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LRW Study Name: Waze Brand Tracker

LRW Job Number: 190356

Date: December 07, 2021

The contents of this document are the confidential property of Lieberman Research Worldwide.  No part of this document may be
reproduced or distributed in any form without the express written permission of Lieberman Research Worldwide.


Hold CTRL and click on a question to jump there

Subsection Start - US Screener...............................................................................................................................................................................9
Subsection Start - Brazil Screener.........................................................................................................................................................................13
Subsection Start - Mexico Screener.......................................................................................................................................................................17
Subsection Start - France Screener.......................................................................................................................................................................22

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 1

Subsection Start - UK Screener.............................................................................................................................................................................26
Subsection Start - QC Flags 2021..........................................................................................................................................................................28
Main Survey...............................................................................................................................................................................................................32
Subsection Start - Funnel 2.0.................................................................................................................................................................................32
Subsection Start - Perceptions...............................................................................................................................................................................41
Subsection Start - Product/Feature........................................................................................................................................................................44
Loop Start - FeatureUsage.....................................................................................................................................................................................46
Subsection Start - Waze Specific...........................................................................................................................................................................47
Subsection Start - Flex Section..............................................................................................................................................................................49
Loop Start - BrandsTrusted....................................................................................................................................................................................51
LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 2
Subsection Start - Segmentation Typing Tool........................................................................................................................................................56
Subsection Start - Mexico Current SEL..................................................................................................................................................................57
Subsection Start - Old/Removed Qs......................................................................................................................................................................59
Subsection Start - Waze 1.0 Questions.................................................................................................................................................................59
Subsection Start - Master Brand............................................................................................................................................................................65
Subsection Start - Master Rapid Choice v2.0........................................................................................................................................................67
Loop Start - Master_ExerciseLoop.........................................................................................................................................................................68
Subsection Start - Carpool.....................................................................................................................................................................................69
Subsection Start - Carpool POP.............................................................................................................................................................................78
Subsection Start - Carpool Implicit Identity Mapping.............................................................................................................................................78
LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 3
Subsection Start - Navigation.................................................................................................................................................................................83
Subsection Start - Navigation POP........................................................................................................................................................................88
Subsection Start - Navigation Implicit Identity Mapping.........................................................................................................................................88
Subsection Start - Safety Deep Dive......................................................................................................................................................................92
Subsection Start - Safety Concerns.......................................................................................................................................................................92
Subsection Start - Safety VPM and OEs................................................................................................................................................................93
Subsection Start - VoxPopMe................................................................................................................................................................................93
Subsection Start - Safety OEs................................................................................................................................................................................96
Subsection Start - Flex...........................................................................................................................................................................................96
Loop Start - PromotionReasons...........................................................................................................................................................................100
Subsection Start - COVID-19 Behavior Module...................................................................................................................................................102
QC Flags..................................................................................................................................................................................................................104

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 4

- Programmer: Please only allow these devices into the survey: PC, Tablet, Smartphone.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_DeviceType. Hidden variable to capture respondent device type.
Select one response.

1. Computer
2. Mobile
3. Tablet

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_PanelRiver. Hidden variable to capture whether link is from panel or river
Select one response.

1. Panel
2. River

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_LinkSource Hidden variable to show which link respondent enters through.
Select one response.

1. Country Link
2. City Link

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Market. Hidden variable to capture which market respondent is assigned to.
Select one response.

1. US
2. UK
3. France
4. Mexico
5. Brazil
6. Bay Area
7. Washington DC
8. Seattle
9. Houston
10. SoCal

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Country. Hidden variable to capture respondent's country.
Select one response.

1. US Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1, 6-
10] at DV_Market.
2. UK Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
3. France Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
4. Mexico Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
5. Brazil Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 5

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_City. Punches which City Augment responding for in US.
Select one response.

1. Bay Area Autocode if respondent selected code [6] at
2. Washington DC Autocode if respondent selected code [7] at
3. Seattle Autocode if respondent selected code [8] at
4. Houston Autocode if respondent selected code [9] at
5. SoCal Autocode if respondent selected code [10] at

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Wave. Hidden variable to capture wave.
Select one response.

1. May 2019
2. June 2019
3. July 2019
4. August 2019
5. September 2019
6. October 2019
7. November 2019
8. December 2019
9. January 2020
10. February 2020
11. March 2020
12. April 2020
13. May 2020
14. June 2020
15. July 2020
16. August 2020
17. September 2020
18. October 2020
19. November 2020
20. December 2020
21. January 2021
22. February 2021
23. March 2021
24. April 2021
25. May 2021
26. June 2021
27. July 2021
28. August 2021
29. September 2021
30. October 2021
31. November 2021
32. December 2021

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 6

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Quarter. Hidden variable to capture quarter
Select one response.

1. Blueprint
2. Q3 2019
3. Q4 2019
4. Q1 2020
5. Q2 2020
6. Q3 2020
7. Q4 2020
8. Q1 2021
9. Q2 2021
10. Q3 2021
11. Q4 2021

- Programmer: Language shown determined by DV_Country code:

US = English
UK = Queen's English
France = French
Mexico = Spanish
Brazil = Portuguese

- Show to all.
DT_Intro. We appreciate your interest in our confidential survey. This survey should take approximately 15 minutes.
Please do not use your browser's forward and back buttons. Instead, use the 'Next' button to move through the survey.

- Show to all.
S1_Gender. Select your gender.
Select one response.

1. Male
2. Female
3. Non-binary / third gender PC: No specify needed

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Set current year as max.
S2_YearBorn. In what year were you born?
Enter a numeric response.


- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Terminate Immediately if value provided at DV_Age is less than 18 OR value provided at DV_Age is greater than 65.
- Programmer Comment: Calculate age based on current year.
DV_Age. Hidden variable to capture age based on YearBorn
Enter a numeric response.


LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 7

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_AgeRange. Hidden variable to capture age ranges.
Select one response.

1. 18-24 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 18 and 24.
2. 25-34 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 25 and 34.
3. 35-44 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 35 and 44.
4. 45-54 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 45 and 54.
5. 55-65 Autocode if value provided at DV_Age is between
(inclusive) 55 and 65.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Generation. Hidden variable to capture generation
Select one response.

1. Generation Z Autocode if value provided at S2_YearBorn is
greater than or equal to 1997.
2. Millennials Autocode if value provided at S2_YearBorn is
between (inclusive) 1981 and 1996.
3. Generation X Autocode if value provided at S2_YearBorn is
between (inclusive) 1965 and 1980.
4. Baby Boomers Autocode if value provided at S2_YearBorn is
between (inclusive) 1946 and 1964.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 8

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_AgeGender. Hidden Variable to capture nested age and gender.
Select one response.

1. Male 18-24 Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
S1_Gender AND respondent selected code [1] at
2. Male 25-34 Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
S1_Gender AND respondent selected code [2] at
3. Male 35-44 Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
S1_Gender AND respondent selected code [3] at
4. Male 45-54 Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
S1_Gender AND respondent selected code [4] at
5. Male 55-65 Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
S1_Gender AND respondent selected code [5] at
6. Female 18-24 Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
S1_Gender AND respondent selected code [1] at
7. Female 25-34 Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
S1_Gender AND respondent selected code [2] at
8. Female 35-44 Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
S1_Gender AND respondent selected code [3] at
9. Female 45-54 Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
S1_Gender AND respondent selected code [4] at
10. Female 55-65 Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
S1_Gender AND respondent selected code [5] at
11. Other 18-24 Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
S1_Gender AND respondent selected code [1] at
12. Other 25-34 Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
S1_Gender AND respondent selected code [2] at
13. Other 35-44 Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
S1_Gender AND respondent selected code [3] at
14. Other 45-54 Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
S1_Gender AND respondent selected code [4] at
15. Other 55-65 Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
S1_Gender AND respondent selected code [5] at

Subsection Start - US Screener

Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
S3_Income. What is your total annual household income, before taxes?
Select one.

1. Under $25,000
2. $25,000 to $34,999
3. $35,000 to $49,999
4. $50,000 to $74,999
5. $75,000 to $99,999
6. $100,000 to $149,999
7. $150,000 or more

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 9

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
DV_IncomeNets. Hidden variable to capture netted income for quotas and weighting.
Select one response.

1. Under $35,000 Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-2]
at S3_Income.
2. $35,000 to $49,999 Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
3. $50,000 to $74,999 Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
4. $75,000 or more Autocode if respondent selected any codes [5-7]
at S3_Income.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment: Updated verbiage January 2021 to ask about current income. This question should be used in conjunction
with Income and DV_Income_COVChange to provide complete income picture. Factor for low end of income based on 80% of value,
factor for high end of income based on 120% of value.
- Note to client: SUPPRESS STARTING JAN 2022
S36_Income_PreCOV. We know coronavirus and its impact on the economy affected a lot of people’s incomes. Think back before the
pandemic. In 2019, what was your total annual household income, before taxes?
Select one response.

1. Under $25,000
2. $25,000 to $34,999
3. $35,000 to $49,999
4. $50,000 to $74,999
5. $75,000 to $99,999
6. $100,000 to $149,999
7. $150,000 or more

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS STARTING JAN 2022
DV_PreCOVIncomeNets. Hidden variable to capture netted income for quotas and weighting.
Select one response.

1. Under $35,000 Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-2]
at S36_Income_PreCOV.
2. $35,000 to $49,999 Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
3. $50,000 to $74,999 Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
4. $75,000 or more Autocode if respondent selected any codes [5-7]
at S36_Income_PreCOV.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
S4_Hispanic. Are you of Hispanic or Latin American origin?

1. Yes, Hispanic
2. Yes, Latin American
3. No

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 10

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
S5_Ethnicity. Which categories describe your race?
Select all that apply.

1. Asian
2. Black or African American
3. Middle Eastern or North African
4. Native American or Alaska Native
5. Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian
6. White
7. Only Hispanic or Latin American origin Show if respondent selected any codes [1-2] at

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
DV_EthnicityNet. Hidden variable to capture Ethnicity Net for weighting/quota.
Select one response.

1. Hispanic Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-2]
at S4_Hispanic.
2. Black or African-American Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
S5_Ethnicity AND respondent did NOT select code
[1] at DV_EthnicityNet.
3. Asian or Pacific Islander Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1, 5]
at S5_Ethnicity AND respondent did NOT select
codes [1-2] at DV_EthnicityNet.
5. Native American/Alaska Native Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
S5_Ethnicity AND respondent did NOT select
codes [1-3] at DV_EthnicityNet.
5. Caucasian or White Autocode if respondent selected any codes [3, 6]
at S5_Ethnicity AND respondent did NOT select
codes [1-3, 5] at DV_EthnicityNet.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment: Allow up to 3 tries. Else, hard term.
Hard term if zip code entered by city link respondents (Bay Area 807, DC 511, Seattle 819, Houston 618) does not match the DMA
classifications. Hard term if entered in SoCal link, and zip codes does not equal one of these zip codes
(\\\Projects\120_TIBU\012-190356 Waze Brand Tracker\3_Field\Sampling\SoCal Zipcodes.xlsx).
S6_Zip. What is your 5-digit zip code?

MIN: 5. MAX: 5.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
DV_Region. Hidden variable to capture Region based on zip
Select one response.

1. Midwest
2. Northeast
3. South
4. West

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 11

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
DV_State. Automark state based on ZIP

1. Alabama
2. Alaska
3. Arizona
4. Arkansas
5. California
6. Colorado
7. Connecticut
8. Delaware
9. Florida
10. Georgia
11. Hawaii
12. Idaho
13. Illinois
14. Indiana
15. Iowa
16. Kansas
17. Kentucky
18. Louisiana
19. Maine
20. Maryland
21. Massachusetts
22. Michigan
23. Minnesota
24. Mississippi
25. Missouri
26. Montana
27. Nebraska
28. Nevada
29. New Hampshire
30. New Jersey
31. New Mexico
32. New York
33. North Carolina
34. North Dakota
35. Ohio
36. Oklahoma
37. Oregon
38. Pennsylvania
39. Rhode Island
40. South Carolina
41. South Dakota
42. Tennessee
43. Texas
44. Utah
45. Vermont
46. Virginia
47. Washington
48. Washington D.C.
49. West Virginia
50. Wisconsin
51. Wyoming

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 12

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
DV_UrbanClassification. Hidden variable to capture Urban and Suburban classification based on zip code.

1. Urban PC: PC: If zip code is specified as "U" in
"RuralCode" column in specified spreadsheet,
code as "Urban".
2. Suburban PC:

PC: If zip code is specified as "S" in "RuralCode"

column in specified spreadsheet, code as

3. Rural PC:

PC: If zip code is specified as "R" in "RuralCode"

column in specified spreadsheet, code as "Rural". 

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
- Note to client: DV for tracking reactivity for each state as of 3/20/2020.  Highly recommend addition to all US studies.
DV_ReactivityTierMar20. DV to track reactivity of each US state to COVID-19, based on 3/20/2020 reports.
Select one response.

1. Most reactive states Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 5,
7, 9, 11, 19, 28, 30, 32, 37, 39, 44, 47-48] at
2. Least reactive states Autocode if respondent selected any codes [12,
26, 34, 36, 41, 49] at DV_State.
3. Moderate reactive states Autocode if respondent did NOT select codes [1-2]
at DV_ReactivityTierMar20.

Subsection End - US Screener

Subsection Start - Brazil Screener

Show if respondent selected code [5] at DV_Country

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at DV_Country.
S7_Brazil_SEC_Appliance. Please tell us how many of the following items you own in your household.
Select one response for each.


ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. None 1 2 3 4 or more
1. Televisor em cores 1 2 3 4 5
2. Rádio 1 2 3 4 5
3. Banheiro 1 2 3 4 5
4. Automóvel 1 2 3 4 5
5. Empregada Mensalista 1 2 3 4 5
6. Aspirador de pó 1 2 3 4 5
7. Máquina de Lavar
1 2 3 4 5
8. Vídeo cassete/ DVD 1 2 3 4 5
9. Geladeira 1 2 3 4 5
10. Freezer (Independente
1 2 3 4 5
ou 2ª porta da geladeira)

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 13

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS STARTING JAN 2022
S40_SEC_Appliance_PreCOV. We know coronavirus and its impact on the economy affected a lot of people’s incomes. Think back before
the pandemic. In 2019, how many of the following items did you own in your household?
Select one response for each.


ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. None 1 2 3 4 or more
1. Televisor em cores 1 2 3 4 5
2. Rádio 1 2 3 4 5
3. Banheiro 1 2 3 4 5
4. Automóvel 1 2 3 4 5
5. Empregada Mensalista 1 2 3 4 5
6. Aspirador de pó 1 2 3 4 5
7. Máquina de Lavar
1 2 3 4 5
8. Vídeo cassete/ DVD 1 2 3 4 5
9. Geladeira 1 2 3 4 5
10. Freezer (Independente
1 2 3 4 5
ou 2ª porta da geladeira)

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at DV_Country.
S8_Brazil_SEC_HHEdu. What is the highest educational qualification attained by the head of your household? The head of your
household is the person who contributes the most to the total household income.
Select one response.

1. Analfabeto até 3ª série fundamental
2. 4ª série fundamental (4ª a 7ª série fundamental
3. Fundamental completo até Médio incompleto
4. Médio completo até Superior incompleto
5. Superior completo

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
- Programmer Comment: Based on S7_Brazil_SEC_Appliance and S8_Brazil_SEC_HHEdu.
Point values can be found in this document -->P:\120_TIBU\012-190356 Waze Brand Tracker\2_Project Design\Questionnaire\Brazil
SEC Algorithim.xlsx
DV_Brazil_SECTotalPoints. Hidden variable to total the amount of points a respondent gets from Brazil SEC questions.
Enter a numeric response.


LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 14

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
DV_Brazil_SECDetailed. DV to capture detailed Brazil SEC Classification
Select one response.

1. A1 Autocode if value provided at
DV_Brazil_SECTotalPoints is between (inclusive)
42 and 46.
2. A2 Autocode if value provided at
DV_Brazil_SECTotalPoints is between (inclusive)
35 and 41.
3. B1 Autocode if value provided at
DV_Brazil_SECTotalPoints is between (inclusive)
29 and 34.
4. B2 Autocode if value provided at
DV_Brazil_SECTotalPoints is between (inclusive)
23 and 28.
5. C1 Autocode if value provided at
DV_Brazil_SECTotalPoints is between (inclusive)
18 and 22.
6. C2 Autocode if value provided at
DV_Brazil_SECTotalPoints is between (inclusive)
14 and 17.
7. D Autocode if value provided at
DV_Brazil_SECTotalPoints is between (inclusive)
8 and 13.
8. E Autocode if value provided at
DV_Brazil_SECTotalPoints is between (inclusive)
0 and 7.

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
DV_Brazil_SEC. DV that captures collapsed Brazil SEC Classification
Select one response.

1. SEC A Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-2]
at DV_Brazil_SECDetailed.
2. SEC B Autocode if respondent selected any codes [3-4]
at DV_Brazil_SECDetailed.
3. SEC C Autocode if respondent selected any codes [5-6]
at DV_Brazil_SECDetailed.
4. SEC D Autocode if respondent selected code [7] at
6. SEC E Autocode if respondent selected code [8] at

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
- Programmer Comment: Based on S40_Brazil_SEC_Appliance_PreCOV.
Point values can be found in this document -->P:\120_TIBU\012-190356 Waze Brand Tracker\2_Project Design\Questionnaire\Brazil
SEC Algorithim.xlsx
- Note to client: SUPPRESS STARTING JAN 2022
DV_SEC_TotalPtsPreCOVID. Hidden variable to total the amount of points a respondent gets from PreCOVID Brazil SEC questions.
Enter a numeric response.


LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 15

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS STARTING JAN 2022
DV_SECDetailed_PreCOVID. DV to capture detailed Brazil SEC Classification
Select one response.

1. A1 Autocode if value provided at
DV_SEC_TotalPtsPreCOVID is between (inclusive)
42 and 46.
2. A2 Autocode if value provided at
DV_SEC_TotalPtsPreCOVID is between (inclusive)
35 and 41.
3. B1 Autocode if value provided at
DV_SEC_TotalPtsPreCOVID is between (inclusive)
29 and 34.
4. B2 Autocode if value provided at
DV_SEC_TotalPtsPreCOVID is between (inclusive)
23 and 28.
5. C1 Autocode if value provided at
DV_SEC_TotalPtsPreCOVID is between (inclusive)
18 and 22.
6. C2 Autocode if value provided at
DV_SEC_TotalPtsPreCOVID is between (inclusive)
14 and 17.
7. D Autocode if value provided at
DV_SEC_TotalPtsPreCOVID is between (inclusive)
8 and 13.
8. E Autocode if value provided at
DV_SEC_TotalPtsPreCOVID is between (inclusive)
0 and 7.

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS STARTING JAN 2022
DV_Brazil_SEC_PreCOVID. DV that captures collapsed Brazil SEC Classification
Select one response.

1. SEC A Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-2]
at DV_SECDetailed_PreCOVID.
2. SEC B Autocode if respondent selected any codes [3-4]
at DV_SECDetailed_PreCOVID.
3. SEC C Autocode if respondent selected any codes [5-6]
at DV_SECDetailed_PreCOVID.
4. SEC D Autocode if respondent selected code [7] at
6. SEC E Autocode if respondent selected code [8] at

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at DV_Country.
S9_Brazil_City. Do you live in any of the following cities?
Select one response.

1. Brasília
2. São Paulo
3. Rio de Janeiro
4. Belo Horizonte
5. Salvador
6. Fortaleza
7. Nova Iguaçu
8. Curitiba
9. Pôrto Alegre
10. Recife
11. Belém
12. Manaus
13. None of the above EXCLUSIVE.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 16

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at DV_Country.
S10_Brazil_Region. Please select the region you live in:
Select one response.

1. Acre
2. Amapá
3. Amazonas
4. Pará
5. Rondônia
6. Roraima
7. Tocantins
8. Alagoas
9. Bahia
10. Ceará
11. Distrito Federal
12. Espírito Santo
13. Goiás
14. Maranhão
15. Mato Grosso
16. Mato Grosso do Sul
17. Minas Gerais
18. Paraíba
19. Pernambuco
20. Piauí
21. Rio de Janeiro
22. Rio Grande do Norte
23. São Paulo
24. Sergipe
25. Paraná
26. Rio Grande do Sul
27. Santa Catarina

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
DV_Brazil_RegionCondensed. Region
Select one response.

1. Norte Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-7]
at S10_Brazil_Region.
2. Nordeste Autocode if respondent selected any codes [8-10,
14, 18-20, 22, 24] at S10_Brazil_Region.
3. Sudeste Autocode if respondent selected any codes [12,
17, 21, 23] at S10_Brazil_Region.
4. Sul Autocode if respondent selected any codes [25-
27] at S10_Brazil_Region.
5. Centro-Oeste Autocode if respondent selected any codes [11,
13, 15-16] at S10_Brazil_Region.

