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NAME: Nidia Fullah Faradisa

NIM : 200701066

Task 1 Cross
Complete the crossword! 1 The type of person you are, which is
shown by the way you behave, feel and
3 To like another adult very much and be
romantically and sexually attracted to
them, or to have strong feelings of liking a
friend or person in your family.
4 Pleasant to look at, or (especially of girls
or women or things connected with them)
5 The condition or right of being able or
allowed to do, say, think, etc. whatever
you want to, without being controlled or
6 A collection or mass especially of
something which cannot be counted.
7 The way you feel at a particular time.

1 Men, women and children
2 To ask or request someone to go to an event
5 A style that is popular at a particular time, especially in clothes, hair, make-up,
6 To make it possible for someone to do something, or to not prevent something
from happening; give permission

Write your answers here:

1. Personality Down:
3. Love 1. People
4. Pretty 2. Invite
5. Freedom 5. Fashion
6. Amount 6. Allow
7. Mood

Read the dialogue and Write T / F (if the statement is true or
false) in the brackets.

Kimi : Look, Super Junior has released its new single song. What do
you think, Tania? Do you love the song?
Tania: Well, I don’t mind with every song of Super Junior.
Kimi : Huh? Why?
Tania: I don’t mind with Super Junior. I love TVXQ
Kimi : Oh I see. What about you, Rina?
Rina : I am not really fond of Korean Boybands. I prefer British Boyband
Kimi : Oh, I love British Boyband too. It’s One Direction, right?
Rina : Right! I am crazy about them. They are just gorgeous!

1. Super Junior has released new single song (…T……)

2. Tania Loves Super Junior (…F……)
3. Rina Loves of Korean Boyband (…F……)
4. Kimi likes One direction (…T……)
5. Rina thinks that One direction is gorgeous (…T……)
6. The dialogue’s aim is to give information about their favorite boy band (…T……)

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