rcproducod,
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Problem 15.38
o 20 kN/rn '
1537 end 15.3E For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the slope at
(D) the deflection at point C. Use E :200 GPa.
end A,

Ut"|s i Forc€S in k [,. Le,,,f \t in

F", W lSo/ icll I, = 13 -t4 x lob
13. ,l ldt n
= )/ ,...

Ef = (?oo >r,o?)(rS. I xlo-6 ) loc N- !'r

26EO kN-r'l 2

1"")tr,? I: Co-se 5.,{ Al.p.J:*C.

?=3o [N, I- = 2-q h^
) a= f-6 h^ ) b -- O.g r,.

(eJr - Pb (Lt- b' ) - (so\(o-z\(Jz-,t' - o.t")

7o 6fr L = (6)(zezo)(?.+')
= -3-lg&,I xlo-3
(y.),= -#= -
= - ?. Stl?76 x lO-3 h^

o L"n)inqd G \,
VY' = a.)
= l-G r-, J g,,i,.t e-,.
) - - .'4-218s x lo-3
Yr= L)
(y")" - (aqIe eao]l l(z- +Xr-e )' + (2Y)3(f. 6 )J = - 2. 80 t11 , l;s w1

@) S.lope *I e^) A- eA --(on), r (en ).

OA: - 7-4876 Y1c.3 tnn) -<q
er = 7tl8 x to
(b) D#l",]i"n t ?';.1 C. Jc- = (y.), + (y.).

J. = - 5
gef i?Sx to-3 m
Y. = {i 35 Fr>r l, 4

PRoPRTETARY MATERHL. o 20ll rhe.McGraw-Hill companieq Ioc..All rights reserved.

No part of this Menrnl may bc displapd, nproducc4
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educators permitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course preparation Strdcnb
using 0ris .*oa *iog it without pcnnission"
o Problem 15.39 f539 end 15.40 For
reaction at B.
the uniform beam shown, determine (a) the reaction atA, (D) the

a.s ,")u^) o^1 o-nl lnn


(Cos. | .F App "J;, c )

?',"*i.,n cB - (Co-t"2 J App"-^4 ;t c)
(yJ,= - W(L/z\v --JvL{
8Er'!:-ffi,J (el6-=
(a\= )tUrY
?"-*io.a AC is sln"t3[t- (JJ; U"[ 2@).-
Supe*posi*|o^ ari,rs*t"";,nt. )a = (Jo), n (y^)" =
' ^r,)
(a) RrL3 Rn= Wt
o 3FT

(b) Dsit3 ."t i.e. [eo-. aa a, f"=. boJl ,

+tZ\=or RA+R.- + = o
Re = +- # Rqo#&r 4
D214" = o' M6 - R^L,- '*'+ =o

Me= R^f-- +' = - ?#

t'4ts= W'? ''

o PROPRIETARY MATERHL. O 20lt Thc McGnw-Hitl Companicr, Im. Att righis reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced,
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educators lrrmitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course preparation. Students using this manual arc using it without pcrmission.
f 539 end 15.40 For the uniform beam shown, determine (a) the reaction at A, (b) the
reaction at B.

C.'q s er Re ^s r"eJ unJ..,.t &^) re.p! ace

Io aJ nX s
ts*e,* by 1 ) I[) aapl I[l .

La^Ji"3 I, Cose I
"| Apt,e^J;x C ,.ppl;.)i,,Ag..
(y.L =
l""Ai nq{ II . Case I uPyl;c,l *., pr.tio." AC.
(qb=- w = -J2
18 Er

(y.)n : - W = 8t tEr
Panll ,n CB- Ll,
^r-.aias -[n",,3
(y")a : (y.t + $tq" : '# H
"0 JIL Co-se I ^FfI;"t + ?on*io^ A.D-
R^ (y")' :
Po,lir. DB reh^ 4t nS I t,
(y.)r (y")r + $(e,)r = - #

Je = (yr\ * $Ja + Cyr)- =

Srper pcisilia, a"arl ConS{ no,rtf:

+ PP .
- StEf ,1, PL'
&EI : i#-r +H=o (b) Re
St -[i rt .

+t Z tr, = o'. Re-P-P+tf=o @?^=tet

?(t) - P(Sl *GpXe) =o
9Z lt?^ = o7 t-1. r- Mr, *f t)

PRoPRIETARY MATERTAL' o 20ll Thc McGraw'Hilt Companicr, Inc. All rights

rcrorvcd. No put of thir Meouel may bc dirplayed, r€prcducc4
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educators perulitt€d by McGraw-Hill 1eary'
for their individual-course prepmtion. Students using rhir msnual ale uring it withoutpcrmissiotl
15.11 rnd 15.42 For the uniform beam shown, determine the reaction at each
Problem 15.41 of the
three supports.

