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2012 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe), Berlin

The Smart Super- European Grid:

Balancing Demand and Supply
Catalina Spataru, Member, IEEE and Mark Barrett

But, in 2010, the overall EU-27 renewable energy share

Abstract-This paper investigates the impact of renewable accounts for 12.4% (equivalent of 145 Mtoe) of overall gross
energy integration in the future smart grids in Europe, simulating final energy consumption, with a slightly increase compared to
the performance of the whole energy system so that renewable
2009 when it was 11.7% [8]. The growth relates to the gross
energy sources are matched to varying service demands. There
consumption of final energy from renewable sources. So we
are energy challenges and complexity issues associated with
demand side management arising from the connection between are already in the transition from an economy based on fossil
micro-generation output, grid loads, the weather combined with fuel to one based on renewable energy. Moreover, it has been
transmission and distribution of energy throughout the network. mentioned that it is technically viable to use over 90%
Some issues of balancing demand and supply in energy networks renewables and operate the power system securely for 24
are discussed. This helps to explore options for most reliable
hours a day [9]. The question then is: given the variation in
network configuration over the coming decades to ensure
demands as driven by behavior and weather, and the temporal
flexibility and to integrate unpredictable demands with a range of
supplies under different conditions. It covers all sectors and and spatial availability of various renewable sources, is how
includes demographic and technological developments. This could these variable supplies can be managed and controlled so as to
aid policy formulation in the European Union. reliably provide energy services where they are needed, and
when they are needed over time periods shorter than an hour to
Index Terms- demand, electricity, people, scenarios, smart days and months.
grid, supply


There is an extensive literature ([4], [16] and [22]) which
DV: Decision variables
provides information on the technical potential of renewable
Delivered Heat Ren Delivered heat renewable (End use
sources (such as wind, solar). Also well debated and
biomass/solar heat)
Delivered Liquid Ren Delivered liquid renewables documented is the mitigation of climate change and the way
Delivered Heat Delivered heat (district heating) and energy generation due to resource depletion [15] as in
Delivered Ele Delivered electricity various scenarios: Pure Power Scenario [18], Road map 2050
Delivered Ren Delivered renewable [19], EU (R)evolution Scenario [12]. The sources provide
Supply Ren Supply renewable information about the renewable generation using a
Delivered Fos Delivered fossil combination approach, technological and behavioural [11].
Supply Fos Supply fossil Modeling demand and supply with adequate resolution
DemEleTot Demand Electricity Total dynamically in space and time, considering the impact of
ExportEle Export Electricity variation in renewable sources and people's variable behaviour
SupEleDisp Supply Electricity Display is complex but is needed to shape energy policies. The studies
in this area have been quite coarse in demand and supply, as
II. INTRODUCTION well as spatially and temporally. Czisch [5] shows that we can

T he European Union has set up various targets relating to produce all our electricity from renewable sources through
greenhouse gas emissions and renewables. The initiative various techniques: electricity via production via solar thermal
'20-20-20' consists of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by plants and hydropower; wind energy. Also he shows that
20%, increasing the share of renewables in energy temporal behaviour significantly changes with the size and the
consumption to 20% and reaching 20% reduction in primary selection of the catchments area used for the electricity
energy use compared with projected levels [10]. A further generation. Renewable resources vary spatially and temporally
important objective is to enhance energy security. across countries, so that the long distance transmission of
renewable energy is economically optimal [5]. Strbac [21]
analysed the potential benefits of demand side management
C. Spataru is with UCL Energy Institute, London, WCIH O NN UK (e­ (DSM) in balancing generation and demand in a future
electricity system with significant variable renewable
M. Barrett is with UCL Energy Institute, London, WCIH O NN UK (e­
mail: mark.barrett@uc1.
generation. He mentions that DSM (including storage) can

