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(intro ng station yung parang tutututututut)

Anchor 1 :revealing not hiding

Anchor 2:Living without covering
Anchor 1: and 2: Welcome to SCIENCE NEWS!
Anchor 1 : I’m ____
Anchor 2 : and I’m ___
Anchor 1 and 2: Good Morning PHILIPPINES!


Anchor 1 and 2: COMING UP.

Anchor 1: We’ll be interviewing ,Dr.____ ____ to explain the differences of

meiosis and mitosis


(Commericial short lang kayo na bahala gumawa dito )


Anchor 1: Hi this is ___ and this is Science NEWS, today, I am interviewing the
scientist who discovered meiosis.

Anchor 1: So Dr.___ ___, Could you please explain the distinctions between
meiosis and mitosis?

Mitosis and meiosis are the processes by which new cells are produced in
eukaryotic cells. These two nuclear division mechanisms are related but not the same.
Both entail the division of a diploid cell, or a cell with two sets of chromosomes.

Anchor 1: so what makes meiosis and mitosis related but not the same?
Biologist: During mitosis, a cell's genetic material (DNA) is replicated and split
evenly between two cells. The cell cycle is an orderly set of actions that a dividing
cell goes through. The mitotic cell cycle is triggered by the presence of specific
growth factors or other signals indicating that new cells are required. Mitosis is the
process through which somatic cells in the body reproduce. Fat cells, blood cells, skin
cells, and any other bodily cell that is not a sex cell are examples of somatic cells.
Mitosis is required to replace dead cells, injured cells, or cells with limited lives.

Meiosis, on the other hand, is the process through which gametes (sex cells) are
produced in sexually reproducing organisms. Male and female gonads create gametes,
which have one-half the number of chromosomes as the initial cell. The genetic
recombination that happens during meiosis introduces new gene combinations into a
population. As a result, unlike mitosis, which creates two genetically identical cells,
the meiotic cell cycle generates four genetically distinct cells.

Anchor 1: one last question, Is there any difference or similarities between these two

Biologist: Well, Interphase is a period of growth in both processes during which a cell
replicates its genetic material and organelles in preparation for division.

Mitosis and meiosis both have four phases: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and
telophase. During meiosis, however, a cell goes through these cell cycle stages twice.
Individual duplicated chromosomes, known as sister chromatids, are also lined up
along the metaphase plate in both stages. This occurs during mitotic metaphase and
meiosis metaphase II.

Furthermore, both mitosis and meiosis require sister chromatid separation and the
generation of daughter chromosomes. This occurs during mitosis anaphase and
meiosis anaphase II. Finally, these processes culminate in the division of the
cytoplasm, which results in the formation of separate cells.

Anchor 1: Thank you Dr. ___ ____


Anchor 2: UP NEXT!

Anchor 1: A potato the size of a small dog is found in New Zealand!!

Anchor 2: Cash scattered across a Southern California freeway sent drivers into a

Anchor 1: 3 dead, hundreds injured after storms rouse scorpions in Egypt


Anchor 1 and 2: This is SCIENCE NEWS!


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