Be4vv..fg slol;. il,lJ i",rle'[ erv"', Jn"]" *o $tr.t "lto€e.

Cor, s rcle,r Re Io b€ the nerlondant fea-e,tion, e.nd
neplae e ll" lo"ainl by l"r.A;*3s J e.w! II .

Loa.Ai n3 I : Co.s" 5 .l+ Apf enJ ir C.

(yrl Er W E-R.LrI€I(r-ze)"=-fr
LrzJin?[: Case1
"f Affe^J;yC.
(Jr\ = - EH. (x"- r'x)= -ah:[t€)'- r-"€)l
Srp er posilion .on) Co'.s* "o ir.t.
yB= (yJr+(yr)z = C)

Rs= s? t

D: l.4" =
- RAL r R^= ?+ t -
+? ztrt =

?*- R.= *T I

PROPRIETARY MATTRHL. O 20ll Thc McGraw-Hilt Conpanio, rnc. All rights reserved. No part of rtrio Manual may bc rtispbyed, reprodgcd
or distributcd in any form or by any means, without thc prior written permission ofthc publishor, or used bcyond tn" n.iEa airnibution to tcochcrs and
educators pennitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual counc prcparation" Sodcns using this nranual art using it without pcrmission
Problem 15.42 15.41 end 15.42 For the uniform beam shown, determine the reaction at each of the
three supports.

&," gi Je-
L**!i.^3 I. (Cnr. .5' of App"^-\;x

UJ,= #Lx" - (t-f )xl

= _ 436
L"rJ,,.l ff. (Co-=. 5 'f App.J;* C-) 4= 2L) b=5
(yJ.= 5# =
R. (t/gf(at-/s)'
3Ff =
,R,. L3
S..rp.- ?oz;{;on
Y., =(y.),+(y.\r=o
R.= *e t <

D +)ZMo = o:

*r ln" - AL + F(+) -(*pxg) s o,

RA = €f t
+tZ$=o: R^+Ro-P+*e -- o
Ro= P- ie - *e = -tp
Re=+Pl <

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. O 20ll The McGraw-Hill Companics, Inc. All right rclcrvcd. No prrt of this Manual may bc displaycd, reproduce4
or distributcd in any fonn or by any rneans, without thr prior writ&n pcrmi$ion ofttc publirhcr, or uscd bcyotd thc limitcd distribution to tercbcrs and
educators pcrmitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual counc prcparation. Stu&nts uring this menrul arc using it without pcrmissioa.
15.43 and 15.44 For the beam shown, determine the reaction at B.
Problem 15.43


?o.-4;on AC? Sap.-pot,'*ia^ $ C-t-= 3 uJ | "F Aep.,"'l;* C.

y_= M.(L/z)'_u-Q-/z\s 'Ug.,1f_ v-Lg
./- vEI gET = gET 2+E!
e.- = l4?:L!/z\ Vft/z)^ = '?ET t4- L - ,\ts L"
E.r ?Er gFL

Po--ti'... CB : SopecF.r-,i{r,'o,,' of Ca-ses gr lJ oJ ? "P App..^-lix C,


oc = -

lL*tki^3 e-yptasro^s S.>^

%= &wL
q\Pr€Ss ioqg S'^

M. = h*L"
"3 F"*+ :"^
2 + tZE =o: 'R6 + V. -+ =o
k;F Re= %h,-ft.^',L '*l'^'L t
- <
+ZMe =o: MB - M.-%t + W-+ = o
l4e= fiuvf + fe-LI*) -V
l'1 6 = -#wla Me=*kwLl 7

PR'OPRIETARY MATERIAL O 201I Thc McGrow-Hitl Companics, Irr. All rigbtr ltrmrcd. No put of this Manrnl may bc dirplapd, rcproducc4
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oduclbrs pcnnitbd by McGnw-Hill for thcir indivilual coursc prcparation Sadcnb usiry thi! mrntnl elG using it without pcrmission.
Problem 15-44 15.43 and 15.44 For the beam shown, determine the reaction at B.

Beo-' is sec.vrd Ja]l Fcc i',Jet.rwrt'na,te . Choose

uz_1 Rg a"nA Me a.S reJ,
Jorr* ne o-"*1'4 r1s .

I. C,.se I .'f App"J ix C.

U"\=-# ) (o")r = &!'

- 2es
Ca"se 3 of Aprre,nrCiy C.
@ (y")r= W ) (or)" =
f[. Case

ry.)r : Mo(V!"
I =

(Odr = MoL/z) -

Po*io^ gB r.ewra,'.rs s*r".d3[f.