Subsection End - Brazil Screener

Subsection Start - Mexico Screener

Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 17

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
S11_Mexico_income. What is your total monthly household income, before taxes?
Select one response.

1. Menos de MXN 5,000
2. MXN 5,001 –10,000
3. MXN 10,001 – 20,000
4. MXN 20,001 – 30,000
5. MXN 30,001 – 40,000
6. MXN 40,001 - 50,000
7. MXN 50,001 – 75,000
8. MXN 75,001 – 100,000
9. Más de MXN 100,000

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment: Updated verbiage January 2021 to ask about current income. This question should be used in conjunction
with Income and DV_Income_COVChange to provide complete income picture. Factor for low end of income based on 80% of value,
factor for high end of income based on 120% of value.
S37_MX_Income_PreCOV. We know coronavirus and its impact on the economy affected a lot of people’s incomes. Think back before the
pandemic. In 2019, what was your total monthly household income, before taxes?
Select one response.

1. Menos de MXN 5,000
2. MXN 5,001 –10,000
3. MXN 10,001 – 20,000
4. MXN 20,001 – 30,000
5. MXN 30,001 – 40,000
6. MXN 40,001 - 50,000
7. MXN 50,001 – 75,000
8. MXN 75,001 – 100,000
9. Más de MXN 100,000

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment:
S41_MX_SEL_Q1_PreCOVID. Piense en la situación antes de la pandemia. En 2019, ¿cuál era el total de cuartos, piezas o habitaciones
con que contaba su hogar? Por favor no incluya baños, medios baños, pasillos, patios y zotehuelas.
Select one response.

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7 o más

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment:
S42_MX_SEL_Q2_PreCOVID. Piense en la situación antes de la pandemia. En 2019, ¿cuántos baños completos con regadera y W.C.
(excusado) había para uso exclusivo de los integrantes de su hogar?
Select one response.

1. 0
2. 1
3. 2
4. 3
5. 4 o más

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 18

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment:
S43_MX_SEL_Q3_PreCOVID. Piense en la situación antes de la pandemia. En 2019, ¿alguno de los baños de su hogar contaba con una
regadera funcionado?
Select one response.

1. No tiene
2. Si tiene

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment:
S44_MX_SEL_Q4_PreCOVID. Piense en la situación antes de la pandemia. En 2019, contando todos los focos que utiliza para iluminar su
hogar, incluyendo los de techos, paredes y lámparas de buró o piso, dígame ¿cuántos focos tenía su casa?
Select one response.

1. 0-5
2. 6-10
3. 11-15
4. 16-20
5. 21 o más

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment:
S45_MX_SEL_Q5_PreCOVID. Piense en la situación antes de la pandemia. En 2019, ¿el piso de su hogar era predominantemente de
tierra, o de cemento, o de algún otro tipo de acabado?
Select one response.

1. Tierra o cemento (firme de )
2. Otro tipo de material o acabo

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment:
S46_MX_SEL_Q6_PreCOVID. Piense en la situación antes de la pandemia. En 2019, ¿cuántos automóviles propios, excluyendo taxis,
tenía en su hogar?
Select one response.

1. 0
2. 1
3. 2
4. 3 o más

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment:
S47_MX_SEL_Q7_PreCOVID. Piense en la situación antes de la pandemia. En 2019, ¿contaban con estufa de gas o eléctrica en su
Select one response.

1. No tiene
2. Si tiene

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 19

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment:
S19_Mexico_SEl_Q8. Pensando en la persona que aporta la mayor parte del ingreso en este hogar, ¿cuál fue el último año de estudios
que completó? (espere respuesta, y pregunte) ¿Realizó otros estudios? (reclasificar en caso necesario).
Select one response.

1. No estudió
2. Primaria incompleta
3. Primaria completa
4. Secundaria incompleta
5. Secundaria completa
6. Carrera comercial
7. Carrera técnica
8. Preparatoria incompleta
9. Preparatoria completa
10. Licenciatura incompleta
11. Licenciatura completa
12. Diplomado o Maestría
13. Doctorado

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
- Programmer Comment: Point values can be found in this document --> P:\120_TIBU\012-190356 Waze Brand Tracker\2_Project
Design\Questionnaire\Mexico SEC points.xlsx
Use S41_MX_SEL_Q1_PreCOVID - S47_MX_SEL_Q7_PreCOVID, and S19_Mexico_SEI_Q8
DV_MxTotalSELPts_PreCOV. Hidden variable to total the amount of points a respondent gets from PreCOVID Mexico SEL questions
Enter a numeric response.


- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
DV_MX_SELClass_PreCOVID. Points in P:\120_TIBU\012-190356 Waze Brand Tracker\2_Project Design\Questionnaire\Mexico SEC
Select one response.

1. AB Autocode if value provided at
DV_MxTotalSELPts_PreCOV is greater than or
equal to 193. PC: More than 193 points
2. C+ Autocode if value provided at
DV_MxTotalSELPts_PreCOV is between
(inclusive) 155 and 192. PC: Between 155 and 192
3. C Autocode if value provided at
DV_MxTotalSELPts_PreCOV is between
(inclusive) 128 and 154. PC: Between 128 and 154
4. C- Autocode if value provided at
DV_MxTotalSELPts_PreCOV is between
(inclusive) 105 and 127. PC: Between 105 and 127
5. D+ Autocode if value provided at
DV_MxTotalSELPts_PreCOV is between
(inclusive) 80 and 104. PC: Between 80 and 104
6. D Autocode if value provided at
DV_MxTotalSELPts_PreCOV is between
(inclusive) 33 and 79. PC: Between 33 and 79
7. E Autocode if value provided at
DV_MxTotalSELPts_PreCOV is less than or equal
to 32. PC: Less than 32 points

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 20

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
S20_Mexico_City. Do you live in any of the following cities?
Select one response.

1. Mexico City
2. Guadalajara
3. Monterrey
4. Puebla
5. Tijuana
6. Toluca
7. León
8. Cuidad Juárez
9. Torreón
10. San Luis Potosí
11. Cancún
12. None of the above ANCHOR.

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
S21_Mexico_state. Please select the state that you live in:
Select one response.

1. Aguascalientes
2. Baja California
3. Baja California Sur
4. Campeche
5. Chiapas
6. Chihuahua
7. Coahuila
8. Colima
9. Distrito Federal
10. Durango
11. Guanajuato
12. Guerrero
13. Hidalgo
14. Jalisco
15. Mexico
16. Michoacan
17. Morelos
18. Nayarit
19. Nuevo Leon
20. Oaxaca
21. Puebla
22. Queretaro
23. Quintana Roo
24. San Luis Potosi
25. Sinaloa
26. Sonora
27. Tabasco
28. Tamaulipas
29. Tlaxcala
30. Veracruz
31. Yucatan
32. Zacatecas

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 21

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
DV_Mexico_Region. Logic based on Mex12_Mexico_state
Select one response.

1. Central Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1, 9-
12, 14, 17, 21-22, 24, 29, 32] at S21_Mexico_state.
2. East Autocode if respondent selected any codes [19,
28, 30] at S21_Mexico_state.
3. West Autocode if respondent selected any codes [3, 8,
15-16, 18, 25] at S21_Mexico_state.
4. North Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 6-7,
26] at S21_Mexico_state.
5. South Autocode if respondent selected any codes [4-5,
13, 20, 23, 27, 31] at S21_Mexico_state.

Subsection End - Mexico Screener

Subsection Start - France Screener

Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Country

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Country.
- Note to client: Updated verbiage to reflect last year in consideration of current economic conditions.
S22_France_Income. What is your total monthly household income, before taxes?
Select one response.

1. Less than 1,000 Euros
2. 1,000 to 1,199 Euros
3. 1,200 to 1,399 Euros
4. 1,400 to 1,699 Euros
5. 1,700 to 1,999 Euros
6. 2,000 to 2,299 Euros
7. 2,300 to 2,999 Euros
8. 3,000 to 4,499 Euros
9. 4,500 Euros or more

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
DV_France_IncomeBreakout. DV to determine income bracket
Select one response.

1. Low Income Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-3]
at S22_France_Income.
2. Middle Income Autocode if respondent selected any codes [4-6]
at S22_France_Income.
3. High Income Autocode if respondent selected any codes [7-9]
at S22_France_Income.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 22

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
DV_France_IncomeCensus. Hidden variable to capture Income according to census buckets.
Select one response.

1. Under 1400 Euros/month Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-3]
at S22_France_Income.
2. 1400 to under 1700 Euros Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
3. 1700 to under 2000 Euros Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
4. 2000 to under 2300 Euros Autocode if respondent selected code [6] at
5. 2300 to under 3000 Euros Autocode if respondent selected code [7] at
6. 3000 to under 4500 Euros Autocode if respondent selected code [8] at
7. 4500 Euros + / month Autocode if respondent selected code [9] at

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment: Updated verbiage January 2021 to ask about current income. This question should be used in conjunction
with Income and DV_Income_COVChange to provide complete income picture. Factor for low end of income based on 80% of value,
factor for high end of income based on 120% of value.
- Note to client: SUPPRESS STARTING JAN 2022
S38_FR_Income_PreCOV. We know coronavirus and its impact on the economy affected a lot of people’s incomes. Think back before the
pandemic. In 2019, what was your total monthly household income, before taxes?
Select one response.

1. Less than 1,000 Euros
2. 1,000 to 1,199 Euros
3. 1,200 to 1,399 Euros
4. 1,400 to 1,699 Euros
5. 1,700 to 1,999 Euros
6. 2,000 to 2,299 Euros
7. 2,300 to 2,999 Euros
8. 3,000 to 4,499 Euros
9. 4,500 Euros or more

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS STARTING JAN 2022
DV_FR_PreCOVIncomeGroup. DV to determine income bracket
Select one response.

1. Low Income Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-3]
at S38_FR_Income_PreCOV.
2. Middle Income Autocode if respondent selected any codes [4-6]
at S38_FR_Income_PreCOV.
3. High Income Autocode if respondent selected any codes [7-9]
at S38_FR_Income_PreCOV.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 23

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS STARTING JAN 2022
DV_FR_PreCOVIncomeCens. Hidden variable to capture Income according to census buckets.
Select one response.

1. Under 1400 Euros/month Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-3]
at S38_FR_Income_PreCOV.
2. 1400 to under 1700 Euros Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
3. 1700 to under 2000 Euros Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
4. 2000 to under 2300 Euros Autocode if respondent selected code [6] at
5. 2300 to under 3000 Euros Autocode if respondent selected code [7] at
6. 3000 to under 4500 Euros Autocode if respondent selected code [8] at
7. 4500 Euros + / month Autocode if respondent selected code [9] at

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment: Show to France only. Must enter 4-5 digit postal code. If invalid code entered, show error message. Allow
up to 3 tries. Else, hard term. Will be used to code into regions.
S23_France_Postal_Code. Please enter your postal code excluding the CEDEX number.
Enter a numeric response.


- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
- Programmer Comment: Record response for all France. Code region based on postal code at S23_France_PostalCode.
DV_France_RegionExpand. DV holding France region classification.
Select one response.

1. Alsace
2. Aquitaine
3. Auvergne
4. Basse-Normandie
5. Bourgogne
6. Bretagne
7. Centre-Val de Loire
8. Champagne-Ardenne
9. Corse
10. Franche-Comté
11. Haute-Normandie
12. Île-de-France
13. Languedoc-Roussillon
14. Limousin
15. Lorraine
16. Midi-Pyrénées
17. Nord-Pas-de-Calais
18. Pays de la Loire
19. Picardie
20. Poitou-Charentes
21. Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
22. Rhône-Alpes
23. Other

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 24

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question. Applies if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Country.
DV_France_region. France Region
Select one response.

1. Ile de France Autocode if respondent selected code [12] at
2. Bassin Parisien Autocode if respondent selected any codes [4-5,
7-8, 11, 19] at DV_France_RegionExpand.
3. Nord - Pas-De-Calais Autocode if respondent selected code [17] at
4. Est Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1, 10,
15] at DV_France_RegionExpand.
5. Ouest Autocode if respondent selected any codes [6, 18,
20] at DV_France_RegionExpand.
6. Sud-Ouest Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 14,
16] at DV_France_RegionExpand.
7. Centre-Est Autocode if respondent selected any codes [3, 22]
at DV_France_RegionExpand.
8. Méditerranée Autocode if respondent selected any codes [9, 13,
21] at DV_France_RegionExpand.

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
- Programmer Comment: Record response for all France. Code region based on postal code at S23_France_PostalCode.
DV_France_RegionCensus. Hidden variable to capture France regions bases on Census list
Select one response.

1. Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Autocode if respondent selected any codes [3, 22]
at DV_France_RegionExpand.
2. Bourgogne- Franche-Comté Autocode if respondent selected any codes [5, 10]
at DV_France_RegionExpand.
3. Bretagne Autocode if respondent selected code [6] at
4. Centre - Val de Loire Autocode if respondent selected code [7] at
5. Corse Autocode if respondent selected code [9] at
6. Grand Est Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1, 8,
15] at DV_France_RegionExpand.
7. Hauts-de-France Autocode if respondent selected any codes [17,
19] at DV_France_RegionExpand.
8. Île-de-France Autocode if respondent selected code [12] at
9. Normandie Autocode if respondent selected any codes [4, 11]
at DV_France_RegionExpand.
10. Nouvelle Aquitaine Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 14,
20] at DV_France_RegionExpand.
11. Occitanie Autocode if respondent selected any codes [13,
16] at DV_France_RegionExpand.
12. Pays de la Loire Autocode if respondent selected code [18] at
13. Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Autocode if respondent selected code [21] at

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 25

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
- Programmer Comment: Record response for all France. Code region based on postal code at S23_France_PostalCode.
DV_France_City. DV holding City classification for France
Select one response.

1. Paris
2. Marseille
3. Lyon
4. Toulouse
5. Nice
6. Nantes
7. Strasbourg
8. Montpellier
9. Bordeaux
10. Lille
11. Rennes
12. Reims
13. Le Havre
14. Saint-Étienne
15. Toulon
16. None of the above

Subsection End - France Screener

Subsection Start - UK Screener

Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_Country

- Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_Country.
S34_UK_income. What is your total annual household income, before taxes?
Select one response.

1. Less than ₤10,000
2. ₤10,000 - 19,999
3. ₤20,000 - 29,999
4. ₤30,000 - 39,999
5. ₤40,000 - 69,999
6. ₤70,000 - 99,999
7. ₤100,000 or more

- Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
DV_UK_Income. Income
Select one response.

1. Less £10,000 Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
2. £10,000 - £19,999 Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
3. £20,000 - £39,999 Autocode if respondent selected any codes [3-4]
at S34_UK_income.
4. £40,000 - £69,999 Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
5. £70,000+ Autocode if respondent selected any codes [6-7]
at S34_UK_income.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 26

- Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment: Updated verbiage January 2021 to ask about current income. This question should be used in conjunction
with Income and DV_Income_COVChange to provide complete income picture. Factor for low end of income based on 80% of value,
factor for high end of income based on 120% of value.
- Note to client: SUPPRESS STARTING JAN 2022
S39_UK_Income_PreCOV. We know coronavirus and its impact on the economy affected a lot of people’s incomes. Think back before the
pandemic. In 2019, what was your total annual household income, before taxes?
Select one response.

1. Less than ₤10,000
2. ₤10,000 - 19,999
3. ₤20,000 - 29,999
4. ₤30,000 - 39,999
5. ₤40,000 - 69,999
6. ₤70,000 - 99,999
7. ₤100,000 or more

- Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS STARTING JAN 2022
DV_UK_PreCOVIncome. Income
Select one response.

1. Less £10,000 Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
2. £10,000 - £19,999 Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
3. £20,000 - £39,999 Autocode if respondent selected any codes [3-4]
at S39_UK_Income_PreCOV.
4. £40,000 - £69,999 Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
5. £70,000+ Autocode if respondent selected any codes [6-7]
at S39_UK_Income_PreCOV.

- Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_Country.
S35_UK_region. In what region do you live?
Select one response.

1. North East
2. North West
3. Yorkshire & the Humber
4. West Midlands
5. East Midlands
6. East of England
7. South West
8. South East
9. London
10. Wales
11. Scotland
12. Northern Ireland

- Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
DV_UK_region. DV_UK_region
Select one response.

1. England Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-9]
at S35_UK_region.
2. Wales Autocode if respondent selected code [10] at
3. Scotland Autocode if respondent selected code [11] at

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 27

4. Northern Ireland Autocode if respondent selected code [12] at

Subsection End - UK Screener

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Note that this variable's logic may need to be expanded if multiple income questions exist for different
markets. (please include US/MX/FR/UK)
- Note to client: DV to store difference in 2021 and 2019 income.   Only need to be created once - logic can be expanded to multiple


DV_Income_COVChange. DV to Capture Income change between 2021 and 2019 from COVID
Select one response.

1. Current income is higher than Pre-COVID income PC: Punch if factor(Income) -
factor(Income_PreCOV) is >0
2. Current income is equal to Pre-COVID income PC: Punch if factor(Income) =
3. Current income is lower than Pre-COVID income PC: Punch if factor(Income) -
factor(Income_PreCOV) is <0

- Show if respondent selected any codes [2-5] at DV_Country.
S26_Urbanicity. What type of area do you live in?

1. An urban setting
2. A suburban setting
3. A smaller city or larger town
4. Countryside or rural setting

- Show to all.
- Terminate at end of screener if respondent selected any codes [1, 11] at S27_SensitiveIndustry.
S27_SensitiveIndustry. Are you or is anyone in your household currently employed in any of the following types of industries?
Select all that apply.

1. Advertising, marketing, market research, or public Terminate at the end of [Screener].
2. Agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting, mining
3. Arts, entertainment, and recreation
4. Banking, insurance, or any other type of financial
5. Food services and drinking places
6. Educational institution
7. Government
8. Healthcare, hospital, or medical devices
9. Real estate
10. Tourism and hospitality
11. Transportation Terminate at the end of [Screener].
12. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

Subsection Start - QC Flags 2021

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 28

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Note to client: Updated in March 2020 to reflect changing environment.
DV_QCLowAssigned. Low-incidence QC items assigned (randomly assign 5)
Select all that apply.

1. Ran a marathon
2. Purchased a home
3. Rode in a hot air balloon
4. Rode in a submarine
5. Went skydiving
6. Had the mumps or measles
7. Renewed a passport
8. Got divorced
9. Graduated from a graduate degree program
10. Purchased a boat
11. Gave birth to triplets
12. Rented an RV

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_QCHighAssigned. High-incidence QC items assigned (randomly assign 5)
Select all that apply.

22. Did laundry or washed dishes
23. Bought something (at a store, street vendor, online, etc.)
26. Watched at least 1 hour of video (TV show, movie,
sporting event, clips on YouTube, etc.)
27. Called or texted friends or family
29. Went somewhere in a car, truck, bus, subway, or train
30. Drank water, juice, or milk

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 29

- Show to all. Only show row stubs selected at DV_QCLowAssigned OR selected at DV_QCHighAssigned.
- Programmer Comment: Project Team:
Please review the low incidence stubs to ensure they would be low incidence among your population of interest.
For example, if you were doing a study on wedding dresses then you would have a bunch of people in your sample who were
recently married and would need to exclude that stub or if you were doing a study on diapers than you would expect to have a
bunch of people in your sample who recently had a baby and would need to exclude that stub. Keep in mind that most studies
should be able to use the list as is but there will be a few exceptions.

Flag or term (see note below) if the respondent does any of the following:  1) selects 1 or more low incidence items or 2) selects 0
high incidence items.

If the study is a first wave tracker or custom study you term immediately. If the study is an on-going tracker, you just flag.
QC1_HiLowQC. Which of the following things have you done in the past 7 days?
Select all that apply.

1. Ran a marathon
2. Purchased a home
3. Rode in a hot air balloon
4. Rode in a submarine
5. Went skydiving
6. Had the mumps or measles
7. Renewed a passport
8. Got divorced
9. Graduated from a graduate degree program
10. Purchased a boat
11. Gave birth to triplets
12. Rented an RV
22. Did laundry or washed dishes
23. Bought something (at a store, street vendor, online, etc.)
26. Watched at least 1 hour of video (TV show, movie,
sporting event, clips on YouTube, etc.)
27. Called or texted friends or family
29. Went somewhere in a car, truck, bus, subway, or train
30. Drank water, juice, or milk
99. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Sum number of codes selected from SL_QCLowIncidence at HiLowQC - flag if value provided at
DV_QCLowSelected is greater than 1
DV_QCLowSelected. Hidden variable to capture number of low incidence codes selected at HiLowQC
Enter a numeric response.


- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Sum number of codes selected from SL_QCHighIncidence at HiLowQC - flag if value provided at
DV_QCHighSelected less than or equal to 1
DV_QCHighSelected. Hidden variable to capture number of high incidence codes selected at HiLowQC
Enter a numeric response.


