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BEDMAS Cycle & Cycle 3
Title of unit Grade level Grade 5/6
Subject area Math
Goal for Activity For students to become familiar with the order of operations and its acronym
Students will be answering questions on kahoot that involve using their knowledge of
Rationale for Activity
how to use BEDMAS in solving equations
Competency 3 – to communicate by using mathematical language
QEP Subject Area
Students will use mathematical vocabulary such as parenthesis, exponent and order of
If a student needs some extra help they may talk with a friend or work together to
Differentiation participate in the kahoot. The Acronym BEDMAS may be written down on a paper for
students to keep with them as they are doing the kahoot.
Students will know what BEDMAS stands for and how to apply it to a math problem in
Student will order to help them solve the equation
know/understand/do as a Students will understand that Division and multiplication can be done in either order, the
result of this activity same goes for addition and subtraction
Students will participate in a kahoot
First, review what BEDMAS is on the board and talk about what the acronym stands for
(Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction) and do a
question together as a class on the board.

Students will then be asked to get a laptop from the kart and sign in. Display the kahoot
log in on the board and they use the code to connect to the kahoot.
The kahoot will be 10 questions on order of operations, that they will answer individually
on their laptop.

At the end of the quiz, review the answers if needed.

Students can be assessed at the end of the activity, based on their kahoot results. The
Assessment kahoot creator will have access to all the participants names and scores. Students can also
be assessed based on the participation in the discussion about the answers.

Broad Areas of Learning

Health & Well Career Planning & Environmental Media Literacy Citizenship &
being Entrepreneurship Awareness & Consumer Community Life
Rights & Responsibilities
Students will participate in the Kahoot and try their best and be a part of the classroom community and not put others
down if they do not get the correct answer.

Cross Curricular Competencies

Uses Information Solves Problems Exercises critical Uses Creativity Adopts effective work
judgement methods
Uses information & Achieves their potential Cooperates with others Communicates
communications technologies appropriately


Students will be using their prior knowledge on problem solving and mathematical vocabulary to solve the PEDMAS
equations in the kahoot. Students will be doing this activity on a platform called kahoot, which requires them to navigate
and answer questions on their laptop.

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