(Ye)o=($'*f1Qf = *g1
(4)-=(o.)- = *H-
Snper po:,'*io- qv.A consl ral't:
Je = (yrt + (yu)o * (yr)- = o
#e" r#Hr+ €H: =o ( r)

0s -- l%t . (e"), + (gs), = o

-#ru".#n" + +# = o (2\
So,0vi rr3 (r) a.nA (e) si^o)tanrous)1,
Re = e+ r
flB = + M")

PRoPRIETAnY MATERTAL' o 20ll rhe.McGraw-Hill companies, Inc..All rights reserved. No part

of this Manual may be displaycd, rcprodpccd,
or dirtntutcd in any form or by any-nrcans,*ithlt thc prior writicn pcrmirsbn of-tc prtlirtcr, or used beyond the limi6d dishibution to teachers
cducators pemrittcd by McGraw-Hilt for thcir individual counc prcpantion Studcnts
uring this manual arc using it without permission.
15'45 The two beams shown have the same cross section and
are joined by a hinge at
Problem 15-45 C' For the loading shown, determine (a) the slope at point
A, (b)the deflr"iio' at point
^8. Use E - 29 x 106 psi.

1.25 in.

1.25 in.
Usi^3 $*.. b,'Jy AgC )

9 Z Mr = oz tz R. - (a)(aoo) s o
R. = 533.33 lb-

E = 2q xloL ptd
R. I = lvbh3 =. #,( =
R^ O.Zog{S int
Ef ? Qqy,DtXo.Aog{s) s S.q(pyloe^
Usir,3 &ntilevn be^*. CD wi+h ,f,oorl R. I "l Agp'.J, xC

]. = -
e L":" : (sgg.3g)(ta,)g
- @l(S.?oc> -- - 52. o6?rf.jt in.
3ET x lo')

CJc,,l,,.|:on of Oo' anA !"' assurnin3 +ILt p.,inl C obes no{ vtove.
Case 5
"f App""A* C
p= Soo lb. L-- lg;n., a: Pin.r L,6 in,

O dz
Pbt (goa Xe
(8oa )-(,2 ))'
!F:of )(e = r- lg . o t 7 t
r, lo P
f bt CL
= ._
.rD l(6 )'(re l-- to-3 in
Jg-sEL. (3X5.? oo rto3 X rS )
AJl,;k"r*/sl'pe nnA JJ/eotio,, dre +. hou€u^e.f cf, pa,.l C:
+L :
Lr. -
s2. ogz v, cfs
= ?.gq ac , to-s v\pl ,
n)ISz.067 x lo-?
f8 = - 3.t.7 I I ,( p'3 i",.
(a) S^0"re o* A Or = e^' + e^u -- - 2. l6gsx to-3 - 2.8q2€ vlo '
= -S-&xtn^l = ,5.o6xlo-tr"J r
(b) Dellerti"" rl g
Jg = J.' * !r' = -tg.otTr,ot - stl.ttl*ldt
= - 17.7 x ltjt ir. = 4?:? x ro-" ;,,. I
PRoPRIETARY MATERIAL. o 20ll The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reservcd. No part of this Menual mry bc
dispLrd, reproducc4
or dirtnbuEd in any form or by an_y reans, witholt tbc prior writtcn pcrmirsion of thc publishcr, or urcd bcpnd tbc linitcd
distntuuon to tcachcrs and
cducatoE Fsmittcd by McGraw-Hill for thcir indivilual course prcparation Studcntr using thir nanrul uc uring it without pcrmission.
Problem 15.46 15.46 A central beam BD isjoined by hinges to two cantilever beams AB and DE. All
beams have the cross section shown. For the loading shown, determine the largest w so
that the deflection at C does not exceed 3 mm. Use E 200 GPa. -

Let o- = o. t{ nn

&.^t;i)e ver bea*ts AB a.nA CD.

C*ses I a,^ol A .,{ AVp?}r);x C, y"=-%#."-# = t+#

Bec.rv- BCD ) wi+h l-= O.8 w1 ) 4ss0'.i"A H"-f ?oi.-fs ts o^A P
alo n.,f hove.

Case G of ,A?pe^d,X C,
5w Ltl
J. -,-- 38{ ET
MJ;l;,ro,il ) ile.{ i o^ Ju,e lo tttovumuf rf p.ri*fs B a'rd p.
n war
y." = yr = Jb = - 2I ET
T"Io.(. )rll".,f;.- o,{ C. y. = Y"'+Yoo
&; -#f ;3," #\
D*I": Q = 22orlo' J = * (r+Xra)s = g.456 "/rjt ^rt
?q - g.rls6r /o t
67 =(2ooxtoq)(Z-+se"to-") = c1t-Z N.rrr'
y. = - 3xlo's ha
sx to-s =-#{ ts}ruo-at" -
W3= - et 6e x ro-6w
w = t/.l ,€-N/n

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, O 20ll The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All righE rcccrvcd. No part of thir Manual may bc displaycd, rcproduccd
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educators pcrmitt d by McGraw-Hill for thcir individual counc prcpantion Students using this manul are using it without permission.
15.47 For the loading shown, and knowing that beams AB and DE have the same
Problem 15.47 flexural rigidity. determine the reaction (a) at B, (b) at E.