978-1-4673-2597-4/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE

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manage load profiles and reduce the need for back-up residual deficit in hours 15:00 to 21:00. This shows the major
generation and transmission and so lower the total system role of consumers' load management through storage.
capital and variable cost of meeting service reliability, To make the transition to a fully decarbonized economy, we
emission and energy objectives [21]. Barrett [1] covers the have to model dynamically in space and time the changes these
demand-supply balance and variable renewables integration. differences will make to the supply of our energy and the
For a given set of variable energy service demand he interaction of people and changes on demand.
optimized the mix of renewable generation, back-up However, at Europe level this will be more complex, with
generation and heat and electricity storage capacity. The least patterns of demand and supply changing greatly across the
cost configuration was found given the constraints of meeting days of the year and spatially. This work is built on previous
energy demands and a specified renewable energy fraction [2]. work showing how society engenders demands that vary with
Total demand at any time is an aggregation of millions of time and climate and how renewable and other energy
demands, with all of us making changes. In balancing demand resources can be deployed to meet these demands.
and supply an important role is played by consumers' load
management and storage. Until now most work focused on the IV. EUROPEAN DYNAMJC SIMULATION (EURODvS) MODEL
power generation on the supply side of the system, with The European electricity network and gas network
limited attention to consumer on the demand side. There is a (transmission) systems and the degree of interconnectivity are
good correlation between consumption and population density well developed. But, to introduce a high amount of
[23]. Demographic evolution in terms of population size, age renewables, we need to move towards an 'interconnected­
and behaviour is fundamental to energy and environment smart grid' because the resources vary geographically. The
planning. According to [3], the dynamic of human and Global Energy Network Institute (GENI) [13] provides a
technology systems, especially with high levels of library with maps of renewable energy resources (bioenergy,
uncontrollable renewable supplies, determine the optimal geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar, wind) in Europe,
sizing of system components and their control. mentioning that Europe is the world leader in renewable
Fig. 1 illustrates the dynamic balancing of demand and energy. Using these sources, the energy production was
supplies, in a largely renewable UK electricity system on a categorized and renewable sources (wind, solar, hydro, others)
winter's day as described in [2]. The first chart shows the across Europe mapped.
composition of demand for electricity specific, space and The smart super-grid must be flexible so as to accept a
water heating, lighting and electric vehicles; the second shows combination of renewable energy sources and having controls
generation, off and on shore wind, hydro, solar, wave, tidal which will balance demand and supply and ensure security to
and biomass CHP. consumers. Sufficient generation, storage or transmiSSIOn
capacity must be available so that at all times demand and
ODDStHe_ln supply are balanced.
The problem of demand and supply balance in a future

100 = TradeOut
80 � economy based on renewables will be best solved at the
:s 60 European level because different countries have different
resources. For example for UK, further connecting the UK

system to other countries increases the benefits of diversity, at
9 13 17 21 the cost of transmission. The advantages of extending the
system include: more demand diversity because of different
weather and use patterns in other countries; more supply
diversity because of different weather and renewable resource
patterns, access to more renewable energy sources with
inherent storage; hydro and biomass.
An architecture model, called EUROpean DYnamic
Simulator Model (EuroDyS) is proposed to cover all
dimensions in a balanced way - demand and supply in space
and time, taking into account various consumers' behavior,
Fig. I. The dynamic balancing of demand and supplies in a largely renewable weather and trade between countries with scenarios to 2050.
energy system on a winter's day
The EuroDyS model is built on existing work; the SEEScen
(Society Energy and Environment Scenario) Model developed
In the first 6 hours, variable renewable supply exceeds demand
by Barrett [1] and the SmartCED (Smart Consumers and
and the excess is exported and stored in electricity stores
Energy Demand) Model developed by Spataru [20]. The
(pumped storage, electric vehicle batteries) and consumer heat
SEEScen model was designed to produce annual year by year
stores. For the following hours to 24:00, variable supply is in
scenarios in terms of energy, costs and emissions. The
deficit so energy is taken out of stores, energy is imported and
SmartCED model was designed to model people energy
finally dispatchable (optional) generation makes up the
consumption, use of controls by shifting use of appliances and

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heat within the smart grid, considering behaviour and forecast a peak at around 2040 and thereafter gradually a
diversity. People will play an important role on demand but decline.
also on decisions taken on the supply side (type of renewable The number of households is an important determinant of
installation, size, etc). Also this work use existing literature, as energy consumption because energy use per person generally
mentioned in Section III. increases with decreasing household size: this is because
To reach environment and energy targets, we need to assess building floor and envelop area per person increases, and the
how people will drive energy service demands in time and ownership and use of many energy using technologies (e.g.
space, and how temporally and spatially variable renewable cars, refrigerators) is strongly related to the number of
supplies can meet these demand using storage, dispatchable households as well as the number of people. The trend to
energy and long distance transmission. The novelty of more, but smaller households will cause an increase in
EuroDyS model consists in taking account of people electricity consumption per person unless balanced by
behaviour, demography change and controls, in addition to efficiency gains.
demand, supply and trade. A diagram of the EuroDyS model
B. Demand and Supply Balance in Europe
with energy systems considered is shown in Fig. 2.
Energy demand increased in the past years due to economic
development, especially in developing countries.
Fig. 3 shows an example of seasonal electricity demands
1_ - -� controls 1- - - - - - - - - - - - I
and supplies for UK, a mix of CHP, renewables (solar PV,
I I wind and hydro) and dispatchable generation supplying
AI:sectors of
derna nd a oo electricity to demand, and export of surplus electricity using
SLl P¢y I ____ J
for three days for January (1), April (4) and July (7) at 15min
Trade I

