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Name : 1.

Asna Nabila (42)

2. Aninda Nur Wrianti (45)
Class : 2B
One day Asna and Aninda met at boarding house and they talked to discuss about covid-19
Asna : Good morning Aninda.
Aninda : Good morning Asna.
Asna : Aow are you Aninda? Long time not see.
Aninda : A’m fine Asna. How about you?
Asna : I’m fine. What will you do here aninda?
Aninda : I will take my goods are still left here.
Asna : Same with me. Let’s take together.
Aninda : Okay.
They prepared their goods. And after they finished preparing, asna invited aninda to go to
some cafetaria. But aninda didn’t want, because the outbreak of the covid 19.
Asna : Aninda, are you already?
Aninda : Already Asna.
Asna : Let's hang out at the cafe.
Aninda : No, it's corona virus season
Asna : What's wrong?
Aninda : The government health service urges people to stay at home and reduce crowds"
Asna : Are we not allowed to go out
Aninda : Yes. It is okay but must comply with health protocols for mutual safety and going
out of the house for very important matters
Asna : How do we do not contact Covid 19?
Aninda : We have to wash our hands, wear masks, keep our distance, keep our cleanliness
Asna : Oh like that. So the transmission is through the air or what do you have to wear a
mask, wash your hands. As far as i know it is transmitted through the air, why we
have to wash your hands and keep your distance too"
Aninda : It is not transmitted by air alone. Covid 19 also spreads through droplets when we
cough and sneeze. More that, surfaces contaminated by viruses can also infect us.
Therefore we must also wash our hands and maintain cleanliness. This virus has an
incubation period of 2 weeks.
Asna : Yes i understand now. What symptoms arise if you are infected with the corona
Aninda : Symptoms are fever, cough, shortness of breath
Asna : Do you think this virus is dangerous?
Aninda : Yes, this virus is dangerous and can cause death, but for those who have strong
immunity, of course it can be cured.
Asna : Yes i understand now. Thank you Aninda.
Aninda : You are welcome Asna. Let's go home soon. Don't forget to clean yourself
immediately when you come to home.
Asna : Okay Aninda. Be careful. See you later.
Aninda : See you soon Asna.

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