Unfls : Far.c€S in k;ps , .0"*3*lr in ++.

Fon bec-. AC g ) usin3 Cersz4 .r$ Aff ealiy C,

u.),=-W I

Far teo-, DCF) urtn3 Case + of Appe"J;* C, I


0t')" = I

Mo I o,hirtg ,1.$Ie"4;ons o-l C ) I

,_ PoQ".f = (R.-Pxza"t I

+8 ET +8 ET I

R.= ;H, = # = s-q*tt'F' I

?-R"=6-9.?69 = ?.o37k;7t I

o e) Dsi"3 See b"Ay Ac BJ D M^ = o ? ?aRe-dQ.=o ^-.


Re = *P. a l.9Srl lrips t <

C!) Dsi"l $*. b"Ay DCE -)Mo = o'- 7bR6- t(P-R.) = o
Rs=*(P-R.\='t.otlkiysT {

o PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. O 20ll The McGraw-Hill Conpanics, lnc. All rights reserved. No pad of this Manual may be displayed reproduced,
or distributed in my form or by any means, without thc prior writlcn pcrmission ofthe publisher, or used beyond thc limited disbibution to teachers and
cducators perurittcd by McGraw-Hill for their individual coursc prcpantion. Studcnts uring this manual are using it without permission. o
15.4t Knowing that the rod ABC and the wire BD are both made of steel, determine
(a) the deflection at B, (b) the reaction at l. Use E - 200 Gpa.

Le-t Fso b. *lne *t vtsion ita nr/ir< BD- The

^*ian "f *I,e w lne is
)ao = =FA

Beavvt ABC is ".rLi..Id h .2onJ=

a-'.) w (8.,)

App"d:v c.

D f ts (nnl'A;'t1)
oq- o*
- Soo = Je = 0")t + (y.)r :

- F*0 = Fe" L3
- .t .w!*
@ EA ts rg' s8.r Er

# +-+h\F.o = aftH (r)
T*ta'- ! =
A = TJ' = t(1l1'= t?-s6G r; = t?.56lr1r5" i
E = 2oaxl)r Pa
*EA = IGI-SA x 1s-1 n/tl
L - 0.36 h^ u, 3 1.6 xrog N /*

I= II^t
+(19)t = l?S-G6/kf ^-, = 125.66 xlD-t-t

EI = (zoo x lo" X lts, cG x,/o-t ) = lu1 . tslx lo3 rl'*.'

(o.36)3 t.c x toF ) (o-g6)r
(sX r.c (0-36)
Eq. (ct) I xrd" +
Ir ,Fro 3 (3stxas.
U- roFS r l3l )
l18 -256 ,t 16' Fro = 13 .?23 r P-3 rF- = tt7:7q N
Vfi)"At"^ otg-
# Se= = (tn.tql(tngxtd?)=%3?v P-ow, = o-oo?S?,,,'.,{,.<
Re= R" = * [*l-f."] = {[(raoo1( = Zeq N t

PRoPRIETARY MATERIAL o 201I Thc.McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc..All rights rcsewcd. No part of

this Manual rnay bc dirplaycrl, rcpmduccd,
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or [sed beyord thc limitcd distnbution to teacheF and
€ducaton permitted by McGmw-Hill for thcir individualiourse prcparation. Studcnts using this manual erc
uring it wiOout pcrmission
Problem 15.49 15.49 A T'-in.-diameter rod ABC has been bent into the shape shown. Determine the
deflection of end C after the 30-lb force is applied. Use E - 29 x I 06 psi and G : ll.2
x 106 psi.

Lrt 3o la = P.
CglnsiJee {"r^ sion

(J.)" =-L 9. ? -€S
C-, si Jen be,",rl in3 J AB (C,.t" f, App.C)
Con s i Aeo (Cot" l, App-C)

S"per f"si+io-

= tt.?xtoc 7si J J = T^ (*\' -- +(f f = o. o'letso inr
= Lcllrloa ?ri , J = {.1 = O.oo1q?.Q ir'
U7 .71x bt 16 - i"' 6J = l6?.1a ., p? )L-i"'
Eq.(r) : Je ;
Gffi -f) s-o-t??sin.
fB, O.117l-;".1

PnOPRIETARY MATERIAL, @ 201I The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights rcserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed reproduced,
or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission ofthc prblisher, or used beyond the limited disbibution to teachers and
educators permitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course preparation. S$dc|{r using this manual are using it without permission.
15.50 Two Z4-mm-diameter aluminum rods are welded together to fonn the T-shaped
Problem 15.50 hanger shown. Knowing that E - 70 GPa and G : 26 GPa, determine the deflection at
(a) end A, (b) end ^8.
b = 0.4m

Consr oler to,^3 ion of noA CD (Bo N, =

YC= TL = (Pa-)b
(J^)r= -aQ. = 'i-?otb
(Yu\= aQ. = e*?

