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City of Mataram

Mataram City it’s one of two city located in West Nusa Tenggara with population
beyond 450,000, and Mataram is popular among the tourist because mataram is located in
Lombok Island which is one of the best destination for holiday in the world. Tourist like to
explore the city and enjoy the park around the Mataram City.
For the food, In Mataram, food stand is lying around the street, you may find street food
or fast food along the street while you explore the Mataram City, and if you are interested in
the typical food of Lombok, there’s a lot of lying around the street too, such as Ayam
Taliwang, Sate Rembiga, Pelecing and Pecel,etc. You may want to try Lombok’s food, and if
you want to have dinner at a restaurant, Mataram is also has a lot of Restaurant or you may
want to enjoy your food at the seaside of Beaches that Mataram had.
There is a big park that Mataram has, which is Sangkareang Park, in this park there’s a
lot of event and music festival that have been held, people like to come here at night to spend
time, people enjoy watching the fountain that has a colourful twinkling lights, eating some
street food, take a walk, or event perform their talent there, and it has a basketball court too.
Mataram has 2 Sports Stadium such as Gelanggang Pemuda and Gor 17 Desember,
people of all ages likes to do some exercise there, if you do exercise in the outdoors it’s free
of charge, but if you want to go indoors, you may be in charge. There’s a lot of sports events
and competitions that are held there, especially when it comes to soccer and basketball,
people love to see the competition and it is always crowded.
Last but not least that Mataram has one of the most iconic mosque, which is The
Islamic Center, Islamic Center has a 325 feet tall, and can accommodate 15.000 people in it.
In Islamic Center, usually give food to people who’s pray there, especially on Friday, it is to
symbolize togetherness.

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