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Reflection Paper 2

Shammas Mohamed

Şafak Çivici is an owner of a 25-year-old furniture manufacturing company in the local market
and for exports called sefes. Furthermore, underlined the importance of sustainability and the
potentially disastrous consequences that might arise if this factor is not taken into account in
any choices or actions performed in the industrial sector. One of Sefes revolutionary concepts is
to transform garbage such as scrap materials into useable materials. This is accomplished with
the assistance of Istanbul University. Upcycled WPC goods are another innovation that was
created in collaboration with Istanbul University in order to preserve the university's
sustainability goal. Mustafa Nebi Doğan is also an owner of a mattress textile company that
operates globally. He goes on to explain how the KAYSERI CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY is ensuring
sustainability by operating within the Paris Agreement. He also highlights how Turkey lags
behind other European countries in the industrial sector since it began in the 1950s,
emphasizing the importance of human behaviors that tend to trade off environmental
repercussions for the convenience of business. He then spoke about the Kayseri Chamber of
Industry's initiatives in terms of sustainability. Ahmet Şeref BAHÇECİOĞLU is working at the
Kayseri municipality describes the statistical analysis of the population that he presented to the
students and instructors, stating that the number of people living in Kayseri dramatically
increased over the past few years, and to cope with this increase, infrastructure plans are
currently in the works, all of which are aimed to maintain sustainable environment, such as
clean water and public facilities. The speaker emphasizes the importance of green spaces in
cities and their impact on improving environmental conditions, highlighting the fact that cities
create massive amounts of pollution, which this strategy aids in addressing or at least lessening
the damage. Furthermore, thanks to resource depletion and poor air quality in compacted
areas of the city, a sustainable plan must be implemented to assure resources required and
preserve the environment for upcoming generations. Because Ahmet Şeref BAHÇECİOĞLU
works for the Kayseri municipality, he addressed how they are focusing on building an
upgraded railway system that delivers safety while also assuring a long-term strategy to
maintain a sustainable method of commuting. At the end of the seminar, my awareness for the
sustainable plans that could be achieved as a mechanical engineer has increased. The guest
speakers have brought different perspectives on how a person can make noticeable change in
his or her city. Specifically talking about the industry and governmental work. Whereas in the
industry recycling is very important and can be cost beneficial to the company. Also, in the
governmental work need carful planning to insure its sustainability because it has very big
budgets and years of work plans.

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