Subsection End - QC Flags 2021

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 30

- Show to all.
- Terminate at end of screener if respondent did NOT select code [4] at S29_DeviceOwnership.
- Programmer Comment: QC Flag: Flag respondents who select all codes [1-7]
S29_DeviceOwnership. Which of the following products do you own?
Select all that apply.

1. MP3 player
2. Headphones
3. Camera
4. Smartphone
5. Tablet
6. e-reader
7. Gaming console
8. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at S29_DeviceOwnership.
- Terminate at end of screener if respondent selected code [25] at S31_AppType.
S31_AppType. Which kinds of apps have you downloaded to use on your smartphone?
Select all that apply.

1. Books
2. Business
3. Education
4. Entertainment
5. Finance
6. Food & Drink
7. Games
8. Health & Fitness
9. Lifestyle
10. Magazines & Newspapers
11. Medical
12. Music
13. Navigation
14. News
15. Photo & Video
16. Productivity
17. Reference
18. Shopping
19. Social Networking
20. Sports
21. Travel
22. Transportation
23. Utilities
24. Weather
25. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE. Terminate at the end of

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 31

Subsection Start - Funnel 2.0

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Add 11 boxes (1 first mention + 10 other mentions) for respondents and number the boxes.
Respondent must answer for at least the first box.

M3_Nav_UnaidedAware. When you think about transportation, navigation, and route planning apps, which apps come to mind?
Enter your response(s) in the box(es).


1. 1. [1]
2. 2. [1]
3. 3. [1]
4. 4. [1]
5. 5. [1]
6. 6. [1]
7. 7. [1]
8. 8. [1]
9. 9. [1]
10. 10. [1]
11. 11. [1]
MIN: 2. MAX:

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show coded responses in test link
DV_Nav_FirstMention. Hidden variable to determine the brand first mentioned at M3 navigation unaided awareness.
Select one response.

1. Waze PC: OE Coding = 1
2. Google Maps PC: OE Coding = 2
3. Apple Maps PC: OE Coding = 3
4. Transit PC: OE Coding = 4
5. MapQuest PC: OE Coding = 5
6. Citymapper PC: OE Coding = 6
7. TomTom Go PC: OE Coding = 7
9. Moovit PC: OE Coding = 9
10. Mappy PC: OE Coding = 27
11. Coyote PC: OE Coding = 8
12. Uber PC: OE Coding = 10
13. Lyft PC: OE Coding = 11
14. Google PC: OE Coding = 12
15. Tesla PC: OE Coding = 13
16. Didi PC: OE Coding = 14
17. Blablacar PC: OE Coding = 15
18. Waze Carpool PC: OE Coding = 16
19. Uber Pool PC: OE Coding = 17
20. Lyft Line PC: OE Coding =18
21. Via PC: OE Coding = 19
22. Scoop PC: OE Coding = 20
23. Blablalines PC: OE Coding = 21
24. Uber Juntos PC: OE Coding = 22
25. 99 Taxis PC: OE Coding = 23
26. Cabify PC: OE Coding = 24
27. Beat PC: OE Coding = 25
28. Apple PC: OE Coding = 26
29. Waze Net PC: Net Waze, Waze Carpool. OE Coding = 1,16
30. Uber Net PC: Net Uber, Uber Pool, Uber Juntos. OE coding -
31. Lyft Net PC: Net Lyft, Lyft Line. OE Coding = 11,18
32. Google Net PC: Net Google Maps, Google. OE Coding = 2,12
33. BlaBlaCar Net PC: Net Blablacar, Blablalines. OE Coding = 15,21
34. Apple Net PC: Net Apple Maps, Apple. OE Coding = 3,26
10. Other__________

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 32

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show coded responses in test link
DV_Nav_OtherMention. Hidden variable to determine the brands not mentioned first at M3 navigation unaided awareness.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze PC: OE Coding = 1
2. Google Maps PC: OE Coding = 2
3. Apple Maps PC: OE Coding = 3
4. Transit PC: OE Coding = 4
5. MapQuest PC: OE Coding = 5
6. Citymapper PC: OE Coding = 6
7. TomTom Go PC: OE Coding = 7
9. Moovit PC: OE Coding = 9
10. Mappy PC: OE Coding = 27
11. Coyote PC: OE Coding = 8
12. Uber PC: OE Coding = 10
13. Lyft PC: OE Coding = 11
14. Google PC: OE Coding = 12
15. Tesla PC: OE Coding = 13
16. Didi PC: OE Coding = 14
17. Blablacar PC: OE Coding = 15
18. Waze Carpool PC: OE Coding = 16
19. Uber Pool PC: OE Coding = 17
20. Lyft Line PC: OE Coding =18
21. Via PC: OE Coding = 19
22. Scoop PC: OE Coding = 20
23. Blablalines PC: OE Coding = 21
24. Uber Juntos PC: OE Coding = 22
25. 99 Taxis PC: OE Coding = 23
26. Cabify PC: OE Coding = 24
27. Beat PC: OE Coding = 25
28. Apple PC: OE Coding = 26
29. Waze Net PC: Net Waze, Waze Carpool. OE Coding = 1,16
30. Uber Net PC: Net Uber, Uber Pool, Uber Juntos. OE coding -
31. Lyft Net PC: Net Lyft, Lyft Line. OE Coding = 11,18
32. Google Net PC: Net Google Maps, Google. OE Coding = 2,12
33. BlaBlaCar Net PC: Net Blablacar, Blablalines. OE Coding = 15,21
34. Apple Net PC: Net Apple Maps, Apple. OE Coding = 3,26
10. Other__________

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 33

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show coded responses in test link
DV_Nav_TotalUnaided. Hidden variable to capture all brands mentioned M3 navigation unaided awareness.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze PC: OE Coding = 1
2. Google Maps PC: OE Coding = 2
3. Apple Maps PC: OE Coding = 3
4. Transit PC: OE Coding = 4
5. MapQuest PC: OE Coding = 5
6. Citymapper PC: OE Coding = 6
7. TomTom Go PC: OE Coding = 7
9. Moovit PC: OE Coding = 9
10. Mappy PC: OE Coding = 27
11. Coyote PC: OE Coding = 8
12. Uber PC: OE Coding = 10
13. Lyft PC: OE Coding = 11
14. Google PC: OE Coding = 12
15. Tesla PC: OE Coding = 13
16. Didi PC: OE Coding = 14
17. Blablacar PC: OE Coding = 15
18. Waze Carpool PC: OE Coding = 16
19. Uber Pool PC: OE Coding = 17
20. Lyft Line PC: OE Coding =18
21. Via PC: OE Coding = 19
22. Scoop PC: OE Coding = 20
23. Blablalines PC: OE Coding = 21
24. Uber Juntos PC: OE Coding = 22
25. 99 Taxis PC: OE Coding = 23
26. Cabify PC: OE Coding = 24
27. Beat PC: OE Coding = 25
28. Apple PC: OE Coding = 26
29. Waze Net PC: Net Waze, Waze Carpool. OE Coding = 1,16
30. Uber Net PC: Net Uber, Uber Pool, Uber Juntos. OE coding -
31. Lyft Net PC: Net Lyft, Lyft Line. OE Coding = 11,18
32. Google Net PC: Net Google Maps, Google. OE Coding = 2,12
33. BlaBlaCar Net PC: Net Blablacar, Blablalines. OE Coding = 15,21
34. Apple Net PC: Net Apple Maps, Apple. OE Coding = 3,26
35. Other PC: OE Coding = 997

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Maintain randomized brand order throughout
Show images centered above associated brand names
M30_Downloaded. Which of the transportation, navigation, and route planning apps below have you ever downloaded or had installed on
your smartphone?
Select all that apply.

1. Waze
2. Google Maps
3. Apple Maps
4. Transit Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest Show if respondent selected code [1] at
6. Citymapper Show if respondent selected any codes [2-3, 5] at
7. TomTom Go Show if respondent selected any codes [2, 4] at
9. Moovit Show if respondent selected any codes [4-5] at
10. Mappy Show if respondent selected code [3] at
11. Trip Tycoon PC: QC Check
12. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 34

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [12] at M30_Downloaded. Only show row stubs selected at M30_Downloaded.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names
Maintain randomized brand order from M30
M31_Usage. Of those you've downloaded, when did you last use each app, if ever?
Select one response for each.

Used in the
past year,
Used more but not in Used in the
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. than a year the past last 30
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. Never used ago month days
1. Waze 1 2 3 4
2. Google Maps 1 2 3 4
3. Apple Maps 1 2 3 4
4. Transit 1 2 3 4 Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
5. MapQuest 1 2 3 4 Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected any codes [2-3, 5] at
6. Citymapper 1 2 3 4
Show if respondent selected any codes [2, 4] at
7. TomTom Go 1 2 3 4
Show if respondent selected any codes [4-5] at
9. Moovit 1 2 3 4
10. Mappy 1 2 3 4 Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Country.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [2-4] at M31_Usage.
DV_EverUsed Hidden variable to capture brands ever used.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze
2. Google Maps
3. Apple Maps
4. Transit
5. MapQuest
6. Citymapper
7. TomTom Go
9. Moovit
10. Mappy
11. None of the above Autocode if respondent did NOT select codes [1-7,
9-10] at DV_EverUsed.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [4] at M31_Usage.
DV_CurrentUsed. Hidden variable to capture brands used in the last 30 days.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze
2. Google Maps
3. Apple Maps
4. Transit
5. MapQuest
6. Citymapper
7. TomTom Go
9. Moovit
10. Mappy
11. None of the above Autocode if respondent did NOT select codes [1-7,
9-10] at DV_CurrentUsed.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 35

- Show if, for any row at M31_Usage, the respondent selected code [4]. Only show row stubs selected at DV_CurrentUsed.
- Programmer Comment: Maintain randomized brand order from M30
Show images centered above associated brand names
- Autocode and skip question if respondent would see only one option.
M32_Go_To. And, which app would you open first if you needed directions today?
Select one response.

1. Waze
2. Google Maps
3. Apple Maps
4. Transit Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest Show if respondent selected code [1] at
6. Citymapper Show if respondent selected any codes [2-3, 5] at
7. TomTom Go Show if respondent selected any codes [2, 4] at
9. Moovit Show if respondent selected any codes [4-5] at
10. Mappy Show if respondent selected code [3] at

- Show if, for any row [1-7, 9-10] at M31_Usage, the respondent selected any codes [3-4]. Only show row stubs selected at any of
these column(s) [3-4] at M31_Usage.
- Programmer Comment: Autocode and skip question if respondent would see only one option.
Maintain randomized brand order from M30
Show images centered above associated brand names
For mobile - possible to have drop down menu with brands for each column item?
- Answer by column.
M33_GoToGrid. Below are different types of trips where you might use a transportation, navigation, and route planning app. Which app
would you open first for directions in each scenario?
Select one response for each type of trip.

to Navigating
unfamiliar to familiar
destination destination
s (you s (you
Commutin During a have not have Planning a
COLS: RANDOMIZE LIST. g to work Running trip or on visited visited local route
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. or school errands vacation before) before) or drive
1. Waze 1 2 3 4 5 6
2. Google Maps 1 2 3 4 5 6
3. Apple Maps 1 2 3 4 5 6
4. Transit 1 2 3 4 5 6
5. MapQuest 1 2 3 4 5 6
6. Citymapper 1 2 3 4 5 6
7. TomTom Go 1 2 3 4 5 6
9. Moovit 1 2 3 4 5 6
10. Mappy 1 2 3 4 5 6
11. None of the above 1 2 3 4 5 6 ANCHOR.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 36

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_Go_To. Hidden variable to capture go-to brand.
Select one response.

1. Waze Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
2. Google Maps Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
3. Apple Maps Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
4. Transit Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
5. MapQuest Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
6. Citymapper Autocode if respondent selected code [6] at
7. TomTom Go Autocode if respondent selected code [7] at
9. Moovit Autocode if respondent selected code [9] at
10. Mappy Autocode if respondent selected code [10] at
11. None of the above Autocode if respondent did NOT select codes [1-7,
9-10] at DV_Go_To.

- Show to all. Only show row stubs not selected at M30_Downloaded.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names

Only show if at least 1 brand was not selected at M30_Downloaded (AKA - skip question if no brands will be shown)
Maintain randomized brand order from M30
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity. What is your level of familiarity with the app(s) below?
Select one response for each.

Know what Familiar

Heard of, it's for, but with its
but don't don't know features
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Never know what its features and
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. heard of it's for or benefits benefits
1. Waze 1 2 3 4
2. Google Maps 1 2 3 4
3. Apple Maps 1 2 3 4
4. Transit 1 2 3 4 Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
5. MapQuest 1 2 3 4 Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected any codes [2-3, 5] at
6. Citymapper 1 2 3 4
Show if respondent selected any codes [2, 4] at
7. TomTom Go 1 2 3 4
Show if respondent selected any codes [4-5] at
9. Moovit 1 2 3 4
10. Mappy 1 2 3 4 Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Country.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 37

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at M30_Downloaded OR selected at any of these column(s) [2-4] at
DV_Aware. Hidden variable to capture brands aware.
Select one response.

1. Waze Autocode if (respondent selected code [1] at
M30_Downloaded OR for any row [1] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [2-4]).
2. Google Maps Autocode if (respondent selected code [2] at
M30_Downloaded OR for any row [2] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [2-4]).
3. Apple Maps Autocode if (respondent selected code [3] at
M30_Downloaded OR for any row [3] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [2-4]).
4. Transit Autocode if (respondent selected code [4] at
M30_Downloaded OR for any row [4] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [2-4]).
5. MapQuest Autocode if (respondent selected code [5] at
M30_Downloaded OR for any row [5] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [2-4]).
6. Citymapper Autocode if (respondent selected code [6] at
M30_Downloaded OR for any row [6] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [2-4]).
7. TomTom Go Autocode if (respondent selected code [7] at
M30_Downloaded OR for any row [7] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [2-4]).
9. Moovit Autocode if (respondent selected code [9] at
M30_Downloaded OR for any row [9] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [2-4]).
10. Mappy Autocode if (respondent selected code [10] at
M30_Downloaded OR for any row [10] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [2-4]).
11. None of the above Autocode if respondent did NOT select codes [1-7,
9-10] at DV_Aware.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 38

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at DV_EverUsed OR selected at any of these column(s) [3-4] at
DV_Familiar. Hidden variable to capture brands familiar.
Select one response.

1. Waze Autocode if (respondent selected code [1] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [1] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
2. Google Maps Autocode if (respondent selected code [2] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [2] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
3. Apple Maps Autocode if (respondent selected code [3] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [3] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
4. Transit Autocode if (respondent selected code [4] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [4] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
5. MapQuest Autocode if (respondent selected code [5] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [5] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
6. Citymapper Autocode if (respondent selected code [6] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [6] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
7. TomTom Go Autocode if (respondent selected code [7] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [7] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
9. Moovit Autocode if (respondent selected code [9] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [9] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
10. Mappy Autocode if (respondent selected code [10] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [10] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
11. None of the above Autocode if respondent did NOT select codes [1-7,
9-10] at DV_Familiar.

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-7, 9-10] at DV_Aware. Only show row stubs selected at M30_Downloaded OR selected at
- Programmer Comment: Maintain randomized brand order from M30
Show images centered above associated brand names

M35_FutureConsideration. How likely are you to download and/or use each of these app(s) in the next 3 months?
Select one response for each.

Definitely Probably Might or

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. would not would not might not Probably Definitely
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. use use use would use would use
1. Waze 1 2 3 4 5
2. Google Maps 1 2 3 4 5
3. Apple Maps 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
4. Transit 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
6. Citymapper 1 2 3 4 5
[2-3, 5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected any codes
7. TomTom Go 1 2 3 4 5
[2, 4] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected any codes
9. Moovit 1 2 3 4 5
[4-5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
10. Mappy 1 2 3 4 5

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 39

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at M30_Downloaded OR selected at any of these column(s) [3-5] at
DV_Consideration. Hidden variable to capture brands considered.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze
2. Google Maps
3. Apple Maps
4. Transit Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
6. Citymapper Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2-3,
5] at DV_Country.
7. TomTom Go Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 4]
at DV_Country.
9. Moovit Autocode if respondent selected any codes [4-5]
at DV_Country.
10. Mappy Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
12. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at DV_Familiar AND selected at any of these column(s) [3-5] at
DV_ConsiderationFunnel. Hidden variable to capture brands considered for funnel.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze Autocode if (respondent selected code [1] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [1] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
2. Google Maps Autocode if (respondent selected code [2] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [2] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
3. Apple Maps Autocode if (respondent selected code [3] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [3] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
4. Transit Autocode if (respondent selected code [4] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [4] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
5. MapQuest Autocode if (respondent selected code [5] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [5] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
6. Citymapper Autocode if (respondent selected code [6] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [6] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
7. TomTom Go Autocode if (respondent selected code [7] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [7] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
9. Moovit Autocode if (respondent selected code [9] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [9] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
10. Mappy Autocode if (respondent selected code [10] at
DV_EverUsed OR for any row [10] at
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity, the respondent
selected any codes [3-4]).
11. None of the above Autocode if respondent did NOT select codes [1-7,
9-10] at DV_Familiar.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 40

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [3-5] at M35_FutureConsideration.
DV_FutureIntent. Hidden variable to capture future intent.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze
2. Google Maps
3. Apple Maps
4. Transit Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
6. Citymapper Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2-3,
5] at DV_Country.
7. TomTom Go Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 4]
at DV_Country.
9. Moovit Autocode if respondent selected any codes [4-5]
at DV_Country.
10. Mappy Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
11. None of the above

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at DV_EverUsed OR selected at any of these column(s) [4] at
DV_PerceptionEligible. Hidden variable to capture brands ever used OR top box awareness.
Select one response.

1. Waze
2. Google Maps
3. Apple Maps
4. Transit Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
6. Citymapper Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2-3,
5] at DV_Country.
7. TomTom Go Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 4]
at DV_Country.
9. Moovit Autocode if respondent selected any codes [4-5]
at DV_Country.
10. Mappy Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
11. None of the above Autocode if respondent did NOT select codes [1-7,
9-10] at DV_PerceptionEligible.

Subsection End - Funnel 2.0

Subsection Start - Perceptions

Show if respondent did NOT select code [11] at DV_PerceptionEligible

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 41

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [11] at DV_PerceptionEligible.
- Only show row stubs selected at DV_PerceptionEligible.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names
Maintain randomized brand order from M30
M22_Nav_Affinity. How do you feel about the transportation, navigation, and route planning app(s) listed below?
Select one response for each.

I don't
have an
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. Hate it Dislike it about it Like it Love it
1. Waze 1 2 3 4 5
2. Google Maps 1 2 3 4 5
3. Apple Maps 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
4. Transit 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
6. Citymapper 1 2 3 4 5
[2-3, 5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected any codes
7. TomTom Go 1 2 3 4 5
[2, 4] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected any codes
9. Moovit 1 2 3 4 5
[4-5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
10. Mappy 1 2 3 4 5

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [11] at DV_PerceptionEligible.
- Only show row stubs selected at DV_PerceptionEligible.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names
Maintain randomized brand order from M30
M23_Nav_Advocacy. Which one statement is most true about you for each of the app(s) below?
Select one response for each.

If asked, I
I actively If asked, I have an If asked, I
tell would tell opinion to would I actively
people not people not share one recommen tell people
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. to use to use this way or the d using to use
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. this app app other this app this app
1. Waze 1 2 3 4 5
2. Google Maps 1 2 3 4 5
3. Apple Maps 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
4. Transit 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
6. Citymapper 1 2 3 4 5
[2-3, 5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected any codes
7. TomTom Go 1 2 3 4 5
[2, 4] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected any codes
9. Moovit 1 2 3 4 5
[4-5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
10. Mappy 1 2 3 4 5

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 42

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [11] at DV_PerceptionEligible.
- Only show column stubs selected at DV_PerceptionEligible.
- Repeat column headers after every 6 rows
- Programmer Comment: Repeat header every 6 rows. For mobile, split onto 3 screens.
Show images centered above associated brand names
Maintain randomized brand order from M30
M24_Nav_Attributes. Below are some statements that may or may not describe the transportation, navigation, and route planning app(s)

Please select the app(s) that you feel are best described by each statement.
Select all that apply for each.

