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By : Ni'matullah Al Jauhariyah


This research aims to analyze the students' self regulated learning ability in MI KUNUZUN Naja in
Arabic class. This research is a quantitative research. The population of this research are all of Mi
Kunuzun Naja's students' in 2020/2021 period. The participants are taken by random sistem, these are
26 students of fourth grade,in A part. The data is collected by questionnaire,that given in the class by
the researcher her self,and accompanied the students in fulfilling the questionnaire. The questionnaire
accounted by using likert scale. The finding showed that the majority of students were good in their self
regulated learning ability in Arabic language class. It can be knew in result index score ,that is 83,85%..

Keywords: student, self regulated learning ability, Arabic language.


In Indonesia Arabic language is a second language, the modern era requires linguistic activities in
accordance with the real needs of society. Chomsky‟s theory of behaviorism was defeated that language
theory is centered on the needs of learners and specific goals. 1This transformation leads us for language
learning on specific purposes, in this case Arabic language that refers to the learners' goals and needs. 2
Nowadays, learning Arabic is no longer limited to the purpose of teaching reading Quran, obligatory
praying, praying, and mastering Islamic practices, unlike at the beginning of Islamic age in Indonesia.
Arabic learning in the present days has become a great value in order to fulfill the social demand,
science, and technology.Arabic subject in the higher education curriculum is packaged in the subjects of:
Arabic for Children, Arabic for Tourism, Arabic for Haj and Umrah, Arabic Calligraphy, and Arabic for

1 R. A. Tuaimah, Ta’lim al-‘Arabiyah Li Ghair al-Nathiqina Biha, (Rabath: ISESCO, 1989).

2A. A. Madkur & I. A. Huraidi, Ta’lim al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah Li Ghair al-Nathiqin Biha alNadzariyah Wa al-Tathbiq, (Kairo: Dar
al- Fikr al-„Arabi, 2006)

3M. A. Wahab, A. Fahrurrozi, T. Musthafa, & S. Arifin, “Standarisasi Kompetensi Bahasa Arab Bagi Calon Sarjana Perguruan
Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri”, Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2018.
There are at least three factors involved in studying Arabic language as second language,namely:
psychological factors, social factors, and other variables. 4 The psychological factors deal with intellectual
processing involved in an individual‟s analytical determination of grammatical structures and rules. They
also deal with memory which is essential for the aspect of the language learned to occur and remain.
Furthermore, motor skills which concern the pronunciation of the sounds involved in the second
language are also related to the psychological factors. The social factors, i.e. situations, settings, and
interactions with, where, and whom, are certainly affecting someone in acquiring second language.The
other psychological variable, on the other hand, is related to one‟s individual factors such as the
person's first language, motivation, attitude, and other individual factors that may affect the learning

Arabic is the most widely spoken Semitic language worldwide. 5Arabic is the official language of the
Holy Quran, the importance of Arabic language has also grown rapidly in Indonesian society even up
until the present days.6

Studying Arabic language is not something new for students in Islamic elementary school. Before
enter in Islamic elementary school, many students are already clever in reading holy Qur'an, Alfatihah,
praying before eating or sleeping,etc. So studying Arabic language is not as difficult as other foreign
language,like English or mandarin language. Beside that,by studying Arabic language,on indirect way we
have learned the Al-Qur'an language. Like Alloh's said in Surat Yusuf , ayat 2 7

َ‫ِﺇﻧَّﺂ ﺃَﻧﺰَ ۡﻟ ٰﻨَﻪُ ﻗُ ۡﺮ ٰﺀَﻧًﺎ َﻋ َﺮﺑِ ٗﻴّﺎ ﻟَّ َﻌﻠَّ ُﻜﻢۡ ﺗ َۡﻌﻘِﻠُﻮﻥ‬

.Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’ān,that you might understand (2

Although Arabic language is not strange again for elementary students, many students are have
low self regulated learning in mastering the Arabic language.