3 Days: 1 days per month; Months 1,4,7 [Calculation at 15 min intervalsl

�:: 120


1-+ +--+---+-+--+---+-+--+---+-----1





1- - --- 40

MODEL weat!wl
SmartCED 20

·20 r=t---t-t-=---t---t-t---'--t---t--t--t----t-----1

Fig. 2. Energy systems model components diagram Fig. 3. Seasonal electricity demands and supply for UK

EuroDyS model is assessing the demand and supply balance Understanding the electricity consumption due to different
under different circumstances for different time steps and how behaviour is a complex problem. As well as simulating system
trade can be applied. For example, if one country has an dynamics - energy demand and supply time - the spatial aspect
extreme cold winter day and a high demand of electricity than was considered also. For this a trade system was system, this
electricity can be imported from another country if available at being a set of nodes (regions, countries) which are connected
lower cost. First the population change, people per household by links (wires, pipes) of given maximum power capacities.
and households are described; then electricity demand and Each node has supplies characterized by the marginal cost
supply balance at each node across Europe and some examples curves - marginal supply cost against cumulative capacity
are given. (GW).
Through various optimization methods, the model varies
V. AN ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE OF THE EUROPEAN GRID supply for each node until the resulting pattern of generation
and trade results in minimized costs whilst constraints of link
A. Population, People per Household, Households capacities are met. Fig. 4 shows an illustrative example of the
The rates of popUlation growth between 1990 and 2010 have model, how it is seeking a least short run avoidable cost
been taken for Europe. They have been projected into the solution using optimization techniques (the transmission
future. The projections more or less accord with those made network is assumed, not optimized). The model varies flows
recently by the Eurostat [6]. It is forecast that the EU on the links between nodes until the resulting pattern of
population will grow slowly to a peak in 2030, after which it generation and trade results in minimized costs whilst
gradually declines. This is close by projections done by constraints of link capacities are met. Graphical output
Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, which includes charts of flows in each node (demand, export, import)

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and a map showing the size of demand, link capacities and mentioned previously, each node has supplies characterized by
energy flows. The map in Fig. 4 shows illustrative for one the marginal cost curves - marginal supply cost against
period, domestic demands (circles), link capacities (rectangles) cumulative capacity (GW). Simple functions based on
and flows (arrows). At the bottom of Fig. 4 is shown the population and household size are used to calculate the energy
progress of optimization (bottom left) and the demand, consumption. These data have been compiled into country
generation, trade and marginal electricity cost at each node energy balances. These balances include sectoral data for the

'00 ' " Il

49S '40
" "
'20 IA
49� II ,
Il.. '00 A
"\.. � so
\ 1\1'\
48S It ..
r, J I f\
'"1 If III V IV J
.. " ""\
....... " I rill � v

480 I I�III III 1111 11111I� II I Ii

500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Intuations c:::JNttlCacie _DcmeSlic demand f'!llEINetrtquremea -Minelporteost

Fig. 4. Illustrative example with output from the model seeking the optimal least cost solution

(bottom right). An optimization tool is applied to minimize consumption and production of fossil fuels, hydro, nuclear,
total short run supply costs for interconnected regions (nodes). geothermal and other renewables, electricity and heat.
For now, the user can select up to 37 interconnected European
C. Data
regions, but this can be extended with more data.
Electricity demand and supply has to be balanced at each The model uses historical data for energy, economic, and
population statistics from the International Energy Agency
node, the supply in each region and time-step, by taking into
(lEA) [14]. The lEA has put together a database of the energy
account electricity transmission, dispatchable generation and
statistics for most countries of the world; the most recent data
storage inputs and outputs. The aim of this work is to model
year available for this study is 2009. The model uses
various extreme future scenarios by taking into account
exogeneous assumptions for measures which change energy
behaviour diversity. Some of these modules are under
flows: these are behavioural change (lifestyle), demand
development. Therefore, the focus in this paper is mainly on management, energy conversion efficiency, and fuel supply
renewables using some existing scenarios described in [2]. As mix. The European Transmission System Operator (ENTSO-

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E) [7] provides infonnation on hourly load curves for various Fig. 7 shows the mix of electricity supply (based on data from
periods including current year. These values are for active 1990) in the EU27 using EU30pc20 scenario described in [2]
power absorbed by all installations connected to the for six countries selected.
transmission network or to the distribution network.
[Calculation at 15 min intervals)