1. Waze
2. Google Maps
3. Apple Maps
4. Transit
5. MapQuest
6. Citymapper
7. TomTom Go
9. Moovit
10. Mappy
11. None of the above


1. Brand fits with my
personal identity/values
2. My friends use it [#]
3. Is a brand I trust [#]
4. Fits my needs [#] PC: SUPPRESS STARTING MAY 2021
5. Makes me feel safe [#]
6. Makes me feel like I'm
part of a community
7. Makes me feel
8. The app is easy to use [#]
9. Gives me peace of
10. Constantly innovates
to improve transportation
11. Is a friendly brand [#]
10. Finds the quickest
route to my destination
11. Has reliable ETA
(estimated time of arrival)
12. Allows me to share my
13. Has the largest and
most accurate amount of
local information (e.g. [#] PC: SUPPRESS STUB STARTING MARCH 2020
streets, routes,
businesses, etc.)
14. Allows me to plan my
drive in advance based on
traffic events, weather, my
calendar, etc.
15. Gives me the most up-
to-date traffic information
(upcoming traffic, street
closures, etc.)
16. Has easy to follow
17. Allows me to help
others by providing [#]
information or assistance

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 43

18. Provides helpful
information beyond
directions (delays, police
activity, obstacles, etc.)
19. Let's me interact with
other app users
20. Is fun [#]
21. Is unique [#] PC: SUPPRESS STUB STARTING MAY 2021
22. Is cool and buzzworthy [#]
23. Is reliable (consistent,
responsive, doesn't shut [#]
down unexpectedly, etc.)
24. Offers a simple and
clear user experience

Subsection End - Perceptions

Subsection Start - Product/Feature

Show if respondent did NOT select code [11] at DV_PerceptionEligible

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [11] at DV_PerceptionEligible.
- Hidden Question.
DV_GasFeatureFlag. Autopunch all respondents rating features after "Gas discounts" phrasing changed to "Nearby gas prices"
Select one response.

1. Nearby gas prices

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 44

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [11] at DV_PerceptionEligible.
- Only show column stubs selected at DV_EverUsed OR selected at any of these column(s) [4] at M34_AwarenessFamiliarity.
- Programmer Comment: Answer by column
Maintain randomized brand order from M30
Show images centered above associated brand names

M36_FeatureAwareness. Which of these features, if any, have you heard of being offered by each of the app(s) below?
Select all that apply for each.

1. Waze
2. Google Maps
3. Apple Maps
4. Transit
5. MapQuest
6. Citymapper
7. TomTom Go
9. Moovit
10. Mappy


1. Arranging a ride or
carpool in a privately
owned vehicle as a rider
and/or driver
2. Pre-planning
3. Self-reporting traffic
4. Walking directions [#]
5. Public transportation
6. Mixed transportation
type directions
7. Locating gas stations [#]
8. Predicting parking
9. Locating parking [#]
10. Nearby gas prices [#]
11. Finding alternative
12. Adding multiple stops
to route
13. Locating restaurants
and other local attractions
14. Alerts for speed traps,
traffic cameras, and police [#]
15. Alerts for road hazards [#]
16. Traffic updates [#]
17. Ability to avoid
bridges, toll roads, [#]
freeways, etc.
18. None of the above [#] ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 45

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [11] at DV_PerceptionEligible.
- Hidden Question.
DV_Brand_FeaturesAware. Hidden variable to capture brands where respondent is aware of at least one feature.
Select one response.

1. Waze Autocode if, for any row EXCEPT [18] at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [1].
2. Google Maps Autocode if, for any row EXCEPT [18] at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [2].
3. Apple Maps Autocode if, for any row EXCEPT [18] at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [3].
4. Transit Autocode if, for any row EXCEPT [18] at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [4].
5. MapQuest Autocode if, for any row EXCEPT [18] at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [5].
6. Citymapper Autocode if, for any row EXCEPT [18] at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [6].
7. TomTom Go Autocode if, for any row EXCEPT [18] at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [7].
9. Moovit Autocode if, for any row EXCEPT [18] at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [9].
10. Mappy Autocode if, for any row EXCEPT [18] at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [10].

Loop Start - FeatureUsage

- Only show row stubs selected at DV_Brand_FeaturesAware AND selected at DV_EverUsed.
- Programmer Comment: Skip if no brands selected at DV_Brands_FeaturesAware AND DV_EverUsed
FeatureUsage. FeatureUsage

1. Waze Show if, for at least 1 row(s) at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [1].
2. Google Maps Show if, for at least 1 row(s) at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [2].
3. Apple Maps Show if, for at least 1 row(s) at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [3].
4. Transit Show if, for at least 1 row(s) at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [4].
5. MapQuest Show if, for at least 1 row(s) at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [5].
6. Citymapper Show if, for at least 1 row(s) at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [6].
7. TomTom Go Show if, for at least 1 row(s) at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [7].
9. Moovit Show if, for at least 1 row(s) at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [9].
10. Mappy Show if, for at least 1 row(s) at
M36_FeatureAwareness, the respondent selected
code [10].


LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 46

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [11] at DV_PerceptionEligible.
- Only show row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [1-7, 9-10] at M36_FeatureAwareness.
- Programmer Comment: Maintain randomized brand order from M30
Maintain stub order from M36.

Show only stubs selected for the given brand at M36 + None of the above
M37_FeatureUsage. And, which of these feature(s), if any, have you ever used with [Insert current iteration]?
Select all that apply.

1. Arranging a ride or carpool in a privately owned vehicle
as a rider and/or driver
2. Pre-planning trips/commutes
3. Self-reporting traffic information
4. Walking directions
5. Public transportation directions
6. Mixed transportation type directions
7. Locating gas stations
8. Predicting parking conditions
9. Locating parking
10. Nearby gas prices
11. Finding alternative routes
12. Adding multiple stops to route
13. Locating restaurants and other local attractions
14. Alerts for speed traps, traffic cameras, and police
15. Alerts for road hazards
16. Traffic updates
17. Ability to avoid bridges, toll roads, freeways, etc.
18. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE. ALWAYS SHOWN.

Loop End - FeatureUsage

Subsection End - Product/Feature

Subsection Start - Waze Specific

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_EverUsed.
DT_WazeUserIntro. Now we'd like to ask you more about some of the transportation, navigation, and route planning apps you have used.
Please think about your experience using Waze.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_EverUsed.
M28_Nav_Satisfaction. How satisfied are you with your experience using Waze for transportation, navigation, and route planning?
Select one response.

1. Not at all satisfied
2. Not very satisfied
3. Somewhat satisfied
4. Very satisfied
5. Extremely satisfied

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_EverUsed.
F19_Nav_Usage_Frequency. How often do you use Waze for transportation, navigation, and route planning?
Select one response.

1. Daily
2. A few times a week
3. A few times a month
4. Once a month
5. Less than once a month

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 47

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [1] at DV_EverUsed AND respondent selected code [1] at DV_Aware.
DT_WazeNonUserIntro. Now we'd like to ask you more about some of the transportation, navigation, and route planning apps you are
aware of.

Please think about Waze.

- Show if (respondent selected code [1] at DV_Aware AND for any row [1] at M31_Usage, the respondent selected code [1]) OR for
any row [1] at M35_FutureConsideration, the respondent selected any codes [1-2].
M25_Nav_Detractor. Why don't you use or intend to use Waze for transportation, navigation, and route planning?
Select all that apply.

1. The app is hard to use
2. I do not like the look and feel of the app
3. I do not trust the app
4. The directions are confusing
5. Does not find the quickest route
6. Often asks you to make difficult turns
7. Too many features
8. I do not like how the app displays turn-by-turn directions
9. I am afraid to rely on GPS and internet connections PC: SUPPRESS THIS STUB STARTING MARCH
10. I prefer to use another app
11. I do not drive
12. It isn’t useful for walking or using public transportation
13. I know my way around town so do not need navigation
14. I use the GPS offered in my vehicle
15. Takes up too much of my mobile data
16. Has too many advertisements
18. I find it distracting while driving
19. I don’t like how it relies on a community of users for traffic
information updates
20. Has too many alerts/notifications
21. It's unreliable (inconsistent, unresponsive, shuts down
unexpectedly, etc.)
22. I forget to use it
17. Other (specify)__________ ANCHOR.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 48

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Aware.
F1_Partnerships Where have you seen or heard anything about Waze in the past 3 months?
Select all that apply.

RANDOMIZE WITHIN. Header: Audio Streaming Services.
2. Spotify
13. Pandora
14. Stitcher Show if respondent selected any codes [1, 4] at
15. Deezer
32. SoundCloud
RANDOMIZE WITHIN. Header: Video Streaming Services.
9. YouTube
33. Twitch
34. TikTok
35. TV Streaming Services (Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Sling
TV, etc.)
RANDOMIZE WITHIN. Header: Social Media.
10. Facebook
11. Instagram
RANDOMIZE WITHIN. Header: General Media.
5. Local Radio Station
6. Local TV Station
12. Gas Station TV Show if respondent did NOT select code [3] at
23. Newspaper, magazine, or other publication
17. Billboard/Outdoor Ad
18. Online Ad
29. Online articles, press releases, etc.
25. My phone app store
RANDOMIZE WITHIN. Header: Word of Mouth.
19. Friend, family member, or coworker
28. Other ANCHOR. PC: No "Please Specify"
16. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.
21. Waze Carpool Email PC: SUPPRESS STUB STARTING MARCH 2020
24. At a retail store or gas station PC: SUPPRESS STUB STARTING OCTOBER 2021
26. Through my employer PC: SUPPRESS STUB STARTING OCTOBER 2021
27. Through my university PC: SUPPRESS STUB STARTING OCTOBER 2021
1. Sesame Street Website/Social media PC: SUPPRESS THIS STUB STARTING OCTOBER

Subsection Start - Flex Section

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 49

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_EverUsed AND respondent selected any codes [1, 5] at DV_Market.
M38_WazeUseCase. Which of the following best describes how you use the Waze app?
Select all that apply.

1. As my primary navigation app
2. On long drives/road trips
3. When I want real time driving info (e.g. police activity,
4. When I'm stuck in traffic and want to understand why
5. When friends/family encourage me to do so
6. When my primary transportation, navigation, and route
planning app isn't working and I need a backup
7. When I want a second opinion alongside my primary
transportation, navigation, and route planning app
8. When I want to be entertained while driving
9. When commuting to work or school
10. When running errands
11. During a trip or on vacation
12. When navigating to unfamiliar destinations (I have not
visited before)
13. When navigating to familiar destinations (I have visited
14. To plan a local route or drive
15. I don't plan on using Waze again ANCHOR.
16. Other (specify)__________ ANCHOR.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_EverUsed.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS STARTING JULY 2021
F18_Nav_TrialReason. What made you originally try Waze for transportation, navigation, and route planning?
Select all that apply.

1. I was curious about how it worked
2. Others told me about their positive experience
3. I saw an advertisement or promotion
4. I saw it on social media
5. I saw an article or TV segment
6. I visited the Waze website
7. I saw it in the app store
8. I wanted to compare it to other navigation apps
9. I was unhappy with other navigation apps
10. It had good reviews
11. I liked that users could submit real-time alerts (e.g. traffic,
potholes, police, etc.)
12. I liked its social aspect and how you can interact with
13. I heard about it through another company or app
14. I liked its unique and customizable features
15. A celebrity or influencer promoted it
16. Other__________ ANCHOR.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Aware.
F30_WazeCommunityAware. Before today, had you heard that the Waze map is built and maintained by a community of users who
provide the most useful, current, and unique information about your local roads?
Select one response.

1. Yes
2. No

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 50

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Aware.
F31_WazeCommunityPercep. How is your opinion of Waze affected by knowing that its map is built and maintained by a community of
users who provide the most useful, current, and unique information about your local roads? Does it make
your opinion of Waze…?
Select one response.

1. Much more negative
2. Somewhat more negative
3. Neither more negative nor positive (no effect)
4. Somewhat more positive
5. Much more positive

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Aware.
F42_WazeCommunityAccurat. How is your opinion of the accuracy and reliability of Waze navigation affected by knowing that its map is
built and maintained by a community of users who provide the most useful, current, and unique information
about your local roads?
Does it make you believe that Waze navigation is…?
Select one response.

1. Much less accurate and reliable
2. Somewhat less accurate and reliable
3. Neither more or less accurate and reliable (no effect)
4. Somewhat more accurate and reliable
5. Much more accurate and reliable

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [11] at DV_PerceptionEligible.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS STARTING JAN 2022
M39_TrustOE. Please think about what makes you trust a transportation, navigation, and route planning app. Specifically, what would this
type of app need to deliver in order to earn your trust?
Enter your response in the box.

MIN: 5. MAX: 500.

- Hidden Question. Applies if, for any row [3] at M24_Nav_Attributes, the respondent selected any codes [1-7, 9-10].
DV_BrandsTrusted. Hidden variable to capture brands trusted.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze Autocode if, for any row [3] at
M24_Nav_Attributes, the respondent selected
code [1].
2. Google Maps Autocode if, for any row [3] at
M24_Nav_Attributes, the respondent selected
code [2].
3. Apple Maps Autocode if, for any row [3] at
M24_Nav_Attributes, the respondent selected
code [3].
4. Transit Autocode if, for any row [3] at
M24_Nav_Attributes, the respondent selected
code [4].
5. MapQuest Autocode if, for any row [3] at
M24_Nav_Attributes, the respondent selected
code [5].
6. Citymapper Autocode if, for any row [3] at
M24_Nav_Attributes, the respondent selected
code [6].
7. TomTom Go Autocode if, for any row [3] at
M24_Nav_Attributes, the respondent selected
code [7].
9. Moovit Autocode if, for any row [3] at
M24_Nav_Attributes, the respondent selected
code [9].
10. Mappy Autocode if, for any row [3] at
M24_Nav_Attributes, the respondent selected
code [10].

Loop Start - BrandsTrusted

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 51

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 52
- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-7, 9-10] at DV_BrandsTrusted.Only show row stubs selected at DV_BrandsTrusted.
- Programmer Comment: Skip if no brands selected at DV_BrandsTrusted
BrandsTrusted. BrandsTrusted

1. Waze Show if, for any row [3] at M24_Nav_Attributes, the
respondent selected code [1].
2. Google Maps Show if, for any row [3] at M24_Nav_Attributes, the
respondent selected code [2].
3. Apple Maps Show if, for any row [3] at M24_Nav_Attributes, the
respondent selected code [3].
4. Transit Show if, for any row [3] at M24_Nav_Attributes, the
respondent selected code [4].
5. MapQuest Show if, for any row [3] at M24_Nav_Attributes, the
respondent selected code [5].
6. Citymapper Show if, for any row [3] at M24_Nav_Attributes, the
respondent selected code [6].
7. TomTom Go Show if, for any row [3] at M24_Nav_Attributes, the
respondent selected code [7].
9. Moovit Show if, for any row [3] at M24_Nav_Attributes, the
respondent selected code [9].
10. Mappy Show if, for any row [3] at M24_Nav_Attributes, the
respondent selected code [10].


- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-7, 9-10] at DV_BrandsTrusted.
M40_TrustReason. Earlier, you said that [Insert current iteration] is a brand you trust.
Would you say you trust [Insert current iteration] because it...?
Select all that apply.

1. Is socially responsible
2. Protects my privacy and personal data
3. Is reliable
4. Has good ratings and reviews
5. Is a well-known and established brand
6. Is used by my family and friends
7. Has easy to follow directions
8. Has the fastest routes
9. Has the most accurate traffic and driving information
10. Makes me feel safe
11. Puts interests of users over its own
12. Other (specify)__________ ANCHOR.

Loop End - BrandsTrusted

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 53

- Show if respondent selected any codes [2-3] at DV_Market.
M41_NavUseCases. Now, please think about all of the ways you use transportation, navigation, and route planning apps.
What do you rely on this type of app for the most?

Please drag and drop the top three reasons you use these apps to the beginning of the list below (in order of their
importance to you).


1. On long drives/road
2. When I want real time
driving info (e.g. police [1]
activity, accidents)
3. When I'm stuck in traffic
and want to understand [1]
4. When my GPS isn't
working and I need a [1]
5. When I want alternative
route options
6. When I want to be
entertained while driving
7. When commuting to
work or school
8. When running errands [1]
9. During a trip or on
10. When navigating to
unfamiliar destinations (I [1]
have not visited before)
11. When navigating to
familiar destinations (I [1]
have visited before)
12. To plan a local route
or drive
13. To look ahead at traffic
on my route
14. To pre-plan a route
where I know there will be [1]
no mobile coverage
15. To find or plan a route
on public transportation
16. To find or plan a
walking route
17. To locate nearby
services and attractions
(e.g. gas stations,
18. Other [1] ANCHOR.
MIN: 1. MAX:

Subsection End - Flex Section

Subsection End - Waze Specific

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 54

- Show to all.
DT_ClassificationIntro. These next rounds of questions are for classification purposes only.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
C1_US_Employment. What is your current employment status?

1. Employed full-time
2. Employed part-time
3. Not employed
4. A Homemaker
5. Retired

- Show if respondent selected code [5] at DV_Country.
C2_Brazil_Employment. What is your current employment situation?
Select one response.

1. Full time
2. Part time
3. Self-Employed
4. Laborer
5. Retired
6. Homemaker
7. Student
8. Not currently employed

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
C3_Mexico_Employment. What is your current employment situation?
Select one response.

1. Full time
2. Part time
3. Self-Employed
4. Laborer
5. Retired
6. Homemaker
7. Student
8. Not currently employed

- Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Country.
C4_France_Employment. What is your main position?
Select one response.

1. Employed
2. Apprenticeship under contract or paid internship
3. Student or unpaid internship
4. Unemployed (registered or not in employment pool)
5. Retirement or early retirement (former employee or
6. Housewives and house husbands
7. Others

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 55

- Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_Country.
C5_UK_Employment. What is your employment status?
Select one response.

1. In employment full-time
2. In employment part-time
3. Self-employed or business owner
4. Unemployed
5. Full-time student
6. Retired
7. Looking after home or family
8. Long-term sick or disabled

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-2] at C1_US_Employment OR respondent selected any codes [1-3] at
C2_Brazil_Employment OR respondent selected any codes [1-2] at C4_France_Employment OR respondent selected any codes [1-
3] at C5_UK_Employment.
C33_EmploymentLocation. Do you work from your home?
Select one response.

1. Yes, I always work from home
2. Yes, I sometimes work from home
3. No, I never work from home

- Show to all.
C6_Car. Do you personally own and/or drive a car?
Select one response.

1. Yes
2. No

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at C6_Car.
C34_NavigationFrequency. When driving, how often do you use transportation, navigation, and route planning apps on your smartphone
or through your car's entertainment and information system?
Select one response.

1. Never
2. Rarely, only when I am very unfamiliar with my
3. Usually, unless I am very familiar with my destination
4. Always, regardless of how familiar I am with my

- Show to all.
C10_CommuteFrequency. How many times a week do you commute to the same place?
Select one response.

1. 0-1
2. 2-3
3. 4-5
4. 6-7
5. 8+

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 56

- Show to all.
C16_Carpool. Do you regularly carpool for your commute?
Select all that apply.

1. No, I never carpool EXCLUSIVE.
2. Yes, I arrange carpools with friends/coworkers/people I
3. Yes, I arrange carpools through an app or service

Subsection Start - Segmentation Typing Tool

Show if respondent did NOT select code [11] at DV_EverUsed OR respondent did NOT select code [1] at C10_CommuteFrequency

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [11] at DV_EverUsed OR respondent did NOT select code [1] at C10_CommuteFrequency.
C11_ModeofTransportation. Which of the following do you consider your primary mode of transportation?
Select one response.

1. Driving
2. Biking
3. Scooter
4. Walking
5. Public Transportation (e.g. bus, metro, train)
6. Rideshare (e.g. Uber, Lyft)
7. Taxi
8. Other

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [11] at DV_EverUsed OR respondent did NOT select code [1] at C10_CommuteFrequency.
C12_TimeInTransit. Thinking about your typical commute or most common destination, how long do you spend in transit for one way?
For example, how long is a one way commute to work or school.
Select one response.

1. Less than 15 minutes
2. 15-30 minutes
3. 31-45 minutes
4. 46-60 minutes
5. 1 to 1.5 hours
6. 1.5 to 2 hours
7. More than 2 hours

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [11] at DV_EverUsed OR respondent did NOT select code [1] at C10_CommuteFrequency.
C13_AttitudeInTransit. Which of the following describes your time in transit in a typical day?
Select all that apply.

1. Complicated
2. Simple
3. Frustrating
4. Relaxing
5. Social
6. Lonely
7. Boring
8. Exciting
9. Exhausting
10. Rejuvenating
11. Productive
12. Consistent
13. Unpredictable
14. Seamless
15. Efficient
16. Uncomfortable
17. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 57

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [11] at DV_EverUsed OR respondent did NOT select code [1] at C10_CommuteFrequency.
C14_StressfulVRelaxing. Which one of these statements do you most agree with?
Select one response.

1. Being in transit is a stressful time for me
2. Neutral
3. Being in transit is a relaxing time for me

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [11] at DV_EverUsed OR respondent did NOT select code [1] at C10_CommuteFrequency.
C15_TechAttitudes. How much do you agree with the following statements?
Select one response for each.