The purpose of teaching Arabic language at elementary students is mastering actively dominated
Arabic for about 300 words and expressions in the form and pattern of policy sentences, thus students
expected be able to hold simple communication in Arabic and can understand simple reading in the text
(dept, 1993: 1).8 In accordance to the purposes of the teaching of Arabic language in elementary school

4D. D. Steinberg, H. Nagata, & D. P. Aline, Psycholinguistics: Language, Mind and World (Second p0Edition Ed.). (London and
New York: Longman Linguistics Library, 2001).

5S. A. Alili & W. Hassan, “Attitudes of Arabic-and Non-Arabic Speaking Parents toward the Importance of Learning Arabic in the
United States”, Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2017.

6Zubaidah, “Kalimat Dalam Bahasa Arab Dan Bahasa Indonesia Kajian Perbandingan Dan Urgensinya Dalam Menterjemah”,
Menara Ilmu, Vol. 11, 2017.

7 https.// _ saheeh

8 Depag. 1993. Garis-garis Besar Program Pengajaran Madrasah Ibtida iyah Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Arab. Jakarta: Dirjen Binbaga
Islam,hal 1
is not just a reception but also productivity, not only teaching the introduction of letters, but to the
fourth skills; That is istima' (listening), Kalam (talking), Qira 'ah (Reading), and Kitabah (writing).

Taught the four skills and Arabic role are something that should be there, so the purpose of the
GBPP can be realized in learning activities. Additionally, taught learning language hopefully make the
students can communicate using the language. The communication is done in writing and oral. In
written communication is required reading and writing skills, while in oral is required listening and
speaking skills. And to improve the language used is required to apply qawaid (Arabic role /

One of factors that influence for students in mastering the materials af Arabic language is the self
regulated learning of their selves.Dembo, Junge, and Lynch (2006), researchers in the field of SRL, have
stated that SRL is “the ability of learners to control the factors and conditions affecting their learning.”

The ability to correct the self-regulatory processes must be developed by the learners.
Nevertheless, learners may not develop their processes if they are unaware of their existence and
proper use. While some learners possess a natural awareness of their processes, many learners lack a
comprehensive awareness of the metacognitive, cognitive, motivational, and behavioral processes that
required to facilitate effective learning. Fortunately, research indicates that self-regulatory processes are
teachable.10 With this in mind, learners' lacking awareness of self-regulatory processes must be
informed of both their existence and proper implementation.

Responsibility for instructing students concerning self-regulatory processes most often falls on
teachers. As teachers instruct their students regarding self-regulatory processes, the students are able
to use the assimilated information to enhance their ability to self-regulate their learning—otherwise
known as their self-regulatory capacity. Moreover, enhanced self-regulatory capacity positively
correlates with increased academic success. 11

Instructing students concerning proper implementation of self-regulatory processes is no easy task.

One reason is that no learner is a blank slate. Learners may already understand how to effectively
implement various aspects of self-regulatory processes. If so, time spent in class teaching students how
to implement those particular aspects may waste time that could have been appropriated for other
purposes; that said, teachers must determine which areas of SRL present the most problems for their
students. Teasing out these problematic areas, however, is a difficult undertaking. One proposed
method involves administering SRL inventories specifically structured to assess learners’ self-regulatory
capacity. While employing SRL inventories in classroom settings is an uncommon practice, doing so


10Paris, S.G., & Paris, A.H. (2001). Classroom applications of research on self-regulated learning. Educational Psychologist,
36(2), 89-101.

11 Andrade, M.S., & Evans, N.W. (2015). Developing self-regulated learners: Helping students meet challenges. In N. W. Evans, N.
J. Anderson, & W. G. Eggington (Eds.), ESL Readers and Writers in Higher Education (pp. 113-129). Florence, US: Routledge
would likely prove invaluable. If reliable, these self-regulated learning inventories provide a distinct
picture of learners’ needs when it comes to self-regulated learning instruction

Based on the statement above,the writer wants to research the self regulated learning in Arabic
language material ,expecially in Islamic elementary school, and the choosen school is MI KUNUZUN
NAJA Wonotengah Purwoasri Kediri,by the reason,that school is near with the writer's house.