Con s;)er be".Ji"X u{ no) C D

ry^)r = (J"}, = (Y")o =H (C,.t" l, Ary C.)

Con si ) eo ber,J;n3 "$ v^oJ go-Iio,t AC

tY^h !r#
BJ sup er
f os ; { ictvt

Jn= (yrL + U^)" +(/^)o

pf -5= -91
-a'b -sEt
rt-GJ 3Er 1 (t)

L Je= (yu ), + (ya

Df dL
r( b'?
GJ - 3a \
(z) s

Dala: G = 2G 4o7 Po, .t- = $c{' *(rz)*= 37.S72trlotnn" = 82.t72,/dt-t

E = 7o x lo7 Pa , -f = *J = tc.286 x lo-' ,n'
GJ = We _97 N. m" EI = ll4 O.O2 N. yn.
[= o.S rn, t-- O.4 m


4s\: Yg= raof *#.l) -cffi3 = t,.sq *,o-'

PRO?nIETARY MATEruAL. O 20ll Thc McGnw-Hill Conponics, Inc. All righte rcservcd. No part of rhi. Menr|.l nry bc dirplaye4 rcpodrrc4
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cducstors pcmitEd by McGnw-Hill for thcir individuel coursp prcparation. Shrdente ucing this manual arr using it wittout pcrmirsion.
Problem 15.51 15.51 For the beam and loading shown, dgtermine (a) the equation of the elastic curve
for portion AB of the beam, (b) the slope at A, (c) the slope at B.

Dsin3 Fn e Ur")y ABC)

+)Zl,tr=o3 -RnL +(wLX*)-(wLX+) = o
Fx= a ) J= fr,Lr!rol RA: +wL
Fa,r puAi.rn AB (o I u, I L)

+)ZM" = o 14 - Q^tu +(rnYl\ = o

"l t'1 = +wL/. - * w/tz
= f wLz - ***'
= $wlxt-tr*t + C,
* wl*t - h**' + C, /, + C,
O= O O +o + Cz

Lz= L, J= oJ: O= *wLt -*-Lt -{- C,L+ O=o

(o-) E! ns*;. (o </-s
c,u, L) .
J -- h(r-n/\-?")
+ = ?tr
,..t!= (pL*' - tt*t)
h. Er \
X/= O Jvl o <
Tt= L
2'I ET e8 s1

rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, rcproducd

ion ofthe publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachen and
tudents using this manual are using it without permission.
15'52 (a) Determine the location and magnitude of
the maximum absolute deflection
Problem 15.52 inAB between A andthe center of the beam.(b)Assuming
that beam AB isa w460 x
I 13, Mo = 224 kN ' m, and E - 200 GPa, detefiine
the maximum allowable length z
so that the morimum deflection does not exceed
1.2 mm.

Dsi^3 AB $r"" bJy_r

o, J=ol
ZMe = -eM.b qL=o
fx= fx=.rJ=ol
RA = rrD

M" Usi^l pntfi.r", A-f 4,s a. Ty.". b""!

t4= *(r--zx)
R^ Rs

M, Er #: * (L- 2x\
Er i* = +(Lr-x') +e,
EI y = * (*Lx"- tx') + C,X + c.
fx=ory=of: O= O-O + O + C. C.= o
O Cr s -*M.L'

d*. i

TL fi.nJ -!o.-Iion "f r,,o*i-.u,n lJ)e.*;on sel fE, = o.

Xrrt'- lX. - *f = o
y, = ff* gl
[ QXo.arr )' - rsa)s - g.r1 b.zt ru\ = - o. c)r60 g7s
ly-l : o.or6o3?s
Soflui^3 frt L h'' [ Er
| = (O-or6eBzfi4" ly-l
Do*a: f = 2oO t lOl ?^, f -- .SSt+ , loc m-r = SS*x to-, tnt
f y^ I = l. ? jv-t',r= l-2x 163 un ) Mo = 224 "td N-w.
| = J Qu"r r')(sstlx o-')( 1.2 Y lo t)l'" = 6-08 m

(. (o' otr,o

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. O 2011 The McGnw-Hill Companicr, lm. All rights reserued. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced,
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cducators pemitted by McGraw-Hill for thcir individual course prcparation SMents using rhis manual are using it without pcrmission.
15.53 Knowing that beam AE is an 5200 x 27.4 rolled shape and that p
- 17.5 kl.[, I :
2.5 m, a : 0.8 m, and E - 200 GPa, determine (a) the equation of the elastic curve
portion BD, (b) the deflection at the center C of the beam.