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Strongly Somewhat agree nor Somewhat Strongly
ROWS: DEFAULT ORDER. disagree disagree disagree agree agree
1. Technology helps me
1 2 3 4 5
optimize my life
2. Technology helps me
1 2 3 4 5
be more efficient
3. Learning new
1 2 3 4 5
technology is easy for me
4. Technology can help
1 2 3 4 5
solve real world problems

Subsection End - Segmentation Typing Tool

Subsection Start - Mexico Current SEL

Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
DT_MXCurrentSELIntro. Anteriormente, le hicimos una serie de preguntas sobre su situación de vida antes de la pandemia. Ahora, nos
gustaría hacerle algunas preguntas sobre su situación de vida actual.

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment:
S12_Mexico_SEL_Q1. Actualmente, ¿cuál es el total de cuartos, piezas o habitaciones con que cuenta su hogar? Por favor no incluya
baños, medios baños, pasillos, patios y zotehuelas.
Select one response.

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7 o más

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment:
S13_Mexico_SEL_Q2. Actualmente, ¿cuántos baños completos con regadera y W.C. (excusado) hay para uso exclusivo de los
integrantes de su hogar?
Select one response.

1. 0
2. 1
3. 2
4. 3
5. 4 o más
LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 58
LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 59
- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment:
S14_Mexico_SEL_Q3. Actualmente, ¿en su hogar cuenta con regadera funcionado en alguno de los baños?
Select one response.

1. No tiene
2. Si tiene

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment:
S15_Mexico_SEL_Q4. Actualmente, contando todos los focos que utiliza para iluminar su hogar, incluyendo los de techos, paredes y
lámparas de buró o piso, dígame ¿cuántos focos tiene su vivienda?
Select one response.

1. 0-5
2. 6-10
3. 11-15
4. 16-20
5. 21 o más

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment:
S16_Mexico_SEL_Q5. Actualmente, ¿el piso de su hogar es predominantemente de tierra, o de cemento, o de algún otro tipo de
Select one response.

1. Tierra o cemento (firme de )
2. Otro tipo de material o acabo

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment:
S17_Mexico_SEL_Q6. Actualmente, ¿cuántos automóviles propios, excluyendo taxis, tienen en su hogar?
Select one response.

1. 0
2. 1
3. 2
4. 3 o más

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Programmer Comment:
S18_Mexico_SEL_Q7. Actualmente, ¿en este hogar cuentan con estufa de gas o eléctrica?
Select one response.

1. No tiene
2. Si tiene

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
- Programmer Comment: Point values can be found in this document --> P:\120_TIBU\012-190356 Waze Brand Tracker\2_Project
Design\Questionnaire\Mexico SEC points.xlsx
Use S12_MX_SEL_Q1 - S18_MX_SEL_Q7, and S19_Mexico_SEI_Q8.
DV_MexicoTotalSELPoints. Hidden variable to total the amount of points a respondent gets from Mexico SEL questions.
Enter a numeric response.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 60


LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 61

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
- Hidden Question.
DV_MexicoSELClass. Points in P:\120_TIBU\012-190356 Waze Brand Tracker\2_Project Design\Questionnaire\Mexico SEC points.xlsx
Select one response.

1. AB Autocode if value provided at
DV_MexicoTotalSELPoints is greater than or equal
to 193. PC: More than 193 points
2. C+ Autocode if value provided at
DV_MexicoTotalSELPoints is between (inclusive)
155 and 192. PC: Between 155 and 192 points
3. C Autocode if value provided at
DV_MexicoTotalSELPoints is between (inclusive)
128 and 154. PC: Between 128 and 154 points
4. C- Autocode if value provided at
DV_MexicoTotalSELPoints is between (inclusive)
105 and 127. PC: Between 105 and 127 points
5. D+ Autocode if value provided at
DV_MexicoTotalSELPoints is between (inclusive)
80 and 104. PC: Between 80 and 104 points
6. D Autocode if value provided at
DV_MexicoTotalSELPoints is between (inclusive)
33 and 79. PC: Between 33 and 79 points
7. E Autocode if value provided at
DV_MexicoTotalSELPoints is less than or equal to
32. PC: Less than 32 points

Subsection End - Mexico Current SEL

- Show to all.
DT_Outro. Those are all the questions we have for you. Thank you very much for your time!

Subsection Start - Old/Removed Qs

Subsection Start - Waze 1.0 Questions

- Programmer: All items in this sub-section should be displayed on the same page.

- Show if respondent selected code [4] at S29_DeviceOwnership.
- Terminate at end of screener if respondent selected code [2] at S30_AppOwnership.
S30_AppOwnership. Do you have any apps on your smartphone?
Select one response.

1. Yes
2. No Terminate at the end of [Classifications].

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 62

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Add 11 boxes (1 first mention + 10 other mentions) for respondents and number the boxes.
Respondent must answer for at least the first box.
M1_Master_UnaidedAware. When you think about transportation and mobility brands that are changing the industry, which brands come
to mind?
Enter your response(s) in the box(es).


1. 1. []
2. 2. []
3. 3. []
4. 4. []
5. 5. []
6. 6. []
7. 7. []
8. 8. []
9. 9. []
10. 10. []
11. 11. []
MIN: 2. MAX:

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show coded responses in test link
DV_Master_FirstMention. Hidden variable to determine the brand first mentioned at M1 master unaided awareness.
Select one response.

1. Waze PC: OE coding = 1
2. Uber PC: OE coding = 2
3. Lyft PC: OE coding = 3
4. Google PC: OE coding = 4
5. Tesla PC: OE coding = 5
6. Citymapper PC: OE coding = 6
7. Didi PC: OE coding = 7
8. BlaBlaCar PC: OE coding = 8
9. Waze Carpool PC: OE coding = 9
10. Uber Pool PC: OE coding =10
11. Lyft Line PC: OE coding = 11
12. Via PC: OE coding = 12
13. Scoop PC: OE coding = 13
14. BlaBlalines PC: OE coding = 14
15. Uber Juntos PC: OE coding = 15
16. 99 Taxis PC: OE coding = 16
17. Cabify PC: OE coding = 17
18. Beat PC: OE coding = 18
19. Google Maps PC: OE coding = 19
20. Apple PC: OE coding = 20
21. Transit PC: OE coding = 21
22. Mapquest PC: OE coding = 22
23. TomtomGo PC: OE coding = 23
24. Coyote PC: OE coding = 24
25. Moovit PC: OE coding = 25
31. Mappy PC: OE coding = 26
32. Klaxit PC: OE coding = 27
33. Karos PC: OE coding = 28
26. Waze Net PC: Net Waze, Waze Carpool. OE coding = 1,9
27. Uber Net PC: Net Uber, Uber Pool, Uber Juntos. OE coding
= 2,10,15
28. Lyft Net PC: Net Lyft, Lyft Line. OE coding = 3,11
29. Google Net PC: Net Google, Google Maps. OE coding = 4,19
30. BlaBlaCar Net PC: Net BlaBlaCar, BlaBlaLines. OE coding = 8,14
6. Other__________ PC: OE coding = 997

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 63

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show coded responses in test link
DV_Master_OtherMention. Hidden variable to determine the brands not mentioned first at M1 master unaided awareness.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze PC: OE coding = 1
2. Uber PC: OE coding = 2
3. Lyft PC: OE coding = 3
4. Google PC: OE coding = 4
5. Tesla PC: OE coding = 5
6. Citymapper PC: OE coding = 6
7. Didi PC: OE coding = 7
8. BlaBlaCar PC: OE coding = 8
9. Waze Carpool PC: OE coding = 9
10. Uber Pool PC: OE coding = 10
11. Lyft Line PC: OE coding =11
12. Via PC: OE coding =12
13. Scoop PC: OE coding = 13
14. BlaBlalines PC: OE coding = 14
15. Uber Juntos PC: OE coding = 15
16. 99 Taxis PC: OE coding = 16
17. Cabify PC: OE coding = 17
18. Beat PC: OE coding = 18
19. Google Maps PC: OE coding = 19
20. Apple PC: OE coding = 20
21. Transit PC: OE coding = 21
22. Mapquest PC: OE coding = 22
23. TomtomGo PC: OE coding = 23
24. Coyote PC: OE coding = 24
25. Moovit PC: OE coding =25
31. Mappy PC: OE coding = 26
32. Klaxit PC: OE coding = 27
33. Karos PC: OE coding = 28
26. Waze Net PC: Net Waze, Waze Carpool. OE coding = 1,9
27. Uber Net PC: Net Uber, Uber Pool, Uber Juntos. OE coding
= 2,10,15
28. Lyft Net PC: Net Lyft, Lyft Line. OE coding = 3,11
29. Google Net PC: Net Google, Google Maps. OE coding = 4,19
30. BlaBlaCar Net PC: Net BlaBlaCar, BlaBlaLines. OE coding = 8,14
6. Other__________ PC: OE coding = 997

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 64

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show coded responses in test link
DV_Master_TotalUnaided. Hidden variable to capture all brands mentioned M1 master unaided awareness.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze PC: OE coding = 1
2. Uber PC: OE coding = 2
3. Lyft PC: OE coding = 3
4. Google PC: OE coding = 4
5. Tesla PC: OE coding = 5
6. Citymapper PC: OE coding = 6
7. Didi PC: OE coding = 7
8. BlaBlaCar PC: OE coding = 8
10. Waze Carpool PC: OE coding = 9
11. Uber Pool PC: OE coding =10
12. Lyft Line PC: OE coding = 11
13. Via PC: OE coding = 12
14. Scoop PC: OE coding = 13
15. BlaBlalines PC: OE coding = 14
16. Uber Juntos PC: OE coding = 15
17. 99 Taxis PC: OE coding = 16
18. Cabify PC: OE coding = 17
19. Beat PC: OE coding = 18
20. Google Maps PC: OE coding = 19
21. Apple PC: OE coding = 20
22. Transit PC: OE coding = 21
23. Mapquest PC: OE coding = 22
24. TomtomGo PC: OE coding = 23
25. Coyote PC: OE coding = 24
26. Moovit PC: OE coding = 25
27. Mappy PC: OE coding = 26
28. Klaxit PC: OE coding = 27
29. Karos PC: OE coding = 28
30. Waze Net PC: Net Waze, Waze Carpool. OE coding = 1,9
31. Uber Net PC: Net Uber, Uber Pool, Uber Juntos. OE coding
= 2,10,15
32. Lyft Net PC: Net Lyft, Lyft Line. OE coding = 3,11
33. Google Net PC: Net Google, Google Maps. OE coding = 4,19
34. BlaBlaCar Net PC: Net BlaBlaCar, BlaBlaLines. OE coding = 8,14
35. OtherSpec PC: OE Coding - 997

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Add 11 boxes (1 first mention + 10 other mentions) for respondents and number the boxes.
Respondent must answer for at least the first box.

M2_Carpool_UnaidedAware. When you think about apps that let you arrange a ride or carpool in a privately owned vehicle as a rider
and/or driver, which apps come to mind?
Enter your response(s) in the box(es).


1. 1. []
2. 2. []
3. 3. []
4. 4. []
5. 5. []
6. 6. []
7. 7. []
8. 8. []
9. 9. []
10. 10. []
11. 11. []
MIN: 2. MAX:

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 65

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show coded responses in test link
DV_Carpool_FirstMention. Hidden variable to determine the brand first mentioned at M2 carpool unaided awareness.
Select one response.

1. Waze Carpool PC: OE Coding = 1
2. Uber Pool PC: OE Coding = 4
3. Lyft Shared (formerly Lyft Line) PC: OE Coding = 13
4. Via PC: OE Coding = 3
5. Scoop PC: OE Coding = 10
6. BlaBlaLines PC: OE Coding = 21
7. Uber Juntos PC: OE Coding = 5
8. 99 Taxis PC: OE Coding = 25
9. Cabify PC: OE Coding = 20
10. BlaBlaCar PC: OE Coding = 22
11. Didi PC: OE Coding = 17
12. Beat PC: OE Coding = 23
13. Karos PC: OE Coding = 49
14. Klaxit PC: OE Coding = 48
15. Uber PC: OE Coding = 6
16. Liftshare
16. Waze PC: OE Coding = 2
17. Transit PC: OE Coding = 7
18. TomtomGo PC: OE Coding = 8
19. Tesla PC: OE Coding = 9
20. Moovit PC: OE Coding = 11
21. Mapquest PC: OE Coding = 12
22. Lyft PC: OE Coding = 14
23. Google Maps PC: OE Coding = 15
24. Google PC: OE Coding = 16
25. Coyote PC: OE Coding =18
26. Citymapper PC: OE Coding = 19
27. Apple Maps PC: OE Coding = 24
28. Uber Eats PC: OE Coding = 46
29. Apple PC: OE Coding = 47
30. Waze Net PC: Net Waze Carpool, Waze. OE coding = 1,2
31. Uber Net PC: Net Uber, Uber Pool, Uber Juntos, Uber
Eats. OE Coding = 4,5,6,46
32. Lyft Net PC: Net Lyft, Lyft shared (Lyft Line). OE Coding
33. Google Net PC: Net Google, Google Maps. OE coding =15,16
34. BlaBlaCar Net PC: Net Blablacar, Blablalines. OE Coding = 21,22
36. Apple Net PC: Net Apple, Apple Maps. OE Coding = 47,24
13. Other__________ PC: OE Coding = 997

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 66

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show coded responses in test link
DV_Carpool_OtherMention. Hidden variable to determine the brands not mentioned first at M2 carpool unaided awareness.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze Carpool PC: OE Coding = 1
2. Uber Pool PC: OE Coding = 4
3. Lyft Shared (formerly Lyft Line) PC: OE Coding = 13
4. Via PC: OE Coding = 3
5. Scoop PC: OE Coding = 10
6. BlaBlaLines PC: OE Coding = 21
7. Uber Juntos PC: OE Coding = 5
8. 99 Taxis PC: OE Coding = 25
9. Cabify PC: OE Coding = 20
10. BlaBlaCar PC: OE Coding = 22
11. Didi PC: OE Coding = 17
12. Beat PC: OE Coding = 23
13. Karos PC: OE Coding = 49
14. Klaxit PC: OE Coding = 48
15. Uber PC: OE Coding = 6
16. Liftshare
16. Waze PC: OE Coding = 2
17. Transit PC: OE Coding = 7
18. TomtomGo PC: OE Coding = 8
19. Tesla PC: OE Coding = 9
20. Moovit PC: OE Coding = 11
21. Mapquest PC: OE Coding = 12
22. Lyft PC: OE Coding = 14
23. Google Maps PC: OE Coding = 15
24. Google PC: OE Coding = 16
25. Coyote PC: OE Coding =18
26. Citymapper PC: OE Coding = 19
27. Apple Maps PC: OE Coding = 24
28. Uber Eats PC: OE Coding = 46
29. Apple PC: OE Coding = 47
30. Waze Net PC: Net Waze Carpool, Waze. OE coding = 1,2
31. Uber Net PC: Net Uber, Uber Pool, Uber Juntos, Uber Eats.
OE Coding = 4,5,6,46
32. Lyft Net PC: Net Lyft, Lyft shared (Lyft Line). OE Coding
33. Google Net PC: Net Google, Google Maps. OE coding =15,16
34. BlaBlaCar Net PC: Net Blablacar, Blablalines. OE Coding = 21,22
35. Apple Net PC: Net Apple, Apple Maps. OE Coding = 47,24
13. Other__________ PC: OE Coding = 997

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 67

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show coded responses in test link
DV_Carpool_TotalUnaided. Hidden variable to capture all brands mentioned M2 carpool unaided awareness.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze Carpool PC: OE Coding = 1
2. Uber Pool PC: OE Coding = 4
3. Lyft Shared (formerly Lyft Line) PC: OE Coding = 13
4. Via PC: OE Coding = 3
5. Scoop PC: OE Coding = 10
6. BlaBlaLines PC: OE Coding = 21
7. Uber Juntos PC: OE Coding = 5
8. 99 Taxis PC: OE Coding = 25
9. Cabify PC: OE Coding = 20
10. BlaBlaCar PC: OE Coding = 22
11. Didi PC: OE Coding = 17
12. Beat PC: OE Coding = 23
13. Karos PC: OE Coding = 49
14. Klaxit PC: OE Coding = 48
15. Uber PC: OE Coding = 6
16. Liftshare
16. Waze PC: OE Coding = 2
17. Transit PC: OE Coding = 7
18. TomtomGo PC: OE Coding = 8
19. Tesla PC: OE Coding = 9
20. Moovit PC: OE Coding = 11
21. Mapquest PC: OE Coding = 12
22. Lyft PC: OE Coding = 14
23. Google Maps PC: OE Coding = 15
24. Google PC: OE Coding = 16
25. Coyote PC: OE Coding =18
26. Citymapper PC: OE Coding = 19
27. Apple Maps PC: OE Coding = 24
28. Uber Eats PC: OE Coding = 46
29. Apple PC: OE Coding = 47
30. Waze Net PC: Net Waze Carpool, Waze. OE coding = 1,2
31. Uber Net PC: Net Uber, Uber Pool, Uber Juntos, Uber Eats.
OE Coding = 4,5,6,46
32. Lyft Net PC: Net Lyft, Lyft shared (Lyft Line). OE Coding
33. Google Net PC: Net Google, Google Maps. OE coding =15,16
34. BlaBlaCar Net PC: Net Blablacar, Blablalines. OE Coding = 21,22
35. Apple Net PC: Net Apple, Apple Maps. OE Coding = 47,24
36. OtherSpec PC: OE Coding - 997

Subsection Start - Master Brand

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 68

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names
- Note to client: Competitors are placeholders until Waze confirms competitor list for all markets.
M4_Master_Awareness. Please indicate how familiar you are with each of the following transportation brands listed below:
Select one response for each.

I don't
I've never I recognize know I know a I know a
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. heard of the name much little about lot about
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. them only about them them them
1. Waze 1 2 3 4 5
2. Uber 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
3. Lyft 1 2 3 4 5
4. Google 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
5. Tesla 1 2 3 4 5
[1-2, 4-5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected any codes
6. Citymapper 1 2 3 4 5
[2-3, 5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [4] at
7. Didi 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
8. BlaBlaCar 1 2 3 4 5

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [2-5] at M4_Master_Awareness.
DV_Master_Awareness. Hidden variable to capture master brands aware.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze
2. Uber
3. Lyft Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
4. Google
5. Tesla Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-2,
4-5] at DV_Country.
6. Citymapper Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2-3,
5] at DV_Country.
7. Didi Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
8. BlaBlaCar Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
9. None of the above EXCLUSIVE. Autocode if respondent did NOT
select codes [1-8] at DV_Master_Awareness.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [4-5] at M4_Master_Awareness.
DV_Master_Familiarity. Hidden variable to capture familiarity of master brands
Select all that apply.

1. Waze
2. Uber
3. Lyft Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
4. Google
5. Tesla Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-2,
4-5] at DV_Country.
6. Citymapper Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2-3,
5] at DV_Country.
7. Didi Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
8. BlaBlaCar Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
6. None of the above EXCLUSIVE. Autocode if respondent did NOT
select codes [1-8] at DV_Master_Familiarity.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 69

- Programmer: Need to only show M5_Master_Affinity to 50% of respondents. We will want a way to assign quotas to
this group of respondents so we can make sure the 50% that see M5 have the same demographic makeup of the 50%
that don't see M5.
We will also need to be able to change the % of respondents that see affinity moving forward.
Suppress this logic starting November 2019. 

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Assign on a most-needed basis.
Make sure this assigner only triggers amount those eligible to actually get the question (based on M4).

Suppress this logic starting November 2019.

DV_M5_Eligible Hidden variable used to describe eligibility to see M5.
Select one response.

1. Does see M5
2. Does not see M5

- Show if, for any row at M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent selected any codes [4-5]. Only show row stubs selected at any of
these column(s) [4-5] at M4_Master_Awareness.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names
M5_Master_Affinity. How do you feel about the brand(s) listed below?
Select one response for each.

I don't
have an
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. Hate it Dislike it about it Like it Love it
1. Waze 1 2 3 4 5
2. Uber 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
3. Lyft 1 2 3 4 5
4. Google 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
5. Tesla 1 2 3 4 5
[1-2, 4-5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected any codes
6. Citymapper 1 2 3 4 5
[2-3, 5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [4] at
7. Didi 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
8. BlaBlaCar 1 2 3 4 5

- Show if, for any row at M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent selected any codes [4-5]. Only show row stubs selected at any of
these column(s) [4-5] at M4_Master_Awareness.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names

M6_Master_BrandMomentum. For the brand(s) listed below please indicate whether they are on the way up, at the top of their game or
slipping / on their way out?
Select one response for each.