There are many researchs related this research,they are (1) Thesis, A Self-Regulated Learning
Inventory Based on a Six-Dimensional Model of SRL,by Christopher Nuttall,Department of Linguistics
Brigham Young University .This research consists on questions: 1. Motive relates to learners’ reasons for
learning. 2. Methods of learning relates to the strategies learners use to accomplish learning tasks. 3.
Time relates to what learners do to effectively use their time when learning. 4. Physical environment
relates to characteristics of the places where learning occurs. 5. Social environment relates to the
people learners use to facilitate learning. 6. Performance relates to how learners monitor the
effectiveness of their learning.

The other research is Article Pelaksanaan Pengajaran Bahasa Arab di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah SE
Malang Raya,by Moh Khasairi,This research aims to describe Arabic instruction at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
(MI) in Malang Raya. The research respondents consist of 40 MI teachers who teach Arabic at 40 MI in
Malang. Research data are collected by means of questionnaire. Data analysis reveals that Arabic
instruction (which includes the use of teaching methods, instructional material and media, and test
design and administration) is still below the expectation as measured against the standard set out by the

The next research is Article A Factor Analytic Study of the Self Regulated Learning inventory,by
Wayne I Gordon ,Ph.D, Rainhard W. Lindner,pH.D, Bruce R Harris,pH.D.Western Illinois university. The
purpose of this study is to report on an exploratory factors analytic investigation of the responses to the
Inventory as a whole as well as it's subscale in it's Kate's interaction.

The writer's research is different with the research before, because the writer only focus' on self
regulated learning Ability of MI KUNUZUN NAJA's student in Arabic language. The purpose of this
research is to know the self regulated learning of students in MI KUNUZUN NAJA in Arabic language in
2020/2021 period.


This research was a quantitative research, it is a research method that objectively measures social
phenomena which aims to verify or prove a theory with valid measurements. 12 The population was
students of MI KUNUZUN NAJA in 2020/2021 period. Purposive sampling was used in this research to
obtain the data. The participants in this research were 26 students of fourth grade. In collecting data,

12 B. Bungin, Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif, (Jakarta: Kencana, 2017)

The researcher used a questionnaire to measure the students' self regulated learning in MI KUNUZUN
NAJA, expecially in Arabic language.

The questionnaire given aimed to find out the score of students' self regulated learning in Arabic
language. It consists of 20 questions,to identify the researchers' purpose . The question was in a closed
question form questionnaires with the answer choices: yes and no options.

The questionnaire analyzed by using Likert scale to measures the perception, attitude or opinion of
a person or group regarding an event or social phenomenon, based on the operational definition set by
the researcher.13This scale is a psychomotor scale commonly applied in questionnaires and is most often
used for research in the form of surveys, including in descriptive survey research. In using the Likert
scale, there are two forms of questions, i.e. a positive question form to measure a positive scale, and a
negative question form to measure a negative scale. Positive questions are given a score 2, while the
negative questions is given a score 1.

Likert scale calculation uses the following formula:

T × Pn
T= Total respondents of the item
Pn= Likert score of the item.

All scores based on respondents' choices are collected. Then determine the respondent's
interpretation value consisting of the highest score and the lowest score in the form of X and Y as follow

Y= Likert highest score x Total respondents

X= lowest Likert score x Total respondents

The results of these values are measured using the% index formula. The% index formula is follows:
Total score
X 100% =
The following criteria used for interpreting the scores based on the questionnaire,that only used 2

1% - 50 %: low in self regulated learning ability.

51%-100% : good in self regulated learning ability.


The questionnaire was the only instrument used to determine the self regulated learning ability of
students in MI KUNUZUN NAJA in 2020/2021 period. From the questionnaire that devided to
participants, which consists of 20 questions, can be know that
13 Ankur Joshi et al., “Likert Scale: Explored and Explained”, British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2015.