Consiaier #io,n. AgC un2r,

, o") coar;)e.
S r^ttv\ctv;1
? "L"fi C.
Re ",tt r Oct.S Ra= Re =P
Boondo rX qartJ i{, ars : I x r o, J=of: Ix = orJ--JJ, f,x = c,,*"*1, [x= i ,*: c>]

0 CL€ Y
bJ- Jx' =M= ?x EI*'
t-- o1x- = N4= Pa,

#" a *?r' + C,
Er (r1 Er = Pax + Cr
#, cc)

Efy = [P*t* C,x + C, el ErJ = {P^x' + Crx + C, C+)

? r"-
[x=o.J--oi Cz=o * =o]'.-. C" s - {PaL
[*= 5,
fx= k, *: *l-. *Po.' + cf Pa' -*PoJ- C, = t^pa'-tpaL
fv- ;, J=JI : *P*t + (*"; -ipa-L) a- = tp"f - )po,rL + c.,
C,t = t Pa'r

(o\ -

J= *(*Po.x' -r Csx+C*)
= fr (*.ax'-i^.*x *{e')
Pon J"Il".iio. *I C. s"t * = 2.
y. = * ( *aL" - {aL'+ /as) = -8" (* r'-*",')
f = z3-lvlot --* = 7|.1rlo'n v7., r E = Zoorlol Pq
l7.sxtos NJ L = ?.5 n" !f = o.g m

(b) (11.5 x to3 ) (o-rt

(zooxlo'rXz 3.74de - l.cl76rlo-3 w1

l- q?C rvt*1 l, I


Companics, Inc. Atl rights rescwcd- No part of this Manual may b,e .ri$hy€d, rrproduc€4
or distsibuted in any form or by my means, without the prior
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educators permitt€d by McGraw-Hill for their individuat
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15.54 For the beam and loading shown, determine (a) the equation of the elastic curve,
Problem 15.54 (b) the slope at the free end, (c) the deflection at the free end.

= -W -- -Woc,os+l
V +C,
I x= o, V= ol +e,
Ix=Orh=oJ fx =.r, !2 r C,=o
:v =-
?w-l Styf ---

M= HcosX+C,
fx=o)fl=ol, C"= -++"
Er#.: l-'1 = t$+'('or# -l)
Er* = Yf+s,'ay'r-x)+cg
fx= L,#=@7'. +f'( + L) + ca= o -t-%.Lt ( y- 2)
trtJ - kL'I - *f 5 *^'l 4 C.x3+'qos

f*= LJ J=o l', 1++'Ct"L") + CrL + ct =

cr = 1#++ .rD c" L
+tr (n-zxx-a)
cos# - TraS + ?t(Tt-e)f -+ Tr(.{-Tr)l

(b) f,r""


c ) D.l/"rlio.n -* Stt e,,J (x= o )

(.1 -")3 s ,- O-f O88?

PROPRIETARY MATERHL. O 201 I Thc McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced,
or distributed in any form or by any neans, without tb prior writtcn permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and
cducators permitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual counc prcparation. Students using this manual are using it without pennission.
Problem 15.55 15.55 For the beam shown, determine the reaction at the roller support when wo: 6
t!) = ruu (/L)g

R" o.fion s a$e =*^t ico i5 ir,Je tcv^r4i".<ie.

Bor^Jor) con.l,'{,'ons c^re Sl,o,^ry, d} ,e.*}.
[x=o, y:o] [x= L, y--o ]
[r.r-,f=ol fi= *.*j
#: -w = -ff"
# = V= -*€ +R,
R. v pl: -S*.** R^x

EI#. = -f #* P^x
EI* = -f # **R^x'+ C,

ErJ : - ##: + |P^x3 + C,x + C.

fX=o.J=rf : O = O+O{O{ C.

[r=L.*="], --Lw"Lt**R^l'*C.=o e, - *8^L"

fx= L, y' c, J: -* w.Lr + !P,L" * (*w.Ls-*P^t')t
*A = *r"L Ra =frvL
DrLr wo = 6, 1:p. /Si . t = la $t
R^= $(aXra)= 3l,ips <

PRoPRIETARY MATERIAL. o 20ll The.McGraw-Hill Cornpanies, Inc. All rights reserued. No part of this Manual may
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the limited distnbution to teachers and
cducators permitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual cour* prcpantion. Students using this manual are using it without permission.
Problem 15.56 15.56 Determine the reaction at the roller support and draw the bending

o diagram for the beam and loading shown'

Reaz.l-.5 ure slqt i ee l& inCelen-,'nq-la .

*tZFJ=o: Ra+Rs=o R=-3.

