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NIM : 1831410077
Class : 2C D3

Topic : Corona virus

Topic sentence : Corona virus is a virus that can be conquered with the right actions.
One morning after a week the introduction of a social distancing system that makes
everyone advised to stay at home, Nora, a chemical engineering student at the State
Polytechnic of Malang, call her classmate because she miss her after a week no meet and
want to talk about the corona virus outbreak.
Nora : “Assalamualaikum. Hello Nin!”
Fanin : “Waalaikumussalam. Hi Nor! What's up? Long time no see you and other friends.
Quite miss you all!”
Nora : “I want to meet you all soon, but for now we have to stay at home to minimize the
spread of corona virus. Always keep clean and healthy! Wash your hand as often as
you can and don’t touch your face!”
Fanin : “Okay Nor, I will do it. By the way, what is corona virus actually?”
Nora : “A corona virus is a virus that is found in animals and, rarely, can be transmitted
from animals to humans and then spread person to person. The corona virus can be
spread through contact with certain bodily fluids, such as droplets in a cough. It might
also be caused by touching something an infected person has touched and then
touching your hand to your mouth, nose, or eyes.”
Fanin : “So awful! Then where did this virus come from?”
Nora : “An outbreak of the corona virus, now called COVID-19, came from a seafood and
meat market in Wuhan, China, in December last year. It has since spread to other
countries even to world wide, included Indonesia.”
Fanin : “And what happens if we infected corona virus?”
Nora : “Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate
respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and
those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic
respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.”
Fanin : “Oh no, so what are the disadvantages of this outbreak?”
Nora : “The disadvantages of the spread of COVID-19 outbreak for example are the
education system has been disrupted because of social distancing, the income of
public transport drivers and food vendors in stalls has declined since the introduction
of social distancing, prices for some foodstuffs and vitamins and even personal
protective equipment such as masks are getting more expensive and even rarely found
in the market, etc.”
Fanin : “So, are there any advantages to this coronavirus outbreak?”
Nora : “Of course, the advantages of this COVID-19 for example are air pollution is
decreasing because people choose to stay at home to avoid the spread of the corona
virus, people are now more concerned with cleanliness, more free time for family, and
we can be closer to our God by always praying to Allah.”
Fanin : “And what should we do to avoid becoming infected with this virus?”
Nora : “Take care of your health and protect others by washing your hands with soap and
water ; maintain at least 1 metre distance between yourself and anyone who is
coughing or sneezing ; avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth ; covering your mouth
and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze then dispose of the
used tissue immediately and don’t forget to stay at home! Don't leave the house if it
isn't for something very important!”
Fanin : “Okay thank you for your suggestions and advices Nor!”
Nora :“Your welcome Nin. Okay I think enough for now, see you soon!
Fanin : “Waalaikumussalam.”

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