Slipping / At the top

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. on their On the way of their
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. way out up game
1. Waze 1 2 3
2. Uber 1 2 3
3. Lyft 1 2 3 Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Country.
4. Google 1 2 3
5. Tesla 1 2 3 Show if respondent selected any codes [1-2, 4-5] at DV_Country.
6. Citymapper 1 2 3 Show if respondent selected any codes [2-3, 5] at DV_Country.
7. Didi 1 2 3 Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Country.
8. BlaBlaCar 1 2 3 Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Country.

Subsection Start - Master Rapid Choice v2.0

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 70
Show if, for any row at M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent selected any codes [4-5]
Programmer Comment: Suppressed section starting October 2019.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 71

- Show if, for any row at M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent selected any codes [4-5].
- Programmer Comment: Use Rapid Choice 2.0 template with images.


DT_Master_Instructions. [DESKTOP:]
Let’s try something different.

1. Place your index fingers on the “E” and “I” keys on your keyboard
2. We’ll ask you a series of yes or no questions
3. Answer quickly based on your gut reaction


Let’s try something different.

1. Turn your device horizontally

2. We’ll ask you a series of yes or no questions
3. Answer quickly based on your gut reaction

Loop Start - Master_ExerciseLoop

- Only show row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [4-5] at M4_Master_Awareness.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS STARTING 10/2019
Master_ExerciseLoop Master_ExerciseLoop

1. Waze
2. Uber
3. Lyft Show if respondent selected code [1] at
4. Google
5. Tesla Show if respondent selected any codes [1-2, 4-5]
at DV_Country.
6. Citymapper Show if respondent selected any codes [2-3, 5] at
7. Didi Show if respondent selected code [4] at
8. BlaBlaCar Show if respondent selected code [3] at


- Show if, for any row at M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent selected any codes [4-5].
DT_Master_ExerciseIntro. Now we are going to show you a series of words. Please decide whether the word you see on the screen
describes {INSERT BRAND/AD FROM LOOP}. Indicate, using the yes and no keys, whether the word
describes {INSERT BRAND/AD FROM LOOP}. Please give your answer quickly based on your first gut

- Show if, for any row at M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent selected any codes [4-5].
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names, centered beneath question text "Please consider"
DT_Master_Initial. Please consider
[Insert current iteration]

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 72

- Show if, for any row at M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent selected any codes [4-5].
- Programmer Comment: RESEARCH TEAM: Choose at least THREE words from each BASE group. You can keep the Standard
words, or replace with some Alternative words from the same category. Dummy words and Negative words cannot be changed or
removed. DO NOT use words outside of this list without consulting with the PBSI team as there have been norms established for
words on this list.

PROGRAMMER: QC flag if half of the BASE and negative words (excludes dummy words) have response times less than 300ms.
QC flag if straightline BASE and negative words (excludes dummy words). Dummy words must be anchored at the beginning but
randomized within. Negative words should be randomized within the main word list. 
Select one response for each.


1. Good 1 2 ANCHOR. PC: Dummy word
2. Familiar 1 2 ANCHOR. PC: Dummy word
3. Small 1 2 ANCHOR. PC: Dummy word. Can also use Short or Little instead
4. New 1 2 ANCHOR. PC: Dummy word
5. Big 1 2 ANCHOR. PC: Dummy word. Can also use Long/Big instead
6. Friendly 1 2 PC: Belonging; Standard
7. Caring 1 2 PC: Belonging; Standard
8. Community 1 2 PC: Belonging; Standard
12. Classy 1 2 PC: Appeal; Standard
13. Cool 1 2 PC: Appeal; Standard
17. Popular 1 2 PC: Appeal; Alternative
19. Smart 1 2 PC: Security; Standard
20. Reliable 1 2 PC: Security; Standard
21. Trusted 1 2 PC: Security; Standard
26. Safe 1 2 PC: Security; Alternative
28. Fun 1 2 PC: Exploration; Standard
29. Innovative 1 2 PC: Exploration; Standard
31. Modern 1 2 PC: Exploration; Alternative
33. Bad 1 2 PC: Mandatory; do not remove
34. Mean 1 2 PC: Mandatory; do not remove
35. Ugly 1 2 PC: Mandatory; do not remove
36. Weak 1 2 PC: Mandatory; do not remove
37. Boring 1 2 PC: Mandatory; do not remove
38. Bold 1 2
39. Welcoming 1 2
40. Genuine 1 2
41. Optimistic 1 2
42. Empowering 1 2
43. Practical 1 2
44. Uplifting 1 2

Loop End - Master_ExerciseLoop

Subsection End - Master Rapid Choice v2.0

Subsection End - Master Brand

- Programmer: Randomly assign US, Mexico, and Brazil respondents if they see Carpool or Navigation section first (UK
and France respondents do not qualify for Carpool).
Create a DV called "DV_FirstSeen" that punches which section respondent sees first, Carpool or Navigation.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
DV_FirstSeen. Hidden variable to capture which section respondents see first.
Select one response.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 73

1. Carpool
2. Navigation

Subsection Start - Carpool

- Show to all.
DT_CarpoolFunnelIntro. Now we'd like to ask you more about your thoughts on apps that let you arrange a ride or carpool in a privately
owned vehicle as a rider and/or driver.

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names
M8_Carpool_Awareness. Please indicate how familiar you are with each of the apps that let you arrange a ride or carpool in a privately
owned vehicle as a rider and/or driver listed below:
Select one response for each.

I don't
I've never I recognize know I know a I know a
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. heard of the name much little about lot about
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. them only about them them them
Show if, for any row [1] at
1. Waze Carpool 1 2 3 4 5 M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected any codes
[1-2, 4] at DV_Country AND for any row
2. Uber Pool 1 2 3 4 5
[2] at M4_Master_Awareness, the
respondent did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
3. Lyft Shared (formerly DV_Country AND for any row [3] at
1 2 3 4 5
Lyft Line) M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
4. Via 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. Scoop 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
6. BlaBlaLines 1 2 3 4 5
[3, 5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [5] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
7. Uber Juntos 1 2 3 4 5
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [5] at
8. 99 Taxis 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [5] at
9. Cabify 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
10. BlaBlaCar 1 2 3 4 5
[2, 4] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [4] at
DV_Country AND for any row [7] at
11. Didi 1 2 3 4 5
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [4] at
12. Beat 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
13. Karos 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
14. Klaxit 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
15. Uber 1 2 3 4 5
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [2] at
16. Liftshare 1 2 3 4 5

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 74

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [2-5] at M8_Carpool_Awareness.
DV_Carpool_Awareness. Hidden variable to capture carpool brands aware.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze Carpool Autocode if, for any row [1] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
2. Uber Pool Autocode if, respondent selected any codes [1-2,
4] at DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
3. Lyft Shared (formerly Lyft Line) Autocode if, respondent selected code [1] at
DV_Country AND for any row [3] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
4. Via Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
5. Scoop Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
6. BlaBlaLines Autocode if respondent selected any codes [3, 5]
at DV_Country.
7. Uber Juntos Autocode if, respondent selected code [5] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
8. 99 Taxis Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
9. Cabify Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
10. BlaBlaCar Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 4]
at DV_Country.
11. Didi Autocode if, respondent selected code [4] at
DV_Country AND for any row [7] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
12. Beat Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
13. Karos Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
14. Klaxit Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
15. Uber Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
16. Liftshare Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
13. None of the above EXCLUSIVE. Autocode if respondent did NOT
select codes [1-16] at DV_Carpool_Awareness.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 75

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [4-5] at M8_Carpool_Awareness.
DV_Carpool_Familiarity Hidden variable to capture familiarity of carpool brands
Select all that apply.

1. Waze Carpool Autocode if, for any row [1] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
2. Uber Pool Autocode if respondent selected any codes [1-2,
4] at DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
3. Lyft Shared (formerly Lyft Line) Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
DV_Country AND for any row [3] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
4. Via Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
5. Scoop Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
6. BlaBlaLines Autocode if respondent selected any codes [3, 5]
at DV_Country.
7. Uber Juntos Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
8. 99 Taxis Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
9. Cabify Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
10. BlaBlaCar Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 4]
at DV_Country.
11. Didi Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
DV_Country AND for any row [7] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
12. Beat Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
13. Karos Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
14. Klaxit Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
15. Uber Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
16. Liftshare Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
13. None of the above EXCLUSIVE. Autocode if respondent did NOT
select codes [1-16] at DV_Carpool_Familiarity.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 76

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-16] at DV_Carpool_Familiarity. Only show row stubs selected at any of these column(s)
[4-5] at M8_Carpool_Awareness.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names
M9_Carpool_Consider. Including any you might already use, which of the following apps that let you arrange a ride or carpool in a
privately owned vehicle as a rider and/or driver would you consider using in the future?
Select all that apply.

1. Waze Carpool Show if, for any row [1] at M4_Master_Awareness,
the respondent did NOT select code [1].
2. Uber Pool Show if respondent selected any codes [1-2, 4] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
3. Lyft Shared (formerly Lyft Line) Show if respondent selected code [1] at
DV_Country AND for any row [3] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
4. Via Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. Scoop Show if respondent selected code [1] at
6. BlaBlaLines Show if respondent selected any codes [3, 5] at
7. Uber Juntos Show if respondent selected code [5] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
8. 99 Taxis Show if respondent selected code [5] at
9. Cabify Show if respondent selected code [5] at
10. BlaBlaCar Show if respondent selected any codes [2, 4] at
11. Didi Show if respondent selected code [4] at
DV_Country AND for any row [7] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
12. Beat Show if respondent selected code [4] at
13. Karos Show if respondent selected code [3] at
14. Klaxit Show if respondent selected code [3] at
15. Uber Show if respondent selected code [3] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
16. Liftshare Show if respondent selected code [2] at

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 77

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at M9_Carpool_Consider.
DV_Carpool_Consider Hidden variable to capture carpool brands considered
Select all that apply.

1. Waze Carpool Autocode if, for any row [1] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
2. Uber Pool Autocode if, respondent selected any codes [1-2,
4] at DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
3. Lyft Shared (formerly Lyft Line) Autocode if, respondent selected code [1] at
DV_Country AND for any row [3] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
4. Via Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
5. Scoop Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
6. BlaBlaLines Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
7. Uber Juntos Autocode if, respondent selected code [5] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
8. 99 Taxis Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
9. Cabify Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
10. BlaBlaCar Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 4]
at DV_Country.
11. Didi Autocode if, respondent selected code [4] at
DV_Country AND for any row [7] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
12. Beat Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
13. Karos Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
14. Klaxit Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
15. Uber Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
16. Liftshare Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
13. None of the above/Not familiar EXCLUSIVE. Autocode if respondent did NOT
select codes [1-16] at DV_Carpool_Consider.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 78

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-16] at DV_Carpool_Familiarity. Only show row stubs selected at any of these column(s)
[4-5] at M8_Carpool_Awareness.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names
M10_Carpool_Usage. Which best describes your experience with the following apps that let you arrange a ride or carpool in a privately
owned vehicle as a rider and/or driver?
Select one response for each.

I've I've used it

downloade I've used in the past
I've d it, but it, but not year, but I've used it
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. never dow haven't in the past not in the in the past
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. nloaded it used it year past month month
Show if, for any row [1] at
1. Waze Carpool 1 2 3 4 5 M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected any codes
[1-2, 4] at DV_Country AND for any row
2. Uber Pool 1 2 3 4 5
[2] at M4_Master_Awareness, the
respondent did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
3. Lyft Shared (formerly DV_Country AND for any row [3] at
1 2 3 4 5
Lyft Line) M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
4. Via 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. Scoop 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
6. BlaBlaLines 1 2 3 4 5
[3, 5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [5] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
7. Uber Juntos 1 2 3 4 5
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [5] at
8. 99 Taxis 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [5] at
9. Cabify 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
10. BlaBlaCar 1 2 3 4 5
[2, 4] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [4] at
DV_Country AND for any row [7] at
11. Didi 1 2 3 4 5
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [4] at
12. Beat 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
13. Karos 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
14. Klaxit 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
15. Uber 1 2 3 4 5
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [2] at
16. Liftshare 1 2 3 4 5

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 79

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [3-5] at M10_Carpool_Usage.
DV_Carpool_Usage. Hidden variable to capture carpool brands currently used
Select all that apply.

1. Waze Carpool Autocode if, for any row [1] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
2. Uber Pool Autocode if, respondent selected any codes [1-2,
4] at DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
3. Lyft Shared (formerly Lyft Line) Autocode if, respondent selected code [1] at
DV_Country AND for any row [3] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
4. Via Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
5. Scoop Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
6. BlaBlaLines Autocode if respondent selected any codes [3, 5]
at DV_Country.
7. Uber Juntos Autocode if, respondent selected code [5] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
8. 99 Taxis Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
9. Cabify Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
10. BlaBlaCar Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 4]
at DV_Country.
11. Didi Autocode if, respondent selected code [4] at
DV_Country AND for any row [7] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
12. Beat Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
13. Karos Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
14. Klaxit Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
15. Uber Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
16. Liftshare Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
13. None of the above/Not familiar EXCLUSIVE. Autocode if respondent did NOT
select codes [1-16] at DV_Carpool_Usage.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 80

- Show if, for any row [1-16] at M8_Carpool_Awareness, the respondent selected any codes [2-5]. Only show row stubs selected at
any of these column(s) [2-5] at M8_Carpool_Awareness.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names
M11_Carpool_FutureIntent How likely would you be to use each of the following apps that let you arrange a ride or carpool in a privately
. owned vehicle as a rider and/or driver in the next 3 months?
Select one response for each.

Definitely Probably Might or

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. would would not might not Probably Definitely
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. not use use use would use would use
Show if, for any row [1] at
1. Waze Carpool 1 2 3 4 5 M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected any codes
[1-2, 4] at DV_Country AND for any row
2. Uber Pool 1 2 3 4 5
[2] at M4_Master_Awareness, the
respondent did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
3. Lyft Shared (formerly DV_Country AND for any row [3] at
1 2 3 4 5
Lyft Line) M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
4. Via 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. Scoop 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
6. BlaBlaLines 1 2 3 4 5
[3, 5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [5] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
7. Uber Juntos 1 2 3 4 5
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [5] at
8. 99 Taxis 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [5] at
9. Cabify 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
10. BlaBlaCar 1 2 3 4 5
[2, 4] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [4] at
DV_Country AND for any row [7] at
11. Didi 1 2 3 4 5
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [4] at
12. Beat 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
13. Karos 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
14. Klaxit 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
15. Uber 1 2 3 4 5
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [2] at
16. Liftshare 1 2 3 4 5

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 81

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [4-5] at M11_Carpool_FutureIntent.
DV_Carpool_FutureIntent. Hidden variable to capture carpool brands with future intent.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze Carpool Autocode if, for any row [1] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
2. Uber Pool Autocode if, respondent selected any codes [1-2,
4] at DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
3. Lyft Shared (formerly Lyft Line) Autocode if, respondent selected code [1] at
DV_Country AND for any row [3] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
4. Via Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
5. Scoop Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
6. BlaBlaLines Autocode if respondent selected any codes [3, 5]
at DV_Country.
7. Uber Juntos Autocode if, respondent selected code [5] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
8. 99 Taxis Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
9. Cabify Autocode if respondent selected code [5] at
10. BlaBlaCar Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 4]
at DV_Country.
11. Didi Autocode if, respondent selected code [4] at
DV_Country AND for any row [7] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
12. Beat Autocode if respondent selected code [4] at
13. Karos Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
14. Klaxit Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
15. Uber Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
16. Liftshare Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
13. None of the above/Not aware EXCLUSIVE. Autocode if respondent did NOT
select codes [1-16] at DV_Carpool_FutureIntent.

Subsection Start - Carpool POP

Show if respondent selected any codes [1-16] at DV_Carpool_Familiarity

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-16] at DV_Carpool_Familiarity.
DT_Carpool_POPIntro We'd like to know more about your impressions of carpool and ride-sharing apps.

Subsection Start - Carpool Implicit Identity Mapping

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-16] at DV_Carpool_Familiarity.
DT_Carpool_IIMIntro. How do you see your relationship with carpool and ride-sharing apps?
One circle will represent you and another will represent an app. Please move the circle to show your relationship
with the app.

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-16] at DV_Carpool_Familiarity.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 82

DT_Carpool_IIMExample. Here’s an example:

Move the circle to show your relationship with each app.


- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-16] at DV_Carpool_Familiarity.
- Only show row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [4-5] at M8_Carpool_Awareness.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names
C28_Carpool_IIMExercise. How do you relate to the apps below?
Move the circle to show your relationship with each app.
Select one response.

1. Waze Carpool Show if, for any row [1] at M4_Master_Awareness,
the respondent did NOT select code [1].
2. Uber Pool Show if respondent selected any codes [1-2, 4] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
3. Lyft Shared (formerly Lyft Line) Show if respondent selected code [1] at
DV_Country AND for any row [3] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
4. Via Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. Scoop Show if respondent selected code [1] at
6. BlaBlaLines Show if respondent selected any codes [3, 5] at
7. Uber Juntos Show if respondent selected code [5] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
8. 99 Taxis Show if respondent selected code [5] at
9. Cabify Show if respondent selected code [5] at
10. BlaBlaCar Show if respondent selected any codes [2, 4] at
11. Didi Show if respondent selected code [4] at
DV_Country AND for any row [7] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
12. Beat Show if respondent selected code [4] at
13. Karos Show if respondent selected code [3] at
14. Klaxit Show if respondent selected code [3] at
15. Uber Show if respondent selected code [3] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
16. Liftshare Show if respondent selected code [2] at

Subsection End - Carpool Implicit Identity Mapping

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 83

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-16] at DV_Carpool_Familiarity.
- Only show row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [4-5] at M8_Carpool_Awareness.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names
C29_Carpool_Affinity. How do you feel about the carpool and ride-sharing app(s) listed below?
Select one response for each.

I don't
have an
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. Hate it Dislike it about it Like it Love it
Show if, for any row [1] at
1. Waze Carpool 1 2 3 4 5 M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected any codes
[1-2, 4] at DV_Country AND for any row
2. Uber Pool 1 2 3 4 5
[2] at M4_Master_Awareness, the
respondent did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
3. Lyft Shared (formerly DV_Country AND for any row [3] at
1 2 3 4 5
Lyft Line) M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
4. Via 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. Scoop 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
6. BlaBlaLines 1 2 3 4 5
[3, 5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [5] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
7. Uber Juntos 1 2 3 4 5
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [5] at
8. 99 Taxis 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [5] at
9. Cabify 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
10. BlaBlaCar 1 2 3 4 5
[2, 4] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [4] at
DV_Country AND for any row [7] at
11. Didi 1 2 3 4 5
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [4] at
12. Beat 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
13. Karos 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
14. Klaxit 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
15. Uber 1 2 3 4 5
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [2] at
16. Liftshare 1 2 3 4 5

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 84

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-16] at DV_Carpool_Familiarity.
- Only show row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [4-5] at M8_Carpool_Awareness.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names
C30_Carpool_Advocacy. Which one statement is most true about you for each carpool and ride-sharing app below?
Select one response for each.

If asked, I
If asked, I have an If asked, I
I actively would tell opinion to would I actively
tell people people not share one recommen tell people
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. not to use to use way or the d using to use
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. this app this app other this app this app
Show if, for any row [1] at
1. Waze Carpool 1 2 3 4 5 M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected any codes
[1-2, 4] at DV_Country AND for any row
2. Uber Pool 1 2 3 4 5
[2] at M4_Master_Awareness, the
respondent did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
3. Lyft Shared (formerly DV_Country AND for any row [3] at
1 2 3 4 5
Lyft Line) M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
4. Via 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. Scoop 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
6. BlaBlaLines 1 2 3 4 5
[3, 5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [5] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
7. Uber Juntos 1 2 3 4 5
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [5] at
8. 99 Taxis 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [5] at
9. Cabify 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
10. BlaBlaCar 1 2 3 4 5
[2, 4] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [4] at
DV_Country AND for any row [7] at
11. Didi 1 2 3 4 5
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [4] at
12. Beat 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
13. Karos 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
14. Klaxit 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
15. Uber 1 2 3 4 5
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected code [2] at
16. Liftshare 1 2 3 4 5

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 85

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-16] at DV_Carpool_Familiarity.
- Only show column stubs selected at any of these column(s) [4-5] at M8_Carpool_Awareness.
- Repeat column headers after every 6 rows
- Programmer Comment: Repeat header every 6 rows. For mobile, split onto 3 screens.
Show images centered above associated brand names
C31_Carpool_Attributes. Below are some statements that may or may not describe the carpool and ride-sharing apps shown.
Please select the app(s) that you feel are best described by each statement.
Select all that apply for each.