- r*=6,J
9 2+4^,= o: - Mr r-' lt:lo +' Re L = o
MA = Rs L (- 1"4,

M = R^x t + ReL .- B3v
Me = - M.'
EI 42 bMo+ RB(L-x)
Rr Pe
dr- =
Er#" = - r,oqx-r R" (L*-*xt) + C,
Ery -- -*Huxa+ RBWxt-*xq) |C,x + C,
M= PB(t-x)
RB (l - , )

RB(r-x-*x') + Cs
ReGtx"-*t')+C"x + Cr
o O +o
e, o
- t4", +
-tYt.(ff . g"I+E+fi + C"2 +c?
q =- *l,l,t,' + +)m,L' InL" =

fr=t, J=ol : Rs (* 1r - ++ |'1o 1e = o

(*- * ) RrL" ? ( +- *)+{. 1" 6=
I8 tuL

MA= a Ylo

M.- __
_Z Mo

Met t !T (it = frr1o


o PROPRIETARY MATERHL, O 20ll Thc McGraw-Hill Comp.nicr, Im. All rights rescrvcd. No part of this Manual may be displaye4 reproducd
or distributed in any form or by any rpans, without the prior written pcrmirsion ofthe publisher, or used beyond the limited disfibution to teachers and
cducators pemitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course prepantion. Shrdcnts using ftis manual are using it without permission.
15.57 For the cantilever beam and loading shown, determine the slope and deflection
Probfem 15.57 at point ^8.

Co, s; )un ? onf io^ Ag as

^ ca.y.f ;ve"^ Ved.u^
s', b,1 e ul .) +t *h. *hvo. ,LooJi nqs sho vrttt

' By s+-fics : P = wo-

M= Q,ra-Xa+*\ = t**
5,0 o-t B- eB = (06)", + (ee\r + (s"),

se \f.C. lh \ -:Wd?


C^r" | "+ AVp- C.

Cuse 3
eB= oe

D{I"o4r'o4 o-t B. Je = (ya)-

Cos"2 "f Afo- C. (ye), =


Ca>e I J Wd-'
Apf.C. Qr)r =

Cus. 3
"e An
C, (y")n, =

PRoPRTETARY MATERIAL' @ 20ll The.McGraw-Hill companics, Inc..All righb r€served.

No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced,
or distnbuted in my fonn or by any_means, without the prior writLn pcrmirsion of-thc publisher,
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this nr"o*t oiing it wittout permission.
Problem 15.58 15.5t For the bearn and loading shown, determine (a) the deflection at point

o C (b) ttre
slope at end A.

l.{: M0 Ml = Mo

L"Ji^a L : C.s. 7 df Afp.'*l;x C.

A+ c ) x,,= 2 (y.)= - #hRh1"- r..(h)] =

(e^I- #! (e+-++
LoJ:"1 n-z Mi,..oe i,..a5e af L,,J;n7 T.
(y.F (y.), j (eA)a = -(q),
td De{/e",'|,an o,+ C.
q MoLtf| 4
v - gAA
srpe-pos,4i on ,
.I. = -

o G) S/"pe ".f A.
BJ sq,er',otr-lio4 r (q),*(on\e= -y*

o PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. O 2011 The McGnw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights resciled. No part of rhis Mmual may be displayed, rcproduced,
or distibuted in any form or by any means, without th€ prior writtcn pemission ofthc prblisbcr, or used beyond the linited'distribution to teachers and
cdrcaton pennitted by McGraw-Hill for thcir individual course preparation Stud€ntc uring this nranual are using it without permission.
Problem 15.59 15.59 For the cantilever beam and loading shown, determine the slope and deflection
at point ^8. Use E : 200 GPa.

:i kN

lA lJn ils 3 FciFc e s ira l, N, l.',3*\s in v'r^ .

| "l ,, u.5
f.- o.7s- o.E m ---l Th. s,l op.e onA J"{lee*rb, at B Jl1,e,.d
-l* 4",-13 on *\e dJon h^or*ir. c'lf po,.t.,b,a AB.


kN , rr',

(ase 3 of Afrrre^Jix C

o""r- {5:
_ (l. s Xo.zs)
= _ J-E.T
yr" = r- r$i -( . s)(o.zs)1 __ _ o-4Ztgzs
trI FI
By su?er pos i tion,
Oe = O.'+ q'
Je: ja'+ J;
Da,Ia.i F = looxfoi 2.52x D-a *{
EI B (Zoorf oe Xe- szx to 3) :
r lot N. ,no = 5OT k\)- -'

eB=- z8l3s
50t =
rs.s$xlo'troA = S.S8 ,163 r,")=S <

E-ff = G ?.Sf rlo-tr, = 2.5t r^* t <

PROPR.IETARY MATERHL. @ 20ll The McGraw-Hill Companics, Inc. All rights rcserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, r€produccd,
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cducators pemitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course preparation SMcnts using this manual are using it without permission
15.60 For the uniform beam shown, determine the reaction at each of the three
Problem 15.60 supports.