One scenario has been modelled as considered in [2] for the


European Union countries, with an objective of a 30% 2000 DH_G..



reduction in CO2 by 2020. The model simulates system over DE_Wa\"c

years or hours. Some assumptions are exogenous to a 1500 .E_Wnd

particular model, though some of these assumptions may arise 0:



from other models, such as: demography, people, households, 1000



wealth, economic structure, transport demand, nuclear power. .00P_S_Bio

Many of these assumptions may influence the results. We 500



apply the model to study the effects on delivered energy and DACHP _S_fos

.ACHP _L_fos

primary energy equivalent in the following years in Europe. o ACHP_G_I'()$

The following renewable energy sources are considered:

� �
hydro, wind, wave, tide, sun, and biomass. These equivalences
Fig. 7. Electricity generation of selected countries
were applied to the renewable electricity flows in the EU 30%
CO2 reduction by 2020 scenario. The primary equivalent
The fraction of fuel inputs to generation that an increment of
efficiency was applied to the renewable and nuclear electricity
renewable electricity displaces plainly depends on the pre­
flows in the scenario model. This results in the energy flows
existing mix of generation - fossil, nuclear and renewable. An
shown in the Fig. 5. Using the conventions, renewable energy
increase of 20% in electricity generated by renewable sources
is 5% of delivered energy in 2020 (as shown in Fig. 6).
might reduce fossil energy inputs to generation by 40%, or
100%. If a country with 100% nuclear and hydro increased
Delivered energy renewable output, fossil generation fuel savings in that country
50000 ,-----,--.--,--.,
would be zero: in this case, the extra electricity would be
45000 +--+--+---+--f----i absorbed by increasing electricity demand in that country, or
by exporting, both of which would displace fossil fuels in

_0.1; [";Vec other sectors or countries. This raises a further issue of dealing
A: 25000 -I---I .o.l::Foss with import and export. The problem is further complicated by
.0.1: Uquld: R.,.
the fact that the type and efficiency of fossil generation
15000 displaced by renewable energy varies across the day and year.
1()()()() The main increase in this scenario is due to renewable
5000 ...._
. __
electricity generation. The total net energy imports decline by
• about 60% from 2010 to 2050, when all fuels and electricity
201S 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
are sum up. Also, an increase in renewable electricity will
Fig. 5. EU (30% reduction by 2020) scenario; delivered energy require a higher capacity grid with more sophisticated control.
Renewable energy resources and technologies have different
characteristics in terms of variability, predictability and
controllability. For example, wind is statistically predictable
over months and can be forecast with some reliability days
ahead. The only constant and controllable renewable sources
30000 .SupplyFos
are biomass and geothennal which have integral storage.
0: .SupplyRl'!n Hydro is controllable but variable over time periods of months.
Tidal is variable, but predictable. However, two major
additional resources, solar and wind, have uncontrollable and
unpredictable attributes. All these characteristics play an
important role in drawing scenarios and results from scenarios
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 may be influenced by various assumptions made related to cost
of future renewable technologies, fossil fuel price, carbon
Fig. 6. EU (30% reduction by 2020) scenario; primary energy equivalent emissions, reduction in demand, controls.

The results for the EU scenarios show that the delivered VII. CONCLUSIONS
renewable fraction is much smaller than for total primary
Renewable resources vary with time and meteorological
energy fraction, because of accounting convention. Renewable
conditions, and so also do energy service demands; for
energy as a fraction of total primary energy equivalent
example, the demand for space heating depends on people's
increased from 8% to 27% by 2050.
use of buildings and the ambient temperature. So we need to

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detennine how a mix of renewable resources can be managed 0120208ATT37544EN.pdf

[12] EREC, Greenpeace (2010) EU Energy (R)evolution scenario: Energy
so as to meet energy services reliably over short time periods.
Revolution: A sustainable world energy outlook, pp.260 [Online].
We can use storage, transmission and back up generation so
Available:www.greenpeace. org/ership/Global/international/publications
as to match energy supplies from primary renewables to /climate/2012/Energy%20Revolution%202012/ER2012.pdf
energy service demands. [13] Global Energy Network Institute [Online]. Available:
Back up or controllable generation will be limited because [14] International Energy Agency [Online]. Available:

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and the controllable renewable resources such as biomass are
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on different temporal and spatial scales. Demands and [17] Observ'ER, The state of renewable energies in Europe IlthEurObserv'

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[18] European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), Pure Power scenario.
weather. There can be significant variations over seconds,
"Powering Europe: wind energy and the electricity grid", November
minutes, hours, days, day of week, months and years. Energy
systems may be described on different spatial scales: from an [19] European Climate Foundation (ECF) (2010, Apr.). Roadmap 2050: A
individual boiler, to buildings, to local, regional, national and practical guide to a prosperous, low-carbon Europe, Technical
international levels. The biggest challenge is to achieve a Analysis, vol.l, [Online] Available:

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[20] C. Spataru, "Smart Consumers and Energy Demand (SmartCED)"
levels so that all important processes and energy policy options
Model, Personal Communication, 201 O.
to be covered. [21] G. Strbac," Demand side management: Benefits and challenges",
This paper highlighted the need of such a model and gives Energy Policy 36, pp. 4419-4426, 2008
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between countries.
[23] Q. Zhou, J. W. Bialek, (2005, May). Approximate Model of European
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[I] M., Barrett, "A Renewable Electricity System for the UK", Chapter in
Renewable electricity and the grid: the challenge of variability, G.
Boyle, Ed. Earthscan, London, 2007a, pp. 157-178.
[2] M. Barrett, "Low Emission Energy Scenarios for the European Union", Dr Catalina Spataru is currently a Senior Researcher at UCL Energy
Report 5785, Naturvardsverket - Swedish Environmental Protection Institute, London, UK. She has a degree in Mathematics and Physics and a
Agency SE-I06 48 Stockholm, 2007b. PhD in 'Gas build-up and the frequency of explosions following releases of
[3] M. Barrett and C. Spataru, "Dynamic simulation of energy system", natural gas/hydrogen mixtures in buildings' obtained from Loughborough
presented at the International Conference on Civil Engineering and University, UK. She is a member of the IEEE, a member of IEEE Women in
Materials, Paris, France, July 2012. Engineering and a member of Energy Institute (MEL). Catalina has worked on
[4] O. BrUckl , "Global Technical Potential of Wind Electricity", Final electricity, heat and gas supply systems. Her expertise and special fields of

Report prepared for BMW AG Study: Gewinnung und Anwendung von interest included integration of Hydrogen in the existing gas network; the

Sonnenenergie, Instiute for Energy Economy and Application technical and economic integration of renewable energy alongside the energy
efficiency in dynamic energy systems providing electricity, heat and gas;
Technology (llE), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, TU MUnchen,
controlling the electrical demands for heating and appliances in order to
manage power distribution peaks, smart energy. She developed models at
[5] G. Czisch, Scenarios for a Future Electricity Supply: Cost-Optimised
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Variations on Supplying Europe and Its Neighbours with Electricity
universities and consultancies.
from Renewable Energies", The Institution of Engineering and
Technology, London, UK, 2011, ISBN 978-1-84919-156-2
Dr Mark Barrett has a degree in Physics and Philosophy and a PhD in
[6] Eurostat, European Commission. [Online]. Available:
energy modelling. As a consultant (with his own company) and academic, he eu/portal/page/portal/eurostatlhome/ has thirty year experience modeling and developing policies for energy
[7] European network of transmission system operators for electricity demand and supply systems, and transport systems so as to meet
(ENTSO-E), 2012 [Online]. Available: https://www.entsoe.eui environmental, economic and energy objectives. He has worked at the
[8] Eurostat, Newsrelease 94/2012, 'The contribution of renewable energy international, national and regional level in the UK, Europe and Asia for
up to 12.4% of energy consumption in the EU27 in 2010", 18June bodies including Universities, the European Commission, the European
2012. [Online] Available:'press/year_ Environment Agency, UK Government departments, the Japan Clean Air
2012/bilan/english.pdf Programme, local authorities, private companies and consultancies, and non­
[9] European Renewable Energy Council and Greenpeace (2009) governmental environmental organisations. He has developed and applied a
Renewables 2417. [Online]. Available: suite of dynamic electricity demand-supply and optimization models. As a
asialph/Global/international/planet-2/reportl20I0/2/renewables-24- consultant: during electricity privatisation, he developed and applied an
7.pdf electricity energy and pricing pool model; to quantify the economic and

[10] European Commission Directorate-General Climate Action (2012) environmental benefits of EU energy market integration, he built and applied

Management Plan DG Climate Action [Online]. Available: a 15 country EU electricity optimization model. He has recently analysed and
modelled, with Poyry, the network demand and load management details and
ropa. eu/atworklsynthesis/amp/doc/clima_mp. pdf
storage for Climate Change Committee 2050 scenarios including efficiency,
[II] European Parliament, Directorate-general for internal policies, Policy
electric heat pumps and electric vehicles.
department economic and scientific policy, European Renewable
Energy Network (January 2012) [Online]. Available: http://www.euro
parl.europa. eu/documentlactivities/contl201202/20120208ATn 7 544/2

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