1. Waze Carpool Show if, for any row [1] at M4_Master_Awareness,
the respondent did NOT select code [1].
2. Uber Pool Show if respondent selected any codes [1-2, 4] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
3. Lyft Shared (formerly Lyft Line) Show if respondent selected code [1] at
DV_Country AND for any row [3] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
4. Via Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. Scoop Show if respondent selected code [1] at
6. BlaBlaLines Show if respondent selected any codes [3, 5] at
7. Uber Juntos Show if respondent selected code [5] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
8. 99 Taxis Show if respondent selected code [5] at
9. Cabify Show if respondent selected code [5] at
10. BlaBlaCar Show if respondent selected any codes [2, 4] at
11. Didi Show if respondent selected code [4] at
DV_Country AND for any row [7] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
12. Beat Show if respondent selected code [4] at
13. Karos Show if respondent selected code [3] at
14. Klaxit Show if respondent selected code [3] at
15. Uber Show if respondent selected code [3] at
DV_Country AND for any row [2] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
16. Liftshare Show if respondent selected code [2] at
10. None of these ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.


1. Brand fits with my
personal identity/values
2. My friends use it [#]
3. Is a brand I trust [#]
4. Fits my needs [#] PC: SUPPRESS STARTING MAY 2021
5. Makes me feel safe [#]
6. Makes me feel like I'm
part of a community
7. Makes me feel
8. The app is easy to use [#]
9. Gives me peace of
10. Constantly innovates
to improve transportation
11. Is a friendly brand [#]

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 86

10. Helps me save money [#]
11. Gives me greater
control over my commute
12. Makes me feel
connected to others
13. Puts me in a good
14. Helps the environment [#]
15. Is a good use of my
16. Is a faster/more
efficient way to commute
17. Is a convenient way to
18. Provides a seamless
19. Has ride availability
when and where I need it
20. Is a reliable service [#]
21. Is fun [#]
22. Is cool and buzzworthy [#]

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-16] at DV_Carpool_Familiarity.
- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Carpool_Usage.
C27_Carpool_Satisfaction. How satisfied are you with your experience using Waze Carpool?
Select one response.

1. Not at all satisfied
2. Not very satisfied
3. Somewhat satisfied
4. Very satisfied
5. Extremely satisfied

Subsection End - Carpool POP

- Show if, for any row [1] at M10_Carpool_Usage, the respondent selected any codes [1-2] OR for any row [1] at
M11_Carpool_FutureIntent, the respondent selected any codes [1-3].
M16_CarpoolDetractor. Why don't you use or intend to use Waze Carpool?
Select all that apply.

1. The app is hard to use
2. I haven't been able to successfully find a ride
3. I do not feel safe using this service
4. I do not trust this service
5. I do not trust the drivers
6. I do not like interacting with strangers
7. Makes traveling stressful
8. I do not understand how it works
9. Is not available in my area
10. Makes me go out of my way to get or give a ride
11. Has long wait times
12. Takes too long to reach my destination PC: SUPPRESS STUB STARTING MARCH 2020
13. I prefer driving by myself
14. I prefer other transportation options
15. I do not like the look and feel of the app
16. Is too expensive
17. Requires too much planning
18. I do not know what Waze Carpool is ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.
19. Other__________ ANCHOR.

Subsection End - Carpool

Subsection Start - Navigation

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 87

- Show to all.
DT_Nav_FunnelIntro. Now we'd like to ask you more about your thoughts on navigation and route planning apps.

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names
M17_Nav_Awareness. Please indicate how familiar you are with each of the following navigation and route planning apps listed below:
Select one response for each.

I don't
I've never I recognize know I know a I know a
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. heard of the name much little about lot about
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. them only about them them them
Show if, for any row [1] at
1. Waze 1 2 3 4 5 M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if, for any row [4] at
2. Google Maps 1 2 3 4 5 M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
3. Apple Maps 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
4. Transit 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
[2-3, 5] at DV_Country AND for any row
6. Citymapper 1 2 3 4 5
[6] at M4_Master_Awareness, the
respondent did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected any codes
7. TomTom Go 1 2 3 4 5
[2, 4] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected any codes
9. Moovit 1 2 3 4 5
[4-5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
10. Mappy 1 2 3 4 5

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [2-5] at M17_Nav_Awareness.
DV_Nav_Awareness. Hidden variable to capture navigation brands aware.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze Autocode if, for any row [1] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
2. Google Maps Autocode if, for any row [4] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
3. Apple Maps
4. Transit Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
6. Citymapper Autocode if, respondent selected any codes [2-3,
5] at DV_Country AND for any row [6] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
7. TomTom Go Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 4]
at DV_Country.
9. Moovit Autocode if respondent selected any codes [4-5]
at DV_Country.
10. Mappy Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
10. None of the above EXCLUSIVE. Autocode if respondent did NOT
select codes [1-7, 9-10] at DV_Nav_Awareness.

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 88

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [4-5] at M17_Nav_Awareness.
DV_Nav_Familiarity. Hidden variable to capture familiarity of navigation brands
Select all that apply.

1. Waze Autocode if, for any row [1] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
2. Google Maps Autocode if, for any row [4] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
3. Apple Maps
4. Transit Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
6. Citymapper Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2-3,
5] at DV_Country AND for any row [6] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
7. TomTom Go Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 4]
at DV_Country.
9. Moovit Autocode if respondent selected any codes [4-5]
at DV_Country.
10. Mappy Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
10. None of the above EXCLUSIVE. Autocode if respondent did NOT
select codes [1-7, 9-10] at DV_Nav_Familiarity.

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-7, 9-10] at DV_Nav_Familiarity. Only show row stubs selected at any of these column(s)
[4-5] at M17_Nav_Awareness.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names
M18_Nav_Consider Including any you might already use, which of the following navigation and route planning apps would you consider
. using in the future?
Select all that apply.

1. Waze Show if, for any row [1] at M4_Master_Awareness,
the respondent did NOT select code [1].
2. Google Maps Show if, for any row [4] at M4_Master_Awareness,
the respondent did NOT select code [1].
3. Apple Maps
4. Transit Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest Show if respondent selected code [1] at
6. Citymapper Show if respondent selected any codes [2-3, 5] at
DV_Country AND for any row [6] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
7. TomTom Go Show if respondent selected any codes [2, 4] at
9. Moovit Show if respondent selected any codes [4-5] at
10. Mappy Show if respondent selected code [3] at

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 89

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at M18_Nav_Consider.
DV_Nav_Consider. Hidden variable to capture navigation brands considered
Select all that apply.

1. Waze Autocode if, for any row [1] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
2. Google Maps Autocode if, for any row [4] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
3. Apple Maps
4. Transit Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
6. Citymapper Autocode if, respondent selected any codes [2-3,
5] at DV_Country AND for any row [6] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
7. TomTom Go Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 4]
at DV_Country.
9. Moovit Autocode if respondent selected any codes [4-5]
at DV_Country.
10. Mappy Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
10. None of the above/Not familiar EXCLUSIVE. Autocode if respondent did NOT
select codes [1-7, 9-10] at DV_Nav_Consider.

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-7, 9-10] at DV_Nav_Familiarity. Only show row stubs selected at any of these column(s)
[4-5] at M17_Nav_Awareness.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names
M19_Nav_Usage. Which best describes your experience with the following navigation and route planning apps?
Select one response for each.

I've I've used it

downloade I've used in the past
I've d it, but it, but not year, but I've used it
COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. never dow haven't in the past not in the in the past
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. nloaded it used it year past month month
Show if, for any row [1] at
1. Waze 1 2 3 4 5 M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if, for any row [4] at
2. Google Maps 1 2 3 4 5 M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
3. Apple Maps 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
4. Transit 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
[2-3, 5] at DV_Country AND for any row
6. Citymapper 1 2 3 4 5
[6] at M4_Master_Awareness, the
respondent did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected any codes
7. TomTom Go 1 2 3 4 5
[2, 4] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected any codes
9. Moovit 1 2 3 4 5
[4-5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
10. Mappy 1 2 3 4 5

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 90

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [3-5] at M19_Nav_Usage.
DV_Nav_Usage. Hidden variable to capture navigation brands currently used.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze Autocode if, for any row [1] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
2. Google Maps Autocode if, for any row [4] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
3. Apple Maps
4. Transit Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
6. Citymapper Autocode if, respondent selected any codes [2-3,
5] at DV_Country AND for any row [6] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
7. TomTom Go Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 4]
at DV_Country.
9. Moovit Autocode if respondent selected any codes [4-5]
at DV_Country.
10. Mappy Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
10. None of the above/Not familiar EXCLUSIVE. Autocode if respondent did NOT
select codes [1-7, 9-10] at DV_Nav_Usage.

- Show if, for any row [1-7, 9-10] at M17_Nav_Awareness, the respondent selected any codes [2-5]. Only show row stubs selected at
any of these column(s) [2-5] at M17_Nav_Awareness.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names
M20_Nav_FutureIntent. How likely would you be to use each of the following navigation and route planning apps in the next 3 months?
Select one response for each.

Definitely Probably Might or

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. would not would not might not Probably Definitely
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. use use use would use would use
Show if, for any row [1] at
1. Waze 1 2 3 4 5 M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
Show if, for any row [4] at
2. Google Maps 1 2 3 4 5 M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent
did NOT select code [1].
3. Apple Maps 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
4. Transit 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest 1 2 3 4 5
Show if respondent selected any codes
[2-3, 5] at DV_Country AND for any row
6. Citymapper 1 2 3 4 5
[6] at M4_Master_Awareness, the
respondent did NOT select code [1].
Show if respondent selected any codes
7. TomTom Go 1 2 3 4 5
[2, 4] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected any codes
9. Moovit 1 2 3 4 5
[4-5] at DV_Country.
Show if respondent selected code [3] at
10. Mappy 1 2 3 4 5

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 91

- Hidden Question. Applies to all. Autocode row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [4-5] at M20_Nav_FutureIntent.
DV_Nav_FutureIntent. Hidden variable to capture navigation brands with future intent.
Select all that apply.

1. Waze Autocode if, for any row [1] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
2. Google Maps Autocode if, for any row [4] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
3. Apple Maps
4. Transit Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
6. Citymapper Autocode if, respondent selected any codes [2-3,
5] at DV_Country AND for any row [6] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
7. TomTom Go Autocode if respondent selected any codes [2, 4]
at DV_Country.
9. Moovit Autocode if respondent selected any codes [4-5]
at DV_Country.
10. Mappy Autocode if respondent selected code [3] at
10. None of the above/Not aware EXCLUSIVE. Autocode if respondent did NOT
select codes [1-7, 9-10] at DV_Nav_FutureIntent.

Subsection Start - Navigation POP

Show if respondent selected any codes [1-7, 9-10] at DV_Nav_Familiarity

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-7, 9-10] at DV_Nav_Familiarity.
DT_Nav_POPIntro We'd like to know more about your impressions of navigation and route planning apps.

Subsection Start - Navigation Implicit Identity Mapping

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-7, 9-10] at DV_Nav_Familiarity.
DT_Nav_IIMIntro. How do you see your relationship with navigation and route planning apps?
One circle will represent you and another will represent an app. Please move the circle to show your relationship with
the app.

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-7, 9-10] at DV_Nav_Familiarity.
DT_Nav_IIMExample. Here’s an example:
Move the circle to show your relationship with each app.


LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 92

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-7, 9-10] at DV_Nav_Familiarity.
- Only show row stubs selected at any of these column(s) [4-5] at M17_Nav_Awareness.
- Programmer Comment: Show images centered above associated brand names
C21_Nav_IIMExercise. How do you relate to the apps below?
Move the circle to show your relationship with each app.
Select one response.

1. Waze Show if, for any row [1] at M4_Master_Awareness,
the respondent did NOT select code [1].
2. Google Maps Show if, for any row [4] at M4_Master_Awareness,
the respondent did NOT select code [1].
3. Apple Maps
4. Transit Show if respondent selected code [1] at
5. MapQuest Show if respondent selected code [1] at
6. Citymapper Show if respondent selected any codes [2-3, 5] at
DV_Country AND for any row [6] at
M4_Master_Awareness, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
7. TomTom Go Show if respondent selected any codes [2, 4] at
9. Moovit Show if respondent selected any codes [4-5] at
10. Mappy Show if respondent selected code [3] at

Subsection End - Navigation Implicit Identity Mapping

Subsection End - Navigation POP

Subsection End - Navigation

Subsection End - Waze 1.0 Questions

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-2] at C1_US_Employment OR respondent selected any codes [1-4] at
C2_Brazil_Employment OR respondent selected any codes [1-4] at C3_Mexico_Employment OR respondent selected any codes [1-
3] at C5_UK_Employment OR respondent selected any codes [1-2] at C4_France_Employment.
- Programmer Comment: Suppress this questions (starting August 2019).
C32_Commute. Do you drive to get to work?
Select one response.

1. Yes, I drive myself to work PC: Flag if respondent selected No at
2. No, I commute using other transportation options
3. No, I work from home

- Show if respondent selected code [2] at C32_Commute.
- Programmer Comment: Suppress this questions (starting August 2019).
C8_OtherCommute. Which transportation options do you use to commute to work?
Select all that apply.

1. Carpool with others I know
2. Taxi
3. Public Transportation
4. Carpool or ride-sharing services
5. Walking
6. Bike, scooter, skateboard, etc.
7. Rental bike or scooter (such as Bird or Lime) Show if respondent selected any codes [1-4] at
8. Airplane

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 93

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-2] at C32_Commute.
- Programmer Comment: Suppress this questions (starting August 2019).
C9_CommuteTime. On average, how many minutes does it take you to commute to work?
Please enter the average number of minutes, even if over an hour.


- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
- Programmer Comment: Suppress this questions (starting August 2019).
DV_CommuteTimeRange. Hidden variable to capture commute time ranges
Select one response.

1. Under 15 minutes Autocode if value provided at C9_CommuteTime
is less than or equal to 15 AND value provided at
C9_CommuteTime is greater than or equal to 0.
2. 16 to 30 minutes Autocode if value provided at C9_CommuteTime
is between (inclusive) 16 and 30.
3. 31 to 45 minutes Autocode if value provided at C9_CommuteTime
is between (inclusive) 31 and 45.
4. 46 minutes to 1 hour Autocode if value provided at C9_CommuteTime
is between (inclusive) 46 and 60.
5. 61 minutes to 1.5 hours Autocode if value provided at C9_CommuteTime
is between (inclusive) 61 and 90.
6. 91 minutes to 2 hours Autocode if value provided at C9_CommuteTime
is between (inclusive) 91 and 120.
7. Over 2 hours Autocode if value provided at C9_CommuteTime
is greater than 120.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at F1_Partnerships.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS THIS QUESTION AS OF 10/2019
F2_SesameStreet. Where specifically have you seen or heard about Waze in connection with Sesame Street?
Select all that apply.

1. Sesame Street 50th Anniversary Road Trip
Event Promotions
2. Sesame Street 50th Anniversary Road Trip Event pop-
ups in Waze app
3. Local News Station
4. Spotify
5. Cookie Monster voice option in Waze app
6. Sesame Street mood/character options in Waze app
7. Waze Carpool Contest
8. YouTube
9. Sesame Street Website
10. Sesame Street Email
11. Facebook
12. Instagram
13. Twitter
14. Online blog
15. Sesame Street Social Media

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 94

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Carpool_Awareness.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS THIS QUESTION AS OF 2/2020
F3_CarpoolDiscovery. How did you first learn about Waze Carpool?
Select one response.

1. Spotify
2. Local Radio Station
3. Local TV Station
4. YouTube
5. Facebook
6. Instagram
7. Gas Station TV
8. Pandora
9. Stitcher Show if respondent selected any codes [1, 4] at
10. Deezer
11. Billboard/Outdoor Ad
12. Online Ad
13. Friend or family member
14. In the Waze App
15. Waze Carpool Email
16. Coworker
17. Newspaper
18. At a retail store or gas station
19. My phone app store
20. Through my employer
21. Through my university
22. Other ANCHOR. PC: No "Please Specify"
23. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Show if respondent did NOT select code [13] at DV_Carpool_Usage. Only show row stubs selected at DV_Carpool_Usage.
- Programmer Comment: Suppress this questions (starting March 2021).
C17_Carpool_DriverRider. Earlier you mentioned that you have used the following carpool apps. Have you used them as a driver,
passenger, or both on separate occasions?
Select all that apply for each.


ROWS: DEFAULT ORDER. Passenger Driver
1. Waze Carpool 1 2 Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Carpool_Usage.
2. Uber Pool 1 2 Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_Carpool_Usage.
3. Lyft Shared (formerly
1 2 Show if respondent selected code [3] at DV_Carpool_Usage.
Lyft Line)
4. Via 1 2 Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Carpool_Usage.
5. Scoop 1 2 Show if respondent selected code [5] at DV_Carpool_Usage.
6. BlaBlaLines 1 2 Show if respondent selected code [6] at DV_Carpool_Usage.
7. Uber Juntos 1 2 Show if respondent selected code [7] at DV_Carpool_Usage.
8. 99 Taxis 1 2 Show if respondent selected code [8] at DV_Carpool_Usage.
9. Cabify 1 2 Show if respondent selected code [9] at DV_Carpool_Usage.
10. BlaBlaCar 1 2 Show if respondent selected code [10] at DV_Carpool_Usage.
11. Didi 1 2 Show if respondent selected code [11] at DV_Carpool_Usage.
12. Beat 1 2 Show if respondent selected code [12] at DV_Carpool_Usage.
13. Karos 1 2 Show if respondent selected code [13] at DV_Carpool_Usage.
14. Klaxit 1 2 Show if respondent selected code [14] at DV_Carpool_Usage.
15. Uber 1 2 Show if respondent selected code [15] at DV_Carpool_Usage.
16. Liftshare 1 2

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 95

- Show if, for any row [1] at C17_Carpool_DriverRider, the respondent selected any codes [1-2].
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS THIS QUESTION AS OF 2/2020
F4_CarpoolTrialReason. What made you originally try Waze Carpool?
Select all that apply.

1. I was curious about how it worked
2. I wanted an alternative to public transportation
3. To avoid having to drive my commute Show if, for any row [1] at
C17_Carpool_DriverRider, the respondent
selected code [1].
4. It was cheaper than my usual commuting option Show if, for any row [1] at
C17_Carpool_DriverRider, the respondent
selected code [1].
5. Others had told me about their positive experience
6. To reduce my gas expenses Show if, for any row [1] at
C17_Carpool_DriverRider, the respondent
selected code [2].
7. To help the environment
8. To earn incentives from my employer
9. Because of a promotion/deal that was offered
10. To organize rides with my coworkers
11. To organize rides with my neighbors
12. To meet new people
13. To be able to use the HOV (carpool) lane Show if, for any row [1] at
C17_Carpool_DriverRider, the respondent
selected code [2] AND respondent selected any
codes [1, 4] at DV_Country.
14. Other__________ ANCHOR. PC: Add "Please Specify"

- Show if, for any row [1] at C17_Carpool_DriverRider, the respondent selected any codes [1-2].
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS THIS QUESTION AS OF 2/2020
F5_CarpoolSatisfaction. How satisfied are you with your experience using Waze Carpool?
Select one response.

1. Not at all satisfied
2. Not very satisfied
3. Somewhat satisfied
4. Very satisfied
5. Extremely satisfied

- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-3] at F5_CarpoolSatisfaction.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS THIS QUESTION AS OF 2/2020
F6_CarpoolSatOE. How could you be more satisfied with your experience using Waze Carpool?
Enter your response in the box.

MIN: 1. MAX: 400.

Subsection Start - Safety Deep Dive

Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF MAY 2020

Subsection Start - Safety Concerns

- Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_FirstSeen.
G21_Nav_Safety. Thinking about navigation and route planning apps in general, what are your safety concerns?
Select all that apply.

1. Getting distracted while driving
2. Having enough warning time to make turns/follow
3. Making difficult turns
4. Receiving unclear directions
5. Being directed to drive through unsafe areas

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 96

8. Other (specify)__________ ANCHOR.
9. I have no safety concerns ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_FirstSeen.
G22_Carpool_Safety_Pass. Thinking about carpool apps in general, what are (or what would be) your safety concerns as a passenger?
Select all that apply.

1. Riding with a stranger
2. Having a skilled driver
3. Having no choice in the pickup or drop-off spot
4. Having a stranger know where I live
5. Unwanted contact or harassment from the driver
6. Vehicle quality/functionality
7. Verification of driver (e.g. background checks, verified
work email address, etc.)
8. Other (specify)__________ ANCHOR.
9. I have no safety concerns ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_FirstSeen.
G23_Carpool_Safety_Drive. Thinking about carpool apps in general, what are (or what would be) your safety concerns as a driver?
Select all that apply.

1. Driving with a stranger
2. Picking someone up from an unknown/new location
3. Having no choice in the pickup or drop-off spot
4. Having a stranger know where I live
5. Unwanted contact or harassment from the rider
6. Distractions while driving (e.g., interacting with the phone,
having to read while driving, etc.)
8. Other (specify)__________ ANCHOR.
9. I have no safety concerns ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

Subsection End - Safety Concerns

Subsection Start - Safety VPM and OEs

Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Market

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Market.
- Hidden Question.
DV_SafetyEligible. Hidden variable to capture which Waze safety section(s) respondent is eligible to see.
Select all that apply.