Table 1

The score of students'self regulated learning ability

MI Khunuzun Naja 2020/2021 period

Students Negative Score of SRL Positive score of SRL

26 students 148 362

Based on data above,we know that from 20 questions that given to 26 students, there are 148
points that identify the students are low in self regulated learning ability. And there are 362 points
which identify the students are good in self regulated learning ability. The results of the questionnaire,
then processed into a questionnaire analysis using a Likert scale in the calculation system.Because this
questionnaire only consists of 2 choices,these are yes and no question,so can be calculated that for
negative score of SRL is 1,and for positive score of SRL is 2.The calculation is done by using the formula T
× Pn, where T is the total respondents of the item and Pn is Likert score of the can be written

Total score : (T x Pn¹) + (T x Pn²)

Total score : (1 X 148) + (2 X 362)

Total score :148 + 724

Total score : 872

After finding the total score, the analysis continued to look for the respondent's interpretation
value, the highest and the lowest scores multiplied by the number of respondents. The number of the
highest score is (Y)

Y =2( the highest score) X 20(total questions) X 26(total participants)

Y =1040

To find out the percentage we can use the index% formula as follows:

total score. 872

RI % = ----------------- X 100% =.-----------------X 100 %= 83,85%

Y. 1040

The% index results are accumulated at intervals. RI% result is 83.85%, which lies in the 51%-100% :
identify as good in self regulated learning ability. So can be said that from the result,we know that the
students of MI KUNUZUN NAJA are good in self regulated learning ability on Arabic language.


This research aims to know the students' self regulated learning ability in mastering Arabic language
in MI KUNUZUN NAJA in 2020/2021 period. From the source data above,we know that the self regulated
learning ability is not only based on students' Natural innate, but also needed the teacher's method to
increase the students' self regulated learning ability. The teachers must have rich methods to get the
goal of learning , expecially in Arabic language, as the second language that have close relation with the
students in daily activities,like praying, obligatory praying, etc.

The result of this research is the students of MI KUNUZUN NAJA in 2020/2021 period are good in self
regulated learning ability on mastering Arabic language,it can be proofed with the result index ,from the
questionnaire that given to students of fourth grade,in A part, that is 83,85%.


Students' Self regulated learning ability is one of means in getting the purpose of learning. So this
subject is an important thing that has to get the special attention by teacher, and the students' Parent. It
can be developed by the together working from every part that relate the successful of learning in
school. Arabic language as second language for us as the language religion have specific position in our

This research is done to know the students' self regulated learning in Arabic language ability, the
data collected by devided the questionnaire to the participants. The result is students of MI KUNUZUN
NAJA are good in self regulated learning ability on mastering Arabic language. The data calculate using
skala likert scale.


D. D. Steinberg, H. Nagata, & D. P. Aline, Psycholinguistics: Language, Mind and World (Second p0Edition Ed.). (London and
New York: Longman Linguistics Library, 2001).
R. A. Tuaimah, Ta’lim al-‘Arabiyah Li Ghair al-Nathiqina Biha, (Rabath: ISESCO, 1989).

A. A. Madkur & I. A. Huraidi, Ta’lim al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah Li Ghair al-Nathiqin Biha alNadzariyah Wa al-Tathbiq, (Kairo: Dar al-
Fikr al-„Arabi, 2006)

M. A. Wahab, A. Fahrurrozi, T. Musthafa, & S. Arifin, “Standarisasi Kompetensi Bahasa Arab Bagi Calon Sarjana Perguruan Tinggi
Keagamaan Islam Negeri”, Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2018.

S. A. Alili & W. Hassan, “Attitudes of Arabic-and Non-Arabic Speaking Parents toward the Importance of Learning Arabic in the
United States”, Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2017.

Zubaidah, “Kalimat Dalam Bahasa Arab Dan Bahasa Indonesia Kajian Perbandingan Dan Urgensinya Dalam Menterjemah”,
Menara Ilmu, Vol. 11, 2017.

https.// _ saheeh

Depag. 1993. Garis-garis Besar Program Pengajaran Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Arab. Jakarta:
Dirjen Binbaga Islam,hal 1


Paris, S.G., & Paris, A.H. (2001). Classroom applications of research on self-regulated learning. Educational
Psychologist, 36(2), 89-101.

Andrade, M.S., & Evans, N.W. (2015). Developing self-regulated learners: Helping students meet challenges. In N.
W. Evans, N. J. Anderson, & W. G. Eggington (Eds.), ESL Readers and Writers in Higher Education (pp. 113-129).
Florence, US: Routledge

B. Bungin, Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif, (Jakarta: Kencana, 2017)

Ankur Joshi et al., “Likert Scale: Explored and Explained”, British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, Vol. 7,
No. 4, 2015

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