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Dialogues Homework

Anissa : Assalamualaikum Nanda.

Ananda : Walaikumsalam Nissa.

Anissa : How are you today?

Ananda : I'm fine todaya, and you?

Anissa : I'm fine too nanda.

Oh yes, in our country Indonesia has already contracted the epidemic of cov619 and
School institutions have been closed, especially on campus and hels online. How do you thin
responding to this online lecture?

Ananda : In my personal opnion, it's strongly agreeed that as long as there is still an outbreak of
covid 19, yes maybe it's constrained that we are going online this is just the internet package
and we have to focus on laptop or handphone, because we don't directly face to face with

Anissa : But there are also many who complain wiyh online lectures, aren't you complaining

Ananda : Every human complained that there must be, you could say it's a day's food. But for
myself, until the outbreak of covid 19 really goes away, after that we can enjoy activities like
before, the important thing is to take care of you healthy, get out as needed and use a mask,
stay away from the crowd.

Anissa : Yes, Yes you are. Have you ever heard of the provert that says "Assemble the raft
ipstream, swim to the edge of the poll. Painfully hurt first, have fun then"

Ananda : Eh it's noy the lyrics of the song yeah, Hahaha 😃, but the lyrics again there is also

Anissa : Yes, i have to go back Nanda, see you, nice to meet you. Bye!

Ananda : Be careful on the way Nissq, see you too, nice to meet you too. Bye!


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