Beow- is inde{cer*lvvl. +" fitn t Jerrj.€e. Cons>len

?- {-- b. tt. n"Jr/n Aov-f fr,*,ti"n, o.o[ rcffa.c<
t\e !-u)i"3 Ly l"ofin3 s J, IIJ o.,.A rIL -
loa{i"S I t+ oF App"nA:y C-

IL Cos" .t oS App,.J,y C.
(l-)o : .H;[ xs -l(u"- a'31]
= iffit ps -[+r.-t*tJr_]
IIL Cr.s" 5 .'f Appe*J ; x C .
La aA i n3

( yJo = l-rc c, +t. t oI Ji*'lin3 II

(J.)n = - #€Lr'
Supe.posi*io" o^J co".*roint: yc = (&L * (y. )o * (y. )o = o
!t PL3
{t nP!
EI _ ?{ ET = **ll-iI# = o Rc=ffiPl

+) Zl4, = o:
- R^ lgtt) + P(*l -(*P)L + (aP)e) = o
R^=*P t
+f ZFr = e:

*P-P+#r-2P+ R'E=o
Re=fret <

PROPRIETARY MATERHL. O 20ll The McGraw-Hilt Componicr, trc. All rights r€s€rued. No part of this Manual may be displayd reproduce4
or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior writtcn pcrmi$ion ofthe publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and
cducstors p€rmitted by McGnw-Hill for their individual course prcparation Studenb uing this uranual are using it without permissior
Problem 15.61 15.61 The cantilever beam 8C is attached to the steel cable AB as shown. Knowing
that the cable is initially taut, determine the tension in the cable caused by the
distributed load shown. Use E - 200 GPa.

Lsf P L. *1 " *"*tio.^ ).uJopeJ in na€ nI,.^ AB

^d 59 L. l4r" ".0o^7^*;on J +L*+
w410 x 46.1

A (P )(g)
{zooJloq) ( es't -Ll7 x lo-' )
?okN /^
= fiS-1+{vld? ?
&eo.-, Bg: f = l&x lot -.^t = t56"/,j" W1

FI =(?oot lor X, sGrl(i") -- 31. ?x lD" M. ^"

l" ,,)in4 I . 2o /r* ^ w or! .
ktJ /t^
Rel.*+" 7 J AppenJ;r C'
(v^l= wf (lo*tosXe)?-
-Jrl',, - = r-
g ET .7y lo, )
= -l tS3-816 x lO-3 tr,

L oo"0;.5 II (D Dp,t^n) I--" ? J poi-t B.

R"I.'^ +- C^r. | ,tF A rrp "n l; Y C,
(]e)e = E=,4=
3 Er (oX3t-\xfo') '
- z.3orTrtdg P

BX sup.npos;*io, Ja = Ur), * (ya).

^o*J;^1 *h"
J.|!**;.n J tsJ J" = - S
- lo3.816xlo-r + ?.Bot?xto' P = - 58.7*e "to' P
?-g(;66xt6t? = -1oz'gt('/o-" P= 4s.1v lo N,l

P= 43-1 kv I

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. O 20ll The McGraw-Hill Coryanicr, Inc. All rights rcserved. No part of this Manual nay be displayed rcprcduccd,
or distributed in any form or by any means, without thp prior writEn pcrmirsion ofthe publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to t€achers atrd
cdrcators pemlitted by McGraw-Hill for their individual course prrpantion Sbdents using this manual are using it without permission.
Problem 15.62 15.62 A T -in.-diameter rcd BC is attached to the lever AB and to the fixed support at

C. Lever AB has a uniforn cross sectionf in. thick and I in. deep. For the loading
shown, determine the deflection of pointl. Use E - 29 x 106 psi and G: ll ,2 x 106

DeFr n r^J \'o, J w) 8,c- (

e=+J= i(t) = o;1s75 in.
f,= Tr'? 5?...Stf 8 x lo-t i", t
(so)(l.>) = 8csrc> .0b. i-.

(t t - 2, x tc6'l (s? . s rt grl (>- 3

= 7'f . g}t ,lo-' n^l .

DeI.l" -{t oa
"l point A elssoh^i^l l.u"n AB
fuIl"- +. b. v",3 ;).
(y^)r = a,gs = (lol(Z't-82{xlo-')
= O.L+LL,+ in L
AII;+;''^*.( )J,("J;on olru {. b"J,T J/",te,r AB.
R*f"' +- Co,se , df APPt-'",;r C.
f = he"X,)t = St.ZSx b-3 inr
U^)= #=,
= O-O2?43,'^- C

+ A.
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