1. Navigation Safety Autocode if, respondent selected code [1] at
DV_Nav_Familiarity AND for any row [5] at
M24_Nav_Attributes, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
2. Carpool Safety Autocode if, respondent selected code [1] at
DV_Carpool_Familiarity AND for any row [5] at
C31_Carpool_Attributes, the respondent did NOT
select code [1].
3. None Autocode if respondent did NOT select codes [1-2]
at DV_SafetyEligible.

Subsection Start - VoxPopMe

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 97

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Market.
- Hidden Question.
DV_VPMQuota. DV to determine whether to show VoxPopMe or not. (note, this should be connected to the overall counter quota for VPM
IF NO: continue onto standard text open end, if enabling.
Select all that apply.

1. Carpool Safety - Yes Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
2. Carpool Safety - No respondent did NOT select code [1] at
3. Nav Safety - Yes Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
4. Nav Safety - No respondent did NOT select code [1] at

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Market.
- Hidden Question.
DV_AssignedFirstSeen. Assigner
Select all that apply.

Eligibility variable: DV_SafetyEligible

Maximum number of categories to assign: 1
If less than 1 category is assigned: Continue, but skip questions with logic referencing DV_AssignedFirstSeen

Step 1:
Assignment type: Most Needed
Maximum number of categories that can be assigned to this step: 1
Only assign specific categories?: Yes, from a different variable - DV_VPMQuota

Programmer Comment: Determines which VPM Question (Nav or Carpool) respondent will see, based on eligibility at DV_SafetyEligible and
most needed per quotas. Example:- If respondent punches both Carpool and Nav at DV_SafetyEligible and neither have any completes,
respondent will be randomly assigned Carpool or Nav.- If respondent punches both Carpool and Nav at DV_SafetyEligible and Carpool has n=8
completes, but Navigation as n=4 completes, respondent will be assigned Nav.- If respondent punches for Carpool but not Nav at
DV_SafetyEligible they will be assigned Carpool.NOTE: Please pass "Carpool" or "Navigation" tag and respondent ID through to VPM so
responses can be distinguished on the back end.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Market.
- Show if respondent selected any codes [1-2] at DV_SafetyEligible.
VPM1_Tech. Now, we'd like to give you the option of sharing your opinions in a new way. Instead of typing your response, we would like to
give you the option of responding using the microphone and camera built into your computer or phone, so that we can hear
your spoken thoughts. Are you currently taking this survey on a device you are able to record a video response from
(i.e., with a webcam and microphone or on a device with a front facing camera)? If you select "No", you will skip this question
and continue with the rest of the survey.
Select one response.

1. Yes
2. No

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 98

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Market.
- Show if respondent selected code [1] at VPM1_Tech.
- Note to client: *NOTE*  For the VPM legal language, the following must be used verbatim  All other text portions may be altered.  
[We/LRW/Lieberman/etc.] will be using a trusted partner, VoxPopMe, to capture your image and voice through its online video
capture technology. By answering YES below and submitting a video clip, you release all rights in the video clip and agree that it
may be shared with us and our client (the study’s sponsor) and that each of us may use it in connection with this study in the
course of our normal business operations
VPM2_Legal. On this next question, we would appreciate you sharing your comments in a video response. Leveraging this brand new,
exciting way to capture feedback from consumers allows us to understand what people think better than ever before.

As a thank you for submitting a video response, you would receive an additional incentive of $20 worth of the currency of the
panel or community who invited you to participate in the study. To be valid, the video you submit must only include yourself
and no one else, be clearly recorded with your voice and face easily heard and seen.

We will be using a trusted partner, VoxPopMe, to capture your image and voice through its online video capture technology.
By answering YES below and submitting a video clip, you release all rights in the video clip and agree that it may be shared
with us and our client (the study’s sponsor) and that each of us may use it in connection with this study in the course of our
normal business operations. If you are not comfortable recording and sharing a video, please select NO and you will skip this
portion of the survey and be allowed to continue.
Select one response.

1. Yes, I agree to share a video
2. No, I do not agree to share a video

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Market.
- Show if respondent selected code [1] at VPM1_Tech AND respondent selected code [1] at VPM2_Legal.
DT_VPM3_Intro. Thank you for agreeing to record a video!
Before we get started, please be sure to review the following tips for recording the very best videos on your webcam or
mobile device:

-Please do your best to answer all parts of the question

-Make sure you have plenty of light so we can clearly see you
-Avoid places with lots of background noise so we can clearly hear you
-Relax and have fun!

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Market.
- Hidden Question. Applies if respondent selected code [1] at VPM1_Tech AND respondent selected code [1] at VPM2_Legal.
- Programmer Comment: Please make question text match formatting of G24 and G25 respectively
DV_VPM4_QstnText. Question Text to use for the VPM exercise.
Select one response.

1. Earlier, you did not select Waze as a navigation and route Autocode if respondent selected code [1] at
planning app that "makes me feel safe." Why do you feel DV_AssignedFirstSeen.
that Waze is not safe?
2. Earlier, you did not select Waze Carpool as a carpool or Autocode if respondent selected code [2] at
ride-sharing app that "makes me feel safe." Why do you DV_AssignedFirstSeen.
feel that Waze Carpool is not safe?

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Market.
- Show if respondent selected code [1] at VPM1_Tech AND respondent selected code [1] at VPM2_Legal.
VPM5_WidgetPlaceHolder. Programmer Comment: Insert Voxpopme excercise, with the min recording time as 15 seconds and
the max recording time as 3 minutes.
Enter your response in the box.

MIN: 15. MAX: 200.

999. I’m having technical difficulty or would no longer like to

record a video response

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 99

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Market.
- Hidden Question. Applies if respondent selected code [1] at VPM1_Tech AND respondent selected code [1] at VPM2_Legal.
DV_VPM6_Complete. Captures whether respondent completed VPM or not.
Select one response.

1. Complete - Carpool PC: If respondent selected code [Carpool] at
DV_VPM4_QstnText and succesfully completed
VoxPopMe question, then autopunch as
2. Didn't Complete - Carpool PC: if respondent selected code [Carpool] at
DV_VPM4_QstnText and did not successfully
complete VoxPopMe, then autopunch as
3. Complete - Nav PC: If respondent selected code [Navigation] at
DV_VPM4_QstnText and succesfully completed
VoxPopMe question, then autopunch as
4. Didn't Complete - Nav PC: if respondent selected code [Navigation] at
DV_VPM4_QstnText and did not successfully
complete VoxPopMe, then autopunch
as NavDidntComplete

Subsection Start - Safety OEs

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Market.
- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_SafetyEligible AND respondent did NOT select codes [1, 3] at DV_VPM6_Complete.
G24_WazeNav_SafetyOE. Earlier, you did not select Waze as a navigation and route planning app that "makes me feel safe."
Why do you feel that Waze is not safe?
Enter your response in the box.

MIN: 1. MAX: 1000.

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Market.
- Show if respondent selected code [2] at DV_SafetyEligible AND respondent did NOT select codes [1, 3] at DV_VPM6_Complete.
G25_WazeCarpool_SafetyOE. Earlier, you did not select Waze Carpool as a carpool or ride-sharing app that "makes me feel safe."
Why do you feel that Waze Carpool is not safe?
Enter your response in the box.

MIN: 1. MAX: 1000.

Subsection End - Safety OEs

Subsection End - VoxPopMe

Subsection End - Safety VPM and OEs

Subsection End - Safety Deep Dive

Subsection Start - Flex

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 100

- Show if, for any row at M10_Carpool_Usage, the respondent selected code [5].
F28_CarpoolTripTypes. Earlier you mentioned that you have used carpool and ride-sharing apps this month.
What types of trips have you used carpool and ride-sharing apps for in the past month?
Select all that apply.

1. Commuting to work or school
2. Running errands/shopping around town
3. Visiting nearby family and friends
4. Going out to dinner or drinks
5. Day trips
6. Long distance road trips
7. Going to social events or parties
8. Going to appointments (doctor's, haircuts, etc.)
8. Other__________ ANCHOR.

- Show if, for any row at M19_Nav_Usage, the respondent selected code [5].
F29_NavigationTripTypes. Earlier you mentioned that you have used navigation and route planning apps this month.
What types of trips have you used navigation and route planning apps for in the past month?
Select all that apply.

1. Commuting to work or school
2. Running errands/shopping around town
3. Visiting nearby family and friends
4. Going out to dinner or drinks
5. Day trips
6. Long distance road trips
7. Going to social events or parties
8. Going to appointments (doctor's, haircuts, etc.)
8. Other__________ ANCHOR.

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF JULY 2020
F20_InfluencerGroups. Sometimes Waze will feature celebrities in custom app features, such as turn-by-turn navigation voices.
Please think about the types of celebrities you would be excited to see featured in Waze, then drag and drop your
top three to the top of the list below (in order of preference).


1. TV stars, movie stars,
or other performers
2. Athletes or sports
3. Musicians or bands [1]
4. Social media
5. Cartoons or fictional
6. Activists or politicians [1]
7. Other [1] ANCHOR.
MIN: 1. MAX:

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 101

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF JULY 2020
Show if "TV stars, movie stars, or other performers" was ranked #1 in F20_InfluencerGroups
F21_Influencer_Performer. Please think about the types of TV stars, movie stars, or other performers you’d be excited to see featured in
Waze, and drag and drop your top three to the top of the list below (in order of preference).


1. Reality TV stars, hosts,
or other personalities
12. Actors/Actresses (TV,
movies, etc.)
4. Sitcom stars [1]
5. Soap opera/telenovela
6. Bollywood stars [1] Show if respondent did NOT select codes [4-5] at DV_Market.
7. Broadway stars [1] Show if respondent did NOT select code [5] at DV_Market.
8. Dancers [1]
9. Stand-up/improv
11. Other [1] ANCHOR.
MIN: 1. MAX:

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF JULY 2020
Show if "Athletes or sports figures" was ranked #1 in F20_VoicesCategory
F22_Influencer_Sports. Please think about the types of athletes or sports figures you’d be excited to see featured in Waze, and drag and
drop your top three to the top of the list below (in order of preference).


1. American football
[1] Show if respondent did NOT select code [5] at DV_Market.
2. Soccer/football players [1]
3. Basketball players [1]
4. Hockey players [1] Show if respondent did NOT select codes [4-5] at DV_Market.
5. Baseball players [1] Show if respondent did NOT select code [5] at DV_Market.
6. Olympic athletes [1]
7. Golfers [1]
8. Tennis players [1]
9. Volleyball players [1]
10. Gymnasts [1]
11. NCAA (National
Collegiate Athletic [1] Show if respondent did NOT select codes [4-5] at DV_Market.
Association) athletes
12. Mascots [1]
13. Fighters, boxers, or
14. NASCAR/Formula 1
15. Skateboarders [1]
16. Extreme sports
17. Electronic sports
18. Sportscasters or sport
20. Cyclists [1]

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 102

19. Other [1] ANCHOR.
MIN: 1. MAX:

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF JULY 2020
Show if "Musicians or bands" was ranked #1 in F20_VoicesCategory
F23_Influencer_Musicians. Please think about the types of musicians or bands you’d be excited to see featured in Waze, and drag and
drop your top three to the top of the list below (in order of preference).


1. Pop [1]
19. Pop en inglés [1] Show if respondent selected code [4] at DV_Market.
2. Rock [1]
3. Country [1]
4. Folk [1] Show if respondent did NOT select code [5] at DV_Market.
20. Funk [1] Show if respondent did NOT select codes [1, 4] at DV_Market.
5. Hip hop [1]
6. R&B [1]
7. Latin [1]
8. DJs/EDM (Electronic
dance music)
9. K-pop [1] Show if respondent did NOT select code [4] at DV_Market.
10. Emo/punk [1]
11. Metal [1]
12. Jazz [1]
13. Classical [1]
14. Musical theatre [1]
15. Religious [1]
16. Singer/songwriter [1]
17. Other [1] ANCHOR.
MIN: 1. MAX:

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF JULY 2020
Show if "Social media influencers" was ranked #1 in F20_VoicesCategory
F24_Influencer_SocMedia. Please think about the types of social media influencers you’d be excited to see featured in Waze, and drag
and drop your top three to the top of the list below (in order of preference).


1. YouTubers [1]
2. Instagram influencers [1]
3. TikTok influencers [1]
4. Twitch streamers [1]
5. Lifestyle bloggers [1]
6. Fitness bloggers [1]
7. Models [1]
8. Journalists [1]
9. Other [1] ANCHOR.
MIN: 1. MAX:

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 103

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF JULY 2020
Show if "Cartoons or fictional characters" was ranked #1 in F20_VoicesCategory
F25_Influencer_Character. Please think about the types of cartoons or fictional characters you’d be excited to see featured in Waze, and
drag and drop your top three to the top of the list below (in order of preference).


1. Family friendly cartoons
(e.g., Sesame Street, [1]
Nickelodeon, etc.)
2. Disney animated
characters (e.g., Disney
Princesses, Toy Story,
3. Adult cartoons (e.g.,
The Simpsons, Family [1]
Guy, etc.)
4. Comic or fantasy
characters (e.g.,
Superheroes, Marvel, Star
Wars, etc.)
5. Other movie characters [1]
6. Other [1] ANCHOR.
MIN: 1. MAX:

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS AS OF JULY 2020
F26_Influencer_OE. Which specific celebrity, if any, would you be most excited to see featured in Waze?
Enter your response in the box.

MIN: 1. MAX: 100.

999. Don't know/Prefer not to answer

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at DV_Nav_Awareness.
- Programmer Comment: Suppress starting Nov 2020
F27_BatmanAwareness. Sometimes Waze will feature celebrities or characters in custom app features, such as turn-by-turn navigation

Which, if any, of the below celebrities or characters have you recently heard about partnering with Waze or seen
featured in the Waze app?
Select all that apply.

1. Batman & The Riddler
2. Homer & Marge Simpson
3. Superman & Lex Luther
4. Harry Potter
5. David Beckham
6. Shakira
7. None of the above ANCHOR. EXCLUSIVE.

- Hidden Question. Applies to all.
Select one response.

1. Power User
2. Not Power User

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 104

Loop Start - PromotionReasons

- Programmer Comment: SUPPRESS LOOP STARTING NOV 2020
PromotionReasons. PromotionReasons

1. Waze
2. Google Maps


- Show to all.
DT_PromoReasonsIntro. Now we'd like to ask you more about some of the navigation and route planning apps you rated highly.

- Show to all.
- Programmer Comment: INSERT "love" if for any row [@] at M22_Nav_Affinity, the respondent selected code [LoveIt] AND for any
row [@] at M23_Nav_Advocacy, the respondent DID NOT select code [RecommendSpontaneous]
INSERT "actively promote" if for any row [@] at M22_Nav_Affinity, the respondent DID NOT code [LoveIt] AND for any row [@ at
M23_Nav_Advocacy, the respondent selected code [RecommendSpontaneous]
INSERT "love and actively promote" if for any row [@] at M22_Nav_Affinity, the respondent selected code [LoveIt] AND for any row
[@] at M23_Nav_Advocacy, the respondent selected code [RecommendSpontaneous]

Bold brand name

M26_PromotionReasons. Which of these reasons describe why you [INSERT] [@]?
Select all that apply.

1. I like the look and feel of the app
2. It's fun
3. Provides accurate directions and ETA
4. Helps me beat traffic and save time
5. Helps me discover local businesses (e.g., restaurants,
retailers, etc.)
6. Lets me see/submit real-time incident reports (e.g., traffic,
potholes, police, etc.)
7. Helps me plan ahead
8. Makes me feel connected on the road/gives me a sense
of community
9. Offers a variety of unique and customizable features
10. Provides Spotify/music integration
11. Shows useful things around me (e.g., weather reports,
gas stations, parking, etc.)
12. Lets me share my ETA
13. Works with voice commands and voice directions
14. Gives me points Show if respondent is in any of these iterations
15. Has a scoreboard that tracks/lets me increase rank Show if respondent is in any of these iterations
16. I like the Wazer icon Show if respondent is in any of these iterations
17. Lets me choose character/avatar mood Show if respondent is in any of these iterations
18. Lets me select different voices for voice navigation Show if respondent is in any of these iterations
19. Shows toll prices Show if respondent is in any of these iterations
20. Shows lane displays and recommendations to anticipate Show if respondent is in any of these iterations
exits or road splits [2].
21. Offers alternative views (map vs. satellite) Show if respondent is in any of these iterations
22. Provides navigation for multiple transportation options Show if respondent is in any of these iterations
(e.g., driving, walking, public transportation, etc.) [2].

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 105

Loop End - PromotionReasons

Subsection End - Flex

Subsection Start - COVID-19 Behavior Module

- Show to all.
DT_COVIntro. Lastly, we would like to ask you a few questions about whether your daily activities have been affected by current

- Show to all.
- Note to client: Initial question on COVID-19 behavior change.   Asked of all markets.
CO1_BehaviorChange. Is your current behavior different from what it was before COVID-19 ("Coronavirus")?
Select one response.

1. Yes
2. No
3. Prefer not to say

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at CO1_BehaviorChange.
- Programmer Comment: If "No" to BehaviorChange, autocode all rows as "Same as before".
- Note to client: Global question on individual activity changes.  Recommended to update activity/behavior shared list to include
behaviors specific to your project.
CO2_ActivityChange_Waze. To what extent, if any, has the COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) outbreak impacted how often you do the following?
Select one response for each.

Less often More often

COLS: DEFAULT ORDER. Stopped than Same as than Prefer not
ROWS: RANDOMIZE LIST. entirely before before before to say
1. Going out to restaurants
1 2 3 4 5
or entertainment venues
2. Shopping in stores 1 2 3 4 5
3. Shopping online 1 2 3 4 5
4. Taking surveys 1 2 3 4 5
6. Traveling out of town
1 2 3 4 5
(via airplane, car, etc)
7. Buying nonessentials
1 2 3 4 5
(toys, games, clothes, etc)
9. Taking the subway or
1 2 3 4 5
10. Using ride-sharing
1 2 3 4 5
apps or taking taxis
11. Commuting to work or
1 2 3 4 5

- Show if respondent selected code [1] at CO1_BehaviorChange.
- Programmer Comment: If "Prefer not to say" at BehaviorChange, autocode as "Prefer not to say".
- Note to client: Optional follow-up for Heavily Affected Markets such as China/HK.  Add Country/Market logic as appropriate.
CO3_BehaviorResume. And how soon do you believe you will be back to your typical behavior and activities impacted by COVID-19
Select one response.

1. Within the week
2. Within the month
3. 2-3 months from now
4. More than 3 months from now
99. Prefer not to say

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 106

- Show to all.
- Note to client: Income adjustment question.  To be asked of all consumers.
CO4_COVIncomeChange. How has the outbreak of COVID-19 ("Coronavirus") impacted your household’s income?
Select one response.

1. Our income has halted and we have nothing to fall back
2. Our income has halted, but we have enough saved to get
by for 3 months
3. We have had a significant reduction that will require some
belt tightening
4. Our income has stayed roughly the same
5. We are among the lucky few whose incomes have
6. Prefer not to say

Subsection End - COVID-19 Behavior Module

Subsection End - Old/Removed Qs

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 107

Terminate if respondent has accumulated at least 3 points.

Flag Type Apply To Rule Points

Timer Screener 1 Minutes 1
Timer Main + Screener 5 Minutes 3
Programmer Comment Question - Flag if respondent selects all 1
S29_DeviceOwnership codes 1-7
Logical Question - respondent selected any codes 1
F19_Nav_Usage_Frequency [Daily, FewTimesWeek,
FewTimesMonth, OnceMonth] at
AND for any row [Waze] at
M31_Usage, the respondent
selected code [UsedMoreYear].
Programmer Comment Question - Flag if respondent selects 13 or 1
M36_FeatureAwareness more features.
Straightline Question - M24_Nav_Attributes 1
Straightline Question - M23_Nav_Advocacy 1
Straightline Question - M22_Nav_Affinity 1
Programmer Comment Question - Flag if respondent did not select 1
M35_FutureConsideration brands from DV_Go_To as
M35_FutureConsideration T2B
Programmer Comment Question - Flag if "Never heard of" is 1
M34_AwarenessFamiliarity selected at all brands
Programmer Comment Question - M30_Downloaded Flag if Trip Tycoon is selected 1
Programmer Comment Question - C32_Commute Flag if respondent selects No at 1
C6_Car and Drive at
Straightline Question - 1
Logical Question - respondent selected code 1
C11_ModeofTransportation [Driving] at
C11_ModeofTransportation AND
respondent selected code [No] at

LRW # 190356 © 2021 LRW. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. 108

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