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Saint Louis College

City of San Fernando, La Union



Journal # 4: “WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR?”

Who is my neighbor? It can be anyone who needs love and compassion. They are just around the
corner you encounter every day. May you see the face of your neighbor among the less fortunate as you are
to reflect on the following guide questions.

1. With whom among the characters in the Parable of the Good Samaritan could I identify myself most
with? The robbers’ victim? The priest/Levite? Or the Samaritan? Why?

Personally, I would identify myself as the robber’s victim. Because, I am vulnerable and there are times
that I am easily caught off guard. As a robber’s victim, I may sound weak but acknowledging one’s weakness
can develop strengths considering that God is my Good Samaritan. And I know that even in my weakest, He
will always be with me and help me get back up on my feet so I can continue my journey in life.

2. Among the many people I frequently encounter in my current circumstances, who do I consider my
neighbor/s? Who should I consider my neighbor/s? Why?

My neighbors are the people whom I can trust even if my eyes are closed and my back turned, specifically
my family and friends because they’re the ones I am very close with and has my back no matter what.
Considering who should become my neighbors, I think that my acquaintances are the first in mind because
although we are not that close, I’m open to getting to know those people better. I consider these people as my
neighbors because despite the fact that I may not always around with them or converse with them very often,
I know that they are worthy of being considered as my neighbors. I believe that there are still people out there
with good intentions and willingness to help.

3. How do I feel as I think about the people I consider as neighbor/s? How do I feel as I think about the
people I should consider as neighbor/s? Why?

I am very blessed if I got those kinds of people in my life, the great and trustworthy ones. In times of need,
I know that have my neighbors who will help and offer me support. Getting to know my acquaintances takes
time, although there is a little bit of hesitation when thinking about to what extent I can open up to trust them.
However, the feeling of joy and security of being surrounded by neighbors is fulfilling.

4. How can I become a better neighbor to the people I consider as neighbor/s? How can I become a
better neighbor to the people I should consider as neighbor/s?

I am aware that there are still room for improvements for me as a neighbor to the people I consider and
should be considered as my neighbors. With that, I am called to be better by being more approachable and
that I should be more considerate of how they are doing. For me, being a better neighbor is like being a better
family member and friend. Doing that is not hard because I know how much love and support my family and
friends has always given me and I appreciate them so much.

Note: Please be guided by ALL the questions above for your journal entry. Respond concisely, but
substantially. Your output shall be converted to PDF for submission.

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